Application For School Bus Service Revised: 05/06/21
Chicago Public Schools Student Transportation Services
Application for School Bus Service
School Year 2021-2022
Designated Programs
Notice: Students participating in specified programs at identified Chicago Public School sites are eligible for school bus service in
accordance with published policies. The parent and/or legal guardian of each student attending the Chicago Public Schools and
requesting school bus service to a school with bus service for the next school year and/or completing any transportation request form
must complete this application by June 22, 2021. Forms received after this date will be processed, but transportation on the first day of
school is not guaranteed. Parents may request bus service at any time during the school year but only those programs authorized to
receive bus service by the Board of Education shall be approved. This form is not applicable for summer school bus service.
Responsibility: It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to provide adult supervision during a child’s walk to and from the
assigned pickup/drop off location and until the bus arrives. Generally, school bus service is provided to selected programs and
when the student lives between 1.5 and 6 miles from their attending school. Neighborhood schools are normally assigned as
pickup/drop off locations for most students. Students with special needs who are eligible for bus service will receive home pick
up if required by their Individualized Education Program (IEP); parents/guardians of such students are to meet the bus at the
curb for pick-up/drop-off. Additionally, parents/guardians are responsible to have the child ready and at the assigned stop
location 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time.
Parents must acknowledge that they have reviewed the eligibility standards for bus service and that their child/children will use the bus
service on a regular basis. Lack of regular use can cause the assigned school site stop location to be removed from the route for
the remainder of the school year.
Schools and programs approved for school bus service in addition to the current student eligibility policies are available at all Chicago
Public School locations and on the CPS web site: https://www.cps.edu/services-and-supports/transportation-services/
(Please Print or Type All Fields Must Be Completed)
School of
Attendance (Name):
Student Name
Student ID
Current Legal Home Address:
( )
( )
( )
Home Address (after 07/01/21 if moving):
( )
( )
( )
Name of Parent or
Legal Guardian:
Request for Bus Service: As a parent and/or legal guardian of the above noted child/children, I request school bus
service for the 2021-2022 school year and have read and agree to the eligibility policies for bus service.
Parent/Guardian Signature (MANDATORY):
Date of Request:
Check selection that applies: ( ) New Enrollee ( ) New Address for SY 21-22 ( ) No Change for SY 21-22
School Action:
If the student is presently enrolled at the school, receiving bus service, and there is no change in the bus service, no action is
required. Do not change or enter a new transportation request in ASPEN. Note: half-day students with transportation must be
verified each school year and updated if the homeroom has changed.
If the student is newly enrolling, enter the student transportation request in ASPEN. For students who will have a new home
address for school year 2021-2022, the new address cannot be entered into ASPEN until after July 1. No new request is required
if the student has an active transportation request.
Keep this form at the school. Do not send a copy to Student Transportation Services unless specifically requested.