Advancing the Mission of Christ.Advancing the Mission of Christ.
Celebrating 60!
Ocial Publication of
502 Elizabeth Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601
Opened 1963
Calvary Fellowship Homes’
Mission Statement
Board Officers
Board Members
Membership in
Professional Organizations
Calvary Fellowship Homes’ mission is to serve
senior adults, enriching their lives in a manner
that glories our Lord Jesus Christ, and
maximizing their quality of life.
Board Chair Dr. Penny Clawson
Board Vice Chair Mr. Jon Sensenig
Treasurer Mr. James Martin
Secretary Mr. Je Dahl
President/CEO Mr. M. Dale Weaver
VP of Operations Mr. David Stott
Rev. Henry Heijermans
Mrs. Nancy James
Mr. Sheldon Myer
Rev. Robert Reid
Mr. Andrew Woolley
Rev. Jonathan Yoder
Mr. John Zeswitz
Lancaster Area Senior Services (LASS)
Mutual Assistance Group
Gleanings is a publication of
Calvary Fellowship Homes, Inc.
Message from the President… .................................... 3
Celebrating 60 Years – Dr. Penny Clawson ................4
New Faces in New Places… ........................................ 4
Welcome to Calvary ................................................... 5
Volunteer Appreciation Day ...................................... 6
Watercolor Painting Class .......................................... 6
Annual Benet Golf Tournament ........................7
Anniversary Banquet ...................................... 8-9
Transitions, Transformation & Change .................. 10
In Loving Memory .................................................... 11
Inspirations – Henry & Millie Buckwalter .............. 12
Welcome to Cranberry Village ................................. 13
Symbria Rehab Team ................................................ 14
Message from Cli Hurter .........................................15
Glimpses of Gleanings
On the Cover: Black & white photos are Calvary Homes circa
1963. Color photos show our beautiful campus today.
Calvary Homes
is pleased to
announce the
reopening of
Personal Care.
Our ve-star
nursing sta is
ready to meet
your personal
care and memory
support needs.
How may we
serve you?
Dale Weaver
roughout the year 2023,
Calvary Homes celebrates
60 years, as a beacon
for authentic Christian
community where people
care for each other and
the broader community.
Our mission continues: To
serve senior adults, enriching their lives in a manner
that glories our Lord Jesus Christ while maximizing
quality of life.
It is good to meet you. My name is Dale Weaver and
as of October 31, 2022, it is a privilege to serve and
lead Calvary Fellowship Homes as President and
CEO. While I have worked and served around the
world, Lancaster is and will always be “home. My
wife Ashlee and I have four children, nine-seven-
ve-and-two years old, and Ashlee works part-time
as a family Physician Assistant for WellSpan. We live
in Manheim Township, are raising our family in the
farmhouse where I grew up, and for over 12 years,
have faithfully attended and invested in Calvary
e Bible provides guidance on signicant
transitions like those at Calvary Homes. Transitions
including the President & CEO, the CFO, and the
Board Ocers. Moses and Joshua are an example: In
Deuteronomy 31, Moses reminds Israel that the Lord
is with them and will go with them through change
as they face the people of Canaan. And to Joshua, in
Joshua 1:5, “Just as I have been with Moses, I will be
with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.Reiterated
in Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong
and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for
the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
During transitions, Gods word to us is to trust in
Him and His faithfulness. It is vital that the Lord goes
with Calvary Homes through this time of change.
While I still have much to learn about Calvary Homes
history and operations, Calvary Homes will continue
our legacy of high quality of care. e PA Department
of Health, along with regulators from Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, completed our
Skilled Nursing Facility assessment in December and
the results rearmed Calvary Homes as a ve-star
healthcare center.
However, Calvary Homes does face signicant
challenges: 1) navigating the long-lasting impact
of the COVID pandemic with personal care and
healthcare services, 2) attracting baby boomers
by adjusting to their preferences and increased
expectations, and 3) addressing negative cash ow
operations so our mission can continue to thrive.
How can you help?
To you, the prospective Resident: please connect
with us! How can we meet your social, housing,
and faith needs? We are a welcoming, special
community to join.
To you, the current Resident and your family:
we are your advocate and partner. ank
you for trusting us as we enrich the lives
of Residents.
To you, the friend of Calvary Homes seeking
a meaningful place to work or volunteer:
Come join our team! We have immediate
opportunities for nurses, CNAs, medical
technicians, housekeepers, cooks, and
maintenance technicians.
To you, a donor or sponsor of Calvary Homes:
Our April 25th celebration at Calvary Church
was a big success because of you! Our needs
continue yet we are grateful for you and your
investment into Calvary Homes. ank you.
To all: please pray for Calvary Homes. For
discernment, for generosity in support of our
mission, and for our 360 residents and 120
Team Members who live our values and put our
mission into action.
