2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines
John Ellis, DVM, PhD, DACVP, DACVM
, Elizabeth Marziani, DVM
Chumkee Aziz, DVM, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice), Catherine M. Brown, DVM, MSc, MPH,
Leah A. Cohn, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, Christopher Lea, DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline Practice),
George E. Moore, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVPM, Neha Taneja, MBA, MSHCM, LVT
These guidelines are an update and extension of previous AAHA peer-reviewed canine vaccination guidelines published in
2017. Vaccination is a cornerstone of canine preventive healthcare and one of the most cost-effective ways of maintaining
adogs health, longevity, and quality of life. Canine vaccination also serves a public health function by forming a barrier
against several zoonotic diseases affecting dogs and humans. Canine vaccines are broadly categorized as containing
core and noncore immunizing antigens, with administration recommendations based on assessment of individual patient
risk factors. The guidelines include a comprehensive table listing canine core and noncore vaccines and a recommended
vaccination and revaccination schedule for each vaccine. The guidelines explain the relevance of different vaccine formu-
lations, including those containing modied-live virus, inactivated, and recombinant immunizing agents. Factors that
potentially affect vaccine efcacy are addressed, including the patients prevaccination immune status and vaccine dura-
tion of immunity. Because animal shelters are one of the most challenging environments for prevention and control of
infectious diseases, the guidelines also provide recommendations for vaccination of dogs presented at or housed in ani-
mal shelters, including the appropriate response to an infectious disease outbreak in the shelter setting. The guidelines
explain how practitioners can interpret a patients serological status, including maternally derived antibody titers, as indi-
cators of immune status and suitability for vaccination. Other topics covered include factors associated with postvaccina-
tion adverse events, vaccine storage and handling to preserve product efcacy, interpreting product labeling to ensure
proper vaccine use, and using client education and healthcare team training to raise awareness of the importance of vac-
cinations. (JAmAnimHospAssoc2022; 58:119. DOI 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-Canine Vaccination Guidelines)
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Veterinary Microbiology,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (J.E.); Hillside Animal Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri
(E.M.); Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
(C.M.B.); Association of Shelter Veterinarians, Houston, Texas (C.A.);
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri (L.A.C.); Auburn University,
Auburn, Alabama (C.L.); Purdue University, College of Veterinary Medicine,
West Lafayette, Indiana (G.E.M.); A Paw Partnership, Veterinary Well-being
Advocate, Centreville, Virginia (N.T.)
Brett Sargent, DVM, DABVP (Front Range Veterinary Clinic, Lakewood,
Colorado); Jason Stull, VMD, MPVM, PhD, DACVPM (The Ohio State
University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Pre-
ventive Medicine, Columbus, Ohio)
Correspondence: john.ellis@usask.ca (J.E.)
J. Ellis and E. Marziani were cochairs of the AAHA Canine Vaccina-
tion Guidelines Task Force.
These guidelines were prepared by a task force of experts convened by
the American Animal Hospital Association. This document is intended as
a guideline only, not an AAHA standard of care. These guidelines and rec-
ommendations should not be construed as dictating an exclusive
protocol, course of treatment, or procedure. Variations in practice may be
warranted based on the needs of the individual patient, resources, and
limitations unique to each individual practice setting. Evidence-based sup-
port for specic recommendations has been cited whenever possible and
appropriate. Other recommendations are based on practical clinical expe-
rience and a consensus of expert opinion. Further research is needed to
document some of these recommendations. Because each case is differ-
ent, veterinarians must base their decisions on the best available scientic
evidence in conjunction with their own knowledge and experience.
These guidelines are generously supported by Boehringer Ingelheim
Animal Health, Merck Animal Health, Zoetis Petcare, and Elanco Ani-
mal Health.
Bb (Bordetella bronchiseptica); CAV-1 (canine adenovirus type 1);
CAV-2 (canine adenovirus type 2); CDV (canine distemper virus); CFIA
(Canadian Food Inspection Agency); CIRD (canine infectious respiratory
disease); CIV (canine inuenza virus); CPIV (canine parainuenza virus);
CPV (canine parvovirus); CPV-2 (canine parvovirus type 2); DA2PP (dis-
temper, canine adenovirus type 2, parvovirus, parainuenza combina-
tion vaccine); DOI (duration of immunity); ELISA (enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay); HI (hemagglutination inhibition); IN (intranasal);
MDA (maternally derived antibodies); MLV (modied-live virus); VN (virus
neutralization); USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).
© 2022 by American Animal Hospital Association JAAHA.ORG 1
Vaccination is an essential component of preventive pet healthcare
and an important pathway to nurturing a long-term veterinarian-
client-patient relationship. Universal, routine vaccination for high-
morbidity or high-mortality diseases such as canine distemper,
canine parvovirus enteritis, and rabies is necessary for individual
health and to maintain herd immunity to these infections, thereby
reducing the risk for disease spread and outbreaks. Recognizing that
there is hesitancy and skepticism in the human population to vacci-
nation, client education can play a key role in helping pet owners
understand that vaccination is a safe, effective, and necessary part of
their pets healthcare plan and that it acts as a barrier to zoonotic dis-
eases that can affect client households. All members of the veterinary
healthcare team should be able to communicate a consistent, unied
message to clients about the importance of immunization against
preventable infectious diseases. Protocols for baseline and individual-
ized vaccination plans are useful tools not only for implementing
vaccination practices but also for client education.
These guidelines include updated vaccination recommendations
and dosing schedules for canine vaccines licensed in the United
States. These recommendations are presented in easy-to-reference
tables, categorized by core and noncore vaccine antigens. Core vac-
cines are dened as those recommended for all dogs irrespective of
lifestyle, e.g., rabies. Noncore vaccines are those recommended for
some dogs based on their risk of exposure when factors such as life-
style, geographic location, and endemic conditions are considered,
e.g., Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi infection). Because animal
shelters represent one of the most challenging environments for the
prevention of canine infectious disease, these guidelines include a
detailed discussion of current recommendations for vaccination of
shelter dogsat presentation, as resident animals, or in case of a dis-
ease outbreak. A simplied approach to determining the role of
patient serologic titers as indicators of the need for primary or repeat
vaccination is also described.
Licensed canine vaccines have a high degree of proven safety
and efcacy. For this reason, dogs that present with an incomplete or
ambiguous vaccination or health history can still be vaccinated with
the expectation of a protective immune response and a low risk of
serious postvaccination adverse effects. Stated another way, veterinar-
ians can assume that the benets of vaccination far outweigh the
risks in cases of dogs with unknown immune status or vaccination
historya common occurrence in veterinar y practice. Examples of
these real-world scenarios include the possibility of recent natural
exposure, absence of serologic data to guide a vaccination decision,
or suitability for noncore vaccines such as Leptospira spp. Thanks to
the reliability of the licensed vaccine armamentarium, a good rule of
thumb is, When in doubt, vaccinate.
Vaccine Overview and Types
Vaccines are one of the medical and public health successes of the
19th and 20th centuries. Their use has reduced morbidity and mor-
tality more than any other intervention in human and veterinary
medicine. Vaccination of companion animals protects the health of
the individual animal, improves animal welfare in community set-
tings (e.g., shelters), protects public health (e.g., rabies and leptospi-
rosis), and reduces the occurrence of infectious diseases that transmit
mainly within a species (e.g., canine variants of rabies virus, canine
distemper, and canine parvovirus). Vaccines have mitigated the
impact of infectious diseases on populations through herd immunity
so successfully that some dog owners may hold the perception that
vaccination is no longer necessary. Although individual dogs with
low-risk lifestyles (i.e., minimal exposure to other animals) may ben-
et from herd immunity, unvaccinated individuals are still more vul-
nerable to infection, and reductions in population-level vaccination
rates without eradication of the pathogen will inevitably result in a
recurrence of disease at outbreak levels. This has been clearly demon-
strated by recurrent canine distemper and parvovirus outbreaks in
shelters, and by recent outbreaks of measles in human populations
where reduced vaccine coverage exists.
