Guidance Note 25
In order to ensure a consistent approach to trainee appointments under Annex U of the Agenda
for Change Terms and Conditions of Service, the following guidance has been prepared.
The Agenda for Change terms and conditions of service provide clear guidance on these
matters and it is therefore important that this guidance is applied in all circumstances.
(The NHS Staff Council also recently changed the designation of Annexes within the Agenda for
Change Handbook from letters to numbers. To maintain consistency, the designation of
Annexes in the Scottish Handbook has also been changed. This change is purely in respect of
labelling and does not represent a change in the content of the Annex. Annex U is now referred
to in the Handbook as Annex 21).
Appointments under Annex U specifically relate to trainees who enter the NHS and undertake
all their training whilst an NHS employee. Typically, these staff develop their knowledge and
skills significantly during a period of time measured in years. Given the significant change in
knowledge and skills during the training period the use of job evaluation is not appropriate. Pay
should therefore be determined as a percentage of the pay for qualified staff.
Identification of posts where it would be appropriate to apply the provisions of Annex U should
be planned by service management who must take into consideration existing and future
service and workforce models.
Examples of current application of Annex U includes:
Radiographic Department Assistants (RDA) Band 3 it was recognised that the service would
be unable to appoint staff already in possession of the necessary skills to undertake the role. A
18 month competency based training programme was therefore developed to provide staff with
the necessary knowledge, skills and competency to undertake the full range of responsibilities
of the post. RDA posts were advertised therefore as Annex U to the Band 3 level which is the
agreed measurement for the full role. Payment was made as follows 70% of max of Band 3 year
1 and 75% of band 3 salary in year 2 of training.
Other current examples of application of Annex U include trainee Pharmacy Technicians
Annex U to Band 4 and Sterile Service Technicians Annex U to Band 3.
Where it is deemed appropriate to appoint trainees the provisions of Annex U must be applied
in full.
For trainees covered by Annex U where the period of training lasts for between one and four
years, pay will be as follows:
up to 12 months prior to completion of training: 75 per cent of the pay band maximum of
the fully qualified rate;
more than one but less than two years prior to completion of training: 70 per cent of the
pay band maximum of the fully qualified rate;;
more than two but less than three years prior to completion of training: 65 per cent of the
pay band maximum of the fully qualified rate.
more than three years from completion of training: 60 per cent of the pay band maximum
of the fully qualified rate.
Pay Arrangements - Scottish Living Wage
All staff paid under Annex U must receive at least the current Scottish Living Wage rate of
£8.45,(April 2017 rate) to be uprated annually to the Scottish Living Wage rate in place at that
point. Where the calculation of pay, when applying provisions of Annex U, results in the Scottish
Living Wage being payable for year two and beyond an addition to pay should be made on top
of the Scottish Living Wage (SLW). The addition should be equal to the cash value of the
difference between the percentages of maximum pay in the year of the payment and the
previous year.
e.g. Annex U applied to Band 3 where training takes 2 years (based on 2017 pay rates)
Year 1 training paid at 70% of max of band 3 giving a salary of £14,509, equals hourly rate of
£7.42 which is less than SLW. Therefore in Year 1 pay will be enhanced to SLW £8.45 per
hours giving a salary of £16,532 pa
Year 2 training paid at 75% of max of band 3 giving a salary of £15,545, equals hourly rate of
£7.95 which is less than SLW. Additional payment is therefore required. Therefore in Year 2 pay
will be enhanced to SLW salary of £16,532 plus additional payment of £1,036 representing the
difference between 70% of max of band 3 (£14,509) and 75% of max of band 3 (£15,545). Total
salary will therefore be £17,568.
Hourly rates for trainees will cease to require to be increased to the Scottish Living Wage for
trainees reaching the point of the training period where 75% of the maximum of the Band 4
salary range is paid. Prior to this point hourly rates for trainees will require to be increased to the
Scottish Living Wage.
On assimilation to the fully qualified pay band following completion of training, the trainee
should enter either on the first pay point of the appropriate pay band or the next pay point above
their training salary.
As a result of the requirement to pay the Scottish Living Wage as a minimum, Annex U into a
Band 2 role does not work. Using the methodology above about topping up salary to the
Scottish Living Wage and then providing a further addition to pay for any training that is greater
than 12 months, would mean that an individual being paid under Annex U to a Band 2 role
would end up substantially further up the salary scale compared to a fully trained person
appointed new to the Band 2 causing a “leap frogging” situation. In view of this, any individuals
appointed to a training post at this band would be paid the normal Band 2 salary, commencing
on the minimum of the scale.
The above arrangements will also apply to Modern Apprentices (MA’s) paid under the
provisions of Annex U.
All calculations relating to application of Annex U will be made by the Payroll Team.
Payment arrangements where training runs beyond the agreed training period:
In the unlikely event that training runs beyond the agreed training period, payment
arrangements will be linked to the reason for the training taking longer as follows:
if the extended training has resulted from failings to complete training on the part of the
employee either through illness or failings in some part of the training then they should
remain on the appropriate percentage of the pay band maximum of the fully qualified rate
until such times as the training is completed e.g. In the final year of training the employee
would receive 75% of the band until such times as the training is completed in full
following which they would assimilate to the fully qualified band.
If the delay to completing training is due to service reasons and not the fault of the
individual then the employee should be moved to the fully qualified band for the role
however duties will be restricted where the relevant training has not been provided.
Completion of the full training should be addressed as a matter of urgency.
