Updated March 2018
Plesk Onyx Overview
March 2018 Update
The complete set of technical,
security & automaon tools
on one plaorm
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
What is Plesk Onyx?
Plesk is the leading WebOps and Web Hosng plaorm that
oers the complete set of technical, security and automaon
tools for your websites and online businesses.
The simple one-dashboard plaorm helps you eortlessly build
your projects, secure against vulnerabilies and automate your
day-to-day tasks. Furthermore, choose from over 100 Extensions
for leading tools such as WordPress Toolkit, Symantec SSL,
Docker, Git, ServerShield by CloudFlare, Google PageSpeed
Insights, and more.
Today, Plesk powers over 380,000 servers, 11 million websites
and 2600 innovave web services companies.
Plesk Onyx is for people who...
Build cung-edge websites and web apps
Complete development and ready-to-code plaorm with full deployment capabilies. Integrates with Git, Docker, Redis,
MongoDB, Memcached, Node.js, Ruby… and all the other tools and languages you need and love.
Administrate IT infrastructure
One dashboard to administrate new user accounts, emails, server resources and websites. Simply and eecvely
automate all your security and maintenance tasks.
Run web hosng businesses of all sizes
Manage thousands of domains or servers reliably on a highly scalable architecture. Opmized for service dierenaon
and value-added upselling with over 100 Plesk Extensions.
Manage digital agencies and web services professionals
Run mulple WordPress and Joomla! sites, with one-click setup, end-to-end security and intelligent updang. Further
enhance with staging environments, cloning, syncing, backup and restore features to simply your workload.
Build it Fast
Build your fast-performing
website and app - FAST
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
Ready-to-code environment with code editor and advanced site preview. Integraon with Git, Ruby and Node.js.
Integrates with Docker containers. Some of our most popular docker containers include Redis, Memcached and Mon-
The complete toolkits for WordPress and Joomla! to build, secure, stage, clone, sync, backup and restore, opmize and
monitor all your WordPress and Joomla! instances.
SEO Toolkit with Site Audit feature to monitor and improve your search engine rankings for selected keywords, com-
pare your website ranking against competors, and check log to keep your eye on search engine crawls.
Plesk Extensions Catalog with over 100 tools, services and integraons like Symantec, Let’s Encrypt, Plesk Premium
Email Powered by Kolab, Google PageSpeed, KernelCare, Opsani VCTR, Atomicorp, SpamExperts and Cloudare.
Administrate new websites, manage accounts, emails, server resources, bandwidth usage, and automate maintenance
Perfectly suited for customized network setups with support for web servers like Apache, NGINX and Litespeed and
operang systems including Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat Linux and CloudLinux.
Easy access to selected hyperscale cloud services like AWS RDS, Route53, Azure DNS, S3, Google Drive) for a beer
Cloud experience.
Plesk oers everything you need to set up a website or business quickly and securely. Create and congure your workspace
with Plesk Advisor, integrate your workows and set up your fallbacks, then opmize its performance and watch it y.
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
Congurable security at dierent levels- Operang System, Network, Web Applicaon and on Plesk.
Plesk Advisor with pre-congured security sengs to get you up and running with just with one click. Eortlessly set
up various authencaon methods, an-spam and an-virus protecon, automac updates, and vulnerability moni-
Defend against brute force and DDOS aacks with Fail2ban, Rootkit Detecon,DDOS Protecon, Firewall Managers
and many more.
Further enhance with CloudFlare ServerShield Plus Advanced and Atomic Secured Linux to stop threats before they
reach the server, without addional hardware or soware.
SSL cercate manager to get an overview of all your SSL/TLS cercates. Automate your encrypon with the “Keep
me secured” feature.
Simple and eecve security for your WordPress sites with WordPress Toolkit security scanner, going beyond the
basics and implemenng the latest security recommendaons and best pracces from WP Codex and WP security
Combine a Security Core with ModSecurity web applicaon rewall (WAF) and Fail2Ban with Plesk Advisor’s
recommendaons for authencaon methods, an-spam, an-virus, automated updates and vulnerability monitors.
Simply the simpliest
security for your websites
Simply Secured
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
Run on Schedule
Pick out processes that consume too much CPU or slow down the server and kill them with one click for more perfor-
mance. Or you can limit the usage per subscripon with Plesk Cgroups Extension.