Vaccine efcacy, assessed during product development, is mea-
sured as the proportionate reduction of disease in vaccinated groups
compared with unvaccinated groups. Although necessary for the pur-
poses of licensing , vaccine efcacy calculated under these controlled
settings may not equate to the population impact of the vaccine in
real-world settings. This impact, known as vaccine effectiv eness, is
more difcult to quantify, especially in veterinary medicine, which
lacks the robust surveillance systems for monitoring the numbers of
individuals vaccinated and disease cases. Vaccination failures,
namely, the occurrence of disease in an animal that has received an
appropriately administered vaccine against that disease, are rare but
should be expected because no vaccine achieves 100% effectiveness.
Vaccination failures can occur for many reasons including:
Failure of the vaccinated patient to mount an adequate immune
Exposure to the infection before being fully vaccinated.
Interference of maternal antibodies.
Improper storage or handling of the vaccine, including inappropri-
ate administration.
Waning immunity (e.g., immunosenescence, or age-related deterio-
ration of the immune system).
Vaccine manufacturing errors, such as lack of potency due to insta-
bility, expiration, or improper storage.
Vaccination failures should be promptly reported to the manu-
facturer. These reports are essential for detecting changes in product
performance due to def ects in particular lots of vaccine. In the
United States, if a veterinarian is unable to report to the
2 JAAHA | 58:5 Sep/Oct 2022
manufacturer, reports can be made directly to the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Center for Veterinary Biologics.
More information and instructions on reporting are available online
from the USDA at https:// www.ap his.u sda.g ov/aph is/ou rfocus /
Although no vaccine produces complete immunity or protec-
tion, the term duration of immunity (DOI) is commonly used for
the length of time a vaccine is expected to produce a robust immune
response and protection against illness following exposure. DOI data,
unlike vaccine efcacy (the reduction in disease in vaccinated ani-
mals compared with unvaccinated animals) data, are not required
for licensure by the USDA. Exceptions to this include rabies vaccines
and, recently, new vaccines for which no pre-existing products are
available. Vaccine labels historically recommend booster doses every
year. Increasingly, data are available from postlicensing studies dem-
onstrating that the effect of many vaccines persists for extended peri-
ods. In some cases, DOI data have been submitted to the USDA to
update vaccine labels. These data have also been considered in vac-
cine guidelines developed by various stakeholder groups. Because
data also reveal differences in serologic titers following administra-
tion of different vaccine formulations for the same pathogen, extrap-
olation about efcacy and DOI between products may not always be
Table 1 lists the characteristics of the four general categories of
canine vaccines based on the physical attributes of the vaccine
immunizing antigen.
Recommendations for Core and Noncore
Canine Vaccines
Based on existing data and Task Force expertise, the AAHA Canine
Vaccination Task Force has separated vaccines into two categories,
core and noncore. Core vaccines are those dened by the Task Force
as vaccines recommended for all dogs irrespective of lifestyle, unless
there is a specic medical reason not to vaccinate. Examples of core
vaccines include canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 2,
canine parvovirus type 2, and rabies. Noncore vaccines are those rec-
ommended for some dogs based on lifestyle, geographic location,
and risk of exposure. Canine leptospirosis vaccine, canine Bordetella
vaccine, canine Lyme vaccine, canine inuenza vaccine, and the
Western diamondback rattlesnake toxoid are considered noncore.
Table 2 lists core and noncore vaccines as determined by the
Task Force and their dosing recommendations. The designation of a
core vaccine was unanimously supported by all members of the Task
Force, but there was not always consensus regarding noncore vac-
cines. For example, some members of the Task Force asserted that
the canine leptospirosis vaccine should be considered a core vaccine
based on the increasing geographical prevalence of the disease. How-
ever, others preferred to leave this decision up to the veterinarian.
For regions where noncore pathogens are endemic, such as canine
leptospirosis and canine Lyme disease, these traditionally noncore
vaccines may be considered a core vaccine by veterinary practices in
those locations. As travel with pets becomes more popular and
vector-borne diseases spread, patients should be carefully assessed at
least annually to determine their vaccine requirements. These should
be considered general rather than universally prescriptive recom-
mendations. Veterinarians have the discretion to administer vaccines
off-label when scientic data, local circumstances, or evolving stand-
ards of care support that decision. In those situations, informed con-
sent from the client is still an important consideration.
These guidelines have been revised from prior versions to pro-
vide consolidated and updated clinical information, allowing the vet-
erinarian to select the best vaccines and protocols to t individual
patient needs. The guidelines are to be considered discretionary rec-
ommendations, and the Task Force emphasizes that practitioners
should be aware of the importance of reviewing and following manu-
facturers label instructions for specic vaccines, including instruc-
tions on proper mixing and use of diluents. Different types of
vaccines for the same pathogen may induce different immunologic
responses depending on vaccine technology, formulation, route of
administration, and patient factors.
Key Vaccination Considerations by Antigen
Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Adenovirus, and
Canine Parvovirus
Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
Canine distemper virus can infect many species including domestic
dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, ferrets, skunks, and raccoons. Although
relatively unstable in the environment, the wide host range and
worldwide disease distribution allow for increased risk of virus expo-
sure for free-roaming dogs.
CDV vaccines are considered core vaccines, recommended for
all dogs regardless of geographical location. CDV vaccines contain
modied-live virus (MLV), high-titer, low-passage (less attenuated)
modied-live virus, or a (recombinant) canarypox vector with tar-
geted CDV genes. The minimum age to begin the primary vaccina-
tion protocol in puppies is 68 wk. MLV vaccines can be blocked,
however, by maternally derived antibodies (MDA) against CDV,
which decline exponentially over time and are usually absent by
1214 wk of age. Revaccination is therefore recommended at 2 to
4 wk intervals until greater than 16 wk old; 1820 wk of age may be
preferred particularly in areas of high CDV risk.
After the primary puppy series of vaccinations, a booster should
be administered within 1 yr. Thereafter, interval boosters every 3 yr
2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines
are recommended; annual boosters are not necessary. Longer
(.3 yr) duration of immunity after vaccination has been suggested
Detection of CDV antibodies after vaccination can be performed
by hemagglutination inhibition (HI), virus neutralization (VN), or
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). (See the guidelines
Canine Parvovirus (CPV)
Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) is the most common cause of viral
enteritis in dogs. Three antigenic canine variants, CPV-2a, CPV-2b,
and CPV-2c, have been identied, but they are 99% genetically
Domestic and wild canids are susceptible to CPV-2, but risk of
infection is most likely from virus particles shed by other domestic
dogs. The virus is relatively stable in the environment. CPV is trans-
mitted by oronasal exposure, but CPV MLV vaccines are currently
registered for parenteral administration and are generally highly
effective once maternal antibody concentrations fall below inhibitory
CPV MLV vaccines are considered core vaccines, recom-
mended for all dogs regardless of geographical location, and are
Categories of Canine Vaccines Based on Physical Type of Immunizing Antigen
A list of licensed veterinary biologics is available at www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/veterinary-biologics/ct_vb_licensed_products.
