January 2024
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Everybody wants to prosper nancially, but did you know
that your attitude is the key? It’s not your job, what you
inherited, or anything else. I’ve experienced both poverty
and wealth, and I’ve come to realize that it’s a person’s
mindset that makes the difference.
You need to understand why it’s important to have an
attitude of stewardship when it comes to nances and
prosperity. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the word steward means
“one who manages another’s property, nances, or other affairs.” If you adopt the
attitude that everything you have and produce is actually a gift from God—that God
is the one who gave you your health, your opportunities, and your talents—instead
of looking at these things as yours, then you'll have a stewardship mentality. That
changes everything!
Having the right attitude releases the provision that God provided through Jesus.
Scripture (2 Cor. 8:9) tells us that Jesus became poor so that through His poverty,
you might be made rich. This isn’t just talking about becoming rich emotionally
or spiritually. That’s included, but so is becoming rich nancially.
Part of the atonement of Jesus is to prosper you and meet your physical
needs. If you aren’t prospering, then you’re missing out on part of what Jesus
purchased for you. Receiving doesn’t just automatically happen. You have to
believe and have the right attitude to release this provision.
When you’re a steward, you sow into the kingdom of God in faith. In 2
Corinthians 8:10–11, Paul was talking to people who had begged him to
let them take part in the offering. They didn’t have much, but they were
generous, and they wanted to give. Paul told them to follow through and
do what was in their hearts. I’m telling you, there are a lot of people who
have a desire to be a blessing, but they’re fearful about doing it.
I believe God understands that just getting to where you trust Him in
nances is hard on a lot of people, so He says to try it, prove Him, and
see if it won’t work:
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may
be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith,
saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the win-
dows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that
be room
to receive it.
Malachi 3:10
Some of you have a heart to be a giver—to put God’s kingdom rst—but you
just haven’t acted on it. I encourage you to listen to what God is telling you
to do and give in faith.
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In 2 Corinthians 8:12, Paul went on to say this:
For if there be rst a willing mind, it is
accepted according to that a man hath, and
not according to that he hath not.
This verse refers to your heart attitude. You’ve
got to rst have a willing mind; then your gifts are
accepted based on the heart attitude that’s behind
them. First Corinthians 13:3 conrms this:
And though I bestow all my goods to feed
the poor, and though I give my body to be
burned, and have not charity, it proteth me
The heart attitude behind your gift is more
important than the gift. Some people think that
giving is as simple as putting a coin in a slot
machine—you pull the handle and God comes out.
People think, God, I’ve given to You. Now You’ve
got to give back. No, it depends on your heart
attitude. If you give with the wrong attitude—even
to feed the poor—and are not motivated with the
right attitude of love, it prots you nothing.
One nal point I want to make comes from 2
Corinthians 9:6:
But this
I say
, He which soweth spar-
ingly shall reap also sparingly; and he
which soweth bountifully shall reap
also bountifully.
It’s amazing to me how often people are wanting
God to supply these big needs for them and yet
they give just a tiny bit. That’s like a farmer who
wants to reap a eld of hundreds of acres, and
yet he’s only planted two or three seeds. You’re
absolutely crazy if you think you’re going to reap
hundreds of acres if you’ve only planted a few
seeds. It doesn’t work that way. Yet there are people
who believe God for big things when they’ve only
given a very small amount.
It’s not about giving a specic dollar amount. Your
giving should be proportional to what you have. For
example, if you have ten dollars and you give ve
dollars, then you’ve given a 50-percent offering. That’s
huge in the sight of God, and that’s going to produce
a lot of fruit. You have to give generously if you want
to receive generously. That’s just the way it works.
Some people might think this is manipulating God,
but it’s not. It’s simply following the natural laws that
God created. If you sow sparingly, you’re going to
reap sparingly. If you sow bountifully, you’ll reap
bountifully. God loves a cheerful giver. You are
supposed to give as you purpose in your own heart.
