Effective November 27, 2021 all students and instructors
attending resident training at the National Emergency
Training Center (NETC) for the National Fire Academy
(NFA), or Emergency Management Institute (EMI) will
be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Fully vaccinated is defined as at least two weeks must
have passed since completing the COVID-19 final
received vaccination prior to arriving on campus. Fully
vaccinated students, instructors, and staff will provide for
a much safer learning and working environment for all
persons on the NETC campus.
Upon arrival on the NETC campus proof of vaccination is
required to be shown once to NETC personnel. Acceptable
documentation includes a physical or electronic copy of:
The record of immunization from a health care
provider or pharmacy.
A COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (CDC Form
MLS-319813_r, published on 9/3/2020).
Medical records documenting the vaccination.
Immunization records from a public health of state
immunization system.
Any other official documentation containing
o Type of vaccine administered
o Numbers of doses received
o Date(s) of administration, and
o Name of the health care professional(s) or clinic
site(s) administering the vaccine(s)
No accommodations or exemptions will be accepted to
participate in NETC resident training. The campus
will no longer accept a negative COVID-19 test result
to attend training. The campus will no longer provide
testing on campus.
Even if fully vaccinated, students should not initiate travel
if experiencing COVID-like symptoms. Ill students will
not be permitted to enter the campus. Symptomatic
students may be rescheduled for another class once back
to their normal health.
If you are unable to attend training, please contact the
NETC Admissions Office at 301-447-1035 or at
[email protected]. If you plan to obtain a
vaccination soon or are not yet fully vaccinated NETC
Admission personnel can reschedule you for a future class.
Upcoming EMI Server Outage
EMI Virtualization Project Announcement: We are
nearing completion of our server modernization effort. To
complete the project, EMI has scheduled an additional
server outage. At 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time,
Tuesday, December 28, EMI will shut down the
TRAINING.FEMA.GOV enterprise for approximately
24 hours. During this time, the EMI website, Independent
Study site, Student Training Asset Repository, Instructor
Materials Download Application, and NETC Online
Admissions system will be offline and unavailable.
We appreciate your continued patience and understanding
during this process.
Highlights and News from EMI
The Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) 1208
Provision: The EMI Mitigation Branch started
discussions with the Building Science Program Office on
the DRRA 1208 Provision. The DRRA 1208 Provision
requires FEMA to develop guidance and annual training
for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, first
responders and utility companies. The guidance focuses
on the prioritization of power restoration for healthcare
facilities and coordinating response plans before power
outages occur. The EMI Mitigation Branch and the FEMA
Building Science Program Office plan to collaborate with
the EMI Preparedness and the Response and Recovery
Branches to develop strategies for implementing the
content into applicable courses. The initial collaboration
meeting is scheduled for December 9, 2021.
Volume 1, Issue 12 Dec 8, 2021
Emergency Management Institute
Monthly Newsletter
Follow and participate with EMI on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Volume 1, Issue 12
From the EMI Branches
EMI Tribal Curriculum: In observance of EMI’s 70th
Anniversary, EMI developed a series of 4 video
presentations (a total run time of 1:20 min for all 4) to be
posted to the FEMA YouTube channel featuring Tribal
emergency management professionals. The series was
planned to be released in November, but the approval is
still pending. The video series is titled “Journeys of
Resilience: Tribal Emergency Management and the EMI
Tribal Curriculum.” As soon as the videos are approved,
the link to the videos will be shared via EMIs social
media as well as posted on the
EMI Tribal Curriculum
webpage (
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Incident Command System (ICS) Position Specific
(PS) Training: The NIMS ICS Position Specific Courses
will be implementing an electronic process for all “L”
indirect deliveries. What does this mean? The classroom
support package for the course will be sent to the email
address of the POC listed on the updated Request to
conduct FEMA EMI "L" external course deliveries. The
following items will be included in the electronic course
A. NIMS ICS PS Standard Class Attendance Roster
B. PDF Level I Evaluations (OpScan) Form
C. Instructions for completing Level I Evaluations
(OpScan) Forms
D. List of two-digit state codes for completing Question
3 on the Level I Evaluations (OpScan) Forms
E. Level II Assessments Score Capture Sheet
F. Job aide
The job aide includes the process for you to transmit your
course packages to the EMI joint mailbox electronically
for faster processing of certifications.
We will test this new process with a few states to ensure a
successful transition before including all states. If you are
interested in being a part of the electronic trial process,
send an email to
2022 NIMS ICS Position-Specific Train-the-Trainer
(TTT) Virtual “K” Course Schedule: Be advised that
upcoming 2022 NIMS ICS Position-Specific TTT classes
will be deployed via the virtual (“K”) course code by EMI
in Emmitsburg, MD.
