ّﻴﺳ ﺎﻳّﺸﻟﺍ ﺪءﺍﺪﻬ
ya sayyida_sh-shuhadaa:i
transliterated and translated by
Edition 1a, 2011
1. Introduction
2. Notes on Transliteration
3. Marthiya ya sayyida_sh_shuhadaa:I”
The author of this marthiya is Sayedna Taher Saifuddin, the 51
Dai al-Mutlaq and appropriately
contains 51 verses. Sayedna Muhammad Burhanuddin’s similar marthiya, “fulku_l-Husaini bi-karbalaa:i”,
contains 52 verses.
This translation is offered as almost word-for-word translation. I have not tried to re-create the
solemnity and nuances that the original Arabic has. Indeed, I cannot re-create it.The verses describe
well-known events and most of the nuances are familiar and can be provided by the reader.
I have devised transliteration to be easy to use utilizing a qwerty keyboard and it avoids using Greek and
Arabic letters or letters with diactritics as might be found, for example, in Brill’s Encyclopedia of Islam.
The basis of the transliteration is the sounds of Arabic as used in Tajweed recitation of the Quran.
One must admire the author’s mastery of Arabic. He uses the rules of versification effectively. It is not
poetry but I believe it to be a genre of Arabic versification called saj’,
A particular example is his effective use of the same or similarly sounding words with different meaning
to maintain the rhythm and rhyme. In verse 9, the letter Saad,
, in line 3 refers to the Quranic
name of the Prophet; and in line 4, the word Saad,
ﺩﺎﺻ, means thirst.
In verse 45, ameeru_l-mu:mineen, Ali ibn Abi Taalib (a.s.) is referred to as Prince of Bees (ameeru_n-
naHl). The background to this title is a legendary event resulting in the defeat of the tribe of Banu
Sulaym (Banu Saleem) of Ghafatan when the latter tried to mount an offensive against Muslims shortly
after the Battle of Badr in 3 Hijri.
Banu Sulaym had trained bees to attack their enemies’ horses. When the bees attacked Muslims,
Prophet (s.a.w) asked, “Where is ya’soobu_d-deen?” No one answered.
He then asked, “Where is ameeru_n-naHl?” Again, no one answered.
He then asked “Where is Ali in Abi Talib?”
When Ali (a.s) heard this from the Prophet (s.a.w.), he drew dhu_l-fiqaarand attacked the bees,
whereupon they turned back and attacked Banu Sulaym with their stings. Banu Sulaym ran away to the
mountains and dispersed thus granting Muslims victory at the hands of Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.)
Later, some of the companions said to the Prophet, "O Messenger of God, you likened Ali bin Abi Talib
to ya'soob*, to a bee?" Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "A mu'min is like a bee in that it does not eat except what
is most agreeable. And he does not take from it except what is agreeable (no more than what he
Since that time and episode laqab of Ameeru_l-mu'mineen, Ali bin Abi Talib is ya'soobu_d-deen,
*ya’soob is another word sometime used for the male bee (drone). Ordinarily, it means “chief”.
I am indebted to Hussain_KSA for pointing out this episode.
Notes on Transliteration from Arabic to English
These are fatha (zabar), kasra (zer) and Damma (pesh) and are trasliterated as ‘a’, ‘i’ and ‘u’ respectively.
For example, ba, bi and bu
Short Vowels
The letters alif, waw, and ya have dual role as consonants and long vowels. For the latter, the letters are
transliterated as ‘aa’, ‘ee’ and ‘oo. repectively. These are joined to the letter. For example baa, bee, boo
Long vowels
As consonants, waw and ya are transliterated as w and y. Alif’s role as consonant is further described
Aif, waw and ya, iIn addition, serve to indicate isolated a, aa, i, ee and u, oo sounds. For this, they carry
a special letter hamza which is transliterated as ‘:’ (a colon symbol).
Initial isolated short vowel sound is indicate by alif carrying hamza. They are , and ُﺃ and they are
transiliterated as :a, :i or :u.
Isolated vowel sounds in the middle of the letter is carried by waw or ya. Thus is :u and is :i.
