We Media
We Media
How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
By Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis
We Media
We Media
Commissioned by The Media Center at The American Press Institute.
Published July 2003 online in PDF and HTML: www.hypergene.net/wemedia/
Cover illustration by Campbell Laird, www.campbelllaird.com
How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
By Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis
Edited by J.D. Lasica
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We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Copyright © 2003 Shayne Bowman, Chris Willis and The Media Center at The American Press Institute.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0
License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Published online in PDF and HTML formats, July 2003
Edited by J.D. Lasica, Senior Editor, Online Journalism Review, http://www.jdlasica.com/
Cover illustration by Campbell Laird, www.campbelllaird.com
Design by Shayne Bowman, www.hypergene.net
About The Media Center
The Media Center is a non-profit research and educational organization committed to building a
better-informed society in a connected world. The Media Center conducts research, educational
programs and symposia and facilitates strategic conversations and planning on issues shaping the
future of news, information and media.
The Media Center helps leaders, organizations and educators around the world understand and
create multimedia futures. Its programs and engagements provide innovation, knowledge and
strategic insights for personal, professional and business growth.
A division of The American Press Institute, The Media Center was established in 1997 to help the
news industry devise strategies and tactics for digital media. In September 2003 it merged with New
Directions for News, an independent think tank. The merger created a global, multi-disciplinary
network of researchers and leading thinkers focused on the future of media and the behaviors of
consumers in a media-centric world.
For more on The Media Centers programs, research and services, go to www.mediacenter.org.
Andrew Nachison, director
703. 620. 3611 | andrew@mediacenter.org
Dale Peskin, co-director
703. 620. 3611 | dale@mediacenter.org
Gloria Pan, communications director
703.620. 3611 | gpan@mediacenter.org
The Media Center at the American Press Institute
11690 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, Va. 20191-1498
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We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Table of Contents
Introduction by Dale Peskin v
Foreword by Dan Gillmor vi
1. Introduction to participatory journalism 7
2. Behind the explosion of participatory media 15
3. How participatory journalism is taking form 21
4. The rules of participation 38
5. Implications for media and journalism 47
6. Potential benets of adopting We Media 53
7. How media might respond 58
Appendix: Additional bibliography 62
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We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
here are three ways to look at how society
is informed.
The rst is that people are gullible and
will read, listen to, or watch just about anything.
The second is that most people require an in-
formed intermediary to tell them what is good,
important or meaningful. The third is that people
are pretty smart; given the means, they can sort
things out for themselves, nd their own version
of the truth.
The means have arrived. The truth is out
Throughout history, access to news and infor-
mation has been a privilege accorded to powerful
institutions with the authority or wealth to domi-
nate distribution. For the past two centuries, an
independent press has served as advocate for
society and its right to know an essential role
during an era of democratic enlightenment.
It feels like a new era has been thrust upon us
an era of enlightened anxiety. We now know
more than ever before, but our knowledge cre-
ates anxiety over harsh truths and puzzling
paradoxes. What is the role of the storyteller in
this epoch? How will an informed, connected
society help shape it? How does the world look
when news and information are part of a shared
For more than 15 years, NDN and The Media
Center have provided prescient insights about
the changes confronting news, information and
media. We commissioned We Media as a way
to begin to understand how ordinary citizens,
empowered by digital technologies that connect
knowledge throughout the globe, are contribut-
ing to and participating in their own truths, their
own kind of news. We asked seasoned, vision-
ary journalists innovators like Dan Gillmor,
technology columnist for The San Jose Mercury
News, and news media editor-author JD Lasica
to help frame a conversation about the prom-
ise and pitfalls of citizen-based, digital media in
an open society.
The conversation is just beginning. I have al-
ways believed that a good story gets around.
At some level, We Media will reveal something
about society and the way people learn from each
— Dale Peskin
Co-Director, The Media Center
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Introduction to participatory journalism | 7
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
n March 2002, at the annual PC Forum
conference in suburban Phoenix, a telecom-
munications chief executive found himself on
the receiving end of acerbic commentary from
a pair of weblog writers who found his on-stage
comments wanting. Joe Nacchio, then the head
of Qwest Communications, was complaining
about the travails of running his monopoly. Doc
Searls, a magazine writer, and I were posting on
our blogs via the wireless conference network.
A lawyer and software developer named Buzz
Bruggeman, “watchingthe proceedings from his
ofce in Florida, e-mailed both of us a note point-
ing to a Web page showing Nacchio’s enormous
cash-in of Qwest stock while the share price was
heading downhill. We noted this in our blogs,
and offered virtual tips of the hat to Bruggeman.
Many in the audience were online, and some were
amusing themselves reading our comments. The
mood toward Nacchio chilled.
Were we somehow responsible for turning the
audience against Nacchio? Perhaps the blogging
played a small role, though I’m fairly sure he was
more than capable of annoying the crowd all by
himself. But the incident was a wakeup call. It re-
ected the power of blogs, a form of participatory
journalism that has exploded into popularity in
recent years. And it showed how these techniques
are irrevocably changing the nature of journal-
ism, because they’re giving enormous new power
to what had been a mostly passive audience in
the past.
I’ve been lucky enough to be an early par-
ticipant in participatory journalism, having been
urged almost four years ago by one of the weblog
software pioneers to start my own blog. Writing
about technology in Silicon Valley, I used the
blog to generate even more feedback from my
That audience, never shy to let me know when
I get something wrong, made me realize some-
thing: My readers know more than I do. This
has become almost a mantra in my work. It is
by denition the reality for every journalist, no
matter what his or her beat. And it’s a great op-
portunity, not a threat, because when we ask our
readers for their help and knowledge, they are
willing to share it and we can all benet. If
modern American journalism has been a lecture,
it’s evolving into something that incorporates a
conversation and seminar.
This is all about decentralization. Traditionally
centralized news-gathering and distribution
is being augmented (and some cases will be
replaced) by what’s happening at the edges of
increasingly ubiquitous networks. People are
combining powerful technological tools and
innovative ideas, fundamentally altering the
nature of journalism in this new century. There
are new possibilities for everyone in the process:
journalist, newsmaker and the active “consumer”
of news who isn’t satised with today’s product
or who wants to make some news, too. One
of the most exciting examples of a newsmaker’s
understanding of the possibilities has been the
presidential campaign of Howard Dean, the rst
serious blogger-candidate, who has embraced
decentralization to the massive benet of his
nomination drive.
Participatory journalism is a healthy trend,
however disruptive it may be for those whose
roles are changing. Some of the journalism
from the edges will make us all distinctly un-
comfortable, raising new questions of trust and
veracity. We’ll need, collectively, to develop new
standards of trust and verication; of course, the
lawyers will make some of those new rules. And
today’s dominant media organizations led by
Hollywood are abusing copyright laws to shut
down some of the most useful technologies for
this new era, while governments increasingly
shield their activities from public sight and make
rules that effectively decide who’s a journalist. In
a worst-case scenario, participatory journalism
could someday require the permission of Big
Media and Big Government.
But I’m optimistic, largely because the technol-
ogy will be difcult to control in the long run, and
because people like to tell stories. The new audi-
ence will be fragmented beyond anything we’ve
seen so far, but news will be more relevant than
NDN and The Media Center have put together
an excellent overview on a topic that is only be-
ginning to be understood. Participatory journal-
ism is a big piece of our information future. We’re
all in for a fascinating, and turbulent, ride in the
years ahead. Welcome aboard.
— Dan Gillmor
The San Jose Mercury News
July 2003
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Introduction to participatory journalism | 7
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
n his 1995 book Being Digital, Nicholas
Negroponte predicted that in the future, on-
line news would give readers the ability to
choose only the topics and sources that inter-
ested them.
“The Daily Me,” as Negroponte called it, wor-
ried many guardians of traditional journalism.
To actively allow a reader to narrow the scope
of coverage, observed some, could undermine
the “philosophical underpinnings of traditional
The vision that seemed cutting edge and worri-
some eight years ago seems to have come partly
true. The Wall Street Journal, MSNBC.com, The
Washington Post and CNN, to name a few, all
offer readers some degree of personalization on
the front pages of their sites.
Millions of Yahoo members customize their
MyYahoo personal news portal with the same
news wire reports that editors use in daily news-
papers across the globe. Google’s news page uses
a computer algorithm to select headlines from
thousands of news sites creating a global news-
stand, of sorts.
And media outlets from Fox News and the
Drudge Report to individual weblogs offer
the kind of opinionated slant to the news that
Negroponte envisioned.
But is the future of online news simply a con-
tinued extrapolation of this trend – news a la
carte? Does greater personalization necessarily
mean greater understanding for a democracy?
In the view of futurist and author Watts
Wacker, the question is not about greater per-
sonalization but about greater perspectives.
According to Wacker, the world is moving faster
than people can keep up with it. As a result, there
are fewer common cultural references that can be
agreed upon. Ideas, styles, products and mores
accelerate their way from the fringe to the main-
stream with increasing speed.
To combat the confusion, consumers are seek-
ing more perspectives, Wacker says.
They re-
search an automobile for purchase by spending
time online and reading both professional and
amateur reviews alike.
But what are they doing when it comes to news?
And what will they be doing in the future?
To understand that, Wacker advises, you must
seek out people from the future today and study
How do you nd people from the future?
Locate early adopters people who are using
and appropriating technology in new ways.
In South Korea, it looks like one future of on-
line news has arrived a few years early.
OhmyNews.com is the most inuential online
news site in that country, attracting an estimated
2 million readers a day. What’s unusual about
OhmyNews.com is that readers not only can pick
and choose the news they want to read they also
write it.
With the help of more than 26,000 registered
citizen journalists, this collaborative online
newspaper has emerged as a direct challenge to
established media outlets in just four years.
Unlike its competitors, OhmyNews has em-
braced the speed, responsiveness and commu-
nity-oriented nature of the Web.
Now, it appears, the vision of “The Daily Me” is
being replaced by the idea of “The Daily We.
The rise of “we media
The venerable profession of journalism nds
itself at a rare moment in history where, for the
rst time, its hegemony as gatekeeper of the
news is threatened by not just new technology
and competitors but, potentially, by the audience
it serves. Armed with easy-to-use Web publishing
tools, always-on connections and increasingly
powerful mobile devices, the online audience has
the means to become an active participant in the
creation and dissemination of news and informa-
tion. And it’s doing just that on the Internet:
• According to the Pew Internet Project, the ter-
rorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, generated the
most trafc to traditional news sites in the his-
tory of the Web. Many large news sites buckled
under the immense demand and people turned
to e-mail, weblogs and forums “as conduits for
information, commentary, and action related
to 9/11 events.”
The response on the Internet
gave rise to a new proliferation of “do-it-your-
self journalism.” Everything from eyewitness
accounts and photo galleries to commentary
Introduction to participatory journalism
8 | Introduction to participatory journalism
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Introduction to participatory journalism | 9
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
and personal storytelling emerged to help
people collectively grasp the confusion, anger
and loss felt in the wake of the tragedy.
During the rst few days of the war in Iraq,
Pew found that 17 percent of online Americans
used the Internet as their principal source of
information about the war, a level more than
ve times greater than those who got their
news online immediately after the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks (3 percent). The report also
noted that “weblogs (were) gaining a follow-
ing among a small number of Internet users
(4 percent).
Immediately after the Columbia shuttle di-
saster, news and government organizations,
in particular The Dallas Morning News and
NASA, called upon the public to submit eye-
witness accounts and photographs that might
lead to clues to the cause of the spacecraft’s
• ABCNews.com’s The Note covers 2004 politi-
cal candidates and gives each an individual we-
blog to comment back on what was reported.
In addition, presidential candidate Howard
Dean guest-blogged on Larry Lessig’s weblog
for a week in July 2003. (A future president
of the United States might be chosen not only
on his or her merits, charisma, experience or
voting record but on the basis of how well he
or she blogs.)
• College coaches, players and sports media
outlets keep constant vigil on numerous fan
forum sites, which have been credited with
everything from breaking and making news
to rumor-mongering. “You can’t go anywhere
or do anything and expect not to be seen, be-
cause everyone is a reporter now,” says Steve
Patterson, who operates ugasports.com, a Web
site devoted to University of Georgia sports.
• Before the Iraq war, the BBC knew it couldn’t
possibly deploy enough photojournalists
to cover the millions of people worldwide
who marched in anti-war demonstrations.
Reaching out to its audience, the BBC News
asked readers to send in images taken with
digital cameras and cell phones with built-in
cameras, and it published the best ones on its
Web site.
Weblogs come of age
The Internet, as a medium for news, is matur-
ing. With every major news event, online media
evolve. And while news sites have become more
responsive and better able to handle the growing
demands of readers and viewers, online com-
munities and personal news and information
sites are participating in an increasingly diverse
and important role that, until recently, has oper-
ated without signicant notice from mainstream
While there are many ways that the audience
is now participating in the journalistic process,
which we will address in this report, weblogs
have received the most attention from main-
stream media in the past year.
Weblogs, or blogs as they are commonly
known, are the most active and surprising form
of this participation. These personal publishing
systems have given rise to a phenomenon that
shows the markings of a revolution giving any-
one with the right talent and energy the ability to
be heard far and wide on the Web.
Weblogs are frequently updated online jour-
nals, with reverse-chronological entries and
numerous links, that provide up-to-the-minute
takes on the writer’s life, the news, or on a specic
subject of interest. Often riddled with opinion-
ated commentary, they can be personally reveal-
ing (such as a college student’s ruminations on
dorm life) or straightforward and fairly objective
(Romenesko). (We discuss weblogs in greater
detail in Chapter 3.)
The growth of weblogs has been largely fueled
by greater access to bandwidth and low-cost,
often free software. These simple easy-to-use
tools have enabled new kinds of collaboration
unrestricted by time or geography. The result
is an advance of new social patterns and means
for self-expression. Blog-like communities like
Slashdot.org have allowed a multitude of voices
to participate while managing a social order and
providing a useful lter on discussion.
Weblogs have expanded their inuence by
attracting larger circles of readers while at the
same time appealing to more targeted audiences.
“Blogs are in some ways a new form of journal-
ism, open to anyone who can establish and main-
tain a Web site, and they have exploded in the
past year,” writes Walter Mossberg, technology
columnist for the Wall Street Journal.
“The good thing about them is that they intro-
duce fresh voices into the national discourse on
various topics, and help build communities of
interest through their collections of links. For
instance, bloggers are credited with helping to
get the mainstream news media interested in the
racially insensitive remarks by Sen. Trent Lott
(R.-Miss.) that led to his resignation as Senate
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Introduction to participatory journalism | 9
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
majority leader.”
Mossberg’s description of weblogs as a new
kind of journalism might trouble established,
traditionally trained journalists. But it is a jour-
nalism of a different sort, one not tightly conned
by the traditions and standards adhered to by the
traditional profession.
These acts of citizen engaging in journalism are
not just limited to weblogs. They can be found in
newsgroups, forums, chat rooms, collaborative
publishing systems and peer-to-peer applica-
tions like instant messaging. As new forms of
participation have emerged through new tech-
nologies, many have struggled to name them.
As a default, the name is usually borrowed from
the enabling technology (i.e., weblogging, forums
and usenets).
The term we use participatory journalism
— is meant to describe the content and the intent
of online communication that often occurs in col-
laborative and social media. Here’s the working
denition that we have adopted:
Participatory journalism: The act
of a citizen, or group of citizens, playing
an active role in the process of collecting,
reporting, analyzing and disseminating
news and information. The intent of this
participation is to provide independent,
reliable, accurate, wide-ranging and
relevant information that a democracy
Participatory journalism is a bottom-up, emer-
gent phenomenon in which there is little or no
editorial oversight or formal journalistic work-
ow dictating the decisions of a staff. Instead, it
is the result of many simultaneous, distributed
conversations that either blossom or quickly at-
rophy in the Web’s social network (see Figure 1.1
– Top-down vs. Bottom-up).
While the explosion of weblogs is a recent
phenomenon, the idea of tapping into your au-
dience for new perspectives or turning readers
into reporters or commentators is not. Many
news organizations have a long history of tapping
into their communities and experimenting with
turning readers into reporters or commentators.
In the early 1990s, newspapers experimented
with the idea of civic journalism, which sought
participation from readers and communities in
the form of focus groups, polls and reaction to
daily news stories. Most of these early projects
centered around election coverage. Later, news-
papers sought to involve communities in major
deliberations on public problems such as race,
development and crime.
According to a report from the Pew Center for
Civic Journalism, at least 20 percent of the 1,500
daily U.S. newspapers practiced some form of
civic journalism between 1994 and 2001. Nearly
all said it had a positive effect on the commu-
Civic journalism has a somewhat controversial
reputation, and not everyone is convinced of its
benets. While civic journalism actively tries to
encourage participation, the news organization
maintains a high degree of control by setting the
agenda, choosing the participants and moderat-
ing the conversation. Some feel that civic journal-
ism is often too broad, focusing on large issues
such as crime and politics, and not highly respon-
sive to the day-to-day needs of the audience.
Yet, the seed from which civic journalism
grows is dialogue and conversation. Similarly, a
dening characteristic of participatory journal-
ism is conversation. However, there is no central
news organization controlling the exchange of
information. Conversation is the mechanism
that turns the tables on the traditional roles of
journalism and creates a dynamic, egalitarian
give-and-take ethic.
The uidity of this approach puts more empha-
sis on the publishing of information rather than
the ltering. Conversations happen in the com-
munity for all to see. In contrast, traditional news
organizations are set up to lter information
before they publish it. It might be collaborative
among the editors and reporters, but the debates
are not open to public scrutiny or involvement.
John Seely Brown, chief scientist of Xerox
Corp., further elaborates on participatory jour-
nalism in the book The Elements of Journalism:
“In an era when anyone can be a reporter or com-
mentator on the Web, ‘you move to a two-way
journalism.’ The journalist becomes a ‘forum
leader,’ or a mediator rather than simply a teach-
er or lecturer. The audience becomes not con-
sumers, but ‘pro-sumers,’ a hybrid of consumer
and producer.”
Seely Brown’s description suggests a symbiotic
relationship, which we are already seeing. But
participatory journalism does not show evidence
of needing a classically trained “journalist” to be
the mediator or facilitator. Plenty of weblogs, fo-
rums and online communities appear to function
effectively without one.
This raises some important questions: If par-
10 | Introduction to participatory journalism
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Introduction to participatory journalism | 11
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ticipatory journalism has risen without the direct
help of trained journalists or news industry ini-
tiatives, what role will mainstream media play?
And are mainstream media willing to relinquish
some control and actively collaborate with their
audiences? Or will an informed and empowered
consumer begin to frame the news agenda from
the grassroots? And, will journalism’s values
Journalism at a crossroads
In his 1996 book News Values, former Chicago
Tribune publisher Jack Fuller summed it up well:
“The new interactive medium both threatens the
status quo and promises an exciting new way of
learning about the world.” This deftly describes
both camps of opinion concerning participation
by the audience in journalism.
It’s not just the Internet that threatens the sta-
tus quo of the news business. In their 2001 book
The Elements of Journalism, Bill Kovach and
Tom Rosenstiel make a compelling argument
that the news business is undergoing “a momen-
tous transition.”
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According to the authors, each time there has
been a period of signicant, social, economic
and technological change, a transformation in
news occurred. This happened in the 1830s-40s
with the advent of the telegraph; the 1880s with
a drop in paper prices and a wave of immigration;
the 1920s with radio and the rise of gossip and ce-
lebrity culture; the 1950s at the onset of the Cold
War and television.
The arrival of cable, followed by the Internet
and mobile technologies, has brought the lat-
est upheaval in news. And this time, the change
in news may be even more dramatic. Kovach
and Rosenstiel explain, “For the rst time in
our history, the news increasingly is produced
by companies outside journalism, and this new
economic organization is important. We are fac-
ing the possibility that independent news will be
replaced by self-interested commercialism pos-
ing as news.
Kovach and Rosenstiel argue that new technol-
ogy, along with globalization and the conglom-
eration of media, is causing a shift away from
journalism that is connected to citizen building
and one that supports a healthy democracy.
Clearly, journalism is in the process of reden-
ing itself, adjusting to the disruptive forces sur-
rounding it. So it’s no surprise that discussions
about forms of participatory journalism, such as
weblogs, are frequently consumed by defensive
debates about what is journalism and who can
legitimately call themselves a journalist.
While debating what makes for good journalism
is worthwhile, and is clearly needed, it prevents
the discussion from advancing to any analysis
about the greater good that can be gained from
audience participation in news. Furthermore, the
debate often exacerbates the differences primar-
ily in processes, overlooking obvious similarities.
If we take a closer look at the basic tasks and
values of traditional journalism, the differences
become less striking.
From a task perspective, journalism is seen
as “the profession of gathering, editing, and
publishing news reports and related articles for
newspapers, magazines, television, or radio.
In terms of journalism’s key values, there
is much debate. After extensive interviews
with hundreds of U.S. journalists, Kovach and
Rosenstiel say that terms such as fairness, bal-
ance and objectivity are too vague to rise to es-
sential elements of this profession. From their
research, they distilled this value: “The primary
purpose of journalism is to provide citizens with
the information they need to be free and self-gov-
In the case of the aforementioned South Korean
news site, we see that traditional journalism’s
basic tasks and values are central to its ethos.
The difference essentially boils down to a redis-
tribution of control a democratization of media.
“With OhmyNews, we wanted to say goodbye to
20th-century journalism where people only saw
things through the eyes of the mainstream, con-
servative media,” said Oh Yeon-ho, editor and
founder of South Korea’s Ohmynews.com.
