Government of the District of Columbia
Mayor Vincent C. Gray
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
Dear Residents,
The District Government is
always working to protect our
city from terrorist attacks, natural
disasters, and other emergen-
cies. Our goal is to ensure that
residents, businesses, and
visitors are as safe and secure
as possible. You play an impor-
tant part in this effort—it is up
to you to make sure that your
family is prepared in the event
of an emergency.
Be Ready DC: A Guide to Family
Preparedness was designed
to help you prepare in advance
for any emergency. It tells you
how to:
1. Get Informed
2. Make a Plan
3. Make an Emergency Kit
4. Be Aware.
I strongly encourage you to
read this guide carefully, use
the checklists, and share this
information with friends, family,
and neighbors.
The better prepared you are,
the safer and more secure you
and your family will be.
Vincent C. Gray
1 Before an Emergency Strikes
Page 3
Get Informed
Make a Plan
Make an Emergency Kit
Be Aware
During an Emergency
Page 5
Getting Information
Stay or Go?
Shelter in Place
On the Metro
On the Bus
Types of Emergencies
Page 8
Extreme Weather
Chemical and Biological Emergencies
Radiological Emergencies
Loss of Utilities
After an Emergency
Page 12
Family Records and Financial Recovery
Emotional Recovery
Special Information for You
and Your Loved Ones
Page 13
Seniors and People with Disabilities
Parents and Families
Get Involved
Page 14
DC Citizens Corps
Page 15
Emergency Information Form
Emergency Pocket Cards
Important District Phone Numbers
What’s Inside....
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
Get Informed
Information is the fi rst step in planning for any emer-
gency. Here is what you need to know to protect
yourself and your family.
Use this Guide to learn about the different kinds of
possible emergencies and how you and your family
should respond to each one.
Sign up with Alert DC to receive emergency
messages. For more information, see page 5.
Make sure that each member of your family knows
how to get offi cial information during an emergency.
For more information, see page 5.
Ask if your employer has an emergency plan.
If so, get a copy and review it. Also get the emer-
gency plan for your child’s school or daycare center.
Review it and go over it with your child.
Take a basic First Aid and CPR class. Contact the
American Red Cross at http://redcross.org for
more information.
For more information about emergency
preparedness, visit the following
Offi cial DC emergency information:
More information from the DC Homeland
Security and Emergency Management Agency:
DC evacuation information and maps:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security information:
More information from the federal government:
The American Red Cross:
Make a Plan
Preparedness starts with a plan. Use the checklist
below to make a simple plan that can help you and
your family take control during an emergency.
Hold a family meeting and develop an emergency
plan based on this checklist.
Draw a fl oor plan of your home and mark two
escape routes from each room.
Learn how and when to turn off utilities (water, gas,
and electricity) at main switches.
Never attempt to restore gas service
yourself. Call Washington Gas at
(703) 750-1400 or (800) 752-7520
to restore service.
Choose an out-of-state friend or relative for all
family members to contact if you get separated.
(If local phone circuits are busy during an emergen-
cy, it may be easier to call out-of-state.) Give their
name, phone number, and e-mail address to each
member of your family.
Emergencies can occur quickly and without warning. The best
way to keep yourself and your family safe is to be prepared
before an emergency strikes. In other words, get ready now.
We encourage all households in the District of Columbia to take
these four steps to prepare for an emergency: 1. Get Informed,
2. Make a Plan, 3. Make an Emergency Kit, 4. Be Aware.
Before an Emergency Strikes
Before an Emergency Strikes
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
Teach children how to make long-distance telephone
calls and how to dial 911 for emergency assistance.
Program emergency numbers into all phones.
Choose two places where your family will reunite
after an emergency: a place near your home, and a
place outside the District in case you cannot return
home after an emergency. Make sure everyone
knows the addresses and phone numbers of both
meeting places.
Know and practice all possible exit routes from
your neighborhood.
Put important family records (birth certifi cates,
healthcare records, passports) in a safe place,
such as a fi reproof and waterproof safe or a bank
safety deposit box.
Practice your plan with all household members.
Fill out the Emergency Information Form on
page 15 and post it prominently in your house.
Fill out the Emergency Pocket Cards on page15
and make a copy for each family member.