To prosper nancially, you need to have the right
attitude. This means you see yourself as a steward of
what God has given you and you give generously in
faith and love.
I want each one of you to prosper. That’s why this
article emphasizes the importance of your heart
attitude. However, I’m able to cover more about
nancial stewardship and go into more detail with
many practical examples in my complete teaching
on the subject, so I encourage you to get it. This
month, we’re offering the booklet Introduction to
Financial Stewardship for free. My complete Financial
Stewardship teaching is available as a full-size book,
study guide, CD series, and TV DVD series. The book
and the study guide are available in English and
Spanish. We also have two Financial Breakthroughs
DVDs that share stories of people who learned to
have the right attitude toward nances and then
received their nancial breakthroughs.
To order, go to awmi.net/biblicalnance, call our
Helpline at 719-635-1111, or complete and return
the enclosed form.
We love you,
See the
enclosed order
form for more
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Transform Your Daily Bible Reading
with Andrew Wommack’s Bible Toolkit
Bible Reading Plan for Mobile
Andrew Wommack’s Bible Reading Plan for Mobile is a powerful study
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to grow in God’s Word.
Explore these resources today and dive into a world of biblical wisdom and understanding!
Start your day with a dose of inspiration, delivered
straight to your inbox, through Andrew’s insightful
devotionals. Subscribe to receive these thought-provoking,
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biblical principles in everyday life. It’s an easy way to
kick-start your day grounded in faith.Sign up at
learn.awmi.net/daily-devotional today!
The Living Commentary—Online and Desktop Accessible
Effortlessly unlock biblical truths with Andrew’s Living Commentary
(LC). This evolving compilation of study notes spans ve decades,
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In addition to the extensive notes, the LC offers multiple Bible
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more. Accessible online or ofine on various devices, it enriches your
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Join thousands at awmi.net/BiblePledge and pledge to read the Bible in a year!
Bible Pledge
Have you ever found yourself wrestling with certain challenging Bible verses? If so,
you’re not alone. Below are several practical solutions that will elevate your time
in God’s Word to a new level. It’s like having a personal Bible scholar right by your
side, offering real-time insights and answers.
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Have you ever felt like daily joy is
just out of reach? Do you have a
nagging suspicion that you might
not be receiving all that God has
for you, but you’re not sure what
it is or how to nd it? Well, we
have some exciting news!
Andrew Wommack has just
launched a transformative Charis
masterclass. And the best part
is, it’s absolutely free! Mark your
calendar for February 6 and head
over to CharisMasterclass.com
and secure your spot.
The focus of this groundbreaking
masterclass centers on receiving
from God and is inspired by a
life-changing course at Charis
Bible College. The interactive
sessions include video teachings,
thought-provoking worksheets,
and exclusive bonuses, so you
get a holistic and enriching expe-
If you’ve found yourself
grappling with how to
receive God’s blessings or
how to witness His promis-
es come to life, this master-
class is tailor-made for you.
By understanding and align-
ing with God’s system, you’ll
nd freedom to bask in His
boundless abundance.
Whether you’re a new be-
liever or you’ve been walking
with the Lord for years, this
masterclass is sure to deepen
your relationship with the Lord.
Some people say that receiving
from God is tough. But Jesus
said it’s easy if you trade your
heavy burden for His light one.
So, if you are weighed down and
unhappy, it’s because you aren’t
resting in Him and letting Jesus
carry your load.
Come unto me, all ye that
labour and are heavy lad-
en, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you,
and learn of me; for I am
meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall nd rest unto
your souls. For my yoke
is easy, and my burden is
Matthew 11:28–30
God’s system is totally opposite
the wisdom of this world. So,
if you don’t know that there is
a place in Christ where all you
do is simply respond to what
He has already done for you,
it’s time you learned how to
receive from God.
So, what are you waiting for?