OhmyNews is the
most inuential
online news site
in South Korea,
attracting an
estimated 2
million readers
a day. It is
produced by
more than 26,000
registered citizen
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“The main concept is that every citizen can be
a reporter,Yeon-ho says. “A reporter is the one
who has the news and who is trying to inform
The new evolving media ecosystem
The most obvious difference between participa-
tory journalism and traditional journalism is the
different structure and organization that produce
Traditional media are created by hierarchical
organizations that are built for commerce. Their
business models are broadcast and advertising
focused. They value rigorous editorial workow,
protability and integrity. Participatory journal-
ism is created by networked communities that
value conversation, collaboration and egalitari-
anism over protability.
Clay Shirky, an adjunct professor at New York
University who has consulted on the social and
economic effects of Internet technologies, sees
the difference this way: “The order of things in
broadcast is ‘lter, then publish.’ The order in
communities is ‘publish, then lter.’ If you go
to a dinner party, you don’t submit your poten-
tial comments to the hosts, so that they can tell
you which ones are good enough to air before
the group, but this is how broadcast works every
day. Writers submit their stories in advance, to
be edited or rejected before the public ever sees
them. Participants in a community, by contrast,
say what they have to say, and the good is sorted
from the mediocre after the fact.”
Many traditional journalists are dismissive of
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participatory journalism, particularly weblog-
gers, characterizing them as self-interested or
unskilled amateurs. Conversely, many weblog-
gers look upon mainstream media as an arro-
gant, exclusive club that puts its own version of
self-interest and economic survival above the
societal responsibility of a free press.
According to Shirky, what the mainstream
media fail to understand is that despite a par-
ticipant’s lack of skill or journalistic training, the
Internet itself acts as editing mechanism, with
the difference that “editorial judgment is applied
at the edges … after the fact, not in advance.”
In The Elements of Journalism, Kovach and
Rosenstiel take a similar view: “This kind of
high-tech interaction is a journalism that resem-
bles conversation again, much like the original
journalism occurring in the publick houses and
coffeehouses four hundred years ago. Seen in this
light, journalism’s function is not fundamentally
changed by the digital age. The techniques may
be different, but the underlying principles are the
What is emerging is a new media ecosystem
(See Figure 1.2), where online communities
discuss and extend the stories created by main-
stream media. These communities also produce
participatory journalism, grassroots reporting,
annotative reporting, commentary and fact-
checking, which the mainstream media feed
upon, developing them as a pool of tips, sources
and story ideas.
Scott Rosenberg, managing editor of
Salon.com, explains, “Weblogs expand the media
universe. They are a media life-form that is native
to the Web, and they add something new to our
mix, something valuable, something that couldn’t
have existed before the Web.
“It should be obvious that weblogs aren’t com-
peting with the work of the professional journal-
ism establishment, but rather complementing
it. If the pros are criticized as being cautious,
impersonal, corporate and herdlike, the bloggers
are the opposite in, well, almost every respect:
They’re reckless, confessional, funky and herd-
Dan Gillmor, one of weblogging’s most vocal
defenders and a technology journalist and we-
blogger for the San Jose Mecury News, describes
this ecosystem as “journalism’s next wave.” In a
post to his weblog on March 27, 2002, Gillmor
described the principles that dene the current
“we media” movement:
• My readers know more than I do.
• That is not a threat, but rather an
• We can use this together to create something
between a seminar and a conversation,
educating all of us.
• Interactivity and communications technology
— in the form of e-mail, weblogs, discussion
boards, web sites and more — make it
In the next chapter, Cultural context: Behind the
explosion of participatory media, we explore the
reasons behind the social forces that are reshap-
ing the public’s relationship to media.
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Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital (Vintage Books, 1996). Also referenced in “The Promise of the Daily Me,” by J.D. Lasica,
Online Journalism Review (www.ojr.org), April 4, 2002. http://www.ojr.org/ojr/technology/1017778824.php
Watts Wacker speech at New Directions for News conference. “The News Business in Transition: Forces Shaping the Future,”
Austin, Texas, Oct. 31, 2002. For more, read Wacker’s book The Deviant’s Advantage (New York: Crown Business, 2002).
Watts Wacker, The Deviant’s Advantage (Crown Publishing, 2002).
Leander Kahney, “Citizen Reporters Make the News,” Wired News, May 17, 2003.
Pew Internet & American Life Project, One year later: September 11 and the Internet (Sept. 5, 2002).
Pew Internet & American Life Project, The Internet and the Iraq war: How online Americans have used the Internet to learn
war news, understand events, and promote their views (April 1, 2003).
John Schwartz, “3,000 Amateurs Offer NASA Photos of Columbia’s Demise,The New York Times, April 19, 2003. http://
Also see: “Tragedy Over Texas,” The Dallas Morning News Web site, Dallasnews.com.
ABCNews.com, The Note: Direct From the Campaigns.
Tim Layden, “Caught in the Net,” Sports Illustrated, May 19, 2003, p. 46.
Steve Outing, “Photo Phones Portend Visual Revolution” from his EditorandPublisher.com column, “Stop The Presses,”
March 12, 2003.
See BBC News anti-war protest photo gallery at:
Walter Mossberg, “Mossberg’s Mailbox,” Wall Street Journal, March 13, 2003.
Pew Center for Civic Journalism, Community Impact, Journalism Shifts Cited in New Civic Journalism Study, Nov. 4,
2002. http://www.pewcenter.org/doingcj/spotlight/index.php
Pew Center for Civic Journalism.
Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should
Expect (Three Rivers Press, 2001), 24.
Jack Fuller, News Values: Ideas for an Information Age (University of Chicago Press, 1997), 231.
Kovach, et al. Pg. 13.
Encarta World English Dictionary, North American Edition, Microsoft Corporation, 2003.
Kovach, et al. Pg. 17
Dan Gillmor, “A new brand of journalism is taking root in South Korea,The San Jose Mercury News, May 18, 2003.
Business Section.
Clay Shirky, “The Music Business and the Big Flip.” First published Jan. 21, 2003, on the Networks, Economics, and Culture
mailing list.
Clay Shirky, “Broadcast Institutions, Community Values.” First published Sept. 9, 2002, on the Networks, Economics, and
Culture mailing list.
Kovach, et al. Pg. 24.
Scott Rosenberg, “Much Ado About Blogging,” Salon.com, May 10, 2002.
Dan Gillmor, “Journalistic Pivot Points” in his weblog eJournal on SiliconValley.com, March 27, 2002.
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“Have you any news?”
— The second message transmitted by
Samuel B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph.
ewspapermen of the Victorian era feared
the telegraph would spell their doom.
“The mere newspapers must submit to
destiny and go out of existence,” wrote one news-
paper executive.
Yet, just the opposite occurred.
Despite fears of their obsolescence, newspapers
were able to thwart a major technological threat
by adopting it as a business advantage.
The telegraph was speedier than mail and en-
abled newspapers to publish more timely news.
Other newspapers joined together to set up wire
services such as the Associated Press. And the
concern that a telegraph transmission might be
cut short gave rise to the familiar writing style
called the inverted pyramid, which places impor-
tant news rst followed by less critical details.
Journalism has always had to respond to tech-
nological and social changes. The Information
Age brought about a tremendous expansion of
media cable television, growing numbers of
niche print publications, Internet Web sites,
mobile telephony. Media have become nearly
ubiquitous, and journalism again nds itself at
a crossroads as the media landscape becomes
more fragmented and lled with competition
from nontraditional sources.
“The way we get news has gone through mo-
mentous transition,” Kovach and Rosenstiel
write in The Elements of Journalism. “It has hap-
pened each time there is a period of signicant
social, economic and technological change. It is
occurring now with the advent of cable followed
by the Internet. The collision this time may be
more dramatic.”
Unlike the telegraph, the Internet is far more
pervasive and accessible by just about anyone. If
history is any guide, journalism will change, al-
though how dramatic that change will be remains
This chapter attempts to shed light on the cul-
tural factors that have provided the fuel for this
explosion of participatory media. We’ll also look
at how information technologies are changing
the traditional roles of consumers.
Extending social networks
People are inherently social creatures. We de-
velop and maintain complex social networks of
friends, family and acquaintances through vari-
ous means of communication.
Regardless of technology, human “relation-
ships will naturally continue to rely on face-to-
face and physical contact, on shared experience
and values, on acts of generosity and thoughtful-
ness, and on trust, understanding and empathy,”
according to a whitepaper for Groove, the col-
laboration software created by Lotus developer
Ray Ozzie.
“Nevertheless, (Internet and mobile) technolo-
gies do have the potential to have signicant, fun-
damental impact on the types of relationships we
maintain, on where we live and work, on when
and how we are educated, on how we entertain
ourselves and spend our leisure time, on our poli-
tics, and on how we conceive of time.
In the 10 years since its mass adoption, the Web
has quickly become a reection of our elaborate
social networks. It has evolved into a powerful
medium for communication and collaboration,
as evidenced by the hypertext links of more than
10 billion documents authored by millions of
people and organizations around the world.
It is the greatest publishing system ever known,
and it keeps growing. In May 2003, there were
at least 40.4 million Web sites
with thousands
being added, moved or removed every day. It’s a
phenomenally extraordinary achievement, which
has emerged without central planning and with-
out government regulation, censor or sanction
— an emergent, bottom-up process.
“Self-organization is an irrepressible human
drive, and the Internet is a toolkit for self-orga-
nizing,” according to Howard Rheingold, author
of Smart Mobs. “The role of voluntary coop-
Cultural context: Behind the explosion
of participatory media
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eration is the most important and least known
story is the history of personal computers and
Indeed, the architecture of the Internet was
the result of a decentralized philosophy, free
software and collaboration. In 1962, Paul Baran
of the RAND corporation was commissioned by
the U.S. Air Force to design a computer network
able to survive a nuclear attack to any part of it.
His insightful solution required that there be no
master or central computer running the network.
Instead, computers could be connected to many
other computers in a mesh–like pattern.
In a sense, Baran wanted to create a social
network of mainframes that routed packets of in-
formation through a variable maze of connectors.
The benet was that the network could grow, or
handle a loss of computers, without having to be
As brilliant as Baran’s idea was, it was rejected.
AT&T, the telephone monopoly designated to
maintain the network for the U.S. government,
saw the “digital packet” approach as too costly
to deploy and a threat to its monopoly position
because it could allow for competition.
But several years later, the Advanced Research
Project Agency stumbled upon the same solution
and created a network called ARPANET, the pre-
cursor to today’s Internet. The network was built
to allow military facilities to connect computers.
By 1973, just three years after ARPANET went
online, something unexpected happened. E-mail,
which began as a novelty, accounted for 75 per-
cent of all network trafc.
Throughout the 1980s, the Internet grew
steadily but remained mostly unnoticed behind
the walls of academic and scientic institutions.
In the early ’90s, two events turned the Internet
into the greatest publishing system in history by
making it more accessible to the masses.
First, Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at CERN,
substituted the impossible-to-remember nu-
merical addressing system of the Internet with
the URL (uniform resource locator) for use as
electronic addresses. Soon after, students at the
University of Illinois, led by Marc Andreessen,
created Mosaic, the rst browser to display docu-
ments on the Web. This graphic, rather than text-
based, interface resulted in an explosion of the
Internet’s popularity.
In December 1993, a New York Times business
section article concluded that Mosaic was per-
haps “an application program so different and so
obviously useful that it can create a new industry
from scratch.”
Years before the advent of the Web and Mosaic,
e-mail, bulletin boards and Usenet were the pop-
ular means of communication and collaboration
on the Internet. Bulletin boards and Usenet, a
stockpile of millions of e-mail postings arranged
into “newsgroups,” changed radically and became
more popular as forums. The browser-based
graphic interface, which allowed participants to
explore and contribute more readily, changed the
practical nature of the Usenet idea into some-
thing more open, accessible and interesting to
the masses.
The Internet had become a massive repository
of publicly accessible, linked documents. This
doesn’t sound like a breeding ground for social
activity, but according to John Seely Brown and
Paul Duguid, it is inherently so.
“Documents do not merely carry information,
they help make it, structure it and validate it.
More intriguing, perhaps, documents also help
structure society, enabling social groups to form,
develop, and maintain a sense of shared identi-
ty,” they write in The Social Life of Information.
“Shared and circulating documents, it seems,
have long provided interesting social glue.”
Figure 2.1
Internet Backbone Trafc
Chart shows estimated trafc in terabytes
on Internet backbones in U.S. during
December of that year.
Year Terabytes/month
1990 1.0
1991 2.0
1992 4.4
1993 8.3
1994 16.3
1995 NA
1996 1,500
1997 2,500 - 4,000
1998 5,000 - 8,000
1999 10,000 - 16,000
2000 20,000 - 35,000
2001 40,000 - 70,000
2002 80,000 - 140,000
Source: K. G. Coffman and A. M. Odlyzko, “Growth of the
Internet,” AT&T Labs - Research, July 6, 2001
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Today, we see a new phenomenon. Given tech-
nological innovations in open source software,
everyone has access to robust tools for publishing
and collaborating easily on the Web. Weblogging
tools are in many ways easier to use than most e-
mail applications. It is this ease that accounts for
their increasing popularity.
Estimates of the number of active weblogs vary
widely from 500,000 to as high as 1 million.
According to the Pew Internet & American Life
Project, more than 8 million U.S. Internet users
(7 percent) have created a weblog
and 90 mil-
lion (84 percent) have participated in online
The Post-Information Age
In a way, the Internet was destined to be a social
medium from the start — open, unregulated,
extensible and unpredictable. Like the telephone,
it removes one of the critical barriers to main-
taining social networks: geography. In doing so,
the Internet enables a vibrant social universe to
emerge powered by the passions of millions.
Moreover, this medium has empowered mil-
lions to express their ideas and perspectives
in many ways, which, according to futurist
Watts Wacker, feeds a great hunger in the Post-
Information Age.
In his 2002 book The Deviant’s Advantage,
Wacker suggests that our current society is un-
dergoing relentless, all-encompassing change,
which will do nothing but accelerate. This con-
stant change results in an “Abolition of Context”
the inability of business and society to nd
commonly agreed upon reference points.
“Context is the framework, the structure, the
collective common understanding that allows us
to live our lives and run our businesses,” Wacker
writes in his book. “Take it away and it’s all but
impossible to know what’s the right or wrong ac-
tion to take.”
Such a situation makes it more difcult for
companies to create commercially viable, long-
lasting goods and services. This environment
also creates stress, anxiety and confusion for the
individual. With social mores constantly shifting,
people seek a “proliferation of perspectives” to
make sense of the world.
Credibility, a traditionally reliable context as it
has been viewed until now, is dead, Wacker says.
“Knowing what other people think news means,
in many layers, is more important.”
It appears that the many forms of participatory
journalism on the Web are ideally suited to serve
this function. There is evidence that people are
actively seeking new perspectives beyond those
provided by mainstream media. Researchers
have begun to categorize an individual’s media
diet as a more dependable method of segment-
ing audiences, as opposed to demographic and
pyschographic criteria.
We are now beginning to lead what futurist
Wacker calls “media-centric life,” where all of our
information is mediated, coming to us second or
third hand. Media, he says, are how we dene
ourselves and our relationships.
This media-centric life requires a large amount
of assimilation of information, most of it com-
ing second-hand. Objectivity is one casualty of
this massive abundance of viewpoints, Wacker
Even traditionalists are questioning the
practicality of objectivity. In The Elements of
Journalism, Kovach and Rosenstiel write: “The
concept of objectivity is so mangled it now is
usually used to describe the very problem it was
conceived to correct.”
But whether the demise of objectivity will give
rise to a social environment governed by interests
and relationships is debatable. What is clear is
that the Internet provides more opportunity for
people to share information among communi-
ties, thereby circumventing traditional media’s
role as privileged, trusted and informed interme-
diaries of the news.
In their report “Online Communities: Networks
that nurture long-distance relationships and local
ties, the Pew Internet & American Life Project
found that not only are people becoming more
social online, they are forming vibrant communi-
ties and integrating them into their lives.
Some of their ndings:
90 million Americans (84 percent of Internet
users) have participated in online groups; 26
percent have used the Internet to deepen their
ties to their local communities.
Use of the Internet often prompts Americans to
join groups. More than half of the aforemen-
tioned 90 million say they joined an online
group after they began participating over the
Online communities bring about greater con-
tact with different people. Participants say that
online communities have spurred connections
to strangers and to people of different racial,
ethnic and economic backgrounds.
Online communities foster lively chatter and
connection. People exchange e-mails, hash
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out issues, nd out about group activities, and
meet face to face as a result of online commu-
nities. About 23 million Americans are very
active in online communities, meaning that
they e-mail their principal online group sev-
eral times a week.
• Online communities draw civic involvement
from the young, a segment of the population
that has not typically been drawn to civic ac-
Sociologist Barry Wellman argues that many
new social arrangements are being formed
through “glocalization” the capacity of the
Internet to expand people’s social worlds to far-
away people and simultaneously connect them
more deeply to the place they live.
More than just connecting, people are increas-
ingly collaborating. The bottom-up nature of the
Internet and several technological innovations
such as digital still and video cameras, mobile
devices and wireless computing platforms
have resulted in an explosion of creative activity.
Customer as innovator
Just as blogs and forums have turned audiences
into participants, other industries have thrived
by developing tools to turn their customers into
creators. As Stefan Thomke and Eric von Hippel
argue in “Customers as Innovators: A New Way
to Create Value,” the pace of change in many
markets is too great and “the cost of understand-
ing and responding to customers’ needs can
quickly spiral out of control.”
Some industries have already succeeded in
turning their customers into contributors and in-
novators. Knowing they cannot predict the shift-
ing desires of their customers, these companies
have instead created the tools and frameworks to
empower their customers to create.
“Essentially, these companies have abandoned
their efforts to understand exactly what products
their customers want and have instead equipped
them with tools to design and develop their own
products, ranging from minor modications to
major new innovations,” Thomke and von Hippel
A number of industries are succeeding in the
“Customer as Innovator” approach. Nestlé has
built a toolkit that enables its customers to de-
velop their own avors. GE provides customers
with Web-based tools for designing better plastic
products. This approach has transformed the
semiconductor business, bringing the custom-
chip market to more than $15 billion.
Providing the tools and services to enable cus-
tomers to act as their own auctioneers is at the
heart of one of the most successful Internet com-
panies, eBay. In 2002, eBay members bought
and sold $14.87 billion in annualized gross mer-
Perhaps one the most vivid and dramatic ex-
amples of customers transforming a business is
the computer game industry.
In the summer of 2000, on the verge of gradu-
ating with a computer science degree, 23-year-
old Minh Le built a computer game in his par-
ents’ basement called Counter-Strike. In 2002,
Counter-Strike was the most popular multiplayer
action game in the world, with more than 1.7
million players spending on average about 23.5
hours a month in the game. In addition to its free
When Customer Innovation
Makes Sense
Harvard Business Review identied three
major signs that an industry may soon
migrate to a customers-as-innovators
1. Your market segments are shrinking,
and customers are increasingly asking for
customized products. As you try to respond
to those demands, your costs increase,
and it is difcult to pass those costs on to
2. You and your customers need many
iterations before you nd a solution.
Some customers complain that you have
gotten the product wrong or that you are
responding too slowly. You are tempted to
restrict the degree to which your products
can be customized, and your smaller
customers must make do with standard
products or nd a better solution elsewhere.
As a result, customer loyalty starts to erode.
3. You or your competitors use high-quality
computer-based simulation and rapid-
prototyping tools internally to develop new
products. You also have computer-adjustable
production processes that can manufacture
custom products. (These technologies
could form the foundation of a tool kit that
customers could use to develop their own
Source: Harvard Business Review (April 1, 2002).
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Internet distribution, Counter-Strike has sold 1.3
million shrink-wrapped copies at retail, with rev-
enues of more than $40 million.
What’s remarkable is that Le didn’t have to
build the entire game from scratch. Instead he
converted or “modded” the game from an exist-
ing popular game called Half-Life. The tools to
modify Half-Life into a completely new game
were downloaded from the manufacturer’s Web
“Many of the best game companies now count
on modders to show them the way creatively
and to ensure their own survival in a savagely
competitive market,” says Wagner James Au,
in his article Triumph of the Mod. “By fostering
the creativity of their fans, their more agile peers
in the game industry have not only survived but
Even gaming giant Electronic Arts encouraged
gamers to modify their classic hit The Sims. So
far, more than 30,000 different Sims mods are
“In a sense, mods also represent the most vis-
ible success of the free (open-source) software
movement on the larger culture,” Au adds. “For
the millions who play computer games, the same
ethos of volunteerism and shared ownership that
characterizes free software has helped utterly
transform the gaming experience and the $8 bil-
lion-plus gaming industry.”
In many ways, the open-source movement
offers a glimpse at the future. In open-source
projects, the community builds the tools for
itself motivated by hopes of creating better soft-
ware through mass collaboration. In the best
case, open-source movements can organize and
develop industry-leading tools (e.g., Linux and
Apache Web server), which sometimes threaten
multibillion-dollar companies.
According to Dave Winer, weblog guru and
founder of Userland Software, Google’s acqui-
sition of Pyra and its Blogger weblogging tool
earlier this year “may signal a change possibly as
deep as the personal computer revolution, where
huge glass palaces controlled by technologists
were routed around, by software and hardware
that did the same thing, for a fraction of the cost.
Today, the same software that Vignette sold a
few years ago for millions of dollars can be had
for hundreds, and it’s much easier to install and
Access to powerful and inexpensive tools is
turning more people into innovators of all sorts.
