Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources • Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets
are also available on our website at:
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
October 2017
Sergio M. Abit Jr., PhD
State Specialist for On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems
Emily Hollarn
Environmental Specialist
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
Many of us want to build or buy houses in the country, for
a variety of reasons. Living outside of city limits allows for the
opportunity to be closer to nature, the ability to grow vegetables
and raise farm animals and the chance to live a simple and
relaxed life in a rural setting. One thing to bear in mind is, that
while living in the country has tremendous benefits, access to
the conveniences that towns provide are not always available.
For instance, a country home would most likely be outside the
service area of the city water and sewer system – meaning
the need for your own safe and reliable source of water and
the need to treat household wastewater within the property.
For the latter, an on-site wastewater treatment system, most
commonly known as a septic system, is needed.
There are three key things to remember with septic sys-
tems: 1) they are expensive to install, 2) they need care and
maintenance and 3) there are rules that govern their instal-
lation and maintenance. This fact sheet articulates the rules
you need to know regarding securing an installation permit,
site and soil restrictions, and installation and maintenance of
septic systems. For additional details about maintenance of
septic systems and the various types of systems permitted
in Oklahoma, refer to Extension fact sheets PSS-2914, Keep
Your Septic System in Working Order and PSS-2913, On-site
Wastewater Treatment Systems Permitted in Oklahoma.
In Oklahoma, rules that pertain to septic systems are
conveyed in Title 252 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code
Chapter 641, “Individual and Small Public On-Site Treatment
Systems. This Code was used as reference in preparing this
fact sheet. While much of this fact sheet is written in a simpli-
fied question-and-answer format, there are parts that are lifted
almost verbatim from the Code.
Site Requirements and Restrictions
Is there a minimum home lot size requirement?
If public water (water from city or rural water district) is
used, the minimum lot size requirement for a house needing
a septic system is ½ acre for most systems. If an individual
drinking water well is used, then a minimum lot size of ¾ acre
is required for most systems.
Basic Septic System Rules
for Oklahoma
What is a “repair area” requirement?
Aside from the area allocated for septic system installa-
tion, enough area should be designated as repair area. This
is the area where dispersal lines of the septic system will be
installed in case the first system installed fails.
When buying a house, ask where the designated repair
area is located. Make sure the repair area is big enough for
system installation and no permanent structures are built on
the area.
Where can the septic system be installed?
All components of the septic system, including tanks,
pumps, dispersal fields and collection line(s) need to be
installed within the property of the owner of the system and/
or in a dedicated recorded easement for the installation and
operation of the septic system. Keep in mind there are sepa-
ration distances from objects such as water wells, property
lines, buildings as well as other rules.
What is a ‘Water Body Protection Area’ and is the
property is in it?
Water Body Protection Areas (WBPA) are those areas
located within at least 1,320 feet from water bodies (e.g. rivers
and lakes) designated by the State to be specially protected
from pollution. Areas in the WBPA, specifically those within
660 feet from a listed water body or scenic river corridor re-
quire advanced systems with a nitrate-reduction component.
This means the septic system for that area will cost more. To
determine whether the property is within the WBPA, check with
the local DEQ office or go to http://gis.deq.ok.gov/flexviewer/.
It should be noted that the requirement for a nitrate-reduction
component applies only to new houses or modification on a
septic system of an existing house.
How much land area is required for the septic
While not stipulated as a rule, it is suggested that at least
10,000 square feet be allocated for the septic system in the
area where it will be installed. In addition, the area should
be accessible to the installer and the equipment needed in
earth-working activities related to the installation.
The actual size of the area required for the septic system
will initially depend on soil and site properties in the area. Soil
properties and site location (relative to protected water bodies)
will dictate what type of septic systems may be permitted for
the site. Once the appropriate septic system is determined,
the number of bedrooms in the house is then taken into con-
sideration to determine the actual size of the area that must
be allocated for the septic system. The same determines the
size of the designated repair area.
As a rule of thumb, the finer the soil texture in the area
(more clay in the soil), and the more bedrooms in the house,
the wider the area needed for the septic system.
Required Soil Evaluation
As mentioned earlier, soil and site properties determine
the type of septic system permitted for installation, as well as
size of the land area that is needed. Tests must be performed
to determine soil properties.
What soil test needs to be performed?
There are two soil tests: 1) Soil Profile Description and
2) Percolation Test. Results of a percolation test serve as an
indicator of the rate of subsurface water flow at depths where
household wastewater is normally applied. The soil profile
description mainly involves the determination of soil texture
(how fine or coarse is the soil) and soil color at 6-inch depth
intervals from the surface down to 48 inches or until a flow-
restricting layer is found.
Either test could serve as basis in making septic system-
related decisions. But in sites located within the WBPA, a soil
profile description is mandatory. It should also be noted that the
land area required for the septic system is generally smaller
if the test performed is a soil profile description. It is always
best to start any septic system decision-related process with
a soil test. However, if the decision has already been made to
install a lagoon system or an aerobic treatment system with
spray irrigation, then a soil test is no longer required.
Who can perform soil tests?
Only State-certified soil profilers can perform soil profile
descriptions. A list of soil profilers can be found at http://www.
deq.state.ok.us/eclsnew/OnSite/soilprofilers.htm. Environ-
ment Specialists at the Department of Environmental Quality
(DEQ) can also perform soil profile descriptions. Percolation
tests can be performed by professional engineers, licensed
sanitarians, environmental specialists or soil scientists. Results
from these tests are used by installers to design the septic
system that would be submitted to the DEQ for approval.
Note: There are municipalities in Oklahoma requiring a soil
test report before issuing a building permit.
