Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 1
description has two domains: a sequential domain and a concurrent domain. The sequential
domain is represented by a process or subprogram that contains sequential statements. These statements are exe-
cuted in the order in which they appear within the process or subprogram, as in programming languages. The
concurrent domain is represented by an architecture that contains processes, concurrent procedure calls, concur-
rent signal assignments, and component instantiations (described in Laboratory No. 8).
This laboratory work presents the format and use of sequential and concurrent statements. As examples
some basic combinational and sequential circuits are described, such as multiplexers, decoders, flip-flops, regis-
ters, and counters.
6.1. Sequential Statements
In this section, first some aspects related to processes are described, such as process specification, proc-
ess execution,
wait statement, and the difference between combinational and sequential processes. Then the
sequential statements that may appear in a process or subprogram are presented: sequential signal assignment,
variable assignment,
if statement, case statement, loop statements (loop, while loop, for loop, next,
exit), and the sequential assert statement. Besides these statements, other sequential statements are the pro-
cedure call statement and the return statement from a procedure or function. These latter statements are presented
in Laboratory No. 9 which describes subprograms.
6.1.1. Processes
A process is a sequence of statements that are executed in the specified order. The process declaration
delimits a sequential domain of the architecture in which the declaration appears. Processes are used for behav-
ioral descriptions. Structure and Execution of a Process
A process may appear anywhere in an architecture body (the part starting after the
The basic structure of a process declaration is the following:
[name:] process [(sensitivity_list)]
end process [name];
The process declaration is contained between the keywords process and end process. A process
may be assigned an optional name for simpler identification of the process in the source code. The name is an
identifier and must be followed by the ':' character. This name is also useful for simulation, for example, to set a
breakpoint in the simulation execution. The name may be repeated at the end of the declaration, after the key-
The optional sensitivity list is the list of signals to which the process is sensitive. Any event on any of
the signals specified in the sensitivity list causes the sequential instructions in the process to be executed, similar
to the instructions in a usual program. As opposed to a programming language, in
clause does not specify the end of process execution. The process will be executed in an infinite loop. When a
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 62
sensitivity list is specified, the process will only suspend after the last statement, until a new event is produced
on the signals in the sensitivity list. Note that an event only occurs when a signal changes value. Therefore, the
assignment of the same value to a signal does not represent an event.
When the sensitivity list is missing, the process will be run continuously. In this case, the process must
contain a
statement to suspend the process and to activate it when an event occurs or a condition becomes
true. When the sensitivity list is present, the process cannot contain
wait statements. The wait statement is pre-
sented in Section
The declarative part of the process is contained between the
keywords. This part
may contain declarations of types, constants, variables, and subprograms (procedures and functions) that are
local to the process. Thus, the declared items can only be used inside the process.
In a process it is not allowed to declare signals; only constants and variables may be declared.
The statement part of the process starts after the
keyword. This part contains the statements that
will be executed on each activation of the process. It is not allowed to use concurrent instructions inside a proc-
Example 6.1 presents the declaration of a simple process composed of a single sequential signal as-
Example 6.1
proc1: process (a, b, c)
x <= a and b and c;
end process proc1; Processes with Incomplete Sensitivity Lists
Some synthesis tools may not check for sensitivity lists of processes. These tools may assume that all
signals on the right-hand side of sequential signal assignments are in the sensitivity list. Thus these synthesis
tools will interpret the two processes in Example 6.2 to be identical.
Example 6.2
proc1: process (a, b, c)
x <= a and b and c;
end process proc1;
proc2: process (a, b)
x <= a and b and c;
end process proc2;
All synthesis tools will interpret process
as a 3-input
gate. Some synthesis tools will also
interpret process
as a 3-input
gate, even though when this code is simulated, it will not behave as
such. While simulating, a change in value of signal
will cause the process to execute, and the value of
of signals a, b, and c will be assigned to signal x. However, if signal c changes value, the process is
not executed, and signal
x is not updated.
Because it is not clear how a synthesis tool should generate a circuit for which a transition of signal
does not cause a change of signal
, but for which a change of signals
causes signal
to be updated with
the logical
of signals
, and
, there are the following alternatives for the synthesis tools:
Interpret process
identical to
(with a sensitivity list that includes all signals on the right-
hand side of any signal assignment statement within the process);
Issue a compile error stating that the process cannot be synthesized without a complete sensitivity list.
The second variant is preferable, because the designer will have to modify the source code so that the
functionality of the generated circuit will match the functional simulation of the source code.
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 3
Although it is syntactically legal to declare processes without a sensitivity list or a
wait statement, such
processes never suspend. Therefore, if such a process would be simulated, the simulation time would never ad-
vance because the initialization phase, in which all processes are executed until suspended, would never com-
Instead of a sensitivity list, a process may contain a wait statement. The use of a wait statement has
two reasons:
To suspend the execution of a process;
To specify a condition that will determine the activation of the suspended process.
When a
wait statement is encountered, the process in which appears that statement suspends. When the
condition specified in the
wait statement is met, the process resumes and its statements are executed until an-
wait statement is encountered. The
language allows several wait statements in a process. When
used to model combinational logic for synthesis, a process may contain only one
wait statement.
If a process contains a
wait statement, it cannot contain a sensitivity list. The process in Example 6.3,
which contains an explicit
wait statement, is equivalent to the process in Example 6.1, which contains a sensi-
tivity list. Both processes will execute when a change of signals
a, b, or c occurs.
Example 6.3
proc3: process
x <= a and b and c;
wait on a, b, c;
end process proc3;
Statement Forms
There are three forms of the wait statement:
wait on sensitivity_list;
wait until conditional_expresion;
wait for time_expression;
The wait on statement has been illustrated in the preceding examples. The wait until statement sus-
pends a process until the specified condition becomes true due to a change of any signal listed in the conditional
expression. Note that if none of the signals in that expression changes, the process will not be activated, even if
the conditional expression is true. The following examples present several forms of the
wait until signal = value;
wait until signal’event and signal = value;
wait until not signal’stable and signal = value;
is the name of a signal, and
is the value tested. If the signal is of type
, then if the
value tested is '1', the statement will wait for the rising edge of the signal, and if it is '0', the statement will wait
for the falling edge of the signal.
statement may be used to implement a synchronous operation. Usually, the signal
tested is a clock signal. For example, waiting for the rising edge of the clock signal may be expressed in the fol-
lowing ways:
wait until clk = '1';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
wait until not clk'stable and clk = '1';
For descriptions that are to be synthesized, the
statement must be the first statement in the
process. Because of this, synchronous logic described by a
wait until statement cannot be asynchronously
wait for statement allows to suspend the execution of a process for a specified time, for example:
wait for 10 ns;
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It is possible to combine several conditions of the
wait statement in a united condition. In Example 6.4,
the process
proc4 will be activated when one of the signals a or b changes, but only when the value of the clk
signal is '1'.