The challenge for news organizations, ultimately,
will be to persuade their customers to become not
just innovators but collaborators as well.
Power of networks
In their book Information Rules, Carl Shapiro
and Hal R. Varian suggest an altogether new
axiom for the news business and its future. “The
old industrial economy was driven by economies
of scale; the new information economy is driven
by the economics of networks.”
Indeed, our traditional notions of econom-
ics are being disrupted and transformed by the
power of distributed collaboration through our
computer networks.
More than 2 million people worldwide have
been donating their unused computer down time
to help the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
(SETI) analyze 50 billions bytes of signals from
outer space. The SETI@home project, which
began in mid-1999, put distributed computing
on the map.
About the same time that project began, the
peer-to-peerle sharing program Napster was
launched to enable the sharing of music between
users connected to the Internet. At its height, 70
million users were trading 2.7 billion les per
month. Since Napster was shut down, Gnutella
clients such as Morpheus and Kazaa have stepped
in, allowing billions of movies, songs, ebooks,
software and other digital les to be exchanged
among the masses.
It seems as though the possibilities of distrib-
uted collaboration are limitless. “Today, millions
of people and their PCs are not just looking for
messages from outer space and trading music,”
says Rheingold in Smart Mobs, “but tackling can-
cer research, nding prime numbers, rendering
lms, forecasting weather, designing synthetic
drugs by running simulations on billions of pos-
sible molecules taking on computing problems
so massive that scientists have not heretofore
considered them.”
The network economy and the proliferation
of media are presenting a tremendous challenge
for mainstream media organizations, such as
newspapers, radio and television. Not only will
they have to adapt organizationally, and perhaps
philosophically, but their products, over time,
will be transformed in unexpected and unfore-
seen ways.
In the next chapter, How participatory jour-
nalism is taking form, we look at the exciting
new forms that are emerging for this new media
20 | Cultural context: Behind the explosion of participatory media
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How participatory journalism is taking form | 21
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
John. D. Ruley, “Yesterday’s Prejudices Today,” Dr. Dobb’s Electronic Review of Computer Books.
Tom Standage, The Victorian Internet (Berkley Books. 1999).
Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, The Elements of Journalism (Three Rivers Press, 2001).
“The Connection Age,” white paper published on the Internet in 2001 by Groove Networks.
NEC Research Inc.
Figure on Netcraft.com on May 13, 2003.
Howard Rheingold. Posted on his weblog dedicated to his book, Smart Mobs (Perseus Publishing, October 2002).
Albert-László Barabási, Linked: The New Science of Networks (Perseus Publishing, May 2002).
Andrew Odlyzko, “Content Is not King,” First Monday, June 2002.
R.H. Reid, Architects of the Web: 1,000 Days that Built the Future of Business (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1997).
Wired.com, “Thanks to new easy-to-use software, the number of weblogs on the Net seems to be growing at an
unprecedented rate,” Feb. 23, 2000. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,34006,00.html
Most blogging communities do not publicly report the number of active blogs. Also, there is some debate over what qualies
as a blog. Just three and a half years old, the popular Blogger software (now owned by Google) has 1.1 million registered users.
Evan Williams, founder of the company that built Blogger, estimates that about 200,000 of them are actively running weblogs
(Dan Gillmor, SiliconValley.com, “Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time,” Feb. 15, 2003). http://weblog.siliconvalley.com/
Joe Laszlo, a Jupiter Research analyst, estimates that around 500,000 people actively maintain a weblog. (Peter Rojas, “Now Bloggers Can
Hit The Road,” Wired.com, Feb. 20, 2003.
Pew Internet & American Life Project, Internet Activities chart. The statistic on weblogging is dated Sept., 2002.
Pew Internet & American Life Project, Online Communities: Networks that nurture long-distance relationships and local
ties, Oct. 31, 2001. http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=47
Watts Wacker, The Deviant’s Advantage (Crown Publishing, 2002).
Watts Wacker speech at New Directions for News conference. “The News Business in Transition: Forces Shaping the
Future,” Austin, Texas, Oct. 31, 2002.
Wacker, from speech.
Wacker, from speech.
Pew Internet & American Life Project, Online Communities … http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=47
Barry Wellman, “Little Boxes, Glocalization, and Networked Individualism,” online publication, July 12, 2002.
Stefan Thomke, Eric Von Hippel, Customers as Innovators: A New Way to Create Value, Harvard Business Review, April 1,
2002. http://harvardbusinessonline.hbsp.harvard.edu/b01/en/common/item_detail.jhtml?id=R0204F
Thomke and Von Hippel.
eBay.com. About eBay: Company Overview Web page. http://pages.ebay.com/community/aboutebay/overview/index.html
Geoff Keighley, “Game Development a la Mod,” Business 2.0, October 2002.
Wagner James Au, “Triumph of the mod,” Salon.com, April 16, 2002.
Dave Winer, “Comments on the Google-Blogger Deal,” Post on his Dave.net weblog, Feb. 20, 2003.
Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian, Information Rules (Harvard Business School Press; 1998).
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articipation has been a fundamental com-
ponent of the Internet since its inception.
Newsgroups, mailing lists and bulletin
boards were the early cousins to the forums,
weblogs and collaborative communities ourish-
ing today. Those early forms are still thriving, a
testament to our need to stay connected to our
social networks.
Participatory journalism ourishes in social
media the interpersonal communication that
takes place through e-mail, chat, message boards,
forums and in collaborative media hybrid
forms of news, discussion and community.
This section categorizes the forms in which
participatory journalism takes shape. Some of
these forms continue to evolve and merge and
thus overlap. The list, while generalized, is meant
to describe the outlines of that participation and
the communities where it resides.
Considering the “publish, then lter” model
that most of these forms follow, we dene each
form’s self-correcting or ltering mechanism.
The end goal of ltering is the same in all to
amplify the signal-to-noise ratio, separating the
meaningful information from the chatter.
Discussion groups
Online discussion groups are the oldest and still the
most popular forms for participation. Discussion
groups run the gamut from bulletin boards and
forums to mailing lists and chat rooms.
Participants might engage a discussion group
to answer tech support questions, to trade stock-
trading tips, to argue about a favorite sports
team, to share experiences about a health care
issue, or to join a collaborative work project.
Mailing lists, newsgroups, bulletin boards, and
forums are methods of asynchronous communi-
cation, meaning that all participants do not have
to be online at the same time to communicate.
Sometimes this leads to more thoughtful contri-
butions, because participants have more time to
rene their responses.
Chat rooms, on the other hand, are synchronous,
where all participants must be online at the same
time to communicate. This has the benet of pro-
viding immediacy and can be used effectively for
business services such as customer support. But
for the most part, chat rooms are more like virtual
cafes or hangouts, with live, unltered discussion.
Forum discussions are probably the most
familiar discussion group form to the average
Internet user. Forums are typically arranged
into threads in which an initial message or post
appears at the beginning of a discussion and
responses are attached in a branching manner.
When forums are viewed in threads, it’s easy to
recognize the branching of conversation that oc-
curs, some of which might not be entirely related
to the original post. Some forums permit the au-
dience to sort messages by various means pop-
ularity, date, ranking. Many forums are archived,
turning them into a searchable knowledge base of
community conversation.
Here’s a look at the strengths and weaknesses
of various forms of online participation, together
with a description of how they work.
Self-correcting process: In a discussion
group, moderators police the content and actions
of participants, sometimes removing and editing
parts of the conversations that violate the stan-
dards of the community. These moderators are
sometimes appointed by the community; in other
cases they are appointed by the host or owner of
the forums. However, in many discussion com-
munities, the participants police each other,
sharing their views of when particular behaviors
or actions are inappropriate.
Strengths: Most discussion forms have a
relatively low barrier to entry (just create an user
account), with an especially low level of commit-
ment. For example, a participant can engage a
forum only once, or few times, and still have a
meaningful experience.
Weaknesses: Sometimes forums are too
open, easily garnering ip, reactive comments.
Active, large forums can get noisy, with so many
posts from so many members, it’s hard to deter-
How participatory journalism
is taking form
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Figure 3.1: Discussion forums (top) Lawrence Journal, (bottom) About.com
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mine what information is meaningful or useful.
In addition, some moderated forums require each
post to be pre-approved before it appears online,
slowing down and smothering the conversation.
Many online media outlets have abandoned
discussion forums in the past few years, citing
legal problems as well as lack of sufcient staff to
moderate and maintain forums. Ultimately, some
media outlets think forums provide little value to
the audience and to the bottom line (ROI).
barrier to effective advertising on these pages is
the lack of content control by either the adver-
tiser or publisher.
See Figure 3.1 for examples.
User-generated content
Many news sites provide a vehicle – through
Web-based forms or e-mail designed to col-
lect content from the audience and redistribute
it. This vehicle can collect full-length articles,
advice/tips, journals, reviews, calendar events,
useful links, photos and more. The content is
usually text-based, but increasingly we are seeing
the contribution of audio, video and photographs.
After submission, the content appears online
with or without editorial review, depending on
the nature of content and the host policy.
Ranking is another popular and easy way for
the audience to participate. Examples include
rating a story, a reporter and other users. Ranking
systems typically provide the best benet when a
sufcient number of users have participated, for
example, “4,202 readers give this movie 4 out of
5 stars.”
Internet users also provide content through
feedback systems, such as polls or mini-forums
attached to story pages. Polls sometimes also
support comment submissions.
Self-correcting process: Usually, audience
submissions go to a traditional editor at the host
site, undergo an editing or approval process, and
then are posted to the Web. Ranking and feedback
mechanisms, however, are typically posted live im-
mediately. Communities often police the submis-
sions, and strong agreement or disagreement with
a submission may prompt members to submit
their own comments. This commonly occurs with
reviews of products, movies and restaurants.
Strengths: Like forums, audience submis-
sions have a relatively low barrier to entry, with
a low level of commitment. A participant can
submit (usually on topics that meet a special
interest) only once, or few times, and still have a
meaningful experience. Those who post repeat-
edly may build up over time a reputation among
their peers as an expert on the subject.
Weaknesses: The quality of user-generated
content can be uneven, with participants who
are not trained writers or fact-checkers. As a re-
sult, some content can require extensive editing.
Generally, this type of content relies on the good
will of the audience to not exploit the system.
It’s easy, in some cases, to skew polls and other
feedback systems, by voting multiple times. Also,
a low volume of participation can limit the value
of feedback systems.
See Figure 3.2 for examples.
Among the newest forms of participatory journal-
ism to gain popularity is the weblog. A weblog is
a web page made up of usually short, frequently
updated text blocks or entries that are arranged
in reverse chronological order (most recent to
oldest). The content and purpose of weblogs vary
greatly, ranging from personal diary to journal-
istic community news to collaborative discussion
groups in a corporate setting.
Weblogs can provide links and commentary
about content on other Web sites. They can be a
form of “latest news” page. Or they can consist of
project diaries, photos, poetry, mini-essays, proj-
ect updates, even ction. The quick, short posts
on weblogs have been likened to “instant mes-
sages to the Web.” On other weblogs, the content
can be longer, such as excerpts from a research
paper in progress, with the author seeking com-
ment from peers.
Weblogs fall into the one-to-many (individual
blogs) or many-to-many (group blogs) model of
media, with some allowing no or little discussion
by users and others generating robust reader re-
sponses. Either way, weblogs inevitably become
part of what is now called the “blogosphere.”
This is the name given to the intercast of weblogs
the linking to and discussion of what others
have written or linked to, in essence a distributed
The blogosphere is facilitated by several tech-
nologies. First, it is supported by TrackBack
– a mechanism that automatically nds other
comments about a blog post on a weblog, and
provides excerpts and links to the comments
alongside the post. It’s like having an editorial
page of commentary on the Web, automatically
generated to appear alongside a story.
Second, the blogosphere is fueled by meta-sites
such as Daypop, MIT’s Blogdex, Technorati and
24 | How participatory journalism is taking form
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Figure 3.2
User-generated content
(Top) Citysearch.com,
the leading provider of
online city guides in the
U.S., enables the audience
to write reviews and
contribute information
about venues and
(Bottom) BabyCenter.com
is a community site for
exchanging stories, tips
and advice, as well as
discussing common
problems facing parents.
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We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
others. Theses sites track what items weblogs
are linking to and talking about news stories,
weblog posts, new products (movies, books,
software), whatever subject is catching their at-
tention. Meta-sites provides a popularity ranking
of the most linked-to items, and then indexes all
links to those items.
The blogosphere is also supported by a third
technology, XML or RSS syndication. This allows
weblogs to syndicate their content to anyone
using a “news reader,” a downloadable program
that creates a peer-to-peer distribution model.
With content so easily exchanged, it’s easy to
know what others in your peer group are talking
about. (XML Syndication is discussed in detail
later in this chapter).
Weblogs are a powerful draw in that they en-
able the individual participant to play multiple
roles simultaneously publisher, commentator,
moderator, writer, documentarian.
Weblogs have also proven to be effective col-
laborative communication tools. They help small
groups (and in a few cases, large) communicate
in a way that is simpler and easier to follow than
e-mail lists or discussion forums.
For example, a project team can collaboratively
produce a weblog, where many individuals can
post information (related Web site links, les,
quotes, meeting notes or commentary) that
might be useful or interesting to the group or to
inform others outside the group. A collaborative
weblog can help keep everyone in the loop, pro-
moting cohesiveness in the group.
Self-correcting process: Weblogs rely on
audience feedback, through weblog commenting
forms, e-mail or remarks made on other weblogs,
as a method of correction. Typically, webloggers
are reliable about correcting their mistakes, and
a great many frequently link to dissenting view-
points on the Web.
Strengths: Weblogs are easy to set up, oper-
ate and maintain. The technology is relatively
inexpensive, sometimes even free. This allows
just about anyone to simultaneously become a
publisher, creator and distributor of content.
Weaknesses: This type of publishing requires
a higher level of commitment and time from the
creator than other forms. Also, it is difcult for
weblogs to attract readers, other than through
word of mouth and weblog aggregation and search
engines. Weblogs have also been judged as being
too self-referential, with critics likening them more
to the Daily Methan theDaily We.
See Figures 3.3 and 3.4 for examples.
Collaborative publishing
The technology behind many online communi-
ties is open source and free. In addition, Web
publishing tools and content management sys-
tems are becoming easier to install, deploy and
manage. As a result, thousands of Web-based
collaborative publishing communities have ap-
peared in the past ve years.
As open-source tools for forums, weblogs
and content management systems (CMS) have
evolved, they have begun to blur into each other.
This has led to the development of groupware,
Web- or desktop-based applications designed
for the collaborative creation and distribu-
tion of news and information, le-sharing and
communication. Weblogs are considered to be
groupware, because they can be collaboratively
created. But in this section, we are addressing
systems that are somewhat more complex.
A collaborative publishing environment is de-
signed to enable a group of participants (large or
small) to play multiple roles: content creators,
moderators, editors, advertisers and readers.
While the environment may be owned by an in-
dividual creator or host organization, the goal of
these systems is distributed ownership and deep
involvement from its community of users.
Forums, mailing lists and weblogs can be effec-
tive collaborative publishing environments. But
what distinguishes this group from other forms
is the self-correcting process and the rules that
govern participation (see Chapter 4 for more on
Forums use moderators and community feed-
back. Weblogs usually have a feedback feature or,
more often, other weblogs link back and discuss
posts. However, in complex collaborative publish-
ing environments, the self-correcting processes
are more akin to peer review, traditional editing
oversight and meta-moderators, individuals who
police moderators to make sure the conversation
doesn’t get skewed or diluted.
The most well-known of these environments is
Slashdot.org, which resembles a cross between
a large-scale forum and a collaborative weblog.
Slashdot is driven by a combination of editorial
oversight by its owners, submissions by users, and
moderation and meta-moderation by the com-
munity of users. The site attracts more than 10
million unique readers each month, with roughly
a half million audience members (5 percent)
participating by submitting articles, moderating,
ranking and posting comments. The open-source
technology behind Slashdot now runs thousands
26 | How participatory journalism is taking form
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Figure 3.3 Weblogs
(Top) InstaPundit is one of
the most well-known and
popular weblogs, written
by Glenn Reynolds, a law
professor at the University
of Tennessee.
(Bottom) Florida Today
uses a weblog format to
chronicle the launch and
landing of space shuttle
missions. This example is
the weblog for Columbia,
which tragically exploded
during re-entry over
the Southwestern US in
February 2003.
26 | How participatory journalism is taking form
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We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Figure 3.4 Weblogs
(Top) Gawker, a gossip
weblog for New York
City, made Entertainment
Weekly’s 2003 “It List,”
with the editors noting,
“The cheeky roundup
of gossip, hipster to-do
items, and withering
commentary on pop-
culture news has
become a must-read for
Manhattan’s media elite.”
(Bottom) Leo’s Mob is a
moblog — a mobile weblog
created with a cell phone
digital camera.
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of similar communities on the Web.
Extending the Slashdot model in a different
direction, Kuro5hin.org passed on editorial over-
sight to its members. Every story is written by
a member and then submitted for peer review.
Next, the story is edited, discussed and ranked
before it even appears on the site. Finally, the au-
dience reacts, comments and extends the story.
The open-source technology that runs
Kuro5hin, called Scoop, is a “collaborative media
application” according to its creator, Rusty
Foster. “It empowers your visitors to be the pro-
ducers of the site, to contribute news and discus-
sion, and to make sure the signal remains high.”
One measure of the success of these two col-
laboration systems is that Google News includes
Slashdot and Kuro5hin as two of the 4,500 sourc-
es for its news search index.
A somewhat less-structured approach to col-
laborative publishing is the Wiki model. Wiki
technology, depending on how its deployed, is
used for writing, discussion, storage, e-mail and
collaboration. In this discussion, we will narrow
our focus to collaborative examples, such as
Wikipedia. Wikipedia is an international, open
content, collaboratively developed encyclopedia.
In just over two years, it has amassed more than
120,000 articles in English as well as more than
75,000 articles in other languages.
At rst glance, a Wiki appears to be somewhat
chaotic, allowing any member the ability to cre-
ate public domain articles and edit just about any
piece of text within the environment. The central
component is that every change is tracked, and
can be reviewed, challenged or restored — an
omnipotent version history. As evidence to the
ever-blurring lines of these forms, there are now
experiments in Wiki-style weblogs.
Another interesting example of a collaborative
publishing is Zaplet technology, where discus-
sion forums, polling and group decision-making
tools are exchanged inside dynamic e-mails.
Among the most advanced and ambitious
groupware desktop applications is Groove, cre-
ated by Ray Ozzie, who also created one of the
best-known collaboration tools, Lotus Notes.
Groove is a peer-to-peer program that allows
large or small groups to collaboratively write,
surf, exchange les, chat, create forums and
invite outsiders to participate. It even supports
voice-over-IP communications.
Self-correcting process: Collaborative sys-
tems usually have a detailed workow for built-in
correction, such as Slashdot’s system, where the
audience ranks other audience members and
their comments, moderators police discussions,
and moderators are monitored by meta-modera-
tors. In the case of Kuro5hin, the audience acts as
editor before and after publishing.
Strengths: Participants can engage multiple
roles, or earn the privilege of new roles. A greater
level of involvement and ownership from the
audience usually yields greater reward (better
discussion and content) than in other forms.
Weaknesses: These systems are more dif-
cult to launch and maintain than others, due to
technical complexity. Depending on the number
of participants in the environment, the speed at
which membership grows, and how active the
membership is in creating content, collaborative
Figure 3.5
Collaborative publishing
Wikipedia is an
international, open
content, collaboratively
developed encyclopedia.
In just over two years, it
has amassed more than
120,000 articles in English
as well as more than
75,000 articles in other
28 | How participatory journalism is taking form
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We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Figure 3.6
Collaborative publishing
(Top) Slashdot.org, which
resembles a cross between
a large-scale forum and
a collaborative weblog, is
driven by a combination
of editorial oversight by
its owners, submissions
by users, and moderation
and meta-moderation by
the community of users.
The site attracts more than
10 million unique readers
each month.
(Bottom) Every story on
Kuro5hin.org is written
by a member and then
submitted for peer review.
Stories are then edited,
discussed and ranked
before it even appears on
the site. Once published,
a mass audience reacts,
comments and extends the
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systems become increasingly unwieldy and com-
plex to manage.
See Figure 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 for examples.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) describes applications in which
people can use the Internet to communicate or
share and distribute digital les with each other
directly or through a mediating Web server.
P2P communication: Instant Messaging (IM)
and Short Message Service (SMS) are the most
pervasive forms of peer-to-peer communication.
These forms constitute types of social media,
where personal, informal conversation occurs in
a “one-to-one” or “one-to-few” model.
While the content of IM and SMS is difcult to
categorize or analyze, its appeal and usefulness
as a communications medium is unquestionable.
Surveys from the Pew Internet and American
Life Project reveal that more than 50 million
Americans (about 46 percent of all Internet
users) have send instant messages, and about 7
million (11 percent) of all these users send instant
messages daily. AOL, one of the most popular of
instant messaging providers, transmits almost
1.4 billion instant messages each day.
SMS, short text messages that are sent between
cell phones, is pervasive in Europe and Asia but
hasn’t yet gained traction in the United States
due to the lack of support for a key industry tech-
nology (GSM).
In the past decade, as American culture has
embraced mobile technologies, instant messag-
ing has become a powerful means of distribut-
ing news and information to computers, cell
phones, pagers and PDAs. Now, everything from
news headlines and stories, sports scores, stock
quotes, airline ight schedules and eBay bids are
regularly sent directly to mobile devices, through
instant messages or SMS. In addition, parents
keep in closer contact with their teen children
through IM.
