Helping Churches Help People
From the President
In this is Love…
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved
us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrice for our
sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also
ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God;
but if we love one another, God lives in us and his
love is made complete in us.
I John 4: 1012
At Love in the Name of Christ our mission is
“to mobilize local churches to transform lives and
communities in the Name of Christ.” The above verses
from the beloved apostle, John, instruct us that loving one another as lived out by
His people requires action. The “lived out love” for our neighbors can and should be
within the context of local churches.
In 2017, your selfless service and financial partnership continued to provide the
means to demonstrate Christ’s love.
Your financial support in concert with the many hours our volunteers offer has given
us the ability to reach the people of Lancaster County who would otherwise have no
idea they are loved by God. We are committed to wise stewardship of resources both
human and financial toward this task. Last year we were able to meet 5,072 needs,
but with 335 needs unmet because we could not find a volunteer.
Our new website will enable our partners to have better and faster access to
Love INC activities, updates, and online donations. The website is just one example of
how your gifts are helping us share the mission and work of Love INC.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Love in the Name of Christ, I offer a heartfelt
“thank you” for your demonstration of God’s love in action. May God richly bless you as
you commit to another year of supporting this wonderful ministry in the name of Christ.
Karen Uhrich, MSN, RN,
President Board of Directors (2016–17)
Adjunct Faculty Pennsylvania College of Health Science
Faith Bible Fellowship Church
Budget Guidance
Christmas Gifts
Cleaning Assistance
Financial Assistance
Grocery Shopping
Laundry Assistance
Lawn Care
Minor Repair Work
Moving Assistance
Respite Care
and More!
Total needs met in 2017
In 2017, the Church of Jesus Christ was able to
minister to families and individuals in very practical ways:
Calls received:
Where needs are assessed,
prioritized and connected
to existing resources or a
local church congregation,
organized to respond with
love in action.
Meals served:
A church-based community
meal program offering
bi-monthly meals in the
Solanco area.
Families served:
Adults: 37 Children: 48
A transitional housing
program offering families a
4-6 month stay in a church-
sponsored, fully furnished
home. Families living in 11
homes, in eight communities,
are connected to church
care teams and professional
case management.
With homes in:
Conestoga ValleyElanco
EphrataPenn Manor
Manheim TownshipWarwick
Family needs met:
In Manheim, Ephrata,
and Warwick
A practical resource to
the local church and
Christian community
to aide them in acts of
compassion during a
“missions trip to their
own community.”
The Rope In Our Path
One day in June, we received a first-time call from a gentleman
who needed a ride to the dentist. When we connected him with
the pastor of a partner congregation, we had no idea what God
was about to do!
In late June, I got to know Julio. He was a seemingly happy-go-
lucky, friend-with-everyone kind of guy. We met when I was asked by
Love INC to drive him to the dentist’s office. As we headed down the
road, we introduced ourselves to each other. I explained what I was doing with planting
a new church, and almost immediately Julio said, “I want to be baptized.” I affirmed his
intention, and learning he wasn’t attending services anywhere, added, “Why don’t you come
to church a while? You’ll get to know us, we’ll get to know you, and we can go from there.”
And that’s what happened.
On a balmy Sunday afternoon in September, the congregation heard three baptismal
candidates, one of which was Julio, profess Christ in Lancaster County Central Park. With the
assembled group singing, these three men, myself and another elder walked down to the
creek and later came back up rejoicing.
Julio had his challenges, including some dark memories from long ago and some
unhelpful habits of the present. We talked about these, shared Scripture with each other
and went together to church on Sunday mornings when he was up and ready.
God has His ways of opening hearts, and opening inroads into people’s lives that
continue to amaze me. Six days before Christmas, Julio’s roommate “John” called and told
me that Julio had died (from a heart attack, I found out later). Knowing Julio to be a man of
limited means, I thought: There has to be a memorial service for this brother.