Example 6.4
proc4: process
wait on a, b until clk = '1';
end process proc4;
Statement Positioning
Usually, the wait statement appears either at the beginning of a process, or at the end of it. In Example
6.3, the
statement appears at the end of the process. It was mentioned that this form is equivalent to the
form that contains a sensitivity list. This equivalence is due to the way in which the simulation of a model is per-
formed. At the initialization phase of the simulation, all the processes in the model are run once. If the process
contains a sensitivity list, all the statements of the process will be run once. In a process that contains a
statement and it appears at the end of the process, at the initialization phase all the statements before the wait
statement are run once, as in a process that contains a sensitivity list.
When the
wait statement appears at the beginning of the process, the simulation will be performed
differently, since at the initialization phase the process will be suspended without executing any statement of it.
Thus, a process with a
wait statement placed at the beginning of the process is not equivalent to a process that
contains a sensitivity list. Since the initialization phase of the simulation has no hardware equivalent, there will
be no differences when synthesizing the two processes, with the
wait statement placed at the end or at the be-
ginning, respectively.
However, because of the difference between simulation and synthesis as regards the initialization phase
of the simulation, there may be differences between the behavior of the model at simulation and the operation of
the circuit generated by synthesis. It is possible that the model working correctly at simulation to be synthesized
into a circuit whose operation is incorrect. Combinational and Sequential Processes
Both combinational and sequential processes are interpreted in the same way, the only difference being
that for sequential processes the output signals are stored into registers. A simple combinational process is de-
scribed in Example 6.5.
Example 6.5
proc5: process
wait on a, b;
z <= a and b;
end process proc5;
This process will be implemented by synthesis as a two-input
For a process to model combinational logic, it must contain in the sensitivity list all the signals that are
inputs of the process. In other words, the process must be reevaluated every time one of the inputs to the circuit it
models changes. In this way combinational logic is correctly modeled.
If a process is not sensitive to all its inputs and it is not a sequential process, then it cannot be synthe-
sized, since there is no hardware equivalent of such a process. Not all synthesis tools enforce such a rule, so great
care should be taken in the design of combinational processes in order not to introduce errors in the design. Such
errors will cause subtle differences between the simulated model and the circuit obtained by synthesis, because a
non-combinational process is interpreted by the synthesizer as a combinational circuit.
If a process contains a
statement or an
statement, the process will be inter-
preted as a sequential process. Hence the process in Example 6.6 will be interpreted as a sequential process.
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 5
Example 6.6
proc6: process
wait until clk = '1';
z <= a and b;
end process proc6;
By synthesizing this process, the circuit in Figure 6.1 will result, where a flip-flop is added on the out-
Figure 6.1. Synthesis result of a sequential process.
6.1.2. Sequential Signal Assignment Statement
Signals represent the interface between the concurrent domain of a
model and the sequential do-
main within a process. A
model is composed of several processes that communicate via signals. At simu-
lation, all hierarchy of the model is removed and only the processes and signals remain. The simulator alternates
between updating signal values and then running processes activated by changes of the signals listed in their
sensitivity lists. Sequential Assignment Statement Execution
Signal assignment may be performed using a sequential statement or a concurrent statement. The se-
quential statement may only appear inside a process, while the concurrent statement may only appear outside
processes. The sequential signal assignment has a single form, the simple one, which is an unconditional as-
signment. The concurrent signal assignment has, in addition to its simple form (presented in Section,
two other forms: the conditional assignment (Section and the selective assignment (Section The
sequential signal assignment has the same syntax as the simple form of the concurrent signal assignment; the
difference between them results from context.
The sequential signal assignment has the following syntax:
signal <= expression [after delay];
As a result of executing this statement in a process, the expression on the right-hand side of the assign-
ment symbol is evaluated and an event is scheduled to change the value of the signal. The simulator will only
change the value of a signal when the process suspends, and, if the
clause is used, after the delay speci-
fied from the current time. Therefore, in a process the signals will be updated only after executing all the state-
ments of the process or when a
statement is encountered.
Typically, synthesis tools do not allow to use
clauses, or they ignore these clauses. The
clauses are ignored not only because their interpretation for synthesis is not specified by standards, but also be-
cause it would be difficult to guarantee the results of such delays. For example, it is not clear whether the delay
should be interpreted as a minimum or maximum propagation delay. Also, it is not clear how the synthesis tool
should proceed if a delay specified in the source code cannot be assured.
A consequence of the way in which signal assignments within processes are executed is that when more
than one value is assigned to the same signal, only the last assignment will be effective. Thus, the two processes
in Example 6.7 are equivalent.
Example 6.7
proc7: process (a)
z <= '0';
z <= a;
end process proc7;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 66
proc8: process (a)
z <= a;
end process proc8;
In conclusion, the following important aspects should be taken into consideration when signal assign-
ment statements are used inside processes:
Any signal assignment becomes effective only when the process suspends. Until that moment, all sig-
nals keep their old values.
Only the last assignment to a signal will be effectively executed. Therefore, it would make no sense to
assign more than one value to a signal in the same process. Feedback
Another consequence of the way in which signal assignments are executed is that any reading of a sig-
nal that is also assigned to in the same process will return the value assigned to the signal in the previous execu-
tion of the process. Reading a signal and assigning a value to it in the same process is equivalent to a feedback.
In a combinational process, the previous value is an output of the combinational logic and so the feedback is
asynchronous. In a sequential process, the previous value is the value stored in a latch or register, so the feed-
back is synchronous.
Example 6.8 presents a process in which a synchronous feedback is used. The process describes a 4-bit
counter. The signal
count is of type unsigned, type defined in the numeric_bit package. Observe that the
count is declared outside the process.
Example 6.8
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all;
signal count: unsigned (3 downto 0);
wait until clk = '1';
if reset = '1' then
count <= "0000";
count <= count + "0001";
end if;
end process;
The circuit that results from synthesizing the process in the previous example is shown in Figure 6.2.
Figure 6.2. Example of synchronous feedback. Inertial Delay
In the
language there are two types of delays that can be used to model real systems. These are
the inertial delay and the transport delay. Note that these delays cannot be used for logic synthesis.
The inertial delay is the default delay and it is used when the type of delay is not specified. The
clause assumes by default the inertial delay. In a model with inertial delay, two consecutive changes of an input
signal value will not change an output signal value if the time between these changes is shorter than the specified
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 7
delay. This delay represents the inertia of the real circuit. If, for example, certain pulses of short periods of the
input signals occur, the output signals will remain unchanged.
Figure 6.3 illustrates the inertial delay with a simple buffer. The buffer with a delay of 20 ns has an in-
put A and an output B. Signal A changes from '0' to '1' at 10 ns and from '1' to '0' at 20 ns. The input signal pulse
has a duration of 10 ns, which is shorter than the delay introduced by the buffer. As a result, the output signal B
remains '0'.
The buffer in Figure 6.3 can be modeled by the following assignment statement:
b <= a after 20 ns;
Figure 6.3. Illustration of the inertial delay. Transport Delay
The transport delay must be indicated explicitly by the transport keyword. This represents the delay
of an interconnection, in which the effect of a pulse in an input signal is propagated to the output with the speci-
fied delay, regardless of the duration of that pulse. The transport delay is especially useful for modeling trans-
mission lines and interconnections between components.