Reuters explored the business prospects for
instant messaging of news, sports and nancial
information with an ActiveBuddy tool. Audience
members who added this intelligent news agent
Figure 3.7 Collaborative publishing: Internet Movie Database (imdb.com) originally started as newsgroup. In
the early ’90s, the user-created database was moved to the Web, and has become one of the top movie sites. In
1998, it was purchased by Amazon.com, but the content is still primarily created by the audience.
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as a IM buddy could ask for news on demand
based on keywords.
In Hong Kong, the Chinese government sent a
blanket of 6 million SMS messages to spread the
word and avert panic about the outbreak of the
SARS respiratory illness.
As cell phones and mobile devices have in-
tegrated digital camera technology, instant
messaging is now expanding outside of text
communications to include still photography
and video. This is already being used in a peer-
to-peer fashion among friends or colleagues,
but it is also being used as a vehicle to submit
photography and video directly to a Web site or
weblog. During worldwide protests against the
war in Iraq, the BBCNews.com asked its readers
to submit photos from their digital cameras and
cell phones.
Microsoft’s new ThreeDegrees application is
an interesting experiment in peer-to-peer com-
munication. Participants form groups with this
software to chat, share pictures and music to the
group, without permanently sharing the les.
Music and images are streamed to the group
members on the y (See Figure 3.8).
P2P Distribution: Peer-to-peer forms excel
when it comes to the distribution and dissemi-
nation of digital les, which may carry valuable
news and information. Instant messaging users
can exchange digital les on the y in the middle
of a conversation. But the heart of P2P le shar-
ing was born with Napster, the controversial
desktop software program designed to enable
participants to share any digital music le on
their hard drives.
At its zenith, 70 million users were trading
2.7 billion les per month. Since Napster was
shut down, other le-sharing programs (called
Gnutella clients) such as Morpheus and Kazaa
have stepped in, allowing billions of movies,
songs, ebooks, software and other digital les to
be exchanged among the masses.
From a participatory journalism perspective,
P2P has enormous potential to distribute the
content created by digital amateurs. One exam-
ple is the recent emergence of P2P photo-sharing
software programs. Such programs let you dene
a list of friends and mark photos that you want
to share with your them. The program watches
for your friends to log on and then automatically
makes the images available for downloading or
real-time viewing.
Self-correcting process: Peer-to-peer le
sharing doesn’t necessarily need correction, but
Figure 3.8 Peer-to-Peer: With Microsofts ThreeDegrees,
participants form groups to chat, share pictures and
music, without permanently sharing the les. Music
and images are streamed to the group.
ranking and ltering mechanisms can increase
the signal-to-noise ratio. Peer-to-peer commu-
nication such as instant messaging doesn’t need
correction either, any more than a conversation
with a friend would. However, chat rooms some-
times benet from moderation.
Strengths: Synchronous communication is a
powerful vehicle for immediate news and infor-
mation. SMS has the advantage of being both
synchronous and asynchronous, because if a
participant isn’t online, the message is stored for
later retrieval.
Weaknesses: Instant messaging requires
participants to be online in order to communi-
cate. The lack of interoperability between soft-
ware programs, conicting messaging standards
and closed devices are sources of continual frus-
tration, creating islands of users who are unable
communicate with others. For example, an AOL
instant messaging user cannot communicate
with an MSN user.
XML Syndication
The content on many of these forms, especially
blogs and collaborative systems, can be syndi-
cated through the use of an XML specication
called RSS, Rich Site Summary. An RSS le typi-
cally contains a list of headlines, summaries and
links recently published by a given site. Using
news reader applications such as NewzCrawler,
AmphetaDesk or NetNewsWire, Web readers
can browse these RSS les, sorting through large
amounts of news content at a rapid rate. When
a reader nds an item of interest, she clicks on
the headline and it takes her to the story on the
source’s site. (See Figure 3.9 for an example).
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RSS syndication seems to be making an impact in
several ways. Content creators, from mainstream
media to the average blogger, can easily syndicate
their content to RSS reader applications, creating
a peer-to-peer distribution model. In many cases,
the user doesn’t have to do a thing. “It’s all part of
the democratization effect of the Web, says entre-
preneur Dave Winer, who incorporated an early
version of RSS in Userland blogging software in
1999. “It puts bloggers on the same eld as the big
news corporations, and that’s great.”
News readers can be trained to go out and
refresh content based on a time schedule. This
allows readers to be up to date without having to
search for recent news on their own.
“Most people, once they start using RSS to
check the news, just don’t go back (to surng
Web pages),” says Tim Bray, co-editor of the
World Wide Web Consortium’s XML specica-
tion. “The amount of time and irritation saved is
totally, completely addictive.”
According to columnist J.D. Lasica, this virtue
can motivate users into an immediate online
dialogue, whether through e-mails, discussion
boards or blog entries. “Interactivity is much
more vibrant when the news is fresh.”
“News readers help to build community,”
adds Matthew Gifford, a Web developer in
Bloomingdale, Ill. “You can see the ebb and ow
of ideas around the network much better now.
The XML structure of RSS feeds also allows
other sites to easily integrate a headline and
summary feed into other products, redistributing
content in a viral fashion.
Open vs. closed
The scale of these forms, the technology behind
them and type of participation that occurs var-
ies greatly. However, the nature of participation
can be affected by one additional key factor that
should be considered: Is the environment public
or private? We have identied four categories of
openness that these forms usually fall within:
1. Open Communal: While there typically is a
single host, facilitator or architect of the com-
munity, almost all activity within it mem-
bership, editing, ltering, moderation, content
contribution, etc. is managed and governed
by the community it serves.
2. Open Exclusive: A group of privileged mem-
bers, usually the owners of the site, is allowed
to post primary content to the site, while the
Figure 3.9 XML syndication: The Christian Science Monitor’s headlines are distributed using the RSS XML
format and can be quickly scanned in a news reader application, such as NetNewsWire (above).
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audience creates secondary content through
commentary. This is typical of weblogs.
Sometimes exclusivity can be assigned to
audience members. For example, MetaFilter
limits the number of new members that can
join each day.
3. Closed: Only a group of privileged members can
read, post, edit and comment on content. The
system, which can take the form of a weblog or
forum, exists in a private Web environment,
such as a company intranet. Instant messaging
and e-mail are private, and thus closed.
4. Partially Closed: In this case, some portion of
the information created by a closed commu-
nity is exposed to a public Web space.
Function of participation
This section attempts to categorize participatory
journalism by the function the audience serves.
The most pervasive, and perhaps fundamental,
level of participation is commentary. During
the past three decades, forums, newsgroups,
chat rooms and instant messaging have enabled
online discussion on just about any subject of in-
terest imaginable. Summing up the ubiquity and
popularity of this activity, a Pew Research report
noted that in the days following the Sept. 11 at-
tacks, nearly one-third of all American Internet
users “read or posted material in chat rooms,
bulletin boards or online forums.”
In the past ve years, weblogs have increased
the signal of this activity, with some advocating
the blog form as the next generation of newspa-
per Op/Ed page.
“Though webloggers do actual reporting from
time to time, most of what they bring to the table
is opinion and analysis punditry,” says Glenn
Reynolds, a law professor at the University of
Tennessee and author of the popular weblog
Filtering and editing
With the ood of information available, as well
as competing demands of media attention, the
door has opened for alternative forms of editing
ltering, sorting, ranking and linking. This
process is akin to “editing” in the sense of edito-
rial judgment and selection. The online partici-
pants “guide and direct” their community, large
or small, to valued news and information.
Filtering and ranking can be based on explicit
singular or collective participation. For example,
Gizmodo, “the Gadgets Weblog,” is a well-ed-
ited, “best-of” list of links to news and informa-
tion about cutting-edge consumer electronics.
Gizmodo is produced by one person. The search
engine Daypop, also run by one person, has a
collection of the top 40 most linked-to news and
information Web pages within the blogging com-
munity (See Figure 3.10).
Many news sites, such as MSNBC.com and
CNN.com, employ a similar “Most Read Top 10,”
where all site visitors’ choices are accumulated
into a popularity ranking. Other interesting ex-
amples of ltering systems include Google’s Page
Rank algorithms, Yahoo’s Buzz – based on popu-
lar searches and The New York Times’ “most
e-mailed stories.”
Filtering, however, doesn’t have to come from
explicit activities, such as linking or favorite
lists. It can also have implicit origins, such as
Amazon’s well-known “People who bought this
item also bought ...” feature. This is an example
of collaborative ltering, in which Amazon uses
information about previous sales and browsing
to suggest potentially relevant products to re-
turning customers.
In discussion forums and weblogs, the act of veri-
cation is a frequent activity. The initial post in ei-
ther form begins with a link to a story, followed by a
statement questioning the validity of certain facts.
What ensues is a community effort to uncover the
truth. Sometimes journalists enter the fray in an ef-
fort to uncover the truth in traditional media.
One example of this occurred when the Slashdot
community and an Associated Press reporter un-
covered a fraudulent ad campaign by Microsoft.
“This is tomorrow’s journalism,” says blogger
and journalist Dan Gillmor, “a partnership of
sorts between professionals and the legions of
gifted amateurs out there who can help us all
of us gure things out. It’s a positive develop-
ment, and we’re still guring out how it works.
Grassroots reporting
Taking the form of eyewitness or rst-hand ac-
counts, Internet users are participating in the
fact-gathering and reporting process, sometimes
even conveying breaking news. Weblogs and
forums brought compelling rst-hand accounts
and photography to the events of September 11.
The terrorist attacks were the watershed
event for grassroots reporting in weblogs, says
John Hiler, co-founder of WebCrimson, a soft-
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ware consulting rm based in Manhattan, and
Xanga.com, one of the largest weblog commu-
nity sites. “Eyewitness reporting comes in large
part from people’s desire to share their stories
and publish the truth. These are key features in
blog-based grassroots reporting, and a big reason
that weblogs have exploded in popularity since
September 11th.”
“There are so many post 9-11 weblogs that
they’ve gotten their own name: warblogs,Hiler
says. Warblogs continue to dissect and analyze
the news from the war on terrorism.
The scope of blog journalism has expanded to
other areas of interest. “[A]lternative internet
sources are gaining a reputation for breaking
important news stories more quickly than tra-
ditional media sources,” says Chris Sherman, as-
sociate editor of SearchEngineWatch.com. “For
example, The New York Times reported that
the rst hint of problems that doomed the space
shuttle Columbia appeared on an online discus-
sion eleven minutes before the Associated Press
issued its rst wire-service alert.”
Fact-gathering and grassroots reporting also
come from professional or amateur subject matter
experts who publish a weblog or participate in a
collaborative community, such as Slashdot. These
participants tend to produce a wealth of original
content as well as opinion, links and original
databases of resources on their expertise. This is
particularly successful on a subject or theme that
is not covered well by mainstream media.
An excellent example of such niche amateurs
is the Web site Digital Photography Review. This
news and reviews site is written and produced by
UK photography consultant Phil Askey and his
wife Joanna. The nearly 4-year-old site features
a weblog on digital photography news, plus in-
depth equipment reviews and original coverage
of trade shows. It also has a active discussion
forum. From its modest beginnings in late 1998,
it now attracts almost 5 million unique visitors
and 50 million page views each month.
Annotative reporting
Another way to characterize the fact-checking,
grassroots reporting and commentary in weblogs
and related forms is to view the activity as an
extension of traditional reportage. Adding to,
or supplementing, the information in a given
story is the goal of many participants who believe
that a particular point of view, angle or piece
Figure 3.10
Daypop’s Top 40 is a
list of popular links that
are being discussed by
webloggers around the
world. Weblog indices
such as Daypop are an
excellent way to monitor
the distributed discussion
in the blogosphere.
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of information is missing from coverage in the
mainstream media.
Reporters have also used participatory forms
on the web to annotate themselves, calling it
“transparent journalism,” by publishing the com-
plete text of their interviews on their weblogs. For
example, Online Journalism Review’s senior edi-
tor JD Lasica sometimes uses his weblog to print
the complete text of interviews he conducts for
an OJR article. Lasica explains why he did this
earlier this year on a story about RSS syndica-
tion, “I’m posting the comments of my interview
subjects here, since I had so little room to include
them in my column. I suspect most journalists
don’t do this because (a) it’s a hell of a lot of
work, and (b) it could call into question the deci-
sion-making process on which quotes the writer
selected for his or her story.”
When taking the role of a source, Lasica also
posts transcripts of when he’s been interviewed
by media outlets about subjects like the state of
online news media.
This could have tremendous
impact if sources such as politicians, celebrities,
athletes and others begin to post transcripts of
interviews by the media.
Open-source reporting and peer review
Some media are allowing their readers to evalu-
ate and react to content online before its ofcial
publication in the traditional product. Journalism
researcher Mark Deuze suggests that this type of
journalism, similar to a peer review process, is
best suited to “specialized niche markets” whose
audience has comparably specialized interests
and needs.
Considering the uidity and connec-
tivity of the Internet, it is within reason to sug-
gest that a community of interested peers could
quickly be assembled on any given subject.
The most frequently documented case of
open-source journalism, is the story of Slashdot
and Jane’s Intelligence Review. Dan Gillmor re-
counts what happened:
“In 1999, Jane’s Intelligence Review, the jour-
nal widely followed in national security circles,
wondered whether it was on the right track with
an article about computer security and cyberter-
rorism. The editors went straight to some experts
the denizens of Slashdot, a tech-oriented Web
site and published a draft. In hundreds of post-
ings on the site’s message system, the technically
adept members of that community promptly
tore apart the draft and gave, often in colorful
language, a variety of perspectives and sugges-
tions. Jane’s went back to the drawing board,
and rewrote the article from scratch. The com-
munity had helped create something, and Jane’s
gratefully noted the contribution in the article it
ultimately published.”
Audio/Video broadcasting
While not nearly as widespread due to cost bar-
riers and technological know-how, the Web has
empowered the audience to the play the role of
audio or video broadcaster.
Internet radio and television stations use
Figure 3.11 Grassroots reporting
Digital Photography Review provides amazingly
detailed reviews of digital cameras (above), forums
and weblog of digital photography news.
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streaming servers or straight le downloads to
deliver content. These bandwidth-intensive sites
can be expensive to operate and require dona-
tions or some type of revenue stream to survive.
Yet thousands of these sites continue to thrive,
like many audience-driven sites, by providing
alternative/niche content.
As broadband adoption increases, creation
tools get cheaper and more simple, and the en-
tertainment center of the home (TV) gets con-
nected to the Web, we should see a signicant
proliferation of audio and video content created
and distributed by the audience.
Buying, selling and advertising
The egalitarian ethos driving participatory jour-
nalism is not restricted merely to the dissemina-
tion of news and information but also encom-
passes commerce and advertising.
“The web has created an unprecedented op-
portunity for consumers to openly discuss the
products that ll their lives,” says Derek Powazek
in his book Design for Community. From e-mail
to web sites to Usenet, there are millions of con-
versations on anything and everything you can
buy, rent, or do.”
Commerce communities began to develop in
the mid-’90s with sites such as Amazon, which
include reviews by users on its product pages.
Sites like Edmunds.com provide discussion and
advice about purchasing cars. The participation
in commerce communities includes commen-
tary, grassroots reporting and fact-checking.
At the same time, in the mid-’90s, consumer to
consumer (C2C) environments began to establish
the notion of the audience owning all aspects of
the business chain buying and selling to each
other. Examples range from the monolithic auc-
tion site eBay, with more than 12 million items
for sale, to the intimate, down-to-earth classi-
eds of craigslist.org.
Easy-to-use systems such as PayPal, Amazon
zShops and Yahoo Stores enable any Internet
user to put up a storefront in a few hours. Afliate
programs, like those set up by Amazon, allow
anyone to share in the prots when an item sells.
Donation engines, like Amazon’s Honor
System, enable small-scale publishers like
webloggers to collect an income ranging from
the modest to respectable. During a one-week
pledge drive in December 2002, weblogger and
New Republic senior editor Andrew Sullivan
generated $79,020 in donations from 3,339 of
his weblog readers.
In the past few years, following the lead
of Google and collaborative weblogs such as
MetaFilter and Kuro5hin, we have begun to
see the proliferation of text-based advertising.
Depending on how the system is designed and
priced, audience members can compete with
large companies for the same ad space.
Kuro5shin’s community text ads offers a key
twist — any community member can publicly
comment on an advertisement.
“The idea behind ad comments is twofold,
explains Foster, Kuro5hin’s founder. “For the
advertiser, the benet is that potential customers
can meet you on ‘neutral ground,’ ask questions
and get more information in a place they’re al-
ready comfortable. And for the users, the benet
is that they can see what others have said abut the
product, whether it’s good or bad, and how the
advertiser has dealt with other people.”
Knowledge management
Some people are taking weblogs and using them as
a tool for personal and corporate knowledge man-
agement, in what’s become known as “klogging.
Weblogs have proven to be a great enabler
of knowledge collecting and sharing. A strong
emphasis on hypertext linking, simple content
publishing and syndication helps creators amass
a searchable and distributable knowledge base
related to personal interests, academic research
or the workplace.
Weblogging also encourages interaction and
renement of ideas, enabling a group of peers
to add to the knowledge through feedback or
comment. Group weblogging has become an ef-
fective tool for knowledge management in the
The authors of We Blog: Publishing Online
with Weblogs explain one scenario of how
weblogs build and capture knowledge: “By inte-
grating the weblog publishing process into how
inter-ofce communication happens, it becomes
possible for weblogs to function simultaneously
as informal knowledge management systems. An
e-mail exchange between two technical support
reps outlining a x to a common problem can be
copied to the department weblog. Now that x,
that knowledge, is stored in a centralized location,
and is available to everyone else in the group.”
In the next chapter, The rules of participation,
we examine what motivates the audience to take
on their participatory roles and what kinds of
rules yield the most fruitful participation.
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We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Clay Shirky, “Broadcast Institutions, Community Values.” First published Sept. 9, 2002, on the Networks, Economics, and
Culture mailing list. http://www.shirky.com/writings/broadcast_and_community.html
Derek Powazek’s essay “Community-friendly advertising,” published April 19, 2002 on his Web site, describes why CNN
closed their forums, and other sites moved forums to fee-based services. http://designforcommunity.com/essay7.html
Jim Cashel, editor of the Online Community Report newsletter, says, “While many (community) sites were successful in
attracting huge usage, revenue hasn’t kept pace. Most online community sites are not economically viable and never will be.”
From his article “Top Ten Trends for Online Communities,” published in his newsletter.
TrackBack is the formal name of this function within MovableType, a popular weblog software system. Other software offers
this functionality under a different name. For more information, see “A Beginner’s Guide to TrackBack” by Mena and Ben Trott
on the MovableType web site. http://www.movabletype.org/trackback/beginners/
Slashdot statistics provided in an e-mail from Jeffrey “Hemos” Bates, one of Slashdot’s founders. For more information on
Slash code, see: http://slashcode.com/
WikiLogs. http://www.weblogkitchen.com/wiki.cgi?WikiLogs
Associated Press, “Six million mobile phones get the message,” April 3, 2003.
“Your pictures of the anti-war demonstrations” on BBC.com, February 18, 2003.
Steve Outing also has documented several other excellent examples of audience photo submissions in his Stop The Presses
column, “Photo Phones Portend Visual Revolution,” on Editor & Publisher’s Web site, March 12, 2003.
J.D. Lasica, “News That Comes to You,” Jan. 23, 2003, Online Journalism Review (ojr.org).
Tim Bray, “Where Next for RSS?” Jan. 23, 2003. Self-published. http://www.textuality.com/rss/RssFutures.html
Glenn Harlan Reynolds, “Symbiotic Media,” Oct. 16, 2002, TechCentralStation.com
Guide and direct is a term coined by Tim McGuire, former editor of The Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis, “Grassroots reporting breaks MS ad fraud,” Hypergene MediaBlog, Oct. 15, 2002.
Dan Gillmor, “Microsoft Ad Unravels — Lessons.” SiliconValley.com, Oct. 15, 2002.
Chris Sherman, “Puzzling Out Google’s Blogger Acquisition.” Search Day newsletter, Feb. 18, 2003.
“Why Advertise on Digital Photography Review.” Statistics as of January 2003.
JD Lasica, “An experiment in interviewing: News readers and RSS feeds,” posted on his weblog, Jan. 23, 2003.
Also see: Sheila Lennon’s “Bloggers, NYT author weigh in on interview transcript,” posted on her weblog, Sept. 28, 2002.
See examples of Lasica posting interviews he has given at:
Mark Deuze, “Online Journalism: Modelling the First Generation of News Media on the World Wide Web.” First Monday,
Volume 6, Number 10 (October 2001). http://www.rstmonday.dk/issues/issue6_10/deuze/
Dan Gillmor, “Here Comes We Media,” Columbia Journalism Review, January/February, 2003.
This story is also recounted by Mark Deuze, in his aforementioned “Online Journalism” article for First Monday.
Derek Powazek, Design for Community (New Riders, 2002).
About eBay – Company Overview Web page. http://pages.ebay.com/community/aboutebay/overview/index.html
Post on AndrewSullivan.com, Dec.19, 2002.
Bowman and Willis, “Kuro5hin’s active text ad comments,” Hypergene MediaBlog, Dec. 5, 2002.
