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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction to Robotics Lesson Plan ...................................................
Lesson 1 - Building and Setup ...........................................................
Lesson 2 - Curved Move .................................................................. 
Lesson 3 - Move Object ................................................................... 
Lesson 4 - Stop at Object ................................................................. 
Lesson 5 - Stop at Angle .................................................................. 
Lesson 6 - Stop at Line ................................................................... 
Lesson 7 - Switch .......................................................................... 
Master Challenge 1 - The Turntable Challenge ........................................ 
Master Challenge 2 - The LEGO
Factory Robot Challenge ......................... 
Design Brief Challenges .................................................................. 
Relevant Standards ........................................................................ 
Class Assessment Record ................................................................ 
Appendix A ................................................................................. 
Appendix B ................................................................................. 
Appendix C ................................................................................. 
Appendix D ................................................................................. 
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Introduction to Robotics Lesson Plan
This Lesson Plan provides educators with step-by-step instructions for how to use
the LEGO
Education EV3 Software, with classroom-based lessons.
Each lesson and challenge will give teachers the help they need to prepare, run, and
assess the class. It is up to the teacher to select which, as well as how many of the
provided extra tasks and challenges will be used in the Robotics course.
Within the program, teachers have the option to start the course by either focusing
on some of the Design Brief Challenges, or by having students complete the tasks
after a more structured start, using the tutorials provided.
Who Is It For?
Robot Educator is a valuable tool for anyone who wishes to learn how to use LEGO
What Is It For?
The coursework for the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Software focuses
primarily on engineering, technology, and computer science. However, it also
provides an opportunity to integrate cross-curricular activities, such as science and
mathematics, when students complete the challenges.
The engaging and motivating nature of the EV3 Software enables students to
construct and program, as well as provide them with the scope to experiment,
without prior knowledge or experience around programming or building.
The featured Lesson Plans enable educators to take a step-by-step approach to the
course or, if required, to use a more open-ended approach.
The Lesson Plans are invaluable for equipping teachers with what they need to
teach students how to use LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 within a classroom
setting. They also serve as a learning guide for the EV3 programming language and
the hardware included within the set. The intuitive programming interface, combined
with the supporting material, will enable students to make a quick and easy transition
into robotics within a STEM context. Teachers who are already familiar with the EV3
Software will find fresh inspiration within the educational package to further the
building and programming skills of their students.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
What Is in the Lesson Plan PDF?
• Step-by-step help on using six of the Robot Educator tutorials
• A range of ideas for lesson-specific challenges
• Two Master Challenges that provide solid opportunities for students to use EV3 in a
STEM context
• Four open-ended Design Brief Challenges
• References to relevant subject standards
• Suggestions on how to assess student learning
• A class assessment record
Education EV3 Software, Lessons, and Challenges are
designed for use with the 45544 LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Core Set.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Classroom Management Tips
How Much Time Do I Need?
The time taken to complete each of the tutorials as well as the suggested activities
in the Lesson Plan depends on a number of factors, including the level of complexity,
the age of the students, and the students’ experience with LEGO
the concepts covered in the relevant lesson. The following estimates are therefore
based on the time it would take an average student with no prior experience with
LEGO MINDSTORMS to complete the following tasks:
Estimated Completion Time Including
Building (in minutes)
Based on the estimates listed above, it should be possible for your students to
complete the first tutorial within a 45-minute class period.
Additional Materials
To complete the Lesson Plan, the following additional materials will be required:
different-colored sticky tape or paper (at least black, blue, gray, and one other color),
large sheets of paper, objects of different shapes and sizes, protractors, measuring
tapes (minimum length 1 meter), and markers.
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Challenge-Based Assessment
Education EV3 Software concept includes several ways
of assessing students’ work. The hands-on Challenge approach, which provides
a simple method of observing a robot’s ability or failure to complete a task, is an
effective way of challenging a student’s problem-solving skills and integrating
student and teacher assessment tools. When students have difficulty completing a
challenge using their robot, they are motivated to improve their design or program
in order to see something that they have built themselves succeed; this is a self-
reinforcing process.
In the “Test It” phase of the tutorials, students can record notes on the Canvas by
adding a Comment Box from the menu. This process encourages students to reflect
on the connection between the programming blocks and robot behavior.
The “Modify It” tasks included in the tutorials help consolidate learning by asking
students to make changes in the sample program to fulfill a given task.
