Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 1 of 35
Agenda for Change (AfC) job evaluation and matching
policy and procedure
Solent NHS Trust policies can only be considered to be valid and up to date if.
viewed on the intranet. Please visit the intranet for the latest version.
Purpose of Agreement
To inform managers when completing job
descriptions and person specifications for staff
under the Agenda for Change Terms and
Document Type
Reference Number
Name of Approving Committees/Groups
Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee
(JCNC), Policy Steering Group, Clinical
Executive Group
Operational Date
March 2021
Document Review Date
March 2024
Document Sponsor (Job Title)
Chief People Officer
Document Manager (Job Title)
Head of People Operations
Document developed in consultation
Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee,
Staff side chair/leads, People & OD team,
trained managers, and trade Union matchers,
Intranet Location
Business Zone > Policies, SOPs and Clinical
Website Location
Publication Scheme
Keywords (for website/intranet
Agenda for change, AFC, job evaluation,
evaluation, job matching, matching, pay,
banding, job description, person specification,
Policy, HR38
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 2 of 35
Amendments Summary:
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JCNC 21 January 2021
Policy Steering Group
Clinical Executive Group
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 3 of 35
Based on the principles of partnership working, Solent NHS Trust aim to ensure that job matching,
and evaluation continues to be managed in a fair, objective, and consistent manner in accordance
with the national NHS Job Evaluation Scheme.
Job matching or evaluation is related to the post and not the individual person who happens to
be in the post at any given time.
Who this policy is for:
All staff employed on NHS Terms & Conditions (Agenda for Change (AfC)).
When it applies:
Prior to recruiting a new position and there is no suitable job description and person
specification to use
When the responsibilities of the job but not the volume of work have significantly
changed, and you wish to apply for the banding of it to be reviewed.
It is associated with a wider organisation change programme where new roles have been
developed and/or significant changes to existing roles will be an outcome.
Vacancies in a department structure lead to a reorganisation of work and there is a clear
need to adjust the duties of a post.
This policy & procedure explains…
When it is appropriate to request a job matching or job evaluation review
How the process works and how long it takes
Who is responsible at the different stages
Who can provide support with queries
How it is cross-referenced to our other Policies
The right to appeal a matching outcome in the event the process has not been followed.
Flowcharts to support this Policy & Procedure are provided within appendix C of this document.
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Table of Contents
Appendix A: Job Design Questionnaire
Appendix B: Model template Job Description and person specification
Appendix C: Job Matching Process Flow Charts
Appendix D: Appeal Process
Appendix E: Equality Impact Assessment
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 5 of 35
Agenda for Change (AfC) Job evaluation & matching policy and procedure
1.1 Solent NHS Trust is committed to ensuring an equitable and robust pay structure through
the application of a fair, consistent, and transparent comprehensive job evaluation
system across the Trust for all posts that are subject to Agenda for Change terms and
conditions of service.
1.2 The Trust is committed to providing equal pay for equal work and to working in
partnership with Staff-Side to ensure that this is delivered.
1.3 The nationally agreed job evaluation scheme must be used to determine the correct pay
band for all posts across the organisation. It is anticipated that the majority of posts will
be matched to a national profile.
1.4 The scheme will be operated in a robust and transparent manner and in accordance with
the agreed procedures detailed in this document.
1.5 The procedure will be supported by comprehensive records at each stage which may be
used for effective evidencing of decisions, monitoring and audit purposes.
1.6 This policy/procedure has been produced in order to assist managers when completing
and reviewing job descriptions/person specifications subject to Agenda for Change (AFC).
1.7 Under Agenda for Change (AFC) all jobs have to be considered against sixteen separate
criteria, to establish the AFC banding that particular job should be placed on (these can be
found within appendix A Job Design form).
1.8 In order to match a job, it is important that job descriptions and person specifications are
clear and specify exactly what the individual is required to do to undertake the duties of
the job. It is the job which is banded not the individual.
1.9 A key component of this procedure is that the manager has the opportunity to speak to a
trained matcher before they invest time in amending an existing job description or
developing a new job description. This will help to prevent any unnecessary delays in the
process or re-work at a later date.
1.10 Once the job description and person specification for a job has been reviewed (and
agreed with the individual, if currently in the job), it can be sent for consideration by a
matching panel.
1.11 Although the panel will be able to request further additional information, if necessary, it
is in everyone’s best interest if the original paperwork contains all of the relevant
information the panel will require. If in any doubt, it is recommended the manager refer
to appendix A.
2.1 This policy and procedure applies to all directly employed staff employed within the Trust
who are employed under Agenda for Change (AfC) terms and conditions. This policy and
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procedure do not apply to staff employed under the Doctors and Dentists Terms and
Conditions of Employment or the Very Senior Manager Pay Framework (Directors).
2.2 Matching occurs when trained panellists consisting of both line management and
colleague representatives are able to match a job description to a nationally agreed
profile. This profile describes a post which is standard within the NHS and which has
many common features with other similar roles. A list of all National Profiles can be
accessed on the NHS Employers website at Panels can be
undertaken by trained panellists, with management and trade union colleagues, in equal
number, or we can outsource job matching and consistency checking to a reputable and
fully trained third party provider in the interests of efficiency.
