JSN PageBuilder 3 Configuration Manual
About JSN PageBuilder 3
JSN PageBuilder 3 is the latest innovation from JoomlaShine PageBuilder with great improvements to the interface, features,
and user experience. It empowers users to create beautiful pages filled with features on Joomla! sites.
JSN PageBuilder 3 was built as a native Joomla! editor plugin. Therefore, it works perfectly on Joomla! articles, Custom HTML
modules, and even third-party extensions. Besides editing articles in the backend, JSN PageBuilder 3 also enables you to edit
your articles directly on the front-end by a native Joomla! frontend editing mechanism. By using JSN PageBuilder 3, you can
build complex Joomla! pages in minutes with no coding skills required.
To learn more about its features, visit the JSN PageBuilder 3 details page (/joomla-extensions/jsn-pagebuilder.html).
System Requirements
Joomla® Requirements
Joomla! 3.6+
Server Requirement
Software: PHP 5.4.x or higher versions
MySQL 5.1 +
SQL Server 10.50.1600.1 +
PostgreSQL 8.3.18 +
Web Server
Apache 2.0 +
Microsoft IIS 7 +
Nginx 1.0
Browser Requirement For Backend Administration
Google Chrome 10 +
Firefox 4 +
Getting Started
Welcome to JSN PageBuilder 3. This is a quickstart guide, consisting of 4 easy steps! So, let’s get started!
Step 1: Install JSN PageBuilder 3
After downloading JSN PageBuilder 3, you now have the extension installation file called jsn_pagebuilder3_x.xx.zip in which
x.xx is the version of PageBuilder.
Install it on the administration site as usual:
In Joomla! administration, go to menu Extensions -> Manage -> Install
Start installing JSN PageBuilder 3 extension
Go to the Upload Package File tab. Here you can upload and install any extensions or templates by clicking the blue
button named Or browser for file, or just simply dragging and dropping the file to the box. The installation process will
happen automatically.
Open the Upload Package File tab
Click Finish. Now JSN PageBuilder 3 is installed and ready to use.
Install PageBuilder 3 successfully
Step 2: Verify JSN PageBuilder 3
To start using PageBuilder 3, go to Content -> Articles -> Add New Articles -> Switch Editor -> choose PageBuilder 3.
Open the Add New Article page
Switch editor mode
A box User Verification pops up and asks for your JoomlaShine account to verify permission for PageBuilder 3. If you have not
used any JoomlaShine products before, please choose User another account and fill in that box with your JoomlaShine
your administration account.
Verify JSN account to use PageBuilder 3
Interface Detail
Understand JSN PageBuilder 3 interface
After verifying permission to JSN PageBuilder 3, you will see its interface on the screen. You might wonder why PageBuilder 3
has so many items and buttons, and it might take you a while to understand the structure.
Here are 6 main parts of JSN PageBuilder 3 interface that supports you to navigate its features more easily.
JSN PageBuilder 3 Interface
1 Top menu bar
Create a title, a meta data for an article/a module.
Switch editing mode among devices.
Save, publish and view an article/a module.
2 Elements and Sections Provide a lot of elements to construct a completed article.
3 Add Saved sections This is the list of the sections are saved before.
4 Page Content Display all selected elements in an article.
5 Element Inspector Configure any parameters within Page Content.
6 See Versions History
Current version is automatically captured all the made change every 5 seconds.
Save version will be created as you publish the page.
Allow restore the old version.
7 Show Page Outline List all of the section on the page conten, allow change the position/title,etc..
8 Pre-defined styles Create pre-defined box, text and button styles.
9 Custom code Add custom CSS and Javascript codes.
Now let’s take a closer look at each part of JSN PageBuilder 3 so you can have a better understanding of its functions.
Top Menu bar
Top menu includes settings for your Page Title, Page Settings and Save options, etc.
Top Menu bar interface
Some key features in the interface:
Enter Page
Enter the title of an article or a module.
This is quick settings for article/module, no need to edit fullscreen to settings.
Setting for Article:
General Settings
Status: Select status for article (Publish or Featured).
Intro Imge: Allow upload intro image for article.
Category: Select a category for the article.
Page Settings
Meta Seo
Meta description: Describe what is your page about at here. One of onsite search engine
optimization technique..
Meta Keywords: Insert the meta keywords for Seo.
Alias: Insert the alias.
Setting for Custom Module:
Module Settings: Select Published and Show title options.
Module Position: Select a position for module.
Pick A
Click to open the Template Library. JSN PageBuilder 3 support 30+ page templates.
Device Select
Click to choose the device you want to customize. By default, it is ALL.
Undo and
Click Undo to go back, or click Redo to go forward.
Exit Fullscreen Exit site’s back-end.
Import &
Import or export the the current page in JSON format file.
Use this feature to migrate the page from one store to another one.
Close Click to exit the editing page without saving.
Save as Copy Click to save and automatically created a copy article/module.
Save Click to save all changes to the page.
Pick A Template
Click on thư Pick A Template button on the Top Menu bar to open the Template Library. JSN PageBuilder 3 support 30+ page
templates. All these sample templates are selected carefully from our top favorite Joomla templates.
Template library
The template support responsive design in the Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone.