Considering the same buffer in Figure 6.3 and the input signal A with the same waveform, if the inertial
delay is replaced with the transport delay, the output signal B will have the form shown in Figure 6.4. The pulse
on the input signal is propagated unchanged to the output with a delay of 20 ns.
Figure 6.4. Illustration of the transport delay.
If the transport delay is used, the buffer in Figure 6.4 may be modeled by the following assignment
b <= transport a after 20 ns;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 68
6.1.3. Variables
Restrictions enforced on signals reduce the possibilities to use them. Because signals can only hold the
last value assigned to them, they cannot be used to store intermediary results within a process. Another drawback
is that the new values are not assigned to signals when the assignment statement executes, but only after the pro-
cess execution suspends. This causes difficulties in analyzing descriptions.
As opposed to signals, variables can be declared inside processes and can be used to store intermediary
results. However, variables can be used only in the sequential domain of the
language, that is, inside proc-
esses and subprograms, and cannot be declared or used directly in an architecture. Thus, they are local to that
process or subprogram. Declaring and Initializing Variables
Like signals, variables must be declared before they are used. A variable declaration is similar to that of
a signal, but the
keyword is used. This declaration specifies the type of the variable. Optionally, for
scalar variables a constrained range may be specified, and for array variables a constrained index may be speci-
fied. For both types of variables, an initial value may be specified. Example 6.9 illustrates variable declarations
and initializations.
Example 6.9
variable a, b, c: bit;
variable x, y: integer;
variable index range 1 to 10 := 1;
variable cycle_t: time range 10 ns to 50 ns := 10 ns;
variable mem: bit_vector (0 to 15);
A variable is given an initial value at the initialization phase of the simulation. This initial value is ei-
ther that specified explicitly in the variable declaration, or a default value, which is the left value of the type. For
example, for type
bit the initial value is '0', and for type integer this value is –2,147,483,647.
For synthesis, there is no hardware interpretation of initial values, so synthesis tools ignore initial values
or signal errors. Variable Assignment Statement
A variable assignment statement replaces the current value of a variable with a new value specified by
an expression. The expression may contain variables, signals, and literals. The variable and the result of expres-
sion evaluation must be of the same type. The syntax of the variable assignment statement is the following:
variable := expression;
This statement is similar to the assignments in most of the programming languages. As opposed to a
sequential signal assignment, a variable assignment is executed immediately, that is, in zero simulation time.
The following main differences exist between signal assignment and variable assignment:
For a signal assignment an event is scheduled to update the signal value, and this update is executed
only when the process execution suspends. For a variable assignment, an event is not scheduled and the
update is executed instantly.
For a signal assignment a delay may be specified, while a variable assignment cannot be delayed.
In a process only the last assignment to a signal is effective. Instead, numerous assignments to a vari-
able may exist in a process, and all are effective.
Example 6.10 illustrates the use of variables to store intermediary results.
Example 6.10
entity add_1 is
port (a, b, cin: in bit;
s, cout: out bit);
end add_1;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 9
architecture functional of add_1 is
process (a, b, cin)
variable s1, s2, c1, c2: bit;
s1 := a xor b;
c1 := a and b;
s2 := s1 xor cin;
c2 := s1 and cin;
s <= s2;
cout <= c1 or c2;
end process;
end functional;
The preceding example describes a full adder. This is not the optimal way to describe a full adder, but
illustrates the use of variables. The result is generated by creating two half-adders; the first generates the outputs
s1 and c1, and the second the outputs s2 and c2. Finally, the outputs are assigned to the output ports s and
cout by signal assignment statements, since ports are signals.
Statement Syntax and Execution of an
The if statement selects one or more statement sequences for execution, based on the evaluation of a
condition corresponding to that sequence. The syntax of this statement is the following:
if condition then statement_sequence
[elsif condition then statement_sequence...]
[else statement_sequence]
end if;
Each condition is a Boolean expression, which is evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. More than one elsif
clauses may be present, but a single else clause may exist. First, the condition after the if keyword is evalu-
ated, and if it evaluates true, the corresponding statement or statements are executed. If it evaluates false and the
elsif clause is present, the condition after this clause is evaluated; if this condition evaluates true, the corre-
sponding statement or statements are executed. Otherwise, if there are other
elsif clauses, the evaluation of
their conditions continues. If none of the conditions evaluated is true, the sequence of statements corresponding
to the
else clause is executed, if this clause is present.
Example 6.11
process (a, b)
if a = b then
result <= 0;
elsif a < b then
result <= -1;
result <= 1;
end if;
end process; Synthesis Interpretation of an
statement may be implemented by a multiplexer. First consider the
statement without any
elsif branch. Example 6.12 presents the use of such a statement to describe a comparator.
Example 6.12
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all;
entity comp is
port (a, b: in unsigned (7 downto 0);
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 610
equal: out bit);
end comp;
architecture functional of comp is
process (a, b)
if a = b then
equal <= '1';
equal <= '0';
end if;
end process;
end functional;
The previous example tests the equality of two signals of type unsigned, representing two 8-bit un-
signed integers, and gives a result of type
bit. The resulting circuit is shown in Figure 6.5. Note that, as with
other examples, in practice the synthesis tool will eliminate the inefficiencies in the circuit (in this case, the con-
stant inputs to the multiplexer) to give a minimal solution.
Figure 6.5. Synthesis of an
if statement.
A multi-branch
if statement, in which at least one elsif clause appears, is implemented by a multi-
stage multiplexer. Consider the
if statement in Example 6.13.
Example 6.13
process (a, b, c, s0, s1)
if s0 = '1' then
z <= a;
elsif s1 = '1' then
z <= b;
z <= c;
end if;
end process;
The result of implementing the
statement from the previous example is presented in Figure 6.6. This
circuit is equivalent to that resulted by implementing a conditional signal assignment (presented in Section
Figure 6.6. Synthesis of a multi-branch
The conditions in the successive branches of an
statement are evaluated independently. In the previ-
ous example, the conditions involve the two signals
. There can be any number of conditions, and each
of them is independent of the others. The structure of the
statement ensures that the earlier conditions are
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 11
tested first. In this example, signal
s0 has been tested before signal s1. This priority is reflected in the generated
circuit, where the multiplexer controlled by signal
s0 is nearer to the output than the multiplexer controlled by
It is important to remember the existence of this priority for condition testing, so that redundant tests
can be eliminated. Consider the
if statement in Example 6.14, which is equivalent to the if statement in Exam-
ple 6.13.
Example 6.14
process (a, b, c, s0, s1)
if s0 = '1' then
z <= a;
elsif s0 = '0' and s1 = '1' then
z <= b;
z <= c;
end if;
end process;
The additional condition s0 = '0' is redundant since it will be tested only if the first condition of the
if statement is false. It is recommended to avoid such redundancies, because there is no guarantee that they will
be detected and eliminated by the synthesis tool.