Isolated long vowels are , and ﻲﺋ
UElision of alif
When alif is elided, it is shown as underscore
fi al-kitab
ﺏﺎﺘﻜﻟﺍ ﻲﻓ
al-shams ash-shamsh sun letters
li al_shams
li ash-shams li_sh-shams
single letter words are sometimes joined to the next word with a hyphen for example bi-ha and la-hu.
Transliteration table follows on next page
hamza (isolated)
hamza (initial)
: :a :i :u :aa ﺍﺃ :ee ﻲﺋ :oo ﻭﺅ
hamza (non-
ﺅ ﺉ
:i :u
hamza (final)
ba َﺏ
bi ِﺏ
bu ُﺏ
baa ﺎﺑ
bee ﻲﺑ
boo ﻮﺑ
t ta ti tu taa tee too
th tha thi thu thaa thee thoo
j ja ji ju jaa jee joo
w wa wi wu waa wee woo
y ya yi yu yaa yee yoo
ah, at at if joined to subsequent letter
Occassionally, if there is a ambiguity of pronunciation in a word, it is resolved by placing a comma in the
word. In Verse 7, for example, the word ‘tuDhad’ is shown as ‘tuD,had’. This avoids pronouncing Dh as one
sound. It is pronounced as ‘tuD’ and ‘had’ together.
Marthiya follows on next page.
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
khaamisa ahl il-kisaa:i
ala azeemi balaa:i
naalaka fi karbala:i
tool az-zamaani bukaa:ee
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O Leader of the Martyrs
the fifth of the People of the Cloak*
Over extreme calamity
that visited upon you in Karbala
we will remain weeping for a long time
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
*Reference to Hadith of ahl-e-kisaa
2 yabna Rasullullahi
ya khayra shahanshahi
aahin ‘alayka fa :aahi
tatra bi ghayri tanaahi
ma’a damm’atin Hamraa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O son of Rasulullah
O best of Kings
We sigh for you; sigh after sigh
one after another without end
while shedding tears of blood*
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
*Literally ‘red tears’
3 feeDee aya nafsi feeDee
feeDee aya ayni feeDee
mawla-ki maqtoolu biDi
min Zulmi Diddin baghiDi
sharri _l-‘eeda_al-lu’ana:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
Let my soul be overwhelmed
let tears gush forth from my eyes*
for the senseless killing of your mawla
by the tyranny of his loathsome opponents’
evil , accursed enmity
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
*literally, ”overflow, my soul, overflow; overflow my
eyes, overflow”
4 ya ma’ashara_l- mu:mineena
:ibkoo ibna khayri_n-nisaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O muminnen gathered here,
weep over the manifest Imam
weep over the righteous hero
weep over the upright Wali
weep over the son of the best among women (Fatima
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
man kana li_l-haqqi ‘ayna
man kana li_l-joodi ayna
qad dhaqa fi_llahi Hayna
‘atshaana fi karbala:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
weep for Imam Husain
who was the Truth (Haqq) incarnate
who was a monument to generosity;
he suffered* in Allah’s way while
unbearably thirsty in Karbala
alas, O Husain,
O Leader of the Martyrs
6 :ibkoo bukaa:an taweela
:ibkaara-kum wa_l-:aSseela
tu’Taw thawaaban jazeela
fi_l-Hashri yawma_l-jazaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
weep at length
(for) this slain Imam
day and night,
to receive reward in abundance
at the final gathering on the Day of Judgment
alas, O Husain,
O Leader of the Martyrs
7 :aahin ghareebu Muhammad
fi karbala mustash,had
Hareemu-hu ba’du tuD,had
tusaaqu fi kulli fadfad
fi zumari_l-:aa’daa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
Alas! Muhammad’s envoy
abroad in Karbala was martyred
afterwards, his women were persecuted,
and paraded in the markets along the entire desert
by the troops of the enemy
alas, O Husain,
O Leader of the Martyrs
‘ala bani_l-waHyi daarat
raHa_l-balaaya wa jaarat
:aydi_z-zamaani fa gharat
nujoomu-hum wa tawaarat
