Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
Periodic Monthly Statement (PMS) Overview
Periodic Monthly Statement is a feature of the Automated Commercial Environment
(ACE) that simplifies the payment and collection of duties and fees and promotes
account based processing.
Periodic Monthly Statement allows users to consolidate the payment of duties and fees
on a monthly basis. With this capability, operations for many filers have changed from a
day-by-day payment process to a consolidated, account-based, Periodic Monthly
Statement process. Filers now have three payment options for each entry summary:
1. Single Pay – Users pay per entry
2. Daily Statement – Users consolidate all shipments and pay per day
3. Periodic Monthly Statement – Users combine eligible shipments and pay
Entry summaries included on a Periodic Monthly Statement must be
covered under a continuous bond and paid via Automated
Clearinghouse (ACH) Debit or Credit.
Periodic Monthly Statement summarizes Periodic Daily Statements into a consolidated
statement each month. Periodic Daily Statements contain entry summaries that the filer
What’s Inside:
Periodic Monthly Statement Overview
Page 1
Periodic Monthly Statement Benefits
Page 2
Information on the ACE Portal
Page 3
Monitoring Periodic Monthly Statement Entry
Page 5
Periodic Monthly Statement Process
Page 6
Participation in Periodic Monthly Statement
Page 12
Procedures to Apply for Participation
Page 12
Confirmation from CBP
Page 13
Additional ACE Resources
Page 14
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
has scheduled for a single day. The Periodic Daily Statements are consolidated for a
monthly payment due on the 15
working day of the month scheduled by the filer.
Entry summaries not eligible for inclusion on a Periodic Monthly Statement include:
NAFTA Duty Deferral, Entry Type 08;
Reconciliation, Entry Type 09; and
Entry summaries with IRS tax class codes.
Entry summaries flagged for reconciliation may be included on a Periodic
Monthly Statement if they do not include taxes.
Periodic Monthly Statement Benefits
Participation in Periodic Monthly Statement offers many benefits to importers and
brokers, such as:
Consolidating individual entry summaries for goods that are released during a
given month and allowing them to be paid as late as the 15
working day of the
following month;
Providing additional flexibility in the management of the working capital required
for duty payments as well as potentially significant cash flow advantages;
Allowing importers who are Automated Broker Interface (ABI) self-filers and
brokers to pay designated entry summaries for a given month on one
Streamlining accounting and reporting processes;
Allowing filers (including importers who are self-filers) to select either a national
or a port statement;
Allowing brokers to pay on behalf of importers;
Shifting the payment process from a transaction-by-transaction payment
process to an interest-free Periodic Monthly Statement process; and
Allowing users to view the Periodic Monthly Statement as it is being built during
the month.
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
A participant with a Broker Portal Account in ACE will be able to view all
Periodic Monthly Statements and entry summaries containing their filer code.
A participant with an Importer Portal Account in ACE will be able to view all
Importer designated Periodic Monthly Statements. The importer will not be
able to view the broker’s statement. The importer can view entry summaries
with their IRS number designated for an Importer Periodic Monthly
A participant with an Importer Non-Portal account will not have access to ACE
and will not be able to view Periodic Monthly Statements or entry summaries.
Information on the ACE Portal
Within the ACE Secure Data Portal, Periodic Monthly Statement information can be
found within the “Accounts” hyperlink. Follow the steps below:
1. Select the Accounts hyperlink.
2. Once you are on the “Accounts” page, the “Task Selector” portlet will appear on
the left. Select the Statements hyperlink.
Within this Statements task, there are several portlets.
1. Account Selector
2. Statement Designation (for brokers or self filers)
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
3. Broker or Importer Summary
4. Periodic Statement Calendar
5. Periodic Statement Quickview
Account Selector List
The “Account Selector List” will display all Importer of Record (IR) numbers associated
with the account in the Importer view. The “Account Selector List” will display all port
codes associated with the account in the Broker view.
Statement Designation
For brokers and self-filers, a “Statement Designation” portlet will appear in the bottom
left corner. This is where brokers and self-filers can select a national or port statement.
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
Importer or Broker Summary
This portlet displays the name of the entity, ACE ID number and the corresponding IR
number or filer code.
Periodic Statement Calendar
Within this portlet, importers and brokers can choose a date, between the 1
and 11
working day of each month, for which the preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement will be
generated by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The default date is the 11th
working day of the month and CBP recommends all parties use this default date. If the
filer wishes to change the preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement date, select Edit in
the Periodic Statement Calendar portlet. Once the “Edit – Periodic Statement Calendar
portlet appears, use the drop down arrow for each month and select the desired date for
the generation of the periodic daily statement. Remember to select Save. Please note
that users cannot edit the statement generation dates between the 1
and 11
day of the current month.