For multi-branch
if statements, normally each condition will be dependent on different signals and
variables. If every branch is dependent on the same signal, then it is more advantageous to use a
case statement.
case statement is presented in Section 6.1.5. Incomplete
In the examples presented so far, all the if statements have been complete. In other words, the target
signal has been assigned a value under all possible conditions. However, there are two situations when a signal
does not receive a value: when the
else clause of the if statement is missing, and when the signal is not as-
signed to a value in some branches of the
if statement. In both cases the interpretation is the same. In the situa-
tions when a signal does not receive a value, its previous value is preserved.
The problem is what the previous value of the signal is. If there is a previous assignment statement in
which the signal appears as target, then the previous value comes from that assignment statement. If not, the
value comes from the previous execution of the process, leading to feedback in the circuit.
The first case is illustrated in Example 6.15.
Example 6.15
process (a, b, enable)
z <= a;
if enable = '1' then
z <= b;
end if;
end process;
In this case, the if statement is incomplete because the else clause is missing. In the if statement, the
z gets a value if the condition enable = '1' is true, but remains unassigned if the condition is false. The
previous value comes from the unconditional assignment before the
if statement.
statement of Example 6.15 is equivalent to the
statement of Example 6.16.
Example 6.16
process (a, b, enable)
if enable = '1' then
z <= b;
z <= a;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 612
end if;
end process;
When the if statement is incomplete and there is no previous assignment, then a feedback will exist
from the output of the circuit to the input. This is because the value of the signal from the previous execution of
the process is preserved and it becomes the value in the current execution of the process.
This form of the
if statement is used to describe a flip-flop or a register with an enable input, as in Ex-
ample 6.17.
Example 6.17
wait until clk = '1';
if en = '1' then
q <= d;
end if;
end process;
The signal
is updated with the new value of signal
when the condition is true, but is not updated
when the condition is false. In this case, the previous value of signal
q is preserved by sequential feedback of q.
The resulting circuit is presented in Figure 6.7.
Figure 6.7. Synthesis of an incomplete
if statement.
if statement of Example 6.17 is equivalent to the complete if statement of Example 6.18.
Example 6.18
wait until clk = '1';
if en = '1' then
q <= d;
q <= q;
end if;
end process;
When the condition is false, the signal
is assigned to itself, which is equivalent to preserving its pre-
vious value.
One of the most common errors encountered in
descriptions targeted for synthesis is the unin-
tended introduction of feedback in the circuit due to an incomplete
statement. In order to avoid the introduc-
tion of feedback, the designer must ensure that every signal assigned to in an
statement within a process
(which is therefore an output signal of the process) receives a value under every possible combination of condi-
tions. In practice, there are two possibilities of doing this: to assign a value to output signals in every branch of
statement and including the
clause, or to initialize signals with an unconditional assignment before
In the following example, although the
statement looks complete, different signals are being as-
signed a value in each branch of the
statement. Thus both signals
will have asynchronous feedback.
Example 6.19
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 13
wait on a, b, c;
if c = '1' then
z <= a;
y <= b;
end if;
end process;
Another example is where there is a redundant test for a condition which must be true (Example 6.20).
Example 6.20
wait on a, b, c;
if c = '1' then
z <= a;
elsif c = '0' then
z <= b;
end if;
end process;
In this case, although the if statement looks complete (assuming that signal c is of type bit), each of
the conditions in the
if statement is synthesized independently. The synthesis tool will therefore not detect that
this second condition is redundant. Thus the
if statement is synthesized as a three-way multiplexer, the third
input being the missing
else condition which is the feedback of the previous value. The circuit synthesized for
this example is shown in Figure 6.8.
Figure 6.8. Synthesis of an
if statement with a redundant condition.
Statements with Variables
So far, in the if statements only signals were used. The same rules apply when using variables, with a
single difference. Like a signal, if a variable is assigned to only in some branches of the
statement, then the
previous value is preserved by feedback. Unlike the case when a signal is used, the reading and writing of a vari-
able in the same process will result in feedback only if the read occurs before the write. In this case, the value
read is the previous value of the variable. In the case when a signal is used, a read and a write in the same proc-
ess will always result in feedback.
This observation may be used to create registers or counters using variables. Remember that a sequen-
tial process is interpreted by synthesis by placing a flip-flop or register on every signal assigned to in the process.
This means that normally variables are not written to flip-flops or registers. However, if there is feedback of a
previous variable value, then this feedback is implemented via a flip-flop or register to make the process syn-
Example 6.21 describes a counter using the
unsigned integer type. When a value of type unsigned is
incremented, if the value is the highest value of the range, then the lowest value of the range is obtained.
Example 6.21
variable count: unsigned (7 downto 0);
wait until clk = '1';
if reset = '1' then
count := "00000000";
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 614
count := count + 1;
end if;
result <= count;
end process;
In this example, in the else branch of the if statement the previous value of the count variable is
being read to calculate the next value. This results in a feedback.
Note that in this example actually two registers are created. According to the feedback rules, variable
count will be registered. Signal result will also be registered, because all signals assigned to in a sequential
process will be registered. This extra register will always contain the same value as the register for variable
count. The synthesis tool will normally eliminate this redundant register.
Like the if statement, the case statement selects for execution one of several alternative statement
sequences based on the value of an expression. Unlike the
if statement, the expression does not need to be
Boolean, but it may be represented by a signal, variable, or expression of any discrete type (an enumeration or an
integer type) or a character array type (including
). The
is used when there are a large number of possible alternatives. This statement is more readable than an
ment with many branches, allowing to easily identify a value and the associated statement sequence.
The syntax of the
case statement is the following:
case expression is
when options_1 =>
when options_n =>
[when others =>
end case;
The case statement contains several when clauses, and each of these specifies one or more options.
The options represent either an individual value or a set of values to which the expression of the
case statement
is compared. If the expression is equal to the individual value or one of the values from the set, the statement
sequence specified after the
=> symbol is executed. A statement sequence may also be represented by the null
statement. As opposed to some programming languages, the statements of a sequence do not need to be included
between the
begin and end keywords. The others clause may be used to specify the execution of a statement
sequence when the expression value is not equal to none of the values specified by the
when clauses.
If an option is represented by a set of values, either the individual values of the set may be specified,
separated by the “|” symbol (meaning “or”), or the range of the values, or a combination of these, as shown in
the following example:
case expression is
when val =>
when val1 | val2 | ... | valn =>
when val3 to val4 =>
when val5 to val6 | val7 to val8 =>
when others =>
end case;
In a
statement all the possible values of the selection expression must be enumerated, based on
the expression’s type or subtype. For instance, if the selection expression is a
of 2
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 15
bits, 81 values must be enumerated, because for a single bit 9 possible values can exist. If all the possi-
ble values are not enumerated, the
others clause must be used.
others clause must be the last of all options.
Example 6.22 presents a process for sequencing through the values of an enumeration type representing
the states of a traffic light. The process is described with a
case statement.
