PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
Software Development Framework for Real-Time Face
Detection and Recognition in Mobile Devices
Laxmisha Rai
, Zhiyuan Wang,
Amila Rodrigo, Zhaopeng Deng, Haiqing Liu
Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China
AbstractWith the rapid use of Android OS in mobile devices and related
products, face recognition technology is an essential feature, so that mobile de-
vices have a strong personal identity authentication. In this paper, we propose
Android based software development framework for real-time face detection
and recognition using OpenCV library, which is applicable in several mobile
applications. Initially, the Gaussian smoothing and gray-scale transformation
algorithm is applied to preprocess the source image. Then, the Haar-like feature
matching method is used to describe the characteristics of the operator and ob-
tain the face characteristic value. Finally, the normalization method is used to
match the recognition of face database. To achieve the face recognition in the
Android platform, JNI (Java Native Interface) is used to call the local Open CV.
The proposed system is tested in real-time in two different brands of smart
phones, and results shows average success rate in both devices for face detec-
tion and recognition is 95% and 80% respectively.
KeywordsAuthentication, Image processing, Wearable, Framework, JNI,
OpenCV, Personal identity, Smart phones.
1 Introduction
In the recent years, devices running on Android platform, and smart phones are be-
coming increasingly ubiquitous. However, as most of these devices carry personal,
and sensitive information, they demand biometric authentication [1]. The application
of biometric authentication systems is countless. In these kinds of biometrics, physio-
logical or behavioral characteristic are analyzed and their applications can be extend-
ed to several applications starting from industry to education, medicine, marketing,
immigration centers, playgrounds, theatres, government offices, transportation sys-
tems, airports, and border security control systems, etc [2]. The common biometric
authentication methods used for confirming user identity are face and fingerprints [3].
Considering face detection and recognition, applications can be extended to services
such as better customer satisfaction verification, where the advertisers can make deci-
sions more accurately and favorably based on the features derived from actual human
faces, rather than depending on anonymous searches, and unverified data collected
iJIM Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
over the Internet. Face recognition technology is an emerging biometric technology,
mainly used in intelligent robots, smart homes, and military security systems etc. The
major challenges of face recognition system are the identification problem; where the
human face has dynamic biological features, such as the similarities of face structures
and the face variation caused by different observation angles [4]. In addition, the fac-
tors such as the masking and the degree of user cooperation while authentication also
makes it difficult during face recognition. As a kind of human intrinsic attribute, face
features have strong individual differences and easy to collect. The facial features are
the basis of identity and authentication, which is safer and more reliable than tradi-
tional methods. Using face recognition and authentication process is useful is several
applications related multimedia processing, where camera, and mobile devices are
widely used. This can save valuable time and resources with better user experience
especially during cumbersome registration process, and logging into mobile terminals
In several cases, a simple variation in the facial condition affect the accuracy of the
systems through which the facial recognition is performed especially while using
highly populated databases. This is why the facial recognition systems are not widely
used in security systems as compared to other biometric systems such as fingerprint or
iris recognition systems. The face recognition technology is based on physiological
characteristics of identification method, where through the computer to extract facial
features, and according to characteristics obtained authentication is determined. In the
past several years, researchers have developed large applications for real-time object
detection and face recognition, text recognition and currency bill identification [5,6].
In the earlier years, several researchers focused on popular methods available for of
object and face detection. Chen, and Yuille [7] described the object detection and
used cascade structure and AdaBoost classifiers based on Haar basis functions; Viola
and Jones [8] uses Eigenfaces based on the Turk and Pentland models [9]. Other re-
searchers implemented Principle Component Analysis (PCA) or Eigenfaces for face
recognition in order to perceive facial expressions, emotions and gesture. In addition,
researchers also focused on developing face detection and face recognition algorithms
to be used by visually impaired people in the recent years [10,11]. Most of the face
detection methods uses the algorithms proposed by Viola and Jones [8]. The Haar
Cascades functions and the Principal Component Analysis of the Eigenfaces algo-
rithms were used in order to achieve the detection and recognition objectives.
Recently, the works related to real-time face detection, and their role in mobile ap-
plications is getting widely popular among programmers, developers, and researchers.