Tune your sites and boost load mes with Google PageSpeed insights, NGINX caching, Litespeed, php 7, gzip compres-
sion, HTTP/2
Automated healing and recovery features built into Plesk to self-repair common technical issues without skilled sup-
Backup to cloud or integrate your own cloud storage for backup (Incremental, scheduled, self-restore, granular
restoraon for sites, les, databases, mail accounts and more)
Schedule tasks to run and nocaons to trigger on an intuive interface.
Integrate business features such as Billing, CRM and helpdesk tools, and services like WHMCS, WooCommerce, and
REVE Chat.
Fully-featured SDK to customize and integrate third-party tools to best suit your needs.
Tune your sites and server performance, deploy updates intelligently, and automate all maintenance-related tasks.
Integrate performance tools like Google PageSpeed insights and NGINX caching, and business features such as WHMCS,
WooCommerce, Zendesk and more.
Schedule your business
to run on schedule
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
Plesk WordPress Toolkit
The most complete,
secure and versale
toolkit for WordPress
Upgrade your WordPress experience with the toolkit that simplies and accelerates the development, deployment
and management of your WordPress instances.
Theme and Plugin Management
Quickly acvate and deacvate plugins and themes on a WordPress instance or several instances at once.
Or upload your own plugins and themes, and set them to preinstall with every new WordPress instance.
Staging Environment
With WordPress Toolkit you may clone your site and set up a staging environment for your experiments, new
features and new ideas. Sync to producon when you’ve ironed out the kinks and squashed the bugs.
1-Click Hardening
Scan all WordPress sites with Plesk to idenfy and protect your core installaons, based on the latest security
recommendaons and best pracces from WP Codex and WP security experts.
Backup and Restore
Safe updates oer oponal restore points that can be made before updang WordPress and synchronizing data
between two instances.
Smart Updates by AI
Automacally update your WordPress instances, plugins and themes without breaking your producon sites with
the help of innovave Deep Learning technology
Site Indexing
Enable and disable search engines not to index your site on a per-instance basis
Plesk SEO Toolkit
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
Deploy and manage your
SEO strategy - in one place
Analyze your websites with Site Audit for common SEO issues and get immediate opmizaon recommendaons
Instantly review search engine crawler acvity on your websites with Log File Analyzer
Get aconable insights as a task list, and opmize your site for Content (duplicated tles, H1/2/3 headings, meta de-
scripons), SEO (redirects, CSS, noindex, javascript blocks) and Technology (loading me, uncompressed urls, mulple
Rank Tracker to compare your keyword performance to that of your compeon, and react to ranking changes quickly
and intelligently to dominate your compeon
Get an overview of the SEO performance of all your websites, design and execute your SEO strategy, monitor your
keywords rankings, and benchmark yourself against your competors - all in one place.
Find your t with three edions
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
Web Host Edion: Stand out from the compeon and increase revenue by adding Plesk as an extra layer on top of
your infrastructure. Customize, provision, and manage hosng businesses. Get maximum exibility, access to the domain
management tools, and the full WordPress Toolkit to support your mul-tenant, “install anything” business model.
Web Pro Edion: With a large variety of toolkits and security extensions developers and agencies can meet the unique
needs of your end customers with the full exibility to build, secure and run highly opmized and customized websites. Get
all the features, including the full WordPress Toolkit, to mass-manage and automate your projects.
Web Admin Edion: Basic management of simple websites and your domains, without the extended tools and features.
Run any stack, Linux-based or Windows-based, and use advanced capabilies such as NGINX, PHP7-FPM or Node.JS to
innovate and deliver high quality apps.
Discover the dierent Plesk edions at www.plesk.com/edions
Plesk is shipped in three dierent edions–Web Admin, Web Pro and Web Host, so you can nd your perfect t. Depending
on how you use Plesk, either as a developer, IT administrator, digital agency or web hoster, you’ll nd an edion of Plesk
with the features and bundled tools you need.
Further enhance your
Plesk Edion with over 100
Plesk Extensions
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
For everyone
Add domains, subdomains and aliases
to your server and congure DNS and
DNSSEC. Secure them all with Let’s
Encrypt or Symantec SSL.
Horde and RoundCube
webmails on Plesk for Linux, and
Horde on Plesk for Windows.
Move databases between
subscripons and nd out which
database is linked to which
Edit and back up les and folders
while monitoring your website’s disk
space usage.
Applicaon Catalog
Add even more value to Plesk, using a
wide variety of third-party
applicaons in the Plesk Applicaon
Create scheduled full and incremental
backups and roll back changes to
your web site or database quickly and
Extension Catalog
Quickly install powerful extension
like Docker, GitHub, NGINX or
WordPress Toolkit using the
extension catalog.