Lesson Challenges provided for teachers in the Lesson Plan enable students to show
that they can apply the skills gained via the tutorials. Each Lesson Plan includes a
discussion section which gives guidance on what kinds of questions to ask students,
along with model answers. In the Design Brief Challenges, you can choose an
approach that, compared to the step-by-step tutorials, is more open-ended. This
allows you to assess students’ innovation and collaboration skills.
By using the Challenge-based assessment approach, students can apply their STEM
learning in an authentic context and show what they have learned.
Where Can I Find the Assessment Materials?
Assessment materials are provided for all seven Lessons and for the two Master
You can find the Introduction to Robotics class assessment record on page 35. The
Introduction to Robotics rubrics are provided as a separate PDF in the Lesson Plan
Category in the Teacher’s Support section.
What Learning Goals Are Assessed?
On the Introduction to Robotics rubrics PDF, students can evaluate their project work
according to the learning goals. Each rubric includes four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold
and Platinum. The intention is to help students reflect on what they have done well in
relation to the learning goals and what they might do better. Students could mark an
X to indicate the appropriate rubric level. You can also use the rubrics for your own
evaluation of the students’ work, marking your own X in the appropriate column, and
adding optional comments in the Notes column.
If a more formative assessment approach is required, you can record grades on
the class assessment record provided on page 35. The students can retain the
Introduction to Robotics rubrics as a record of their progress.
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 041329.
Class Assessment Record
Introduction to Robotics Class Assessment Record
Name Class
Building and Setup
Curved Move
Move Object
Stop at Object
Stop at Angle
Stop at Line
Master Challenge 1
Master Challenge 2
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Student Documentation
When documenting, students will reflect on and consolidate what they have just
learned, as well as how to use appropriate language to communicate it. You can ask
students to:
• Write full descriptions of their working processes
• Add images and videos of their robot in action
• Take screenshots from the EV3 Software
• Share their unique project with other students
Guide the students on how to use the Edit Mode in the Content Editor when
documenting what they have learned after each Lesson.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Before Starting the First Lesson
If you have never worked with LEGO
Education EV3 before, you
should ensure the following:
1. Each computer has a preinstalled version of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education
EV3 Software.
2. Each EV3 Brick has the latest firmware and is fully charged.
3. Before connecting computers and EV3 Bricks via Bluetooth in the classroom, we
recommend renaming each EV3 Brick. This can be done in two ways:
a. Update the name via the desktop EV3 Software using a USB cable.
b. Update to firmware V1.07E or later and change the name via the EV3 Brick
Settings Area (see the User Guide for more help).
4. Check out the Quick Start Videos in the Lobby.
You may want the students to understand the names and functions of the different
elements in the brick set. Discuss the naming and basic functionality of the key
hardware components and establish a set of brick management rules. Please refer
to the User Guide for the Core Set Elements List.
Firmware Update
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Lesson 1
Lesson 1 – Building and Setup
After completing this lesson, students will be able to build the Driving Base, connect
the computer to the EV3 Brick, and download and run programs that control the
robot’s behavior.
2 to 3 x 45 mins.
Understand the process of connecting a computer to the EV3 Brick. Watch the
Programming Quick Start Video for guidance. Distribute one EV3 Core Set per two to
three students. Optional: cardboard, textiles, and other materials for personalizing the
1. Students build the Robot Educator Driving Base using the Building Instructions
booklet (included with the 45544 Core Set) or the software-integrated Building
Instructions available via the Driving Base link on page two of each tutorial.
Note: Ensure that all students get to build part of the model during the activity.
Optional: An effective way of allowing students to take ownership of their robot is
to have them personalize it using additional LEGO
elements and other materials.
By doing this, they can turn their robot into a puppy, elephant, or even a fantasy
2. As a class, go through the process of connecting the computer with the EV3 Brick
and running the first program, or direct the students to the Programming Quick
Start Video, which will help them to connect the devices themselves.
3. Students use the programming software to make simple programs that:
a. Make their robot play a sound that is appropriate to their creature
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 1
b. Make their robot display an image or their own text in the EV3 Brick Display
Make their robot flash the Brick Status Light.
Discussion Questions
Robot Behavior: What problems did you encounter when constructing the
Driving Base?
Might have used the wrong components in a step and had to go back and
change the model, or had difficulty finding parts, especially the smaller ones.