Template Industry: this is the industry which your page is targeting (fitness, wedding, new, fashion and Charity/NGO,
Template Type: This is the type which your page is targeting (Home, About Us, Contact Us, 404, Coming Soon).
View: Allows you to show the number or the template per row.
Select a template and click on the blue Start With This Template button to edit.
Elements and Sections
The section is the combination of page element designed to save your time with building page section. You can search any
element via search box on the top of the list element.
Here you can insert individual elements.
JSN PageBuilder 3 individual element
General Sections
The General Content section contains general page elements. Each content section has the different variations, so you can
save the time for building a page.
JSN PageBuilder 3 element sections
Joomla elements
Add elements that are available on your Joomla! site.
Individual Joomla elements
Save Sections
This section allows you to save every section and on the articles/modules, you can use that section for other modules/articles
created by JSN PageBuilder 3.
Select a section click on the “save” icon on the toolbar.
Enter the section name and click on the Save button.
Save a section
Click on the “folder” icon on the toolbar of the left to choose and drag a section is saved.
Choose a section is saved
Page Content
How the Page Content part looks like!
An area displays every configured element like the way an article/a module appears on the front-end.
Element Inspector
The Element Inspector board allows you to configure the element’s setting, its styling and mobile layout with advanced
settings. You can find the Inspector at the right column inside the page editor dashboard.
There are 03 tabs to customize your element: General, Styling, and Advanced. Just keep in mind that under “element” there are
layout elements (section, row, column) and content elements (heading, paragraph, image etc.).
Each element has different general settings, but they share some common options such as: content, action and event tracking.
Here is one general setting of a JSN PageBuilder 3 element as an example:
The image element consists of parameter sections covering content, action and event tracking.
In the Image content section, you can find the settings for adjusting Image Alt Text, Title
Text, alignment and other settings.
The Image Action section allows you to control the functional’s part of the image element.
You can set up the user to open the Lightbox window after clicking on it, or just open the
The latest part Image Action section gives you the ability to fire events to Google
Analytics or Facebook.
Heading general settings
Similar to general settings, every element has different styling settings, but they also have some common options such as text,
background, box styles and border.
Styling settings for Image
In our example, we take the paragraph element.
The Text section customize the Text Font Family, Font Size, Weight and other options.
The Background section – customize the background color of the selected element with
the convenient Color Picker or use the image.
The Box Styles adjust the element’s dimension, margin and padding value, click on the
icon to show four positions to adjust.
The Border section – apply the border style (Solid, Dotted or Dashed) and its radius value.
Display – manage the element presentation via CSS display options Inline, Block or Flex.
Custom CSS add custom CSS code to customize the page better or when you use some
options above the code will be automatically added to this parametter.
Advanced (PRO / PREMIUM)
Finally. Advanced settings, as its name, offer powerful options to make each element more glorious. The options for every
element are almost the same, and here they are animation, display, attributes, hide on and custom CSS.
Advanced settings for Image
Attributes assign the unique CSS Attribute ID or Class to the element.
Animation – control two types including Scroll Down and Mouse Over behavior.
Hide On – hide the element on the specific devices (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile).
See Versions History
This element allow the user to see Current Version, all of the Saved Versions and Restore Version.
“See Versions History” feature
Click the See Versions History icon to display this option.
Click the See Versions History icon to display this option.
The Current version: automatically captured the most recently-changed version within 5 seconds.
Save versions: the list of versions after you saved the page.
Restore: Select a version from list versions is saved click on Restore This Version button to restore a version.
Show Page Outline
This is the structure of your page, it shows as a side menu that includes sections and components. Here you can change the
title of the sections and change the position of components on each section.
“Show Page Outline” feature
Click the Show Page Outline icon to show your structure of page. This feature display all of the sections were built on the page
Pre-defined styles
The pre-defined style setting allows you to save the styling of the Box, Button, or Text. You can re-use the styling and apply it to
other elements of your page. This is the real time saver when it comes to creating the same element on the existing page.
Here is the Pre-defined styles part!
Click the Define pre-defined style button to display this option. You can Add new box, button or text styles here. For each one,
you can style it on the configuration panel on the right side.
Custom Code
The Custom Code Editor allows you to insert the custom CSS and Javascript code and apply it to the page. This feature allows
you to extend the presentation of the page and customize it to fit your marketing campaign.
Open the Custom Code Editor part
Click the Edit Custom Code button, and a pop-up appears on your screen. You can add your own CSS and Custom Javascript
into the box.
Note: The custom codes will be applied only on this page!
Toolbar for Elements
Whenever you select any element in the editing dashboard area, the element toolbar would appear right away. You will notice a
Toolbar sticking to that Element as a black box.
The toolbar for elements
Let’s go over each icon to see what its function is:
Move: Click to grab and move the section, row, column, grid or element.
Duplicate: Click to make a copy of the section, row, column, grid or element.
Delete: Click to delete the element.
Lock: Click to lock the element.
Pick a pre-defined style: Click to reset the style back to the default or the style that was saved before.
Save Style: Click to save the style.
Copy Style: Select to copy the style of the element.
Paste Style: Select to paste the copied style to the element.
Breadcrumbs element is the visual guide of your page elements location structure. It allows you to understand better where
your element is located and easily get the access to it. The typical page structure will look like: Section – Row – Column –
Element. Some other sections can be more complicated.