Everyone should carry one at all times.
Planning ahead with your neighbors
can help save lives and property.
Before an emergency occurs, meet with your
neighbors to plan how you could work together
until help arrives.
Participate in emergency preparedness activities
for your community.
Know your neighbors and consider how you could
help those with special needs, such as seniors
and people with disabilities.
Make an Emergency Kit
Preparing an Emergency Kit in advance can save
precious time if you must evacuate or seek shelter.
Put the following items in a sturdy, easy-to-carry
container such as a backpack or suitcase with wheels.
Keep your kit in an easily accessible place.
At least a three-day supply of water (one gallon
per person per day). Store in sealed, unbreakable
A three-to fi ve-day supply of non-perishable
canned food, and a non-electric can opener.
Battery-powered or hand crank radio.
Extra batteries.
Wrench and/or pliers to turn off utilities.
Whistle to signal for help.
First Aid kit.
Prescription medications for at least one week.
List of family physicians, important medical
information, and the style and serial number
of medical devices, such as pacemakers.
Cell phone charger.
Extra set of eyeglasses, or contact lenses
and solution.
Rain gear, sturdy shoes, and a change of clothing.
Blankets, bedding, and/or sleeping bags.
Identifi cation, credit cards, cash.
Photocopies of important family documents
including bank and home insurance information.
Extra set of car and house keys.
Local maps.
A copy of this Guide.
N95 dust masks to help fi lter contaminated air
(available at hardware stores).
Plastic sheeting, duct tape, and scissors to
shelter in place.
Tools: screwdrivers, waterproof matches, a fi re
extinguisher, fl ares, plastic storage containers,
needle and thread, pen and paper, a compass,
garbage bags, moist towelettes, and regular
household bleach.
Special items for seniors, family members with dis-
abilities, infants, and young children (see page 13).
Change batteries in all your equipment
at least once a year. An easy way to
remember is to do it when you turn your
clocks back in the fall.
Be Aware
You can help protect yourself and your family by
being aware of your surroundings wherever you go.
Keep an eye out for suspicious or unattended bags
or people acting strangely.
Immediately report unusual behavior, suspicious
or unattended packages, and strange devices to
the police or security personnel.
Never accept packages or other items from
If you feel uncomfortable, or if something seems
wrong, don’t hesitate to leave the area.
Know where the nearest emergency exits are.
Before an Emergency Strikes / During an Emergency
Getting Information
During and after an emergency, it might be diffi cult to
get information or instructions right away. If possible,
listen to offi cial emergency personnel to know what
you should do. Try to access the sources listed below.
If that is not possible, then you should get informa-
tion from television or radio news broadcasts, news
websites, or newspapers.
Getting Off cial Information: Alert DC
You can get offi cial emergency information directly
from the DC government in the following ways: on
the Web, by text alert, on the radio, or by telephone
voice messaging.
The Emergency Information Center Website and
Emergency Text Alerts (http://72hours.dc.gov)
Visit this offi cial DC government website for emer-
gency information. Sign up here in advance to get
emergency text messages on your cell phone,
e-mail, pager, or fax.
DC Emergency Alert System
Tune in to the following radio stations, which
have agreed to broadcast offi cial information
and instructions from the District government.
WTOP 103.5 FM
WPRS 104.1 FM
WJZW 105.9 FM
WKYS 93.9 FM
WPGC 95.5 FM
DC Emergency Voice Alerts, or “Reverse 911”
You may receive telephone voice messages
notifying you of emergencies requiring protective
action. Citizens are automatically enrolled.
The f rst thing you need during an emergency is information.
Familiarize yourself in advance with both off cial (government)
and non-off cial (news media) sources. You may also have to
make a critical decision: should you shelter in place or evacuate?
You need to plan for both possibilities.
During an Emergency
If power outages or other disruptions make it
impossible for you to access these sources,
trained volunteers from the District’s Com-
munity Emergency Response Teams (CERT) will be
circulating through your neighborhood to help inform
you about what to do. You can identify these volunteers
by their green hats and vests.
Stay or Go?
Should you stay where you are or evacuate? This
may be the fi rst big decision you’ll need to make in
an emergency situation. Plan for both possibilities.
