fpsyg-12-645764 February 1, 2022 Time: 14:43 # 1
published: 07 February 2022
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645764
Edited by:
Roberta Antonini Philippe,
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Reviewed by:
Roland Seiler,
University of Bern, Switzerland
David Trouilloud,
Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Maarten De Backer
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Performance Science,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 23 December 2020
Accepted: 23 December 2021
Published: 07 February 2022
De Backer M,
Van Puyenbroeck S, Fransen K,
Reynders B, Boen F, Malisse F and
Vande Broek G (2022) Does Fair
Coach Behavior Predict the Quality
of Athlete Leadership Among Belgian
Volleyball and Basketball Players:
The Vital Role of Team Identification
and Task Cohesion.
Front. Psychol. 12:645764.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645764
Does Fair Coach Behavior Predict
the Quality of Athlete Leadership
Among Belgian Volleyball and
Basketball Players: The Vital Role of
Team Identification and Task
Maarten De Backer
, Stef Van Puyenbroeck, Katrien Fransen, Bart Reynders, Filip Boen,
Florian Malisse and Gert Vande Broek
Physical Activity, Sports and Health Research Group, Department of Movement Sciences, Faculty of Movement
and Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
A vast stream of empirical work has revealed that coach and athlete leadership are
important determinants of sport teams’ functioning and performance. Although coaches
have a direct impact on individual and team outcomes, they should also strive to
stimulate athletes to take up leadership roles in a qualitative manner. Yet, the relation
between coach leadership behavior and the extent of high-quality athlete leadership
within teams remains underexposed. Based on organizational justice theory and the
social identity approach, the present research tested whether perceived justice of the
coach positively predicts the quality of athlete leadership. Furthermore, we examined the
role of group dynamic processes (i.e., team identification and task cohesion) within this
relation. Belgian volleyball (N = 161) and basketball players (N = 78) were asked to rate
the justice of their coach, their team identification, the task cohesion, and the athlete
leadership quality in the team. Structural equation modeling indicated that coaches’
perceived justice positively predicted the quality of athletes’ leadership, and that this
relation was established through three intermediate steps (i.e., from team identification
to task cohesion, to athlete leadership quality). These results suggest that fair coach
behavior does not only bridge the gap between leadership and followership, it also has
the potential to improve the quality of athletes’ leadership within sport teams. More
specifically, findings suggest that coaches’ perceived justice cultivates a shared social
identity characterized by high levels of players’ identification with their team, which in
turn increased their perceptions of the team’s task cohesion. Finally, this increased task
cohesion encouraged the athlete leaders to demonstrate high-quality leadership.
Keywords: organizational justice, fairness, social identity approach, group dynamics, team sports, coaching
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De Backer et al. Fair Coaching Predicts Athlete Leadership
Bringing talented players together is only the first step toward
success in team sport competition. The second and more
important step is persuading these players to function together as
a team. It is this team functioning that often makes the difference
between winning and losing. Effective leadership of the coach
plays an important role in the process of optimizing this team
functioning (Cotterill, 2013). Research in the business setting
concluded that leadership effectiveness predicts optimal team
functioning (Stoker et al., 2001; Judge et al., 2004) and depends
on the perceived justice of the leader (Colquitt and Greenberg,
2003; van Knippenberg et al., 2007). In line with these results,
research in the sport setting (De Backer et al., 2011, 2015) has
shown that when coaches are perceived as fair, athletes would
more strongly identify with their team. More specifically, instead
of defining themselves in terms of their personal identity (as “I”
and “me”), players would rather define themselves as members
of their team (as “we and “us”) and strongly valued this group
membership. Moreover, it has been shown that a high level of
team identification and team cohesion decreased the amount
of social loafing within sport teams (De Backer et al., 2011,
2015). Recent research also indicated that athletes who perceived
their coach as fair showed higher levels of satisfaction with the
working method of their coach and reported more progression
(De Backer et al., 2020).
However, the coach is not the only source of leadership
that can influence the team functioning. Also leaders within
the team can occupy important leadership roles. These athlete
leaders have been defined as “athletes, occupying a formal or
informal role within a team, who influence a group of team
members to achieve a common goal” (Loughead et al., 2006).
Recent work has demonstrated that these athlete leaders have
the potential to improve their team’s functioning, performance,
and teammates well-being (Mertens et al., 2018; Fransen et al.,
2020c). As a result, it seems valuable to examine whether and
how coaches can stimulate athletes to take up leadership roles in
a qualitative manner.