4 JAAHA | 58:5 Sep/Oct 2022
2022 AAHA Core and Noncore Vaccines for Dogs
IN, intranasal; SQ, subcutaneous.
For dogs in shelter environments, see narrative for additional recommendations.
2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines
currently considered protective against the three known variants.
The minimum age to begin the primary vaccination protocol in pup-
pies is 68 wk. However, MLV vaccines can be blocked by MDA
against CPV, which decline exponentially over time and may persist
for 13 15 wk or possibly longer.
Revaccination is therefore
recommended at 2 to 4 wk intervals until greater than 16 wk old;
1820 wk old is preferred particularly in areas of high CPV risk.
In spite of the core vaccination recommendation for CPV, CPV
diagnoses in young dogs (,1 yr old) continue owing to a lack of
protective antibodies, particularly in dogs presenting to animal shel-
Although host-related factors may play a role, failure to com-
plete primary vaccine schedules or vaccine storage or administration
errors may account for many or most vaccine failures.
After the primary puppy series of vaccinations, a booster should
be administered within 1 yr. Thereafter, interval boosters every 3 yr
are recommended; annual boosters are not necessary. Longer
(.3 yr) duration of immunity after vaccination has been suggested
Detection of CPV antibodies after vaccination can be performed
by HI, VN, or ELISA diagnostic tests. (See section on Utilization and
Interpretation of Serologic Titers.)
Canine Adenovirus (CAV)
Canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) is considered a core vaccine, pri-
marily because it is necessary for the prevention of canine adenovirus
type 1 (CAV-1) (against which it cross-protects),
the cause of infec-
tious canine hepatitis, historically recognized as a severe and often
fatal disease of canids. Although uncommon, sporadic cases of CAV-
1 infection are still reported.
Vaccination schedules for parenteral
CAV-2 vaccines follow the recommendations for CDV and CPV,
and CAV-2 is usually a component of combination vaccines.
CAV-2 can also cause tracheobronchitis and is part of the canine
infectious respiratory disease (CIRD) complex. Given in combination
with canine parainuenza virus (CPIV) and Bordetella vaccines, MLV
CAV-2 vaccine can be administered intranasally (IN) to puppies as
young as 3 wk of age, as mucosal immunity is not blocked by MDA.
In the United States, stray dog control programs initiated in the
1940s, combined with routine rabies vaccination of owned dogs,
eliminated the canine rabies virus variant (strain) from circulation by
2008. The elimination of this variant of an almost uniformly fatal
virus from a domestic animal species that lives as a companion in
close contact with humans has saved both canine and human lives.
Today, in the United States and Canada, dogs (and humans) remain
at risk from host-adapted rabies virus variants in wildlife reservoir
species such as skunks, raccoons, foxes, and bats. The extent of spill-
over from wildlife is driven by the wildlife reservoir in the endemic
area, with spillover most common in areas with the raccoon variant,
somewhat less with skunk variants, and least common in areas where
only bat variants occur. The US CDC publish an annual rabies sur-
veillance summary that includes useful maps illustrating the distribu-
tion of terrestrial rabies virus variants as well as spillover events into
dogs. Links to recent publications on rabies and rabies epidemiology
are available at https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/resources/publications/
index.html. The Canadian Food Insp ection Agency (CFIA) also
compiles rabies statistics at https://inspection.canada.ca/animal-
health/terrestrial-animals/diseases/reportable/ra bies/rabies-in-
Because of the high fatality rate and public health risk posed by
rabies infection, administration of rabies vaccine to dogs is legally
mandated in many jurisdictions. Age at initial vaccination, timing of
booster doses, vaccine formulation, response to overdue booster
doses, and whether rabies vaccine exemptions are permitted may all
be stipulated in laws or regulations. Mandates can exist at the local,
state, and provincial levels, and veterinarians should be aware of all
applicable requirements in their area. Veterinarians that serve clients
in multiple jurisdictions with variable requirements should generally
apply the requirements of the jurisdiction where the animal resides.
Local and state health departments (https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/
resources/cont acts. html) and state public health veterinarians (listed
at http://nasphv.or g/Documents/S tatePublicHealthV eterinariansB y
State.pdf) are important sources of information about vaccine
requirements, local rabies epidemiology, animal rabies testing, and
risk assessments following a possible rabies exposure.
Rabies vaccines are highly immunogenic and effective. Vaccine
failures are rarely reported. In jurisdictions where it is not man-
dated, rabies is recommended as a core vaccine, used in accordance
with the most current recommendations in the Compendium of
Animal Rabies Prevention and Control (http://www.nasphv.org/
documentsCompendia.html). Currently, all licensed rabies vaccines
for dogs are inactivated (killed) with 1 and 3 yr DOI formulations
available. All licensed products are labeled for puppies 3 mo of age
and older. A booster dose is recommended 1 yr following the initial
vaccination regardless of the formulation or age at initial vaccina-
tion. The boosters purpose is to immunize any animals that failed
to respond to the initial dose. At this time, there are no published
data supporting the efcacy of half-doses of rabies vaccine.
Legal exemptions from rabies vaccination requirements are
only available in certain jurisdictions. Because exposure to rabies
poses a risk to both animal and human health in unvaccinated or
undervaccinated dogs, possible exemptions should be discussed with
the owner in the context of the animals health and lifestyle (i.e., risk
6 JAAHA | 58:5 Sep/Oct 2022
of exposure). Veterinarians should document these discussions in
the medical record. Antibody titer levels as correlates of protection
have not been established for rabies, and serologic testing is not con-
sidered a substitute for vaccination.
Vaccination for the prevention of leptospirosis should be strongly
considered for most dogs in North America as the disease can be
life-threatening, is endemic in much of the continent, and is zoo-
notic. In addition to protection from disease, vaccination may be
necessary to meet state or international requirements for importation
and transport of dogs.
Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by spirochetes in
the genus Leptospira, including L interrogans and Lkirschneri.Sur-
face antigens delineate multiple different serovars, with the predomi-
nant disease-associated serovars varying with geographic location
and over time. In the past, L interrogans serovars Canicola and Icter-
ohemorrhagiae were predominant in North American dogs, and vac-
cines for these serovars have been available since the 1960s.
more recent years, L interrogans serovars Pomona, Bratislava, and
Autumnalis and L kirschneri serovar Grippotyphosa have emerged as
important canine pathogens.
Quadrivalent vaccines for use in
North America now include the addition of serovars Pomona and
Grippotyphosa bacterins. The Task Force recommends the use of the
4-serovar vaccines for protection against the most relevant pathogens
because vaccines induce only partial or no immunity to heterologous
Most leptospiral vaccines are adjuvanted, killed whole-cell bac-
terins, but nonadjuvanted bacterin vaccines have been marketed
more recently.
As is typical for bacterin vaccines, annual boosters
are required, with DOI shown for various vaccine serovars ranging
from 12 to 18 mo.
Most dogs in North America should be considered at risk of
leptospirosis. Historically, the disease was most common in large-
breed dogs with rural outdoor exposure. This is no longer true.
Small-breed dogs are frequently infected, perhaps because of urban
and suburban exposure of dogs to wildlife reservoirs including
Dogs of any age, breed, or sex can be infected.
spirosis occurs throughout North America, and while often associ-
ated with exposure to water, infection is well documented in arid
Risk factors for leptospirosis include dogs
spending any time outdoors (including urban, suburban, and rural
environments), exposure to rodents, and time in kennels or dog
Vaccination against leptospirosis can induce antibodies that
may lead to false-positive serologic tests meant for disease diagnosis.