Here is a complete listing of the courses:
Code Title
End Date
Safety Officer TTT
Liaison Officer TTT
Incident Commander TTT
Planning Section Chief TTT
Operations Section Chief TTT
Logistics Section Chief TTT
Public Information Officer TTT
Intro to Air Ops TTT
Air Group Sup TTT
Situation Unit Leader TTT
Finance/Administration Section
Chief TTT
Note: Due to a lack of a sufficient number of qualified
applicants, the K0953 PIO Train the Trainer has been
rescheduled for July 2022.
Please review EMI Training Opportunity No. 1670R
?d=9/20/2021) released 20 Sep 2021 for all of the
information about the offerings target audience, selection
criteria, prerequisites, and other critical information.
NIMS ICS Position Specific Train-the-Trainer
Candidates Applying Successfully: To help
prospective instructor candidates receive acceptance to the
new virtual deliveries of the train-the-trainer (TTT) for the
National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident
Command System (ICS) Position Specific, we want to
provide some “dos and don’ts”.
Do review EMI Training Opportunity No. 1670R
?d=9/20/2021) released 20 Sep 2021 for all of the
information about the offerings target audience, selection
criteria, prerequisites, and other critical information.
Follow and participate with EMI on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Volume 1, Issue 12
Doincluded information in block #16 on the application
form (or the “Briefly describe your
activities/responsibilities” block in the online admission
form) describing your operational and instructional
qualifications for the course you are applying.
Do - include copies of prerequisite course completion
certificates or transcripts in your on-line application.
Do - Application Endorsements:
Your “Authority Having Jurisdiction” training officer
must endorse your application.
o For state/local/tribal/territorial students this is
your State Training Officer (STO) or equivalent
contact your State/Tribal/Territorial Emergency
Management Agency.
o For Federal agency students this is your agency
training coordinator.
For paper applications (FEMA Form FF-USFA-FY-
21-101 (formerly119-25-0-1) this is block 23a – 23d.
For online applications, this is the “Head of
Organization Information” block.
Applications without proper documentation and
endorsement cannot be accepted.
Don’t skip any of the steps above or EMI will not be
able to approve the applicant to attend the course for which
they are applying.
Emergency Management Professional
Program (EMPP):
The EMPP is off to a great start in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022!
Through the first quarter of the FY, EMPP completed 52
courses in 15 different states, achieving over 1,500 student
completions and 123 Basic Academy graduates.
Here’s a list of the courses scheduled in the field (L), on
campus (E), or online (K) in the month of January 2022:
Basic Academy
Course Number
Online @ Emmitsburg, MD
Emmitsburg, MD
PIO Program
Course Number
Online @ Emmitsburg, MD
Online @ Emmitsburg, MD
Advanced Academy
Course Number
Austin, TX
Clovis, CA
Emmitsburg, MD
*Only open to accepted PIO students
**Only open to accepted MPIO students
***Only open to accepted Advanced Academy students
If there is an interest in hosting a field delivery of the
Advanced Academy in FY 2023, please notify the
Advanced Academy Program Manager, Doug Kuhn, at
The Basic Academy is seeking regional partners to host
the L0110 Train-the-Trainer course. Any interested RTMs
please contact Jeff Januchowski
jeffrey.januchowsk[email protected] or Rich Bashioum
Integrated Emergency Management (IEM):
Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC):
The application period for the Fiscal Year 2023
Community-Specific IEMC courses is open until February
1, 2022. Interested communities should submit their
applications through the state emergency management
agency to the FEMA regional office by February 1, 2022.
FEMA regional offices should send their prioritized
applications to EMI no later than February 15, 2022.
Information on application requirements can be found in
the FY23 IEMC training bulletin at:
Training Bulletin
1685 - FY23 IEMC Application Process (
021). Please contact
fema-emi[email protected] with
any questions on the process.
Virtual Tabletop Exercises (VTTX): Recently, the
Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
(ASPR) has established a requirement for all Health Care
Coalitions (HCC) nationwide to hold a burn surge TTX by
Follow and participate with EMI on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Volume 1, Issue 12
the spring of 2022. With the flexibility of the Virtual
Tabletop Exercise program, a Burn Mass Care Incident
(BMCI) VTTX was written in partnership with several
leading BMCI Subject Matter Experts, with delivery is set
for April 12, 13 and 14, 2022. The VTTX programs has
continued to adapt its training events to support the
emergency response community.
The BMCI VTTX will focus on public health emergency
issues such as limited availability of hospital beds,
transportation and logistics will be discussed and
addressed during the four-hour tabletop exercise.
Locations interested in participating in the VTTX series
should submit an email request to participate in the
exercise to the Integrated Emergency Management
Branch fema-emi-ie[email protected]
and Douglas
Kahn, or call (301) 447-
7645, with your preferred date of participation. When
applying, please provide a central point of contact from
your organization to work all VTTX issues. After
receiving your organization’s requested date of
participation, EMI will contact the organization’s POC
with the approved participation date.
Exercise Training: EMI will be hosting two more
on-campus offerings of E0139 Exercise Design and
Development and E0050 Exercise Control and Simulation
in Fiscal Year 2022. These newly developed courses are
two days in length and scheduled back-to-back to allow
students to attend both courses during the training week.