Example 6.22
type type_color is (red, yellow, green);
process (color)
case color is
when red =>
next_color <= green;
when yellow =>
next_color <= red;
when green =>
next_color <= yellow;
end case;
end process;
Example 6.23 defines an entity and an architecture for a 2-input
gate. The gate is de-
scribed behaviorally with a process containing a
case statement.
Example 6.23
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity xor2 is
port (a, b: in std_logic;
x: out std_logic);
end xor2;
architecture arch_xor2 of xor2 is
process (a, b)
variable temp: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
temp := a & b;
case temp is
when "00" => x <= '0';
when "01" => x <= '1';
when "10" => x <= '1';
when "11" => x <= '0';
when others => x <= '0';
end case;
end process;
end arch_xor2;
statement is implemented by a multiplexer, just like the
statement. The difference is that all
the choices depend an the same input and are mutually exclusive. This allows some optimizations of the control
conditions compared with a multi-branch
statement where no dependencies between the conditions will be
6.1.6. Loop Statements
Loop statements allow the repeated execution of a statement sequence, for example, processing each
element of an array in the same way. In the
language there are three types of loop statements: the simple
loop, the while loop, and the for loop. The simple loop statement specifies an indefinite repetition of some
statements. With the
while loop the statements that form the loop body are repeated until a condition specified
becomes false, and with the
for loop the statements of the loop body are repeated a number of times specified
by a counter.
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 616
The only loop statement that can be used for logic synthesis is the
for loop statement, because in this
case the number of iterations is fixed.
The simple loop statement has the following syntax:
[label:] loop
end loop [label];
The statement has an optional label that may be used to identify the statement. The
statement has
the effect of repeating the statements within the statement body an unlimited number of times. With this state-
ment, the only possibility to end the execution is to use an
exit statement (presented in Section
While loop
The while loop statement is a conditional loop statement. The syntax of this statement is the follow-
[label:] while condition loop
end loop [label];
The condition is tested before each execution of the loop. If the condition is true, the sequence of state-
ments within the loop body is executed, after which the control is transferred to the beginning of the loop. The
loop execution terminates when the condition tested becomes false, in which case the statement that follows the
end loop clause is executed.
Example 6.24
variable count: integer := 0;
wait until clk = '1';
while level = '1' loop
count := count + 1;
wait until clk = '0';
end loop;
end process;
The process in Example 6.24 counts the rising edges of the
clock signal while the
signal is
'1'. The stability of the
level signal is not tested.
The loop statements may be nested on several levels. Thus, the loop body of a
while loop statement
may contain another loop statement, in particular a
while loop statement, as illustrated in the following exam-
E1: while i < 10 loop
E2: while j < 20 loop
end loop E2;
end loop E1;
For the repeated execution of a sequence of statements a fixed number of times, the
ment may be used. The syntax of this statement is the following:
[label:] for counter in range loop
end loop [label];
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 17
In a
for loop statement an iteration counter and a range are specified. The statements within the loop
body are executed while the counter is in the specified range. After an iteration, the counter is assigned the next
value from the range. The range may be an ascending one, specified by the
to keyword, or a descending one,
specified by the
downto keyword. This range may also be specified as an enumeration type or subtype, when the
range boundaries are not explicitly specified in the
for loop statement. The range boundaries are determined by
the compiler from the type or subtype declaration.
for loop statement in Example 6.25 computes the squares of the integer values between 1 and 10,
and stores them into the
i_square array.
Example 6.25
for i in 1 to 10 loop
i_square (i) <= i * i;
end loop;
In this example, the iteration count is of type
by default, since its type has not been defined
explicitly. The complete form of the domain declaration for the iteration count is similar to that of a type. For the
previous example, the
for clause can also be written in the following form:
for i in integer range 1 to 10 loop
In some programming languages, within a loop a value may be assigned to the iteration count (in the
previous example,
). The
language, however, does not allow to assign a value to the iteration count or to
use it as an input or output parameter of a procedure. The counter may be used in an expression, provided that its
value is not modified. Another aspect related to the iteration count is that there is no need to declare it explicitly
within the process. This counter is declared implicitly as a local variable of the
loop statement by specifying it
after the
for keyword. If there is another variable with the same name within the process, they will be treated as
separate variables.
The synthesis interpretation of the
for loop statement is that a new copy is generated for the circuit
described by the statement in each iteration of the loop. The use of the
for loop statement to generate a circuit
is illustrated in Example 6.26.
Example 6.26
entity match_bits is
port (a, b: in bit_vector (7 downto 0);
matches: out bit_vector (7 downto 0));
end match_bits;
architecture functional of match_bits is
process (a, b)
for i in 7 downto 0 loop
matches (i) <= not (a(i) xor b(i));
end loop;
end process;
end functional;
The process in the previous example generates a set of 1-bit comparators to compare the bits of the
same order of vectors
. The result is stored into the
vector, which will contain '1' wherever the
bits of the two vectors match and '0' otherwise.
The process in the previous example is equivalent to the following process:
process (a, b)
matches (7) <= not (a(7) xor b(7));
matches (6) <= not (a(6) xor b(6));
matches (5) <= not (a(5) xor b(5));
matches (4) <= not (a(4) xor b(4));
matches (3) <= not (a(3) xor b(3));
matches (2) <= not (a(2) xor b(2));
matches (1) <= not (a(1) xor b(1));
matches (0) <= not (a(0) xor b(0));
end process;
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In this case, the ordering of the iteration count is not relevant, since there is no connection between the
replicated blocks of the circuit. This ordering becomes important where there is a connection from one replicated
block to another. This connection is usually created by a variable that stores a value in one iteration of the loop,
value that is read in another iteration of the loop. It is usually necessary to initialize such a variable prior to en-
tering the loop. Example 6.27 presents such a circuit.
Example 6.27
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all;
entity count_ones is
port (v: in bit_vector (15 downto 0);
count: out signed (3 downto 0));
end count_ones;
architecture functional of count_ones is
process (v)
variable result: signed (3 downto 0);
result := (others => '0');
for i in 15 downto 0 loop
if v(i) = '1' then
result := result + 1;
end if;
end loop;
count <= result;
end process;
end functional;
This example is a combinational circuit which counts the number of bits in vector v that are set to '1'.
The result is accumulated during the execution of the process in a variable called
result and then assigned to
the output signal
count at the end of the process. The loop body an if statement containing a variable as-
signment represents a block containing a multiplexer and an adder, which will be generated by synthesis for
each iteration of the loop. The output of a block becomes the input
result of the next block. Figure 6.9 presents
the circuit generated for this loop.
Figure 6.9. Synthesis of a
for loop statement.