Both microscopic agglutination tests and point-of-care serologic
assays are impacted by this effect.
Fortunately, this becomes less
important in light of the fact that clinical disease is unlikely in vacci-
nated dogs. Vaccination does not result in positive real-time poly-
merase chain reaction test results.
Leptospirosis is an important zoonotic pathogen.
there is little evidence of direct human infection from dogs,
greater canine ex posure to contaminated environments a nd close
contact with people may link environmental sources to
Newer vaccines have been documente d to dramati-
cally reduce or p revent renal carriage and urina ry sh edding of
leptospires from exposed dogs, potentially pro tectin g hu mans
even if indirectly.
Historically, veterinarians have been concerned about adverse
reactions to leptospiral vaccines.
been altered to minimize the likelihood of such reactions. Based on
available information, adverse reactions to leptospiral vaccines seem
to be rare, with ,53 adverse events per 10,000 doses.
adverse reactions are minor, and serious anaphylactic reactions were
reported no more often for dogs given leptospiral vaccines than for
other vaccine antigens. Nevert heless, adverse reactions of any type
are more likely in smaller and younger dogs.
For this reason, the
Task Force suggests that the initial dose be administered at or after
12 wk of age. Other measures to mitigate adverse reactions include
minimizing the number of different vaccines administered at a single
visit and following manufacturers recommendations, such as allow-
ing a vaccine to reach room temperature before injection.
Borrelia (Lyme Disease)
Vaccination for Lyme borreliosis should be considered for dogs that
live within or travel to regions with emerging or endemic Lyme dis-
ease. Lyme disease is caused by infection with tick-transmitted borre-
lial pathogens. Although at least 21 species of borrelial pathogens can
cause Lyme disease, in North America disease is due almost exclu-
sively to Borrelia burgdorferi.
In 2014, species in the B burgdorferi
sensu lato complex were awarded a new genus designation, Borre-
liella. However, this nomenclature is not yet routinely used by veteri-
narians and Bburgdorferirefers to either.
Lyme disease is transmitted by the bite of Ixodid ticks.
In the
northeastern, mid-Atlantic, and north-central United States and east-
ern Canadian provinces, the primary vector is Ixodes scapularis
(black-legged tick, or deer tick), whereas on the Paciccoast,thepri-
mary vector is Ixodes pacicus (western black-legged tick). Although
the geographic expansion of endemic areas may well occur, currently
infections are largely restricted to clusters of states where these ticks,
and appropriate mammalian disease hosts, are abundant.
2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines
Dogs that spend time outdoors in endemic regions are most
likely to benet from vaccination. Vaccination should be comple-
mented with an ectoparasite control program as prevention of tick
feeding prevents dis ease transmission.
For dogs with travel
planned to an endemic area, both initial vaccinations should be com-
pleted 2 to 4 wk before travel. In a recent large dataset (20132019),
states with $5% seroprevalence in tested dogs included (in order of
highest to lowest prevalence) Connecticut (15.5% seroprevalence),
Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, Minnesota, Vir-
ginia, Maryland, Delaware, Wisconsin, and District of Columbia.
In Canada, the disease is endemic in portions of Manitoba, eastern
Ontario, southern Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.
Dogs can serve as sentinels for infection in humans for this zoonotic
disease, and regions with the greatest canine seroprevalence mirror
regions with more human infections.
Fortunately, although
Lyme disease is zoonotic, there is no direct transmission from
infected dogs to people, and infection in either species depends on
vector transmission.
Most dogs infected with Bburgdorferiremain healthy.
#10% develop a polyarthritis that is responsive to antimicrobial
The most important potential consequence of infection is
protein-losing nephropathy. For the estimated 1 to 5% of infected
dogs that develop Lyme nephritis, the outcome is often fatal despite
antimicrobial therapy.
Predisposition to Lyme nephritis has
been suggested for retriever breeds, perhaps warranting additional
consideration for vaccination in these breeds.
There are four types of Borrelia vaccines approved for use, each
of which has been proved safe and efcacious. Vaccines for preven-
tion of Lyme disease exert their protective effect in an unusual way.
All available vaccines can induce canine antibodies that bind borre-
lial outer surface proteins that are expressed while the pathogen is in
the tick (OspA). Having only OspA in a vaccine has been shown to
be effective.
It is also known that lipidation is a determinant of
immunogenicity, and the lipidated recombinant OspA-only vaccine
elicits a robust immune response.
Some vaccines can also induce
antibodies to an antigen that is expressed shortly after transmission
to the dog (OspC).
When the tick ingests antibodies to OspA
from the vaccinated dog while feeding, the bacteria are killed before
transmission. Antibodies to OspC extend protection against any bac-
teria that were not successfully killed inside the tick, thus acting syn-
ergistically with antibodies to OspA.
Antibodies induced through vaccination may or may not result
in positive serologic tests depending on test methodology.
It is
important to understand the impact of vaccination on tests used for
either screening or disease diagnosis. Differentiation of vaccination
from infection is possible for Bburgdorferi.
Bordetella, Canine Parainfluenza, and
Canine Influenza
Previously evaluated
challenge of immunity studies in Bordetella
bronchiseptica (Bb)-seronegative beagle puppies have provided vari-
ably convincing evidence of the efcacy of inactivated injectable,
modied-live combination IN and single-component oral vaccines
for Bb. More recently, current combination IN and single-component
oral vaccines for Bb have been directly compared.
Data from
these studies
are conicting concerning the equivalency of the
oral versus IN route in conferring immunity; one showed no differ-
ence between routes,
whereas the other demonstrated superior clini-
cal efcacy of the IN route.
Altogether, available data indicate that
commercial vaccines for Bb all work at some level, regardless of the
route of administration.
However, in general, the IN (versus oral)
route of administr a tion is prefera ble for respira tory pathogens. This is
because it has been recognized that the common mucosal immune
system, as originally conceptualized, was an oversimplication and
that there is compartmentalization of mucosal immune responses, at
least to some extent, making IN delivery of antigen more effective
than oral at stimulating responses in the respiratory tract.
There may be an immunological benet in combining different
vaccines and routes of administration in a primary series. This strat-
egy is called heterologous prime-boost and involves administering
different forms of an antigen by different routes to broaden and
extend a response.
Although little studied in small animal veteri-
nary medicine, there is an extensive comparative literature,
ing a dog-relevant Bordetella pertussis murine model,
this approach. Currently, heterologous prime-boost is being widely
investigated in an effort to improve responses to vaccines for
One study using a combination of IN and injectable
(whole-cell bacterin) Bb vaccines demonstrated a signicant clinical
benet to this approach versus either vaccine alone.
However, this
strategy has not yet been evaluated with current canine vaccines for
Bb or other pathogens.
Concerning boosting of Bb vaccines, current combination IN
and single-component acellular injectable Bb vaccines have been
shown to induce equivalent anamnestic (memory) Bb-specicIgG
immunized adult household dogs.
There are no similar published
studies concerning the use of the single-component oral vaccine for
this purpose or any use in household dogs.
Dogs that are at risk for Bb are also at risk for canine parain-
uenza virus (CPIV) and canine adenovirus virus-2 (CAV-2) and
should be vaccinated for all three pathogens.