Start 2024 by allowing the
power of God’s Word to trans-
form you from the inside out.
Don’t miss out on this limit-
ed-time opportunity! The Re-
ceiving from God Masterclass
is set to go live on February 6.
Head to CharisMaster
class.com, enter your email,
and claim your free access to
this spiritual journey today. You
have nothing to lose and all
of God’s abundance to gain!
God Has More for You
Join Andrew’s Free Masterclass on February 6!
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What do you do when
the ground gives way
beneath your feet and
everything is falling
apart? In that moment of
truth, can you depend on
Joshua Stephens and his family
would discover that God is faithful even in the midst
of famine.
After twice being served with divorce papers, Joshua
knew his marriage was on the brink of collapse.
However, everything changed when he met a man
named Aram in Montréal. Aram invited him to the
2018 Men’s Advance, an event that would change
Joshua’s life forever.
During the conference, God conrmed to Joshua
that he was meant to attend Charis Bible College in
Woodland Park, situated near Pikes Peak, a mountain
he had seen in a vision months earlier. Determined to
follow this calling, he returned home to Arizona and
announced to his family that they were moving. Eager
for a fresh start, his wife, Jessica, readily agreed.
During his rst year at Charis, Joshua immersed
himself in the Word of God and began to change
In his second year at Charis, God inspired Joshua
to start a wallet company called Kings Loot
(KingsLoot.com). Balancing school and weekend
trade shows, Joshua, condent that this business
was God’s idea, anticipated growth in 2020. He
took on $40,000 in personal debt to prepare his
Then came COVID-19.
“I wasn’t just broke. I was in the hole, looking
up at broke,” Joshua says. Led by the Lord to
Genesis 26, where Isaac sowed in the land during
a famine and reaped a hundredfold that same
year, Joshua decided to sow the last of his money
into creating a social media presence for his
business. Despite being $40,000 in debt, he
chose to trust in the Lord as his provider.
In the rst month, the company’s revenue reached
$2,000, but by May, it had surged to around
$78,000 per month. Reaching Joshua’s initial
yearly revenue goal of six gures, the company
then began surpassing that goal monthly. Drawing
faith from Ephesians 3:20, Joshua took the limits
off what God could do and believed for more
than a million dollars of income that rst year. By
December 2020, Kings Loot had generated over
$3 million in revenue.
Today, Kings Loot stands as an eight-gure
company with such high demand that they have
their own warehouse.
As for Joshua’s family, they nally have the
husband and father they’d always longed for.
Thank you, partners and friends! Because of you,
Charis graduates like Joshua are taking Jesus
beyond the church walls and sharing His message
with those who need it most.
Visit awmi.net/video/series to watch additional
FREE nancial breakthrough stories and other
inspiring testimonies.
Quotations have been edited for length and clarity.
How to Receive a Harvest
During a Famine
“My wife started to smile and laugh
again, and man, that was the most
beautiful thing,” Joshua shares.
When you have a company that
is led by a vision from the Lord,
nothing is impossible,” Joshua
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Sexual stewardship is not a common subject that you’ll
nd in the church, unfortunately. In fact, many believ-
ers have never had bold teaching on this important
topic. But we need to lay a strong foundation from
the Word of God for every area of our lives, including
sexuality, because there is such an aggressive attack
on it in the world today.
Did you know you have the responsibility to determine
how you get to present your body to the Lord? God’s
Word says this:
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mer-
cies of God, that ye present your bodies a living
sacrice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is
your reasonable service.
Romans 12:1
This is not a set of rules and regulations. Notice that it
says that it’s only “by the mercies of God” that you can
present your body a living sacrice. And when you do
that, God calls it holy and acceptable. You can draw
from what Christ has done for you. This is what He
has promised, equipped, and enabled you to be—be-
cause He lives inside of you!
Temptations may come, but you can call upon Jesus
to carry you through any challenge you might face.