Payment for a current employee moving onto a training post under provisions of Annex
Where a current employee moves onto an Annex U training post, within the same sub job
family, it is recognised that this may result in a detrimental impact on pay whereby the
application of the appropriate percentage for the qualified post is less than current pay. To
ensure uptake of trainee opportunities, ensuring availability of a trained workforce to meet
service needs, it is agreed that where this situation arises the employee will move to the
appropriate Annex U band and percentage relevant to the new post and a “top-up” to salary will
be paid to the level of the pre-training salary to be shown as a protection of earnings on the
payslip. This will be based on basic salary and enhancements but enhancements should only
be included if the shift pattern is remaining the same in the new Trainee role. Where there is a
change in shift pattern, for example the individual previously worked night shift but on taking up
the Trainee role they will no longer be working night shift, the night shift enhancements should
not be protected. This “top-up” protection will continue until the Annex U salary exceeds the
pre-training salary.
At the end of the training period the employee will then be assimilated to the new salary scale,
either on the first pay point of the pay band or the next pay point above their training salary. In
the event that this placement results in a lower salary than the pre-training salary a top up of
protection of earnings will be paid until such times as the salary in the new post catches up.
The circumstances of all cases will be considered on an individual basis however as a basic
principle top-up arrangements will not be applied where a postholder chooses to move to
pursue a different career e.g. a Domestic moving into a Radiography Department Assistant
As per provisions above, in the event that training runs beyond the agreed training period
similar principles would apply e.g. where delay in completion is the individuals fault then they
will retain their current pay arrangements or if it is the fault of the service the employee would
move to the new band with restricted duties where required.
Trainee appointments not covered by Annex U are as follows:
Trainees studying and / or working in the NHS, who are already in possession of
qualifications at a high level. Such staff are often studying for a higher level qualification
and undertaking a role that can be assessed using the NHS Job Evaluation Policy. An
example of this category of staff is a Trainee Psychologist or Clinical Scientist Graduate
Trainees who are undertaking a short period of learning on the job, usually less than 12
months. Typically these staff enter employment whilst already in possession of the basic
skills and knowledge to undertake the role. This type of trainee can also be evaluated
using the NHS Job Evaluation Process. If profiles for this role exist, the lowest band
profile will be appropriate. During the period of traineeship the post holder should not
move through the KSF foundation gateway when this is in use in an organisation. An
example of this type of trainee is a trainee secretary.
Where service management have a clear understanding of the local job market and there is a
pool of suitably qualified candidates, the post must be advertised at the agreed Band for the
However, where there is lack of clarity on the local job market and there is a view that there may
not be a pool of suitable qualified candidates to undertake a role, then they are permitted to
advertise the role at both the agreed Band Level but also with the potential to apply Annex U to
the post, having first gone through the normal redeployment process. Prior to this however
agreement on the appropriateness of the application of Annex U must have been agreed via the
Job Evaluation Support Group (JESG) and the content of the training programme and period
Finally where there is an understanding that there will not be a pool of suitably qualified staff,
application for use of Annex U would be appropriate, via the JESG, and the post then
advertised on this basis.
During any training period, performance should be monitored on an ongoing basis and regular
feedback provided and any shortfalls identified and addressed. In the event of unsuccessful
completion of the training programme/period this will require to be managed through the
relevant employment policies e.g. capability, conduct and further guidance should be sought
from via the HR Enquiries Line on 0131 536 (6)1130 or by e-mailing
Where there is an identified need for the appointment of a trainee using the provisions of Annex
U an application should be made to the Job Evaluation Support Group (JESG), who meet on a
monthly basis, who will confirm suitability of the post. Application will be through completion of
the Annex U Training Programme Proforma found in Appendix 1 to this document which will
provide detail of the entry qualifications required and length and content of the training
programme. A copy of the job description for the full role should also be provided. Recognising
that the JESG meets monthly, in the unlikely event of an urgent application for Annex U being
required this may be considered by the Job Evaluation Leads depending on the urgency of the
A central database of approved Annex U posts will be held and made available on HROnline.
Further information on any issues relating to the use of Annex U can be obtained by contacting
the HR Enquiries Line on 0131 536 (6)1130 or by e-mailing
April 2017
Annex U Training Programme Proforma
Post Details
Post Title
Unique Identifier:
CMT/CH(C)P/Corporate Service/Facilities
Manager Contact Details
Email Address:
Contact Telephone Number (work):
Partnership Representative
Email Address:
Contact Telephone Number (work):
Rationale for creating trainee post through application of Annex U:
Please specify the Unique IDs of
any posts associated with, and
which are potentially affected by,
the post or changes described i.e.
line management posts, peers or
subordinates as described in the
organisation chart.
Detail of Training Programme:
Guidance on completion:
Please reflect any entry level qualification required to be eligible to become a trainee.
Please provide detail of what the training programme includes to enable the trainee to undertake the
full role including an outline summary of the training programme and competency development over
the period during which the training takes place which would normally be a minimum of one year and
maximum of four years. The training period may comprise a period of both academic learning and
consolidation of academic learning into practice.
Entry Level Qualifications:
Period of Training:
[insert number of years as appropriate] years.
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
I confirm that the submitted information accurately reflects the training programme required to
undertake the post in full.
Signed:…………………………………..Budget holder (Designation)………………………..Date:………
Print Name:…………………………………
I confirm that I have been involved in the discussions to agree the training programme and
requirement for application of provisions of Annex U.
Signed………………………………..Partnership Representative:………….…………….Date:………..
Print Name:…………………………………
Jobevaluation@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk CLEARLY MARKING IN THE SUBJECT HEADER THE
NATURE OF THE SUBMISSION e.g. “Application of Annex U”.