fi yawmi aashooraa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
On the children of Inspiration* turned
the millstone of terror and (they) were tyrannized
by the hand of time so that
their stars** fell and vanished
on the Day of Aashura
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
*Muhammad **slain ahl-e-bayt
9 :aDHa_l-Husainu yunaadi
bayna jumoo’i_l-a’aadi
:inni :ibnu TaHa wa Saadi
mundhu thalathin Saadi
:aTlubu shurbata maa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
Appeared Imam Husain
among the throng of enemies
“I am the son of Taha* and Saad*
since three (days) I am thirsty
I ask for a drink of water
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
*Nabi Muhammad’s names in the Quran
10 lam yasma’oo min-hu qawla
wa idh shaqoo ma saqaw, la
bal qataloo min-hu mawla
amma_l-baraaya Tawlan
‘ala :ashaddi Zamaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
They did not listen to his single word
instead they made him suffer by not offering him
water. No,
but, instead, they slew the mawla in it (his suffering)
while his strength had drained
In agonizing thirst
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
11 ya lahfatahu li-zaynab
tabki akha-ha wa tandoob
min dami-hi_sh-sha’ra takhDib
wa dam’u ka_l-gaythi yaskub
wahya bi-ghayri ridaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
Alas for Zaynab
she weeps for her brother and laments
with his blood, she colors her hair
and her eyes rain tears
while she is without a cloak (rida) to cover herself
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
12 Saarikhatun yabna :ummi, sibTa_n-nabiyyi_l-:ummi
shamsa Duhan badra tammin
ya uzma hammi wa ghammi
fi ghurbatin wa sibaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
She cried out “O son of my mother, O grandson of
Nabi Ummi*
O resplendent morning sun, O glorious full moon
Oh the depth of my grief and sorrow
in a foreign land, and taken a prisoner
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
*Nabi Muhammad is called Nabi Ummi in Quran
13 wa lahfata ya Husaina, wa ghurbata ya Husaina
wa kurbata ya Husaina
wa- Day’ata ya Husaina
ya maw:ila_l-:atqiya:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas, O Husain, and away from home, O Husain
and torment, O Husain
and such loss O Husain
O protector of the pious
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
14 :akhi sakinatu tulTam
tuja’u Darban wa toolam
taqoolu qum ya :abi, qum
ya :abataa-hu :uZlam
qeeni mina_l-:ashqiyaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
my brother, Sakina is being slapped in the face
she is hurting and is in pain
she says. “Wake up, O my father, wake up
O my father, I am being tortured;
save me from misery.”
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
15 :abi, :abi :ayna :anta
ya :abata lima binta
naseeta hadhi_l-binta
khudni ma’an haythu kunta
fa la :a’ish fi_t-tanaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
my father, my father, where are you
O my father, why have you
forgotten this daughter?
take me with you wherever you are
for I cannot live by myself
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
:akhi ‘aliyyun mudnif
mukabbalun mustaD’af
yamshi :ila_s-shaami min Taf
bila Hidhaa:in wa la khuf
aahin ‘ala_r-ramDaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
my brother, Ali* is seriously ill
he is shackled in irons and is very weak
he walks to Shaam (Damascus) from Taf (Karbala)
without shoes or sandals
sadly in sweltering heat
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
*Imam Ali Zayn al-Abideen
17 :ajlil biha min raziyyatin
:a’aZim bi-ha min baliyyatin
banaatu khayri_l-bariyyati
yusaqna sawqa_l-:imaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
intense pain!
great calamity!