Only the current
combination IN and injectable (core) vaccines contain these patho-
gens. Therefore, the use of single-component oral and injectable Bb
vaccines is not recommended. Exceptions include dogs that cannot
8 JAAHA | 58:5 Sep/Oct 2022
be vaccinated IN, or in the case where the injectable Bb vaccine is
used simultaneously with the injectable core vaccines as a booster for
IN primed responses in a puppy series.
If an IN (modied-live)
Bb vaccine is inadvertently administered by injection, the vaccine
package insert or manufacturer should be consulted, as resulting
inammatory reactions can be serious.
Duration of immunity and related recommendations for annual
vaccination for Bb and CPIV are largely based on experimental infec-
tions in seronegative laboratory beagle puppies.
Such studies,
usually conducted at peak immune response after vaccination, can
generally accurately assess the ability of a vaccine to reduce disease.
However, the validity of using such studies employing group-housed,
genetically similar subjects to determine DOI conferred by vaccines to
household dogs is questionable. It is difcult to model heterogeneous
household conditions comprising the plethora of the host, environ-
mental and pathogen cofactors that can contribute to the brevity or
longevity of protective clinical immunity. The latter endeavor requires
well-designed and well-conducted eld trials, including disease report-
ing; however, these types of studies are rare. One seminal study of the
natural history of Bb indicated that the duration of clinical immunity
(reduction of disease) may be as short as 6mo.
The duration of
clinical immunity to CPIV in household dogs is unknown.
fore, for patients at high risk for CPIV and Bb, it may be advantageous
to use IN combination Bb and CPIV vaccines more frequently than
annually, for example, before boarding. In addition to boosting adap-
tive immune responses, the latter practice may better ameliorate dis-
ease through stimulation of the local innate immune response (type 1
although this is poorly documented in small animals.
Canine inuenza virus (CIV) serotypes H3N8 and H3N2 have
been documented in North America and other parts of the world.
Disease caused by these viruses is usually indistinguishable from that
caused by other respiratory pathogens associated with canine infec-
tious respiratory disease (CIRD), although severe and sometimes
fatal disease can occur in CIV-infected dogs. In contrast to CPIV,
which tends to be endemic, or at least prevalent, in canine popula-
CIV infections and clinical disease to date have occurred
as multicentric nonsustaining outbreaks.
Therefore, the routine use
of CIV vaccines in all dogs is currently not recommended. Etiologic
diagnoses of CIRD cases using quantitative polymerase chain reac-
tion respiratory pathogen panels, together with monitoring of the
current circulation of CIV (https://www.vet.cornell.edu/animal-
health-diagnostic-center/news/canine-inuenza-civ-updates), should
be used to determine whether CIV vaccination is warranted in indi-
vidual dogs, especially in dogs that are boarded and otherwise com-
mingled at dog daycare, dog parks, dog shows and agility events, and
in dogs who travel. Although immunity to inuenza viruses is pri-
marily serotype-specic, the use of bivalent CIV vaccines may avoid
skewing of responses to one serotype.
This could broaden protec-
tive immunity and is therefore recommended.
Rattlesnake Toxoid
Currently, there are no published data documenting the efcacy of
the western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)venomtoxoid
in dogs.
In a published experimental challenge study,
were vaccinated with 50- to 1500-fold (by volume) higher doses of
toxoid than recommended in dogs and were subsequently challenged
intraperitoneally with high doses (twice the LD
protocol and challenge are of questionable relevance to rattlesnake-
bitten dogs. In addition, although vaccinated mice had an increased
survival time, a cohort of vaccinees died or required euthanasia
earlier than unvaccinated controls following exposure to venom.
Similarly, adverse reactions, including anaphylaxis, in previously vac-
cinated, then envenomated, dogs have been reported.
The venom of pit vipers including the Crotalidae is antigenically
Despite the manufacturersclaimsofcross-
protection against envenomation by pit vipers other than Catrox,
there are no published data to support this in dogs. Veterinarians
choosing to use this toxoid should be aware of the lack of peer-
reviewed published data. Polyvalent antivenin therapy is an alterna-
tive to vaccination in suspect cases of rattlesnake bite.
Vaccination of Shelter Dogs and Puppies
Increased opportunities for disease exposure and transmission,
heightened animal stress, and high population turnover rates con-
tribute to an elevated risk for infectious disease in dogs housed in
high-density environments such as animal shelters. In addition, dogs
entering shelters are less likely to be immune against CPV and CDV
than owned dogs.
Of equal importance, infectious diseases are
detrimental for individual animals, entire shelter populations, and
community animals if an outbreak occurs. These increased environ-
mental and patient risk factors inherent to shelter populations war-
rant more stringent vaccination requirements than those for owned
dogs. Accordingly, all dogs, unless severely ill and unable to be
housed within the shelter, should be vaccinated upon shelter entry.
MLV vaccines should be used (as opposed to inactivated vaccines)
owing to the possibility of more rapid onset of immunity. The
DA2PP vaccination schedule in puppies should be started at a youn-
ger age, have shorter intervals between vaccinations, and end at an
older age than that in owned puppies.
Core vaccines for dogs in shelter environments include paren-
teral MLV DA2PP, IN Bb and CPIV, and parenteral rabies. Addi-
tional high-density or high-risk environments, including foster
homes, foster-based rescues, breeding facilities, sanctuaries, boarding
2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines
kennels, and pet stores, should consider following the same vaccina-
tion protocol.
Unless sufcient and reliable documentation of current vaccina-
tion status is presented, all dogs and puppies 4 wk of age and older
should receive an MLV DA2PP vaccine at or before shelter entry
and receive boosters at 2 to 3 wk intervals until they reach 1820 wk
of age. In addition, exposure to infectious disease should be physi-
cally avoided for puppies, ideally through placement in foster care
until adoption or upon reaching 1820 wk of age.
All dogs older than 1820wkofageattimeofentryshould
receive an initial dose of MLV DA2PP vaccine followed by a booster
vaccine 23 wk later, administered either within the shelter, if the dog
remains in care, or by their owners veterinarian after adoption.
When dogs are housed in shelters for prolonged periods of time, they
should receive booster vaccinations as recommended for owned dogs.
All puppies and dogs older than 3 wk of age should receive an
IN Bb and CPIV vaccine with or without CAV-2 at or before entry
to mitigate CIRD. Although not documented in dogs, IN administra-
tion probably stimulates a local, rapid innate (interferon) response in
addition to mucosal IgA. In puppies, this immune response avoids
interference from maternal antibodies.
mucosal vaccines that contain only Bb should be avoided because
dogs that are deemed at risk for Bb should be vaccinated against
CPIV as well. Injectable Bb vaccines should be avoided in shelter
environments owing to a delayed onset of immunity, including little
stimulation of the local immune responses in the upper respiratory
tract. This leads to reduced efcacy in limiting CIRD compared with
IN vaccines. Oral or injectable single-component Bb vaccines are
only recommended when it is not possible to administer a two-way
IN vaccine.
A single dose of a rabies vaccine should be administered paren-
terally to all dogs older than 12 wk of age before release from the
shelter. Rabies vaccination is not required upon shelter entry, as risk
of exposure to rabies within the shelter environment is limited. How-
ever, if a long-term stay is anticipated, rabies vaccine should be
administered on entry with the other core vaccines. Local legal man-
dates regarding the level of veterinary supervision required for rabies
vaccination should be considered when developing shelter protocols.
Rabies vaccination is acceptable even if additional vaccines may have
been administered to the patient within the past 2 wk. Conclusive
evidence is lacking that concurrent vaccination against multiple
pathogens will impair the expected immune response to any individ-
ual component. Ensuring shelter dogs are vaccinated against rabies
upon release from the shelter provides a signicant public health
benet and outweighs any theoretical risk of vaccine interference.
