Will My Child Need Special Report:
Will My Child Need
Special Report:
Will My Child Need Special Report:
About this Special Report .......................................................................................................................3
How soon can we tell? ..............................................................................................................................4
What can go wrong at an early age? ................................................................................................... 5
How many benet from early treatment? ......................................................................................... 6
Why choose a specialist? .........................................................................................................................7
What if my child really doesn’t need braces yet? ............................................................................ 8
What are my payment options if my child needs braces? ........................................................... 9
Dear Friend,
If you are reading this report, it is because you have questions about whether or not your child
really needs braces. First of all, kudos to you for taking the rst step in seeking more information
and nding an answer to your question. It is my hope that with this special report you will gain a
better understanding of how orthodontic care and braces work in helping your child achieve not
only a great looking smile, but a healthy one as well.
As an orthodontist, I get many questions from parents just like you, who are not sure if their child
needs braces, if they should see an orthodontist, and many other questions. In this special report,
I am addressing some of the most common concerns and questions that I get from parents.
Throughout the pages of this special report, you will discover how soon we can tell if your
child needs braces, what can go wrong at an early age, how many patients benet from early
treatment, why you should choose a specialist, and how to pay for braces, in the event your child
needs them.
Please feel free to contact my oce with any questions or to schedule an exam for your child.
Jonathan S. Petrover, DDS
About This Special Report
Will My Child Need
Special Report:
Will My Child Need Special Report:
Many parents want to know just how early we can tell if a child needs braces. That’s a fair question
and one that should not go unanswered. You need to feel comfortable and condent with the
information you are receiving regarding whether or not your child needs braces.
According to the American Association of Orthodontics, all kids should have their rst
orthodontic check-up by the age of seven. I second that notion, and nd that the age of 7 is the
perfect age for an orthodontic visit. This is an important step in helping to ensure that your child’s
teeth are o to a great start and that they will have a healthy and attractive smile that will last a
By taking the child to an orthodontist at the age of 7, we are able to see things that you may
not be able to see on your own. By this age, childrens teeth have developed to the point that
we can see even small problems that may be associated with such things as emerging teeth or
jaw growth. For most 7 year olds, their visit with the orthodontist is nothing more than an exam.
However, there are a small number of children, around 5 to 10 percent, who can benet from
what we refer to as “interceptive orthodontics. There are potentially dangerous problems that we
nd and address, including:
Jaw alignment problems
Impacted teeth
Chipped or fractured teeth
Gum tissue recession
By addressing these issues above, we also help to
alleviate social issues, where children may be the
victim of teasing or bullying simply because of the
appearance of their teeth. A child’s teeth and smile can
have a major impact on their wellbeing as they grow.
With a beautiful smile, they are more likely to be condent
and social, as well as gain a host of health benets.
As a parent, you may believe that you can look at your child and see if there is a problem with
their bite. Sometimes that can happen, but there is a lot that cannot be seen, especially to the
untrained eye. And it is these issues that make it important for a child to see an orthodontist for
an exam.
Here are some of the possible problems that can go
wrong at an early age:
• Thumb-sucking
Diculty with chewing or breathing
Loosing baby teeth too early or too late
Having teeth that are crowded, loose, or have
been blocked-out
Upper and lower teeth that do not meet properly
Improper jaw alignment
Impacted teeth
Tongue thrusting
Severe crowding, with stripping of the teeth through the gum tissue
Cross bites
As you can see, there is actually a lot that can go wrong, even at an early age. The best way to
provide yourself, and your child, with a great smile and peace of mind is to opt for an exam
with the orthodontist by the age of 7. Most of the time, children don’t start getting necessary
treatment at least until the age of 9, but its important to catch problems early, so they can be
corrected and won’t lead to additional problems as time goes on.
Taking your child to the orthodontist by the age of 7 gives you the best head start on identifying
and addressing any problems, so your child can have a healthy, beautiful smile!
How soon can we tell if your child needs braces? What can go wrong at an early age?