In Example 6.27, the range of the
statement’s iteration count was specified explicitly as
. In practice, this explicit form of the range is very rarely used when accessing arrays; it is recom-
mended to use array attributes to specify the loop bounds. There are four possibilities, depending on whether the
array being accessed has an ascending or a descending range and the order in which the array elements should be
If the array elements should be visited from left to right regardless of whether the array has an ascend-
ing or descending range, the
attribute is used:
for i in v'range loop
If the array elements should be visited from right to left, then the 'reverse_range attribute is used:
for i in v'reverse_range loop
If the array elements should be visited from the lowest index to the highest index regardless of whether
the array has an ascending or descending range, the
'low and 'high attributes are used:
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 19
for i in v'low to v'high loop
Finally, if the array elements should be visited from the highest index to the lowest index, the 'high
and 'low attributes are used with the downto keyword:
for i in v'high downto v'low loop
When writing subprograms, where it is not known in advance if an array variable or signal will have an
ascending range or a descending range, it becomes particularly important to choose the correct loop range. This
problem is presented in more details in Laboratory No. 9. For array types used to represent integer values, such
as the types
defined in the
packages, the convention
is that the leftmost bit is the most significant bit and the rightmost bit is the least significant bit, regardless the
array range. This means that the correct way to access such an array is to use the
attribute or the
Thus, to access an array
representing an integer from the most significant bit to the least significant
bit, the
attribute may be used:
for i in n'range loop
To access the same array from the least significant bit to the most significant bit, the 'reverse_range
attribute may be used:
for i in n'reverse_range loop
Because of the synthesis interpretation of the for loop statement, the bounds of the loop must be con-
stant. This means that the bounds cannot be defined using the value of a variable or signal. This constraint makes
some circuits difficult to describe. For example, consider a case when the number of leading zeros of an integer
value must be counted, and so the number of iterations is not known in advance. The description of this types of
circuits using loop statements is facilitated by the
next and exit statements.
There are cases when the statements remaining in the current iteration of a loop must be skipped and the
execution must be continued with the next iteration. In these cases the
next statement may be used. The syntax
of this statement is the following:
next [label] [when condition];
When a next statement is encountered in a loop body, the execution of the current iteration is skipped
and the control is passed to the beginning of the loop statement either unconditionally, if the
when clause is not
present, or conditionally, if this clause is present. The iteration count is updated and, if the bound of the range is
not reached, the execution will continue with the first statement of the loop body. Otherwise, the execution of the
loop statement will terminate.
When there are several levels of loop statements (a loop contained in another loop), a label may be
specified in the
statement; this applies to the innermost enclosing loop statement. The label only has the
effect of increasing the readability of the description and cannot be different from the label of the current loop
statement may be used as a substitute of an
statement for conditionally executing a group of
statements. To implement the
statement the same hardware is required as to implement the
The designer has to choose whether to use a
statement or an
As an example, consider the same circuit to count the number of '1' bits in a vector. Example 6.28 pres-
ents the modified description of this circuit. A
statement is used instead of the
statement, by which one
iteration is abandoned when the value of the current element is '0', so that the counter is not incremented.
Example 6.28
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all;
entity count_ones is
port (v: in bit_vector (15 downto 0);
count: out signed (3 downto 0));
end count_ones;
architecture functional of count_ones is
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 620
process (v)
variable result: signed (3 downto 0);
result := (others => '0');
for i in v'range loop
next when v(i) = '0';
result := result + 1;
end loop;
count <= result;
end process;
end functional;
Figure 6.10. Synthesis of a
for loop statement containing a next statement.
Figure 6.10 presents the circuit generated by synthesizing the description from the previous example.
The only difference between this circuit and the circuit in Figure 6.9 is that the multiplexers control logic is in-
verted. However, the two circuits are functionally equivalent.
There are situations when the execution of a loop statement must be stopped completely, either as a
result of an error occurred during the execution of a model or due to the fact that the processing must be termi-
nated before the iteration count exceeds its range. In these situations, an
exit statement may be used. The syn-
tax of this statement is the following:
exit [label] [when condition];
There are three forms of the exit statement. The first is the one without a label and without a condition
specified by a
when clause. In this case, the execution of the current loop will be terminated unconditionally.
When the
exit statement appears in a loop statement placed inside another loop statement, only the execution of
the innermost loop statement will be stopped, but the execution of the outer loop statement will continue.
If a label of a loop statement is specified in the
exit statement, when the exit statement is encoun-
tered the control is transferred to the specified label.
When the
statement contains a
clause, the execution of the loop statement will be stopped
only if the condition specified by this clause is true. The next statement executed depends on the presence or
absence of a label within the statement. If a label of a loop statement is specified, the next statement executed
will be the first statement of the loop specified by that label. If a label is not specified, the next statement exe-
cuted will be the one after the
clause of the current loop statement.
statement may be used to terminate the execution of a simple
statement, as shown in
Example 6.30.
Example 6.30
E3: loop
a := a + 1;
exit E3 when a > 10;
end loop E3;
Example 6.31 presents the description of a circuit to count the number of trailing zeros of a vector of
bits. Each element of the vector representing an integer value is tested, and if an element is '1', the loop is termi-
nated with the
exit statement.
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 21
Example 6.31
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all;
entity count_zeros is
port (v: in bit_vector (15 downto 0);
count: out signed (3 downto 0));
end count_zeros;
architecture functional of count_zeros is
process (v)
variable result: signed (3 downto 0);
result := (others => '0');
for i in v'reverse_range loop
exit when v(i) = '1';
result := result + 1;
end loop;
count <= result;
end process;
end functional;
Figure 6.11. Synthesis of a
for loop statement containing an exit statement.
The circuit generated by synthesizing the description from the previous example is shown in Figure
6.11. There is a copy of the contents of the loop for each possible iteration, that is, for every element of the vec-
tor. The
exit statement is represented by the
gates that select the multiplexers’ inputs that do not contain the
incrementer, for the current iteration and for all the remaining iterations, if the condition of the
exit statement
becomes true. It can be observed that the implementation of an
exit statement in a loop is similar to that of an
if statement within a loop.
6.1.7. Sequential
statement is useful for displaying warning or error messages during the simulation of a
model. This statement tests the value of a Boolean condition and displays the message specified if the condition
is false. The syntax of this statement is the following:
assert condition
[report character_string]
[severity severity_level];
The condition specified is an expression that must evaluate to a Boolean value. If this value is
, the
statement has no effect. If the value is
, the text specified in the
clause is displayed.
The optional
report clause may have as argument a character string of the predefined type string. If
this clause is not specified, the character string displayed by default is
"Assertion violation".
The optional
severity clause allows to specify the severity level of the assertion violation. The sever-
ity level must be an expression of the predefined type
severity_level, defined in the standard package.
This type contains the following values in the ascending order of the severity level:
note, warning, error, and
failure. If this clause is omitted, it is implicitly assumed to be error. The use of severity levels is described
briefly as follows:
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 622
The severity level
can be used to display information about the execution of the simulation.
The severity level
warning can be used in situations in which the simulation can be continued, but the
results may be unpredictable.
The severity level
error is used when assertion violation represents an error that determines an incor-
rect behavior of the model; the simulation will be stopped.
The severity level
failure is used when assertion violation represents a fatal error, such as dividing by
zero or addressing an array with an index that exceeds the allowed range. The simulation will be
Example 6.32
assert not (R = '1' and S = '1')
report "Both signals R and S have value '1'"
severity error;
When both signals R and S have the value '1', the specified message will be displayed and the simula-
tion will be stopped.