The Breadcrumb in JSN PageBuilder 3
Breadcrumbs element is the visual guide of your page elements location structure. It allows you to understand better where
your element is located and easily get the access to it. The typical page structure will look like: Section – Row – Column –
Block – Element. Some other sections can be more complicated.
Media Selector
Media Selector is a feature from JSN PageBuilder 3 that helps you to easily manage your media with just a few clicks.
Media Selector allows you to do everything in the same browser window. The interface will be shown as a pop-up, and you can
then do everything from here. On the left side of the interface, there is a Menu Tree which displays the folders in your media
storage. You can click on the Hide button to hide it if necessary.
Hot Keys
JSN Page Builder offers some hotkeys to optimize your speed and progress.
Actions Mac OS Microsoft Windows
Save Page Command + S Ctrl + S
Copy Style Command + C Ctrl + C
Page Style Command + V Ctrl + V
Redo Command + Shift + Z Ctrl + Shift + Z
Undo Command + Z Ctrl + Z
Duplicate Command + D Ctrl + D
Delete Delete Backspace
Element Settings
The layout element is the first thing you have to use when building a new page with JSN PageBuilder. For each layout element,
you decide how many columns you want to place in one row. With this element, you can configure the proportion of columns
as well with 10 variations.
For Section, Row and Column you’ll find the specific settings. Let’s explore what you can do with them.
Content Add one or multiple new rows
- Enable or Disable
- (If enable) Max Width: Set up the maximum width of that section
(for more information, please read here
- Enable or Disable
- Image: Choose an image for the parallax scrolling
In this tab, you can style your element for its text, background, box styles and border.
Font family Choose a font family.
Font Size Adjust the font size.
Weight Set the font weight.
Line Height Adjust the font line height.
Spacing Set the spacing between lines.
Color Set the color by using the color picker.
Transform Transform the text to Uppercase or Inherit.
Alignment Select the alignment for your text.
Style Select a style for your text.
Color Set a background color.
Image Choose an image to set a background.
Box styles
Dimensions Set the height and length of a box.
Margin Set the margin property of a box.
Padding Set the padding property of a box.
Style Select a style for the border of a box.
Radius Set the radius property of a border.
In this tab, you can set up its animation, display, attributes, hide-out effect and custom CSS.
Animation Choose an animation style when moving down the screen.
Mouse Over
Choose an animation style when moving the pointer over its trigger
Display Display
Define a display style for an element. For more information about
Inline, Block and Flex properties, please read here. If you choose the
Flex property, you will see more options displayed on the panel. For
more information about Flex, please read here (https://css-
Attributes Attributes
Define an element’s attributes such as Name, ID, Class and Custom
option. This part requires some technical knowledge.
Hide on Hide on Choose any device where you want to hide an element.
Custom CSS Custom CSS
Add your custom CSS code here (https://css-
This element allows the user to create a page with slideshows easier and faster without another extension or plugin.
Slideshow includes 4 types:
Slide with Text
Carousel Slide
Carousel Slide with Text
Let’s look at the Element Inspector popping up when you select a Slideshow:
Slide & Slide with Text
General Settings
Slider Setting
Slide Height Adjust the slide height.
Content In Wrapper Enables to adjust the content max width.
Content Max Width Adjust the content width.
Loop Infinite loop sliding, it only works on the live page.
Navigation Show prev/next arrows.
Pagination Show dot indicators.
Auto Slide It only works on the live page.
Change Slides Every Auto slide speed in the seconds.
Slides Slide
Add new slides
Move the slide
Change the slide name
Duplicate the slide
Delete the slide
Styling & Advanced Settings
They are the same with Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
Carousel Slide & Carousel Slide with Text
General Setting
Number of Slides To Show Adjust the number of slides to show on the slideshow.
Number of Slide to Scroll Adjust the number of slides to scroll on the slideshow.
Slider Setting
Gutter Adjust the spacing between the slides.
Loop Infinite loop sliding, it only works on the live page.
Navigation Show prev/next arrows.
Pagination Show dot indicators.
Auto Slide It only works on the live page.
Change Slides Every Auto slide speed in the seconds.
Number of Slides On Tablet Adjust the number of slides to show on the tablet.
Number of Slides On Mobile Adjust the number of slides to show on the mobile.
Slides Slide
Add new slides
Move the slide
Change the slide name
Duplicate the slide
Delete the slide
Styling & Advanced Settings
They are the same with Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
This element allows you to create the heading text in various styles. Let’s look at the Element Inspector popping up when you
select a Heading:
General Settings
Tag Set a level of a heading.
Text Add title.
Icon Add an icon next to the heading and modify it. Here the default setting is None, so there are no further options.
Go to URL
Enter an URL or link to a folder. Choose attribute values of that URL (like Self, New, Top). If you have no idea about
them, please read here (https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_target.asp).
Google Analytics
Enter an event name. For more information, please read here
Pixel Event:
Define what kind of event to display. For more information, please read here
Event Code Add custom code.
Styling & Advanced Settings
They are the same with Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
Paragraph (or Content)
With the Element Inspector of a Paragraph element, in General tab, you can find the settings for:
General Settings
Text Insert your content.
The first letter of the first word of the first paragraph that is much larger than the rest of the paragraph and spans the
first few lines to stylize a paragraph
Text: Insert the letter you want to dropcap.