Will My Child Need
Special Report:
Will My Child Need Special Report:
At this point, you may be thinking that all children will need to have orthodontic treatment early
on. Relax, thats simply not the case, so don’t spend your time worrying so much about all the
“what ifs associated with helping your child to get, and keep, a healthy and beautiful smile.
In our orthodontic experience, we have examined many children and found that the number of
them needing early treatment is quite low. In fact, out of the roughly 7,000 orthodontic patients
we have seen, only 5 to 10 percent of them have required early treatment.
Keep in mind that while it’s less than 10 percent for the number of children we see, this number
can vary, as it is inuenced by a variety of factors. Such things as geographic location and
ethnicity, for example, can sometimes play a role and lead to a higher or lower number of children
who benet from early orthodontic treatment.
Generally speaking, most children do not need early orthodontic
treatment, but unless your child is screened, you won’t know if
you fall into that 10 percent or the 90 percent. The key factor
here is early detection, making it essential that children
have their rst visit with an orthodontic specialist by
the time they are 7 years old.
Like most other health issues that can arise, being
able to detect them early is the best way to address
them. The only way you can detect them early is with
an orthodontic examination. If your child has not yet
seen the orthodontist, now is the time!
Many people wonder why they should take their child to see a
specialist, rather than just visiting with their regular dentist.
While a dentist is a part of taking excellent care of your
child’s teeth, it is simply not enough. Seeing a specialist
is crucial to ensuring that nothing is overlooked and
that the best possible treatments are eectively
selected and carried out.
To understand why a specialist is recommended, it is
important to know what an orthodontist is and what
they do. An orthodontist is someone who is a dental
specialist. They have completed an additional 2-3 years
of education beyond dental school. Their area of specialty
and what they have intensely studied is learning all about the
proper way to align the teeth and jaws.
Through the additional training that an orthodontist has had, they are able to identify dental
irregularities, diagnose conditions, and treat the problem, through a variety of treatment methods
available to them. An orthodontist, because they are a specialist, is able to identify, diagnose, and
treat such conditions as:
Diculty with chewing, biting, or teeth that abnormally meet
Grinding and clenching teeth
Early or late loss of teeth
Crowding, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth
Speech diculty
Biting into the roof of the mouth or the cheek
Teeth that protrude
Facial imbalances
Throughout the health community, you will nd that there are specialists. The dental eld is
no dierent. Orthodontists are specialists, who are able to take a more in-depth approach at
diagnosing and treating any dental issues your child may have.
How many patients benet from early treatment? Why choose a specialist?
Will My Child Need
Special Report:
Will My Child Need Special Report:
Perhaps your child has experienced some of the conditions that have been mentioned. Or maybe
there have been things that have made you think that your child may need braces, yet you have
taken your child to the orthodontist only to nd out that they don’t need them. So where does
this type of scenario leave you? Quite simply, it means you should work with an orthodontist to
monitor your child’s teeth! Treatment might be indicated later in life if the orthodontist detects
any problems in future jaw growth or your child might simply be a
candidate for retainers to maintain a healthy smile.
We always recommend that we continue to see your
child to continue growth monitoring. This will
give us important information about any possible
developmental problems that may arise, including
tooth eruption, jaw growth, etc. Continuing regular
orthodontic check-ups is a part of a healthy lifestyle.
Ideally, your child should continue to have an exam with
the orthodontist every 6-12 months, so we can conduct
growth checks during the time that the teeth are erupting and
the jaws are growing. The best practice, when it comes to putting
braces on a child’s teeth, are to do it at the “ideal time. The only way to pinpoint the ideal time is
to continue with regular exams. Most orthodontists will provide complimentary exams, so you
don’t need to worry about incurring an orthodontic bill every 6-12 months.
Not only is it in the best interest of your child to put braces on at the ideal time, but it is for the
orthodontist as well. When we can zero in on the ideal time, it will end up saving us valuable chair
time, and it reduces the overall length of the treatment. This is an important benet because less
treatment time helps to minimize the decalcication, or white spots, gum disease, sore teeth, and
all the other problems that can occur when braces are left on the teeth too long.