Be encouraged throughout this Gleanings edition
celebrating 60 years of Calvary Homes.
Go with these encouraging words: Jesus answered,
saying “For God so loved the world, that he gave his
only Son, that whoever believes in him should not
perish but have eternal life.
Dale Weaver
President & CEO, Calvary Fellowship Homes
Message from the President
New Faces in New Places
Calvary Homes Welcomes
Andrew Amway
645 Elizabeth Drive
George & Mary Du
643 Elizabeth Drive
Clarence & Cleta Lefever
Hamilton Apt. 310
Irvin & Elizabeth Brenner
623 Frost Lane
Deborah Hunt
590F Elizabeth Drive
Heather McCarty
609 Frost Lane
Janice Crawford
Hamilton Apt. 312
Alvin & Jean Lapp
Hamilton Apt. 215
John Weaver
1512 Fellowship, Apt. 4
Celebrating 60 Years
Message from Calvary’s Board Chair
Sixty years is an important anniversary. By some it is known as the
diamond anniversary,” and that certainly expresses the signicance
of this year. Calvary Homes has been in existence for these 60 years
fullling its mission to serve senior adults enriching their lives in a
manner that glories the Lord Jesus Christ and maximizes their quality
of life. We do that every day and want to continue to do that for another
60 years, should the Lord tarry.
e celebration event on April 25 was a very special evening with
music by Silver, Wood and Ivory and a message from Dr. Peter Teague.
I prayed, asking the Lord for funds to reach $100,000, but the Lord
brought an abundance to a total of $108,000! is money given for
benevolent care will provide for our residents to receive the care and
fellowship we are committed to oer. ank you to each of you who
helped to attain that goal and beyond.
Please continue to celebrate God’s faithfulness all year long. ere are
other events of celebration, other opportunities to give for the care of
residents, and many other ways to engage with all the residents and
team members at Calvary Homes. I hope to see you there!
Dr. Penny Clawson
Calvary Homes Board Chair
Calvary welcomes new team members
Hannah Koszar
Director of Life Enrichment
Lisa Andrews
VP of Human Resources
Vince Reigle
VP of Finance/CFO
Susie Confer
Director of Marketing
Kevin Tancrell
Director of Environmental Services
Appreciation Day!
A celebration was held on April 20
, to
honor our dedicated volunteers with an Ice
Cream Social. Residents were able to make
their own sundaes with an assortment of
ice cream and toppings.
The event was a success, thanks to the
help of Dani Martin, Kelly Byers, Linsey
Wood, Emily Donton, and Brandon
Schmertz who all came together to help
us create a fun and exciting afternoon
for our volunteers.
We are grateful for all that our volunteers do
to support our organization and we look forward to continuing to grow and learn together. If you are interested in
volunteering here at Calvary Homes, please reach out to Sandra Causevic, Volunteer Coordinator at: 717-824-8867
Ext. #2067 or at
Le to right: Jan Schutsky, Millie & Don Ressler, Dani
Martin, Sandra Causevic, Emily Donton, Kelly Byers
ank you to Calvary resident and artist George Clark for sharing his amazing talents.
Looks like we’ve also got some very talented new artists.
Residents Enjoyed Water Color Class
From le to right:
Clair Hostetter, Anna Mae Weaver, Bobbie Brenneman, Judith Woods, Barbara Friedman
60th Anniversary Benefit Golf
Save the Date: September 21, 2023
Proceeds from our 18th Annual Golf Tournament help
provide benevolent care to our faithful residents.
Registration & Lunch - 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Shotgun Start - 12:30 pm Dinner & Awards - 6:00 pm
To sponsor or register for this event,
contact Ryan Murray at: 717-824-8816
Anniversary Benefit Golf Tournament
at Four Seasons Golf Club
60th Anniversary Banquet
Anniversary Banquet
Celebrating 60!Celebrating 60!
Advancing the Mission of Christ
On April 25
, Calvary Fellowship Homes celebrated at
Calvary Church our 60
year of service to our faithful
residents. e evening started with fellowship time for
guests to visit international missionary stations where
they could sample foods and drinks from dierent
countries from around the world where our residents
have served. Guests then enjoyed a delicious meal and
dessert prepared by the Calvary Church culinary team.
Aer dinner guests joined in congregational singing
followed by the premier of a short video about continuing
the mission of Calvary Homes. Musical entertainment
was provided by Silver, Wood, & Ivory, who performed
songs from their albums on piano and various types
of flutes. Following entertainment, guests heard a
message from our keynote speaker Dr. Peter Teague,
President Emeritus of Lancaster Bible College, about the
importance of staying on mission in retirement. Finally,
the evening concluded with the congregational singing
of To God be the Glory.