Style: Select to choose Dropcap style.
Color: Adjust color with a color picker.
Font Size: Slide to adjust the font size.
Dimensions: choose the dimension of the drop cap part.
Styling & Advanced Settings
They are the same with Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
Image Element allows you to add an image in designed style and edit its style. The General tab includes:
General Settings
Image Click on the image icon to select the image and host it on our server or paste the full URL of your image.
Horizontal Align Choose the horizontal alignment.
Vertical Align Choose the vertical alignment.
Image Size Select to adjust the image size.
Image Style Select the image style (Default, Rounded, Circle).
Click Action
Choose an action when clicking on an image:
None: do not apply any actions to the image
Open Lightbox: open the light box when the user click on the image.
Open URL: Insert URL address to the button. You can additionally assign 03 attributes including: “_top”, “_self”
or “_blank”.
Google Analytics Fire the custom Google Analytics event name.
Pixel Event
Send pre-defined Facebook Pixel event (search, view content, add to cart, add to wishlist, initiate checkout, add
payment inform, purchase, lead, complete registration, custom event).
Box styles
Dimensions Set the height and length of a box.
Margin Set the margin property of a box.
Padding Set the padding property of a box.
Style Select a style for the border of a box.
Width Set the width property of a border.
Color Set the color of a border.
Radius Set the radius property of a border.
Display Display Choose the Inline, Block of Flex way of displaying the element.
Custom CSS Custom CSS Type the custom CSS syntax to customize the element.
Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
The button element is one of the fundamental element of any page. PageBuilder comes with 10 button variations with different
In the General panel of a button, you can configure:
General Settings
Text Name of a button
Shape Rectangle or rounded rectangle
Style Choose a style for a button.
Icon Add an icon next to the button and modify it.
Go to URL
In order to set the link to open in a new tab in your web browser you have to go to “Action” setting of Inspector. There
you can find the dropdown selector and choose “New“.
Google Analytics Fire the custom Google Analytics event name.
Pixel Event
Send pre-defined Facebook Pixel event (search, view content, add to cart, add to wishlist, initiate checkout, add
Pixel Event
Send pre-defined Facebook Pixel event (search, view content, add to cart, add to wishlist, initiate checkout, add
payment inform, purchase, lead, complete registration, custom event).
Button State Select a state for button: Normal or Hover
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
You can easily customize the icon’s graphic, color, size, dimension and URL. This element allows you to insert icon with
various styles. Let’s see what the General tab offers:
General Settings
Icon Select the icon logo (from basic shapes to complicated illustration).
Color Adjust the icon color with a color picker.
Size Adjust the icon size.
Icon Shape Select the icon shape (none, square, circle, diamond).
Action Go To URL: Enter the URL where the user will be redirected after clicking on the icon.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
JSN PageBuilder supports multiple types of Social including:
Let’s take an example of Instagram:
General Settings
Access Token Please read here (http://instagram.pixelunion.net/)
Limit Limit the number of images to display
Columns The number of columns to display
Gutter The blank space between images
Styling & Advanced Settings
They are the same with Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
JSN PageBuilder supports multiple types of media including:
The Soundcloud track can be added to your page with General settings of:
Soundcloud URL Insert a link to Soundcloud.
Autoplay Autoplay your soundtrack.
Show Buy Button Show/Hide Buy button
Show Username Show/Hide Buy username
The second option is to add a video under HTML format, with General panel offering settings of:
Video Source
Add the video source, just keep in mind the file size must be less than 2MB. Supported video format: mp4, ogv and
Video Image Cover Add a cover image to the video.
Loop Loop the video.
Autoplay Turn on/off the autoplay feature.
Mute Turn on/off the video’s sound.
Show Controls Show the video player control.
You can add a Vimeo video directly from its website to your page. Below is the General tab settings:
Vimeo Video URL The full URL of your Vimeo video.
Video Image Cover Add a cover image to the video.
Ratio Select the video ratio display 4:3 or 16:9.
Loop Loop the video.
Autoplay Turn on/off the autoplay feature.
Mute Turn on/off the video’s sound.
Show Portrait, Show
By Line, Show Title
Show video information.
Youtube media page element allows you to add youtube video directly to your page.
Important: Please do not use the HTML5 element and “Youtube embedded” code, if you do that the video won’t be responsive
on the mobile/tablet devices. The embedded code has a fixed width dimension and it will break the responsive layout.
Youtube Video URL Enter the Youtube URL.
Video Image Cover Add a cover image to the video.
Ratio Select the video ratio display 4:3 or 16:9.
Loop Loop the video.
Autoplay Turn on/off the autoplay feature.
Mute Turn on/off the video’s sound.
Show Controls Show the video player control.
MailChimp Form
The Mailchimp form element let you build the sign up form and keep all collected contact in the Mailchimp account. You can
find this element inside the General List of elements.
General Settings
Action URL
Insert the MailChimp URL to the button. This URL can be found in your MailChimp account.Follow this instruction to
get it. (https://shopify.barrelny.com/where-do-i-find-the-mailchimp-signup-url/)
Email Placeholder Enter the text of email placeholder.
Enable field name Hide/show the field name.
Name Placeholder Enter the text of name placeholder.