Authors in [12] proposed client-server-based framework, where face detection, and
tracking application is designed for Android mobile devices. In [13] an algorithm
designed to identify facial features on an android mobile platform. This algorithm is
based on anthropometric face model and box-blur filtering. Similarly, other research-
ers also proposed the methods of emotion recognition in Android smart phones based
on heart rates and the talk users obtained using built in camera, and microphones
respectively [14]. An emotion recognition framework to analyze the facial expres-
sions is presented in [15]. The main focus of this work is to identify emotions in com-
plex environments such variation in lighting, and device movements. A related appli-
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
cation to recognize and analyze the user's audio and characteristics on smart phones is
presented in [16]. This application is developed on Android platform for the primary
goal of emotion recognition efficiently in real-time. Considering the development
environment, since early 2010, several researchers developed applications on Android
platform. An experience report of development environment for Android applications
along with Eclipse IDE and open source tools can be found in [17]. A development of
a face detection and recognition application developed into Raspberry Pi and Android
is described in [18]. However, most of the earlier works related to Android, face
recognition, and emotion recognition etc., are fail to generalize the approach towards
developing Android based software framework for face recognition, which can be
applied to several applications and devices for the privacy protection, user security,
user authentication, and fraud detection. Considering these developments, in this pa-
per, we explore the tools and methods necessary for implementing generalized An-
droid based software development framework for real-time face detection and recog-
nition in mobile applications. Initially, the face detection based on Adaboost face and
the Haar feature is performed. Then the eigenface extraction algorithm of OpenCV is
used to extract the features, and the extracted eigenface is compared with the saved
eigenface. If the similarity exceeds the threshold, the face is identified as belong to the
same person.
The paper is organized as follows. The Section 2 introduces the proposed system
framework and detailed design. The image preprocessing, Gaussian smoothing, gray
transformation, and binarization steps are described in this Section, along with Haar-
like features and point graph. The details of specific face recognition are also present-
ed here. The Section 3 presents the development environment with details of imple-
mentation, where details of building of Android development environment is present-
ed, along with details OpenCV, JNI, and NDK. Section 4 presents the results obtained
after face detection and recognition. Finally, the conclusion is presented in Section 5.
2 System Framework and Detailed Design
The face recognition system proposed in this paper include steps as shown in Fig-
ure 1 and Figure 2. Firstly, the image is captured by a camera, which either is capable
of capturing videos or photographs. However, the camera which captures photographs
is more suitable for accurate recognition. Secondly, as the face detection is a complex
process in general, the system will try to standardize the image captured with the
similar characteristics with the previously stored images in the gallery. This is re-
quired because most of the captured images have some random background or other
images of other faces. Thirdly, feature extraction and mathematical representation
named biometric reference is achieved. This step is the essential step which form the
basis for face recognition. Final step is about process of comparison of models, where
biometric reference is compared with the other models of familiar faces in the gallery.
Declaring identity is establishing the close connection and affinity between two refer-
ences, which is often carried out by the human factor. The flowchart of the overview
of the proposed system is provided in Figure 1.
iJIM Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
Image Capture
using Camera
Android based
Mobile Phone
Java Program
Result Display
on Screen
Fig. 1. Flowchart describing overview of system framework
The Figure 2 shows the flowchart for steps involving in face recognition and detec-
tion. The process of image detection and recognition includes several steps starting
from capturing a dynamic image and making it as a static image using system camera.
Afterwards, the system locates the face position to the obtained image based on the
contour symmetry detection method. The image containing the effective face is fil-
tered out, and several steps follows after this step. These steps include processing and
adopting Haar-like feature matching method to extract the facial feature information
[19], comparing the extracted feature data with the face database information, and
then using the normalized square difference matching method in the OpenCV library
to perform specific face recognition as shown in Figure 2.
Face Detection
Feature Data
Specific Face
Fig. 2. Flowchart describing overview of system framework
2.1 Image preprocessing
In order to reduce the image noise, which may hinder the image extraction, detec-
tion, and recognition in the later stages, the image preprocessing method is selected as
a combination of different algorithms to process the image step by step (Figure 3).