Whenever possible, you should follow instructions
from emergency personnel in deciding whether to
shelter in place or evacuate. If you need to decide on
your own, use all available information, including what
you are learning here, to determine whether to shelter
in place or evacuate. The Types of Emergencies
section of this Guide provides emergency-specifi c
information about sheltering in place and evacuating.
A sensible way to decide whether to stay or
go is to ask yourself, “Will going outside or
traveling expose me to more or less danger?”
For more information about evacuating and
sheltering in place: http://ready.gov/america/
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
Shelter in Place
In some types of emergencies, being outside will
increase the danger. In these emergencies, the best,
safest response is to shelter in place. This means
staying inside a safe buildingyour house, work-
place, school, or other buildingor entering a nearby
building and seeking cover.
If you are asked to shelter in place:
Shelter in a room with the fewest doors and/or win-
dows possible. Ideally choose a room that has just
one door and at least 10 square feet per person.
Seal any doors, windows, and fi replaces.
If the emergency is airborne (such as a disease,
chemical release, or radiation) turn off ventilation
and hot air heating systems (radiator heat may
remain on).
Keep at least one phone line open for
emergency calls.
Stay tuned to your radio or television, or scan
offi cial websites for information and updates.
Use your Emergency Kit.
In some emergencies, you may be told to evacuate
your home or neighborhood. Offi cials will tell you
when to evacuate. If you have not received offi cial
word or been told to shelter in place, you may decide
to evacuate on your own if you sense you are in
immediate danger. If you are being told to evacuate,
look for information about available shelters through
the offi cial information sources discussed above.
If you have time, close windows, lock doors,
and unplug appliances. Authorities will tell
you if you need to turn off your utilities
(water, gas, electricity).
Evacuation by Walking
Many times, walking may be an effective means of
evacuating a neighborhood. Wear comfortable shoes
and clothing, and don’t forget to take your Emergency
Kit with you.
It is important to have an evacuation plan
for your pet. Visit http://hsus.org/disaster
for more information. Also, create a kit for
your pet, including ID collar and rabies tag, carrier
and leash, medications, newspapers and plastic trash
bags, veterinary records, and at least a two-day
supply of food and water.
Evacuation by Car or Other Vehicle
There are 19 primary event routes out of the city.
They are clearly marked with signs directing motorists
to the Capital Beltway (I-495) and beyond.
Pennsylvania Avenue will be the North/South
dividing line during an evacuation. No vehicles will be
permitted to cross Pennsylvania Avenue during an
evacuation. Take this into account as you plan where
your family will reunite after an emergency.
During an emergency, stay tuned to your local
emergency station or Highway Advisory Radio
station (1650 AM), or listen to emergency personnel
for instructions about which route to follow. If possible,
take your Emergency Kit with you.
On the Metro
If there is an emergency while you are on the Metro,
wait for the train to stop. Wait for instructions.
Do not exit the train unless instructed to do so.
The safest place is usually inside the Metro car.
Identify the side of the train where you will be exiting:
In a tunnel, look for the side of the tunnel with
lights and a raised walkway.
On elevated tracks outside, look for the side with
railing and walkway.
On ground-level tracks outside, look for the side
away from the other set of tracks and the third
rail, which generally has a white cover along it.
Use the box with the emergency door release
handle located to the left of the center doors of the
car. Pull the handle down, slide the left-center door
to the left, and exit the train.
Do not touch the third rail or the paddles
protruding from beneath the train. They carry
high voltage electricity. Also, stay away from
the tracks. A train could come without warning, and
there may be electric current in the rails.
The walkway in Metro tunnels switches from one
side to the other and may run between two sets of
tracks. To get from one walkway to another, cross
the track bed. Do not attempt to cross the third rail.
Look for emergency exits marked with lighted
signs. Use these exits, unless Metro or emergency
response personnel tell you not to do so. Follow
the stairs up to the hatchway doors, and exit to
the surface.
On the Bus
If there is an emergency while you are on a bus,
wait for the bus to stop. Listen to the bus operator’s
Windows and ceiling hatches serve as emergency
exits. Use the red levers on either side of a window
to release it.
For more information, visit Metro’s website
at http://wmata.com or call (202) 637-7000.