Program Flow: What did you have to do to change either the Sound or Brick
Display image?
Click the top right hand corner of the programming block and select a file.
Discovery: What did you find out when you connected the EV3 Brick to the
The EV3 Software asked for a firmware update.
You must insert the USB cable the correct way up.
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment, and can record their progress by marking the box
that best reflects their level of work. Help your students to improve by writing a
comment for each of them in the Notes column during the lesson cycle.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 2
Lesson 2 – Curved Move
After completing this lesson, students will be able to navigate their robot through
an obstacle course. By selecting the correct programming blocks and setting their
parameters, students will know how and when to use point turns, single-motor turns,
and curved turns.
2 to 3 x 45 mins.
For task 5b you will need rubber bands to allow students to attach a pen to their robot.
For task 5c you will need to prepare an obstacle course on the floor. You can use a
large sheet of paper and markers, or place sticky tape on the floor (see illustration
1. Introduce students to the Lobby of the LEGO
Education EV3
Software. Students need to know where to find the Robot Educator tutorials and
how to open them. Demonstrate the flow of one tutorial to ensure that students
know their way around the tutorials in combination with the Programming Canvas
and Hardware Page (see also the Quick Start Videos).
2. Students complete and test the Curved Move tutorial, which introduces the Move
Steering Block.
3. In the “Test It” phase, the students will see a sample program to copy. Ensure that
each group takes the time to describe the robot’s behavior in their own words,
while running the program. This encourages the students to reflect on what they
see and how it relates to the programming blocks. Students can record notes on
the Canvas by adding a Comment Box from the menu.
The following sample program is provided for the students:
Example of a robot behavior description:
The robot performs a point turn, then a single-motor turn, and lastly, a curved
turn. Each action is separated by a pause, which allows the robot to settle before
executing the next action.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 2
4. Students solve the “Modify It” task, which challenges them to add three Move
Steering Blocks to their program in order to make the robot drive backwards,
following the same path back to the starting position.
5. Lesson Challenge Ideas:
a. Program the robot to trace out a figure eight, the first letter of your name, or
another letter or number.
b. Attach a pen to the robot and program it to draw a cloverleaf, heart, flower,
or another shape.
c. To ensure that students know when to use the different kinds of turns
(point turn, single-motor turn, or curved turn), make an obstacle course that
requires different turning methods (see illustration below and/or Appendix
A). The students must write a program that makes the left wheel of the robot
follow a path and parks the robot in the parking area.
For this path, use curved turns for the first section, followed by single-motor turns
for the 90-degree turns, and finally, a point turn before reversing the robot into the
parking area.
The obstacle course can be
simplified for some students
by allowing them not to drive
through the curve. This will
allow the robot to drive in a
straight line and then park.
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 2
Discussion Questions
Robot Behavior: What did you discover when using the different turn methods?
The Steering Parameter Value was set to 50 to perform a single motor turn,
and the Steering Parameter Value was set to 100 or -100 to perform a point
Program Flow: What is the purpose of the Wait Block?
The Wait Block makes your program wait for something before continuing to
the next block in the sequence. You can wait for a certain amount of time for a
sensor to reach a certain value, or for a sensor value to change.
Discovery: Which method of turning worked the best for the curved line?
Move Tank or Move Steering Blocks work best because they keep both motors
running in the same direction, with one motor running slightly slower.
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment by marking the box that best reflects their level of
work. Help your students to improve by writing a comment for each of them in the
Notes column during the lesson cycle.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 3
Lesson 3 – Move Object
After completing this lesson, students will be able to program their robot to move
and release objects of different shapes and sizes.
2 to 3 x 45 mins.
Find several objects of different shapes and sizes that may or may not fit in the frame
of the Medium Motor Module. For this Lesson Challenge you will need to prepare an
obstacle course on the floor. You can use a large sheet of paper, markers, or sticky
tape (see illustration below).
1. Students build and attach the Medium Motor Module to the Driving Base.
2. Students build the Cuboid.
3. Students complete the Move Object tutorial to understand how they can use the
Medium Motor Module to grab the Cuboid.
4. In the “Test It” phase, the students will see a sample program to copy. Ensure that
each group takes the time to describe the robot’s behavior in their own words,
while running the program. This encourages the students to reflect on what they
see and how it relates to the programming blocks. Students can record notes on
the Canvas by adding a Comment Box from the menu.
