1 Data Sheet / Oracle Key Vault / Version 21.7
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Data Sheet
Oracle Key Vault
Security threats and increased regulations for handling sensitive
information drive the use of Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and
other encryption technologies in the data center. As a result,
managing encryption keys, wallets, Java keystores, and other secrets
is now a vital part of data center operations. Oracle Key Vault
simplifies the deployment of TDE and other encryption technologies
across the enterprise with scalable, highly available key and secrets
Oracle Key Vault enables you to deploy encryption and other security solutions by
centrally managing Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) database encryption keys,
Oracle Wallets, Java Keystores, credential files, and other secrets. Key Vault supports a
scalable, fault-tolerant cluster deployment architecture to deliver continuous
availability and geographic locality.
Oracle Key Vault delivers secure key management for mission-critical systems across the enterprise.
Manage TDE Master Keys
Many regulations and security best practices require that encryption keys be stored
separately from the encrypted data. Key Vault addresses this requirement for TDE
users by centrally managing the keys as an alternative to local wallet files, eliminating
the operational challenges of wallet file management, such as periodic password
rotation, backing up wallet files, recovery from forgotten wallet passwords and
inadvertently or maliciously deleted wallets.
Use cases
Key management for Oracle
databases using TDE
Key management for integrated
Oracle products and solutions
such as GoldenGate and
Centralized SSH key
Wallet, keystore, and
credential file management for
Oracle Databases and
Secrets management for
securing automation scripts
Centralized key and secrets
management for applications
that process sensitive
Key management for KMIP-
compatible endpoints like
MySQL or MongoDB
Key Vault manages encryption keys for your Oracle databases, including Exadata,
Exadata Cloud@Customer, Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure,
Key Features
2 Data Sheet / Oracle Key Vault / Version 21.7
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
MySQL, Oracle databases running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) compute, in
Amazon AWS EC2, and Microsoft Azure.
If you are not already using Key Vault, you can easily migrate the existing master keys
of your TDE-enabled databases from Oracle Wallets to Key Vault.
Manage SSH Keys and Control Access to Remote Servers
System administrators use public key authentication to access remote servers on-
premises and in-cloud compute instances. Administrators are typically responsible for
their private keys, and store those keys in files on their workstations. Owners of the
remote servers must somehow keep track of the private keys used to authenticate and
grant access to their machines. Local management of these keys on multiple clients and
servers makes SSH key governance nearly impossible. Key Vault provides a solution for
SSH key governance and access control through centralized key management. Key
Vault can create and maintain private/public key pairs, which require no key footprint
on any workstation:
Administrators who need access to a remote machine are granted usage rights on a
private key that does not leave Key Vault. Owners of the remote servers can control
the administrator’s access to their systems by granting access to their corresponding
public key in Key Vault. Activities such as key rotations are entirely transparent to all
participating entities. Also, owners can temporarily revoke access to any or all remote
servers in case of an ongoing security incident with a push of a button.
Secure Oracle Wallets, Java Keystores, and Other Secrets
Administrators often manually copy Oracle wallets and Java keystores across servers
and server clusters. Key Vault is purpose-built to simplify the controlled sharing of
encryption keys between Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) instances, Oracle
Data Guard, Oracle GoldenGate, and sharded databases. Secure sharing of encryption
keys also streamlines the cloning or relocating of encrypted pluggable databases (PDBs)
across container databases.
SSH keys and system passwords are widely distributed in many enterprises without
appropriate protective mechanisms. Key Vault securely stores these files, audits access,
Manages TDE master keys,
Oracle Wallets, Java Keystores,
and credential files
Replaces local key stores with
online TDE master key
Provisions into an OCI tenancy
from the Oracle Cloud
Marketplace in minutes
Supports 16 read/write nodes
for continuous availability
Endpoints automatically select
available nodes and
transparently failover in the
event of any outage
Complete set of RESTful
services to automate key
lifecycle management,
endpoint enrollment, and
Oracle Key Vault
Deploy across on-premises data
centers, in Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (OCI), Amazon
AWS, and Microsoft Azure.