2.3 Job Evaluation occurs only when it has not been possible to match a post against a
national profile because the role is unique and/or significantly different to other similar
roles elsewhere in the NHS. Posts which are unable to be matched against a national
profile will be evaluated using a Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ), which will be agreed by
you (if appropriate) and your line manager with support and guidance from trained
3.1 Factors considered when matching or evaluating a job.
The sixteen factors considered by the matching panel can be found within appendix A
Each of these factors are weighted. Each submission will be checked by a matching panel
to see if the factor weights for the job being considered match one of the many national
profiles, within certain boundary criteria.
3.2 Development of a job description
3.2.1 It is important that each job description contains sufficient information on each of the
factors described above. The job design form, which can be found in appendix A has been
designed to provide all of the information required to develop a clear and effective job
3.2.2 Overall, it is important that the job description is specific, measurable, realistic, and
timely about the duties that individuals undertake. A copy of the template job description
in use within the Trust is enclosed at appendix B.
3.3 Development of a Person Specification
3.3.1 Person specifications are used to determine the skills and abilities, knowledge and
experience which are requirements of the job, and should be used for shortlisting
suitable candidates during the recruitment process to help assure only suitable
candidates are interviewed. It is generally expected, however, that the successful
candidate would have the necessary skills to undertake the job and capacity / ability to
develop further over a period of time. The jobseeker should demonstrate within the
application and selection process they fulfil the necessary skills and competencies to
undertake the job.
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3.3.2 In the person specification, details of the essential qualifications required to undertake
the job should be included together with any experience that it is essential in order for
the individual to undertake the duties. For example, if the individual needs a degree in
nursing this must be specified, as must additional qualifications in health visiting, child
protection, cardiology, district nursing, etc. if they are essential for the individual to
undertake the duties.
3.3.3 The manager also needs to consider the level of experience an individual must have
before they can undertake the job. Is it possible for example for the individual to be able
to undertake the duties if they are recently qualified? Do they need a specified period of
time after qualification? Do they need experience managing budgets, handling difficult
situations, juggling priorities, counselling skills for example?
3.3.4 When specifying requirements of the role it is important to ensure that we recognise our
local communities have a wealth of relevant experience and skills which may not have
been gained via the usual educational or career routes. In addition, Solent are able to
provide reasonable adjustments in the workplace for individuals who require support
with access, sight, hearing and neuro-divergencies (for example). So, “requires RSA level
3” may be more appropriately described as “can accurately transcribe meetings with
multiple attendees, via audio or in person to a standard of x words per minute.
3.3.5 In all but exceptional circumstances managers should not specify a minimum number of
years’ experience required for any job as this does not necessarily relate directly to an
individual’s competence and may, in fact, contravene age discrimination legislation.
3.3.6 Solent NHS Trust promotes a range of employee friendly working practices and, as such,
the recruiting manager should consider which of these options may suit the particular job
which is being advertised.
3.3.7 It is also important to consider what other skills are required in order to undertake the
duties. If under a safe system of work an individual is required to be a first aider, then the
person specification must reflect this. Alternatively, if it is a genuine occupational
requirement, they hold a valid full driving licence or a PSV licence in order to do their
duties this must be specified. Please note a requirement to attend meetings on a variety
of sites would not make driving a genuine occupational requirement. Also please
remember that holding a UK driving licence does not mean an individual is able to drive in
the UK. In all cases it must be stated that the individual is legally able to work in the UK.
3.3.8 When looking at the skills they are required to undertake the duties, managers need to
again consider what is essential and what is only desirable. If they must be able to
produce complex spreadsheets or databases, then it needs to be recorded. Manual
handling, infection control, health and safety procedures should not be forgotten.
A copy of the person specification in use within the Trust provided in appendix B.
3.4 Additional Information
3.4.1 The job design form seeks to provide opportunity for the manager to provide
supplementary information which would not normally be available from a job description
or person specification.
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3.4.2 An organisational tree which specifies where the individual sits within the service line and
Trust should be provided.
3.4.3 If a manager wants to ensure they have included all of the relevant information, it is
recommended they refer to appendix A Job Design form.
3.5 The process:
3.5.1 Where a manager has identified a need for a new job, or the need to review an existing
job then the manager should seek the advice of a trained matcher prior to investing any
time into developing a job description. This is to ensure they are following the most
appropriate process to resolve the identified need within their team.
3.5.2 When a job becomes vacant, the manager should consider both current and future
service needs, taking account of skill mix requirements and job design, and ensuring that
any recruitment activities are consistent with the workforce plan for the service. Any
relevant factors which have been highlighted by a previous incumbent of the job should
also be borne in mind when reviewing a job description for the purposes of recruitment.