During an Emergency
DC Event Routes Reference Map
16th St. NW
Georgia Ave. (7th St.) NW
Rhode Island Ave. NE
New York Ave. NE
Benning Road NE (via H St.
NE and E. Capitol St. SE)
Pennsylvania Ave. SE
Branch Ave. SE
Pennsylvania Ave. NW/3rd
St./Independence Ave./Wash-
ington Ave. SW/S. Capitol
St./Suitland Pkwy.
9th St. NW
14th St. NW
Interstate 395/295
Constitution Ave. NW
E St. Expressway
K St. NW
Pennsylvania Ave.
Macarthur Blvd. NW
Canal Rd. NW
Wisconsin Ave. NW
Connecticut Ave. NW
Primary Event
Index of Primary Event Routes
Prince George’s County, MD
Montgomery County, MD
Fairfax County, VA
Arlington County, VA
County, VA
Alexandria, VA
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
Extreme Weather
The District is vulnerable to severe weather including
thunderstorms, hurricanes, fl ash fl oods, snowstorms,
and tornadoes. The safest place to ride out any storm
is inside a secure building. Also:
Listen to weather updates and stay informed.
Be ready to evacuate if necessary.
Keep away from windows and doors.
Have your Emergency Kit handy.
A severe weather watch means that severe
weather may develop, and you should be
alert to further warnings and information.
A severe weather warning means a storm has devel-
oped and is on its waytake cover immediately!
Thunderstorms may produce heavy winds and light-
ning. In general, if you are close enough to a storm
to hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck
by lightning. If caught outside:
Try to get inside a building as quickly as possible.
If a building is not available, move into a car with
windows rolled up, if possible.
In a group of people, spread out so that you are
several yards apart from each other.
Do not stand beneath trees.
For more information on severe weather
conditions, visit the National Weather
Service website at http://nws.noaa.gov.
Tornadoes are dangerous because of their high
winds and ability to lift and move heavy objects. If you
receive a tornado warning, seek shelter immediately.
If you are in your car, stop. Get out and lie fl at face
down in a low area (such as a ditch or gully).
Cover your head and wait for the tornado to pass.
At home: Go to the basement or storm shelter,
or rooms near the center of the house. Stay away
from doors and windows.
In a high-rise or other public building: Move to
the interior of the building, preferably a stairwell
or hallway.
Flash Flooding can be very dangerous because
of strong, swift currents.
Move immediately and quickly to higher ground.
The force of six inches of swiftly moving water
can knock people off their feet.
Never attempt to drive your vehicle through
standing water.
Always yield for ambulances, fi re trucks,
and police vehicles. It’s the lawand the
right thing to do.
Winter Storms can include any combination of heavy
snow, ice accumulation, freezing temperatures, and
dangerous wind chills.
If possible, stay inside.
If you do not have heat, contact your building owner
or utility provider. Make sure your heat source is
safe. If you’re unsure, call (202) 673-3331 for a free
home fi re safety inspection.
Never use your range or oven to warm your
homeit can start a fi re.
Different types of emergencies require different types of
responses. It is important for you to know what to do in each
of the following emergency situations.
Types of Emergencies
If you have to go outside, wear layers and water-
repellent outerwear to stay warm and dry.
Make sure small childrenespecially babies
stay warm. They are far more vulnerable to cold
conditions than adults are.
Avoid overexertion. Take your time shoveling
snow and drink plenty of fl uids.
Use public transportation whenever possible.
If you must drive, be sure to clear any snow from
your tailpipe before you start your car to prevent
carbon monoxide poisoning. While driving, stay
aware of road conditions, use extreme caution,
and maintain safe speeds and distances from
other vehicles. Bring a shovel and blankets.
SUVs and other vehicles with four-wheel
drive will skid just as easily as any other
cars in icy conditions. Drive responsibly
and leave enough distance between you and the
cars around you.
Extreme Heat
During the summer, District residents are especially
vulnerable to hot weather. Follow these steps to
stay cool:
Stay indoors as much as possible; turn on an air
conditioner or fan.
Drink plenty of non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated fl uids.
Wear light-colored, lightweight, and loose-fi tting
Limit your exposure to the sun, and apply sun-
screen at least 20 minutes before going outside
(at least SPF 15).