The first studies on athlete leadership in sport teams
distinguished between three different leadership roles (Loughead
et al., 2006): (1) Task leadership, which focused on the
accomplishment of the team goals on the field (e.g., offering
teammates tactical instructions when required); (2) Social
leadership, which fostered on cultivating positive interactions
between team members outside the field (e.g., offering support
to teammates and caring for a good atmosphere off the field);
and (3) External leadership, aiming for a good representation
of the team toward people outside the team, such as media,
sponsors, .. . . However, research of Fransen et al. (2014b)
demonstrated the existence of a fourth distinct role, namely
the motivational leader on the field. This motivational leader
encourages teammates to stay motivated during games and
practices (e.g., by encouraging teammates to do their utmost
on the field). Fransen et al. (2014a) demonstrated that each of
the four leadership roles contributes to an overall perception
of athlete leader quality. High-quality athlete leadership in
the team has been linked to higher levels of team cohesion
(Price and Weiss, 2011, 2013; Fransen et al., 2014b), team
confidence (Fransen et al., 2014a), and even team performance
(Fransen et al., 2015a).
It is thus well-known that qualitative athlete leaders positively
impact the team’s functioning and several performance-
enhancing outcomes. Yet, research on athlete leadership
has almost exclusively focused on outcomes of high-quality
leadership within teams, thereby ignoring how the quality of
athlete leaders can be fostered within a team. Only recently,
scholars have started to develop intervention protocols to
develop athlete leadership (e.g., Fransen et al., 2020b). Yet even
these studies mainly target players within the team, thereby
underlighting the potential role of coaches leadership style and
coach behavior in stimulating high-quality athlete leadership
within their teams. The current study aimed to address this
question by investigating the relation between the perceived
justice of the coach and athlete leadership quality in sport
teams. De Backer et al. (2011, 2015) already referred to the
importance of the perceived justice of the coach for shaping team
identification and cohesiveness within the team. We assume that
such positive group dynamics are key conditions to foster high
qualitative athlete leadership.
In order to gain insight in the process through which a fair
coaching style could foster high qualitative athlete leadership,
we draw on the organizational justice theory (Greenberg, 1987).
This theory describes and explains the importance of a leader’s
fairness in the workplace (Greenberg, 1990). Scientists have
translated organizational justice to the team sport context
(Jordan et al., 2004), in which they have focused on the
three original subtypes of organizational justice: distributive
justice (i.e., the perceived fairness of decision outcomes such
as the playing time; Adams, 1965): procedural justice (i.e., the
perceived fairness of the procedures used to obtain outcomes,
such as the use of objective scouting information; Thibaut and
Walker, 1975), and interactional justice (i.e., the interpersonal
treatment and the information individuals receive from the
coach; Bies and Moag, 1986).
Organizational justice research has been characterized by
studies on the unique effects of these different types of justice.
However, researchers have demonstrated that individual’s justice
perceptions may not be accurately evaluated when the various
dimensions of justice are differentiated (Hauenstein et al., 2001).
Therefore, a shift toward examining overall justice judgments
is recommended (Ambrose and Arnaud, 2005). For example,
Törnblom and Vermunt (1999) stated that the components of
fairness are only meaningful in relation to the overall fairness
of the situation (i.e., the justice of a situation as a Gestalt).
Accordingly, Greenberg (2001) suggested that when individuals
form justice perceptions, they do so with a “holistic judgment
in which they respond to whatever information is both available
and salient” (p. 211). In line with these suggestions, the present
research used the composite score of the three perceived justice
subcomponents and aimed to study whether athletes’ overall
perceived justice of the coach predict athletes’ leadership quality.
As mentioned before, to our knowledge no research has
been performed on the effect of coach behavior on athletes
leadership quality. However, previous research in the team sport
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De Backer et al. Fair Coaching Predicts Athlete Leadership
setting clearly demonstrated that coaches behavior strongly
predicts the extent to which team members take initiative by
correcting others or providing suggestions for improvement (Van
Puyenbroeck et al., 2017). In addition, research on justice in
sport did support a positive link between the perception of
fair coach behavior and athletes’ team identification and team
cohesion (De Backer et al., 2011, 2015). Both team identification
and cohesion are known to be crucial for group-oriented
behavior, such as cooperative behavior, task performance, and the
amount of effort that people are willing to exert for their team
(Haslam, 2004; Høigaard et al., 2006). Furthermore, De Backer
et al. (2015) showed that team identification and task cohesion
mediate the relation between perceived fairness of the coach and
athletes’ social loafing.