3.5.3 Managers will be provided with access to a trained matcher, who they will be encouraged
to contact as soon as the need to recruit or develop a new job is identified by emailing
[email protected] . The trained matcher will call the manager by return and: Signpost the manager to a template or existing job description which is
appropriate, enabling the job to go straight to recruitment and/or avoiding the
need for unnecessary matching. Advise the manager of the substance of the changes they are proposing to make
and the most appropriate method of accommodating the changes within our job
evaluation/matching and/or pay framework. It may be that the changes the
manager is wishing to make are purely contextual and can be met by utilising the
department specific section of our template job descriptions, thereby enabling
the job to go straight to recruitment and/or avoiding the need for unnecessary
matching. Where the changes the manager wishes to make are, in the view of a
trained matcher, substantive, then the changes to the job description should be
made by the manager using the tracked changes function, to the standard
outlined within the Job Design form (appendix A). Or provide the manager with a Job Design Form which encourages the manager
to capture all the relevant aspects of a job, with guidance provided at each stage,
to support the development of an effective job description. This form will then be
passed to the matching panel who will have all of the information they require to
match effectively within the single document. The inclusion of an organisation
chart is advised to help set the context for the job. The Job Design form can be
located in appendix A. Once a job design form has been used to match the job the
contents of the form will be used to develop an inclusive and accessible job
description to support effective recruitment to the new job.
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3.5.4 Following receipt of advice from a trained matcher, the manager must provide the
relevant documentation to, the matching team will schedule
a panel to take place within 3 weeks of receipt of the correct information (the
documentation must provide the relevant information in an appropriate format to enable
the panel to match or evaluate the job effectively).
3.5.5 Matching panels typically take place once each week based upon the availability of
trained management side and staff side matchers.
3.5.6 Where the job requires matching the panel will be set up on the Intelligent Job Evaluation
System (IJES) by the Matching Administrator and the manager advised accordingly. The
manager, or nominated delegate, will be asked to remain contactable to enable any
queries to be resolved “on-the-spot”.
3.5.7 The Matching Team will select the national job profile most appropriate to the job being
3.5.8 The matching panel will usually take place with both management and staff side present
at the same time. The panel will use IJES to undertake and capture the results.
3.5.9 The job will then be passed for consistency checking. Consistency checking will typically
take place once every two weeks. The purpose of consistency checking is to review the
outcome of the job matching taking into account the job family (vertical consistency) and
equivalent jobs across the organisation (horizontal consistency).
3.5.10 Once consistency is complete, the manager will be advised of the outcome by the
Matching administrator.
3.5.11 The outcome of the matching panel can be appealed (once) with the expectation
sufficient evidence will be provided to support the appeal. Any appeal will be undertaken
as part of the Job Evaluation/Matching process, Matters relating to job
evaluation/matching are not otherwise included in the scope of the Trust’s Resolution
3.5.12 The job can be passed for recruitment, or in the case of a bone-fide review of an existing
job with an incumbent job holder in place, any change in banding (once approved) can be
3.5.13 The resulting job description will be reviewed by the manager and a trained member of
the P&OD team to ensure it is on the correct Solent template and is written inclusively to
attract a diverse pool of applicants.
A flow chart of the matching and evaluation process is available in appendix C, while
appendix D explains the appeal process.
4.1 Trust Board Responsibilities
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The Trust Board has a responsibility to treat staff fairly and equitably and to ensure that
pay arrangements comply with Equal Pay legislation. It also has the responsibility to ensure
that mechanisms are in place so that when jobs alter, they can be re-assessed. This policy
and procedure set out the mechanisms that will operate and the processes that will be
followed. The Chief Executive and Executive Directors also have the responsibility to ensure
that this procedure is adhered to in the areas of the Trust that they directly manage and
for which they have link responsibility.
4.2 Manager’s Responsibilities:
to ensure that staff are aware of this procedure.
to ensure that job descriptions are accurate and up to date, by undertaking an informal
review with job holders on a regular basis, usually at least once annually, during the
annual appraisal cycle. Where a role has significantly changed during the period the
manager will take appropriate steps (as outlined within this policy & procedure) to
understand whether the role requires re-matching.
to ensure that the appropriate budgeted establishment is available to support a
potential change in banding.
to work in partnership with staff and where appropriate staff representatives when
establishing new posts as a result of organisational change or service development.
to draw up and agree job descriptions, person specifications or complete a job design
form as required, dependent upon the circumstances.
to allow trained matching/evaluation panel members time to participate in panels.
to provide accurate information to matching/evaluation panels.
4.3 Employee Responsibilities:
Over time job roles develop and it is every employee’s responsibility to be flexible to
accommodate different ways of working to improve services. If a role significantly develops
the job description and person specification for the post may need to be reviewed,
updated, and signed when agreed by the manager and post-holders. It is the employees’
responsibility and right to co-operate with and contribute to this process. It is also the
employee’s responsibility to provide accurate information to a panel if the post goes
through a matching/evaluation process.
4.4 People & Organisational Development Responsibilities
People & Organisational Development will arrange panel sessions and schedule posts
to be matched/evaluated with managers and post-holders (if any) to attend to provide
clarification and further information. The Department will maintain
matched/evaluated posts within the Intelligent Job Evaluation System (IJES) and
produce information to aid consistency checking to ensure that any results that appear
out of line with similar posts are checked to ensure that the system is operating
effectively and fairly.
Information regarding matching and evaluation outcomes will be kept securely and
confidentially. Outcomes for new posts and where bandings increase will be notified
to the People Services team. Post-holders, if any, and the manager for the post will be
notified of the outcome.
Training for panel members will be arranged by the Department and will be delivered
in partnership with staff side.
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4.5 Staff Side Responsibilities - It is the responsibility of the unions and staff organisations
recognised by the Trust to:
work in partnership with managers when consulted on new posts that are being
provide a representative(s) to be trained in delivering the job matching and evaluation
training and who will deliver that training in partnership.
provide representatives who will be trained in the job matching and evaluation processes
and participate in panels.