If a student only wants to attend only one of these courses
(either E0139 or E0050), they are responsible for any
transportation outside of the regularly scheduled
Sunday/Friday NETC bus transportation. The remaining
Fiscal Year 2022 offerings are scheduled for:
E0139, February 14-15, 2022, followed by E0050,
February 16-17, 2022
E0139, June 20-21, 2022, followed by E0050, June
22-23, 2022
Interested applicants should apply for both courses via the:
NETC Online Admissions Application
Seats are available for the January delivery of E0190!
The E0190 ArcGIS for Emergency Managers course is
scheduled for delivery on January 24 - 27, 2022, at EMI.
There are 15 seats currently available. The goal of this
course is to explore how Geographic Information System
(GIS) technology can support the emergency management
community. To apply, go to the National Emergency
Training Center (NETC) Online Admissions Application
FEMA Students ONLY: Those needing this course to
fulfill a Position Task Book (PTB) requirement must
register through the Deployment Tracking System (DTS)
and not through the NETC online application.
K0212 Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Developing
Quality Application Elements is scheduled to be
delivered March 28 April 1, 2022. There are currently
six (6) seats available. This five-day course, meeting from
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET daily, will be taught online
through the Adobe Connect virtual training platform. It is
intended for those who are interested in developing
mitigation planning and project grant application elements
for the Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA)
grant programs. This includes individuals at the state,
local, tribal, and territorial levels of governments and
private non-profit organizations that are eligible
applicants or sub-applicants under HMA grants; and
FEMA employees assigned to HMA grant activities. To
register, go to the NETC Online Admissions Application
Applying for EMI Courses: If you are a FEMA
employee needing to attend a course required for your
PTB, please register through the
FEMA DTS Responder
Portal - Log In (
If taking the course is not part of your PTB, but you have
another justification, please contact
[email protected]ov for registration assistance until
further notice.
Non-FEMA employees: If you are not a FEMA employee
and want to attend a course, apply through the
Online Admissions Application
Follow and participate with EMI on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Volume 1, Issue 12
Ask a Course Manager?
A new section of the Newsletter is “Ask a Course
Manager. This month’s question is a follow-up to the
November question regarding the ELK0449 Incident
Command System Train-the-Trainer.
Question: Is the ELK0449 intended as first step for
meeting requirements to instruct ICS Courses?
Answer: Another fantastic question! First, it is important
for everyone to understand the NIMS Training Program
only recommends that all ICS instructors complete the
ELK0449. It is up to the authority having jurisdiction
(AHJ) to determine if this is required. The intent of the
ELK0449 ICS Train-the-Trainer is to be a capstone course
for instructors that have experience delivering ICS
courses. There is not enough time in the five-day course to
walk a student through all the full course deployments.
The course builds on the instructor’s experience and
provides in-depth analysis of the ICS Core courses (ICS
100, ICS 200, ICS 300, ICS 400, G 0402, and ELG 0191).
Students share issues and success of delivering these
courses, based on their experience. They produce tools
that are shared amongst the class for use after the
ELK0449. We understand that there may be some
confusion on the way we advertised this course in the past.
It is recommended that potential instructors are paired up
with experienced instructors in your jurisdiction and
provide ICS training. This is also a recommended way for
potential students to get the most current prerequisites
required for the ELK0449. They can roster themselves and
assist in the delivery.
Thank you and keep the questions coming. You can email
questions to: fema-emi[email protected].gov
Courses in Development:
New Courses
Course #
Course Title
DHS Blue Campaign Disaster Responder
Nov 2021
DHS Blue Campaign First Responder
Nov 2021
Retired Courses
Course #
Course Title
Benefit-Cost Analysis Fundamentals
Nov 2021
Benefit-Cost Analysis Entry Level
Nov 2021
Basic Hazus
Nov 2021
Comprehensive Data Management for
Nov 2021
Hazus for Hurricane
Nov 2021
Hazus for Flood
Nov 2021
Hazus for Earthquake and Tsunami
Nov 2021
Advanced Hazus
Nov 2021
Application of Hazus for Disaster
Nov 2021
Threat and Hazard Identification and
Risk Assessment (replaced by AWR-401-
W Threat and Hazard Identification and
Risk Assessment and Stakeholder
Preparedness Review
Nov 2021
For More Information:
EMI Course Catalog
EMI Course Schedule
EMI Programs and Activities
State Training Officers Contact Listing
Independent Study Program FAQs
Current Training Opportunities:
Please refer to the EMI Course Schedule
( for
a complete list of upcoming course offerings.
Follow and participate with EMI on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Volume 1, Issue 12
EMI Program Points-of-Contact:
EMI Branch
Mission Support
Response & Recovery
General EMI Inquiries
Independent Study[email protected]
NETC Admissions
Follow and participate with EMI
on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn