Testwood School Revision Aid
Testwood Revision Templates
This is a pack of a variety of blank templates that you can use to support
your revision.
You may prefer one revision style or may use different tools for different
Using past papers is also an excellent revision strategy. Ask your teachers
for help with this - they should have some that they can provide you.
Testwood School Revision Aid
Reduce and Remember
Unit / Topic:
Step 1: Reduce the information on a topic
Step 2: Prioritise the information
Transform your knowledge
Step 1: Break down an image, source or information into key points and then identify the most important point.
Reduce to 6 points
Reduce to 3 points
Prioritise (most Important)
Testwood School Revision Aid
Unit / Topic:
Significance and Importance
Unit / Topic:
Picture / Source / Information
Key Points
Most Important Point and Why?
Testwood School Revision Aid
Step 1 - Break the unit or topic into key information and then write notes around it to expand your
Boxing Up Information
Unit / Topic:
Step 1: Read through topic / text
Key Dates / Facts / Words
Testwood School Revision Aid
Step 2: Add what you have learnt into one of the three boxes below
Box 1: Something I did not know - but now do.
Box 2: Something I understand better.
Box 3: Something I knew already.
Questions, Questions, Questions
Unit / Topic:
Testwood School Revision Aid
Step 1: When you have read a chapter, piece of work, unit, topic write questions around the topic so you
can answer them later.
Questions I ask myself when
reading the text…..
Answers to these questions
Things I need to ask my teacher
Flash Cards
Testwood School Revision Aid
Unit / Topic / Title
Keywords / Definitions
Testwood School Revision Aid
Deconstruct a Unit / Topic:
Step 1: Write down the chapter / theme / topic in the top box. Break that down into several parts. Break that down further into smaller details you may need to know.
Chapter / Theme / Topic
Main Idea 1
Main Idea 2
Main Idea 3
Main Idea 4
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 3
Detail 1
Testwood School Revision Aid
Testwood School Revision Aid
Blank Template
Testwood School Revision Aid
Experiment on a Page
Experiment Title:
Process / Method
Experiment Diagram
Testwood School Revision Aid
Mind Mapping
Testwood School Revision Aid