Periodic Statement Quickview
This portlet displays the most current AR007 “Periodic Statement Quickview – Importer
or Broker” report in which the Periodic Monthly Statement number and the total duties
and fees of all open entry summaries flagged for Periodic Monthly Statement are
displayed. Drilldown capability will allow the user to access the Periodic Daily
Statement and the flagged entry summaries.
Monitoring Periodic Monthly Statement Entry Summaries
Importers and brokers are able to monitor entry summaries flagged for Periodic Monthly
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
1. Within the “Account Selector List” portlet, select the company under “Accounts
to display the specific IR number or broker/filer port code of interest.
2. The Periodic Statement Quickview” portlet will show all periodic monthly
statements containing open entry summaries.
3. From the Statements” hyperlink, select any periodic daily or monthly statement
number to view the details.
4. Another option to view all current open entry summaries flagged for Periodic
Monthly Statement is to select the “Reports” hyperlink and run the Periodic
Statement Detail report, AR-007, from the Accounts Revenue list of available
IR numbers activated for Periodic Monthly Statement that are not included
within the “Account Selector List” are considered non-portal accounts.
Importers will not be able to view non-portal account statements.
Importers will not receive a national statement unless they file using their own
filer code. In situations in which the importer is NOT a self-filer, they will
receive a port statement.
Periodic Monthly Statement Process
For brokers and self-filers, the procedure for obtaining, viewing, and processing Periodic
Monthly Statements can be broken down into 11 steps (four of which are optional and
used only in situations in which entry summaries are to be removed from the
1. Process entry summaries for Periodic Daily Statement
Optional: Remove/change entry summaries before preliminary Periodic Daily
3. Produce preliminary Periodic Daily Statement
4. Optional: Remove/change entry summaries before ACH Authorization
5. Process Periodic Daily Statement ACH Debit authorization and/or entry summary
6. Produce final Periodic Daily Statement
7. Optional: Remove entry summaries before preliminary Periodic Monthly
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
8. Produce preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement
9. Optional: Remove entry summaries before final Periodic Monthly Statement
10. Process payment using ACH Credit/ACH Debit
11. Produce final Periodic Monthly Statement
The following is a description of each of the 11 Periodic Monthly Statement steps:
Step 1) Process entry summaries for Periodic Daily Statement
This process may be thought of as the existing daily statement process
with no payment due until the 15
working day of the month following
entry or release.
The periodic statement month (field on record identifier 30 for Automated
Commercial System (ACS) entry summaries and record identifier 10 for
ACE entry summaries) indicates the month for payment. This controls
the Periodic Monthly Statement on which the entry summary will be
Please note: Entry summary receivables can be viewed on the sub-
ledger report (AR006) through the “Reports” hyperlink of the ACE
Secure Data Portal. Also note that CBP does not edit the accuracy of
the statement month. The accuracy and timeliness of the statement
date and payment remain the filer’s responsibility.
Step 2) Optional: Remove/change entry summaries before preliminary
Periodic Daily Statement
The entry summary payment type indicator, PMS month and preliminary
statement print date can be updated using the Statement Delete or ‘HP’
application identifier.
This allows the method of payment to change from a single payment
to a statement payment (daily statement or Periodic Daily Statement)
or vice versa.
If changing the entry summary to appear on a Periodic Daily Statement,
the periodic statement month indicates the month for payment. This
designation establishes the Periodic Monthly Statement in which the
Periodic Daily Statement listing the entry summary will be included. An
entry summary change reverses/updates a receivable in the subsidiary
ledger for the entry summary.
Step 3) Produce preliminary Periodic Daily Statement
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
Preliminary Periodic Daily Statements are generated on the
predetermined date established by the filer at the time the entry
summary was filed.
Based on the preliminary statement print date indicated on the entry
summary transmission, CBP will route the preliminary Periodic Daily
Statement (application identifier ‘QR’) to the filer through ABI.
The record layouts for a daily statement and a Periodic Daily Statement
are the same.
The payment type indicator value (record identifier B of the ‘QR’
application identifier) indicates the statement type:
2 - Broker/Filer Daily Statement
3 - Importer Daily Statement
5 – Importer Combined Daily Statement
6 - Broker/Filer Periodic Daily Statement
7 - Importer Periodic Daily Statement
8 - Importer Combined Periodic Daily Statement
This step adds the Periodic Daily Statement number to the entry summary
receivables in the subsidiary ledger.
Step 4) Optional: Remove/change entry summaries before ACH Authorization
The entry summary payment type indicator can be updated using the ‘HP’
application identifier. This allows for the following:
Deletion of an entry from an unpaid preliminary Periodic Daily Statement
Change of the payment type indicator and preliminary statement print date
after the preliminary daily statement is issued
Change of the periodic statement month (Note: The Periodic Daily
Statement print date will also need to be changed in order to do this.)