Button Text Enter the text on the Call To Action button.
Icon Choose an icon for the button.
Layout Show the form (field and button) horizontal or vertical.
Styling For? Form/Input Field or Button?
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
Countdown Timer
The Countdown Timer element allows you to add a real-time countdown to your page.
General Settings
Expiration Time Enter the date and time of the countdown expiration. Format: month / day / year, time.
Style choose Basic or Bordered options.
Border Color (available in Bordered styling): choose the color of border.
Reverse Change the layout presentation days and the real timer in opposite or not.
Show Day Show the day value or not.
Translation Translate each time unite to your language
Styling For? CountDown/Label or Number?
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
The List page element has 03 pre-designed variations with the bullet point, number or icons. With each variation, you can
customize the list styling and its attribution.
General Settings
List Settings
List Settings Click on Add New Item button to add more items into the list
List Type Choose a type of the list.
List Style Choose whether the list is placed outside or inside the outline.
Enable Icon On/Off
Icon Settings
Icon Select the icon of the listing
Color Select the icon’s color of the listing item.
Size Adjust the listing item’s size in pixels
Icon Shape Select the icon’s shape (square, circle, diamond or none)
Action Go to URL
Enter an URL or link to a folder. Choose attribute values of that URL (like Self,
New, Top). If you have no idea about them, please read here
Styling & Advanced Settings
They are the same with Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
The Tabs element in JSN PageBuilder comes with 04 pre-designed layout and different tab navigation.
General Settings
Vertical Change the tab layout to the vertical.
Reverse Change the tab navigation from top to the bottom.
Fitted Align the tabs equally.
Nav Align Select position for title (Start, Center, End).
Tabs Tabs
Click Add button to add a new tab. You can also duplicate or delete the tab using
the two icons underneath its name.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
The accordion page element in JSN PageBuilder app comes in 04 predesigned variations. You can save time on building the
accordion part that fit your needs.
General Settings
Enable Arrow add an arrow to the accordion item and adjust.
Arrow Position Change the icon to left or right the accordion.
Open Multiple Allow the user to open more than 1 tab at the same time.
Open By Default Allow the user to see the default content of accordion.
Items Items
Select Add New Item to add a new item. You can also duplicate or delete the item
with the icons beneath its shape option. The position of accordion’s item can be
moved easily with drag and drop workflow.
Styling for everything that is included in an Accordion.
Item Style for the item only.
Header Style for the header only
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
The Divider element helps you create a decorative line break in various styles between 2 elements or sections. For each divider
type, you’ll have a unique settings to customize the element.
General Settings of Default Type
Line Color Choose color for the divider with a color picker.
Line Weight Adjust the line weight.
Divider Type
Select the type of the divider.
General Settings of Icon Type
General Settings of Icon Type
Icon Select the icon for the divider.
Color Select the color of divider.
Size Adjust the icon’s size in em unit.
Icon Shape Select the icon shape’s type.
Dimensions djust the divider’s dimension in pixels value.
General Settings of Symbol Type
Symbol Select one from six predefined design.
Color Select the color of symbol.
General Settings of Text Type
Color Selec color of text in the divider.
Font Size Adjust the font of text in the divider.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
With the Progress page element of JSN PageBuilder, you can build quickly the progress part of the page.
General Settings
Progress Type Select figure type: bar or circle.
Style Select the bar’s style (Text Inside, Text Outside, Text First).
Percent Adjust the percentage of the progress.
Weight Adjust the figure’s thickness.
Heading Settings Edit Text, Color, Font Size and Spacing for heading of the progress.
Color Settings Set up the Color for the number, Active status and Background.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
Google Map
The Google Map page element allows you to put the map directly from Google API.
Google Map includes 2 types:
Let’s look at the Element Inspector popping up when you select a Google Map:
General Settings
Location Type in your business’s address for Google Map to display. The map will show the location right away.
Zoom Choose to zoom in the map.
Map Type Choose to display the map in roadmap graphic or satellite visual.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
To use the advanced Maps, you must register your app project on the Google Cloud Platform Console and get a Google API key
which you can add to your app. Get API key here. (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-
General Settings
Google API
You must register your app project on the Google Cloud Platform Console and get a Google API key which you can add to
your app.
Address Enter the address you want to mark on the Google Map.
Height This field allows you adjust the height of your Google Map.
Zoom Choose to zoom in the map.
Control Allows you to enable the control tool for Google Map (Browse Street view images, Zoom in, Zoom out).
Draggable Enable this field to allows you to drag the Google Map.
Style Included five styles (Default, Shades Of Grey, Ultra Light, Bright Color, Subtle Gray Scale).
Window Infor Enter the information for your address you typed before.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
QR Code
The QR Code element allows you to create the auto-generated QR code graphic element based on text content.
The QR Code element allows you to create the auto-generated QR code graphic element based on text content.
General Settings
Content Type the text content which appears on user’s device after scanning the QR code.
Alt Text Type the text for ALT HTML tag attribute for SEO.
Dimensions Type the size of your QR code.
Advanced (elements)
The advanced element includes:
HTML5: Insert 3rd party code easily.
Table: Build different table layouts.
The Table element helps you create table by providing settings via the General tab.
Style Choose a style for the table. (Default, Basic, Stripped Rows, Bordered Table, However Rows).