Mobile Apps
Manage your business and servers on
the go with Plesk Mobile.
Website Builder
Create fully responsive websites,
online stores, and blogs with your
choice of sitebuilders
Mul-Language Support
Plesk is now available in 32
Self-Repair Tools
Automated healing and recovery
funconality built into Plesk to
self-repair common technical issues
without skilled support.
Broadest levels of supported server
security built in the core and through
3rd pares (OS, Network, Applicaon,
Plesk features overview
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
For Administrators
User Accounts
Create individual user accounts with
their own login credenals. Dene
User Roles and Subscripons for each
user or user group.
User Roles
Enable and disable funconality
& icons for individual users. Give
dierent levels of access to dierent
users on the same Subscripon level.
Create a Subscripon, with a dened
set of resources and services
associated with a Service Plan, and
give users access as dened by the
User Role
Service Plans
Create a service plan (hosng or
reseller) that denes the allocaon
of your resources, such as how much
disk space, bandwidth, and other
features are oered to your customer.
Mail Server Support
By default, the Postx mail server and
Courier IMAP are installed on Plesk
for Linux, and MailEnable on Plesk for
DKIM, SPF, and
DMARC Protecon
Plesk supports DKIM, SPF, SRS,
DMARC for validaon of mail
messages identy.
Supported Operang Systems
The latest version of Plesk for Linux/
Unix supports mulple plaorms
including Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS,
Red Hat Linux and CloudLinux
Supported Virtualizaon
The following virtualizaon plaorms
are supported.
Database Management
Scan, Repair, Report, Fix your
System Resource Usage Limits
Limit the amount of system resources
(CPU, RAM, Disk I/O) that can be
used by a parcular subscripon.
PCI DSS Compliance
out of the box
Secure your server and achieve
compliance with PCI DSS on a Linux
Task Scheduling
Congure the me and date to run
specic commands or tasks.
System Updates
Update any system packages present
on the server either manually or
automacally without having to open
the console.
Plesk Migrator
Migraons without the need to
use the command line. Supported
sources: cPanel, Conxx, DirectAdmin
and more.
Plesk features overview
Plesk features overview
For Developers
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
Ready to Code Environment
Ready to code environment with
PHP, Javascript, Perl, Ruby, Python,
JavaScript, .NET, and Node.js support
Use NGINX as a reverse proxy or
standalone to scale up the number of
PHP processes as demand increases.
Git Integraon
Easy deployment of your websites
by either pushing it to a local or by
pulling from a remote one Git repo.
HTTP/2 Support!
Take advantage of the speed of
Ruby Support
Quickly and easily deploy Ruby apps
on your domains.
Node.js support
Add Node.js applicaons to your
websites with just a view clicks, install
NPM packages, run scripts, and edit
the conguraon les.
Docker Support
Deploy and manage docker containers
locally and remotely
DNSSEC Support
Sign and unsign domain zones
according to the DNSSEC
Command Line Interface
Perform operaons on Plesk objects
from the command line.
The XML API protocol is designed to
support interacon between Plesk
and third-party soware remotely.
Customize your Plesk environment
with a soware development kit
PHP Management
Plesk provides full support for PHP,
including support for mulple PHP
versions and handler types out of the
Cloud Backup
Cloud Backup to AWS S3, Google
Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox.
Event handlers
Congure nocaons to trigger
based on specic events.
Plesk Advisor
Turn on SSL and HTTP/2 for all your
websites at one click with Plesk
Security Advisor.
Supported Cloud Plaorms
Plesk Onyx is available on AWS
(including AWS Lightsail),
Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba.
Plesk features overview
Plesk Onyx Overview
Updated March 2018
For Designers & Agencies
Developer Dashboard
Dashboard for a master view of all
your WordPress and Joomla! sites.
Enhance the performance of your
WordPress sites with NGINX caching.
Server Health Monitor
Health Monitor helps you keep your
Plesk installaon running smoothly by
keeping track of the system resources
usage on the server.
View reports on resource usage by
your resellers, customers, and
Dev Environments
Ready-to-code online development
plaorm with a code editor and
advanced site preview with support
for dynamic sites.
Easy Monitoring
Parse web server logs and display
relevant warnings and error messages
in the Plesk interface.
WP Toolkit
Mass-manage, secure, and automate
your WordPress instances, plugins
and themes. Simple staging, cloning,
updang, caching, backup and more.
Joomla! Toolkit
Mass-manage and one-click security
for your Joomla! instances, extensions
and templates.
Customizable skins are available. You
can easily create your own skins, and
re-brand the UI to your needs!