Knowing your true identity in the Spirit empowers you
to resist lust, passions, and worldly desires. You can
condently declare, “No, my body isn’t controlled by
hormones, desires, or fantasies. It’s a living sacrice to
who I really am.”
God has given you the ability to walk after the Spirit
(Rom. 8:1), and when you draw upon His strength, you
can accomplish God’s will. Don’t just be a hearer of
the Word; be a doer of the Word.
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers
only, deceiving your own selves.
James 1:22
Singles, listen to me. You can walk in your redemp-
tion now and save yourself for your future spouse no
matter what your past is. If you’ve “ruined” your life
in some things in the past, the devil will tell you that
because of that, you can just be whatever, do whatev-
er, with whomever. But because God has redeemed
you, now you get to hold your sexuality precious to
God and save it for its rightful place of glory—in a
covenant relationship of marriage.
I want to invite you to ask God how you can honor
Him in your speech, your dress, your interactions,
physical touch, and how you act with the opposite
gender. You can trust God with every area of your life
and be a doer of the Word.
Visit GospelTruth.TV to watch Life Foundations and
learn more about this crucial topic. You'll also nd free
resources to strengthen your faith.
Carrie Pickett spent sixteen
years as a missionary in Russia,
where she established and
directed the Charis campus in
St. Petersburg. In 2015, she
returned to Colorado and
now serves as the assistant
vice president of Charis
Bible College. She also
serves as the director of
Charis Woodland Park
and the Global Train-
ing School, dedicated
to spreading God’s
grace worldwide
and raising pow-
erful ministers
with a Great
Helpline: 719-635-1111 • awmi.net • GospelTruth.TV
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Our friends and partners are making a spectacular
difference! Just look at these incredible testimonies:
“For eighteen years I lived with chronic back pain
and was diagnosed with degenerative disk disease
and spinal stenosis. I tried everything to numb the
pain. My doctor deemed me unable to work, so I
was put on disability. When I listened to Andrew’s
teaching You’ve Already Got It!, it was a life changer.
I prayed and commanded the pain to leave, and I
am pain-free! Listening to Andrew has changed my
life. I am no longer on disability!”
“I was healed from two types of cancer: stage 3
colon cancer and stage 4 renal cell cancer. The
doctors said I had six months to a year left to live.
When I discovered Andrew Wommack on television,
he was saying things that I had never heard in my
fty-nine years in church, and I began to implement
what he was teaching. Then I attended Campus
Days at Charis Bible College and received prayer
for my healing twice. Two CT scans later, there was
no cancer anywhere!”
“Before being born again, I had an abortion. Later,
I had several miscarriages as a married believer.
When I nally got pregnant again, I still had those
awful images in my head of the massive amounts
of blood from my lost pregnancies. While watching
The Gospel Truth, Andrew gave the example of a
woman who was told to “see” without opening her
eyes. God told me to close my eyes every time I
went to the bathroom until I could “see” no blood.
Although I still had heavy bleeding, I knew I would
have this baby. Malachi Eugene is now eight months
old and healthy!”
“For several months I’ve been meeting with
residents in a nursing home and leading a Bible
study with Andrew’s materials. Recently all the
participants in the study received salvation. Last
week, they all became Spirit-lled and began
speaking in tongues!”
“God heals seniors also! Five years ago, I was
sent home from the hospital and not expected
to survive. But I stood on healing scriptures,
began listening to Andrew, and purchased Charis
Healing University. Glad to say, I am recovering
and preaching healing to others today. Thank God
and Andrew Wommack Ministries for revelation
“I received an abnormal blood test for my thyroid
a few months ago. I asked for prayer at Andrew
Wommack Ministries that the second blood test
would be normal. Thanks be to God, the result
came back normal!”
“I am starting my second year of Charis online.
Your lessons are worth more than gold! Amidst
all that is happening in Ukraine, I have peace, a
future, and hope. I can encourage others! It may
seem that as the war is going on, there are better
places to spend money. But these courses are like
a life buoy in the middle of the storm. Thank you
so much!”