4.6 Job Matching/Evaluation Panel Member’s Responsibilities Panel members will:
ensure that confidentiality regarding panel discussions and matching/evaluation outcomes
are maintained at all times.
carry out the matching and evaluation processes in a fair and equitable manner, recording
panel discussions and decisions in the format required.
participate in refresher training.
commit to participate in panel meetings and will notify the People & OD Department at the
earliest opportunity should they not be able to attend their scheduled session.
5.1 Trained matching panel members have been provided with access to training to use the
intelligent job evaluation system (IJES)
5.2 Matching refresher training has been provided and will be reviewed annually with the
opportunity to shadow experienced matchers.
5.3 Trained matchers will be provided with coaching and mentoring to advise and support
managers to use and develop good quality job descriptions, at the outset of the process.
5.4 Communications will be developed for managers to explain the policy and procedure and
to signpost them to advice and support.
5.5 Senior managers will be briefed via their Head of People, in order that they can support
their line managers to access the right support to develop accurate and meaningful job
5.6 Where guidance is required, the People & OD department (Matching) team will provide
advice and guidance for individual managers as required.
6.1 Solent NHS Trust is committed to treating people fairly and equitably regardless of their
age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and
maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; or sexual orientation. An equality impact assessment
has been carried out for this guide, which is attached at appendix E, and no significant
issues have been identified.
7.1 Compliance and effectiveness of this policy will be monitored through submission of an
annual report to the Joint Consultation &Negotiating Committee (JCNC) , which will
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 12 of 35
provide details of the number of posts reviewed by panels, the outcomes and the
proportion of roles able to be successfully matched at the first time of presentation to the
matching panel.
7.2 The Head of People Operations will ensure any subsequent recommendations are
undertaken and incorporated into this policy & Procedure if appropriate.
7.3 Non-compliance with this policy/procedure will be reported to the Chief People Officer
and subject to investigation as appropriate.
8.1 This document may be reviewed at any time at the request of either staff side or
management but will automatically be reviewed 3 years from initial approval and
thereafter on a triennial basis unless organisational changes, legislation, guidance, or non-
compliance prompt an earlier review.
9.1 NHS Job Evaluation Handbook - NHS Employers
9.2 NHS Terms and Conditions of service handbook NHS Terms and Conditions of Service
Handbook - NHS Employers
9.2 Recruitment procedure
9.3 Starting pay and progression procedure.
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Appendix A Designing a new job role questionnaire
Proposed job title
Ideally “does what it says on the tin”. For example, we
recommend Nurse Diabetic Pathway or, Project Manager IT
Infrastructure, or Human Resources - Adviser
Overarching description of role
Please also indicate if this is a training
role i.e., apprenticeship role
For example:
Is the first point of contact for all telephone enquiries
from members of the public due to attend the chest clinic,
colleagues, medical, and other professionals, enquiries
are prioritise and passed on to the most appropriate
What is purpose of role?
What will be achieved by having this role
in your structure?
How would success of the role be
For example:
Making appointments, explaining the reason for any
delay, and dealing with routine.
Enquiries of a similar nature are actioned by the
individual without reference to others.
Where does the role sit in the
organisation and department
Please provide organisation structure with proposed role
positioned within it.
Please paste organisation structure
document here
Who does the role report to?
Please provide the job title to which the new role reports into
Please complete the information below to support the development of a job description and person specification
The role will then be matched
You do not need to supply a separate job description or person specification at this stage
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Communication & Relationship
Measures the skills required to
communicate, establish, and
maintain relationships and
gain co-operation of others.
Takes account of skills
required to motivate,
negotiate, persuade, make
presentations, train others,
empathise, communicate
unpleasant news sensitively
and provide counselling and
re-assurance. It also takes
account of difficulties involved
in exercising these skills.
Main type of clients/ patient’s individual corresponds with:
(e.g., children, stroke patients, mental special needs, elderly or
frail, deaf, individuals who have difficulty understanding complex
messages or whose first language is not English, bereaved,
assault victims, terminally ill.)
For example:
Composes routine letters and emails on a daily basis,
regarding appointments and similar information. More
complex letters are typed on behalf of others.
It is important to show the level of the work being
undertaken and the level of any tact or persuasive skills
needed. If the individual is needed to communicate in a
language other than English of where there are specific
communication difficulties (young children, disabilities)
these need to be explicit.
Knowledge, Training &
Theoretical and practical
knowledge; professional,
specialist or technical
knowledge; and knowledge of
the policies, practices and
procedures associated with the
Measures all the forms of
knowledge required to fulfil the
Please articulate specific minimum qualifications and/or evidence
of competencies required to take the role here, or their equivalent.
Please refer to the qualification table provided. Please also avoid
requesting experience defined by time wherever possible.
How much induction does the individual require in order to do the
job? (a day, a week, a month, longer than this)
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job responsibilities
satisfactorily. This includes
theoretical and practical
knowledge; professional,
specialist or technical
knowledge; and knowledge of
the policies, practices and
procedures associated with the
It takes account of the educational level
normally expected as well as the equivalent
level of knowledge gained without
undertaking a formal course of study; and the
practical experience required.