Paul Bausch, Matthew Haughey, Meg Hourihan, We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs (John Wiley & Sons, August
2002). http://www.blogroots.com/chapters.blog/id/4
38 | Rules of participation
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Rules of participation | 39
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
he abundance and proliferation of virtual
communities and collaboration environ-
ments provide the opportunity for anyone
to play just about any role in the journalistic
As we discussed in the last chapter, the audi-
ence has taken on the roles of publisher, broad-
caster, editor, content creator (writer, photogra-
pher, videographer, cartoonist), commentator,
documentarian, knowledge manager (librarian),
journaler and advertiser (buyer and seller).
For media organizations and businesses to un-
derstand how to engage their empowered audi-
ence, we must consider what motivates the audi-
ence to take on their new roles and what kinds of
rules yield the most fruitful participation. Finally,
we look at reputation systems and the balance of
trust that’s struck between buyers and sellers or
content creators and their online peers.
Why we participate
Through these emerging electronic communities,
the Web has enabled its users to create, increase
or renew their social capital. These communities
are not merely trading grounds for information
but a powerful extension of our social networks.
And as in any social system, looking at our moti-
vations helps us understand and trust the system
as well as nd our place in it.
The Hierarchy of Needs was the brainchild of
Abraham Maslow, one of the founding fathers of
humanistic psychology. He believed that people
are motivated by the urge to satisfy needs rang-
ing from basic survival to self-fulllment, and
that they don’t ll the higher-level needs until the
lower-level ones are satised.
In her book Community Building on the Web,
online community expert Amy Jo Kim mapped
Maslow’s ofine needs to online community
equivalents (See Figure 4.1). Viewed in this con-
text, we can assume that people are motivated
to participate in order to achieve a sense of be-
longing to a group; to build self-esteem through
contributions and to garner recognition for con-
tributing; and to develop new skills and opportu-
nities for ego building and self-actualization.
Through our interviews and research on par-
ticipatory journalism, we have compiled a list of
reasons why audience members are becoming
participants. While reading this list, consider
that an individual may be motivated by multiple
To gain status or build reputation in a
given community.
Social recognition is one of the biggest motiva-
tors, intoxicating participants with instant grati-
cation and approval. This ego-driven motiva-
tion to enhance social capital is best captured by
the advice Web sites and review engines rampant
in the late 1990s, which enabled anyone to show-
case his or her expertise and recommendations
on just about any subject imaginable.
“People with expertise contributed answers,
tidbits, essays, pages of software code, lore of
astonishing variety,” Howard Rheingold writes
in Smart Mobs. “A few contributors earned the
kind of currency banks accept. Most contributed
for the social recognition that came with being a
top-ranked reviewer. The ‘reputation managers’
that enabled users and other recommenders to
rate each other made possible opinion markets
that traded almost entirely on ego gratication.”
For some, the ego-driven surface of this mo-
tivation is more practical underneath people
want to establish themselves as an authority on
a subject. For example, one the primary reasons
people write a blog is that they aspire to become
“legitimate” writers in mainstream media. The
weblog becomes a place to hone their craft and
showcase their skills.
In general, this is viewed as a benet to the in-
dividual. Small business proprietors, consultants
and budding writers can quickly gain an audience
and build a positive reputation that they can par-
lay into real-world business opportunities. But
organizations can benet as well because indi-
vidual reputation can be transferred to some ex-
tent. For example, if a reporter begins to gain an
involved audience through a weblog, that good
will and trust could be transferred to the media
organization that he or she works for.
These new forms also allow people who haven’t
had a voice because of educational, economic,
The rules of participation
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Rules of participation | 39
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social or cultural barriers — to enter the dialogue
by building a personal reputation. Online com-
munities have also empowered those with physi-
cal or emotional impediments to blossom in a
virtual space.
To create connections with others who
have similar interests, online and off.
An oft-read claim is that the majority of the bil-
lions of Web pages on the Internet today are junk.
The trouble with this criticism is that the wheat
the relevant 2 percent is different for every
person. What many dismiss as “junk” is made by
junkies people who are fanatical or passionate
about a subject.
People want to feed their obsessions and share
them with like-minded individuals. This is what
fuels, in large part, many social connections on
the Internet. Whether it’s a fan page for ’50s and
’60s jazz pianist and vocalist Buddy Greco, or a
database of airfoils used in the wing design of
aircraft, people are using online communities to
share passions, beliefs, hobbies and lifestyles.
Stuart Golgoff, from the University of Arizona’s
Ofce of Distributed Learning, says that “while
chat rooms, newsgroups, forums and message
boards continue to play a role in computer-me-
diated communication, the Web has assumed a
prominent place in forging relationships among
people with common interests.”
According to a study by the Pew Internet &
American Life Project, about 45 million partici-
pants in online communities say the Internet has
helped them connect with groups or people who
share their interests. Participation in an online
community, the study says, has helped them get to
know people they otherwise would not have met.
The same Pew study revealed that these virtual
relationships are transferring to ofine interac-
tion. “In addition to helping users participate
in communities of interest that often have no
geographical boundaries, the Internet is a tool
for those who are involved with local groups,
particularly church groups (28 million). Internet
users have employed the Internet to contact or
get information about local groups.”
Sociologist Barry Wellman argues that a good
deal of new social capital is being formed through
Figure 4.1
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Online Communities
Humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow believed that people are motivated by the urge to satisfy needs
ranging from basic survival to self-fulllment, and that they dont ll the higher-level needs until the lower-
level ones are satised. Amy Jo Kims book, Community Building on the Web, uses Maslows hierarchy to clarify
the goals and needs of online community participants.
Need Ofine (Maslow) Online Communities
Physiological Food, clothing, shelter, health System access; the ability to own
and maintain ones identity while
participating in a Web community
Security & Safety Protection from crimes and war;
the sense of living in a fair and
just society.
Protection from hacking and personal
attacks; the sense of having a level
playing eld”; ability to maintain
varying levels of privacy
Social The ability to give and receive
love; the feeling of belonging to
a group.
Belonging to the community as a
whole, and to subgroups within the
Self-Esteem Self-respect; the ability to
earn the respect of others and
contribute to society.
The ability to contribute to the
community, and be recognized for
those contributions.
Self-Actualization The ability to develop skills and
fulll one’s potential.
The ability to take on a community role
that develop skills and opens up new
Source: Amy Jo Kim’ s Community Building on the Web (Peachpit, 2000)
Advancement in Hierarchy
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“glocalization” the capacity of the Internet to
expand users’ social worlds to faraway people
and simultaneously to connect them more deeply
to the place where they live. According to the
Pew study, “glocalization” is widespread. “The
Internet helps many people nd others who
share their interests no matter how distant they
are, and it also helps them increase their contact
with groups and people they already know and it
helps them feel more connected to them.”
Sense-making and understanding.
Faced with an overwhelming ow of information
from a massive number of media sources, people
are increasingly going to online communities to
learn how to make sense of things. Moreover, the
conglomeration and corporatization of media and
the sophisticated means by which sources (such
as politicians and business executives) “spin”
media leaves the mass audience often grasping
to make sense of the news and wondering what
information to trust.
Witness the increasing number of experts on
TV news trying to explain market uctuations,
political maneuvers and medical advancements.
But that doesn’t completely satisfy the audience,
write Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in their book
The Elements of Journalism, because “a journal-
ism that focuses on the expert elite the special
interests may be in part responsible for public
disillusionment. Such a press does not reect the
world as most people live and experience it.
Weblogs, forums, usenets and other online
social forms have become real-time wellsprings
of sense-making from their peers on just about
any subject. They also function as archives of
According to a study by the Pew Internet &
American Life Project, “The pull of online com-
munities in the aftermath of the September 11
attacks shows how Americans have integrated
online communities into their lives. In the days
following the attacks, 33% of American Internet
users read or posted material in chat rooms, bul-
letin boards, or other online forums. Although
many early posts reected outrage at the events,
online discussions soon migrated to grieving,
discussion and debate on how to respond, and
information queries about the suspects and those
who sponsored them.”
To inform and be informed.
Participants in discussion forums, weblogs and
collaborative publishing communities also play
the role of “thin mediapublishers, inexpensively
providing news, information and advice not nor-
mally found in mainstream media.
Everyone on the Internet is a potential expert
on some subject from Pez dispensers to digital
photography techniques to wormholes and
these participatory forms are great places to nd
and share not only obscure or rare information,
but commentary that might be too controversial
for mainstream media.
“Thin media publishers are far nimbler and
will feed happily on new niches that are far too
obscure for traditional media to notice and too
thin for traditional media to protably mine,”
says Henry Copeland, founder of the Web consul-
tancy Pressex and author of the weblog Blogads.
“And, because they are small and nimble, thin
media can help discover and invent the Next
Big Thing much easier than their big peers who
are busy looking for huge revenues from huge
The social network created by Internet virally
spreads information extremely quickly among
their participants. This may be because par-
ticipatory forms attract “mavens” and “connec-
tors.” These types of individuals, whom Malcolm
Gladwell identied in his book The Tipping
Point, are crucial to the spread of information,
online and off.
Mavens are information brokers, sharing and
trading what they know. They are aggressive col-
lectors of information but are socially motivated
to share it as well. Connectors are people who
know a lot of people in diverse settings. They
have their feet in many different worlds and are
socially motivated to bring them together.
Participatory forms offer an excellent outlet for
mavens to satisfy their need to share and acquire
information, and provides connectors the ability
to help information seekers nd mavens. (It also
provides the opportunity to position themselves
as an authority on a subject.)
In a foreword to Seth Godin’s book on mar-
keting, Unleashing the Ideavirus, Gladwell ex-
plains the potential power of what’s happening
in participatory forms: “(The) most successful
ideas are those that spread and grow because
of the customer’s relationship to other custom-
ers not the marketer’s to the customer.Later
in the book, Godin adds: “The future belongs to
marketers who establish a foundation and pro-
cess where interested people can market to each
other. Ignite consumer networks and then get out
of the way and let them talk.”
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To entertain and be entertained.
Just about anything will sufce as entertainment,
as long as it can serve as a distraction from the
day-to-day grind. To get people to pay for this
diversion, it usually must be compelling or “fun.”
And there are seemingly no limits to what we will
pay for fun.
But, as anyone in the entertainment business
will testify, fun can be one of the most difcult ex-
periences to satisfy. What seems to resonate with
an audience of thousands one month falls into
relative obscurity the next month. Factors such
as novelty, trend and cultural status weigh heav-
ily in the success of entertainment. The result is a
large target that is hard to hit.
According to the authors of The Cluetrain
Manifesto, the Web is not a natural vehicle for
prepackaged entertainment. “Unlike the lockstep
conformity imposed by television, advertising
and corporate propaganda, the Net has given
new legitimacy and freedom to play. Many
of those drawn into this world nd themselves
exploring a freedom never before imagined: to
indulge their curiosity, to debate, to disagree, to
laugh at themselves, to compare visions, to learn,
to create new art, new knowledge.”
Online participation is simply fun whether
a political riff by a deeply committed weblogger,
a casual forum discussion, or a one-off album
review posted on Amazon. As futurist Paul Saffo
notes, “In the end, much of what passes for com-
munications actually has a high entertainment
component. The most powerful hybrid of commu-
nications and entertainment is ‘particitainment
— entertaining communications that connects us
with some larger purpose or enterprise.”
To create.
Those who participate online usually create con-
tent to inform and entertain others. But creating
also builds self-esteem and, in Maslow’s view, it’s
an act of self-actualization. We derive fulllment
from the act of creation.
“Five percent of the populace (probably even
less) can create. The others watch, listen, read,
consume,” says Marc Canter, one of the founders
of Macromedia and now chairman and founder
of Broadband Mechanics. “I think one of the des-
tinies of digital technology is to enable the other
95 percent to express their creativity somehow.
That’s the gestalt view.”
“Digital cameras, storytelling, assembling stuff
from existing content, annotating, reviews, con-
versations, linking topics together are all forms
of creativity,” Canter says. “(Weblogging is) at
the core of creativity expressing your feelings,
opinions and showing everyone else what you
think is important.”
Traditional media tend to understate the
value of participation journalism, holding that
comments, reviews and content created by
“amateurs” provide little value to their mass
audience. As such, they are missing the inherent
psychological value of the creative process to the
For the most part, our list contains motivations
that are positive or fairly benign. An egalitarian/
for-the-common-good ethic tends to permeate
most of these forms. Yet, anyone that has partici-
pated in online communities knows that not all
participants play fairly. People will abuse these
forms by performing pranks, manipulating the
rules, spreading false information and rumors,
engaging in aming indeed, just about any mis-
chief imaginableand the results can serious.
According to a CNET article in 1996, “Several
stocks have seen meteoric rises, or dramatic falls,
in their valuation because of information posted
to Internet newsgroups and online services. The
Securities and Exchange Commission and other
federal regulatory agencies are concerned that
unscrupulous insiders or stock promoters could
disseminate false or misleading information to
manipulate securities prices.”
Regulatory agencies have policed Internet post-
ings aimed at manipulating stock prices, but they
need to tread carefully lest they infringe on free
speech rights. Conict is a key component of any
social environment, from a party to a chat room,
so we have learned to develop rules designed to
guide the experience in a positive direction.
“Social interaction creates tension between the
individual and the group,” explains Clay Shirky,
a consultant and teacher who writes frequently
on the social and economic effects of Internet
technologies. “This is true of all social interac-
tion, not just online. Any system that supports
groups addresses this tension by enacting a
simple constitution a set of rules governing
the relationship between individuals and the
groups. These constitutions usually work by en-
couraging or requiring certain kinds of interac-
tion, and discouraging or forbidding others.”
Rules governing participation
In broadcast models, the rules of participation
are strict and limited. The media organization
has supreme control as the informed intermedi-
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ary of the news and it only allows the audience to
participate through limited means, e.g., submit-
ting letters to the editor or phoning a talk show.
Mainstream media are comfortable with this
level of participation because it’s relatively easy
to authenticate the credibility of these partici-
pants (though occasional pranks do occur).
Because not all participatory journalism is col-
laborative, We Media can follow the same model
as broadcast models. For example, reviews are
submitted by the audience to a product recom-
mendation site, authenticated by editors, and
broadcast out to a mass audience. Likewise,
many webloggers have little interaction or open
discussion with their audience. It’s simply push
But collaborative forms of participatory jour-
nalism forums, newsgroups, chat rooms,
group weblogs and publishing systems are
more complex because they must balance the
tension between the group and the individual.
Even more challenging are the dynamically form-
ing groups that come together briey to achieve
goals through Internet-connected mobile devices
(dubbed “smart mobs” by Rheingold).
In the past few decades, the Internet has be-
come highly successful in giving the consumer a
voice, but author Stephen Johnson says “... sys-
tems like Slashdot force us to accept a more radi-
cal proposition. To understand how these new
media experiences work, you have to analyze the
message, the medium and the rules. What’s in-
teresting here is not just the medium, but rather
the rules that govern what gets selected and what
When we talk about rules, we really are de-
scribing control the governance of how par-
ticipants assume roles, how they are allowed to
interact with others, and the ownership of the
social system.
The rules of participation come from a few
places. First, they come from technology — rules
that are built into the social software that runs
the community or participatory form. These rules
are then congured by the host (whoever creates
the environment). A basic rule of most systems,
for example, is that you have to become a regis-
tered member to participate. A host would dene
whether registration is necessary and the criteria
that a registrant must meet.
Second, rules come from the community of
members. This can come from moderators — ap-
pointed community members who police the ebb
and ow of communication based on the estab-
lished rules of the environment. For example, in
chat rooms or discussion forums, it’s common to
have a moderator that disciplines or kicks out
users who are behaving improperly.
Even those who are not appointed as modera-
tors will police the activity of the system. Much as
in any social situation, individuals draw bound-
aries about what’s appropriate and what’s not.
As the community grows and evolves, members
push back against the rules of the host to the
point where the system becomes co-owned and
operated. In this regard, many of these environ-
ments are highly democratic in the way they
Various technologies have evolved over the
past 40 years to enable us to establish rules,
monitor behavior and to tune out the unwanted
voices. As online community expert Rheingold
says, “Hiding the crap is the easy part. The real
achievement is nding quality.”
To increase the signal-to-noise ratio of online
communities, emerging technologies called
“reputation systems” are helping participants
dene which information is credible, reliable and
Reputation systems and trust metrics
Traditional models of trust between buyers and
sellers fell short of requirements for an online
marketplace, where anonymous transactions
crossed territorial and legal boundaries as well
as traditional value chains. Alternative quanti-
cations of trust were developed for e-commerce,
called “reputation systems” or “trust metrics,” to
ensure better evaluations of risk.
On eBay, for example, auction buyers evaluate
sellers, rating their transaction experience and
adding comments. The cumulative ranking of
past buyers creates a track record of trust that
new buyers often reference. This also works in
the other direction, where sellers can rate buyers,
creating a full-circle reputation system.
“A reputation system collects, distributes, and
aggregates feedback about participants’ past
behavior,” according to a paper by a group of
University of Michigan researchers. “Though
few of the producers or consumers of the rat-
ings know each other, these systems help people
decide whom to trust, encourage trustworthy be-
havior, and deter participation by those who are
unskilled or dishonest.”
When it comes to the exchange of news and
information, the challenge of reputation systems
is equally complex to that of e-commerce. In
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traditional broadcast models, trust is built top
down. News and information is gathered and
disseminated by trained professionals that use
rigorous methods of verication to ensure that
the information is reliable and trustworthy. The
media institution develops a certain level of cred-
ibility based on the success of this process.
From the consumer’s perspective, it’s easy to
place trust in an established institution such as
The Wall Street Journal or even MTV, but how
does the audience learn to trust a stranger (or
group of strangers), to evaluate the information
they are providing, and to collaborate with them?
In participatory forms, trust is built from the
bottom up. An anonymous individual enters the
environment with no reputation and must gain
the trust of others through their behavior and
through the information they provide. Through
the ranking and rating of content and of content
creators, several successful online communities
have used reputation systems to help maintain
quality discussions and content.
One of the most well-known success stories of
reputation systems is Slashdot.org,
an online
technology discussion community. Slashdot has
three mechanisms for creating and distributing
trust. First, all posts to the site are policed by
moderators, who are members in good standing.
Second, moderators are monitored by meta-
moderators to ensure that moderators do not
wield too much control. The last ingredient is
karma, a way for members to gain recognition
for contributions and appropriate behavior.
“These three political concepts,” says Shirky,
“lightweight as they are, allow Slashdot to grow
without becoming unusable.”
Reputation systems help track the activity of
a community and use criteria to determine ap-
propriate roles for members, based on their level
of acceptance within the community. Reputation
systems also help members identify self-inter-
ested parties that are trying to disrupt the com-
munity’s goal of the greater good.
According to the creators of Kaitiaki.org, a com-
munity site in New Zealand, reputation systems
“have the potential to solve the problems of con-
trolling access while preventing gate-keeping or
‘capture’ of the web site by outsiders. They serve
as a lter so that the most valued members of the
community are given prominence, while less val-
ued members have a chance to prove themselves
before they are given the ‘limelight’ [enhanced
reputation and special privileges]. In this way,
the site can avoid spam (unsolicited advertising),
abusive discussions and other bad behavior that
plagues some discussion group systems.
Other online communities have reputations
systems that try to capture the somewhat transi-
tive nature of trust. The products recommenda-
tion site Epinions uses a “web of trust” to mimic
the way people share word-of-mouth advice.
Their reputation system is based on the premise,
“If a friend consistently gives you good advice,
you’re likely to believe that person’s suggestions
in the future. You know which preferences you
and your friend share. If you both like the same
types of lms, you’re more likely to trust your
friend’s recommendations on what to see.
Such collaborative ltering systems, pioneered
by Firey (since purchased by Microsoft) in the
mid-1990s, are now becoming commonplace,
bringing the idea of reputation systems to a wide
range of content sites, ranging from parental ad-
vice to purchases of home theater systems.
Distributed credibility
There are other ways to assess credibility of
content. One of the most effective is through
hyperlinks. Acting as a decentralized, distributed
reputation system, links act as votes, citations
and reference to relevant pages on the Web.
Google’s PageRank search algorithm uses
hyperlinks-as-votes as a method of relevance in
the social network of the web. As they explain on
their Web site, “PageRank relies on the uniquely
democratic nature of the web by using its vast link
structure as an indicator of an individual page’s
value. In essence, Google interprets a link from
page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B.
But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume
of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes
the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages
that are themselves ‘importantweigh more heav-
ily and help to make other pages ‘important.’
Weblogs use a similar system of hyperlinks as
votes with something called “blogrolls.” A blog-
roll is a list of links to a weblog author’s favorite
Web sites, usually sites that are related to the
weblog’s subject. So if a reader decides they like a
certain weblog, they might check out its blogroll
as well.
“Rampant cross-linkage isn’t a new phenome-
non. It’s the basic mechanism by which academia
has operated for centuries,” says Joshua Allen
on his weblog Better Living Through Software.
“Researchers judge the value of published re-
search based upon the number of other works
that cite it. Citations in scientic research form
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‘clusters’ of cross-linkage that would suggest cita-
tion reciprocity. Groups of people tend to cite one
another. Besides reciprocity, there are certainly
other reasons that researchers can end up get-
ting sucked into citation clusters. A milder form
of reciprocity is mutual admiration. If Dr. Wang
cites Dr. Miller ve times, Dr. Miller will start
to think that Dr. Wang has good judgment.”
Credible by nature
There are several other qualities of these new
online participatory experiences that can breed
trust and credibility:
Egalitarian: Collaborative publishing sys-
tems like Wiki use open editing rules and version
history to promote trust. Because any reader of a
Wiki can add their own views or information to a
Wiki article, they begin to trust the environment
and the collective goal of the common good.