To display a message unconditionally, the
FALSE condition may be used, for example:
assert (FALSE) report "Start simulation";
In such cases, the
VHDL ’93
version of the language allows to use the report clause as a complete
statement without the
assert statement described in this section is a sequential statement, assuming that it appears in a
process or subprogram. However, there is also a concurrent version of this statement, with the same
format as the sequential version, but which can appear only outside a process or subprogram.
Usually, synthesis tools ignore the
assert statement.
6.2. Concurrent Statements
The operations in real systems are executed concurrently. The
language models real systems as a
set of subsystems that operate concurrently. Each of these subsystems may be specified as a separate process and
communication between processes may be accomplished via signals. The complexity of each process may vary
from a simple logic gate to a processor. The modeling of real systems in this form may be achieved with concur-
rent statements.
The most important concurrent statement is the process declaration. The processes were presented in
Section 6.1.1, so only the main features of processes are presented here. Other concurrent statements are the con-
current signal assignment statement, the
block statement, the concurrent assert statement, the concurrent pro-
cedure call statement, the component instantiation statement, and the
generate statement. The procedure call
statement is presented in Laboratory No. 9. The component instantiation and the
statements are pre-
sented in Laboratory No. 8 dedicated to structural design.
6.2.1. Structure and Execution of an Architecture
As presented in Laboratory No. 6, an architecture definition has two parts: a declarative part and a
statement part. In the declarative part objects that are internal to the architecture may be defined. The statement
part contains concurrent statements which define the processes or interconnected blocks that describe the opera-
tion or the global structure of the system.
All processes in an architecture are executed concurrently with each other, but the statements within a
process are executed sequentially. A suspended process is activated again when one of the signals in its sensitiv-
ity list changes its value. When there are multiple processes in an architecture, if a signal changes its value then
all processes that contain this signal in their sensitivity lists are activated. The statements within the activated
processes are executed sequentially, but independently from the statements in other processes.
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 23
Figure 6.12. Logic diagram of a full adder.
Figure 6.12 presents the logic diagram of a full adder. In Example 6.33 each gate in this logic diagram
is described by a separate process that is executed concurrently with other processes.
Example 6.33
entity add_1 is
port (a, b, cin: in bit;
s, cout: out bit);
end add_1;
architecture processes of add_1 is
signal s1, s2, s3, s4: bit;
p1: process (b, cin)
s1 <= b xor cin;
end process p1;
p2: process (a, b)
s2 <= a and b;
end process p2;
p3: process (a, cin)
s3 <= a and cin;
end process p3;
p4: process (b, cin)
s4 <= b and cin;
end process p4;
p5: process (a, s1)
s <= a xor s1;
end process p5;
p6: process (s2, s3, s4)
cout <= s2 or s3 or s4;
end process p6;
end processes;
Communication between processes can be achieved using signal assignment statements. These state-
ments can be used both for activation of processes and synchronization between processes. For example, a signal
can wait for an event on an input signal, which is assigned in another process. This signal is declared in the de-
clarative part of the architecture and therefore it is visible for all processes within the architecture.
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 624
For communication between processes only signals can be used. Because variables are local objects in
the process in which they are declared, variables cannot be used for communication between processes.
6.2.2. Processes
Processes are composed of sequential statements, but process declarations are concurrent statements.
The process declaration has been presented in Section The main features of a process are the following:
It is executed in parallel with other processes;
It cannot contain concurrent statements;
It defines a region of the architecture where statements are executed sequentially;
It must contain an explicit sensitivity list or a
wait statement;
It allows functional descriptions, similar to the programming languages;
It allows access to signals defined in the architecture in which the process appears and to those defined
in the entity to which the architecture is associated.
6.2.3. Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements
A concurrent signal assignment statement is equivalent to a process containing only that statement.
Such a statement is executed in parallel with other concurrent statements or other processes. There are three
types of concurrent signal assignment statements: simple signal assignment, conditional signal assignment, and
selected signal assignment. Simple Signal Assignment
This statement is the concurrent version of the sequential signal assignment statement and has the same
form with this. As the sequential version, the concurrent assignment defines a new driver for the assigned signal.
A concurrent assignment statement appears outside a process, within an architecture. A concurrent assignment
statement represents a simplified form of writing a process and it is equivalent to a process that contains a single
sequential assignment statement.
The description of the full adder from Example 6.33 may be simplified by using concurrent assignment
statements, as shown in Example 6.34.
Example 6.34
entity add_1 is
port (a, b, cin: in bit;
s, cout: out bit);
end add_1;
architecture concurrent of add_1 is
signal s1, s2, s3, s4: bit;
s1 <= b xor cin;
s2 <= a and b;
s3 <= a and cin;
s4 <= b and cin;
s <= a xor s1;
cout <= s2 or s3 or s4;
end concurrent;
As can be observed from the previous example, the concurrent assignment statements appear directly in
the architecture, not inside a process. The order in which the statements are written is irrelevant. At simulation
all statements are executed in the same simulation cycle.
In the case of processes, their activation is determined by the change of a signal in their sensitivity lists
or by encountering a
wait statement. In the case of concurrent assignment statements, the change of any signal
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 25
that appears in the right-hand side of the assignment symbol activates the assignment execution, without explic-
itly specifying a sensitivity list. Activation of an assignment statement is independent of activation of other con-
current statements within the architecture.
The concurrent assignment statements are used for dataflow descriptions. By synthesizing these state-
ments, combinational circuits are obtained.
If there are several concurrent assignments to the same signal in an architecture, multiple drivers will be
created for that signal. In these cases, either a predefined resolution function or a resolution function de-
fined by the user must exist for the signal type. As opposed to concurrent assignments, if a process
contains several sequential assignments to the same signal, only the last assignment will be effective. Conditional Signal Assignment
The conditional assignment statement is functionally equivalent to the
conditional statement and has
the following syntax:
signal <= [expression when condition else ...]
The value of one of the source expressions is assigned to the target signal. The expression assigned will
be the first one whose associated Boolean condition is true. When executing a conditional assignment statement,
the conditions are tested in the order in which they are written. When the first condition that evaluates to value
TRUE is encountered, its corresponding expression is assigned to the target signal. If none of the conditions
evaluates to value
TRUE, the expression corresponding to the else clause is assigned to the target signal.
The differences between the conditional assignment statement and the conditional
if statement are the
The conditional assignment statement is a concurrent statement, and therefore it can be used in an ar-
chitecture, while the
if statement is a sequential statement and can be used only inside a process.
The conditional assignment statement can only be used to assign values to signals, while the
if state-
ment can be used to execute any sequential statement.
Example 6.35 defines an entity and two architectures for a two-input
gate. The first architecture
uses a conditional assignment statement, while the second uses an equivalent
if statement.