Columns & Rows Select the number of columns and rows.
Header Rows & Header
Select the number of heading rows and columns.
Text Put your table’s cell content here.
Styling & Advanced Settings
They are the same with Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
Custom HTML
Custom HTML5 element helps you add any elements that you want but has not been supported by JSN PageBuilder. Select the
Open Editor button to add your HTML code to the pop-up board.
Image with Text Overlay
This element and Icon with Text, Image with Text, Pricing Tables, Team Member, Testimonial elements are placed in the
General Section list. To use this elements, in the Elements & Sections area --> click on Section tab like the screenshot:
JSN PageBuilder 3 section element
Image with Text Overlay element allows you to show an image with text overlay. Let’s see what the General tab offers:
General Settings
Rows Add Row Add a new row to the section.
Container Enable
Turn on Enable to change the max width of the element. You can adjust the width
to unlimited value.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element on the top.
Icon with Text
The Icon with Text element in the JSN PageBuilder 3 comes with 06 different variations. It allows you to add a list of the icon
with text.
The Element Inspector area of this element the same as Element Inspector of Image with Text Overlay element above.
Image with Text
The Image with Text element in the JSN PageBuilder 3 comes with 08 different variations. It allows you to add a list of the icon
with text.
The Element Inspector area of this element the same as Element Inspector of Image with Text Overlay element above.
Pricing Tables
This element allows you to show a pricing table in designed style. This element is included the information about the product
and a Purchase button.
The Element Inspector area of this element the same as Element Inspector of Image with Text Overlay element above.
Team Member
Team Member element allows you to show a list of the blocks that included the information about your team member (Image,
name, position, channel, and description).
The Element Inspector area of this element the same as Element Inspector of Image with Text Overlay element above.
This element allows you to show a list of testimonials included image, contents and position.
The Element Inspector area of this element the same as Element Inspector of Image with Text Overlay element above.
Joomla Article List
This element and EasyBlog, K2 Items, Module, Readmore elements are placed in the Joomla Element list. To use this elements,
in the Elements & Sections area --> click on Joomla icon --> Element tab like the screenshot:
JSN PageBuilder 3 section element
Joomla Article List allows you to display a list of Joomla! Articles from a category are created before.
General Settings
Content Settings
Limit Limit number of the articles to show.
Categories The list of categories. Select a category to display the articles.
Authors The list of authors. Select an author to display the articles of that author.
Word Limit
Limit number of the word to show.
Note: Your articles do not use Read more element.
Sort By Sort the articles by Order, Title, ID, etc and DESC or ASC.
Column The number of columns to display.
Hide Element
Hide some elements of the articles: Feature Image, Title, Author, Category, Intro
Text and Readmore button.
Content Position Allows you to select position to show the content.
Reversed Change the articles navigation from right to left.
Equal Height Make the height of elements equal.
Gutter The blank space between articles.
Stackable Enable to stack multiple rows when decrease screen size.
Allows you to built tablet and mobile devices. This parameter allows you to
reposition the current column structure to 02 levels.
Note: This parameter works when “equal width” and “stackableoptions
are disabled.
Action Go to URL
Insert URL address to the button. You can additionally assign 03 attributes
including: “_top”, “_self” or “_blank”.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element on the top.
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element on the top.
Easy Blog
This element the same as Joomla Article List element below, it allows you to display Blog Posts from EasyBlog extension, one
of JoomlaShine partners.
General Settings
Content Settings
Limit Limit number of the blog posts to show.
Categories The list of categories. Select a category to display the blog posts.
Authors The list of authors. Select an author to display the blog posts of that author.
Word Limit
Limit number of the word to show.
Note: Your blog posts do not use Read more element.
Sort By Sort the blog posts by Order, Title, ID, etc and DESC or ASC.
Column The number of columns to display.
Hide Element
Hide some elements of the blog posts: Feature Image, Title, Author, Category, Intro
Text and Readmore button.
Content Position Allows you to select position to show the content.
Reversed Change the blog posts navigation from right to left.
Equal Height Make the height of elements equal.
Gutter The blank space between blog posts.
Stackable Enable to stack multiple rows when decrease screen size.
Allows you to built tablet and mobile devices. This parameter allows you to
reposition the current column structure to 02 levels.
Note: This parameter works when “equal width” and “stackableoptions
are disabled.
Action Go to URL
Insert URL address to the button. You can additionally assign 03 attributes
including: “_top”, “_self” or “_blank”.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element on the top.
K2 Items
This element allows you to display K2 items from K2 extension, one of JoomlaShine partners. In General tab, you can find the
settings for:
General Settings
Content Settings
Limit Limit number of the items to show.
Categories The list of categories. Select a category to display the K2 items.
Authors The list of authors. Select an author to display the K2 items of that author.
Word Limit
Limit number of the word to show.
Note: Your K2 items do not use Read more element.
Sort By Sort the items by Order, Title, ID, etc and DESC or ASC.
Column The number of columns to display.
Hide Element
Hide some elements of the item: Feature Image, Title, Author, Category, Intro Text
and Readmore button.
Content Position Allows you to select position to show the content.
Reversed Change the items navigation from right to left.
Equal Height Make the height of elements equal.
Gutter The blank space between items.
Stackable Enable to stack multiple rows when decrease screen size.