Our goal for the evening was to celebrate the success of
our mission over the last 60 years while raising $60,000
to support benevolent care of our residents. anks to
the overwhelming support of our residents, their families,
and our business partners in the community, we exceeded
our expectations for both attendance and fundraising at
the dinner. Here is a summary of the support we received:
In total, we were blessed with over
$108,000 in support of our benevolent
care for residents. Praise the Lord!
368 guests attended the dinner. is was
the maximum capacity for the venue!
ank you to all of our volunteers, employees, guests,
and sponsors who made our 60
anniversary dinner so
successful. Your support will enable us to continue our
mission for the next 60 years.
60th Anniversary Banquet
International Missionary Station
– Carl & Sandy Hodges
Employee Fellowship –
Diane Millhouse & Dawn Fogle
Resident & Employee Fellowship –
Louis Ginder & Stephanie Melick
Resident Fellowship – Jackie Nolt & Stew Brady
Fellowship Time – Dan Sauder & Paul Nelson
Resident Fellowship – from le: Kay Westcott,
Lorraine Kemery, Peggy Miller, & Gail Christian
Silver, Wood & Ivory performing
Transition, Transformation and Change
And God said, “Let there be lights in the rmament
of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and
let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days,
and years”:
Gen. 8:20-21 – And Noah builded an altar unto the
LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every
clean fowl, and oered burnt oerings on the altar.
And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD
said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground
any more for mans sake; for the imagination of mans
heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite
any more every thing living, as I have done.
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest,
and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day
and night shall not cease.
Transition, transformation and change are not al-
ways welcomed with favor or accepted favorably.
We are, oen, taken by surprise and have to adjust,
learning how to handle them in our journey through
life. Living long enough will warrant our experienc-
ing transition, transformation and we will change!
God factored in “seasons” in creating the earth and
universe. e word in Hebrew is “mow’ed” and
means “appointed times of transition.” Noah was
made aware by God that there would be appointed
times for seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, sum-
mer and winter, and day
and night. e process by
which transitions would
be made for life change
and transformation aer
coming out of the Ark.
Transition, transforma-
tion and change are in
the will of God for our
lives and, though it will
be challenging for us,
we will have transition-
al change in our world
and, ultimately, we will
be transformed into the
image of Christ.
Noah worshipped God, accepting transitional change; and
it moved the heart of God and caused him to establish
a new covenant in the earth aer the Flood. e Bible
truthfully makes us aware of the inevitabilities of change;
and the Holy Spirit reveals to us the things that must be
experienced as we traverse our way through them. Life is
a series of transitions, transformations and changes that
we must adjusted to in our journey through life. How
we handle these changes will determine the relevance of
God’s covenantal promises, as we continue to navigate
our way through life.
Chaplain Kevin Brown
In Loving Memory
Leon Overpeck
August 10, 2022
Flora Kreider
August 12, 2022
Beverly Burnaford
August 14, 2022
Tim James
October 5, 2022
Jeanette Brady
October 18, 2022
Keith Heller
November 4, 2022
Lois Early
November 23, 2022
Jack Noel
November 26, 2022
William Wiersma
December 3, 2022
Beatrice Bushong
December 8, 2022
Sandra Merritt
December 9, 2022
Charles Hackenberry
December 10, 2022
Eugene Henkel
December 12, 2022
Louise Arms
December 13, 2022
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William Kloppenburg
December 15, 2022
Ronald Gibson
December 28, 2022
Gloria Nelson
January 6, 2023
Mildred Branine
January 10, 2023
Elaine LeFevre
January 10, 2023
Hazel Stewart
January 24, 2023
Gilbert Gregory
March 29, 2023
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8
Inspirations — Henry & Millie Buckwalter
Ordinary people serving God in extraordinary ways
Henry & Millie Buckwalter
Henry and Millie have been married 54 years and
joined Calvary Homes in November of 2021.
e Buckwalters have served as missionaries in
Belize, Central America for a total of 11 years,
including a year in language school in San Jose,
Costa Rica. Ministry included pastoral work, church
planting, developing a Bible Institute by extension,
and leadership development. ey are involved in
planting ACTS Covenant Fellowship, Lancaster, PA
and were the rst pastoral couple. ACTS Covenant
planted another church in Strasburg, PA three years
ago. ey currently serve on the oversight team of
ACTS Covenant Fellowship.
e Buckwalters have also provided leadership
to developing Harvest Fellowship of Churches,
a non-denominational Evangelical Anabaptist
network of multi-cultural and multi-lingual
congregations in 11 states, plus Haiti and Canada.
In 2010, Henry helped to develop an international
network of groups from the U.S., India, Kenya,
and Cambodia, called Kingdom Life Network
of Christian Ministries. is network was built
through relationships and for accountability.
Henry served as vice-president and then president
of this network for 11 years until one year ago.