The following sample program is provided for the students:
Example of a robot behavior description:
Using the Medium Motor Module, the robot lowers the frame and grabs the
Cuboid. It then reverses before raising the frame to release the Cuboid.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 3
5. Students complete the “Modify It” task. The shape and size of different objects
challenges students to modify their program or make changes to the Medium
Motor Module to enable the robot to grab the different objects. When modifying
the program, students will have to change the number of degrees the Medium
Motor turns in order to accommodate the varying dimensions of the objects.
Note: Before modifying the Medium Motor Module, be aware that it is also required
in Lesson 4 and Master Challenge 2.
6. Lesson Challenge:
Combine the optional challenge of Lesson 2 with moving the Cuboid (or another
object) from predetermined start and end positions (see illustration below and/
or Appendix A). For an additional challenge, students can also use the Ultrasonic
Sensor to help detect the Cuboid (see Lesson 4 for further details).
Discussion Questions
Robot Behavior: How did you overcome the problem of moving
larger sized objects?
Modified the Medium Motor Module frame to fit the larger objects.
Program Flow: What did you have to change in order to move
different sized objects?
The number of degrees of the Medium Motor Block had to be changed.
Discovery: What did you discover when using the Medium Motor Module?
In order for the robot to lower the Medium Motor Module, the Medium Motor
Block Power setting must be set to a negative (-) value.
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment by marking the box that best reflects their level of
work. Help your students to improve by writing a comment for each of them in the
Notes column during the lesson cycle.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 4
Lesson 4 – Stop at Object
After completing this lesson, students will understand the difference between the
Change and Compare Modes of the various EV3 sensors. This particular lesson
features the Ultrasonic Sensor.
2 to 3 x 45 mins.
Make sure you understand the difference between Change and Compare Modes.
When using Compare Mode, the program waits for a certain distance to be read by
the sensor. When using the Change Mode, the program reads the distance and then
waits for a certain increase or decrease in distance. For this Lesson Challenge, you will
need to prepare an obstacle course on the floor. You can use a large sheet of paper,
markers, or sticky tape (see illustration below).
1. Students build the Ultrasonic Sensor Module and attach it to the Driving Base.
2. Students complete the Stop at Object tutorial, during which they learn that
the Ultrasonic Sensor measures distance to objects. Understanding this allows
students to program the robot to react to a detected object.
3. In the “Test It” phase, the students will see a sample program to copy. Ensure that
each group takes the time to describe the robot’s behavior in their own words,
while running the program. This encourages the students to reflect on what they
see and how it relates to the programming blocks. Students can record notes on
the Canvas by adding a Comment Box from the menu.
The following sample program is provided for the students:
Example of a robot behavior description:
Measuring distance using the Ultrasonic Sensor, the robot moves forward until it
detects a decrease of 11 cm from the Cuboid and stops. The robot then reverses
until it detects an increase of 6 cm from the Cuboid.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 4
4. Students also complete the “Modify It” task. They should realize that the robot
will always move forward 11 cm and then backwards 6 cm, regardless of the start
distance to the Cuboid; this is the essence of the Ultrasonic Sensors Change
5. Lesson Challenge Ideas:
Students attach the Medium Motor Module and grab the Cuboid (see illustration
below and/or Appendix A). Remind students to use the Wait Block’s Ultrasonic
Sensor in Compare Mode so that the robot moves close enough to the Cuboid.
The following scenarios can be used:
a. Cuboid in position 1 robot in start position make the robot move the
Cuboid to position 2 and return to the start position
b. Cuboid in position 1 robot in start position make the robot move the
Cuboid to position 3 and then park in position 4
c. Cuboid in position 3 robot starts in position 4 make the robot move the
Cuboid to position 1 following the path
Discussion Questions
Robot Behavior: What happens if the speed of the Medium Motor Module
is set too high?
The Medium Motor Module knocks over or pushes aside the Cuboid before it
can take hold of it.
Program Flow: What is the difference between the Change and Compare
Modes when using the Ultrasonic Sensor?
Change Mode reads the distance and then waits for an increase or decrease.
Compare Mode waits for a certain predefined distance.
Discovery: What happens to the robot when it drives towards a round object?
The Ultrasonic Sensor does not always recognize the shape, as it is unable to
receive a signal back.