Allows you to built tablet and mobile devices. This parameter allows you to
reposition the current column structure to 02 levels.
Note: This parameter works when “equal width” and “stackableoptions
are disabled.
Action Go to URL
Insert URL address to the button. You can additionally assign 03 attributes
including: “_top”, “_self” or “_blank”.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element on the top.
Joomla Module
This element allows you to call the other modules to the article and custom module.
General Settings
In the Element Inspector area click on General tab Click on Choose Module button to select a module.
Styling & Advanced Settings
This setting tab is similar to Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element on the top.
This element common to display introductory text with a link to the rest of the article. To split an article into an introduction
with a link to read more.
The Readmore element works only in articles published in the blog layout.
In the main menu --> click on Site menu item --> Global Configuration --> On the Articles: Options page set Show “Read
More” option to Show.
You only can add Read More element once.
Contact Form
Contact forms seem to be indispensable that most websites in the world are using them. A contact form is a way to collect
your site visitors’ messages and personal contacts.
Let’s look at the Element Inspector popping up when you select a Contact Form:
General Settings
Email Settings
Recipient Email
This field allows you to enter the recipient email address.
Without recipient email, your form will use the value of the
“Form Emailparameter in the Global Configuration page.
From Email
The email address that will be used to send an email.
Without form email, your form will use the value of the “Form
Email” parameter in the Global Configuration page.
From Name
This is the text displayed in the header form.
Without form name, your form will use the value of the “Form
Nameparameter in the Global Configuration page.
Email Title
Allows you enter the email title.
Without email title, your form will use the value of the “Site
Nameparameter in the Global Configuration page.
Form Settings
Thank You Message
Enter the message you want to show when user submitted a
message successfully.
This field is mandatory.
Notice Enter your desired text to use as the notice.
Enable Enable captcha in order to protect your form from spam.
Type Select a type of the captcha which you want to use.
Label Enter the label the text displayed in the header of the captcha.
Label Position Allows you to select a position to show the label of the captcha.
Text Enter the button name.
Icon Select an icon for the button.
Position Select a position to show the button.
Fields Add New Field Allows you to add more new fields to the form.
Fields Add New Field Allows you to add more new fields to the form.
Styling & Advanced Settings
They are the same as Layout’s, so please refer to Layout element above.
Create A New Article
Joomla! standard articles are easy to create, but it looks simple and has limited styles. That’s why JSN PageBuilder 3 can help
you design beautiful and unique articles.
Set general information for an article
Enter Page Title
Enter Meta Description. This is a snippet that summarizes a page’s content.
Enter Alias, which is a page’s URL. Normally it is automatically set along with the title, but you can modify it.
Add Title and Meta Data
Drag and Drop elements to construct an article:
Click on the Element icon/button & select an element
Drag and drop the element style you want on to the Page Content area.
Drag and drop an element to the page content part
Edit content
Customize the elements (like text, background, box styles, border, animations, etc.)
Customize the element
Here is an example of an article created with PageBuilder 3 in the back-end:
Example of a PageBuilder 3 article
Publish your article
When you finish an article, click Save and hit the Exit FullScreen button to return to the back-end Joomla! site.
Save the article and exit the fullscreen mode
Now you just need to complete the rest steps like the way you do with a standard Joomla! article such as choose a category,
set intro image, set publishing time, etc. Remember to hit Save or Save & Close button when everything is done.
Save the article
Warning!!!: Do not switch editor mode from PageBuilder 3 to TinyMCE after adding Read More tag in an article. The Read More
tag of PageBuilder 3 is not compatible with TinyMCE, so it will create bugs and distort page’s layout.
Now an article is created successfully with PageBuilder 3:
A sample article created with JSN PageBuilder 3
Create A New Custom Module
Start with a new custom module:
Go to Extensions -> click Modules -> click New -> select a Module Type Custom.
Click Switch Editor -> select PageBuilder 3 -> hit Click to Edit.
Start creating a module with JSN PageBuilder 3
With JSN PageBuilder 3, you can create any styles of a module you want, from a google map to a pricing table. This
documentation will guide you to build up a simple map module with a location named ‘
10th Ave Seattle’
Navigate to Add element -> choose the Element tab -> select Google Map -> drag and drop that element to the Page
Content part.
Drag and drop a Google Map element
Insert its parameters such as: the location, define its zoom size and choose the map type. After that, click the Exit
FullScreen button to return to the back-end.
Enter the module parameters
Complete the rest steps as the way you do with any Joomla! standard module.
Finish your module
...And this is the Google Map module we’ve created:
A sample module is created with JSN PageBuilder 3
Create A Custom Page With A 3rd-party Extension
Welcome to the most powerful feature of JSN PageBuilder 3. We, the JSN team, would like to introduce the ability to integrate
with non-JSN extensions which provide the Switch Editor add-on. To make it clearer, this documentation will guide you to build
up a simple page with JSN PageBuilder 3 and K2 - a famous content extension for Joomla!.
It is an introduction page called '
Who we are
'. This page is divided into two main parts: the heading and the body. Now, let’s get
Create a new K2 category
Firstly, we need to have at least one K2 category. Please do the steps below:
Go to Components -> choose K2 -> choose Categories.
You are navigated to the K2 Categories page. Click on the New button to create a new category.