Testimonies have been edited for length and clarity.
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Barry is a graduate of Christ for the Nations
Institute in Dallas, Texas. He and his wife,
Betty Kay, spent almost twelve years on the
mission eld in Mexico, Guatemala, and Chile.
Barry came to Andrew Wommack Ministries in
2007 and worked as a prayer
minister. Today, Barry serves
as a senior instructor at
Charis Bible College
Woodland Park.
Barry Bennett
I was diagnosed with terminal cancer a few
years ago, but because I tapped into the
peace and joy of God, I am here today. God
wants you to live in such a place of super-
natural joy and peace that no matter what
deadly situation you face, you don’t lose
hope. Does this type of life appeal to you?
You may think it’s impossible, but it’s not!
Here are three things to consider if you
want to dwell in God’s joy and peace:
#1 Do you have a “belief” problem? If
you aren’t experiencing joy and peace, you
may have this problem. Romans 15:13 says,
“Now the God of hope ll you with all joy
and peace in believing, that ye may abound
in hope, through the power of the Holy
Ghost” (emphasis added). God wants you to
abound in joy and peace, but if your believ-
ing is wrong, then your life will reect that!
What you think about God, yourself, and the
circumstances is the determining factor in
how your life will end up. If you want to walk
in this joy and peace, then you must change
your thinking to match God’s Word.
#2 Access what you’ve been given! In Gala-
tians 5:22, we nd that the fruit of the Spirit
is love, joy, peace, and so on. This is saying
that if you are born again, you can experi-
ence this fruit regardless of circumstances.
Why? Because you have the Spirit of God
in you! The love of God was shed abroad in
your heart (Rom. 5:5). You can access what
has taken place within you at any time. This is
spiritual, not just circumstantial. You can live
from the Spirit and enjoy the fruit of God’s joy
and peace all day. You are already equipped
to handle every problem you will ever face.
Stop believing that God doesn’t care, that you
aren’t equipped, and that the circumstances
are bigger than you are. None of these things
is true!
#3 Fellowship with God. One time I was at a
church and there was a prayer meeting go-
ing on before the service started. When the
people left the meeting, every one of them
looked like they had been sucking on lemons.
I remember thinking, Well, I know who wasn’t
there, because in God’s presence is fullness of
joy (Ps. 16:11). When you continue in a place
of fellowship with God, there will be a joy that
naturally rises within you. You don’t have to be
miserable. God lives in you and wants to bless
you. You can smile knowing that you already
have the victory!
It is possible to remain in God’s supernatural
joy and peace at all times!
Dwelling in Joy
and Peace: The
Supernatural Keys
to Victory
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I’m a dangerous man today because I’ve died
twice. I died in Jesus and then I physically died of
a heart attack. I could tell you my testimony, and
it won’t change much ve years from now. But if
I tell you how I faced what I faced and how I’m
standing here now, it'll last you the rest of your
How do you ght the right ght the right way?
When I’m tempted to sin, I have to ght the good
ght of faith. I’m not ghting to be made righ-
teous; I’m ghting to maintain my righteousness
in Christ. I’m not ghting to get healed; I’m ght-
ing to maintain my healing that Jesus paid for.
It’s a good ght, but it’s a ght. A good ght is
one you win. You’re never going to win any of
your ghts in this life if you don’t predetermine
before you go into the ght that you’re already
a winner. God has already declared you and me a
winner in every ght in this life.
Like those prescripted wrestling matches where
it’s predetermined who’s going to win, God has
already destined you to win every single ght you
nd yourself in. But you still must ght it out and
trust God during the ght. That’s the good ght
of faith.
There are three cooperative powers that work
with your faith that the devil will attack. If you
don’t understand these powers, you’ll lose in
these three areas. And it’ll impact your faith.