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment and can record their progress by marking the box that
best reflects their level of work. Help your students to improve by writing a comment
for each of them in the Notes column during the lesson cycle.
Change Mode:
Compare Mode:
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 5
Lesson 5 – Stop at Angle
After completing this lesson, students will be able to turn their robot based on input
from the Gyro Sensor.
2 to 3 x 45 mins.
Familiarize yourself with the Gyro Sensor to ensure that you can detect when it is
drifting and how to correct it. The Gyro Sensor chapter in the User Guide will help
familiarize you with the sensor. This topic is also covered in Step 4 of the procedure
below. Using sticky tape and protractors, students can create different angles on the
floor to validate the turning angle of their robot. For tasks 5a and 5b, you will need to
provide rubber bands to allow the students to attach a pen to their robot. For task
5c, you will need to prepare a maze on the floor. You can use a large sheet of paper,
objects, markers, or sticky tape (see illustration below).
1. The students build the Gyro Sensor Module and attach it to the Driving Base.
2. The students complete the Stop at Angle tutorial to make the robot turn 45
degrees based on Gyro Sensor angle readings.
3. In the “Test It” phase, the students will see a sample program to copy. Ensure that
each group takes the time to describe the robot’s behavior in their own words,
while running the program. This encourages the students to reflect on what they
see and how it relates to the programming blocks. Students can record notes on
the Canvas by adding a Comment Box from the menu.
The following sample program is provided for the students:
Example of a robot behavior description:
Measuring rotational angle using the Gyro Sensor, the robot point turns until it
detects an angle increase of 45 degrees. The robot then drives forward for one
rotation and stops.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 5
4. Troubleshooting: The troubleshooting notes included in the tutorial will help
students understand how to avoid Gyro Sensor drift. Introduce the EV3 Brick Port
View App as a method of checking the sensor reading. As the Gyro Sensor has a
tolerance of +/- 3 degrees, you should therefore expect to compensate for that in
the programs (e.g. to make a 90-degree turn, you may have to set the Threshold
Value parameter of the Wait Block’s Gyro Sensor – Change – Angle Mode to 87
5. In the “Modify It” task, you may want to introduce students to the Loop Block as
a way of decreasing the number of blocks needed to drive in a square. However,
allow the students sufficient time to work it out for themselves.
Suggested program:
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 5
6. Lesson Challenge Ideas:
a. Attach a pen to the robot, then use a Gyro Sensor to program your robot to
draw the letter “Z.”
b. Attach a pen to the robot, then use a Gyro Sensor to program your robot to
draw a star shape (consisting of five identical angles). Next, try increasing or
decreasing the angle. How does the shape change?
c. Challenge students to make their robot navigate through a maze using the
Gyro Sensor (see illustration below and/or Appendix B).
Discussion Questions
Robot Behavior: What did you have to do in order to make your robot turn
90 degrees?
Slow down the rotation speed of the robot and potentially set the angle to a
value lower than 90 degrees.
Program Flow: Why is it important to know how to set the Threshold Value?
This can make the difference between whether or not the robot reacts to the
input of the sensor. It is also a way in which the robot can be ‘fine-tuned’ to
make it more accurate.
Discovery: What did you find was the difference between the Change and
Compare Modes?
Change Mode - Wait for the selected value to change.
Compare Mode - Wait to reach a selected value.
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment and can record their progress by marking the box that
best reflects their level of work. Help your students to improve by writing a comment
for each of them in the Notes column during the lesson cycle.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 6
Lesson 6 – Stop at Line
After completing this lesson, students will be able to use the Color Sensor to stop
the robot when a line is detected. Students will also be able to set a Threshold Value
for a sensor.
2 to 3 x 45 mins.
Provide the students with different colored paper or sticky tape, and a sheet of white
paper with a thick black line printed across it. Follow these steps to test whether the
Color Sensor can read the selected color materials correctly:
1. Turn on the EV3 Brick and connect a Color Sensor to Port 3.
2. Navigate to the Port View App and open it.
3. Use the Right Button to navigate to Port 3.
4. The value shown is the Reflected Light Intensity (COL-REFLECT). Press the Center
Button to change the mode.
5. Scroll down the displayed list, select Color Mode (COL-COLOR) and then point
the sensor at the colored material. The value displayed equates to the following
colors: 0,NoColor; 1,Black; 2,Blue; 3,Green; 4,Yellow; 5,Red; 6,White; and
6. If the value does not match the color of your material, you will need to use another
Note: For best accuracy when in Color Mode or Reflected Light Intensity Mode,
the sensor must be held perpendicular and close to, but not touching the surface
being detected.