Analytical and Judgement Skills
Measures the analytical and
judgement skills required to fulfil
the job responsibilities
It takes account of requirements
for analytical skills to diagnose a
problem or illness and
understand complex situations
or information; and judgmental
skills to formulate solutions and
recommend/decide on the best
course of action/treatment.
For example:
Collects statistical information about the number of
patients attending clinics, recording it onto a
spreadsheet or the RIO computer system and
obtaining reports on a monthly basis, on average.
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Planning and Organisational
Measures the planning and Organisational
skills required to fulfil the job responsibilities
satisfactorily. It also takes account of the
complexity and degree of uncertainty
involved in activities.
Takes account of the skills required for activities such
as planning or organising clinical or non-clinical
services, departments, rotas, meetings, conferences
and for strategic planning. For example:
Organises weekly case conferences on a variety of sites
with clinicians, typing reports following the case
conferences within specified timescales whilst ensuring
confidentiality is maintained. Taking minutes at ad hoc
management meetings, distributing them as appropriate.
Physical Skills
Considers hand-eye co-ordination, sensory skills (sight,
hearing, touch, taste, and smell) dexterity, manipulation,
requirements for speed and accuracy, keyboard and
driving skill.
Responsibility for
Patient/Client Care
For clinical staff it is
important to state the
exact level of care
For example: A Health Care
Assistant on a ward would
provide personal care to
patients, while a Primary nurse
would develop programmes of
care. Implementing
programmes of care will include
making minor modifications to
the care plan within specified
This would probably be missed on current administrative
job descriptions. However, in the case of a medical
secretary or ward clerk it may be appropriate to include:
Advising patients on a daily basis about appointments etc.
For a porter it could include moving patients from one
ward to another. While other ancillary workers could
include providing ancillary services direct to patients,
such as drinks, housekeeping duties on wards.
Words like specialist or highly specialist should not be
used; instead, specific examples should be given in the
job description which would indicate the nature of the
duties. Examples could include providing advice to
colleagues on safeguarding issues. It would be
reasonable to expect the person specification to require
additional training or qualifications if an individual is a
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Responsibility for
Policy and Service
The level to which
they develop and use
Do they:
follow policies,
have responsibility for implementing them,
develop them for their service area, Directorate, Trust or
It is important that the level of responsibility is specified.
Does the role have
responsibility for finance or
Measures the responsibilities of
the job holder for financial
resources (including cash,
vouchers, cheques, debits, and
credits, invoice payment,
budgets, revenues, income
generation); and physical assets
(including clinical, office, and
other equipment; tools and
instruments, vehicles, plant, and
machinery; premises, fittings,
and fixtures; personal
possessions of patients/clients
or others; goods, produce,
stocks and supplies).
It is important to say what financial and other resources
individuals are responsible for.
Takes account of the nature of the responsibility (for
example, careful use, security, maintenance, budgetary
and ordering responsibilities); the frequency with which
it is exercised; the value of the resources; and the
degree to which the responsibility is shared with others.
For example, are they:
An authorised signatory,
Responsible for monitoring budgets,
Holding a delegated budget from a service,
A budget holder (accountable for the spending within a
specified budget),
A multiple budget holder for several sites.
Alternatively, do they handle cash at least weekly,
Or have overall responsibility for the safe use of equipment
used by others.
Human Resources
Will the role have line
management responsibility or
responsibility for people related
Specify the level of responsibility the individual has for
staff, including the training of others. For example:
Do they supervise staff by allocating work on a day to day
Provide on average weekly clinical/professional
supervision, or training in own discipline?
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Includes responsibility for such
personnel functions as
recruitment, discipline, appraisal
and career development; and
the long-term development of
human resources.
The emphasis is on the nature of
the responsibility, rather than the
precise numbers of those
supervised, coordinated or
It includes work planning and allocation;
checking and evaluating work;
undertaking clinical supervision;
identifying training needs; developing
and/or implementing training
programmes; teaching staff, students, or
trainees; and continuing professional
development (CPD).
Are they responsible for undertaking NVQ assessments?
Do they manage a group of staff (including
undertaking appraisals, first level of disciplinary
and other action)?
Alternatively, is a major part of their job teaching or devising
Responsibility for
Information Resources.
Measures the responsibilities
of the job for information
resources (for example,
computerised; paper based;
microfiche) and information
systems (both hardware and
software, for example,
medical records).
It takes account of the nature
of the responsibility (security;
processing and generating
For example, do they:
Record personally generated information such
as clinical observations, time sheets, etc.
Have responsibility for data entry and storage of data.
Have to create formal databases or spreadsheets
using computer systems. It is essential that the
frequency of this work is included.
Take and transcribe formal minutes such as board
minutes, case conferences etc. It does not include
taking notes at departmental meetings or
processing notes taken by others.
Adapts information systems for others on an
ongoing basis. Does not include one off
adaptations to systems in the employees’ area of
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 19 of 35
information; creation, updating
and maintenance of
information databases or
systems); and the degree to
which it is shared with others.
It assumes that all NHS
information is confidential.
Design and develop significant systems for others.
Manage and Develop systems at a Departmental level as a
major part of their job.
Have corporate responsibility for the provision of information
systems for the organisation.