The image preprocessing involves four steps, namely Gaussian smoothing, gray-scale
transformation, contrast enhancement, and binarization. Using the Gaussian smooth-
ing filtering and weighted average methods, the image is de-noised along with gray-
scale transformation after the conversion by local mean and standard deviation algo-
rithm to realize the contrast enhancement. Finally, the local adaptive binary method is
used for binary processing after the processing of the grayscale image.
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
Fig. 3. Steps involved in image preprocessing
The reasons behind choosing Gaussian smoothing technique can be described as
follows. Because of the interference of various external factors such as irregularity
and noise which is highly inevitable during the process of acquiring video or image.
This also leads to lose the image information and data corruption while preprocessing,
and will affect the image quality during the subsequent steps such as image extraction,
detection, and identification. Therefore, image noise filtering is highly essential.
Compared with the smoothing method such as median filtering and adaptive filtering,
the Gaussian smoothing filter is used to eliminate the noise in the spatial and frequen-
cy domain. The Gaussian smoothing image not only enhances the significant low
frequency information, but also retains the image edge contour. The contrast en-
hancement method applied is as follows. According to the different brightness point
level measurements and different levels of pixel statistics, the pixel information is
compared at each point using clustering method. The method compares the differ-
ences between bright and dark points and improves the difference between the pixels,
the contrast is enhanced. By using the selection of local mean and standard deviation
algorithms to complete contrast enhancement, the excessive contrast in other high-
frequency parts is avoided. Haar feature recognition algorithm, SIFT and SURF are
based on grayscale, but generalized Hough transform is more suitable for the detec-
tion of the whole face. The Haar more inclined to face detection, SIFT and SURF are
more complicated than Haar, thus the Haar feature algorithm is used for face recogni-
tion in this paper.
Gaussian smoothing: Image acquisition is easily distorted by various environ-
mental factors resulting from irregular noise. So, this needs to be processed by a
Gaussian smoothing filter. The smoothing process reduces the image noise using a
bilateral filter, while keeping the edges sharp. The formula for Gaussian smoothing
process for two-dimensional Gaussian function is shown as follows:
Where x and y are defined as the pixel template coordinates, σ is defined as the
smoothness parameter. The larger σ is, the better the smoothness is. The resulting
kernel of the filter also exhibits Gaussian distribution characteristics, and the pro-
cessed image enhances the low-frequency information.
Gray-scale transformation: The principle of Grayscale conversion method is that,
the color image is converted to grayscale images for easier processing of images and
face detection. The principle is to convert the R (red), G (green), and B (blue) values
iJIM Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
in the picture to gray values. The system conversion formula uses the weighted aver-
age method as shown in below:
Gray=0.229*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B (2)
Where, Gray is the gray value.
Contrast enhancement: The contrast enhancement is to separately process the
grayscale values of all the points in the image that have been smoothed. By compar-
ing the grayscale values, level calculation and difference comparison, the difference
in grayscale values among the points is more significant. The main application of
local mean and standard deviation algorithm is to computer local average of the low-
frequency part of the standard deviation, where the high-frequency part of the formula
ji ),(
The local variance is defined as below:
Where δx (i, j) is the local standard deviation and f (i, j) is used to represent the in-
tensified pixel value corresponding to x (i, j), which can be expressed as follows.
)],(),()[,(),(),( jimjixjxGjxmjif
The function G (I, j) is not arbitrarily defined. Under normal circumstances, the
value of G (I, j) will be greater than 1 to enhance [x (I, j) mx (I, j)], the high-
frequency component. Usually G (I, j) is defined as a constant, it is assumed to be C,
and generally C > 1, which will be transformed into:
)],(),([),(),( jimjixCjimjif
During the processing of any high-frequency part of the image which are basically
of the same magnification, does not rule out that some of the high-frequency compo-
nents will be over-enhanced or amplified.
Binarization: In the process of grayscale binarization, the values between 0 to 255
to represent grayscale values of the image pixels are used. The whole image has only
two colours of with black and white, so that the grayscale features can be handled
easily and quickly [20]. In this system, partial adaptive binary image processing is
selected, and the grayscale is mainly cut into N modules according to a specified rule.