daughters of the best of creation (Muhammad),
prisoners of troops inflicting misery,
are being forced to offer dinks of water in the market
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
18 ya lahfata li-‘aliyyi
shabee-hi Taha_n-nabiyyi
lam yarDa bi-:ibni_d-da’iyyi
yaHkumu fi_l-:awliyaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for Ali (Ali Akbar)
the very image of TaHa, the Prophet
possessor of my father’s strength
he did not approve of a warmonger’s call ((literally,
son of imposter (an enemy))
overlording over the awliya*
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
*awliya (saingular Wali) Protectors of Religion
through their exemplary character and religious and
spiritual practice
19 ya lahfata-hu li-Tifli
lahu ‘aZeemi_l-faDli
ramaa-hu nadhlun bi-nabli
maDaa li-yawmi_l-faSli
fi yadi-hi_l-‘alyaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for the child (Ali Asghar)
who has (Allah’s) mighty grace
a depraved enemy launched an arrow towards him;
he passed away (not to be seen) until the Day of
in his noble hands
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
ya lahfata li_l-‘abbasi
hizibri yawm il-baasi
:asbaHa khayra muwasi
muDarrajaan bi_d-dimaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for Abbas
the lion of the Day of Strength (Battle)
the best helping hands
for his brother (Husain),ever in protection of others,
became stained with blood
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
wa Hasrata li-milaaki
zakiyatun ma’a zaaki
bakiyatun ithra baaki
yadhhabu fi _l-hayjaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for the betrothal
in the time of battle,
of pure(Abdullah) with pure(Sakina)
with the bride weeping followed by the groom’s
he(Abdullah) goes into battle
alas, O Husain
O Leader of the Martyrs
22 yawmun mina_l-Hashri :arwa
idhi_l-:imamu_l-: arwa’
fi :aakhiri_l-‘aAhdi wadda’
tilka_s- sarriyaati :ajma’
wa zayna :aali_l ‘abaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
the awesome Day of Judgment,
when the magnificent Imam
bid his final farewell to
that gathering of noble womenfolk ,
the pride of the family which bore this awesome
Alas, O Husain,O
Leader of the Martyrs
23 ya lahfata bintu kisra
qad :awthaqoo-ha :asra
kaanat batoolan Tuhran
:umma_l-: a:immati Turran
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for the daughter of Kisra
she was put in fetters, a prisoner;
she was purity personified,
the mother of all the imams,
the finest among the righteous
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs.
24 ya lahfata li_r-Rabaabi
dhati jawan wa-ktiyaabi
fu:aadu-ha fi-DTiraabi
dumoo’u-ha fi_nSibaabi
munshidatan li_r-rathaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for Rabaab
who is hungry and grief-stricken
her heart is troubled
her tears flow profusely
reciting lamentation (elegy)
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs.
25 ya lahfata kubra wa sughra
kilta-huma fi kubra
mina_d-dawaahi* tatra
la tastaTee’u_S-Sabraa
fi shiddati_l-ghammaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
*Meaning of dawaahi ( calimities) is guessed from
alas for Kubra and Sughra*
both of them (suffering) greatly
from endless calamities
unable to tolerate
the intensity of grief
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs.
*Fatima Kubra and Fatima Sughra
26 wa :ummu kulthoomin lam
tazal tura fi maatam
‘ala :akhee-ha_l –:akram
tujree dumoo’an min dam
ma’a nafasi_S-Su’adaai
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
and Umm Kulthoom
continues mourning
over her most noble brother
weeping tears of blood
with deep heavy sighs
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs.
mashqooqatu_l-jaybi walma
tasturu bi_sh-sha’ri wajhan
qad kana li_l-badri shib,han
idh naza’a_l-qawmu min-ha
burqu’a-ha li_l-Hayaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
broken heart has gripped her
she veils her face with hair
for it resembled the full moon
as the people had stripped her of
her veil which guarded her honor
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs.
28 wa lahfata li-:ayama
yaHmilna ghurran yatama
faqadna Seedan kirama(n)
shumma_l-:unoofi ‘iZaama(n)
Sar’aa bi-dhaka_l-‘araa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for the widows
nobly carrying orphans
they lost (their) noble protectors
who, proud and magnificent
they fell under those open skies
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs.
29 lahfi ‘ala Tahiraati
bayna_l-‘ida Haasiraati
kara:imin naadibaati
fi karbala Sarikhati
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for the pure(women)
among the enemies , their faces unveiled
these precious daughters mourning
in Karbala, crying
for the noble menfolk
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs.