As a result, this research does not only aim to provide evidence
that the perception of justice is an important antecedent of
high-quality athlete leadership in sport teams. It also aims to
explore the pathways that lead from the perception of justice to
the perception of high-quality athlete leadership. Therefore, our
hypothesized model was not only grounded on the organizational
justice theory, but also on the social identity approach (SIA;
Haslam, 2004). This theory, which distinguishes between a
personal identity and a social identity, explains how the perceived
fairness of the coach fosters athletes’ social identity, which in turn
is positively linked to increased levels of task cohesion on the
team. Personal identity refers to the self as a unique individual,
while social identity refers to the self as an interchangeable
group member (i.e., peoples sense of themselves as part of
“us”). Furthermore, SIA states that perceiving the self as an
interchangeable member of a category (i.e., the self-categorization
process) is the cognitive process associated with social identity.
Turner (1982) argued that the “switching on” of social identity
is the cognitive mechanism that makes group behavior possible.
Consequently, when an athlete identifies with the team (e.g.,
based on situational incentives such as the presence of an
opponent team), this social identity will dominate, which in
turn will lead to the internalization of the norms and behaviors
prescribed by this group.
The closely related concept of team cohesion was defined
by Carron et al. (1998, p. 213) as “a dynamic process that is
reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain
united in the pursuit of its instrumental objectives and/or for
the satisfaction of member affective needs.” They distinguished
between a social subcomponent (i.e., a general orientation
toward developing and maintaining social relationships within
the group) and a task subcomponent (i.e., a general orientation
toward achieving the group’s goals and objectives). Both
components have been further differentiated into an individual
(i.e., individual attraction to the group) and a group component
(i.e., group integration). Previous research (Heuzé et al., 2006; De
Backer et al., 2015) has indicated that especially task cohesion
plays a vital role in the group functioning of elite sport teams.
The group engagement model (Tyler and Blader, 2003)
connects both the organizational justice theory and the SIA. More
precisely, it indicates that the impact of perceived justice on
peoples engagement in groups is mediated by identity judgments.
In support of the group engagement model, De Backer et al.
(2011, 2015) showed that high perceived justice of the coach
shapes high levels of identification with the team, which in turn
increases the team cohesion and decreases the social loafing
among team athletes. The group engagement model explains
this increased team identification as a logical consequence of
the fact that two essential functions of organizational justice
(i.e., quality of decision making, and quality of interpersonal
treatment) contribute to peoples assessment that it is safe for
them to merge their identity with their group. Furthermore,
the results of De Backer et al. (2011, 2015) showed that
team identification and team cohesion were closely related
but different constructs. In line with these results, Dutton
et al. (1994) stated that the perception of a shared categorical
identity (i.e., team identification) creates an in-group bias
by accentuating the perceived similarities with other group
members and results in positive attitudes toward these in-group
members. This process eventually leads to increased intragroup
cohesion (Dutton et al., 1994). In other words, team identity
is the fundamental process of internalizing norms and values
of a group, which lead to more process-based outcomes such
as task cohesion.
Finally, in line with a previous statement of Zaccaro et al.
(2001), we assume that the relation between leadership and
team processes (i.e., team identification and cohesion) is not
unidirectional, but bidirectional. More specifically, we expect
that these team processes may also foster athletes leadership
quality. Research in business settings has revealed that members
of highly cohesive and more specifically task cohesive groups
show more qualitative leadership behavior: (a) They plan
more efficiently and develop more appropriate performance
strategies (Hackman and Morris, 1975; Hackman, 1976); and
(b) They set and enforce stringent performance norms to
compel maximal effort of all team members (Zaccaro and
McCoy, 1988). Zaccaro et al. (2001) confirmed that task-oriented
cohesion is associated with strong work norms and that once
these norms have been established, they are enforced by the
members themselves (e.g., by communicating in various ways
with non-conforming individuals to bring them in line with
group work expectations). These behaviors closely align with
athlete leadership behaviors. Therefore, we expect that task
cohesion in particular will be positively related to athletes
leadership quality.
To summarize, and based on this theoretical background,
we expect that perceived fairness of the coach will positively
predict athletes leadership quality. More specifically, we expect
that this prediction will be established through three intermediate
steps. That is, we expect that coaches’ perceived justice will foster
athletes team identification, which in turn is hypothesized to
positively predict task cohesion. The increased levels of task
cohesion, in turn, are expected to be related to increased levels
of perceived athlete leadership quality.
Hypothesis 1: Athletes perceived justice of the coach positively
predicts the perceived quality of athlete leadership.
Hypothesis 1a: Athletes perceived justice of the coach
positively predicts team identification.
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De Backer et al. Fair Coaching Predicts Athlete Leadership
Hypothesis 1b: Team identification positively predicts task
Hypothesis 1c: Task cohesion positively predicts athlete
leadership quality.
All hypotheses were combined into one comprehensive
research model (Figure 1).
Participants and Procedures
We defined our sample size using the proposed ratio of sample
size/parameters by Kline (2005). He argues that this ratio should
at least be 5:1. Our model includes 30 parameters that need
to be estimated, which requires at least a sample size of 150
athletes. Based on the response rates of previous studies in
sport teams (e.g., Van Puyenbroeck et al., 2020), we contacted
30 teams in order to obtain this sample size. To recruit the
research sample, we first listed all Flemish (i.e., Dutch speaking
part of Belgium) basketball and volleyball clubs from the highest
national to the first regional level of the Belgian competitions.
Second, we randomly and blindly selected 18 Belgian volleyball
and 12 Belgian basketball teams. Consequently, the head coaches
of these 30 teams were contacted by telephone and informed
about the purpose and the design of the research. Twenty-
six coaches allowed their teams to take part in the study (i.e.,
seven male and 11 female volleyball teams, and five male and
three female basketball teams). Four basketball coaches indicated
that the workload of their players was too high and refused to
participate in the study. The final research sample consisted of
239 senior athletes (i.e., 62 male and 99 female volleyball players,
and 54 male and 24 female basketball players). This gives a total
response rate of 81.3% (i.e., the response rate was respectively,
81.3% for volleyball, and 81.2% for basketball). It should be
noted that the response rates for two volleyball teams were
significantly lower (i.e., 36.4 and 45.5%) than the response rates
of the other 24 teams (i.e., at least 58%). The lower response rates
could be partly explained by the fact that both teams struggled
with a lot of injured players. The mean age of the players was
23.10 years (SD = 4.95) and they had worked together for on
average 2.17 years with their current coach (SD = 1.84).
During or after a practice, we verbally informed the athletes
about the objectives of our study and invited them to participate.
The accurate timing of this briefing depended on the coachs
preference. Athletes who agreed to participate first provided
their written informed consent and afterward completed a
paper-and-pencil questionnaire. A trained research assistant was
present to clarify ambiguities and answer possible questions.
The current study was approved by the Doctoral School
of Biomedical Sciences (i.e., by the Doctoral Committee of
Kinesiology, Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy) of the
KU Leuven. Furthermore, the ethical standards of the American
Psychological Association (APA) were followed in the conduct
of the study. No rewards were given for participation, and prior
to completing the questionnaire, it was stated that participation
was completely voluntary and that the players anonymity was
guaranteed. Prior to the data analysis, the names of the athletes
and teams were replaced by numeric athlete and team IDs. The
analyses were performed on this dataset. The original pencil-
and-paper questionnaires were stored in a locked cupboard,
thereby complying to the research institutes data management
regulations. No individual or team scores were shared with the
coaches or other athletes/teams. We emphasized the importance
of responding independently and honestly to the questions.
Perceived Justice (Nine Items)
Justice perceptions were assessed with nine items selected from
a 12-item justice measurement used in previous research (De
Backer et al., 2015). This Dutch justice measurement was based
on the justice questionnaire developed by Colquitt (2001) in
the business setting and used a 5-point Likert scale (strongly
disagree = 1; strongly agree = 5). We shortened the questionnaire
to limit the workload of the athletes, by selecting the three highest
loading items of each of the three subscales previously used in
the team sport setting by De Backer et al. (2015). The shortened
nine-item measurement consisted of three items that assessed
the perception of distributive justice (e.g., “The minutes I play
per game are a true reflection of my commitment and efficiency
during the game”), three items that assessed the perception of
procedural justice (e.g., “The decisions of my coach are based
on objective information”), and three items that assessed the
perception of interactional justice by evaluating the degree to
which the procedures and outcomes are clear for the athletes
(e.g., “My coach motivated and argued his decisions”). A second-
order confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) established that the
nine items formed three subcategories of justice (distributive,
procedural, and interactional justice), which in turn significantly
contributed to an overall measurement of perceived justice
= 46.61, df = 23, p = 0.00; χ
/df = 2.03; GFI = 0.96; CFI = 0.98;
RMSEA = 0.07). The internal consistency of the overall justice
scale (Cronbachs α = 0.87) was high.
Identification With the Team (Five Items)
Team identification was measured using five items. These items
were based on the fan identification scale constructed by Boen
et al. (2008). We slightly rephrased the items to fit the specific
team sport context (e.g., “this team” replaced “my old club”). The
reliability of this adapted scale was already demonstrated in a
sample of Flemish team athletes (Fransen et al., 2014a, 2015a;
De Backer et al., 2015). The five items used a 7-point Likert scale
(strongly disagree = 3; strongly agree = 3). An example item is “I
strongly identify with this team.” CFA showed good fit to the data
= 3.05, df = 3, p = 0.38; χ
/df = 1.02; GFI = 1.00; CFI = 1.00;
RMSEA = 0.01) and the internal consistency of the five-item scale
was excellent (Cronbachs α = 0.91).
Task Cohesion (Nine Items)
Task cohesion was questioned with the two task-related
subcomponents of the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ;
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De Backer et al. Fair Coaching Predicts Athlete Leadership
FIGURE 1 | The hypothesized structural model of overall justice, team identification, task cohesion, and athlete leadership quality.
Carron et al., 1998) using a 9-point Likert scale (strongly
disagree = 1; strongly agree = 9). Four items assessed the individual
attraction to the group-task subcomponent (e.g., “I am unhappy
with the team’s level of desire to win”), and five items assessed the
group involvement-task subcomponent (e.g., “Our team is united
in trying to reach its performance goals”). The CFA of the two-
factor task cohesion measurement showed an acceptable fit to the
data (χ
= 63.91, df = 24, p = 0.00; χ
/df = 2.66; GFI = 0.95;
CFI = 0.96; RMSEA = 0.08). However, the factor loading for one
item of the individual attraction to the group subcomponent (i.e.,
“I am satisfied with the playing time I get”) was low (0.24). When
this item was removed, the fit of the model improved significantly
= 26.86, df = 17, p = 0.06; χ
/df = 1.58; GFI = 0.97; CFI = 0.99;
RMSEA = 0.05) and the internal consistency of the individual
attraction to the group subcomponent increased from α = 0.72
to α = 0.80. Therefore, we removed this item for further analyses.
Another consideration was the high correlation (r = 0.88)
between the two task cohesion subcomponents in this two-factor
model. In addition to this high correlation, the Cronbachs α
for a combined subscale of overall task cohesion (0.89) was
higher than the Cronbachs α for individual attraction to the
group-task (0.80) and group involvement-task (0.84) separately.
Therefore, we decided to combine the individual attraction to the
group-task (three items) and the group involvement-task (five
items) subcomponents into one latent variable (i.e., overall task
cohesion) for the following main analyses.
Athlete Leadership Quality (Four Items)
In line with previous overall leadership research (Chemers
et al., 2000; Fransen et al., 2014a) we opted for a single-item
approach of athletes’ leadership quality. Tenenbaum et al. (2007)
and Tenenbaum and Gershgoren (2011) already argued for a
higher ecological validity of such single-item measurements.
The current study examined the overall perceived leadership
quality of the four athlete leaders on each of the leadership
roles (i.e., task, motivational, social, and external leader). First,
the exact descriptions of the four leadership roles, as outlined
in previous research (Fransen et al., 2014b) and displayed in
Supplementary Appendix 1, were presented to the participants.
With these descriptions in mind, players had to appoint the player
in their team who corresponded best to the description of the
four leaders. Subsequently, participants were asked to complete
the item “To what extent do you think that this leader fulfils
his/her role as task/motivational/social/external leader well?” for
each of the appointed leaders on a 7-point Likert scale (very
bad = 3; very good = 3). This measurement already showed
to be reliable and valid in a sample of Flemish team sport
athletes (Fransen et al., 2014b). CFA confirmed that each of
the four different leadership roles significantly contributed to an
overall measure of perceived athlete leader quality (χ
= 0.85,
df = 2, p = 0.66; χ
/df = 0.42; GFI = 1.00; CFI = 1.00;
RMSEA < 0.001).
Data Analysis
First, the hypothesized model was examined through Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) with Mplus (Muthén and Muthén,
2017). Mplus also allows us to control for the nested structure
of our data, as players were nested within teams, by using the
TYPE = complex command. If we would ignore this nested
structure and only test a simple single-level model using SEM,
the standard errors would be inflated resulting in Type I error.
The statistical procedure used in this study therefore adjusts
the standard errors to prevent them from being inflated due
to clustering (for more information, see McNeish et al., 2017;
Muthén and Muthén, 2017).
The skewness of the studied variables ranged from 1.56 to
0.05, which are considered acceptable values when conducting
SEM (Brown, 2015). SEM is a robust analytical technique of
which the assumptions are not sensitive to such small deviations
(Griffin and Steinbrecher, 2013). Furthermore, we used the
robust maximum likelihood estimator (MLR) for the estimation
of our models, which is robust to non-normality and non-
independence of observations when used with TYPE = complex
command (Muthén and Muthén, 2017).
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De Backer et al. Fair Coaching Predicts Athlete Leadership
We used the following fit indices to evaluate model fit: the
normed chi-square statistic (χ
/df), the Comparative Fit index
(CFI), the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), and the Root Mean Square
Error of Approximation (RMSEA). While a non-significant chi-
square (χ
) implies a good fit of the model, the significance of
this statistic is largely dependent on sample size. Accordingly,
we used the normed chi-square statistic (χ
/df), where a good
fit is reflected by a ratio below 3/1 (Kline, 2005). Furthermore,
a good fit of the model to the data is signified by CFI and TLI
values larger than 0.90 and an RMSEA equal or smaller than 0.08
(Hu and Bentler, 1999).