Step 5) Process Periodic Daily Statement ACH Debit authorization and/or entry
summary presentation
A new application identifier, ‘PN’, is used for Periodic Daily Statement
ACH Debit authorization and/or entry summary presentation.
For ACH Debit participants this is similar to the existing ACH Debit
authorization (application identifier ‘QN’) for daily statements.
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
For ACH Credit participants, this step is new. ACH Credit participants
will not use the payer unit number field of this transaction. (They need to
space fill this field.)
Like the ‘QN’ transaction for the existing daily statements, multiple
Periodic Daily Statements can be included in a single ‘PN’ transaction.
The ‘PN’ transaction stops the “10 working day” clock for entry summary
filing purposes and sets the entry summary filing date. Please remember
to present entry summaries and a copy of the Periodic Daily Statement
by the 10
working day.
Whenever the Periodic Daily Statement indicates zero money is due, the
filer must still transmit the ‘PN’ transaction. The ‘PN’ will designate the
Periodic Daily Statement for Periodic Monthly processing and sets the
entry summary filing date for the listed entry summaries.
When the ‘PN’ transaction is processed, the Periodic Monthly Statement
number is added to the entry summary receivables in the subsidiary
At this time the Periodic Monthly Statement (to which the Periodic Daily
Statement belongs) can be viewed through the “Statements” hyperlink
on the ACE Secure Data Portal.
If after sending the authorization an error has been found, the filer may
contact the client representative to have the authorization removed but
this procedure can only be done the same day that the authorization was
sent (before end of day processing).
Step 6) Produce final Periodic Daily Statement
Final Periodic Daily Statements are generated after the Periodic Daily
Statement ACH Debit authorization and/or entry summary presentation
is processed. During the ACS end-of-day cycle, on the night the ‘PN’
transaction is processed, CBP will route the final Periodic Daily
Statement (application identifier ‘QR’) to the filer.
Step 7) Optional: Remove entry summaries before preliminary Periodic
Monthly Statement
An entry summary can be removed from a Periodic Daily Statement after
the final Periodic Daily Statement has been generated but prior to
payment of the Periodic Monthly Statement.
An entry summary is removed by changing the statement type to ‘1’ or
‘single payment’ through the use of the existing ‘HP’ application
identifier. (A “single pay” is an entry summary that is paid individually by
cash or check at the CBP cashier desk. It is not paid by ACH).
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
This reverses a receivable in the subsidiary ledger for the entry
If an entry summary is removed after the final Periodic Daily Statement
has been generated, it will be included with record identifier ‘Q7’ as part
of the preliminary and final periodic monthly statement transmission
(application identifier ‘MS’).
Please note: An account is liable for liquidated damages if a “single pay” is
not paid by the 10th working day.
Step 8) Produce preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement
Preliminary Periodic Monthly Statements are generated on the
predetermined date established by the Trade Account Owner through
the ACE Secure Data Portal.
A date from the 1
through the 11
working day of the month may be
selected, but the default date will be the 11
working day of the month,
which CBP recommends all parties use.
Importers designate the preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement print
date for importer statements.
Filers designate preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement print dates for
filer statements.
CBP will route the preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement (new
application identifier ‘MS’) to the filer on the date selected.
The payment type indicator value (record identifier ‘B’ of the ‘MS’
application identifier) indicates the statement type:
6 - Broker/Filer Periodic Monthly Statement
7 - Importer Periodic Monthly Statement
8 - Importer Combined Periodic Monthly Statement
Whenever all the Periodic Daily Statements show zero money due for a
Periodic Monthly Statement Number, a Preliminary Monthly Statement
will not be generated to the filer. The filer will not see this data in their
ACE portal information. ACE only records receivables for Periodic
Monthly Statement generation.
Filers are able to designate whether their Periodic Monthly Statements are to be
consolidated to include all ports (national level) or generated for each port (port level).
The port level is the default selection. The national level statement is for filers only.
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
Step 9) Optional: Remove entry summaries before final Periodic Monthly
Follows the same process as Step 7.
Step 10) Process payment using ACH Credit / ACH Debit
Using ACH Credit involves the following:
Users must initiate a Periodic Monthly Statement payment with
their bank.
ACH Credit Users with $0 Periodic Monthly Statements should
send an ACH $0 payment transaction to CBP referencing the
specific PMS number of the $0 statements for closing the Periodic
Monthly Statements. The PMS numbers can be provided by their
client representative.
The receivables created for the entry summaries are marked
“paid” in the sub-ledger.
The Periodic Monthly Statement is marked “paid.”