30 mushaqqaqaati_l-juyoobi
mina_l-balaa wa_l-’anaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
bosoms torn apart
hearts in distress
carrying the grief
enduring the circumstance
of calamity and hardship
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
31 lahfi ‘ala :aTfaali
yabkoona bi_l-:i’waali
qad :oothiqoo bi_l-Hibaali
laysa la-hum min thimaali
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for the children
they weep while curled up
shackled with ropes
they do not have any caretaker*
since their fathers are not there with them
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
*thimali =caretaker is a guess.
32 lahfi li-:ahli_l-futuwwa
min :ahli bayti_n-nubuwwa
mubaarizeena bi-quwwa
doona_l-Husaini ‘aduwwa-(hu)
fadaw-hu yawma_l-liqaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for the chivalrous brotherhood*
of the people from the House of Prophethood
who surpassed themselves with vigor
to protect Husain from his enemies
and sacrificed on that Day of Encounter
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
*futuwwa=designation for Muslim Brotherhood in
Middle Ages.
33 ya lahfata-hu li-SaHbi
la-hu kumaatin ghulbi
:aasaadi yawmi_l-Harbi
qad Suri’oo fi_t-turaabi
moofeena Haqqa_l-wafaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas for the companions
who, conquering death,
like lions on the Day of the Battle,
were felled on the sands
and thereby redeemed their faith in Truth (Husain)
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
34 fa min Ta’eenin jareeHi
wa min shaheedin TareeHi
wa min qateelin dhabeeHi
Salti_l-jabeeni SabeeHi
fi_T-Taffi bi_S-SaHraa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
among them were those with stab wounds
and those lying on the ground martyred
and those killed like sacrificial animals
their foreheads shining radiantly
in the desert of Taff (Karbala)
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
35 li-llahi min shuhadaa:i
:aTaaibin su’adaa:i
:akaarimin fuDalaa:i
:amaathilin nubalaa:i
fi deeni-him Hunafaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
by Allah, among the martyrs (were)
good-natured happy (people)
generous and distinguished
exemplary and magnificent
(and) upright in religion
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
36 ya bi-:abee shibHa noori
qad kana lubba_d-duhuri
wa bayta rabbi_Z-Zuhoori
khuyoolu qawmin boori
waTi:na-hu bi_’tidaai
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O, for my father, essence of light
he was the spirit of time
and of the house of the lord of Zuhoor (over whom)
the horses of the wicked people
were made to outrageously trample upon
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
37 hal moominun yatasalla
:a hal ka-haadhee julla
raasul_Husaini mu’alla
‘ala_s-sinaani tajalla
la:lau-hu ka-dhukaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
can moomineen remain unconcerned?
is there anything more significant than
that Husain’s head was raised high
clearly at the tip of the spearhead
shimmering like a blazing fire?
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
38 ya lahfata fi_T-Tashti
raasu :imami_l-waqti
wa_D-Diddu fawqa_t-takhti
yankutu huz:an bi-nakti
taghran la-hu dhaabahaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
alas, in the bowl
head of the imam of time (imamu_z-zamaan)
and from opposite on the throne
he* contemptuously scratched it and ridiculed it
with boastful pride
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
39 :ibkoo fa-hadha_r-rasoolu
yabki wa hadhi_l-batoolu
wa dhaa :aboo-hu_l-jaleelu
wa dhaa :akhoo-hu_n-nabeelu
fi zumari_l-:anbiya:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
weep as this messenger (Muhammad)
weeps along with this pious lady (Fatima)
and that illustrious father (Ali)
and that noble brother (Hasan)
from the family of the prophets
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
40 fatimatu_z-zahraa:u
tabkee-hi wa_l-khaDraa:u
tabkee-hi wa_l-ghabraa:u
fa_bkoo-hu :ahla_l-walaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
Fatema Zahra
weeps for him and the sky
weeps for him and the earth
and all of this excellent Da’awat;
therefore, weep for him, O people of allegiance
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
41 ya :ummata_s-saw:I tabban
la-kum ghadaw-tum :ilban