“We assume that the world is mostly full of rea-
sonable people,” say the creators of Wikipedia, a
multi-lingual open-content encyclopedia, “and
that collectively they can arrive eventually at a
reasonable conclusion, despite the worst efforts
of a very few wreckers.”
Intimacy: Authenticity comes from the per-
sonal nature of discussions in a participatory
form. One powerful draw of weblogs and forums
is their ability to capture and share rst-hand
accounts, such as 9/11 terrorists attacks. The
University of Arizona’s Golgoff explains, “When
people share intimate details of their lives with a
virtual stranger, it afrms that an implicit context
of trust has been established.”
Passion: According to Time magazine colum-
nist James Poniewozik, the problem with main-
stream media today is a passion decit. “Many
big-media journalists are now cautious, well-paid
conformists distant from their audiences and
more responsive to urban élites, powerful people
and megacorporations—especially the ones they
work for.
The result, he says, is bland news
anchors, magazines that more closely resemble
catalogs, timid pack journalism, and celebrity/
cult-of-personality coverage overload.
On the ip side of the new media ecosystem, on-
line participatory journalism is fueled by people
who fanatically follow and passionately discuss
their favorite subjects. Their weblogs and online
communities, while perhaps not as profession-
ally produced, are chock full of style, voice and
attitude. Passion makes the experience not only
compelling and memorable but also credible.
“Maybe the biggest, if vaguest, lesson to learn
(from weblogs),” explains L.A. Examiner.com
publisher Matt Welch, “is that people value per-
sonalities, especially those who will admit being
wrong, show humility and class with readers. ...
Newspapers have gotten away from the person-
ality business, and this is where the weblogs are
just hammering them.”
Speed of communication: According to
Harvard University professor Karen Stephenson,
an inuential social network theorist, one easy
way to improve the level of trust is simply to
increase the speed with which people respond to
our communication.
When people return our e-mails or respond
to questions in forums quickly, it sends a signal
that we can rely on them because our connec-
tion, however distant, is important enough to
claim some of their attention. Compare the ex-
perience of leaving a voice-mail message with
tech support that gets a response days later to a
real-time chat session or user-to-user discussion
forums. The faster a satisfactory answer comes,
the more likely we are to trust a person or orga-
nization. “Human beings always keep an internal
accounting system of who owes what to whom,”
says Steve Haeckel, director of strategic studies
at IBM’s Advanced Business Institute. “Response
time is one indicator of the degree of trustworthi-
ness of the individual.”
Free market of media: There are three
basic rules of behavior that are tied directly to the
intrinsic nature of the Internet, according to Doc
Searls and David Weinberger: “No one owns it.
Everyone can use it. Anyone can improve it.”
Likewise, there is practically no barrier to
participatory journalism. Just about anyone can
start a discussion forum or weblog for relatively
little or no money, or participate for free in most
public participatory environments. “This is a me-
dium that by denition encourages readers to es-
tablish competing media,” says publisher Welch.
“That’s awesome and wonderful.”
When the audience owns the medium, and
owns the power to equitably compete in the same
space, the medium and its forms carry a level of
trust not found in any other media to date.
Challenges of trust
Reputations systems are by no means perfect.
One problem with online reputation is the lack
of portability of virtual identities (and reputa-
tions) between systems. For example, if you build
a positive seller or buyer reputation on eBay or
Slashdot, it cannot be transferred to other vir-
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tual environments. (eBay has sued some who
have tried to do so.) It’s great for the host of
the community, such as eBay—some speculate
that this aggregation of social capital is the key
to their success —but for the individual and for
social networks, it’s a serious problem. It creates
islands of reputation, which are time-consuming
to earn.
The issue of identity ownership may be why
weblogs cause such a powerful fuss. The par-
ticipant owns and controls their identity, without
the requirement to be known by a different eight-
character name (e.g., bluskyz7) in each system.
“Because a person has control over his own
piece of the community landscape (with a
weblog), he feels a powerful ownership of his
space that’s lacking in traditional community
sites,says Derek Powazek, author of Design for
Community. “(Weblogging) tools are exciting
because they point to the future of online com-
munity — a future where everyone has a home of
his own, a space where he has control, a private
space in an ever-more complicated virtual com-
munity sphere.”
From the reader’s perspective, this also adds
a level of credibility to webloggers because blog-
gers typically use their real-world identity in their
virtual space.
Another challenge facing reputation systems is
capturing feedback. Some people may not bother
to provide feedback at all, seeing little or no value
in the process. Negative feedback is difcult to
elicit, because people fear the retaliation it could
bring. The honesty of feedback is questionable,
because, just as in the real world, we sometimes
give compliments in order to received them.
“Further complicating all of this,” says Shirky,
“are the feedback loops created when a group
changes its behavior in response to changes in
(social) software.
Despite their theoretical and practical dif-
culties, reputations systems appear to perform
reasonably well, says a team of University of
Michigan researchers. “Systems that rely on the
participation of large numbers of individuals
accumulate trust simply by operating effectively
over time.”
The success of We Media thus far has been built
on the evolution of reputations systems, trust
metrics and the politics of social software. As the
technology improves, facilitating better social
connections, the future role of the mainstream
media in this new media ecosystem comes into
Can the audience, informed and independent,
provide news with meaning, context and cred-
ibility beyond the capabilities of a professional
press? Are traditional media companies capable
of growing and nurturing a community? Will re-
porters and editors lurk in communities for tips
and grassroots reporting or will they become ac-
tive co-equal participants in online communities,
fully engaged in the conversation?
In the next chapter, Implications of We Media,
we explore the potential impact of participa-
tion journalism on mainstream media and its
relationship with advertisers, sources and the
Amy Jo Kim, Community Building on the Web: Secret Strategies for Successful Online Communities (Peachpit, 2000), 8-9.
Howard Rheingold, Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution (Perseus Publishing, 2002), 119.
Author interview with John Hiler, co-founder of Xanga.com, one of the largest weblog community sites and co-founder of
WebCrimson, a software consulting rm based in Manhattan (2002).
One example: Mark Siegel, who has spinal muscular atrophy, has an excellent weblog: http://www.the19thoor.net/
Stuart Golgoff, “Virtual Connections: Community Bonding on the Net.” Published on FirstMonday.org (March 2001).
Pew Internet & American Life Project. Online Communities: Networks that nurture long-distance relationships and local
ties. Oct. 31, 2001. http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=47
Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Steven Carlson, “Henry Copeland: We are infatuated by revolutions.Published on author’s Web site TheDigitalEntrepreneur.com
(2002). http://thedigitalentrepreneur.com/henry-copeland.html
Malcolm Gladwell. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (Little, Brown and Company, 2000), 62.
John Hiler goes into great detail about how Mavens and Connectors provide value in the weblogging community in his article,
“The Tipping Blog: How Weblogs Can Turn an Idea into an Epidemic.” He also connects the ideas of Gladwell and Godin.
Published on his weblog, Microcontent News (March 12, 2002).
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We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Seth Godin, Unleashing the Ideavirus (Hyperion, 2001).
Full text of the book can be downloaded at: http://www.ideavirus.com/
Paul Saffo, “Consumers and Interactive New Media: A Hierarchy of Desires.” From the 1993 Ten-Year Forecast, Institute for
the Future (c. December 1992). http://www.saffo.org/consumers.html
Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, David Weinberger, The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual
(Perseus Publishing, 2001). The book is also available online at: http://www.cluetrain.com/
Jonathan Peterson, “A Conversation with Marc Canter.” Published on the author’s Corante.com weblog, Amateur Hour: the
“me” in media (Feb. 17, 2003).
Mike Ricciuti. “SEC fears stock manipulation online” (CNET.com. June 12, 1996).
Clay Shirky, “Social Software and the Politics of Groups.” First published March 6, 2003 on the Networks, Economics, and
Culture mailing list.
Steven Johnson, Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software (Scribner, 2001).
Paul Resnick, Richard Zeckhauser, Eric Friedman and Ko Kuwabara, “Reputation Systems: Facilitating Trust in Internet
Interactions.” University of Michigan (October 2000).
Also see: The University of Michigan’s “Reputations Research Network” database of articles and papers about this subject.
For a deeper explanation of Slashdot’s system, refer to: http://slashdot.org/moderation.shtml
Susan Forbes, Murray Hemi, Greg Ford, Joan Ropiha. “Web Site Design Document” describes how the Kaitiaki.org
community site operates. http://www.kaitiaki.org.nz/matou/web-des.shtml
Epinions.com FAQ – Web of Trust.
“Google Technology” on Google.com.
Joshua Allen. From a post titled “Interlinktual” on his weblog, Better Living Through Software, Jan. 4, 2002.
Published on Wikipedia.org, “Wikipedia: Replies to common objections.”
James Poniewozik, “Don’t Blame It on Jayson Blair” (Time magazine, June 9, 2003), 90.
EPN World Reporter.com interview with Matt Welch, “The Welch Report – Go Publish Yourself,” April 23, 2002.
Art Kleiner, “Karen Stephenson’s Quantum Theory of Trust.” strategy+business magazine, Fourth Quarter, 2002.
http://www.strategy-business.com/press/article/?art=9056282&pg=0 (registration required)
Doc Searls and David Weinberger, “World of Ends: What the Internet Is and How to Stop Mistaking It for Something Else.
Published online, March 2003. http://www.worldofends.com/
EPN World Reporter.com.
Derek Powazek, Design for Community: The Art of Connecting Real People in Virtual Places (New Riders Publishing,
2001), 267.
Resnick, et al.
Resnick, et al.
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he Internet has grown in a way distinctly
different from any medium before it. As a
result, it’s difcult to predict how the Net
will change mainstream media and to what mag-
nitude. To say that media will undergo a “para-
digm shift” might be an understatement.
Consider that today one billion computers
are connected to the Internet, most dialing in
through telephone lines. By the end of 2010,
Intel predicts that more than 1.5 billion comput-
ers will be connected via high-speed broadband
and another 2.5 billion phones will have more
processing power than today’s PCs.
Yet, only one-tenth of the world’s population,
or 600 million people, can access the Internet
today. What will happen when many of the rest
join in seeking others with whom to collaborate
and share information?
That’s a revolution already underway, but it’s
one that’s easy to miss. It’s quiet. Revolutions on
the Net happen at the edges, not at the center.
Economist J. Bradford Long explains: “As the
action spreads from producers (the few) to users
(the many), it becomes much, much harder to get
an overview of the revolutionary things occur-
ring. We have anecdotes of brilliant new uses and
applications, but do they add up to an enduring
boom or just a few isolated pops that make good
And that is the problem facing media compa-
nies, the entertainment industry and even gov-
ernments. How do you put together the pieces of
a puzzle without knowing what the nal picture
looks like?
First, you nd the edges.
While we may not be able predict how the
media landscape will shift, there are places we
can begin looking for change and their likely
Democratization of media
A.J. Liebling once said, “Freedom of the press is
guaranteed only to those who own one.”
millions do.
Those who believe the democratization of
media will have little effect on big media often
point to the “zine” business. In the late ’80s and
early ’90s, desktop publishing allowed many
small, independent publications to spring up.
To some degree, the magazine business became
more democratized with the addition of more
viewpoints. But those publications generally ex-
panded the reach of magazines without toppling
the more established titles. In the same way,
some see little evidence that micromedia will
displace established media today.
An important distinction to remember is that
the economics of production and distribution in
the magazine business, while less costly than be-
fore, were still substantial — keeping the number
of new competitors to a handful. Moreover, com-
peting with magazines that had larger circulation
usually required considerable marketing budgets
and years to build a large subscriber base.
On the Web, the barriers to entry are next to
nothing. The costs associated with distributing
content online are so low that anyone can join
and experiment with the democratization of
And that experiment is quickly moving into the
mainstream. Recently America Online announced
it would get into the weblog game, putting simple
and powerful publishing tools into the hands of
more than 30 million members. Millions will own
a press, making everyone a potential media out-
let. With the ability to publish words and pictures
even via their cell phone, citizens have the poten-
tial to observe and report more immediately than
traditional media outlets do.
Challenges to the medias hegemony
A democratized media challenges the notion of
the institutional press as the exclusive, privileged,
trusted, informed intermediary of the news.
According to a recent Sports Illustrated story,
“there is little doubt that fan web sites are break-
ing and making news and dramatically re-
shaping the relationship between college coaches
and the public.
“Mainstream news media, SI included, moni-
tor web site message boards to take the public’s
pulse and, in some cases, look for news tips.”
Are respected news operations such as SI likely
to be eliminated as one of the primary interme-
Implications for media and journalism
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diaries of sports news any time soon? That’s un-
likely, but Web communities and even search en-
gines are becoming valued outlets of news, which
guide and direct their readers to information of
interest. The role these sites play as lters, sim-
pliers and clariers of news is adding a new
intermediary layer. They might not be the ulti-
mate authority, but the new intermediaries — fo-
rums, weblogs, search engines, hoax-debunking
sites are helping audiences sort through the
abundance of information available today.
Many newspapers and TV stations have had
years to establish the trust of their audiences. Yet
participatory news sites, with their transparent
and more intimate nature, are attracting legions
of fans who contribute and collaborate with one
another. In addition, recent surveys suggest
people are beginning to place more trust in on-
line sources and are seeking increasingly diverse
news sources and perspectives.
Credibility becomes redened
What are the implications of a distributed, collec-
tive pool of knowledge on credibility? Arguably,
the stakes go up. Online communities require
transparency of sources and reporting methods.
Experts emerge through the recognition of their
online peers rather than by anointment by the
mass media.
For example, Glenn Fleishman, a freelance
journalist in Seattle, has become one of the
world’s leading experts on wireless technology.
He uses his weblog to both report on the latest
developments in wi- and to interact with read-
ers who might point him to a new wrinkle in the
fast-moving eld.
In a digital medium, reputations form through
a synthesis of consistency, accuracy and frequent
comparison by the reader.
Says author Howard Rheingold: “I think people
who are dedicated to establishing a reputation
for getting the story right and getting it rst don’t
necessarily have to work for The Washington
Post or The New York Times.”
Individuals, institutions, the government
and even reporters use the Web to maintain a
record of their encounters with other media.
The Department of Defense routinely posts
transcripts of interviews with the Secretary of
Defense and other high-ranking ofcials.
The motivation for self-publishing interviews
appear to be twofold: To ensure that their words
aren’t misconstrued or misreported by the news
media and to publish a complete public record of
what the person being interviewed is saying.
Even well-intentioned journalists may misin-
terpret an interviewee’s meaning. Annotating
provides the interviewee the opportunity to give
his or her comments the kind of nuance, heft,
context and thoughtfulness that might be left on
the cutting-room oor in a news outlet’s notori-
ously shrunken news hole.
One of the better examples of user-generated
content actively challenging the media’s credibil-
ity is product reviews. While mainstream readers
might not actively seek news reports or political
opinions from amateurs, many are willing to con-
sult reviews contributed by strangers before they
make a purchase.
Commerce sites like Amazon or product review
sites such as Epinions.com or Edmunds.com
put a great deal of emphasis on user-generated
reviews and discussions. Many manufacturing
companies like Subaru have taken notice and
actively monitor discussion boards to under-
stand what online communities think about their
The rise of new experts and watchdogs
News organizations have spent much time and
effort trying to position their journalists as more
than impartial observers. They have in many
ways tried to present them as experts in a eld or
interpreters of events. This approach in a print or
broadcast model makes perfect sense.
Online, the world of opinion and expert com-
mentary is not restricted to the privileged. But
forward-looking media companies don’t view
that development as a threat. News organiza-
tions still have the resources to become known as
the denitive authority on various subjects. They
will have to make way, however, for readers who
want pick up the tools of journalism to contribute
to a more informed citizenry and a more robust
For example, the news media and consumer
non-prots no longer have a monopoly on serv-
ing as a watchdog on government and private
industry. Individuals and citizen groups are step-
ping in to ll the void they believe has been cre-
ated by lapses in coverage by big media.
One of the more ambitious attempts is the
Government Information Awareness (GIA) proj-
ect by the MIT Media Lab, created in response to
the government’s Total Information Awareness
project, which aims to collect personal informa-
tion on citizens and foreigners and analyze it to
preempt terrorist activities.
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In a sense, GIA hopes to be Big Brothers Big
Brother: “To allow citizens to submit intelligence
about government-related issues, while maintain-
ing their anonymity. To allow members of the gov-
ernment a chance to participate in the process.
Opensecrets.org, a site by the Center for
Responsive Politics, tracks campaign contribu-
tions and corporate connections of government
ofcials, from the president’s administration to
every member of Congress.
Citizens are also taking up a media watchdog
role when it comes to chronicling perceived evi-
dence of the news media’s political bias, censor-
ship or reporting inaccuracies.
Controversies surrounding the invasion of Iraq
have fueled the launch of many sites. Mainstream
media has been criticized for under-reporting
both coalition force and Iraqi civilian casualties.
In response, two sites Iraq Coalition Casualty
Count and Iraq Body Count — have attempted to
establish independent databases that tabulate
deaths by reviewing military and news reports.
Each provides greater detail and accuracy than
currently found in mainstream news reports. The
sites also provide a transparency of sources and
methodology rarely found in other media.
The Memory Hole, run by Russ Kick, is an
example of a watchdog site that attempts to
preserve and share information that has been re-
moved from other sites on the Web or is difcult
to nd.
FAIR.org scrutinizes media practices that
“marginalize the public interest.
in 1986, the organization highlights neglected
news stories, opposes efforts at censorship and
defends First Amendment precepts.
In a similar vein, the Tyndall Report monitors
the three major U.S. television networks’ nightly
newscasts and the time devoted to each story.
In England, where the BBC is funded by pub-
lic tax monies, groups like bbcwatch.com have
sprung up to make sure the broadcast organiza-
tion stays true to its charter, which pledges jour-
nalism that is impartial and comprehensive.
In the wake of corporate scandals and greater
inuence-peddling in Washington, grassroots or-
ganizations are also turning a watchful eye toward
corporate responsibility. CommercialAlert.org, a
4-year-old consumer organization in Portland,
Ore., tries “to keep the commercial culture within
its proper sphere, and to prevent it from exploit-
ing children and subverting the higher values of
family, community, environmental integrity and
Media organization & culture
Three incidents in the spring of 2003 point to the
disruptive effects that the Internet has begun to
sow in newsrooms a disruption that threatens
the status quo of news organization culture and
• In April 2003, The Hartford Courant required
a travel editor and former columnist, Denis
Horgan, to stop posting commentary to his
• A month earlier, CNN reporter Kevin Sites was
told to discontinue posting to his blog, which
featured rst-hand accounts of the war in Iraq.
According to a CNN spokesperson, “CNN.com
prefers to take a more structured approach to
presenting the news. ... We do not blog.”
Similarly, Time magazine editors instructed re-
porter Joshua Kucera to stop posting reports
from Kurdistan to his weblog.
The resistance in media organizations to these
newer forms of expression is not surprising. But
such incidents, which are likely to multiply, raise
questions about the nature of the relationship
between journalists and their employers.
Is a journalist, by virtue of his or her newsroom
employment and access to newsmakers, not per-
mitted to express a personal opinion outside of
the ofce? Do media companies own an employ-
ee’s free time? Do such prohibitions apply only
to working journalists or to newsroom executives
as well?
A chief concern on the part of news organiza-
tions is one of liability. Allowing reporters to
write when off the clock might expose a company
to a lawsuit. In addition, news outlets may per-
ceive a reporter’s weblog as competition, since
it potentially draws eyeballs away from a media
company’s advertisers.
Yet, as media companies gear more of their
operations to an online audience that expects
a more interactive dynamic, things will have to
change. The collaborative and fast-paced nature
of online news will require new policies, technol-
ogies, organizational structures and workows.
The assembly-line nature of broadcast and
print media is not well-suited to developing
content for smaller, more targeted audiences.
Content will likely be published in a more con-
tinuous manner by teams or communities acting
as an extention of the enterprise. Eventually,
licensing and copyright policies will need to be
reexamined to come into harmony with a collab-
orative audience model.
Moreover, measuring and managing the suc-
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cess of such collaborative ventures might be a
challenge and force some rethinking about how
such projects are gauged within the larger orga-
Some news sites are experimenting on a small
scale by co-opting successful participatory media
models. MSNBC.com’s Weblog Central section
hosts a variety of analysts and columnists such
as Instapundit.com’s Glenn Reynolds and Eric
Alterman of The Nation.
Some of the more ambitious efforts have come
from the United Kingdom.
Whereas many larger news sites keep links
to other sites to a minimum, Britain’s The
maintains many weblogs that guide
readers to the best of the Web, including other
news sites.
The BBC has announced plans to make its
entire archives available for non-commercial
use. Called the BBC Creative Archive, it will offer
more than 80 years of radio and broadcast pro-
grams free to anyone.
The BBC’s director general, Greg Dyke, said the
decision was made based on their sense of where
the Internet was heading: “I believe that we are
about to move into a second phase of the digital
revolution, a phase which will be more about
public than private value; about free, not pay ser-
vices; about inclusivity, not exclusion.
“In particular, it will be about how public
money can be combined with new digital tech-
nologies to transform everyone’s lives.”
When some media outlets start making partici-
patory media work effectively, media companies
that dig in their heels and resist such changes
may be seen as not only old-fashioned but out
of touch.
Journalism and the media workforce
Assuming that issues related to newsroom cul-
ture can be overcome, there are more hurdles
facing the media.
Along with a rethinking of journalism’s role in
the online medium, new skills and attitudes will
be required. Staffs will need to be motivated to
collaborate with colleagues, strangers, sources
and readers. After years of working their way up
the professional ladder, some reporters will un-
doubtedly need to discover a newfound respect
for their readers. Arrogance and aloofness are
deadly qualities in a collaborative environment.