Watch for heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and
If necessary, fi nd a cooling center, which the city
opens when the heat index reaches 95 degrees.
Never leave children in unattended vehicles.
Even with a window slightly open on a
warm day, the temperature inside a car
can reach potentially deadly levels within minutes.
The District government implements
a heat emergency plan when the heat
index reaches 95 degrees. The plan
includes cooling centers, street showers, and the
distribution of fans to people with special needs.
Call 311 or visit http://hsema.dc.gov and click on
“Extreme Weather” for more information including
cooling center locations.
Extreme heat is particularly dangerous for
young children, seniors, and people with
special needs. On hot days, check on your
neighbors and offer them assistance.
It’s important to know that fi res spread quickly. In just
two minutes a fi re can become life threatening, and
in fi ve minutes a home can be engulfed in fl ames. In
addition, the heat and smoke from a fi re can be even
more dangerous than the fl ames.
If your smoke detector goes off, or if you see,
smell, or hear a f re or explosion:
Use water or a fi re extinguisher to put out
small fi res.
Do not try to put out a fi re that is getting out
of control. Leave the building immediately.
Don’t stop to bring anything with you.
Never use water on an electrical fi re. Use only a
re extinguisher approved for electrical fi res.
Smother oil and grease fi res in the kitchen with
baking soda or salt, or put a lid over the fl ame if
it is burning in a pan. Do not attempt to take the
pan outside.
If smoke is entering your room under the door,
nd another way out.
Before opening any door in a fi re, feel the door with
the back of your hand. If it is hot, fi nd another way
out. Close all doors behind you.
If you must exit through smoke, crawl or stay as
close to the fl oor as possible.
Do not use elevators.
If your clothes catch on fi re, stop, drop to the
ground, and roll over and over to smother the
After you get out, call 911 from a safe location.
Count family members and others who were in the
building to determine if everyone is out. Give this
information to the fi refi ghters.
Never go back into a burning building.
If you are trapped in a burning building, stay close
to the fl oor by a window and try to signal for help.
If you smell gas, exit the building
immediately. Call (703) 750-1400 or
(800) 752-7520.
Always properly store and dispose of fl am-
mable materials. Call the Mayor’s Citywide
Call Center at 311 for more information.
Install smoke detectors in your home or
apartment. Change smoke detector bat-
teries at least once a year. An easy way to
remember is to do it when you turn your clocks
back in the fall.
Types of Emergencies
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
An explosion can cause a fi re or a building collapse.
If there is an explosion in your building:
Exit the building as quickly as possible.
Leave all possessions behind.
Never use elevators.
Take shelter under a sturdy table or desk if you
can’t exit the building.
Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth or piece
of clothing.
If there is a fi re, follow the directions above.
If you are trapped by debris:
Move around as little as possible to avoid kicking
up dust.
Cover your nose and mouth with cloth or a piece
of clothing.
Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can hear where
you are.
Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a
last resort because it could cause you to inhale
dangerous amounts of dust.
Once you are out:
Don’t stand in front of windows, glass doors,
or other potentially hazardous areas.
Move away quickly to leave streets and sidewalks
clear for emergency offi cials or others still exiting
the building.
Chemical and Biological Emergencies
A chemical emergency can result from either an
accidental or malicious release of a chemical that
can make you sick. A pandemic or biological emer-
gency can result from either a natural outbreak of
disease or a deliberate release of germs or other
biological substances that can make you sick.
If you become aware of an unusual and
suspicious substance:
Get to a safe area (either by evacuating or
sheltering in place).
Inform authorities.
Protect yourself by covering your mouth and
nose with layers of fabric to fi lter the air.
Seek information from public health authorities
via offi cial alerts or the media.
Seek medical assistance if you become sick.
If you believe that you have been exposed
to a dangerous chemical:
Get to a safe area.
Remove all clothing immediately and wash
Seek medical assistance.
Get informed
During a pandemic or biological emergency, public
health offi cials may not immediately be able to provide
information on what you should do. Watch for offi cial
alerts that give you the following information:
Are you in the group or area authorities consider
in danger?
What are the signs and symptoms of the disease?
Are medications or vaccines being distributed?