A threshold T is set for each module, and each pixel in the module is respectively
adjusted according to a T assigned 0 or 255, thereby completing the binarization of
the module, and the remaining N-1 modules are also binarized in the similar way. In
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
local adaptive binarization, each module threshold T according to a combination of
local characteristics formulated threshold calculation formula, as shown in Equation
T = a*E + b*P + c*Q (7)
Where a, b, and c are free parameters, E is the average of the module’s pixels, P is
the squared difference between the pixels, and Q is the root mean square between the
pixels so that the binarized image can be more pronounced.
Haar-like features: Currently, face detection methods are mainly divided into two
types: one is based on existing knowledge and other is based on statistics. Haar-like
feature belong to the latter category. In 2004, Viola and Jones proposed face detection
using the Haar-like feature and integral graph method [8]. Later, Rainer Lienhart and
Jochen Maydt extended the Haar-like feature and eventually formed the Haar classifi-
er which is currently used by OpenCV [21]. Haar-like features, have been commonly
used in several applications such as object detection, and face recognition [19]. Haar
includes four types of feature templates: edge features, linear features, centre features
and diagonal features as the basic elements of decision. The feature template consists
of black and white rectangles, and the eigenvalue F of a template is given by white
rectangular pixels and Sw minus black rectangular pixels and Sb. By setting the sub-
window template category, location and size of the rectangle, a large number of ei-
genvalues can be collected from the image. For example, using a detection window of
24 * 24-pixel size, the number of rectangular features that can be obtained will reach
over 160,000 features.
2.2 Image building algorithm
The integral image needs to pass the image traversal only once, then the pixel sum
of all the areas in the image can be calculated. This is a fast algorithm and greatly
improves the eigenvalue calculation efficiency. The construction principle of the inte-
gral image is that the value I (x, y) at the position (x, y) is the sum of all the pixels in
the upper left corner of the original image (x, y). The details of algorithm are as fol-
S(x, y) represents the sum of the row direction, initialize S(x, -1) = 0; an integral
image is represented by I (x, y), initialized by I (-1, y) = 0; By progressively scanning
the image, the summation S(x, y) and the integral image I (x, y) values in the row
direction of each pixel point (x, y) are respectively calculated by the following equa-
tions and expressions.
S(x , y)=S(x , y-1)+I(x , y) (8)
I(x , y)=I(x-1 , y)+S(x , y) (9)
To do a traversal of the image, it is clear that once the bottom right pixel is
reached, the construction of the integral graph I is declared complete. After comple-
tion of the integral graph construction, for any matrix area P in the image, the corre-
iJIM Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
sponding four vertices are α, β, γ, δ, then the P pixels can be calculated by the follow-
ing formula:
Psum = I(α)+I(β)-(I(γ)+I(δ)) (10)
The Haar-like feature value is essentially the difference between the sum of two
matrix pixels and therefore can be completed in a very short period of time.
2.3 Image building algorithm
The important method of face recognition in the system is the process of template
matching, which uses an algorithm provided in OpenCV, named normalized variance
matching method. Finding the most similar area in a source image with a known tem-
plate image is called template matching. The objective function is the Match Tem-
plate function. Its function is to find the similarity between each position of the source
image I and the template image T, and store the similarity result in the result matrix R.
The brightness of each point of the matrix represents the similarity with the Template
Matching degree. The normalized square difference matching algorithm formula is as
shown in Equation 11. Here, T is defined as a template image, I is defined as a source
image, and R is defined as a matching result.
)y'y, x'I(x -)y',T(x'
y) xR(
3 Development Environment and Implementation
In this Section, the design details of development environment of the proposed sys-
tem are described. The steps in this design include building Android development
environment [22], using OpenCV libraries, using JNI (Java Native Interface) technol-
ogy [23], Android NDK (Native Development Kit) [24], and Android SDK [25] com-
ponents. The interconnection of these tools is shown in Figure 4.