Using ACH Debit involves the following:
On the 15
working day of the month, CBP initiates collection. No
action is required by the ACH Debit user.
A separate debit authorization for each daily statement listed on the
Preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement will be sent to the client’s
bank for processing on the 15
work day of the month.
The $0 Periodic Monthly Statements for ACH Debit Users will be
automatically closed from the $0 debit authorization actions sent on
the Periodic Daily Statements.
The receivables created for the entry summaries are marked “paid” in
the sub-ledger.
The Periodic Monthly Statement is marked “paid.”
Step 11) Produce final Periodic Monthly Statement
Final Periodic Monthly Statements are generated after the payment has
been processed.
After the payment is processed during the ACS end-of-day cycle, the
final Periodic Monthly Statement (new application identifier ‘MS’) is
routed to the filer.
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
The payment type indicator value (record identifier ‘B’ of the ‘MS’
application identifier) indicates the statement type:
6 – Broker/Filer Periodic Monthly Statement
7 – Importer Periodic Monthly Statement
8 – Importer Combined Periodic Monthly Statement
Whenever all the Periodic Daily Statements show zero money due for a
Periodic Monthly Statement number, a final monthly statement will not
be generated to the filer.
Participation in Periodic Monthly Statement
Importers have two options to participate in Periodic Monthly Statement.
Importers can establish their own ACE Portal account and not only participate in
Periodic Monthly Statement processing, but also have direct access to the ACE
portal which includes having an ability to better manage their CBP account and
customize their own reports.
An alternative for participation is to have the importer participate as a Non-Portal
Account through their broker, who is an ACE Portal Account. To encourage
maximum participation in Periodic Monthly Statement, CBP created non-portal
accounts for importers not seeking the benefits of having an ACE portal account,
but wishing to participate in Periodic Monthly Statement.
Importers who have their customs duties and fees paid by their broker (a)
via their own ACH account or (b) via their broker’s ACH account can
participate in Periodic Monthly Statement as non-portal accounts. For
their non-portal accounts, brokers continue to flag entry summaries for a
statement and effect payment as they do today. Brokers are able to place
eligible entry summaries for activated non-portal accounts on a broker or
importer statement.
For further details, please see the Federal Register Notice (FRN), 70 FR
61466, published on October 24, 2005, announcing the establishment of
non-portal accounts, as well as any other applicable FRNs, at the
following link:
Procedures to Apply for Participation
The following diagram outlines the procedures to follow to apply for participation in
Periodic Monthly Statement.
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
Confirmation from CBP
Importers will only be able to view Periodic Monthly Statements for those IR number(s)
that are part of their Account List and which have been approved for Periodic Monthly
Statement. An importer will know that their IR numbers have been activated for
Periodic Monthly Statement by one of the following ways:
1. The account may receive an e-mail message from CBP Revenue Division
and/or their CBP Account Manager;
2. The account may be notified by their customs broker if they were the party who
submitted the Periodic Monthly Statement participation request to CBP; and/or,
3. ACE Portal accounts can run report AR006 in the ACE Secure Data Portal
Reports Tool to determine if the IR number(s) has been activated for Periodic
Monthly Statement. If no data appears for the IR number(s), no entry
summaries were flagged or the IR number(s) has not been flagged for Periodic
Monthly Statement during the date range specified for that IR number.
E-mail should state the following:
Importer’s interest in participating in Periodic
Monthly Statement as a non-portal account;
List of IR#s being requested for Periodic
Monthly Statement activation.
Scanned image of the CBP Form 5106 with
“Periodic Monthly Statement Activation” written on
top is to be included. Please include no more than
five CBP Forms 5106 on a single email.
Subject of e-mail should be “Activation Request.”
Carbon copy should be sent to importer’s CBP
Account Manager, if applicable.
E-mail should state the following:
Importer is an ACE Portal Account;
Importer’s interest in participating in Periodic
Monthly Statement; and
List of IR#s being requested for Periodic
Monthly Statement activation.
ACE ID from Top Account and ACE IDs
associated with IR#s being requested.
Subject of e-mail should be “Activation Request.”
Carbon copy should be sent to importer’s CBP
Account Manager, if applicable.
Importer or broker e-mails
CBP Revenue Division at
Is the importer an ACE Portal Account?
Topic: Periodic Monthly Statement
February 2012
If confirmation from CBP is not received within 10 business days,
resubmit application.
Additional ACE Resources
For additional assistance, take the Periodic Payments web-based training (WBT).
The URL for the ACE Online Training
Center and the required user name
and password are:
Do you need additional assistance with Periodic Monthly
Statement? Please contact your CBP Client Representative or e-
. If you are a trade caller or if
you are calling outside the United States, you may also contact the
Technology Service Desk at 1-866-530-4172.