If so, where? Who should get them?
Where should you seek emergency medical care
if you become sick?
During a pandemic or biological emergency,
take steps to avoid exposure:
Practice good hygiene: wash your hands regularly;
don’t share food, drinks, or utensils; and cover your
nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
Avoid areas where the threat has been identifi ed.
Avoid crowded areas.
If you or someone in your family becomes sick:
Take the illness seriouslydon’t just pass it off
as a cold.
Follow the steps provided in offi cial alerts to
determine if you have been exposed.
If your symptoms match those described and you
are in the group considered at risk, immediately
seek emergency medical attention or follow any
specifi c instructions that have been provided by
public health offi cials.
For more information about responding to a
chemical release: http://ready.gov/america/
For more information about responding to a
biological threat: http://ready.gov/america/
For more information about responding to
a pandemic emergency: http://ready.gov/
america/beinformed/inf uenza.html
Radiological Emergencies
A radiological threat can result from an accidental or
intentional release of radiation. An intentional release
can be the result of either a “dirty bomb” or other
radiological dispersion device, or a nuclear explosion.
Radiation is odorless and invisible, and unless there
is some form of explosion, you may not be immedi-
ately aware of the risk.
In a radiological emergency, there are three keys
to increased safety:
Time: Reduce the amount of time that you are
exposed to radiation (either by evacuating to a safe
area or by sheltering in place in a safe area).
Distance: Moving farther away from the radiation
source will reduce your exposure.
Shielding: If you shield yourself from the radiation
source (for example by staying within the walls of a
building), you will be exposed to less radiation.
If you have advance warning of a nuclear
explosion or radiation release:
Take cover immediately, preferably below ground.
If you can’t get underground, any shield or shelter
will help protect you.
In the event of a radiation release outside:
Cover your nose and mouth and immediately
seek shelter inside a building.
If you are already inside a building and the building
is stable, shelter in placeclose and seal (using
plastic or other materials) all doors, windows, and
replaces. Shut off air conditioners, hot air heating,
and other ventilation systems (radiator heat may
remain on).
If the release is inside a building where you
are located:
Cover your nose and mouth.
Get out of the building and to a safe area.
In the event of a nuclear explosion:
If you are outside, immediately take cover from
the blast and cover your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Take immediate steps to either seek shelter and
remain there, or evacuate to a safe area outside
the area of radiation.
If you shelter in place, try to do so below ground.
Close and seal (using plastic sheeting and duct
tape if available, or other materials) all doors,
windows, and fi replaces. Shut off air conditioners,
heating, and other ventilation systems.
Get informed. Watch for off cial alerts that
provide the following information:
Are you in an area where radiation is present?
Or are you in a safe area?
Are authorities instructing you to remain sheltered
in place, or are you being told to evacuate?
What routes do authorities want you to use to
Who should seek medical care? Where is such
care available? When is it safe and appropriate
to seek such care?
If, after a radiological release, you feel nauseous,
vomit, or feel generally sick, you may have been
exposed to radiation.
Remove all clothing and wash thoroughly.
Put contaminated clothing and other items where
you will not be exposed to them.
When safe and appropriate, seek emergency
medical assistance.
Types of Emergencies
For more information about responding to
a radiation emergency: http://ready.gov/
For more information about responding to
a nuclear emergency: http://ready.gov/
Loss of Utilities
If Your Power Goes Out
Loss of utilities (electricity, gas, or water) can occur for
many reasons including severe weather, blackouts, or
equipment failure.
Use a fl ashlight. Do not use candles or kerosene
lanternsthey are a fi re hazard.
Turn off and unplug major appliances and sensitive
electric equipment, such as computers, VCRs, and
Keep your refrigerator and freezer doors closed as
much as possible.
Do not use your range or oven to heat your home
this can cause a fi re or fatal gas leak.
Use extreme caution when driving. If traffi c signals
are out, treat each signal as a stop signcome
to a complete stop at every intersection and look
before you proceed.
Do not call 911 to ask about the power outage.
Listen to the news radio stations for updates.
Always keep a traditional, non-cordless
telephone available. Cordless phones may
not work when the power is out.