John” helped me get in touch with Julio’s family, and not too long afterward
I had a pleasant time of fellowship and planning with them. His sister spoke of
the blessing it was to discover that Julio had gotten involved in a church and
taken the step of water baptism.
Seven family members, along with his roommate, attended Julio’s
memorial service, as we looked afresh at this man’s life, and at the life that
only one Man can bring. Family members spoke more than once of how
much it meant to have this time of remembrance and worship and fellowship
and closure. The next Sunday, instead of picking up Julio for church in the
morning, I was driving to the same apartment and picking up “John.”
Julio’s story is not the heroic account of a man who climbs to the peak of
spiritual conquest, demolishing the kingdom of darkness and leaving a legacy
of deep insights and throngs of followers in his wake. Rather, Julio’s story is
the tale of one who stumbled in the darkness and, finding a rope, grabbed on to be pulled
upward by a hand from above.
Julio’s story is in fact the story of every believer. Because every believer, at the end of the
day, is stumbling in the darkness and finding a rope (see Acts 17:27). Every believer is saved
not because of individual skill, or insight, or courage or resourcefulness. Every believer is
saved because the almighty God of the universe, the One who set the planets in motion and
the galaxies in place, decided to reach down to this corrupt and twisted world and put a
rope in our path.
To see every
unmet need of the
disadvantaged in
our community met
by Christ-honoring
churches working
in partnership.
Going An Extra Mile
When we first heard from “Joan,” she was
just beginning to realize some of the limitations
she would be facing in life after having to give
up driving at aged 86. Although members of her
congregation picked her up for church, she was
unable to do many of the things she had done in the
past — errands and even enjoyable social outings.
Her daughter and son-in-law lived nearby, but both
worked full time, so were unavailable during the
day. We quickly connected her with folks in two
other nearby churches who soon were able to take
her to the bank, to get groceries, and to medical
appointments. When she shared with one of her
volunteers how much she missed going to the theater,
another volunteer stepped up to accompany her to
a performance!
In a note to our office, “Joan” thanked us for
connecting her to “five wonderful drivers” who have
entered her life and made this time of transition so
much easier for her. We are so thankful to Love INC’s
partner churches for the way they show the love of
Jesus to their neighbors. Even what may seem like the
smallest errand can make a huge impact on the life of
another person!
Closing The Gap
Many of the folks that are served by our partner
congregations are referred to Love In the Name of
Christ directly from the medical community. When a
caseworker from the LGH - Penn Medicine Ambulatory
Collaborative Care Team called us about “Sara,”
we knew we could count on one of our church
partners to be a part of the response to her difficult
situation.“Sara” lived alone and had many medical
needs. Her income was minimal and she struggled to
keep up with the bills for her necessities.
“Sara’s” oil tank was very low, and there were still a
lot of winter months ahead. She had already received
assistance from the LIHEAP program (Low-Income
Home Energy Assistance Program) that provides grants
to low-income households once a year, as well as
assistance from a social service in her community.
She actually had a credit with her oil company of
over $100, but the company could not deliver the
small amount of oil the credit would cover. We
contacted a partner congregation in “Sara’s”
community and they provided $150 to close this
gap and help her to utilize her remaining credit.
“Sara” will be warm this winter and the witness
of God’s people was extended to her, to her
caseworker, and to the larger medical community,
all because the Church was ready to share the love
of Christ!