Routine vaccination of shelter-housed dogs against Leptospira,
B burgdorferi (Lyme disease), and canine inuenza virus (CIV;
H3N8 or H3N2 serotypes) is not recommended because these infec-
tions usually pose a minimal risk within the shelter environment.
However, local endemic or epizootic infections, such as in CIV out-
breaks with potential for shelter exposure, as well as available shelter
resources, legal require ments, and the risks and benets of vaccines
should be considered if adopting these noncore vaccinations in a
shelter protocol.
Shelters should advise owners to discuss an indi-
vidually tailored vaccination program with their veterinarian after
Pregnancy and mild illness or injury are not contraindications
to administering core vaccines (CDV, CPV, CAV-2) to shelter-
housed dogs. The overall benets of MLV vaccination in a high-risk
environment outweigh the potential risks posed by vaccination.
immune response to vaccination is of concern, then boostering the
MLV DA2PP vaccine in 23 wk (or after the animal has recovered)
will likely provide additional protection. Shelters that vaccinate all
animals on entry provide optimum herd immunity within their pop-
ulation. Conversely, shelters that do not vaccinate on entry or do not
vaccinate all dogs are at higher risk for an infectious disease
Infectious Disease Outbreak Management in Shelters
An infectious disease outbreak is one of the more daunting chal-
lenges in the high-risk animal shelter setting. Temporary cessation of
animal intakes is a helpful initial approach to an outbreak. Appropri-
ate vaccination of resident or incoming dogs is a crucial strategy
when an infectious disease outbreak occurs in the animal shelter
population. A proper vaccination strategy in the face of an outbreak
is dependent on the pathogen involved, its route of transmission
(oral vs. respiratory), the stage of the outbreak, effectiveness of local
sanitation practices, and the vaccine formulations being used. Unfor-
tunately, there are virtually no published data from controlled studies
in dogs that address these issues, relegating decisions to clinical
Serological testing offers shelters an effective tool to help man-
age disease outbreaks, particularly in the case of CDV and CPV, as
opposed to depopulation or prolonged lockdown of the shelter.
Although additional host, pathogen, and environmental cofactors
that contribute to disease outbreaks must also be taken into account
during the outbreak management process, serological testing can
provide supplemental insights. Serological testing, by providing indi-
vidual risk assessment, can assist in population ow decision making
during an outbreak. In general, healthy, seropositive dogs, especially
those with high titers, are likely resistant to disease and can be con-
sidered low risk. They can be adopted with appropriate waivers.
10 JAAHA | 58:5 Sep/Oct 2022
Healthy, seronegative dogs, who are potentially susceptible to disease
the rest of the population (ideally, placed in foster care outside of the
shelter). They should be revaccinated, observed for development of
clinical signs throughout the anticipated incubation period of the dis-
ease, and serologically retested 1014 days later. Puppies, especially
those #4 mo of age, require additional management during an out-
break. Serological testing and risk assessment of dogs in this age
group can be misinterpreted because of the potential presence of
transient maternal antibodies.
Cessation of intake into the shelter is critical for effective out-
break management. If temporary cessation of intake is not possible,
then housing newly admitted dogs in a completely segregated area of
the shelter (with infection control practices, including designated
staff and equipment) is required to prevent disease transmission.
Utilization and Interpretation of
Serologic Titers
In human medicine, the efcacy of modern vaccines is established
and monitored primarily on the basis of standardized serology
(titers) in conjunction with large-scale clinical trials and usually
substantial centralized disease-reporting processes from vaccinated
A similar approach has been applied to some extent
in livestock medicine. This has been facilitated by large vaccinated
populations and driven by economic imperatives; immunity favor-
ably affects production parameters. Data deriving from such studies
are nearly absent in canine populations.
Studies of experimental infections to determine vaccine efcacy
in dogs generally involve small numbers of animals and may use
challenge organisms and methods that do not reproduce naturally
occurring diseases. In addition, vaccine efcacy and licensing studies
generally use purebred beagles with limited genetic heterogeneity.
There are relatively few studies conducted in household dogs. Under-
standing these limitations, as well as the biological reality that vac-
cines almost never protect 100% of the population 100% of the time,
is essential to convey reasonable expectations of vaccine efcacy to
Protective titers forCDV,CPV,andtoalesserextentCAV-1
have been of most interest to general practitioners. These viruses
often cause lethal infections in naïve dogs and comprise the core
antigens for which there are very effective vaccines. Generally, labo-
ratories determining titers have used VN tests for CDV and HI tests
for CPV.
Both are bioassays and report results as titers, which
are dilutions of antibody. Both VN and HI tests measure antibodies
to viral surface proteins that directly relate to neutralization of the
virus (VN) or are a surrogate for actual neutralization (HI). In con-
trast, depending on how the test antigen is prepared, ELISA tests can
measure antibody responses that are not involved in protection, such
as responses to internal nuclear proteins. Results are generally
reported as units, not titers.
Interpretation of titers can be difcult for several reasons. First,
by their nature, they are subject to intralaboratory and interlabora-
tory variation. This issue was at least implied in seminal stud-
Second, there is no readily available documentation of
standardization or comparative results of these or other tests when
performed in different laboratories. This makes it difcult to inter-
pret a titer, especially if it is not very low or very high. Lastly, at best,
the determination of protective titers hasbeenbasedonlimited
data. These data were thoroughly reviewed 20 years ago.
more substantive has become available since then. ELISA-based in-
clinic antibody detection tests have been available for CPV and CDV
for more than 20 years.
HI and VN tests, respectively, were
used as gold standards to determine their sensitivity and specicity,
as it relates to a protective titer.
Commercial ELISAs have
been applied in shelter populations outside of the laboratory and fur-
ther compared with HI and VN tests.
Such applications have
provided no further basis for a determination of protective titers,
primarily because the titers or amounts of antibody were not corre-
lated with clinical outcomes. Recognizing these limitations, no values
for protective titers are indicated in these guidelines, although
some commercial laboratories will provide them.
After the disappearance of maternal antibodies, the presence of
any detectable antibody (a titer) indicates, by denition, that an
immune response to vaccination or exposure to an antigen involving
at least B and helper (CD41) T cells has occurred.
The presence,
or absence, of antibody is not necessarily indicative of coincident
cell-mediat ed immune responses, or their absence.
Altogether, a
titer, almost regardless of the amount, is not necessarily indicative of
protection or susceptibility. Rather, it is more complicated than
Disease in the individual animal results from the interaction
of host, pathogen, and environmental cofactors. It can be misleading
to forecast an outcome on the basis of one cofactor: a titer.
Routine administration of commonly used vaccines has been
associated with uncommon to rare adverse events in dogs.
rently, for the core antigens, most practicing veterinarians have
adopted a 3 yr protocol. Unlike in human medicine, it is based on
very limited population-based data involving disease reportage, and
experimental challenge studies directly comparing the responses in
annually versus triennially (or any other interval) vaccinated dogs
are lacking. Altogether, routine titer testing to ascertain the neces-
sity to revaccinate at currently recommended intervals is not usually
advised, except in cases in which dogs have a history of adverse
responses to vaccination, there is a suspicion of vaccine-related auto-
immune disease, or when owners express resistance or hesitancy to
2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines
having their dogs vaccinated or boosteredin which case client com-
munication and education may help overcome this hesitancy.