If You Need Clean Water
Flooding can contaminate water supplies. Bad water
can contain microorganisms that cause diseases
such as dysentery, typhoid, and hepatitis.
If you think your water may be contaminated, you
should purify it before using it. This includes water
used for drinking, cooking, cleaning dishes, or
The best way to purify water is to bring it to a boil
for 3–5 minutes, and then allow it to cool before
If necessary, you can use bleach to treat water by
adding 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach
per gallon of water. Do not use bleach if it has
added cleaners, or if it is scented or color-safe.
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
Family Records and Financial Recovery
Taking steps to protect and ensure access to impor-
tant family records and fi nancial information can make
recovery easier.
Keep copies of your identifi cation and other impor-
tant family papers, such as marriage licenses and
birth certifi cates.
Keep a record of all your fi nancial accounts (bank
accounts, loans, credit cards), including the name
of each institution, its contact information, and your
account numbers.
If you keep important information on your computer,
regularly back up your data.
Keep a copy of this information in your Emergency
You may want to store important informa-
tion in a fi reproof and waterproof safe, or in
a secure place away from your home, such
as a bank safety deposit box.
If you run a home-based or small business, you
should take additional steps to prepare yourself.
Back up and store all computer records offsite.
If you have a store or offi ce, have an evacuation
plan in place for staff and customers.
Maintain suffi cient insurance coverage.
Identify critical business functions (such as
shipping, inventory control, payroll) and develop
processes to ensure these will carry on.
Develop a communications plan so that employees
can get information after a disaster, and so you
can keep track of any staff.
In the wake of a disaster, many fi nancial
institutions offer victims help (such as
exibility with payments). You may want
to discuss this with your bank, lender, or credit
card company.
Disaster victims may also be eligible for federal, local
and/or charitable assistance to help recover from the
nancial impacts of a disaster. Look for information
about various assistance programs that may be
Emotional Recovery
Recovery from an emergency continues even after
you return home, as you deal with the emotional
and psychological effects of the event. Reactions
vary from person to person, but may include:
Restless sleep or nightmares
Anger or wanting revenge
Numbness or lack of emotion
Needing to keep active, restlessness
Needing to talk about your experiences
Loss of appetite
Weight loss or gain
Mood swings
All of the above are normal reactions to stressful
events, and it is important to let people react their
own way. It may be helpful to:
Talk with your family and friends about what
happened and how you feel about it.
Volunteer at a local shelter, blood bank, or food
pantry to assist emergency victims.
Spend time doing things other than watching
or listening to news of the disaster.
Consult your minister or other religious leader
or spiritual advisor.
In particular, children may need reassurance and
extra attention. Encourage them to share their feelings.
They may tell stories about the emergency over and
over againthis is a common way for them to grasp
what they’ve experienced. You may also want to share
your feelings about the event with them.
During and after an emergency, stay tuned to your local emergency
station and follow the advice of emergency personnel. Unless told
to evacuate, avoid roads to allow emergency vehicles access.
After an Emergency
Seniors and People with Disabilities
Create a personal support network of family
and friends who can help you in an emergency.
Make sure that someone in your network has a
key to your home and knows where you keep
emergency supplies.
Keep at least a week’s worth of medications on
hand. Also keep a copy of all prescriptions as
well as dosage or treatment information.
If you undergo any regular medical treatments,
or if you require home health care services, talk
to your service provider about its emergency plans.
Talk to your pharmacist or doctor about what
else you need to prepare.
If you are dependent on electricity for a wheelchair or
any life-sustaining device, consult your power provider.
Make copies of important documents, including
your health insurance and Medicare and Medicaid
cards. Keep this list in your Emergency Kit, along
with the names and phone numbers of the people
in your support network.
Keep emergency cash or travelers checks on hand.
For your Emergency Kit, consider items such as
eyeglasses, hearing aids and hearing aid batteries,
wheelchair batteries, oxygen, dentures, and emer-
gency foods that meet any special dietary needs.
For more assistance:
Contact the DC Offi ce on Aging at
(202) 724-5622.
Visit the DC Fire and Emergency Medical
Services website for evacuation planning tips:
Visit http://ready.gov for readiness brochures
for seniors and people with disabilities.