Where Love INC Funding Comes From
Clearinghouse Needs Met in 2017
How Love INC Gifts are Allocated
Program Costs – 81%
Fundraising – 5%
Administrative Costs – 14%
Christmas Assistance – .5%
Household Help – 14%
Financial and Budgeting – 5%
Friendly Visitor – 2%
Moving – .3%
Repairs and Yard Work – 12%
Transportation – 66.2%
Individuals and Businesses – 45%
Churches – 34%
Miscellaneous – 4%
Program Reimbursements – 17%
Love INC
Board of Directors
John H. Gibbel — President
Community Fellowship Church
Home Instead Senior Care — Owner
Whit Buckwalter — Vice President
Grace Church — Lititz
Fulton Bank — Vice President Relationship Manager
Wesley Bunting
New Hope Christian Fellowship
Campus Director, Eastern University — Harrisburg
Rodney Martin
Pastor, Lititz Mennonite Church
Bishop, Lancaster, Lititz and Mellinger Districts,
Lancaster Mennonite Conference
Laura Miller
Grace Fellowship Church, Shrewsbury
GPS Life Transition Partners, LLC — Owner
Andrea M. Riefenstahl
LCBC — Manheim Campus
Director Electrophysiology and Pacing Services
Penn Medicine - Lancaster General Health
Timothy E. Shawaryn
New Hope Christian Fellowship
Legacy Law
Karen Uhrich
Faith Bible Fellowship
Adjunct Faculty, PA College of Health Science
Doug Winne
Burning Hearts Community Church
Pastor, Burning Hearts Community Church
Love INC Sta
Kim Y. Wittel
Executive Director
Jessica Dunlevy
Clearinghouse Coordinator
Shawn Moyer
Homes of Hope Coordinator
May Fellenbaum
Naomi Hofstetter
Debbie Hollinger
Kathy Homsher
Jewel Leaman
Carole McFarland
Rosene Martin
Nancy Sprowls
Sally Young
Without the commitment of the
faithful volunteers who serve in our
office weekly, Love INC would be
unable to carry out this ministry.
Whether assisting in the Clearing-
house, or providing administrative
services, these folks are critical to
the ministry of Love INC.
Love INC
Edward R. and Laura Ackerman
Helen Adams
Marguerite and Joseph Aflague
Akron Lions Club
Robert and Georgeanne Albright
In honor of Ed and Terri Albright
Teresa H. Albright
Daniel and Linda Althouse
Jackie Balderston
Jon and Cyndi Balson
Kimberly Bandy
Bareville-Leola-Leacock Lions Club
Marvin and Dorothy Beachy
BCF Group
Nelson and Connie Bechtold
Harry and Sue Becker
Matt and Amy Beelen
Janel Beidel
Stephanie Benne
Loren H. and Amy Benner
Paul and Kathy Berkebile
Daniel and Verna Bert
Brian and Edvige Black
Matt and Kirsten Blose
In honor of Beth Crosby
Boehms Chapel Society
Bollman Hat Company
Brenda and Lester Bowman
Michael and Susan Bowman
Robert K. and Anne Bowman
Guy and Jeannine Boyer
Lisa Boyles
Marie Breneman
Louise Brown
Sandra Brown
Doris Brubaker
John Brubaker
Kenneth and Pamela Brubaker
Ray and Beth Brubaker
Marlene and Roy Buch
J. Whitney Buckwalter
Paul and Lisa Buckwalter
Reid and Ruth Buckwalter
Wes and Elizabeth Bunting
Cindy and William Burkhart
Glenn and Janice Burkholder
Walt and Jo Burnett
Amanda Burridge
Scott and Lisa Byrom
CCAB Insurance and Benefits
David Chalfant
Mary Ann Christopher
Marilyn Cogansparger
John Conaway
In memory of Linda S. Conaway
Warren and Susan Connelly
Charles Coon and Patricia Burnley
Cornerstone Contracting Company
Cornerstone Design Architects
Cornerstone Ministry Services
The Country Store
Beth Crosby
Marilyn and Gary Damschen
John and Lee Ann Davies
Barry and Andrea Davis
Denver Lions Club
Patricia and Steve Dietch
Catherine Dietrich
Virginia Dissinger
Larry and Marilyn Dombach
Gordon and Sue Donaldson
Mary Donan
Donegal Field Hockey Club
R. Kent Douple
Diane Duell
Brian and Debbie Ebersole
John L. Ebersole
Dawn Eby
Sarah Eby
Bonnie J. Eck
Erika Eckman
David and Barbara Eisenberg
Catherine Emberger
Clarence Engle
Alan and Linda Espinoza
Express Laundry Linens LLC
Elizabeth Fechtmann-Crippen
May Fellenbaum
Joanne Ferguson
Omar Fisher
William Fitch
Adam and Kimberly Forry
Sylvia Frey
Tammy Frey
John and Erin Frick
Kevin J. Fritz
Sandra Jean Fry
Brian Funk
Garber Brokerage, Inc.