Create a new K2 category
Insert detail information for that category. Hit Save or Save and Close once you complete it.
Finish that category
Create a new K2 item with PageBuilder 3
This item is like an article, so it is quite a piece of cake for you to create a simple item. Please do the steps below:
Go to Items -> click New to start a new item.
Start a new K2 item
Click on the Switch Editor button -> choose PageBuilder 3. Now you are using JSN Pagebuilder 3 on the K2 extension.
Choose PageBuilder 3 on the Switch Editor button
Let’s create a custom page called '
Who we are
'. This page is divided into two main parts: the heading and the body.
Box 1: The Heading
Enter a page title. In this case, let’s name it “Who we are”
Create a new heading: go to Add Element -> Element -> Heading -> drag and drop any style you want.
Start with the Heading element
Click the box Heading in the Page Content part, and a panel on the right side appears. This is the Element Inspector part.
Click the tab General and decide general settings.
Here is an example in this case
Set general settings for the heading
Go to tab Styling to modify its text, background, box style and border.
Here is an example in this case
Set styling settings for the heading
Go to tab Advanced to set up animation, display, attributes, devices and custom CSS.
Here is an example in this case
Set advanced settings for the heading
Now we are done with the first box. Let’s move to the next box or section which display images with text.
Box 2: Images and text
Create a new section: go to Add Element -> Section -> Image with text -> drag and drop any style you want.
Create a section including images and text
Insert a photo: choose one blank Image -> click to the Select Image button -> click Upload or drag & drop an image ->
select one image.
Choose any options from the Element Inspector part that you want to display that image.
Here is an example in this case
Insert an image and set up its parameters
Now you do the same steps for the rest images. Don’t forget to add and edit text next to each image.
Here is an example in this
Now you do the same steps for the rest images. Don’t forget to add and edit text next to each image.
Here is an example in this
The final page created by JSN PageBuilder 3 in the back-end
Click the Exit FullScreen button to go back to the back-end.
Return to the Joomla! administration area
Now you just need to complete the rest steps like the way you do with a standard K2 item such as choose its category, enter its
tags, set the access level, etc. Remember to hit Save or Save & Close button when everything is done.
Display a K2 page
If your site already has a K2 menu item, your article above will be displayed on the front-end automatically.
If you have not got any K2 menu item, please do the following steps to create a new one.
Go to Menus -> choose Main Menu -> click Add New Menu Item
Insert a Menu Title -> choose Menu Item Type -> choose K2 -> select Item.
Click on the Select button and select a K2 item. In this case, it is the article you created above.
Hit the Save or Save & Close button when everything is done.
Create a K2 menu item
Finally, you can go to the front-end to see how that page looks like. Here is an example in this case:
A custom page created by JSN PageBuilder 3 and K2
JSN PageBuilder 3 Settings
Page Manager
Here you can see and change any articles or modules created with PageBuilder 3. Please go to Components -> JSN
PageBuilder 3 -> choose Page Manager to manage its content.
Go to JSN PageBuilder 3 page manager
Manage JSN PageBuilder 3 page manager area
JSN PageBuilder 3 Setting is an area allow general settings for the main feature of JSN PageBuilder 3. In the Components
menu click on JSN PageBuilder 3 select Settings to show settings page. At here, you can general settings for:
1. Settings
2. Languages
3. User Account
4. Privacy
5. Global Parameters
JSN PageBuilder 3 settings
Settings tab
This tab allows you to general setting for Media Selector Root and Revision Limit.
JSN PageBuilder 3 general settings
Currently, JSN PageBuilder 3 supports four primary languages. If you haven’t seen your language, please drop us a line in
“General enquiries” (https://www.joomlashine.com/contact-us.html) section to join our Translation Team.
In additional, you can translate language files and apply them by yourself.
Select the language(s) you want to install click on Install selected languages button.
Click on “pencil” icon to edit the language.
Click on “reload” icon to revert the language.
Language settings
User Account
In this tab, you can check the details for your account and product license information. Also, you can refresh the license and
unlink your current account.
User account
Refresh License
You should refresh license after you upgrade the license. Click on Refresh license button and wait a few seconds to license is
Unlink Account
This feature allows you to unlink the current account and change to another JoomlaShine account with other or the same
In the JSN PowerAdmin 2: Settings page click on User Account tab click on the red button Unlink Account.
The next step is verification step. You can read Verification Step (https://www.joomlashine.com/documentation/jsn-
extensions/jsn-poweradmin/jsn-poweradmin-2-configuration-manual.html#getting-started) of the Getting Started section
one more time.
This feature is born to comply with the GDPR law. Please read Privacy Policy (https://www.joomlashine.com/privacy-
policy.html) carefully and make sure you understand and totally agree to Privacy Policy.
Tick on agree, improve my experience option if you want to enhance your experience click on Save settings button to
Privacy settings
Global Parameters Settings
This setting allows you enable the enhance media selector created by JoomlaShine.
Global parameters settings
Select Yes to enable media selector click on Save button to finish.
One of the ways to experience this feature, in the Article Manager page edit an article click on Images and Links tab
to select Intro Image.
Articles: Edit page
Click on Select button, you should be shown the Media selector modal like the screenshot.
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More information
JoomlaShine Media selector
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