Responsibility for research
and development
Measures the responsibilities of
the job for informal and formal
clinical or non-clinical research
and development activities
underpinned by appropriate
methodology and
documentation, including formal
testing or evaluation of drugs,
or clinical or non-clinical
It is important that the job description specifies
exactly what level if any of research and
development the individual undertakes. For
How often do they undertake research and
development activities, including testing drugs
or equipment, formal non-clinical research
(human resources, communications, health
education) or formal clinical research?
Do they undertake surveys or audits?
Research and Development is at least 20% of the job.
Do they control, co-ordinate and
implement Research and Development
programmes or activity as a requirement
of the job?
Is a substantial part of the job initiating and developing research
and development programmes which can include securing of
funding and supports the objectives of the organisation or wider
health service. It is important to specify the level involved.
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Freedom to Act.
Measures the extent to which the
job holder is required to be
accountable for their own actions
and those of others, to use their
own initiative and act
independently; and the discretion
allowed to the job holder to take
It takes account of any
restrictions on the job holder’s
freedom to act imposed by, for
example, supervisory control;
instructions, procedures,
practices, and policies;
professional, technical, or
occupational codes of practice
or other ethical guidelines; the
nature or system in which the
job operates; the position of the
job within the organisation; and
the existence of any statutory
responsibility for service
Are they guided by standard operating
procedures, good practice, established
precedents etc., but can seek advice on non-
routine matters?
Work may be checked randomly or on a sample
Are they guided by codes of conduct, precedent
and clearly defined occupational policies?
Work being managed rather than supervised. This
will apply to qualified professional staff.
Are they guided by principles, broad occupational
policies, and legislation?
This will include departmental managers, and clinical
practitioners who specialise in a particular field.
Are they guided by general health, organisational or
broad occupational policies but provide advice to
the organisation on how they should be
interpreted? Normally only one job in any service
could be assessed at this level.
Are they required to interpret overall health service
policy and strategy, setting goals and standards for
Physical Effort
Measures the nature, level,
frequency, and duration of the
physical effort (sustained effort
at a similar level or sudden
explosive effort) required for the
Physical Effort:
Takes account of any circumstances that may affect the
degree of effort required, such as working in an
awkward position or confined space.
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Mental Effort
Measures the nature, level,
frequency, and duration of the
metal effort required for the
job (for example
concentration, responding to
unpredictable work patterns,
interruptions, and the need to
meet deadlines).
Emotional Effort
Measures the nature, level,
frequency, and duration
demands of the emotional effort
required to undertake clinical or
non-clinical duties that are
generally considered to be
distressing and/or demanding.
Mental Effort: The amount of concentration that is
required by an individual to undertake the role should be
For example, if an individual is required to draft long
reports. An assessment of the amount of time spent
answering telephone enquires or dealing with other
queries would be beneficial.
Emotional Effort: Again, it should be possible to
assess the amount of emotional effort required to
undertake the job.
It is important that the frequency of undertaking tasks
is assessed. For example, an individual who is caring
for the terminally ill may deal with distressing
situations more frequently than an individual who
works with orthopaedic patients.
Make sure the type of client group provided e.g.
responsible for drafting care plans for patients with
terminal or other illnesses, on a daily basis, providing
emotional support to them and relatives as appropriate.
Working Conditions
Measures the nature, level,
frequency, and duration of
demands arising from inevitably
adverse environmental
Such as inclement weather, extreme heat/cold, smells,
noise, and fumes and hazards, which are unavoidable
(even with the strictest health and safety controls), such
as road traffic accidents, spills of harmful chemicals,
aggressive behaviour of patients, clients, relatives,
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 22 of 35
Does the job entail sitting or standing in a restricted position for a
substantial period of the working day (at a keyboard, driving, using
a telephone headset, standing at a machine in a restricted area,
standing while serving meals or making sandwiches)?
Working Conditions
pulling objects between 6 and 1 kilos, moving patients with
mechanical aids over 15 kilos, manoeuvring patients for treatment
or personal care purposes, running from a standing start)? HOW
OFTEN (Each shift, more frequently, less frequently, never)
lifting objects over 15 kilos without mechanical aids, lifting heavy
containers, heavy manual digging, heavy duty pot washing,
running from a standing start pushing a trolley)? HOW OFTEN
(more than once a shift, weekly, monthly, less often.) ON
minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, longer than this)
WITH dirt, dust, smells, noise, inclement weather, and extreme
temperatures (several times a week, three times a month, less
frequently than this, never)
body fluids, foul linen, fleas, lice, noxious fumes (several times a
week, three times a month, less frequently than this, never)
face physical aggression, spills of harmful chemicals, and road
traffic accidents at work? Is this on a ward, in the community, on
Trust premises?
WORK (daily, weekly, several times a week) not home to work or
COMPUTER AT WORK (several hours a day, less frequently)
OUTDOORS (weekly, several times a week, less frequently,
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Appendix 2 Model template Job Description and person specification
Job Description
** this template will cover the requirements of the majority of administrative roles. There is a
separate template format designed for clinical roles which covers the additional factors related
to undertaking a professional clinical role within Solent NHS Trust**.
Position Details
Hours per week
Accountable to:
Purpose of the Position
Summary (no more than 2 paragraphs) here
Service Description:
Please note that this section is to be added by the service and must be approved by the relevant manager.