To be successful, reporters will need to be more
than skilled writers. They will have to hone their
skills in growing communities around specic
topics of interest.
“That’s one of the great challenges to us as news
gatherers and journalists,” said Joan Connell, ex-
ecutive producer for opinion and community at
MSNBC.com. “How do we discover information
and share it in creative ways with people? Give
them the information they need to make the
choices in their lives as citizens.”
MSNBC.com believes that the editing process
brings a higher degree of journalistic integrity
to the news equation, and that’s one factor that
sets news organizations apart from personal
“One of the values that we place on our own
weblogs is that we edit our webloggers. Out there
in the blogosphere, often it goes from the mind of
the blogger to the mind of the reader, and there’s
no backup. …I would submit that that editing
function really is the factor that makes it journal-
Universities will also need to shape their jour-
nalism curricula to help students prepare for
working in this new media ecosystem and the
fast-changing tools needed.
A larger unknown for investigative reporters
will be the impact of the Internet on sources. Now
that we live on the cusp of a world in which every-
one has the potential to be a reporter and a source,
will that affect the behavior of sources when they
are approached by mainstream journalists?
Advertising and marketing
Clay Shirky believes that mass media are dead.
In his essay “RIP the Consumer 1900-1999,” he
suggests that mass media depend on two im-
portant characteristics of the audience: size and
According to recent Nielsen ratings reports,
the TV audience continues to become more frag-
mented, with new channels continuing to prolif-
erate. (Nightly network news viewership dropped
in half from 1993 to 2002.
) Today, an unquali-
ed ratings champion is a fraction of what it was
several years ago. Audiences, while still fairly
large, are diminishing in size.
To Shirky, silence means that the audience
remains passive. The Internet has helped to frac-
ture mass media by empowering the audience
to take a more active role when interacting with
“The Internet heralds the disappearance of the
consumer altogether,” Shirky writes, “because
the Internet destroys the noisy advertiser/silent
consumer relationship that the mass media relies
50 | Implications for media and journalism
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upon. The rise of the Internet undermines the
existence of the consumer because it undermines
the role of mass media. In the age of the Internet,
no one is a passive consumer anymore because
everyone is a media outlet.”
There are a number of challenges facing media
companies in the long run, if Shirky’s argument
is valid.
First, traditional media may need to rethink
how to measure economic success. One option
is to explore avenues for targeted, personalized
advertising aimed at individuals or small identi-
able groups. Another is to consider the possibil-
ity of moving away from an advertising-support-
ed business model and toward subscriptions and
other pay-for-content models. Real-time data
about readership and viewership might lead to
new pricing rules where xed pricing is replaced
by real-time market adjustments.
In addition, media companies will likely have
to devise new ways to present audiences to ad-
vertisers. Typically, standard demographics are
the measure of an audience. It may be that more
creative and descriptive measures of audiences,
based around psychographic characteristics, will
be devised.
Such changes cannot happen without expecting
a change in the relationship between businesses
and their customers. While many news sites have
experimented with personalization as a means
to identify more targeted advertising opportu-
they have only eetingly experimented
with new ways to allow consumers to interact
with advertisers.
Citizens as stakeholders
in the journalistic process
Increasingly, audiences are becoming stake-
holders in the news process. Rather than pas-
sively accepting news coverage decided upon by
a handful of editors, they re off e-mails, post
criticism of perceived editorial shortcomings on
weblogs and in forums, and support or fund an
independent editorial enterprise.
In June 2000 the NOW Legal Defense and
Education Fund launched Women’s eNews, a
news service run by a small staff of professional
journalists who work with a national network of
free-lance writers. Devoted to coverage of wom-
en’s issues, the site became a fully independent
operation in early 2002. In July 2003 it won four
journalism awards from the National Federation
of Press Women and continues to probe issues
often overlooked by the mainstream media.
Occasionally, readers will dig into their own
pockets to nance a journalism effort they nd
worthwhile. Freelance journalist Christopher
Allbritton received $14,334 from 320 people who
funded his trip to Iraq to report his rst-hand
observations of the war zone. He led daily dis-
patches on his Web site, Back-to-Iraq.com, about
the fall of Tikrit and reported on the region’s eth-
nic tensions.
A freelance journalist from Maine, David
Appel, asked readers of his weblog to pony up
to let him pursue an investigative story. After
receiving more than $200, Appel investigated a
sugar lobbying group’s attempt to get Congress to
kill funding for the World Health Organization,
whose policies had offended corporate sugar
While war reporting and investigative reporting
remain the province of trained journalists, more
often citizens are taking up the tools of journal-
ism to write about favorite topics. Columnist J.D.
Lasica calls these do-it-yourself entries “ran-
dom acts of journalism,” as when Jessica Rios,
a 22-year-old woman in Los Angeles, attended
a Coldplay concert and wrote a review of their
performance on her weblog.
The author Howard Rheingold is representa-
tive of a new kind of reader who spends more
time with favorite weblogs and collaborative
media than with traditional media. “The things
I’m interested in, from pop culture to wireless
policy to copyright, you have to go to the fanat-
ics,” he said.
And those fanatics are more easily
found in niche online media.
In the next chapter we explore the potential
practical benets of integrating participatory
journalism into mainstream news operations.
52 | Implications for media and journalism
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Potential bene ts of We Media | 53
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Michael J. Miller, “Rejecting the Tech Doomsayers,” PC Magazine, June 25, 2003.
J. Bradford DeLong, “Don’t Worry About Deation,” Wired, August 2003.
Simpson’s Contemporary Quotations, compiled by James B. Simpson (Houghton Mifin Company, 1988).
Tim Layden, “Caught in the Net,” Sports Illustrated, May 19, 2003, p. 46.
Harry Beckwith’s book What Clients Love has an excellent essay on this subject called “Option and Information Overload,” p.
45-50. (Warner Books, Inc., 2003).
Pew Internet & American Life Project, The Internet and the Iraq war: How online Americans have use the Internet to learn
war news, understand events, and promote their views, April 1, 2003.
See Glenn Fleishman’s weblog, Wi-Fi Networking News, at: http://winetnews.com/
JD Lasica, “Where Net Luminaries Turn For News,” Online Journalism Review, Oct. 24, 2002.
EContent, “Brain Trust: Mining the Community Mind,” October 2001.
Government Information Awareness site: http://opengov.media.mit.edu/
Editor & Publisher, “Media Underplays U.S. Death Toll in Iraq,” July 17, 2003.
Iraq Coalition Casualty Count web site: http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx
Iraq Body Count web site: http://www.iraqbodycount.net
Memory Hole site: http://www.thememoryhole.org/
FAIR’s web site: http://www.fair.org/whats-fair.html
Tyndall Report site: http://www.tyndallreport.com/
Carl Sullivan, “Hartford Paper Tells Employee to Kill Blog,” Editor & Publisher Online, April 24, 2003.
Susan Mernit, “Kevin Sites and the Blogging Controversy,” Online Journalism Review, April 3, 2003.
Guardian Unlimited weblog: http://www.guardian.co.uk/weblog/
“Dyke to open up BBC archive,” BBC News, Aug. 24, 2003.
Terence Smith, “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” PBS, April 28, 2003.
Clay Shirky, “RIP THE CONSUMER, 1900-1999,” published on his Web site, Shirky.com, May 2000.
The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, Public’s News Habits Little Changed by September 11,
June 9, 2002.
J.D. Lasica, “The Second Coming of Personalized News,Online Journalism Review, April 2, 2002.
Women’s eNews, “Women’s eNews Wins Four Journalism Prizes,” July 29, 2003.
Spencer Ante, “Have Web Site, Will Investigate,” Business Week, July 28, 2003.
David Appell, “Sugar and Independent Journalism,” Quark Soup weblog, May 14, 2003.
J.D. Lasica, “Random acts of journalism,” New Media Musings weblog, March 12, 2003.
Lasica, “Where Net Luminaries Turn for News.”
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Potential bene ts of We Media | 53
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
articipatory journalism is not going to
disappear any time soon. Communication,
collaboration and sharing personal pas-
sions have been at the heart of the Internet since
its inception more than 30 years ago.
David Weinberger, author of Small Pieces
Loosely Joined, says that this is because the Web
is not just a giant marketplace or an information
resource. Rather, “it’s a social commons on which
the interests of a mass of individuals are splayed
in universally accessible detail and trumpeted in
an effectively innite array of personal voices.”
According to Scott Rosenberg, managing edi-
tor of Salon.com, what Weinberger reminds us is
that “every Web site, every Internet posting mat-
ters to the person who created it — and maybe to
that person’s circle of site visitors, whether they
number 10 million or just 10.”
“Individually, these contributions may be crude,
untrustworthy, unnoteworthy. Collectively, they
represent the largest and most widely accessible
pool of information and entertainment in human
history. And it’s still growing.”
If media companies are going to collaborate
with their audiences online, they must begin to
consider a news and information Web site as a
platform that supports social interaction around
the stories they create. These interactions are
as important as the narrative, perhaps more
so, because they are created and owned by the
audience. In a networked world, media whose
primary value lies in its ability to connect people
will win.
This chapter explores the potential benets
to media companies and businesses that adopt
participatory journalism in meaningful ways.
Possible examples include enabling editors and
reporters to publish a weblog about the subjects
they cover; hosting, moderating and participat-
ing in discussion forums or groups about news;
encouraging audience contribution of editorial
content for distribution on a Web site or in a tra-
ditional media product; enabling your readers to
purchase online advertising through affordable
text ads. The possibilities are limitless, as long as
it includes an effort to engage the audience in an
authentic conversation and collaboration.
An involved, empowered audience could well
bring a number of potential benets to media
companies. From our research, we have com-
piled the following list of benets:
Increased trust in media
According to a USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll
in June 2003, only 36 percent of those polled
believe the news media generally “get the facts
News media have their work cut out
in restoring their reputations and their readers’
sense of trust.
Participatory journalism provides media com-
panies with the potential to develop a more loyal
and trustworthy relationship with their audienc-
es. This can happen, for example, with a reporter
who writes a weblog, asking the audience to fuel
her efforts by providing tips, feedback and rst-
hand accounts that conrm a story’s premise or
that take it in a different direction. We Media can
also provide the audience a deeper level of under-
standing about the reporting process by illustrat-
ing, for example, how a reporter must balance
competing interests. This communication can
lead to a lasting trust.
Time magazine media critic James Poniewozik
explains how this is possible, when he describes
the perception gap between the audience and the
media about trust. “Journalists think trust equals
accuracy. But it’s about much more: passion, gen-
uineness, integrity.
Honest conversation and
passionate collaboration could instill respect and
trust into the relationship between both parties.
Involving an audience, either small or large, in
the creation of content also gives them a sense of
ownership an afnity with the media brand
that they believe they are not getting today as
well as a more intimate relationship with the sto-
Shared responsibility
in informing democracy
An audience that participates in the journalistic
process is more demanding than passive consum-
ers of news. But they may also feel empowered to
make a difference. As a result, they feel as though
they have a shared stake in the end result.
Potential benets of We Media
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According to Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel,
authors of the book The Elements of Journalism,
citizens must take an active, collaborative role in
the journalistic process if we are to realize an ef-
fective journalism that appropriately informs a
“Journalists must invite their audience into the
process by which they produce the news,” Kovach
and Rosenstiel write in their book. “They should
take pains to make themselves and their work as
transparent as they insist on making the people
and institutions of power they cover. This sort
of approach is, in effect, the beginning of a new
kind of connection between the journalist and the
citizen. It is one in which individuals in the audi-
ence are given a chance to judge the principles by
which the journalists do their work.”
“The rst step in that direction has to be de-
veloping a means of letting those who make up
that market nally see how the sausage is make
— how we do our work and what informs our
Many journalists who are already weblogging
are doing just that exposing the raw mate-
rial of their stories-in-progress, posting complete
text of interviews after the story is published, and
inviting comments, fact checking and feedback
that contribute to follow-up stories.
Memorable experiences created
Online interactive experiences are more memo-
rable than relatively static experiences such as
newspapers, according to Web usability expert
Jakob Nielsen. “Moving around is what the Web
is all about,” Nielsen explains. “When analyzing
the ‘look-and-feel’ of a web site, the feel com-
pletely dominates the user experience. After all,
doing is more memorable and makes a stronger
emotional impact than seeing.”
Collaborating and having a conversation with
audience members is sure to provide an even
more meaningful and memorable experience
than passive consumption of news.
Likewise, enabling your audience to talk about
and extend news stories also increases retention
and understanding. When we read a story that
grabs us, we want to tell others, who will also
likely tell others. Good stories are inherently in-
fectious. Sharing and discussing them is a natural
extension of the experience.
“As users have greater effect upon the experi-
ence, they become more absorbed (immersed)
in the experience,” according to the authors of
a research study, “Interactive Features of Online
“What users do with content is more important
than how content may affect users. Users are
actively chasing discovery, rather than passively
being informed.”
Ultimately, the authors argue, “journalists
today must choose. As gatekeepers they can
transfer lots of information, or they can make
users a smarter, more active and questioning
audience for news events and issues.”
The next generation of news consumers
Increasing interactivity and enabling audience
participation have an additional benet — at-
tracting a younger audience, the next generation
of news consumers.
“Kids today expect to interact with their media,”
according to Steve Outing, a senior editor at the
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, and an in-
teractive media columnist for Editor & Publisher
Online. “From playing interactive online games,
to using instant messenger (IM) services to com-
municate with friends, to interacting with their
television (by having control over when pro-
grams are watched, and skipping commercials
with devices like TiVo and ReplayTV), today’s
kids expect their media to offer a two-way street
of communication.”
“A safe assumption is that when today’s chil-
dren and teenagers reach adulthood, they’ll not
be tolerant of media that’s one-way, that’s not
interactive. They expect to be able to manipulate
media content, and to share it with others. The
one-way conversation of a printed newspaper
won’t do thus print’s prospects for the young
digital generation are not promising. Newspaper
Web sites and other newspaper digital media
formats likewise cannot afford to perpetuate the
one-way model. They’ve got to become more in-
Better stories — and better journalism
An interesting question, yet to be addressed
by research in this eld, is: Does participatory
journalism the process of collaboration and
conversation between media and the audience
— ultimately help create better stories and better
“I’ve found that my readers denitely know
more than I do, and, to my benet, they share
their knowledge,” says San Jose Mercury News
technology columnist Dan Gillmor, who has been
writing a weblog since 1999.
Based on Gillmor’s experience and that of oth-
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ers in the eld, reporters who write weblogs and
collaborate with their audiences in various ways
ultimately write more compelling and accurate
stories. One reason is that listening to and col-
laborating with your audience helps to develop a
broader base of sources who are experts in wide-
ranging subject matter.
Journalism researcher Mark Deuze explains:
“The Internet as it wires millions of individuals
as potential information experts into a global
communications infrastructure provides an ideal
platform for improving journalism by incor-
porating the expertise of people ‘outside of the
Rolodex.’ ”
Sheila Lennon, a features and interactive
producer with Projo.com, the Web site of The
Providence Journal, says collaborating with the
audience “can make for better reporting, espe-
cially when sources contact me out of the blue
because they feel the know me from the weblog
and choose to trust me with their news.”
Voice and personality are also key hallmarks
of participatory media. Several observers have
argued that the informal style found in many par-
ticipatory forms free the writer from the “ofcial
voice” of the media company, and that makes for
better storytelling. The ofcial voice of journalism
is usually formal, often drained of color and atti-
tude, and written as an objective and balanced ac-
count. In contrast, weblogs and discussion groups
thrive on their vivid writing, controversial points
of view and personality-rich nature traits that
many readers nd compelling.
Columnist J.D. Lasica goes so far as to argue
that newspaper webloggers should not be sub-
ject to the newsroom’s routine editing lter.
On his weblog he called for a form of Editing
Lite: “Perhaps the chief appeal and attrac-
tion of weblogs are their free-form, unltered
nature. You get to hear people in their natural
dialect, writing from their gut with a voice and
tone that too often can be ltered into a ho-
mogenous blandness after passing through the
typical newsroom’s editing machine. A lightly
edited, hands-off weblog would show journalists
as human beings with opinions, emotions and
personal lives.”
Audience participation serves another salutary
function. The mainstream media tend to dispose
of stories in a fast-paced news cycle. Even impor-
tant news events often fall off the media’s radar
screen after 48 hours. The blogosphere and dis-
cussion forums keep stories alive by recirculating
them and regurgitating them with new angles
or insights. Weblogs have been credited with
keeping in the public spotlight Sen. Trent Lott’s
statement expressing fondness for the Dixiecrat
era of one-time segregationist Strom Thurmond,
a controversy that led to Lott stepping down as
Senate majority leader.
A scalable virtual staff
An involved audience can play the role of a scal-
able virtual staff a massive pool of grassroots
writers, commentators, photographers and
videographers. Collaborating with them enables
media to be and go where they normally cannot,
due to geography or cost.
For example, in the weeks leading up to the
Iraq war, BBC News asked its worldwide audi-
ence to send in digital images from anti-war
protests held around the globe, then published a
slide show of the best images on its Web site.
The events calendar on SciFi.com is a good
example of building a virtual staff as well as
editorial content getting better through user par-
ticipation. Craig E. Engler, a general manager at
SciFi.com, says that one-quarter of all events on
the calendar are submitted by their fans. “They
usually send us things that we might otherwise
miss on our own, so it balances our work nicely,”
Engler said.
Using the audience as an extension of your
staff will help develop a broader base of editorial
voices and perspectives from diverse ethnic and
social backgrounds.
Fostering community
Traditionally, media companies have viewed
the concept of online community no differently
than a section of a newspaper (à la Letters to the
Editor) or a segment of a newscast. It is some-
thing that has been segregated from the news a
closed-off annex where readers can talk and dis-
cuss, as long as the media companies don’t have
to be too involved. Such an architected virtual
space is not a true online community. Real com-
munities have leaders, moderators and involved
participants who care about their space.
Participatory journalism helps develop real
community around reporters, stories, and the
media company’s brand experience. With a
weblog, for example, a reporter has a place to
extend reporting, interact with readers, exercise
personal conscience, and share some level of per-
sonality that might be absent from his “unbiased
reports. These are elements that attract real com-
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Projo.com’s Lennon shared with us an excellent
story describing how this occurred with a break-
ing news story in February 2003. The rock band
Jack Russell’s Great White used a pyrotechnic
display that triggered a re and killed 97 people
in a Rhode Island nightclub called The Station. It
became a national story overnight.
“When The Station nightclub re happened,
I created a special weblog for that on The
Providence Journal Web site, and it resulted in
a real exchange of information. I was updating
constantly with information found in the forums
at sites such as roadie.net, KNAC.com, in news-
groups and in smaller local papers and far-ung
hometown papers of victims.
“My e-mail address became a contact point.
Friends and relatives of victims e-mailed me the
URLs of pages set up for those in the hospital; the
photo on the weblog of the club before the re
originally came by e-mail from the mother of the
man who had painted the mural, and the National
Fire Protection Association e-mailed me looking
for the original. Clubs e-mailed information on
hastily arranged benets for the weekend after
the re and, in the course of calling to check
details and conrm those benets, I learned that
the rst of many clubs had been temporarily
closed after a sudden wave of re inspections and
broke that news.
“I was in the ofce of the deputy managing edi-
tor as she read my story about it on the web site
to the bureau manager in the closed club’s town.
It was the rst he’d heard of it, and he was being
dispatched to follow it up for the paper.
“The readers became the sources as a com-
munity pooled its knowledge. The nature of this
event, which involved so many people, so many
questions and reporting spread all over the web,
would have led to the invention of a weblog on
the spot even if I hadn’t already been weblogging
on the site. It was the only way to handle that
much incoming information in a way that invited
readers to add what they knew or found to
our common body of knowledge.
“I answered every e-mail, and expressed my
sympathy to every friend and relative before
diving into the substance of their information.
It reinforced that caring humans were reporting
this story, and ‘Thank God for The Journal’ was
commonly heard in those dark days.”
Using participatory journalism, Lennon
engaged the readers in the reporting process,
creating a community around a breaking news
story as well as building a community around the
reporter’s brand and the newspaper’s brand.
Network identity
In the past 10 years there have been numerous
scientic discoveries about how networks form
and behave. This has led us to understand that
networks are driven by hubs and nodes.
“There is a hierarchy of hubs that keep these
networks together, a heavily connected node
closely followed by several less connected ones,
trailed by dozens of even smaller nodes,writes
Albert-László Barabási in his book Linked: The
New Science of Networks. “No central node sits
in the middle of the spider web, controlling and
monitoring every link and node.
“Real networks are self-organized. They offer a
vivid example of how the independent actions of
millions of nodes and links lead to a spectacular
emergent behavior.
News media have traditionally viewed them-
selves as central nodes in the information net-
work, with the power to control the ebb and ow
of news. On the Web, that is no longer possible.
News sites that sit behind registration rewalls,
or whose content is quickly moved into paid ar-
chives, display the characteristics of a cul-de-sac
rather than a connected node on a network.
Adopting various forms of participatory jour-
nalism will increase the importance of your
company’s hub in the network economy. By
increasing the number of connections though
weblogs, forums, XML syndication and collab-
orative publishing engines the strength of a
media company’s node is enhanced.
In the next chapter, we look at various ways in
which media companies can retool themselves to
become a powerful force in an era of participa-
tory journalism.
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Scott Rosenberg paraphrasing of Weinberger’s concepts in “The media titans still don’t get it,” Salon.com, Aug. 13, 2002.