Finally, we tested an additional model in which we added
a direct link between athletes’ perceived justice and athlete
leadership quality. If this direct link is non-significant, in
combination with a significant indirect effect of athletes
perceived justice on athlete leadership in the hypothesized model,
this would confirm that athletes perceived justice predicts athlete
leadership quality through the expected intermediate steps.
Descriptive Statistics, Correlations, and
Scale Reliabilities
Scales, means, standard deviations, and correlations for the
variables are provided in Table 1. Scale reliabilities (Cronbachs
alphas) are provided on the diagonal. The significant correlation
(r = 0.21, p < 0.01) between athletes perceived justice of the coach
and the quality of athletes leadership supports Hypothesis 1.
Furthermore, we performed an ANOVA to check for differences
between the volleyball and the basketball players. We found only
one significant, and small difference of 0.24 in the mean score
on the 7-point Likert scale for team identification. Taking into
account that this was the only difference between both sports, we
decided not to split the sample and to perform our main analyses
on the combined research sample.
Structural Equation Modeling
The hypothesized model showed a good fit to the data
= 146.25, df = 74, p < 0.001; χ
/df = 1.98; TLI = 0.93;
CFI = 0.94; RMSEA = 0.06). The standardized regression path
coefficients and the proportions explained variance are illustrated
in Figure 2. The results demonstrated that athletes perceived
fairness of the coach positively predicted team identification.
Team identification positively predicted task cohesion which, in
turn, positively predicted athlete leadership quality. In addition to
the effects that are presented in Figure 2, all standardized indirect
effects of the hypothesized model are depicted in Table 2. Further,
we added a direct link between athletes perceived fairness of the
coach and athlete leadership quality. This direct link was non-
significant (β = 0.18, p = 0.09), while the indirect effect of athletes
perceived justice on athlete leadership quality, through team
identification and, in turn task cohesion, was significant within
the hypothesized model (β = 0.11, p = 0.01). The results of this
analysis confirmed that athletes’ perceived justice predicts athlete
leadership quality through the expected intermediate steps.
Recent research indicated that high-quality athlete leaders
improve the effective functioning of sport teams. More
specifically, some studies have demonstrated the positive
link between athlete leaders and team functioning and
performance in sport teams (Fransen et al., 2015a; Mertens
et al., 2018). Despite these promising results, no research
has examined the role of coaches behavior in fostering the
development of the athlete leadership quality in team sports.
The current research demonstrated that a specific aspect of
coach leadership, namely coaches fairness, was positively
related to athletes’ leadership quality through its inter-relations
with athletes team identification and task cohesion, thereby
confirming our hypotheses.
First, when coaches were perceived as fair, the identification
of the athletes with their team seemed stronger. A possible
explanation for this positive relation can be found in the
group engagement model (Tyler and Blader, 2003). This group
engagement model assumes that “perceived justice provides key
information that shapes the degree to which people regard their
group as having high status, regard themselves as having high
status in their group, and identify with the group by merging their
sense of self with the group” (Tyler and Blader, 2003, p. 357).
These results are in line with the statement of Haslam et al.
(2011) that leadership is an active process that has the ability
to shape social identities. Furthermore, our findings support
the theoretically based assumption that team identification is
a fundamental process of internalizing norms and values of
a group, which ultimately leads to more intragroup cohesion.
In other words, our results are in line with the social identity
mediation hypothesis, which suggests that identity evaluations
and concerns mediate the relationship between justice judgments
and group engagement (Tyler and Blader, 2003).
Second, the current research indicated that fair coach behavior
positively predicted athletes leadership quality and that this
prediction was established through three intermediate steps. That
is, coaches’ perceived justice fostered athletes’ team identification,
which in turn positively predicted task cohesion. The increased
levels of task cohesion, in turn, were related to increased levels
of perceived athlete leadership quality. These results suggest
that fair coach behavior does not only bridge the gap between
leadership and followership (Haslam et al., 2011), it also has the
potential to improve the quality of athletes’ leadership within
sport teams. More specifically, fair coach behavior seems to guide
the important group processes of team identification and task
cohesion, and as a result shapes a climate in which athletes
get the opportunity to develop qualitative leadership. A possible
explanation for the predictive value of justice for athletes
leadership quality can be found in the statement of Haslam et al.
(2011, p. 110–111) that “leader’s fairness can unite us by both
creating and clarifying shared group memberships, and in this
way, that it can become a basis for influence and inspirational
leadership.” Indeed inspirational leadership is known to: (a)
Reinforce the common goals of the team (i.e., task cohesion) and
(b) Encourage interpersonal interaction among team members
(Joshi et al., 2009).