What needs a permit?
All new installations of septic systems in a property, in-
cluding the installation of an additional system, need to have
a permit before it can proceed. Modifications of an existing
system also need a permit. Septic system modifications may
be needed as a result of the following: a) malfunctioning
septic systems, b) home renovation leading to an increase
in the number of bedrooms, c) increase in water use due to
change in use of a house or building and d) relocation of any
component of a septic system. A permit must be secured
before work can start.
Where and how to get an installation or modifica-
tion permit?
The DEQ is the permitting and regulatory agency for
requests and issues related to on-site septic systems. To ap-
ply for a permit, simply go online at https://applications.deq.
ok.gov/sewagepermit/ or contact your local DEQ office for
assistance. Contact information and locations of your nearest
local DEQ office could be found at http://www.deq.state.ok.us/
eclsnew/localOffices.htm. Often, the installer will process the
installation or modification permit application for you.
Who conducts inspections and when are they
There are two cases where an inspection by a DEQ
personnel is necessary. They are: 1) repairs and system
modifications performed by a non-certified installer and 2)
installation of new systems by a non-certified installer. The
inspection must be performed before the installation, modi-
fication or repairs are backfilled and/or before the system is
placed into operation.
It should be noted that if the installation, modification or
repair is performed by a state-certified installer, there is no
need for a DEQ personnel to perform an inspection because
certified installers are allowed to perform self-inspection.
Who is responsible for arranging a DEQ inspec-
The installer shall be responsible for requesting any re-
quired DEQ inspection related to an installation, modification
or repair. Inspections related to complaints will be managed
by the DEQ personnel.
Who can install a septic system?
It is recommended that you utilize the services of a state-
certified septic system installer. A list of state-certified install-
ers can be found at http://www.deq.state.ok.us/ECLSNew/
CertInstallers/certInstallers.htm or from the local DEQ office.
The State of Oklahoma allows non-certified installers to
install a limited number of systems. However, these instal-
lations must be inspected and approved by DEQ personnel
before they are backfilled and/or made operational.
Are new installations covered by a mandatory
warranty/maintenance period?
Installers are free to offer their own version of a warranty/
maintenance package to their clients for a fee. However, if the
system installed is an aerobic treatment system/unit (ATU),
Oklahoma rules require a two-year warranty. This rule man-
dates the installer of an ATU to maintain the system at no
additional cost to the homeowner for two years following the
date of installation. Within this period, the installer is required
to inform the owner of the operational status and any repairs
or replacements performed with the system.
If you buy a house and the ATU in the house is still within
the warranty period, you are eligible for the warranty until the
two-year period expires.
Responsibilities of the Owner
Properly working septic systems will treat harmful pol-
lutants in household water. Improperly-functioning systems
pose as hazards to the owners, their neighbors and the
The rule clearly stipulates that the owner of a system shall
ensure that the system is maintained and operated properly
so that: 1) sewage or effluent from the system is properly
treated and does not surface, pool, flow across the ground
or worse, discharge to surface waters, 2) all components of
the system including lagoons are maintained and do not leak
or overflow and 3) the required security measures are intact
(e.g. required fences are intact, septic tank lids are intact and
properly secured).
The rules also state that if a septic system malfunctions,
the person owning or otherwise responsible for the system
needs to take prompt action to repair the malfunctioning system,
prevent further violations and remediate the site. Violations and
negligence are subject to enforcement actions and possible
Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Higher
Education Act), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal and state laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, genetic informa-
tion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, or status as a veteran, in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This provision includes, but is not limited to admissions,
employment, financial aid, and educational services. The Director of Equal Opportunity, 408 Whitehurst, OSU, Stillwater, OK 74078-1035; Phone 405-744-5371; email: [email protected] has
been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity. Any person (student, faculty, or staff) who believes that discriminatory practices have
been engaged in based on gender may discuss his or her concerns and file informal or formal complaints of possible violations of Title IX with OSU’s Title IX Coordinator 405-744-9154.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director of Oklahoma Cooperative Extension
Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. This publication is printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Vice President for Agricultural Programs and
has been prepared and distributed at a cost of 20 cents per copy. 1017 GH.
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
for people of all ages. It is designated to take
the knowledge of the university to those persons
who do not or cannot participate in the formal
classroom instruction of the university.
It utilizes research from university, government,
and other sources to help people make their own
More than a million volunteers help multiply the
impact of the Extension professional staff.
It dispenses no funds to the public.
It is not a regulatory agency, but it does inform
people of regulations and of their options in meet-
ing them.
Local programs are developed and carried out in
full recognition of national problems and goals.
The Extension staff educates people through
personal contacts, meetings, demonstrations,
and the mass media.
Extension has the built-in flexibility to adjust its
programs and subject matter to meet new needs.
Activities shift from year to year as citizen groups
and Extension workers close to the problems
advise changes.
The Cooperative Extension Service is the largest,
most successful informal educational organization in
the world. It is a nationwide system funded and guided
by a partnership of federal, state, and local govern-
ments that delivers information to help people help
themselves through the land-grant university system.
Extension carries out programs in the broad catego-
ries of agriculture, natural resources and environment;
family and consumer sciences; 4-H and other youth;
and community resource development. Extension
staff members live and work among the people they
serve to help stimulate and educate Americans to
plan ahead and cope with their problems.
Some characteristics of the Cooperative Extension
system are:
The federal, state, and local governments
cooperatively share in its financial support and
program direction.
It is administered by the land-grant university as
designated by the state legislature through an
Extension director.
Extension programs are nonpolitical, objective,
and research-based information.
It provides practical, problem-oriented education