Also see: David Weinberger, Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unied Theory of the Web (Perseus Publishing, March 2002).
Ellen Kampinsky, Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis, “Amazoning the News,” Hypergene.net, February 2001.
James Poniewozik, “Don’t Blame It on Jayson Blair,” Time, June 9, 2003, p. 90.
Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect
(Three Rivers Press, 2001), 191-192.
Jakob Nielsen, “Differences Between Print Design and Web Design.” Published on the author’s Web site, Useit.com, Jan. 24,
Keith Kenney, Alexander Gorelik and Sam Mwangi, “Interactive Features of Online Newspapers,” FirstMonday.org,
December, 1999.
Steve Outing. “Newspapers: Don’t Blow it Again,Stop The Presses column, Editor & Publisher Online, Feb. 13, 2003.
Dan Gillmor, “Here Comes We Media,” Columbia Journalism Review, January/February 2003. http://www.cjr.org/year/
Mark Deuze, “Online Journalism: Modelling the First Generation of News Media on the World Wide Web,” FirstMonday.org,
Volume 6, Number 10 (October 2001).
J.D. Lasica, “Should newspaper bloggers be subjected to the editing lter?,” New Media Musings weblog, Feb. 5, 2003.
Mark Glaser, “Weblogs credited for Lott brouhaha,” Online Journalism Review, Dec. 17, 2002.
“Your pictures of the anti-war demonstrations,” BBC.com, Feb. 18, 2003.
Steve Outing also has documented several other excellent examples of audience photo submissions in his Stop The Presses
column, “Photo Phones Portend Visual Revolution,” on Editor & Publisher Online, March 12, 2003.
From an e-mail interview conducted by the authors with Craig Engler, June 21, 2002. See Sci.com events calendar:
Sheila Lennon’s story comes from an e-mail interview, conducted by the authors July 2003. You can see the reporting
process unfold, if you read the weblog Sheila created on Projo.com, starting from the bottom up.
Albert-László Barabási, Linked: The New Science of Networks (Perseus Publishing, May 2002), Pg. 221.
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edia organizations will need to rethink
some of their basic ideas about jour-
nalism, organization and the role of
audience if they hope to remain indispensable
resources to their readers and viewers.
This section explores effective ways of integrat-
ing participatory journalism into existing media
Connections = Value
Our research suggests a simple proposition for
media in the network economy: Connections
equals Value. There are three types of connec-
tions that media should consider:
1. Continuous connections: Magazines and
newspapers need Internet counterparts that are
providing continuous updates to their audience.
This doesn’t mean a web site lled with shovel-
ware content. It needs to be a 24x7x365, living,
breathing, responsive extension of your brand.
Increase the frequency of connections with daily e-
mail newsletters, weblogs, RSS feeds and forums.
2. Network connections, online and off:
Use your content (print and online) as a platform
to guide and direct readers to additional news,
information and experiences on the Web and
in other media. Ultimately, this will make your
content more valuable because it’s connected to
similar information. As well, your customers’
media diet is becoming more varied and vast.
Don’t leave your product in a cul-de-sac.
3. Intercast connections: A successful news
Web site is a platform that supports social inter-
action around the story. Print media must begin
to engage and grow online community in order
to build afnity and loyalty to their brand experi-
ence. Community members have a stake in your
brand when they engage the journalistic process
— by providing valuable commentary, displaying
their mastery of a subject, offering grassroots
reporting and acting as lters for their fellow
News organizations have policies, practices
and traditions that discourage connections.
Despite this, the audience is still managing to be-
come part of the news equation by creating links
and commentary that center on news events. The
emergent behavior of participatory journalism
suggests that audiences want to create intimate
connections with news organizations, reporters
and the stories they produce. The challenge in
newsrooms will be to persuade writers, editors
and advertisers to stop thinking in terms of a
broadcast model (one-to-many) and to start
“thinking network” (one-to-one).
At the strategic level, a corporation must de-
cide: Is the value of your audience going to be
its size or the quality of its participation? Most
likely, both factors will come into play. That leads
directly to the next set of questions: What is it
worth to acquire participants? What are you will-
ing to do to keep them for the long term?
Make your newsroom
responsive to change
According to Albert-László Barabási, author of
Linked: The New Science of Networks, media
organizations are tree networks. “The CEO sits at
the root and the bifurcating branches represent
the increasingly specialized and nonoverlap-
ping tasks of lower-level manager and workers,”
Barabási writes. “Responsibility decays as you
move down the branches, ending with drone ex-
ecutors of orders conceived at the roots.”
This is the standard model of corporations, one
that has been ingrained in their DNA for more
than 100 years.
“These days, however, the value is in ideas and
information, Barabási writes. “As companies
face an information explosion and an unprec-
edented need for exibility in a rapidly changing
marketplace, the corporate model is in the midst
of a complete makeover.
“The most visible element of this remaking is
a shift from a tree to a web or network organiza-
tion, at and with lots of cross-links between the
The internal remaking of media companies,
transforming them from tree organizations
into web networks, is only one consequence of
a network economy, Barabási says. “Another
is the realization that companies never work
alone. They collaborate with other institutions,
adapting business practices proved successful in
How media might respond
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other organizations.” In the case of participatory
journalism, this means that media companies
will increasingly collaborate with their audience,
either directly in a one-on-one fashion, or indi-
rectly using audience-created communities such
as Slashdot.org as leads for story generation.
But none of this will happen unless the media
organization and its business culture are trans-
Such a radical change will not occur
overnight. This is uncharted territory for most
and large-scale change in corporations is fraught
with pitfalls.
With media companies still generating respect-
able returns on investment, the smart money
will be on those organizations that can integrate
successful experiments supported by better staff
training, equipment and practices that encour-
age reporters and editors to interact with their
Give your staff some level of autonomy
Media companies must consider that the role of
reporters and editors are in ux. Your audience
wants a closer relationship with the storytellers.
Reporters and editors must nd the proper bal-
ance between encouraging audience participa-
tion and producing something ready for publica-
tion or broadcast and nding that balance may
prove difcult.
Reporters and editors will need to be empow-
ered to grow communities of interest online. As
the value of their communities grows so will it
enhance the value of the media organization.
However, we are increasingly seeing media
companies force their employees to make the
choice between their jobs and their weblogs,
rather than trying to determine how blogging can
serve the interests of both parties. Such control-
ling behavior on the part of media companies
sends a negative message to their audiences.
Readers begin to wonder, “If journalists can-
not be heard, then what is the media company
hiding?” Weblogs are an excellent way for staff
members and readers to bridge the communica-
tion gap.
A key component of what makes a good journal-
ist, according to Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel,
is an obligation to personal conscience. “Every
journalist from the newsroom to the board-
room — must have a personal sense of ethics and
responsibility a moral compass,” they say in
their book The Elements of Journalism. “What’s
more, they have a responsibility to voice their
personal conscience out loud and allow others
around them to do so as well.
“The top-down structure of oligarchies usually
makes it more difcult for individuals to be heard
on abstract matters, such as ethics or questions
of conscience. As long as we have one newspaper
and only three or four TV stations doing news in
most cities, we cannot rely solely on the market-
place to protect journalism ethics.”
But providing journalists with some measure
of autonomy goes beyond questions of ethics
and conscience. Such a move can lead to more
compelling stories, fostering a closer relationship
between audience and storyteller, outside of the
classic construct of a newspaper or TV station.
Ultimately, the audience develops an allegiance
to those who are authentic and open in their pur-
suit of journalism.
News organizations and audiences will have
to become more comfortable with a duality they
have wrestled with for years journalist as ob-
jective observer and as an informed conscience.
Embrace the audience as valued partner
Critical to any participatory model is the under-
standing that the audience needs to play a mean-
ingful role in the news process. Ohmynews.com
relies upon thousands of citizen journalists to
produce the majority of the site’s daily content.
While that model might appear extreme to
many traditional news organizations, it illustrates
that there are thousands of people eager to con-
tribute to the news equation. Publications such
as the Santa Fe New Mexican, Dallas Morning
News and BBC News have taken a step in that
direction by soliciting reader photographs, news
accounts and other user-generated content.
News organizations also need to consider how
to empower the audience as a valued intermedi-
ary of the news. When deciding on what news to
read, the audience often trusts other audience
members for recommendations before they trust
an editor. Thus, the popularity of “most-read
and most-emailed stories” pages on news sites.
Likewise, this is one of the reasons why weblogs
are useful. Weblogs act as a lter on the news,
helping its audience cut through the fat of the
news and get to what’s important to them.
News organizations face a challenge in decid-
ing the extent to which they want to leverage au-
dience participation and incorporate it into their
news products.
Embrace customers as innovators
According to a Harvard Business Review article
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on turning your customers into innovators, or-
ganizations need to provide some type of free
toolkit to effectively collaborate with their cus-
Here’s what a customer collaboration
toolkit for news media might contain:
Open-source style guide: One of the hidden
parts of journalism is style. If media are going
to enable its audience to produce news and in-
formation, then it behooves media to educate
its audience on the best ways to produce it.
Why not make your style guide open source?
Being accurate, reliable and consistent has
value, and something like an open-source
style guide is critical to infecting social net-
works with the power to adopt journalism’s
best practices. The BBC offers its style guide
online along with journalism courses.
universities also post their style guides online.
Provide a journalism learning program:
For those audience members who really want
to become full-edged journalists, a learning
program is the next step. Such a program
would encompass writing, editing, audio,
video and still photography. Participants
should do more than take notes; they should
report on an event and then engage in a group
discussion that examines best practices. Such
a course also must include an ethics guide.
Certication, or graduation, could be a require-
ment for a participant to become a “trusted”
contributor. Media might consider adopting a
program similar to MIT’s OpenCourseWare,
which includes lecture notes, video lectures,
simulations and lab courses.
Encourage low-cost content manage-
ment solutions: Large newspaper sites use
expensive and complicated content manage-
ment systems, but that doesn’t mean their
audience should, too. Encourage audience
members to create their own content. This, in
turn, will make a more fertile ground for your
content. If you cannot provide the publishing
tools for them, guide them to open-source
tools or other reasonable platforms. Consider
offering Web services, as Amazon, eBay and
Google do, to provide audiences with a way to
create new products that enhance your news
and information. Some blogging tools, such
as MovableType, have features that provide
notications when someone has commented
on a story. Integrating such functionality in
news sites can greatly increase the interest
and goodwill of communities.
Dont own the story. Share the story.
“We have to convince journalists that the con-
sumer owns the story,” says Dan Bradley, vice
president of broadcast news at Media General
and former news director of WFLA-TV.
The last and perhaps most important step for
a media company to take is to relinquish control.
News media are geared to own a story. They
shape it, package it and sell it. But that mindset
might make organization blind to the larger op-
“The story itself is not the nal product, it’s just
the starting point, because ultimately the goal of
every story is to start discussion, to start a lot of
other people saying what they think about it,”
says Rusty Foster, founder of Kuro5hin.org.
A story (on Kuro5hin.org) isnt considered
complete when it’s posted (online). Thats just the
beginning of the story, and then people post com-
ments and discuss the story. And eventually, after a
while, you have sort of a complete view of an issue
because many people are talking about it.
Today, news media organizations are actually
story instigators. They track down important sto-
ries and relay them to the world. Once they are
released, stories transform and can take a life
of their own beyond the control of the news or-
ganization. The Internet community (and other
media) appropriates the stories, retells them,
comments on them, adds additional information
or overlooked angles, and reworks them as part
of a broad-based web of ideas and information.
That’s not only a good thing, it’s essential. If it’s
not happening, it means your reporting has little
value to your audience.
If journalism is indeed about informing the
community and lifting up our fellow citizens, we
need to evolve. We need to tell better stories and,
while doing so, we need to engage the world.
60 | How media might respond
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
How media might respond | 61
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Albert-László Barabási, Linked: The New Science of Networks (Perseus Publishing, May 2002), p. 201.
See “Managing the Connected Organization,” by Valdis E. Krebs for advice on how to create effective connections within your
J.D. Lasica, “Participatory Journalism Puts the Reader in the Driver’s Seat,” Online Journalism Review, Aug. 7, 2003.
Stefan Thomke, Eric Von Hippel, “Customers as Innovators: A New Way to Create Value,” Harvard Business Review, April 1,
BBC News Styleguide
MIT OpenCourseWare
Also see David Diamond’s article, “MIT Everywhere,” which recounts the impact of MIT’s online learning program (Wired,
September 2003).
Cory Bergman, “The Convergence Culture,” LostRemote.com Web site, Feb. 18, 2002.
From a panel discussion, “Journalism’s New Life Forms: Community Publishing, Weblogging, Self-Broadcasting & More” at
the Online News Association Annual Conference, Berkeley, Calif., Oct. 27, 2001.
62 | Appendix
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Appendix | 63
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Weblogs & related sites
Hypergene MediaBlog
Weblog about participatory journalism by the authors of this
paper, Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis
New Media Musings
Weblog of J.D. Lasica, senior editor for OJR
Weblogs and the News
An introduction to blogging and journalism
Dan Gillmor’s eJournal
Weblog of San Jose Mercury News technology columnist
Weblog by MSNBC.com technology editor Jonathan Dube,
sponsored by the American Press Institute.
Amateur Hour: the “Me” in Media
Jonathan Peterson’s weblog about the democratization of media
Collaborative weblog on social software
Clay Shirky
Essays about media, community, open source and more
Sebs Open Research
Weblog on the evolution of knowledge sharing
Meg Hourihan
Weblog by the co-founder of Pyra, the company behind Blogger,
and co-author of We Blog
Jason Kottke
Weblog about Web technology, media and network science
Evan Williams
Weblog by CEO of Pyra, the company behind Blogger
David Weinberger
Weblog by author of Small Pieces Loosely Joined;
co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto
Doc Searls
Weblog by co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto; senior editor of
Linux Journal
Dave Winer
Weblog by the creator of UserLand Software
Nick Denton
Weblog by the founder of Gawker and Gizmodo and former
chief executive of Moreover Technologies
Joichi Ito
Weblog by the CEO of Neoteny, a VC rm
Barry Parr’s analysis of media news and research
E-Media Tidbits
Collaborative weblog by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies
about online media and journalism
Online Community Report
Free e-mail newsletter about online group collaboration
Design for Community
Essays from Derek Powazek, author of book by same name
I Want Media
Media news, interviews and resources by Patrick Phillips.
Poynter Institute weblog on media industry news, commentary
and internal memos
Adrian Holovaty
Weblog that focuses on design, usability of news Web sites.
Steven Berlin Johnson
Weblog by the author of Emergence
Mitch Ratcliffe
Journalist whose blog covers business, technology and investing
Jeff Jarvis
Weblog by the president of Advance.net
Matt Haughey
Weblog by the co-author of We Blog and creator of the
community weblog MetaFilter
Marc Canter
Weblog by the founder of MacroMind
Weblog by Nicholas Jon on weblogging, new media
News for nerds, stuff that matters
Technology and culture, from the trenches
Community weblog, with topics that run the gamut
Journalism news and views from K. Paul Mallasch
Resources for We Media
62 | Appendix
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Appendix | 63
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Creative Commons
Released a set of copyright licenses free for use
First Monday
Peer-reviewed journal on the Internet
Pew Internet & American Life
Research and reports on the impact of the Internet
Research, resources and ideas to improve journalism
Online Journalism Review
Articles on new media by a staff at USC Annenberg
Online News Association
5-year-old organization devoted to enhancing online news
Instant Messaging Planet
News and research on instant messaging
Blogdex: http://blogdex.media.mit.edu/
Daypop Top 40: http://www.daypop.com/top/
Popdex: http://www.popdex.com/
Technorati: http://www.technorati.com/
Waypath: http://www.waypath.com/
Photoblogs: http://www.photoblogs.org/
Blogwise: http://www.blogwise.com/
BlogStreet: http://www.blogstreet.com/
Organica: http://organica.us/
Linked: The New Science of Networks
by Albert-László Barabási
Author site: http://www.nd.edu/~alb/
Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age
by Duncan J. Watts
Small Worlds
by Duncan J. Watts
Nexus: Small Worlds and the
Groundbreaking Science of Networks
by Mark Buchanan
Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order
by Steven Strogatz
Emergence: The Connected Lives of
Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software
by Steven Johnson
The Tipping Point: How Little Things
Can Make a Big Difference
by Malcolm Gladwell
The Emergence of Everything:
How the World Became Complex
by Harold J. Morowitz
Design for Community:
The Art of Connecting Real People in Virtual Places
by Derek M. Powazek
Web site: http://designforcommunity.com/
Community Building on the Web: Secret Strategies
for Successful Online Communities
by Amy Jo Kim
The Virtual Community:
Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier
by Howard Rheingold
Online Communities: Designing Usability and Supporting
by Jennifer Preece
The Weblog Handbook:
Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog
by Rebecca Blood
Author weblog: http://www.rebeccablood.net/
We’ve Got Blog: How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture
by Editors of Perseus Publishing, Rebecca Blood
We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs
by Paul Bausch, Meg Hourihan, Matt Haughey
Weblog: http://www.blogroots.com/
Essential Blogging
by Shelley Powers (Editor), et al (Paperback)
Author weblog: http://weblog.burningbird.net/
Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content
by Biz Stone
Running Weblogs With Slash
by Chromatic, et al
Blog On: Building Online Communities With Weblogs
by Todd Stauffer
The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know
and the Public Should Expect
by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosensteil
Warp Speed:
America in the Age of the Mixed Media Culture
by Bill Kovach, Tom Rosenstiel
News Values: Ideas for an Information Age
by Jack Fuller
The News About the News: American Journalism in Peril
by Leonard Downie Jr., Robert G. Kaiser
The Press Effect: Politicians, Journalists, and the Stories That
Shape the Political World
by Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Paul Waldman
64 | Appendix
We Media | How audiences are shaping the future of news and information
Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution
by Howard Rheingold
Weblog: http://www.smartmobs.com/
Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unied Theory of the Web
by David Weinberger
Author weblog: http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/
TRUST: Human Nature and
the Reconstitution of Social Order
by Francis Fukuyama
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and
Revival of American Community
by Robert D. Putnam
The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected
by Lawrence Lessig
The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual
by Christopher Locke, et al
The Visionary’s Handbook: Nine Paradoxes
That will Shape the Future of Your Business
by Watts Wacker, Jim Taylor
The Deviant’s Advantage:
How Fringe Ideas Create Mass Markets
by Ryan Mathews, Watts Wacker
Blogger: http://www.blogger.com/
Movable Type: http://www.movabletype.org/
TypePad: http://typepad.com/
Radio UserLand: http://radio.userland.com/
pMachine: http://www.pmachine.com/
LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/
Greymatter: http://www.noahgrey.com/greysoft/
b2: http://www.cafelog.com/
Geeklog: http://www.geeklog.net/
iBlog (Mac): http://www.lii.com/Products/iBlog/main.htm
Tripod Blog Builder: http://blog.tripod.lycos.com/
Trellix: http://www.trellix.com/products/blogging.asp
Xanga: http://www.xanga.com/
WebCrimson: http://www.webcrimson.com/
Weblog Compendium: http://www.lights.com/weblogs/
phpBB: http://www.phpbb.com/
Discus and DiscusPro: http://www.discusware.com/
vBulletin: http://www.vbulletin.com/
WebBoard: http://www.akiva.com/products/webboard/
WebCrossing: http://www.webcrossing.com/
Ultimate Bulletin Board (UBB) & OpenTopic
Snitz Forums: http://forum.snitz.com/
Phorum: http://phorum.org
Yahoo!Groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/
Topica: http://www.topica.com/
Kazaa: http://www.kazaa.com/
Morpheus: http://www.morpheus.com/
LimeWire: http://www.limewire.com/
BearShare: http://www.bearshare.com/
Grokster: http://www.grokster.com/
NewzCrawler (PC): http://www.newzcrawler.com/
AmphetaDesk (cross-platform)
News Monster (cross-platform)
Radio UserLand (PC or Mac)
NetNewsWire (Mac)
FeedReader (PC): http://www.feedreader.com/
Headline Viewer (PC): http://www.headlineviewer.com/
Aggie News (PC): http://bitworking.org/Aggie.html
More news reader software
Syndic8: http://www.syndic8.com/
News Is Free: http://www.newsisfree.com/
Slashcode: http://slashcode.com/
Scoop: http://scoop.kuro5hin.org/
PHP-Nuke: http://phpnuke.org/
Postnuke: http://www.postnuke.com/
Wiki Engines: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngines
Open Source Content Management Systems
Groove Networks: http://www.groove.net/
Zaplet Collaboration Software: http://www.zaplet.com/
ActiveBuddy: Interactive Instant Messaging Software
Jabber.org: Open source instant messaging platform
Insights, ideas and actions
The Media Center is a non-profit research and educational organization committed to building a
better-informed society in a connected world. The Media Center conducts research, educational
programs and symposia and facilitates strategic conversations and planning on issues shaping
the future of news, information and media.
The Media Center helps leaders, organizations and educators around the world understand and
create multimedia futures. Its programs and engagements provide innovation, knowledge and
strategic insights for personal, professional and business growth.
A division of The American Press Institute, The Media Center was established in 1997 to help
the news industry devise strategies and tactics for digital media. In September 2003 it merged
with New Directions for News, an independent think tank. The merger created a global, multi-
disciplinary network of researchers and leading thinkers focused on the future of media and the
behaviors of consumers in a media-centric world.
For more on The Media Centers programs, research and services, go to www.mediacenter.org.
The Media Center at the American Press Institute
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Reston, Va. 20191-1498