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TABLE 1 | Scales, means, standard deviations correlations, and Cronbach’s alphas for all variables.
Variable Scale M SD 1 2 3 4
1. Overall justice 1, 5 3.46 0.81 (0.87)
2. Team identification 3, 3 2.01 0.87 0.29** (0.91)
3. Task cohesion 1, 9 6.57 1.29 0.45** 0.57** (0.89)
4. Athlete leadership quality 3, 3 1.53 0.74 0.21* 0.35** 0.30** (0.65)
*p < 0.01; **p < 0.001. Scale reliabilities (Cronbach’s alphas) are provided in italics on the diagonal.
FIGURE 2 | The structural model of overall justice, team identification, task cohesion, and athlete leadership quality with the regression coefficients and the
proportions explained variance. All coefficients presented are standardized and significant (p 0.001).
Setting clear and common goals as well as high-quality
interpersonal interactions are essential conditions for qualitative
leadership behaviors in sport teams. Furthermore, previous
research (Hackman and Morris, 1975; Hackman, 1976; Zaccaro
and McCoy, 1988) demonstrated that members of highly task
cohesive groups: (a) Plan and develop efficient and appropriate
performance strategies (i.e., task leadership), and (b) Compel
maximal effort of all team members by setting and enforcing
stringent performance norms (i.e., motivational leadership). In
addition, Zaccaro et al. (2001) indicated that team members
with a high perception of task cohesion communicate in various
ways with non-conforming individuals to bring them in line
with group work expectations (task and motivational leadership).
In line with those findings, our results suggested that team
identification and task cohesion are intermediate steps in the
relation between perceived justice of the coachs and athletes
leadership quality.
Limitations and Practical Implications
As with any research, the current study had not only
strengths, but also specific limitations. A first limitation is the
cross-sectional nature of our data, thereby limiting our ability
to infer causality from the results. Based on previous research
(Hackman and Morris, 1975; Hackman, 1976; Zaccaro and
McCoy, 1988; Zaccaro et al., 2001; Haslam et al., 2011), we
constructed a theoretically founded research model. In line with
those studies, our results supported the fact that group dynamical
TABLE 2 | Standardized indirect effects and standard errors (SE) for all paths in
the model between predictors (in rows) and outcomes (in columns).
Task cohesion Athlete leadership quality
Effect (SE) Effect (SE)
Overall justice 0.22** (0.06) 0.11* (0.04)
Team identification 0.34** (0.08)
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.001.
processes (i.e., team identification and task cohesion) form the
intermediate steps in the relation between coaches justice and
athletes’ leadership quality. Nevertheless, some previous research
also indicated that athlete leadership qualities positively predict
athletes team identification and cohesion in sport teams (Fransen
et al., 2014a). While our results seem contradictory to these
previous findings, Zaccaro et al. (2001) indicated that the relation
between leadership and team processes is reciprocal and not
unidirectional (i.e., leadership and team processes influence each
other). As a result, longitudinal and experimental studies are
required to assess the direction of the different relations and to
explore how these relations fluctuate across a season.
Another reason to be cautious when interpreting the
significance of our findings is the lack of control variables or
other potential predicting variables in the model. For example,
previous studies revealed the importance of a mastery-oriented
climate in predicting the extent of initiative and constructive
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De Backer et al. Fair Coaching Predicts Athlete Leadership
peer corrections within sport teams (Van Puyenbroeck et al.,
2017). Others demonstrated that specific behaviors of the athlete
leaders (e.g., problem-solving skills) or certain personality traits
(e.g., extraversion) also predict the quality of athlete leaders
(Fransen et al., 2020a). Future work should therefore include
more variables as control variables or as additional potential
mechanisms that predict athlete leadership in addition to this
study’s variables. When these relations would be confirmed,
this would increase the validity of our study findings and the
significance of its implications.
Second, we assessed leadership quality with a commonly
used measurement of athlete leadership quality. This one-item
measure assessing the perceived quality with which athlete leaders
fulfilled their specific leadership role showed to be a valid measure
both in previous studies (Fransen et al., 2014a) and in the current
study. In this study, we asked participants to rate the quality of
the best leader in their team (on the different leadership roles).
However, only rarely leadership is occupied by only a single team
member. Previous studies have shown that leadership is rather
shared, not only across, but also within each of these leadership
roles (e.g., Leo et al., 2019). Therefore, future studies should
consider using a social network approach, in which the leadership
quality of every team member is assessed, rather than only of the
best leader (e.g., Fransen et al., 2015b).