Please also ensure that the following information is recorded in this section:
Identified patient/client group for the role
Area of speciality/ clinical practice and setting that role will primarily be delivered in.
Key points of integration and collaboration with other teams; services or providers
The anticipated outcomes of the role/intervention
Main duties
Role duties
Team duties
Customer/patient/service user//other stakeholder duties
Management and Leadership (where appropriate)
Limits of Authority
May/may not suspend staff under the disciplinary procedures.
May/may not dismiss staff under the disciplinary procedures.
May not take annual leave without prior agreement of the manager
General Requirements
Ensure they and where appropriate their staff:
o adhere to trust policies and procedures at all times,
o comply with trust standing orders, standing financial instructions, policies, procedures, and
o follow any policies and procedures in relation to infection, prevention, and control.
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o are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children, and vulnerable
adults, and the specific responsibilities placed on individuals who care for such
o take all reasonable steps to manage and promote a safe and healthy working environment
which is free from discrimination,
o comply with the trust policy on confidentiality, and the Data Protection Act 1998 as
amended, relating to information held manually or on computerised systems,
o respect the confidentiality and privacy of clients and staff at all times,
o maintain a constant awareness of health, welfare and safety issues affecting colleagues,
patients, visitors, and themselves, reporting any accidents or fault in line with trust policy,
o fully participate in health and safety training,
o participate in personal training, development, appraisal, and attend all relevant training
courses as required.
o comply with the professional body code of conduct
This job description seeks to outline the key duties and responsibilities of the post; it is not a
definitive document and does not form part of the main statement of Terms and Conditions. The
job description will be reviewed during the annual appraisal process.
The post holder may, with their agreement, which should not reasonably be withheld, be required
to undertake other duties as required, which fall within the grading of this post, to meet the needs
of this new and developing service.
Individuals who are required to hold a professional registration in order to practice must continue
to be a member of their professional body throughout the lifespan of this job description. Such
individuals will be required to notify the Trust immediately if their professional body limits or
changes the terms of their registration.
This job description will be reviewed yearly as part of the annual individual appraisal, to ensure that
it reflects the responsibilities of the post. No changes will be made without full consultation with
the post holder.
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Where a specific requirement is identified, Solent NHS Trust will
consider relevant skills and experience obtained via an alternative route
(where the identified standard can be met) and/or where the standard
can be met with reasonable adjustments i.e., appropriate access,
equipment and/or software.
Criteria 1: Qualifications
Criteria 2: Experience
Criteria 3: Skills
Criteria 4: Knowledge
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 27 of 35
Where a specific requirement is identified, Solent NHS Trust will
consider relevant skills and experience obtained via an alternative route
(where the identified standard can be met) and/or where the standard
can be met with reasonable adjustments i.e., appropriate access,
equipment and/or software.
Criteria 5: Equality
Be able to demonstrate and understanding of the principles of equality,
diversity, and inclusion and how they apply to staff and patients in a
healthcare setting. Able to demonstrate personal commitment to
challenging discrimination and promoting equalities, at an appropriate
level for the post.
Criteria 6: Other
Is able to work legally in the UK
Is able to work with children and vulnerable adults
Ability to travel daily for meetings across a range of sites in
For posts which require a professional registration, postholders hold a
valid up to date registration with their professional body.
For posts where postholders are required to drive as part of their role
they hold a valid full driving licence which enables them to legally drive
in the UK
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Appendix C Job Matching Process
i) Advertise to Replace an Existing Role (No changes required)
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ii) Manager wants to make updates to an Existing Role
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iii) Unique Role
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Appendix D Appeal Against Evaluation/Matching outcome
1. In the event that groups of staff or individuals are dissatisfied with the result of matching or
evaluating they may request a review. This review should be conducted by a new panel with
the majority of its members different from the original panel.
2. The request must be made within three months of notification of the original panel’s
decision. In order to trigger a review, the jobholder(s) must provide details in writing of
where they disagree with the match or evaluation and evidence to support their case (please
refer to template below).
3. If requested by an employee, the employee’s own staff side organisation representative
and/or the line manager can be present.
4. Where a formal review is necessary, the review panel operates in the same way as the
original one and follows the procedure for matching, including having available/contactable
job advisers or representatives.
5. The review panel can:
confirm the same match / evaluation outcome.
confirm a match to a different profile or make a different evaluation,
or in the case of matching reviews only, refer the job for local evaluation.
6. Since the NHS JE Scheme places paramount importance on the issue of accurate and up-to-
date information, the review panel must only consider the facts before them.
7. The jobholder will have provided evidence relating to the factor levels they disagree with.
However, if the panel wishes to revisit other factors, they need to provide justification for
doing this for example because the new evidence provided is thought to alter other scores.
They will then need to refer to the evidence they have been presented with, submit
supplementary questions to the job advisors or representatives (two people representing
management and staff in the area of work under review) where necessary and allow the
jobholder to provide additional information.
8. Panels should only complete the review once they are satisfied that all relevant evidence has
been examined.
9. All panel members will have been trained on the importance of matching or evaluating jobs
using accurate information rather than making assumptions which are not evidenced. It is
important that this process should equally apply to the review procedure; the risk in making
assumptions about somebody’s job could lead to pay inequality and the scheme being
brought into disrepute.