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
Local C++
using JNI
Fig. 4. Overview of development environment
3.1 Building android based development environment
Android Software Development Kit (SDK) support Java and Android Studio pro-
vides the integrated development environment for developing Android based applica-
tions. In recent years, there are several researchers focused their attention on develop-
ing Android APPs and systems based on Android Platform [26,27]. The Android
NDK supports native development of C/C++ and allows programmers to develop
Android applications using C/C++, and call libraries such as OpenCV to Android
platform. So, to use OpenCV in the standard Android development environment, also
need tools such as Android NDK, and SDK. Android NDK is a tool set, integrated
Android cross compiler environment, and help developers to quickly develop C/C++
shared library. The face recognition algorithm is implemented by C language, and by
calling libraries available in OpenCV. This provides higher implementation efficiency
than using only the Java language. Android system acts as the application layer,
where the programs are written in Java language and it provides JNI interface, so that
a Android program can easily call the C language. The JNI interacts between the local
library and the Java framework as shown in Figure 4.
3.2 OpenCV library
OpenCV is an open source library of image processing algorithms based on C or
C++ programming. OpenCV libraries have the advantages such as: Cross-platform,
independent of operating system, hardware, and graphics manager; OpenCV is free of
charge for non-commercial or commercial applications; fast and easy to use; good
scalability including low-level and high-level application development kits for com-
mon image or video load, save and capture modules [21]. As the devices with An-
droid OS has the capabilities to obtain the benefits provided by OpenCV library
iJIM Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
which also guarantee real-time, an image preprocessing algorithm is used to form a
face recognition system.
3.3 JNI framework
Currently, most of the Android developments are achieved through Java language,
and it supports the applications written in C/C++. As a local language C++, and Java
will be required to be run on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to as a driver software
to interact with the hardware directly. So, system libraries are completed in C/C++
and Java language is used to call several functions related multimedia, SQLite, and
OpenGL etc., where are they bundled as system packages. In this paper, the image
preprocessing, face detection, and face classification authentication algorithm are
accomplished in OpenCV class library function and compiled as a library, and JNI
framework is used to call them, and the steps involved in JNI call are shown as fol-
1) Create a new JNI folder in the project’s root directory.
2) Create a C file in the root folder and add the header file to the fold-
3) In the Java code, create a local method, such as the method named:
helloFromC (method body by the C language) such
as :
public native String helloFromC();
4) In JNI definition function to achieve this method, the function in
the form:
omC (JNIEnv* env,jobject obj);
This returns a string that defines a string in C language:
char*cstr= "hello from c";
The C language string into java language string:
jstringjstr= (*env)- >New-
StringUTF(env,cstr);return jstr;
5) In the JNI, create and fill out the following in this for-
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
6) In the JNI folder under the implementation of ndk-
build.cmd instructions, configure the ndk-build environment varia-
ble, and refresh the project lib under the armbi file.
7) Use java code to load the so class library, call the local method, by
setting the parameter string.
8) Set the support based on implementationarchitecture such as x86 ar-
chitecture, build it inside JNI, by setting APP_ABI parameter.
3.4 Android native development kit (NDK)
The Android NDK is a set of components based on C/C ++, which can be used to
write some of the modules through C/C++ code, and the code of these modules can
also run in the Android Virtual Machine. NDK can guarantee higher performance
requirements, and often used in applications that require higher security, because
these can prevent recompilation or de-compilation. Similarly, the NDK can easily
reuse the existing C/C++ modules and can call C++ library. In this paper C/C++ ver-
sion of OpenCV is used, and compared to OpenCV for android, NDK has more pow-
erful functions. NDK includes API, ARM, x86, MIPS cross compiler, debugger, Java
native, and build tools, with dynamic link library. The face recognition algorithm
presented in this paper is implemented using C language, and by calling OpenCV
library. This has a higher implementation efficiency than using the Java language
alone. Android system application layer use Java language, but the Android system
also provides JNI interface, so that the Android program can easily call the C lan-
guage. JNI is located between the local library and the Java framework layer, and this
is shown in Figure 4.