Third, although we controlled for the nested structure of
our data, we did not conduct a multilevel SEM with a second
level that included all of our variables at team level as our
sample consisted of players from only 26 different teams. Maas
and Hox (2005) stated that it is not recommended to perform
such multilevel analyses based on such a small sample size at
team level (i.e., level 2). However, the variables of interest (e.g.,
perceived justice, team identification, task cohesion, and athletes
leadership qualities) potentially exhibit a significant degree of
intra-group consensus within sport teams. In this study, the
within-group agreement (r
; James et al., 1984) was moderate
to high for perceived justice (r
= 0.82), team identification
= 0.91), task cohesion (r
= 0.65), and athlete leadership
quality (r
= 0.91). For this reason, future research should
sample a larger number of teams and simultaneously test the
hypothesized relations at team level.
Notwithstanding those limitations, we want to underline that
the current study was an important first step in the examination
of the link between perceived fair coach behavior and athletes
leadership quality. More specifically, the interrelations between
perceived justice, team identification (SIA), task cohesion,
and athletes leadership qualities offer important insights into
the mechanisms that underpin the impact of coaches justice
on the development of qualitative leadership behavior of
senior team athletes.
From a more practical point of view, our comprehensive
research model indicates that the perceived fairness of
team coaches may possibly affect key group processes and
consequently foster the quality of athlete leadership. Previous
research has shown that high-quality athlete leaders improve the
effective functioning of sport teams (Price and Weiss, 2011, 2013;
Fransen et al., 2014a, 2015a). As a result, our model can be used
to optimize team performance in senior interactive sport teams.
An important practical take-away of our study is the fact that if
we value high-quality athlete leaders, we must not lose sight of the
impact of coach behavior. Nowadays, athlete-oriented leadership
development programs receive a lot of attention. However, our
results indicate that the quality of athlete leadership is not only
the result of specific leadership development programs that target
team athletes. It is also related to specific group dynamical
processes driven by fair coach behavior.
Therefore, coaches should be aware of the importance of
how athletes perceive their justice. Research in the business
setting suggested that there are a number of strategies, such
as the application of Leventhal’s rules (Leventhal, 1980; e.g.,
be consistent, suppress bias, . . .), and the provision of voice
(Skarlicki and Latham, 1996, 1997), to improve employees
perception of fairness (Cropanzano and Greenberg, 1997).
Both strategies have been shown to be effective even when
people were disappointed with the outcomes they received.
How leaders can apply these strategies is described in detail
by multiple researchers within the business context (Leventhal,
1980; Skarlicki and Latham, 1996, 1997; Greenberg and Lind,
2000). For a more in-depth description of the application of
organizational justice in a team sport setting we would like
to refer to Jordan et al. (2004). Furthermore, our findings
highlight the team dynamics that underpin the relationship
between fair coach behavior and the quality of athlete leadership.
In this regard, we suggest that coaches of interactive sport
teams should pay sufficient attention to create a sense of
shared social identity that results in the integration of the
individual tasks and goals of the players into the overall team
objectives. For a more detailed overview of how leaders can
create, represent, advance, and embed this sense of shared
social identity, we would like to refer to Haslam et al. (2011).
A practical example of how coaches could highlight that necessity
of a sense of “us-ness is by emphasizing that the team goals
prevail over the individual goals at all times. Important in this
process is the framing of an effective goal agreement, including
commonly agreed goals for both the individual players and
the team as a whole. This ensures that each player knows
how every specific task fits within the bigger framework of the
team. Consequently, we assume that a collectively agreed goal
arrangement, due to the shared knowledge of the different tasks,
will enhance athletes task cohesion and thus the quality of
athletes’ leadership.
To conclude, this study supported a positive link between
the perceived fairness of team coaches and athletes team
identification and task cohesion. This increased team
identification and task cohesion in turn leads to increased
perceived athlete leadership quality. Based on the current
findings, the organizational justice theory seems to be a
promising theoretical framework to underpin the impact
of coaches’ leadership in sport settings. From a practical
point of view, fair coaches strengthen the quality of athletes
leadership and potentially may lead to a more optimal team
functioning. Therefore, coaches should not only attempt to
act in a fair manner toward all team members but should
also make sure that their actions are interpreted as fair
by team members.
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The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed
and approved by the Leuven International Doctoral
School Biomedical Sciences. The Doctoral Committee of
Kinesiology, Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy. The
patients/participants provided their written informed consent
to participate in this study.
MD, KF, FB, and GV contributed to the design of the
research. MD, SV, KF, BR, FB, and GV contributed to the
implementation of the research. MD, SV, KF, BR, FB, FM, and
GV contributed to the analysis of the results, and writing of the
manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and approved
the submitted version.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.
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