Further information is available by visiting
Over the years, Henry and Millie have had the
wonderful privilege to have ministered in Western
Europe, Central and Southeast Asia, Africa, Central
and South America. ey give glory to God for all
the ways they’ve been able to serve His Kingdom.
Currently, they are involved in mentoring several
pastors, leadership development of leaders in Haiti,
preaching in churches as invited, and oversight
ACTS Covenant Fellowship.
An Ordained minister for 50 years, Henry is a
graduate of Eastern Mennonite University with
a BA in Christian Ministries and Missions. Millie
is a graduate of Lancaster School of Practical
Nursing. Both are graduates of the Spanish
Language Institute in San Jose, Costa Rica. Both
have received extensive leadership training through
various organizations.
Henry has enjoyed building small scale buildings
since his childhood, while Millie enjoys reading.
ey have three married sons and four precious
Henry and Millie shared that their life has been
enriched by so many people from diverse cultures.
And now, they feel truly blessed and very happy to
be a part of the Calvary Homes Community and we
are very happy to have them with us. eir mission at
Calvary Homes is to be a blessing in our community
as the Lord continues to lead them in serving others.
Welcome to “Cranberry Village”
619 Glover Drive – The Home of Henry and Millie Buckwalter
Cranberry Village is a small model development
built by our grandchildren along with our help
during the summer of 2022. When we told our
grandchildren that we would be moving to Calvary
Homes, they were quite concerned that they
wouldn’t have an area to play in the soil like we had
at our previous home. We saw potential in a bush
behind our home. Aer brush was cleared out from
under the bush, the work began. is area is about
ve times greater than the one they previously had.
ey are happy! Almost all of the miniature houses
you see in this village were built that summer.
On September 24, 2022 we dedicated the Cranberry
Village open house to our dear, deceased neighbor,
Mrs. Beverly Burnaford. She was our biggest
supporter of the project, oen checking in on what was happening and showing the village to others. Our
grandchildren, Ian, Emma, and Will, loved giving her updates.
Beverly shared more than once, “Henry, you should build a school for Cranberry Village.” We are sorry
this didn’t happen while she was alive. However, at the open house on September 24, 2022, we unveiled the
“Beverly Burnaford Elementary School” for the Cranberry Village! We really, really miss you, Bev!
Meet the Symbria Team
Meet Your Rehab Team!
e members of your Symbria Rehab team are excited to join the Calvary Homes community and begin
serving your rehabilitation needs. We are experienced and compassionate therapists who are passionate
about helping older adults extend their independence and thrive in their homes.
Together we specialize in:
vestibular rehab, balance, and fall prevention
urinary incontinence
pain management
neurological conditions
wheelchair positioning
cognitive therapy
dysphagia management
And our prehab program prepares people for upcoming orthopedic procedures to help speed their
recovery aer surgery.
We hope youll plan to stop by the therapy gym to say hello. We look forward to meeting you and
answering any questions you may have!
Allison “Ali” Weber, Program Manager, COTA
Ali graduated from Penn State in 2003. She has been a
program manager since 2010. Ali enjoys working with older
adults and listening to their unique stories. Ali’s clinical
interests include seating/positioning, falls prevention,
and functional rehabilitation. Outside of work, Ali enjoys
spending time with her two daughters and husband while
camping and traveling.
Allison Weber
Symbria Team Members
David Banz PT — David has been a PT for six years and joined our Calvary Team in March of this year
Trevor Kolp PTA — Trevor has been a PTA for two years and joined our Calvary Team in February of this year
Kristen Fox OT — Kristen has been an OT for 15 years and joined our Calvary Team in October 2022
Ashley Schwarz SLP — Ashley has been an SLP for six years and joined our Calvary Team in October
Adriane Shroyer SLP — Adriane has been an SLP for 10 years and joined our Calvary Team in December
ese therapists bring diverse backgrounds and knowledge which will help residents in progressing
and maintaining independence. e team is happy to be here and to serve the Calvary residents.
Message from Cliff Hurter
As I write my last Gleanings article, Im wondering how I sum up the last 42
years! ey sure have own by so quickly. ere have been so many good years
and also tough years especially during the COVID restrictions, but through it
all the Lord has blessed Calvary Homes. It has truly been a privilege to serve
the residents and sta as well as their families and other ancillary partners.
How exciting it has been to see how Calvary Homes has grown with new
residents and new buildings through the years. I am blessed to have been a
part of what God has done here.
ank you to each of you who have shared in my journey with Calvary Homes.
e friendships and contacts I have made have richly impacted my life. I will
miss the daily interactions with my Calvary Homes family, but the memories
and the friendships Carol and I have made will be treasured forever. Our
thoughts and prayers will surround Dale and the leadership team as they move
ahead to the next chapter at Calvary Homes.
Celebrating 42 years of faithful service
502 Elizabeth Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601