Fred and Linda Garber
Phil and Cyndi Garber
Barry and Rita Garner
Mary Gensemer
GFI Transport
Gibbel Insurance Agency
Gibbel Kraybill & Hess, LLP
John and Laureen Gibbel
John R. and Ann Gibbel
Nelson and Mary Ginder
Good-To-You Auto Sales
Linda Good
Philip Good
Robert and Caryl Good
Damian and Deborah Gorman
Carl and Doris Graver
Alma Graybill
Betsy Griest
Brian and Dorothy Grimm
Howard Groff
Ed and Ruth Grzybicki
The Robert J. Gunterberg
Sherm and Krista Guyer
Curtis and Beverly Haldeman
Mark Haldeman
Helen Hall-Baker
Dave Harnish
Clair and Carlene Harstad
Doug and Dixie Haverstick
Mark Hebner
Charles Helm
Charles Henry
Joseph Herneisen
Steve and Peggy Herr
David and Nicola Herring
Lyle Hershey
Andrew and Marlene Hess
Dwight and Cheryl Hess
Evelyn J. Hess
Herb and Sharon Hess
Jack and Becky Hess
Janet E. Hess
Joseph and Linda Hess
Joseph D. and Lois Hess
Melvin and Laura Hess
Robert and Sharon Hess
Bruce Heydt
Antoinette High
Bette J. High
Tena and Emanuel Hoffer
Elizabeth Hoffman
Oren and Naomi Hofstetter
Curt and Jen Hollenbaugh
Stephanie Hollinger
Home Instead Senior Care
Eugene Horn
Donald M. and Carol Horning
Carolsue and Paul Hosler
Glen and Patricia Hostetler
Dennis Hostetter
Mark and Yvonne Hubbard
Catherine and N. Brian Huegel
Doris Hunsberger
Clair Hunsecker
J.B. Hostetter & Sons
Deryl Hurst
Keith and Rebecca Irvine
JR&D Warfel Foundation
Lawrence and Constance Jackson
Paul and Alice Jackson
Hap and Debbie Joy
K & K Dispatch
In honor of Ava, Charlotte,
and Naomi Hess
Tim and Brenda Kauffman
Paul and Charlotte Keefer
Gerald and Donna Keener
Charles and Colleen Keller
Lois C. Kennel
Corinn and Danyon Kirchner
Kevin and Diane Kirkpatrick
Harley and Kate Kooker
William and Mary Ellen Kopetz
Teresa and Mike Kossick
& Business
Barry and Erika Kreider
Andrew Kusuplos
Lancaster County Community
Lancaster General Health – Penn
Audrey Landis
R. L. and L.J. Landis
Lisa Lane
Laureen Gibbel Designs
James D. Lawrence
Charles and Kathryn Leader
David and Jewel Leaman
Regina Leed
Heather and Mike Lewis
Steve and Heidi Limbert
Deeter and Julie Lutz
Clair Martin
Galen and Rosene Martin
Joyce and Clifford Martin
Michael Martin
Noah and Janae Martin
Sonja Martin
Titus and Sandra Martin
Verna Martin
Martin’s Trailside Express
Esther Mast
Ora and Roda Mast
Master’s Advisors Inc.