1. Students build the Color Sensor Down Module and attach it to the Driving Base.
2. Students complete the Stop at Line tutorial to detect a black line using the Color
3. Students read and practice setting the Threshold Value to enable the best results
from the Color Sensor. They can do this by clicking on the link on page 4 of the
“Test It” page.
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Lesson 6
4. In the “Test It” phase, the students will see a sample program to copy. Ensure that
each group takes the time to describe the robot’s behavior in their own words,
while running the program. This encourages the students to reflect on what they
see and how it relates to the programming blocks. Students can record notes on
the canvas by adding a Comment Box from the menu.
The following sample program is provided for the students:
Example of a robot behavior description:
Measuring the Reflected Light-Intensity using the Color Sensor, the robot turns
until it detects the black line and then stops.
5. Students complete the “Modify It” task, in which they practice detecting lines that
are lighter colored.
6. Lesson Challenge:
Ask the students to change the mode of the Color Sensor to Color Mode and see
if they can get the robot to stop on a blue line.
The following sample program is provided for the teacher:
Example of a robot behavior description:
Measuring color using the Color Sensor, the robot turns until it detects the color
blue and then stops.
Ask the students to find out what the No Color parameter does (it causes the
robot to react when the Color Sensor fails to detect a color that matches any of
the predefined colors).
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 6
Discussion Questions
Robot Behavior: Which color or shade reflects the most light?
White reflects the most and black reflects the least.
Program Flow: Was it easier to set up the Wait Block for measuring Color or
Reflected Light Intensity?
When detecting a color, the color is just selected. When reacting to reflected
light, a good threshold value must be found in order for the robot to behave as
expected. Color is easier if the Color Sensor recognizes the color.
Discovery: What would you do if the robot were to detect a gray color?
Use the Wait Block set to read the Color Sensor in
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment and can record their progress by marking the box that
best reflects their level of work. Help your students to improve by writing a comment
for each of them in the Notes column during the lesson cycle.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 7
Lesson 7 – Switch
After completing this lesson, students will be able to use the Switch Block to make
dynamic sensor-based decisions in order to make their robot follow a line.
2 to 3 x 45 mins.
Provide students with black and gray sticky tape to make a path for the robot to follow.
1. If not already built, students build the Color Sensor Down Module and attach it to
the Driving Base, pointing down.
2. Students complete the Switch tutorial. Even though the Wait Block can be used to
make a robot follow a line, this tutorial uses the Switch Block in order to introduce
the abstract concept of if/then statements to the students.
3. In the “Test It” phase, the students will see a sample program to copy. Ensure that
each group takes the time to describe the robot’s behavior in their own words,
while running the program. This encourages the students to reflect on what they
see and how it relates to the programming blocks. Students can record notes on
the Canvas by adding a Comment Box from the menu.
The following sample program is provided for the students:
Example of a robot behavior description:
Moving forward along a line, the robot uses the Color Sensor to alternately switch
each motor on and off when it detects changes in brightness reflected by the
dark line and bright surface. This is why the robot “wiggles” forward.
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Lesson 7
4. Students complete the “Modify It” task, which allows them to test their program
with a lighter-colored line. This will challenge them to experiment with the Wait
Block’s Threshold Value parameter.
5. Lesson Challenge Ideas:
a. Ask the students to test how fast they can make their robot follow a line.
b. Make a line-follower program that uses Move Steering Blocks to perform
curved turns rather than the sharp single-motor turns used in the tutorial.
c. The tutorial sample program uses a Switch Block to create a line follower.
Can they produce the same result without using a Switch Block?
Discussion Questions
Robot Behavior: What did you have to do in order to make the robot follow the
line more smoothly?
Keep both motors running, one at a lower speed than the other, or use the
Move Steering Blocks.
Program Flow: What is a threshold value?
The threshold value is the average number reading between light and dark.
This is the number that you add to the Switch Block.
Discovery: What did you have to do in order for the robot to follow a gray line?
Work out the average threshold value between white and gray.