Here are the three cooperative powers:
1. Hope – Faith works in hope.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped
for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
H o a t
a ep t!
The devil knows that hope deferred makes the
heart sick (Prov. 13:12). So, he will try to get
you to give up hope during your trial, which will
cancel out the power of your faith.
2. Love – Faith works by love.
For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision
availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but
faith which worketh by love.
Galatians 5:6
The heart of God’s love for you is His forgiveness
of your sins so that when you face a ery trial,
you’re not condemned.
3. Patience – Faith works with patience.
That ye be not slothful, but followers of
them who through faith and patience
inherit the promises.
Hebrews 6:12
The joy in trials is not our feelings; it’s in knowing
our faith is being tested, patience is being
produced, character is being developed, and in
the end, we’ll be found lacking nothing (James
1:2–4 and Rom. 5:1–5).
If this teaching blessed you, don’t miss Pastor
Duane at the 2024 Riverside Gospel Truth
Conference February 15–17 where you can hear
him live!
Duane Sheriff
Duane is an author and
speaker who travels the
world sharing at conferences
and churches. The founding
pastor of Victory Life Church,
Duane is also a regular speaker at
Charis Bible College and a weekly host of the
Truth & Liberty Live Call-In Show. Duane’s humor
and unique revelation of Scripture resurrects
hope, ignites faith, and presents the Gospel with
clarity and simplicity.
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A New Year of Vision
and Victory!
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you an expected end.”
Jeremiah 29:11
1. Dream Big.
I believe as big as we’ll let God be in our lives,
He will be that big. There are no capacity limits
for the King of kings who lives inside of you
and me. With God, all things are possible.
—Carrie Pickett, Women Arise 2022
But without faith it is impossible to please him:
for he that cometh to God must believe that
he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
2. Sek God and find your God
given purpose.
You’ve got to nd out what His purpose for your
life is. It’s not going to happen accidentally.
—Andrew Wommack, Vision Conference 2023
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but
he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Proverbs 29:18
3. Se it in your heart and take a step of faith.
What do you see? Where do you see yourself?
See it in your heart and then take a step of faith in
a desire you know is godly.
—Duane Sheriff, Vision Conference 2023
Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall
give thee the desires of thine heart.
Psalm 37:4
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to
the which also ye are called in one body; and be
ye thankful.
Colossians 3:15
4. Give yourself permision to dream with God.
If you had asked me what God wanted me to do,
I could’ve told you. And I was even moving in that
direction. But God spoke to me from Psalm 78:41,
saying, “You are limiting Me by your small think-
ing.” The number-one way I was limiting Him was
that I knew what His will was for me, but I wouldn’t
let myself imagine it.
—Andrew Wommack, Vision Conference 2023
5. Don’t repeat this year what you did last year.
God has already made provision for us to have
absolute success. It’s not just the Word that will
change our lives; it’s our application of the Word.
It’s so important that we activate the Word of God
in our lives, and in doing so, it changes the way we
think. It changes the way we function.
—Mike Pickett, Charis Daily Live Bible Study 2022
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies
of God, that ye present your bodies a living sac-
rice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service. And be not conformed to
this world: but be ye transformed by the renew-
ing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1–2
Quotations edited for length and clarity.
Learn more about all of these
events at awmi.net/events!
The Called Church & STAND
Hosted by: Bishop E. W. Jackson
Chesapeake, VA
(See TheCalled.org for more
FlashPoint Live
Woodland Park, CO
Riverside Gospel
Truth Conference
Riverside, CA
Special Guest: Duane Sheriff
MARCH 29–30
David - The King of Jerusalem
Musical Performance
Woodland Park, CO
Charis Campus Days
Woodland Park, CO
APRIL 25–27
The Cure
Woodland Park, CO
Copyright © 2024 Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.
Legacy Chapel
Centennial, CO
JULY 1–5
Summer Family Bible
Woodland Park, CO