Deborah and John Masters
Matthew 25 Thrift Shop
Leland Maxcy Jr
Jennie McBride
Patricia McCormick
Carole McFarland
Don Mellinger
Gerald and Lynette Meck
Bryan and Bonnie Messick
David and Elizabeth Messinger
Ken Mikolic
Connie Miller
Ferne Miller
Laura J. Miller
Mary and J. Mark Miller
Sven and Laurel Miller
Gregg and Sandra Minnick
Barbara and Ken Mobley
Linda Monge
Farra Morrow
Mark Moses
Peggy Mosteller
Lori Moyer
Scott and Ann Moyer
David and Jo Ann Mueller
Jerry and Kimberly Murray
Bryan and Kristi Musser
Pam Musser
Jay and Gayle Musser
Diane H. Myers
Tom Myers
Brenda Neff
New Hope Community Closet
David and Mary Newman
Kristin Nice
Dennis Nissley
Clair and June F. Nolt
Leonard and Karen Nolt
Luke and Dorothy Nolt
North Foundation
North Group Consultants
Roger and Carolyn North
John and Kandice Null
Donovan and Carol Oberholtzer
Faithe B. Oberholtzer
Jay and Nancy Obetz
Christine O’Connor
Lorraine Oliver
Oncology Nursing Society
Pat and Bob Orwig
Marian Otthofer*
P&D Business Systems
Craig and Carolyn Patterson
Mike and Jana Peachey
Paul and Sue Pearce
Kim and Jared Peters
Michael Pierdon
Keith Pietsch
Diane Pilsner
Edward and Linda Priepke
Carl and Mary Beth Ranck
Jean and Larry Rarig
Francine Redman
Lawrence Reich
Carolyn Reid
Elvin Reitz
Pat and Deb Reynolds
Tim and Joy Rice
Thomas Richards
Andrea and Bruce Riefenstahl
Lee and Joy Ritz
Robert C. Wenger Charitable Trust
George and Patricia Robinson
Joseph and Elizabeth Roda
Rodgers and Associates
Rick and Jessy Rodgers
Scott B. Rohrer
Steven and Jamie Rosenshine
Rotary Club of Lancaster Sunrise
Jesse Sanders
Clifford and Anna Mae Sauder
Ken Sauder
Nathan Sauder
Sarah Sauder
In honor of Linda Hess
James and Kathleen Saylor
Craig and Ann Schloneger
Sandra K. Schmid
Angela and Christopher Schnader
Michael and Jodi Schwartz
Luke and Silvia Seamon
J. Michael Sellard
Mary Sensenig
Megan Shaffer
Sharon’s Floral Design
Jay and Marilyn Shaub
Eugene and Debbie Shawaryn
Timothy and Lynell Shawaryn
Lamar Sheaffer
Joe and Mary Lou Sherer
Susan Shiner
Gale and Jeff Shirk
Gloria Shober
Tonya and Eric Shultz
Kendra Shuman
Marvin and Donna Siegrist
Sight & Sound Theatres
Patricia Simmons
Mark and Priscilla Simmons
Simon Lever Business Advisors
and CPAs
James Singleton
Arlene Slabach
Donna Smith
S. Rodman and Mary Smith
Kelli and Blaine Smoker
Doris Snader
Patty Snyder
Ruth Snyder
George and Marilyn Sorensen
Ernest and Judy Sowada
Paul H. Spahr
Brenda Spayd
Jim and Carol Spicher
Andrew Spreadbury
Robert and Nancy Sprowls
Susan and Dave Stauffer
Andrew and Joy Steckbeck
Rachel Stellhorn
Stoltzfus Catering
Tom and Jennifer Stoltzfus
David and Janice Stoner
Vicky L. Stuart
Phyllis Stuckey
Kim Sullenberger
Harold and June Summers
David and Audrey Thompson
Shiva Thompson
John and Sandra Tippett
Dennis Trostle
Greg and Karen L. Uhrich
Anne Wallace-DiGarbo
David and Ruth Warfel
Glenn and Jenice Weaver
Jay and Suzanne Wenger
Lucille Wenger
Gabriel Wertz
Jean Wilhelm
Howard and Laurene Wilson
Tom and Susie Wilson
Jennifer and Scott Wimer
Doug and Ruth Winne
David and Sharon Winters
Ken and Judy Witmer
Todd Witmer
Ivan and Kim Wittel
Nancy F. Wittel
Woerth’s Used Cars
Tom and B.J. Wolfgang
Gloria and Anthony Worme
Jeff and Kristi Yoder
Gregory Yohn
Adrian and Julie Young
Ronald and Sally Young
Joanne and Doug Zecher
Joyce Zeigler
In memory of Rich Zeigler
Dwayne Zeiset
Teresa Zeiset
Martha Zepp
Kenneth and Jane Zieber
Judith Zimmerman
Wilmer and Anna Mary Zimmerman
We apologize for any omissions in our
Donor or Partner listings. Please let us
know if your name has been missed.