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment and can record their progress by marking the box that
best reflects their level of work. Help your students to improve by writing a comment
for each of them in the Notes column during the lesson cycle.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Master Challenge 1
Master Challenge 1 – The Turntable
The objective of this Master Challenge is for the students to navigate their robot
around a four-bay, turntable-style parking area using a combination of point turns
and sensors. After completing this Challenge, students will be able to use angles to
predict the final position of their robot and compensate for factors that may affect
the accuracy of the Gyro and Color Sensors.
At a minimum, students must be familiar with the Color Sensor and Gyro Sensor, as
featured in the Stop at Line and Stop at Angle Lessons.
2 to 4 x 45 mins.
To create the Challenge mat illustrated below and/or in Appendix C, the students will
need protractors, long rulers, pencils, markers, and blue sticky tape or blue paper.
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Master Challenge 1
1. Using two sensors, students move the robot from the center to final positions 1,
2, 3, and 4. If using the suggested angles for the Wait Block’s Gyro Sensor Mode,
students should create their own copy of the chart below and try to predict which
of the parking bays their robot will drive into:
Programmed Angle
Actual Parking Bay
Predicted Parking Bay
Note: There may be several correct answers, as the robot can be rotated both
clockwise and counterclockwise.
2. Create a program that uses a Switch Block to enable students to navigate the
robot into one of the four parking bays by pressing one of the EV3 Brick Buttons.
The following sample program is provided for the students:
Observe and/or ask questions to determine if the students:
• Use both the Color and Gyro Sensors
• Correctly predict the angle required to park the robot in each of the parking bays
• Use the blue line to stop forward movement
• Can compensate for the factors that may affect the stopping precision when using
the Gyro Sensor (sensor tolerance, motor slack, and rotational momentum)
• Work cooperatively to solve the tasks
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment and can record their progress by marking the box that
best reflects their level of work. Help your students to improve by writing a comment
for each of them in the Notes column during the lesson cycle.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Master Challenge 2
Master Challenge 2 – The LEGO
Robot Challenge
The purpose of this Master Challenge is to create a simplified representation of one
of the real-life robots used in LEGO
factories around the world to automate various
tasks. After completing this Challenge, students will be able to combine what they
have learned in the previous lessons to master the basics of robotics.
It is recommended that students complete all seven lessons before beginning this
Master Challenge. However, if you prefer a more project-based, explorative method,
you can start out with this challenge and allow students to find help on their own by
referring to the lessons.
2 to 6 x 45 mins.
To create the path illustrated below and/or in Appendix D, the students will need sticky
tape, markers, measuring tape, the Cuboid, and a large object at the end of the black
line. Students might also need a large protractor for measuring the angle in step three
1. Detect and grab the Cuboid using the Medium Motor and Ultrasonic Sensor
2. Drive the robot forward exactly 84 cm.
3. Determine and turn x degrees clockwise using the Gyro Sensor to point the robot
towards the target circle.
4. Drive as close as possible to the center of the target and release the Cuboid.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Master Challenge 2
5. Locate the line using the Color Sensor. To challenge students, use sticky tape of a
different color than what was used in the Stop at Line and Switch lessons.
6. Have the robot follow the line towards the large object.
7. Stop right in front of the object. Here, the main challenge for the students is to
define for how long the robot should follow the line before stopping. The large
object at the end of the line gives students a chance to escape the line-follower
loop using the Ultrasonic Sensor, which can also be used to solve the Challenge.
Observe and/or ask questions to determine if the students can use their experience
from the seven lessons to solve this seven-step Challenge by:
• Understanding the difference between Change and Compare Modes; they should
use the Wait Block’s Ultrasonic Sensor in Compare Mode to achieve the best results
in this Challenge
• Calculating distance based on wheel circumference or using trial and error to get
to the required 84 cm
• Estimating the turn angle by using a protractor and the Gyro Sensor
• Measuring the distance and then calculating the number of motor rotations to get
close to the center of the target
• Programming the robot to stop at the line
• Following the line back
• Stopping in front of the large object
• Working cooperatively to solve the tasks
During the lesson, students can interact with the Introduction to Robotics rubrics,
using peer or self-assessment and can record their progress by marking the box that
best reflects their level of work. Help your students to improve by writing a comment
for each of them in the Notes column during the lesson cycle.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Design Brief Challenges
Design Brief Challenges
Not all robots are Driving Bases. These Design Brief Challenges test the students
ability to build and program their own creations based on a brief that allows for
a diversity of solutions. Students have a chance to choose an approach that,
compared to the step-by-step tutorials, is more open-ended. Design Brief Challenges
also allow you to assess a student’s creative and collaborative skills.
