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Parma% High School
General Itinerary of Washington DC/Gettysburg Tour
April 24% 26
We are excited to announce our annual trip to Washington DC. Below is important# information
including trip details, costs, important# dates, and much more. Please read through and consider
sending your child along for a great# learning experience!
Day 1
- Depart% at% 7AM% traveling to D.C. on chartered bus service
- Arrive in D.C. and visit the American History Museum. Then head to Arlington Cemetery
and be led by a% licensed D.C. tour guide for the rest% of the day.
Day 2
- Licensed D.C. Guide with group all day to “tour the monuments( and memorials”
including Jefferson, FDR, Martin Luther King Jr memorials and the World War II, Lincoln,
Vietnam and Korea% monuments. We will also view the White House, the Capital
Building and the Holocaust% Museum (Daniels Story or the full museum).
Day 3
- Travel to Mount% Vernon
- Mount Vernon admissions included time to tour George Washington’s home, see the
tomb and explore the grounds. There will also be time in the interactive learning
Trip $also $includes
- Trip is organized and planned by Great% Day Educational Tours.
- Trip%will include licensed tour guides.
- Two nights at% the Holiday Inn with security guard at% night% (school is also providing a%
security guard for the entirety of the trip).
- Transportation provided on motor coach buses, which have Wi-Fi, DVD’s, and restrooms
- Trip includes 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and 3 dinners.
- Chaperoned by teachers, administration, and nurse (on top of guides and security from
travel company).
Important$ Information
- Cost% of trip is 500$% per student.
- Money is due in three payments. First% payment% (175$)%is%due%by% November 28
deadline is important% to hold a% spot% for your child.
- Suspensions%from school% could lead to revoking student’s ability to attend trip.
- There will be a% meeting for both parents, guardians, and students on October 18
meeting will be at% 6PM% in the school auditorium in the front% of Parma% Senior High.
- Any questions or concerns please contact% Sean Connors at% Parma% Senior High or reach
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Important$ dates$for the $Trip
- October$17
- Meeting with 8
grade students at% school to pass out% information and
explain the trip to students.
- October$18
Meeting with parents at% 6PM% in the auditorium to go over trip details
and answer questions.
- November 28
trip payment% of $175 is due. This payment# date cannot# be missed.
This secures student’s rooms, busing, restaurants, food, admissions, etc.
- December$7
Meeting with 8
grade students to sign up for rooms and distribute
medical forms.
- January 15
Second payment% of $175 is due. Medical forms are also due.
- March 15
Final payment% of $150 is due.
- April 10
Parent% meeting to go over final trip preparation and answer questions about%
the trip.
- Contact% Mr. Connors at% Parma% High or email him at% [email protected]
If you have questions prior to the meeting.
- Please turn in your payments and payment% forms (next% page) in an envelope to the
front% office with the appropriate slip from below to indicate payment.
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Please cut% and detach each form when you are making a% payment, and follow the directions on
the form.
Third Payment% (must% be turned in by March 15
Student’s Full name (Printed) ________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s name (printed) ____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s phone number_____________________________________________
Please check one
First% 175$ payment% ______% Second% 175$ payment% _______% Third 150$ Payment_______%
Pay in full $500 _______
Second Payment% (must% be turned in by January 15
Student’s Full name (Printed) ________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s name (printed) ____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s phone number_____________________________________________
Please check one
First% 175$ payment% ______% Second 175$ payment% _______% Third 150$ Payment_______%
Pay in full $500 _______
_% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% __% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% _% __% _% _% _% _%
First% Payment% (must% be turned in by November 28
**************Medical forms( need to be turned in with this( payment**************
Student’s Full name (Printed) ________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s name (printed) ____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s phone number_____________________________________________
Please check one
First% 175$ payment% ______% Second 175$ payment% _______% Third 150$ Payment_______%
Pay in full $500 _______