li-qatli man kana qalban
li_d-deeni bal kana lubban
min Safwati_l-:aSfiyaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O evil people, may you perish
for you had gathered to incite
the killing of the one who was the very heart
of Islam, nay, the very essence
of the best among the choicest
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
42 ya :ummata_s-saw:i ta’san
la-kum qatal-tum nafsan
zakat wa Taabat gharsan
lam tanmu illa qudsan
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O evil people, may you perish
for you killed a soul,
which was purified and whose stature
shone resplendent only through the
its(soul’s) dazzling holy spirit
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
43 ya Hujjatar_r-aHmaani
ya Safwatal_:azmaani
ya ‘alama_l-:eemani
ya mu’Tiyan li_l-:amaani
ya :akrama_l-kuramaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O proof of Allah
O purest of the ages
O ensign of faith
O grantor of my security
O generous among the generous
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
44 ‘abdu-ka dha yabkee-ka
‘abdu-ka dha yarthee-ka
‘abdu-ka dha yafdee-ka
qad qala dha_sh-sha’ra fee-ka
adaa:a Haqqi_l-fidaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
your slave is weeping for you
your slave is in lamentation for you
your slave is ready to sacrifice for you
thus was recounted this elegy for you
in fulfillment of the obligation of my sacrifice
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
45 :aya :imama_l-‘adli
ya sibTa khayri_r-rusooli
yabna :ameeri_n-naHli
fadat-ka nafsi wa :ahli
:ummi :abi :abnaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O Imam of justice
O grandson of the best among Messengers
O son of the Prince of Bees*,
for you, I have sacrificed my soul and my family,
my mother, my father, my children
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
*Title bestowed on Ali ibn Abi Talib by the Prophet
after victory over the tribe of Banu Sulaym in the year
3 Hijri, 9 days after the Battle of Badr
46 yabna_l-Husaini_sh-shaheedi
khayra raqeebin shaheedin
Hujjata rabbin majeedi
‘umdata kulli rasheedi
ya maljaa:a_l-khulaSaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O son of the martyred Husain
excellent guardian and witness
proof of the glorious Lord (Allah)
chief of the rightly guided
O refuge for the sincere
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
47 ya Saahiba_l-‘aSri luTfan
bi-‘abdi-ka_l-qinni ‘aTfan
‘afwan wa ghafran wa zulfan
lam yulfi ghayra-ka kahfan
ya Zilla dhi_l-kibriyaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
O Lord of the Age, grace
your devoted slave with presence by your side
who is contrite , repentant and praising
who has not turned away from you
O shadow possessing majesty
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
48 laahumma Salli wa sallim
‘ala_l-Husaini wa karrim
baarik alay-hi wa ‘aZZim
wa_rHam-hu rabbi taraH,Ham
ma_nhalla qaTru_s-samaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
Allah, shower blessings and peace
on Husain and honor him
grace him and ennoble him
and show him infinite mercy
that pours down from the sky
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
49 wa jaddi-hi wa :abee-hi
wa :ummi_hi wa :akhee-hi
wa SaHbi-hi wa banee-hi
:ahli_s-sanaa wa_s-sanaa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
and his grandfather and his father
are notable faces of Allah
and his mother and his brother
and his companions and his children
are the people of splendor and majesty
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
50 wa_ksheef bi-him kurubaati
Daa’if bi-him barakaati
baddil bi-him sayyi:aati
jamee’aha Hasanaati
ya rabbiya_sma’ du’aa:i
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
and through them remove my grief
through them multiply my blessings
through them exchange my misfortunes,
all of them, with benefactions
O my Lord, listen to my prayers
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs
51 wa_l’an Yazeeda_l-la’eena
wa naaSiran wa mu’eena
la-hu mina_Z-Zaalimeena
‘ala bani Yaseena
wa lahfata ya Husaina
ya sayyida_sh-shuhdaa:i
and send curses on Yazeed, the accursed,
and on his helpers and facilitators
who rained oppression against
the children of Yaseen (Muhammad),
the most noble and magnanimous
alas, O Husain
O leader of the martyrs