2017 Love INC
Partnering Churches
ACTS Covenant Fellowship
Akron Church of the Brethren
Akron Mennonite Church
Alive Church
Alliance Church of Elizabethtown
Andrews Bridge Mennonite Church
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Bainbridge Church of God
Berean Bible Church
Bethany United Church of Christ
Blainesport Mennonite Church
Boehm’s United Methodist Church
Bossler Mennonite Church
Bowmansville Mennonite Church
Breakout Ministries
Brickerville United Lutheran Church
Burning Hearts Community Church
Calvary Church
Chestnut Level Presbyterian Church
Chiques Church of the Brethren
Christian Fellowship Church
Cocalico Church of the Brethren
Cocalico Community Chapel
Columbia Church of God
Columbia United Methodist Church
Community Bible Church
Conestoga Church of the Brethren
Conestoga Valley Church of Christ
Conoy Brethren in Christ
Cornerstone Mennonite Fellowship
Covenant United Methodist Church
Crossroads Brethren in Christ
Crossroads Community Fellowship
DOVE Westgate Fellowship Ephrata
East Fairview Church of the Brethren
East Petersburg Mennonite Church
Elizabethtown Mennonite Church
Elizabethtown United Zion Church
Encounter Church
Ephrata Church of the Nazarene
Ephrata Grace Church
Ephrata Church of the Brethren
Ephrata Community Church
Ephrata United Zion Church
Erb’s Mennonite Church
Erisman Mennonite Church
Faith Bible Fellowship
Faith United Lutheran Church
Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church of Ephrata
Florin Church of the Brethren
Forest Hills Mennonite Church
Good’s Mennonite Church
Goodville Mennonite Church
Grace Community Church
Groffdale Mennonite Church
Hempfield United Methodist Church
Hinkletown Mennonite Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church of Ephrata
Hope Born in Christ
Hope United Methodist Church
Hosanna Christian Fellowship
James Street Mennonite Church
Jerusalem Church
Jerusalem Lutheran Church - Rothsville
Keystone Evangelical Free Church
Lancaster Alliance Church
Lancaster Brethren in Christ Church
Lancaster Evangelical Free Church
Landis Valley Christian Fellowship
Landisville Mennonite Church
Leola United Methodist Church
Lititz Church of the Brethren
Lititz Christian Church
Lititz Grace Church
Lititz Mennonite Church
Lititz Moravian Church
Lititz United Methodist Church
Little Britain Presbyterian Church
Live With Purpose Church
Living Light Mennonite Church
Manheim Brethren in Christ
Manheim Mennonite Church
Manor Church
Marietta Community Chapel
Marietta Mennonite Church
Martindale Mennonite Church
Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren
Memorial United Methodist Church
Metzler Mennonite Church
Middle Creek Church of the Brethren
Middle Octorara Presbyterian Church
Millersville Community Church
Millport Mennonite Church
Mohler Church of the Brethren
Mount Joy Mennonite Church
Mountville Mennonite Church
Mt. Pleasant Brethren in Christ Church
Mt. Vernon Mennonite Church
Neffsville Mennonite Church
New Beginnings Brethren in Christ Church
New Covenant Mennonite Fellowship
New Hope Christian Fellowship
New Joy Brethren in Christ Church
New Life Fellowship
New Providence Church of God
New Providence Mennonite Church
Paradise Bible Fellowship
Parkview Mennonite Church
Peace United Church of Christ
Petra Christian Fellowship
Pilgrim Mennonite Church
Ranck’s United Methodist Church
Reformation Lutheran Church
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ephrata
Risser’s Mennonite Church
Salem Evangelical Reformed Church –
Salem United Church of Christ Columbia
Salem United Church of Christ
Salem United Methodist Church Manheim
Shiloh Community Church
Silver Spring Baptist Church
Speedwell Heights Brethren in Christ