3.5 Implementation details
The implementation process is a is a two-step process with face detection as the
first step in face recognition. In this section, we will describe the algorithms behind
the face detection, and face recognition. Face detection is the first step in face recog-
nition, where it is important to decide whether the image captured is a face or contain
information related to human face. The implementation of this method is described as
follows. The OpenCV has its own custom con-
trol tool, which cyclically crawls data from the camera. In the call-back method, we
can obtain the matrix data, and then by calling OpenCV native method. To detect
whether there is a face in the obtained image, we will enclose within a rectangle array
with face data as shown in Figure 5. The code responsible for this process is shown
public MatonCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrameinputFrame){
iJIM Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
mRgba = inputFrame.rgba();
mGray = inputFrame.gray();
if(mAbsoluteFaceSize == 0) {
int height = mGraw.rows();
if(Math.round(height* RELATIVE_FACE_SIZE)>0)
mAbsoluteFaceSize =
if(mJavaDetector !=null) {
MatOfRect face = new MatOfRect();
new Size(mAbsoluteFaceSize, mAbsoluteFaceSize),
new Size(mGray.width(),mGray.height()));
Rect[] facesArray = faces.toArray();
for (RectaFacesArray : FacesArray){
if(null !=mOnFaceDetectorListener){
return mRgba;
Fig. 5. Initial results after detecting a face
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
Face recognition is the major step in this process. The face recognition step evalu-
ate the similarity information by obtaining the eigenvalues of the face, and then by
comparing the two eigenvalues. In OpenCV eigenvalues are represented as a picture,
and after the face detection from the callback method of matrix data, we can extract
the eigenvalues and, then compare the eigenvalues. In order to improve the accuracy
of identification, face need to be detected, must be identified as a human face, con-
verted into a gray scale, and then normalized. The major sections of program code
responsible for this process is shown as below:
public static booleansaveImage(Context context, Mat Im-
age, Rectrect,StringfileName)
Mat grayMat = new Mat();
imgproc.cvtColor(image, grayMat, Imgproc.
Mat sub = grayMat.submat(rect);
Mat mat = new Mat();
Size size = new Size(100, 100);
Imageproc.resize(sub, mat, size);
return Highgui.imwrite(getFilePath(context, fileName),
The extracted facial features are compared with the facial features of stored in the
database. A face is accurately identified based on the most similarity that of the eigen-
face. The part of implementation coding of this step is shown as following:
public static double compare(Context context, String
fileName1, String fileName2){
String pathFile1=getFilePath(context, fileName1);
String pathFile2=getFilePath(context, fileName2);
IplImage image1=cvLoadImage(pathFile1,
IplImage image2=cvLoadImage(pathFile2,
if(nul==image1|| null==image2){
return -1;
int 1_bins = 256;
int hist_size[] = {1_bins};
float v_ranges[]={0,255};
float ranges[][]={v_ranges};
IplImage imagearr1[]={image1};
iJIM Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
IplImage imagearr2[]={image2};
CvHistogram Histogram1=CvHistogram.create(1,hist_size,
CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1);
CvHistogram Histogram2=CvHistogram.create(1,hist_size,
CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1);
cvCalcHist(imageArr1,Histogram1,0, null);
cvCalcHist(imageArr1,Histogram2,0, null);
double c1 = cvCompareHist(Histogram1,Histo
double c2 = cvCompareHist(Histogram1,Histogram2, CV-
return (c1+c2)/2;
} catch(Exception e){
return -1;
4 Testing and Results
Testing is done with two different smart phones to evaluate the accuracy and ac-
ceptability of face detection and recognition methods implemented. In the first case,
the testing is carried out on Huawei Mate9 Android 7.0 smart phone, which has a 20-
megapixel camera, and Kirin 960 CPU. In the second case, the testing is carried out
on Xiaomi 5 Android 6.0 smart phone, which has a 16-megapixel camera, and
MSM8996 CPU. Face information of ten individuals are added to the database, and
testing the face detection and face recognition is carried out in real-time.
Table 1. Test results in Huawei Mate 9 smart phone
Frame size
Success rate
RAM usage (MB)
Face detection
Face recognition
We have extracted different facial eigenvalues and compared their similarity. It is
found that the similarity of face eigenvalue of the same person is significantly higher
than that of different human face. The Table 1, and Table 2 shows the results obtained
in Huawei Mate 9, and Xiaomi 5 smart phones respectively. We have also shown the
overall success rate, time taken for face recognition, and RAM usage in megabytes.
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
The success rates in each case shows successful matching of the images while testing
with 20 images. Figure 6 shows the sample display of face recognition results ac-
quired from Huawei mate 10 smart phones. As shown, the similarity level is 88.15%
and 88.97% during successful matching, and 31.14% during unsuccessful matching.