Postvaccination Adverse Events
and Reactions
Undesired or unexpected consequences after vaccination include fail-
ure to provide protection from disease and adverse reactions associ-
ated with vaccine administration. Failure to provide protective
immunity is primarily of concern in very young or very old dogs.
Young dogs most commonly fail to mount a sufcient immune
response following vaccination because of the presence of MDA
from colostrum. Puppies in some breeds, e.g., Doberman pinschers
and rottweilers, have been purported to be immune nonresponders
to a standard initial vaccination series, but denitive evidence of this
characteristic is lacking.
Questions are sometimes raised about whether multiple vac-
cines, simultaneously administered, diminish or overwhelm the
immune response. Although antibody responses can vary after
administration of different vaccines and antigens, there is no evi-
dence of a lack of protective immunity following concurrent admin-
istration of multiple antigens or vaccines.
Vaccine efcacy in older dogs is typically related to concerns of
immunosenescence, an age-related decline in the function of the
immune system. Although geriatric dogs may have a relative diminu-
tion of naïve T cells to confront new antigens, these patients gener-
ally do not lack memory cells created from previous exposure to
antigens in early or mid-life.
Adverse postvaccination reactions may be (1) caused by inap-
propriate administration of a modied-live product, (2) secondary to
innate immune responses to the vaccine, (3) specic cell-mediated or
humoral immune responses to vaccine components, or (4) induced
by vaccine antigens that return to virulence (unlikely in appropriately
tested and licensed vaccines).
Localized cell-mediated immune reactions or generalized sys-
temic responses can occur after vaccination. Type I hypersensitivity
reactions have been linked to vaccination, but vaccine associations
with other immune-mediated diseases, e.g., immune-mediated throm-
bocytopenia, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, and immune-
mediated polyarthritis, are less consistent.
This may indicate
that factors besides vaccine antigens are respon sib le for immune
disease sequelae following vaccination.
Adverse reactions, as well as desirable immune responses, are
genetically inuenced in some cases. Immunogenetics is a developing
investigative eld for adverse drug and vaccine reactions in peo-
but is basically unexplored in veterinary medicine.
Although some breeds have been identied as at increased risk of
vaccine reactions,
breed (a phenotype) is a crude indicator of
genetics. More likely, genetic predisposition for individuals exists
within some family lines, thus selectively increasing risk overall for
some breeds. Owners should be informed that adverse event risk
occurs at the individual patient level.
In genetically predisposed individuals, undesirable immune
responses can be triggered by various vaccine antigens.
In dogs,
IgE reactivity has been detected against components of cell culture
media used to propagate vaccinal viruses and other pathogens. Mostly,
the offending substances are xenogeneic (to dogs) proteins, such as in
fetal calf serum, e.g., bovine serum albumin, gelatin and casein.
other words, the antigens of concern are typically vaccine components
that are not the label (pathogen) antigens. Thus, identication and
quantity of these antigens are not part of manufacturer labels.
Although genetic predisposition cannot be altered, adverse
event risk can be diminished by reducing the quantity of vaccine
antigens presented to the patients immune system. Because antigens
of concern are not the label antigens, combination vaccines contain-
ing multiple pathogens do not inherently carry more adverse event
risk than single-component vaccines. Because of the way rabies vac-
cine virus is propagated, single-component rabies vaccines may have
more adverse event risk, as they have a more diverse array of pro-
teins than combination vaccines containing other viruses that are
propagated similarly, or other single-component vaccines.
Reducing antigenic stimuli can be achieved by reducing the
number of vaccines administered at a single ofce visit. This is a par-
ticularly useful approach in small dogs.
Reducing the administered
volume (split dosing) for any vaccine below the manufacturers
recommended volume is not advised, because the USDA and manu-
facturer have not approved such reductions. Therefore, this practice
Reducing the number of vaccines administered at a single ofce
visit may necessitate additional ofce visits in order to provide neces-
sary vaccine coverage and complete protection. Although compari-
son studies have not been performed, at least 2 wk is recommended
between vaccines to allow the heightened immune response from the
most previous vaccination to subside.
If possible within guidelines and manufacturer recommenda-
tions, administering vaccines nonparenterally, e.g., mucosally or IN,
can also reduce adverse event risk.
A common question is whether at-risk patients should be
pretreated with diphenhydramine before vaccination. If the risk is
hypothetical, i.e., involving an at-risk breed but in cases in which no
previous reactions have occurred, pretreatment as a precaution is
generally not recommended. Although prevaccination administration
of diphenhydramine may prevent type I hypersensitivity reactions,
the lack of any subsequent reaction does not actually prove the pre-
treatment was benecial or necessary.
12 JAAHA | 58:5 Sep/Oct 2022
If the vaccination risk involves a dog with a history of previous
vaccine reaction, one cannot presume reactions will automatically
recur. Precautions such as limiting the number of vaccines adminis-
tered are prudent, as is prevaccination administration of diphenhy-
dramine. Single anti-inammatory doses of glucocorticoids, if
administered, do not impair humoral responses to vaccination.
If the vaccination risk involves a patient with an existing immune-
mediated disease, consideration should be given to the stability and
condition of the patient, the need for vaccination, and prudent ways
to minimize adverse event risk.
If vaccines are administered to patients with existing medical
conditions or health concerns, clients should sign an informed con-
sent statement as increased risk of disease may result if the dogs
immunocompetence is compromised. When a dog experiences a
possible adverse event, the veterinary team should report the specic
patient and vaccine infor mation to the vaccine manufa cturer
and/or the USDA. (https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/
animalhealth/v eterinary-biologic s/adverse-event -reporting/ct_
vb_adverse_eve nt).
Vaccine Storage and Handling
Vaccines are among some of the most important resources used to
protect animals health. However, they are only effective if they are
stored and handled correctly. Improper handling and storage can
decrease the efcacy of the vaccine, leaving the animal vulnerable to
Specic details about storage and handling protocols can
be found in each manufacturer package insert.
In general, storage and handling require vaccines to be kept in a
temperature-controlled environment from the time they leave the
manufacturer to the time of their administration, a process known as
the vaccine cold chain.
The vaccine cold chain is a shared
responsibility between the manufacturer, distributor, and veterinary
team. The development of a standard operating procedure to ensure
proper ordering, storage, and administration is essential to the vac-
cine protocol of a veterinary healthcare provider.
Storage and temperature monitoring equipment are critical to
ensure proper vaccine potency. The CDC recommends purpose-built
units (also known as pharmaceutical grade) or stand-alone house-
hold refrigeration units to properly store vaccines.
purpose-built or stand-alone units can be compact size or larger. A
high-quality thermometer should be kept in the center of the refrig-
erator. Temperatures should be monitored and recorded per the vet-
erinary teams standard operating manual.
Refrigerated vaccines should be stored at temperatures between
The thermostat should be set at
midrange to achieve a temperature of 5
F), which will
decrease the likelihood of temperature uctuations.
should be organized and placed centrally in the refrigeration unit to
promote proper airow, typically 23 inches from the walls and
have unstable temperatures and are unsuitable for storage. Vaccines
should be kept in their original packaging with lids closed until ready
to open.
The refrigerated vaccine storage unit should be desig-
nated for only vaccines.
Single-dose vaccines (both freeze-dried and liquid forms)
should not be removed from the refrigerator until the time of admin-
A new, sterile syringe and needle should always be
used for proper vaccine administration. A delay in vaccine reconsti-
tution and administration could decrease the efcacy of the vaccine
owing to the fragility of the vaccine and temperature uctua-
Multidose vaccines typically have preservatives to allow
prolonged storage once the seal has been opened.