In-memory and persistent
cache options keep encrypted
systems running even when
network connections are down
Integrates with Hardware
Security Modules (HSMs) as
root of trust
Key Business Benefits
Provides separation between
the key and encrypted data
required for compliance
3 Data Sheet / Oracle Key Vault / Version 21.7
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
shares them across trusted endpoints and backs them up for long-term retention and
Continuously Available and Scalable Cluster Architecture
Key Vault deploys in a cluster configuration to provide continuous availability and
geographic coverage. Key Vault supports up to 16 nodes in a cluster, automatically
synchronizing any changes made at one node across the entire cluster.
Each database endpoint transparently maintains a list of available nodes and is
continuously aware of changes to the cluster. If the current node becomes unavailable,
the endpoint transparently fails over to another nearby node. To further increase
resilience for network outages, Key Vault allows the optional creation of a cache on
the database servers so databases remain fully functional should network connectivity
to all nodes be down.
Database endpoints transparently fail over to a nearby node when the preferred node becomes unavailable.
Key Vault’s unique cluster deployment architecture is highly scalable. You can deploy
pairs of read-write nodes across data centers to help ensure endpoints have access to a
local node for both read and write operations. Finally, each Key Vault server deploys
on commodity hardware platforms that can be sized to meet the most demanding
service loads. The result is a key service that can support thousands of databases
deployed worldwide, with extreme availability and high service levels.
Easy Administration
A browser-based management console makes it easy to administer Key Vault servers,
manage clusters, provision server endpoints, securely manage key groups, and report
on access to keys. Administrators receive email alerts for important status updates and
system activities such as upcoming password and key expirations. Endpoint enrollment
and provisioning can be automated using protected RESTful interfaces for mass
deployment to databases.
Reduces risk and cost by
consolidating key stores
Protects keys and secrets from
accidental loss or theft
Ensures continuous key and
secret availability when
software, hardware, or network
Scales to thousands of databases
Lowers hardware cost with no
idle nodes
Full accountability of key
management life cycle with
Related products
Oracle Key Vault is an important
database security control. Related
Oracle Database Security products
4 Data Sheet / Oracle Key Vault / Version 21.7
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Key Vault management console allows users to understand at a glance the various security objects under management.
Secure Software Appliance
Security is a critical requirement for enterprise-scale deployment. Key Vault addresses
security at multiple layers, including infrastructure, administration, and operations.
Key Vault is delivered as an ISO image and installs as a pre-configured and secured
software appliance that can be installed on dedicated hardware or VM guests on-
premises or in OCI, Azure, and AWS. It uses various Oracle Database security
technologies to protect keys and secrets stored inside Key Vault. For example, Key
Vault uses Transparent Data Encryption to encrypt keys stored in the embedded
Oracle Database. It also uses Database Vault to restrict unauthorized privileged user
Administrator roles can be divided into key, system, and audit management functions
for the separation of security duties. Key Vault audits all critical operations, including
key access and key life cycle changes. The audit data can be forwarded to Oracle Audit
Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) or to a syslog server for record retention and
reporting. Oracle Key Vault supports SNMP v3 for remote monitoring.
Key Vault can integrate with hardware security modules (HSMs) to provide additional
security for keys, certificates, and other security artifacts during patching and
upgrades. In this case, the HSM serves as a root of trust, protecting the wallet
password, which protects the TDE master key, which in turn protects all the
encryption keys, certificates, and other security artifacts managed by the Key Vault
Deploys on-premises and in the Oracle Cloud
Oracle Advanced Security
Oracle Database Vault
Oracle Label Security
Oracle Data Masking and
Oracle Audit Vault and
Database Firewall
Oracle Data Safe cloud service
5 Data Sheet / Oracle Key Vault / Version 21.7
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Key Vault is easy to install and can be deployed on compatible x86-64 hardware of
users’ choice. It is also available from the Oracle Cloud Marketplace. It can be deployed
in an OCI tenancy within minutes, providing fault-tolerant, continuous key
management services to on-premises, hybrid, or multi-cloud database deployments.
Key Vault supports endpoints on common enterprise platforms, including Oracle
Linux, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86, IBM
AIX, HP-UX (IA), and Microsoft Windows.
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