Table 2. Test results in Xiaomi 3 smart phone
Frame size
Success rate
RAM usage (MB)
Face detection
Face recognition
We have extracted different facial eigenvalues and compared their similarity. It is
found that the similarity of face eigenvalue of the same person is significantly higher
than that of different human face. The Table 1, and Table 2 shows the results obtained
in Huawei Mate 9, and Xiaomi 5 smart phones respectively. We have also shown the
overall success rate, time taken for face recognition, and RAM usage in megabytes.
The success rates in each case shows successful matching of the images while testing
with 20 images. Figure 6 shows the sample display of face recognition results ac-
quired from Huawei mate 10 smart phones. As shown, the similarity level is 88.15%
and 88.97% during successful matching, and 31.14% during unsuccessful matching.
Fig. 6. Sample face recognition results, (a) and (b) shows successful matching with similarity
rate of 88.97% and 88.15% respectively, whereas (c) shows unsuccessful similarity rate
of 31.14% for wrong face.
iJIM Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020
PaperSoftware Development Framework for Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Mobile
5 Conclusion
Currently, cameras and microphones are miniature in nature, and can be easily in-
tegrated into wearable devices. For the efficient security of the devices from hackers,
and confirming authorized users is very important for personal data protection, and to
avoid misuse of such information from third parties. So, there are different methods
such as speech recognition and face identification methods are very essential. These
methods have better advantages over password-based authentication systems, and
make only the user to access such devices. Face recognition systems perform well in
the limited circumstances, although they exhibit better performance with frontal im-
ages and constant illumination. Currently, majority of face recognition algorithms
fails in different conditions in which people need to use the idea of this technology.
The next generation facial recognition systems should have tools to recognize human
face in real-time and in limited and unexpected circumstances.
In this paper, a software development framework for real-time face identification
system for mobile devices based on Android platform using OpenCV is presented.
We have used supporting software tools such as Java Native Interface (JNI), and
NDK (Native Development Kit) along with OpenCV for implementation of the pro-
posed system. For the face detection and recognition, the Gaussian smoothing and
gray-scale transformation algorithm is applied to preprocess the image. Then, the
Haar-like feature matching method is used to describe the characteristics of the opera-
tor and obtain the face characteristic value. The proposed system is tested in real-time
in two different brands of smart phones, and results shows average success rate in
both devices for face detection and recognition is 95% and 80% respectively.
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7 Authors
Laxmisha Rai received Ph.D from Kyungpook National University, South Korea
in 2008. From 2008 to 2009, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with Soongsil Univer-
sity, South Korea. He is a Professor with the College of Electronic and Information
Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China. His
research interests include software engineering, real-time systems, embedded systems,
autonomous mobile robots, expert systems, wireless sensor networks, MOOC, and
Bilingual Education. He has published over 50 research papers and currently serving
as Associate Editor of IEEE Access Journal. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, and
Member of ACM.
Zhiyuan Wang is currently pursing his Master’s degree in College of Electronic
and Information Engineering at Shandong University of Science and Technology,
Qingdao, China. His research interests are mobile application development, image
processing, and real-time systems.
Amila Rodrigo is currently pursing his Master’s degree in College of Electronic
and Information Engineering at Shandong University of Science and Technology,
Qingdao, China. His research interests are real-time systems, antenna applications,
and Internet of Things (IOT).
Zhaopeng Deng received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Shandong
University of Science and Technology, China in 2010 and 2013 respectively. His
major research interests include image processing and machine vision. Currently pur-
suing his Ph.D studies at Shandong University of Science and Technology, China.
Haiqing Liu received the bachelor’s degree in automation from Central South
University, China, in 2008, the Ph.D in system engineering from Shandong Universi-
ty, China, in 2015. From 2015 to 2017, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the
Postdoctoral Work Station, Hisense Group, China. He is a lecturer in Shandong Uni-
versity of Science and Technology. His current research interests include traffic engi-
neering and control, cooperative vehicle infrastructure system and traffic intelligent
Article submitted 2019-10-28. Resubmitted 2019-12-16. Final acceptance 2019-12-17. Final version
published as submitted by the authors.