St. Catherine’s Roman Catholic Church
St. James Roman Catholic Church
St. John’s United Church of Christ Denver
St. Leo’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
St. Paul’s Church Quarryville
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Stehman Memorial United Methodist
Strasburg Mennonite Church
Stumptown Mennonite Church
Swamp Christian Fellowship
Swamp Lutheran Church
Trinity EC Church Lititz
Trinity Lutheran Church New Holland
Trinity UCC East Petersburg
Trinity United Methodist Church Denver
Victory Church
Weaverland Mennonite Church
Wesley United Methodist Church
Wheatland Presbyterian Church
White Oak Church of the Brethren
Willow Street Mennonite Church
Word of Grace
Worship Center
Wrightsdale Baptist Church
Zion Lutheran Church Akron
Zion Lutheran Church Leola
Zion Lutheran Church Marietta
Zion’s Reformed UCC Ephrata
Zion’s UCC Marietta
From the Director
Because He First Loved Us
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be
called children of God! And that is what we are!
1 John 3:1a
Nearly everyone has had the experience of anticipating the birth of a new
child, grandchild, or other family member. Do you remember how you loved
that precious new life even before he or she was born? This baby didn’t know
you yet, and certainly didn’t love you, but it made no difference in your love
for him or her.
The love you felt was but a microscopic example of the great and lavish love
that God the Father has for you as His child! As that baby in your family grows,
you don’t lose the love you had but, indeed, it becomes even stronger as you
take delight in the new person God has created. Just as, when you become a
new person in Christ, God’s takes immeasurable delight in you. Because of the
gift of His son Jesus Christ, Christians know that God loves them and cannot
help but desire that all people should know and experience that love.
The greatest calling you will ever have is to show so much of the love of
Jesus to another person, that they want to know Him, too! In 2017, our partner
churches touched the lives of their neighbors with Christ’s love over 5000 times.
They served meals at the Flowing Oil Café, they mentored families in our Homes
of Hope, they took neighbors to doctors’ appointments, they helped to repair
homes, and they showed the love of Christ in a myriad of other ways. Why?
That’s easy. “We love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)
We pray that each of you will have the opportunity to reach out and reflect
Love In the Name of Christ this year by meeting the needs of your neighbors
when God brings them to your doorstep. There is no greater privilege!
Yours in Christ’s Service,
Kim Y. Wittel
Executive Director
The official registration and financial information of Westlanco Love INC may be obtained from the Pennsylvania
Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
1925 Wheatland Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603
“Come to me, all who labor and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
— Matthew 11:28
LOVE INC core values
1. We are Christian. Everything we think,
say and do is in the name of Christ.
2. Prayer is an integral part of who we are.
3. We follow Christ’s example of valuing
the poor and needy.
4. We value unity of the Body of Christ.
5. We value transformation in the lives of
people and communities.
6. We value churches living out the
two great commandments to love God
and love their neighbors.
7. We value building Christ-like relationships.
8. We value connectedness of the
Love INC movement.
9. We model excellence.
10. We value continually maturing in our
capacity to meet people’s needs.
Our Mission:
To mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ.