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Topic: Compensation Policy
1.1 We are a pay-for-performance company:
Our compensation programs are tied to both individual and company performance
1.2 3M’s growth and profitability impact employees since we share both risks and gains of the
business.We ensure our pay is competitive, which allows us to attract and motivate a well-
qualified, diverse workforce:
We regularly benchmark our pay to be competitive with other premier companies
Total cash compensation at median
1.3 We are committed to fair and equitable pay:
We differentiate our pay based on individual roles, responsibilities, skill set and
Our pay is consistent with other similar jobs both at 3M and other companies
Our pay programs comply with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements
1.4 We provide resources to better understand 3M’s total pay system:
We provide information to help better understand the components of our competitive pay
and high-performance culture
2.1 All permanent employees of 3M India including Whole-time Directors of the Company and Key
Managerial Personnel (KMPs)
3.1. Every year,3M Compensation & Benefit ( C&B) team works closely with reputed Compensation
Consultants (Hewitt , Mercer etc) to determine the worth of each job by doing a market
benchmark study
3.2. As a process, 3M conducts job evaluation and job matching process with the help of
Compensation Consultant(s)appointed by the organization. The C&B team and the
Compensation Consultant (s) work closely first to understand all the roles in the organization and
map the roles to their frame work. Hewitt uses HA Level ( Aon Hewitt Level) and Mercer uses
their International Position Evaluation System( IPE methodology) .
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Topic: Compensation Policy
3.3. 3M Benchmarks and compares itself with Total Cash which includes Fixed pay and Variable pay
3.4. Compensation & Benefit ( C& B) team creates the comparator basket/peer companies list based
on the companies we recruit and lose our talent. These companies becomes our comparator list
to determine the compensation rates
3.5. Compensation consultants after finalization of peer companies from 3M India list go to the
shortlisted companies (Peer companies) understand their roles and map them to their frame
work. Post which, they compare the roles and compensation as per the mapping exercise .Upon
this exercise Consultants, based on the mapping provide compensation rates for each level. The
compensation consultant(s) furnish the compensation rates in the prescribed format.
3.6. C & B team based on the market median ,draws Market Reference point (MRP) .
3.7. Based on the above guidelines, each level, starting from the entry to the head of the
organization the pay range is determined . The determined pay ranges are shared with the MD
and Business/ Functional leaders to understand the salary movements and obtain approval on
the MRP for the year
3.8. The approved MRP is used for the merit increase exercise along with the employee
performance rating the C & B team culls out the Compa ratio ( Distance from the new Mid point
) and the proposed increase for each employee and the organization, as a whole.
3.9. Post completion of this exercise, the increase is discussed with the 3M Finance manager to find
out the affordability and the impact on our Profit and Loss account. Based on the companies
objectives and affordability, the overall company increase rates are determined.
3.10. The calibrated increment value, if any, is taken as the approved increase at a company level.
C&B reworks the entire compensation increases by employee- wise based on the available
budget. Else the company will go as per the increase proposed based on compa ratio ,
performance rating , Salary movements etc .
3.11. The final employee wise increases are broken into department/ business wise budget for annual
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Topic: Compensation Policy
3.12. C & B team annually reviews the compensation structure, to ensure that the appropriate mix of
fixed and variable pay is considered. The compensation structure is in line with the Income tax
rules, as applicable
3.13. C& B team uses appropriate communication channel(s) on the increases . The current process
is used for all employees in 3M India, including the MD , Key management personnel and other
employees .
4. Non-Executive, Independent Directors
As per the Policy followed by the Company the Non-Executive, Independent directors are paid
remuneration in the form of sitting fees for attending Board and Committee meetings as fixed by
the Board of Directors from time to time subject to statutory provisions. Presently sitting fee is
Rs.20,000 per Committee / Board meetings and a fixed Commission of Rs. 15 Lakhs P.A for each
of the each of the Non-Executive, Independent Directors.
C &B team works closely with the HR manager , Finance Manager, Business leader(s) and MD
for a ) Comparator basket b) Budget c) Employee wise increases.
6 Application of the Remuneration Policy
The above Remuneration Policy shall continue to guide all future employment of Directors, all permanent
employees of 3M India including Whole-time Directors of the Company and Key Managerial Personnel
Any departure from the policy can be undertaken only with the approval of the Board of Directors.