10. The review panel’s decision, whether it changes the banding outcome or not, must be subject
to quality and consistency checking.
11. The jobholder has no right of appeal beyond the review panel if their complaint is about the
banding outcome.
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12. It is important that good records are kept of the review outcomes and any amendments
made to the original match or evaluation to provide an audit trail for the future.
13. The jobholder should be provided with a detailed job report of the review of the match or
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Appendix E
Equality Analysis and Equality Impact Assessment
Equality Analysis is a way of considering the potential impact on different groups protected from
discrimination by the Equality Act 2010. It is a legal requirement that places a duty on public sector
organisations (The Public Sector Equality Duty) to integrate consideration of Equality, Diversity, and
Inclusion into their day-to-day business. The Equality Duty has 3 aims, it requires public bodies to
have due regard to the need to:
eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation, and other conduct
prohibited by the Equality Act of 2010.
advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and
people who do not;
foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who
do not.
Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool for examining the main functions and policies of an
organisation to see whether they have the potential to affect people differently. Their purpose is to
identify and address existing or potential inequalities, resulting from policy and practice
development. Ideally, EIAs should cover all the strands of diversity and Inclusion. It will help us better
understand its functions and the way decisions are made by:
considering the current situation
deciding the aims and intended outcomes of a function or policy.
considering what evidence there is to support the decision and identifying any gaps.
ensuring it is an informed decision.
Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)
Step 1: Scoping and Identifying the Aims
Service Line / Department
People & Organisational Development
Title of Change:
Updated Job evaluation & matching procedure
What are you completing this EIA for?
(Please select):
(If other please specify here)
What are the main aims / objectives of
the changes
To update the procedure to reflect updated practices which intend
to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Job evaluation and
matching, ensure Solent remain true to their principles of equal
pay and reduce recruitment lead times.
Step 2: Assessing the Impact
Please use the drop-down feature to detail any positive or negative impacts of this document
/policy on patients in the drop-down box below. If there is no impact, please select “not
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 34 of 35
Protected Characteristic
Action to address negative impact:
(e.g., adjustment to the policy)
The procedure itself focuses on the job rather
than the individual and the identity of the
individual is not taken into account by the job
evaluation and matching procedure. Proper
use of job evaluation and matching processes
and consistency checking will support Solent’s
commitment to equal pay and reduce the risk
of Gender Pay inequality.
Gender reassignment
Proper use of job evaluation and matching
processes and consistency checking will
support Solent’s commitment to equal pay
and reduce the risk of Gender Pay inequality.
Proper use of job evaluation and matching
processes and consistency checking will
support Solent’s commitment to equal pay
and reduce the risk of potential pay inequality.
Policy emphasises reasonable adjustments in
section 3.3.4.
Proper use of job evaluation and matching
processes and consistency checking will
support Solent’s commitment to equal pay
and reduce the risk of potential pay inequality.
Sexual Orientation
Proper use of job evaluation and matching
processes and consistency checking will
support Solent’s commitment to equal pay
and reduce the risk of potential pay inequality.
Pregnancy and
Proper use of job evaluation and matching
processes and consistency checking will
support Solent’s commitment to equal pay
and reduce the risk of potential pay inequality.
Marriage and civil
Proper use of job evaluation and matching
processes and consistency checking will
support Solent’s commitment to equal pay
and reduce the risk of potential pay inequality.
Religion or belief
Proper use of job evaluation and matching
processes and consistency checking will
support Solent’s commitment to equal pay
and reduce the risk of potential pay inequality.
Proper use of job evaluation and matching
processes and consistency checking will
support Solent’s commitment to equal pay
and reduce the risk of potential pay inequality.
If you answer yes to any of the following, you MUST complete the evidence column explaining what
information you have considered which has led you to reach this decision.
Assessment Questions
Yes / No
Please document evidence / any mitigations
In consideration of your document
development, did you consult with
others, for example, external
JCNC and specifically Chair, Nursing and Unison leads
were consulted and engaged with the development of
the updated procedure. We also engaged with
Associate Nursing Director (who has oversight of
Agenda for Change job evaluation and matching Policy and Procedure v1 Page 35 of 35
organisations, service users, carers, or
other voluntary sector groups?)
professional standards for Nursing and Allied Health
Have you taken into consideration any
regulations, professional standards?
Yes, Agenda for Change Terms and conditions and the
NHS Job Evaluation Handbook (2020) which applies to
all professions employed under Agenda for Change
(National) Terms and Conditions.
Step 3: Review, Risk and Action Plans
How would you rate the overall level of impact /
risk to the organisation if no action taken?
What action needs to be taken to reduce or
eliminate the negative impact?
One of the reasons for reviewing the job evaluation
and matching process was because it was believed that
there was a risk of roles being developed around
specific individuals rather than the needs of the
organisation and the specific job. The risk of this
circumstance arising is reduced by the implementation
of the updated procedure.
Who will be responsible for monitoring and regular
review of the document / policy?
Head of People Operations. Joint Consultative &
Negotiating Committee (JCNC).
Step 4: Authorisation and sign off
I am satisfied that all available evidence has been accurately assessed for any potential impact on
patients and groups with protected characteristics in the scope of this project / change / policy /
procedure / practice / activity. Mitigation, where appropriate has been identified and dealt with
Joanna Brooks