If you have elderly or disabled neighbors, offer
to help them prepare for any emergency. Be-
come part of their personal support network.
After an Emergency / Special Information for You and Your Loved Ones
Seniors and people with disabilities may have special needs
that you need to consider in preparing for emergencies. If you or
someone in your family has special needs, consider the following
tips when preparing your emergency plans.
Special Information for You
and Your Loved Ones
Parents and Families
Include your children in your planning, practice your
plans with them, and periodically quiz them to make
sure they understand what to do. Always stress that
this is a “just in case” plan.
Get a copy of your child’s school or daycare
emergency plans.
Make plans for where you can meet your child after
an evacuation.
Make sure that the school has up-to-date contact
information for you and other family members.
If possible, authorize a friend or family member
to pick up your child in an emergency if you are
unable to do so.
If you have young children, make sure your Emer-
gency Kit includes toys, books, and other personal
items for your child.
The American Academy of Pediatrics pro-
vides emergency planning resources for
families: http://aap.org/family/frk/frkit.htm.
What Your Child Needs to Know:
How to dial 911 for emergency assistance
His/her name, phone number, and address.
How to reach you and other family members.
Contact information for the family’s out-of-state
How to make long-distance telephone calls.
Special Emergency Kit Items for Infants:
Formula, bottled water, bottles, nipples
Jars of baby food and baby spoons
Diapers and diaper rash ointment
Moist towelettes and hand sanitizer
Blankets, pacifi ers, and layers of clothing
Sunhat in warm months, warm hat in cool months
Several small, lightweight toys
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
DC Citizen Corps
DC Citizen Corps creates opportunities for people
to help their communities prepare for and respond
to emergencies by providing training and exercise
opportunities. DC Citizens Corps programs include:
Neighborhood Corps organizes trained volunteers
at the neighborhood level. These volunteers are
mobilized to respond to emergencies in their
communities as part of the District’s overall
emergency response.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
volunteer program trains individuals in basic
emergency preparedness and response. When
emergencies occur, CERT members assist and
support fi rst responders, provide assistance to
victims, and organize volunteer response efforts.
Commander Ready Program is a specialized
preparedness training component designed to
educate and engage young people ages 5–13
in emergency preparedness training and exercises.
The Commander Ready TeamReggie, Rachel,
and Rodneyeducates young people about pre-
paredness and provides practical, service-oriented
lessons to improve math, science, language arts,
health, and social studies skills.
In addition to preparing yourself and your family to respond to
emergencies, you can also volunteer to help the District and your
neighborhood become better prepared through the following
Serve DC programs.
Get Involved
For more information on the DC Citizen
Corps visit:
DC Citizen Corps: http://serve.dc.gov/cncs/cwp/
Neighborhood Corps: http://serve.dc.gov/cncs/
CERT: http://serve.dc.gov/cncs/cwp/
Commander Ready: http://serve.dc.gov/cncs/
You can also get involved through the National
Capital Area chapter of the American Red
Cross, which offers training on First Aid and
emergency response. Visit http://redcross.org.
Get Involved / Resources
Before an emergency occurs, f ll out these forms. Post a copy
of the Emergency Information Form on your refrigerator or by
a phone. Give each family member an Emergency Pocket Card
and make sure they carry it at all times.
Out-of-Town Contact
Home Evacuation Meeting Place
Regional Evacuation Meeting Place
Important names and telephone numbers:
Police and Fire Emergency 911
Insurance (Home)
Insurance (Health)
Fill out the following for each family member:
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Important Medical Information
Emergency Telephone (cell)
Work or School Evacuation Location
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Important Medical Information
Emergency Telephone (cell)
Work or School Evacuation Location
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Important Medical Information
Emergency Telephone (cell)
Work or School Evacuation Location
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Important Medical Information
Emergency Telephone (cell)
Work or School Evacuation Location
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC
Out of Town Contact Name
Neighborhood Meeting Place
Out-of-State Meeting Place
Family Member
Family Member
Be Ready DC
Emergency Pocket Card
Emergency Information Form
Out of Town Contact Name
Neighborhood Meeting Place
Out-of-State Meeting Place
Family Member
Family Member
Be Ready DC
Emergency Pocket Card
A Guide to Family Preparedness
Be Ready DC