How to pay for braces is one of the most common questions that I
receive from parents. This is an understandable concern. We
realize many families do not have dental insurance that
will take care of the associated costs. Even those who
have dental insurance may nd that it covers only a
portion of their child’s orthodontic expenses. However,
having braces is such an important issue, that if it is
recommended by your orthodontist that your child
have them, you should do everything possible to obtain
Getting braces is more than just an aesthetics issue,
although that is also important. If your child has teeth that
are crowded or misaligned, it can lead to issues with everything
from being able to clean them properly to speech problems, making
it essential that they receive the orthodontic treatment that is recommended for their condition.
Orthodontic procedures, like most other medical procedures, may cost several thousands of
dollars, because of all the work involved. If your child needs braces, it can cost anywhere from
$5,000-10,000. The good news is that there are options for those who do not have the funds
readily available to pay for the treatment.
Here are a few payment options to consider:
Flex Spending Accounts. Many people are able to aord braces and other orthodontic
treatments through the help of a Flex Spending Account (FSA). These accounts are set up
through your place of employment and allow you to take pre-tax dollars to set aside and use
for medical expenses. Because you never know when you may need this additional nancial
assistance, it’s a good idea to get the FSA account started now. That way when you need it, the
funds will be there.
What if my child really doesnt need braces? How do I pay for my childs braces?
Will My Child Need
Special Report:
Will My Child Need Special Report:
How do I pay for my childs braces? (continued)
• Financing. Third party nancing for orthodontic treatment may also be a solid option. Whether
it is a loan with family and friends or a personal loan obtained through a nancial institution,
you may be able to qualify for low interest loans that allow you to get the work done that your
child needs, and you can spread the payments out over a comfortable period of time.
Payment plans. Speak with your orthodontist, as most do oer some type of payment plan that
will allow you to make monthly payments for treatment services. This is usually a service provided
that is free of interest, and they are exible in working with you to ensure you have a comfortable
payment amount each month.
Paying for your childs orthodontic treatment may be a concern, but you shouldn’t let it discourage
you. The payment options are there to help you so that you can help your child. When you help your
child get braces or other orthodontic treatment that they may need, you will be helping them more
than you could possibly realize.
As a child, I needed braces. My parents paid for the braces, and
although they may have realized that they were just xing my
teeth, they were actually giving me so much more than a
great smile. In all honesty, I would pay multiples of what my
parents paid in order to give my children the same benets
that I obtained from having braces. My parents paying for
me to have braces turned out to be life changing.
Not only did getting braces as a child help me to be more
condent, outgoing, and more socially accepted, but it also
made me realize just how important something like a smile is
in the bigger picture. It made such an impact on me that I made
it my career choice, because I wanted to help give that life changing
experience to other children everywhere.
Braces may not seem life changing when you are not the one needing them, but I can assure you
that for those who need them, it’s an incredibly satisfying feeling they get when treatment has been
completed, and they can look in the mirror and love their smile. And thats just the aesthetic benets.
There are many health-related benets as well, for those who work with an orthodontist to address
dental issues early on.
When choosing an orthodontist to work with, opt for one that has plenty of experience, has worked
with many children, and one that your child feels comfortable with. Depending on the treatment
needed, your child may see the orthodontist regularly for several years.
I hope that you have found this special report helpful in answering some of your questions regarding
whether or not your child needs braces. While I can provide some answers here to the most
common questions, the best way for me to determine if your child needs braces is to schedule a
complimentary exam.
We are ready when you are, so please call my oce today to set up an appointment for your child’s initial
exam. We have helped countless other children, and by seeing your child by the time they are 7 years old,
we can help ensure dental health that will give them a healthy and beautiful smile for a lifetime!
2465 S. State Road 7
Suite 600
Wellington, FL 33414
Phone: 561-795-3055
Fax: 561-795-3755
9804 S. Military Trail
Suite E-4
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Phone: (561) 364-0013
Fax: (561) 364-9292