Four design briefs are listed below. For each Challenge, you should consider up front
how many lessons the students are given in order to complete it. If the students are
told that they have four 45-minute lessons and must then be ready to present their
unique solution, they have a better chance of managing their time successfully, and
can adjust their ambitions accordingly.
These Design Brief Challenges can be used as a starting point in your class;
students can use the tutorials and help text as a reference.
Alarm System
Build and program an alarm system using one or more sensors.
Dancing Robot
Build and program a robot with attitude that moves to your favorite music.
Greeting Robot
Build and program a robot that greets you positively when meeting it.
Robotic Sweeper
Build and program a robot that sweeps objects out of its path.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Relevant Standards
Relevant Standards
The seven lessons, two Master Challenges, and Design Brief Challenges provide a
full introduction to robotics and are great examples of how to use robotics in a STEM
context. Using the LEGO
Education EV3 concept in the classroom
opens up a range of valuable learning outcomes. Skills such as teamwork, creativity,
and problem solving are an inherent part of the experience, and students’ natural
mastery of tablet devices will help them learn the language of programming more
Below is a selected overview of standards addressed or partially addressed when
using LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3. This list will grow steadily when you
expand the use of EV3 in the classroom.
Next Generation Science Standards
• Asking questions
• Developing and using models
• Planning and carrying out investigations
• Analyzing and interpreting data
• Using mathematics and computational thinking
• Constructing explanations and designing solutions
• Engaging in argument from evidence
• Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Crosscutting concepts
• Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation
• Structure and function
• Systems and system models
Core Ideas: Engineering, Technology and Application of Science
• Engineering Design
• Motion and stability: Forces and interactions
• Energy
• Waves and their applications in technologies for information transfer
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Relevant Standards
Computer Science Teachers Association
Computational Thinking
• Recognize that software is created to control computer operations.
• Understand and use the basic steps in algorithmic problem solving.
• Develop a simple understanding of an algorithm.
• Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, teachers, and others using
• Identify ways that teamwork and collaboration can support problem solving and
Computing Practices and Programming
• Use technology resources for problem solving and self-directed learning.
• Construct a program as a set of step-by-step instructions to be acted out.
• Implement problem solutions using a block-based visual programming language.
Computers and Computing Devices
• Use standard input and output devices to successfully operate computers and
related technologies.
• Apply strategies for identifying simple hardware and software problems that may
occur during use.
• Identify factors that distinguish humans from machines.
• Recognize that computers model intelligent behavior (as found in robotics, speech
and language recognition, and computer animation).
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Relevant Standards
ISTE National Education Technology Standards
Creativity and Innovation
• Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology.
• Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
• Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
Communication and Collaboration
• Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute
to the learning of others.
• Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
• Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects,
solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and
• Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
• Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
• Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
Digital Citizenship
• Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity.
• Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
Technology Operations and Concepts
• Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems,
and operations.
• Understand and use technology systems.
• Select and use applications effectively and productively.
• Troubleshoot systems and applications.
• Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
ITEEA Standards for Technological Literacy
The Nature of Technology
• Students will develop an understanding of the characteristics and scope of
• Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology.
• Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design.
• Students will develop an understanding of engineering design.
• Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and
development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving.
Abilities for a Technological World
• Students will develop abilities to apply the design process.
• Students will develop abilities to use and maintain technological products and
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Relevant Standards
Common Core Mathematics Standards
• Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
• Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
• Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
• Attend to precision.
• Look for and make use of structure.
• Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
• Model with mathematics.
• Use appropriate tools strategically.
Expressions and Equations
• Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic
expressions and equations.
• Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface
area, and volume.
Common Core English Language Arts
Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects
• Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
• Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words
and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to
grades 6–8 texts and topics.
Reading Standards for Informational Text
• Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability
to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
Speaking and Listening Standards
• Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on topics, texts, and issues, building on
others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Class Assessment Record
Introduction to Robotics Class Assessment Record
Name Class
Building and Setup
Curved Move
Move Object
Stop at Object
Stop at Angle
Stop at Line
Master Challenge 1
Master Challenge 2
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marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Appendix A
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Appendix B
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Appendix C
LEGO, the LEGO logo, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son
marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015, 2016 The LEGO Group. 062615.
Appendix D