See the vac-
cine package insert for manufacturer recommendations and direc-
tions for proper storage and handling.
Interpreting Vaccine Labels
Labels for veterinary vaccines have recently undergone considerable
changes to bring greater clarity to the user. Historically, veterinary
vaccines were assigned a tier system based on the effectiveness of the
protection of the vaccine.
The tier system was initially not well
understood and led to confusion among veterinary practitioners. As
a result, the USDA implemented a new rule that requires vaccine
labels to contain a simple claim and provide the public the opportu-
nity to view the relevant safety and efcacy studies online.
new label system states: This product has been shown to be effective
for the vaccination of healthy (name of species, weeks of age or older
against name of disease).
Veterinarians are encouraged to review
individual manufacturer efcacy and safety data online at the
Licensed Biological Product Information website: https://www.aphis.
usda.gov/aph is/our focus/an imalhe alth/ve terinar y-biolo gics/C T_
Vaccine Licensure
In the United States, veterinary biologics include vaccines, bacterins,
antisera, diagnostic test kits, and other products of biological origin
acting through immunologic mechanisms to prevent disease.
USDA, under the authority of the Virus-Serum-Toxin Act, governs
and mandates the licensure of biologics.
The USDA prohibits the
preparation or sale of veterinary biologics that are ineffective,
contaminated, dangerous, or harmful.
The mandate of the Virus-
Serum-Toxin Act is interpreted with the understanding that veterinary
biologics should be safe, pure, potent, and efcacious.
Regulatory over-
sight through the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
is described in 9 CFR 101-124. In the United States, manufacturers
2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines
are inspected before the issue of their rst license for a product and
then periodically inspected afterward. Not only are the physical
plants inspected, but starting materials (seed virus, bacteria, and cell
lines) are also tested for purity and identication.
Once a license
has been granted, no substantial changes in the manufacturing pro-
cess are allowed to ensure a consistent product.
Vaccines are granted different licenses through different catego-
Fully licensed products meet the requirements that establish the
purity, safety, potency, and efcacy of the product. Conditional licenses
are issued in order to meet an emergency condition, limited market,
local situation, or other special circumstance under expedited proce-
dures that ensure purity, safety, and a reasonable expectation of ef-
cacy. Imported products can be permitt ed for distrib ution and sale and
must meet the same standards as fully licensed products. This scenario
is typically associated with factors such as a lack of USDA-licensed
products and a viable threat of emerging infectious animal disease.
The licensure standards for veterinary vaccines in Canada are
similar to those required in the United States for fully licensed prod-
ucts. Regulated products include vaccines, immunoglobulin prod-
ucts, and diagnostic kits that are used for the prevention, treatment,
or diagnosis of diseases in animals, including domestic livestock,
poultry, pets, wildlife, and sh. To meet the requirements for licen-
sure, veterinary biologics must be shown to be pure, potent, safe, and
effective when used in the target species according to the manufac-
turers label recommendations. Product labeling must be compliant
with Canadian requirements, including the use of metric units and
complete information available in both English and French. The
CFIA, under the legislative authority of the Health of Animals Act
and Regulations, is responsible for regulating veterinary biologics in
Responsibilities of the CFIA in licensing vaccines include
verication of products (master seeds), licensing of the manufactur-
ing facilities, and issuance of import and/or export permits.
addition, the licensing submission must also contain supporting data
demonstrating that the product can be manufactured and used with-
out adversely affecting animal health, human health, food safety, or
the environment.
Client Education and Training the
Healthcare Team
Creating a well-dened vaccination protocol with consistent messag-
ing serves as a framework for the veterinary team to reference during
patient visits. This reinforces the importance of vaccines for the vet-
erinary team and ensures that a consistent message is communicated
between the healthcare team and clients. A protocol also helps the
healthcare team follow a consistent vaccination schedule, especially
when starting an initial series of vaccines, while concurrently consid-
ering the lifestyle, geographical location, and risk factors for each
individual pet. At a minimum, a vaccination schedule should consist
of the following information:
Anatomical location of vaccine administration
Route of administration
Age requirements and/or restrictions
Frequency of administration
A vaccination protocol should be created with the patients
needs and lifestyle in mind, with buy-in from the client through edu-
cation explaining the importance of vaccines.
The Need for Consistency
Creating consistency across the healthcare team builds a strong prac-
tice culture, decreases confusion about recommendations, assists with
training team members, and increases compliance. This better enables
all team members to educate clients about vaccination schedules,
disease prevention, and what to expect following vaccination. Client
education materials can support practices by educating clients about
vaccinations, vaccine reactions, and disease processes.
Wellness plans prove to be advantageous by creating consis-
tency within a practice and providing a standard for quality pet care.
Wellness plans often include the recommended vaccinations for pets
and help the healthcare team deliver a clear message when it comes
to the health of the dog. They can also reduce redundancy in deliver-
ing key points about certain vaccines, vaccination protocols, and the
importance of vaccination.
Developing Client Education Materials
Client education continues even after a dog presents to a practice for
vaccination. Developing client education materials and creating a
practice library can provide a ready resource to clients about why,
what, and when vaccines should be given to their pet. The more cli-
ents understand the reasons for vaccination, the more likely they will
see the importance of adhering to an individualized vaccination
schedule for their dog. Each practice should consider creating a
source (online or physical copies) of educational material for clients,
discharge instructions for practice teams, and short blurbs of 12
sentences about each vaccine and the disease(s) it prevents. More
comprehensive educational material can be stored in a repository
and used as requested or needed.
Determining the Best Communication
In order to determine how to best communicate with clients, it is
important to assess client communication preferences. A survey or
questionnaire can be used to ask clients about their preferred contact
methods or whether they would like to receive specic additional
14 JAAHA | 58:5 Sep/Oct 2022
material. Client preferences can then be noted in the patientshistory.
This allows information to be relayed in a way the client understands.
With electronic medical record systems now in veterinary practices,
documenting and nding client information has simplied. Some
electronic medical record systems can even connect with mobile appli-
cations where clients and hospital teams can communicate.
Regular vaccination of canine patients is a central component of pre-
ventive healthcare, as well as an opportunity for the practice to engage
with clients to discuss the importance of disease prevention. These
vaccination guidelines provide a current and comprehensive resource
for making informed decisions when designing vaccination protocols
for dogs. Vaccination best practices are based on individualized needs
determined by the patients history and risk of disease exposure.
Whereas core vaccines are recommended for every dog regardless of
lifestyle, noncore vaccine recommendations are determined by assess-
ing the likelihood of a dogs exposure to a given infectious disease.
Licensed canine vaccines have a high degree of safety and efcacy,
and in most cases, the benets of vaccination far outweigh the risks.
Dogs presented at, residing in, or originating from animal shelters are
in a high-risk setting for infectious disease exposure and outbreaks,
and shelter-specic vaccination protocols seek to mitigate that risk.
It is important that the entire healthcare team be well versed on
the practices vaccination philosophy and protocols. The practice team
is then prepared to deliver a consistent and unied message to clients
on the importance and role of vaccination in patients healthcare
plans. Improper vaccine storage and handling and failure to adhere to
label recommendations are the principal reasons for the occasional
incidence of vaccination failure. Periodic staff training can minimize
these procedural shortfalls and help ensure that vaccination is a reli-
able and useful tool for delivering optimum pet healthcare.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Mark
Dana of Kanara Consulting Group, LLC, in the preparation of
the manuscript.
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