Example 6.35
entity xor2 is
port (a, b: in bit;
x: out bit);
end xor2;
architecture arch1_xor2 of xor2 is
x <= '0' when a = b else
end arch1_xor2;
architecture arch2_xor2 of xor2 is
process (a, b)
if a = b then x <= '0';
else x <= '1';
end if;
end process;
end arch2_xor2;
The conditional signal assignment statement is implemented by a multiplexer which selects one of the
source expressions. Figure 6.13 presents the circuit generated for the following statement:
s <= a xor b when c = '1' else
not (a xor b);
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 626
The circuit in Figure 6.13 is generated initially by the synthesis tool, but the equality operator will be
minimized later to a simple connection, so that signal
c will control the multiplexer directly.
Figure 6.13. Synthesis of a conditional signal assignment statement.
The previous example is the simplest form of conditional signal assignment, with only one condition
tested. Another example, in which two conditions are tested, is the following:
z <= a when s0 = '1' else
b when s1 = '1' else
The conditions are evaluated in order, so that the first expression whose condition is true will be se-
lected. This is equivalent in hardware terms to a series of two-way multiplexers, with the first condition control-
ling the multiplexer nearest to the output. The circuit for this example is illustrated in Figure 6.14. For this circuit
the conditions have already been optimized, so that signals
control the multiplexers directly. From this
circuit it can be seen that when
s0 is '1', then signal a is selected regardless of the value of s1. If s0 is '0', then
s1 selects between the b and c inputs.
Figure 6.14. Synthesis of a two-way conditional signal assignment statement.
If there are a large number of branches, a long chain of multiplexers will result by synthesis. This aspect
should be taken into account in the design: the later a source expression appears in the selection list, the more
multiplexers the signals from this expression will pass through in the synthesized circuit.
Each condition in a conditional signal assignment statement is assumed to be independent of the others
when synthesizing this statement. This means that, if the conditions are dependent (for example, they are based
on the same signal), it is possible that no optimization will be performed. For example:
z <= a when sel = '1' else
b when sel = '0' else
In this example, the second condition is dependent on the first. In fact, in the second branch, signal
can only be '0'. Therefore, the second condition is redundant and the final
branch cannot be reached. This
conditional signal assignment statement would still be implemented by two multiplexers, as illustrated in Figure
Figure 6.15. Synthesis of a conditional signal assignment statement with a redundant branch.
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 27
In the case of a simple example as the previous one, it is probable that the synthesis tool will eliminate
the redundant multiplexer, but for more complex examples this cannot be guaranteed. The reason why an opti-
mized implementation is not obtained is that, in the general case, detecting unreachable
code is not a triv-
ial task.
When the conditions are dependent on each other, it is more advantageous to use a selected signal as-
signment. Selected Signal Assignment
Like the conditional signal assignment statement, the selected signal assignment statement allows to
select a source expressions based on a condition. The difference is that the selected signal assignment statement
uses a single condition to select between several options. This statement is functionally equivalent to the
sequential statement. The syntax is the following:
with selection_expression select
signal <= expression_1 when options_1,
expression_n when options_n,
[expression when others];
The target signal is assigned the value of one of the expressions. The selected expression is the first
from those expressions whose options include the value of the selection expression. The syntax of the options is
the same as for the
case statement. Thus, each option may be represented by an individual value or a set of val-
ues. If an option is represented by a set of values, either the individual values of the set may be specified, sepa-
rated by the “|” symbol, or the range of values, or a combination of these. The type of the selection expression
determines the type of each option.
All values from the selection expression’s range must be covered by an option. The last option may be
indicated by the
others keyword, which specifies all the values from the selection expression’s range that were
not covered by the preceding options.
The following constraints exist for the various options:
The values from the options cannot overlap each other.
If the
others option is missing, all the possible values of the selection expression must be covered by
the set of options.
The options in the selected signal assignment statement are separated by commas.
In Example 6.36 the two-input
gate definition is modified to use a selected signal assignment
statement. The equivalent form of this architecture using a
statement has been presented in Example 6.23.
Example 6.36
entity xor2 is
port (a, b: in bit;
x: out bit);
end xor2;
architecture arch_xor2 of xor2 is
signal temp: bit_vector (1 downto 0);
temp <= a & b;
with temp select
x <= '0' when "00",
x <= '1' when "01",
x <= '1' when "10",
x <= '0' when "11";
end arch_xor2;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 628
A block statement defines a group of concurrent statements. This statement is useful to hierarchically
organize the concurrent statements or to partition a list of structural interconnections in order to improve read-
ability of the description. The syntax of the
block statement is the following:
label: block [(guard_expression)]
end block [label];
The mandatory label identifies the block. In the declaration part, local objects of the block may be de-
clared. The possible declarations are those that may appear in the declarative part of an architecture:
Use clauses;
Port and generic declarations, as well as port map and generic map declarations;
Subprogram declarations and bodies;
Type and subtype declarations;
Constant, variable, and signal declarations;
Component declarations;
File, attribute, and configuration declarations.
The order of concurrent statements in a block is not relevant, since all statements are always active. In a
block other blocks may be defined, on several hierarchical levels. Objects declared in a block are visible in that
block and in all internal blocks. When an object with the same name as another object in an outer block is de-
clared in an inner block, the declaration in the inner block will be effective.
Example 6.37 illustrates the use of blocks on several hierarchical levels.
Example 6.37
B1: block
signal s: bit; -- declare "s" in block B1
s <= a and b; -- "s" from block B1
B2: block
signal s: bit; -- declare "s" in block B2
s <= c and d; -- "s" from block B2
B3: block
x <= s; -- "s" from block B2
end block B3;
end block B2;
y <= s; -- "s" from block B1
end block B1;
Introduction of blocks in a description does not affect the execution of the simulation model, but only
has the purpose to organize the description.
In a block declaration a Boolean expression, called guard expression, may be specified. This expres-
sion, specified in parentheses after the
keyword, implicitly creates a Boolean signal named
, which
may be used to control the operations within the block. This signal may be read as any other signal inside the
statement, but no assignment statement may update it. Whenever a transaction occurs on any of the sig-
nals in a guard expression, the expression is evaluated and the
signal is immediately updated. This signal
takes on the value
if the value of the guard expression is true and the value
signal may also be declared explicitly as a Boolean signal in the
statement. The ad-
vantage of this explicit declaration is that a more complex algorithm than that allowed by a Boolean expression
may be used to control the
signal. In particular, a separate process may be used to drive this signal.
If a guard expression is not specified in a block and the
signal is not declared explicitly, then by
default this signal is always
signal may be used to control the signal assignment statements inside a block. Such an as-
signment statement contains the
keyword after the assignment symbol, which determines a conditional
execution of the assignment statement:
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 29
signal <= guarded expression;
This assignment is only executed if the guard signal of the block that contains the guard expression is
In Example 6.38, the signal
will take on the value of
only when the value of the expres-
will be true.
Example 6.38
rising_edge: block (clk'event and clk = '1')
out1 <= guarded not in1 after 5 ns;
end block rising_edge;
In Example 6.39, the guard signal is declared explicitly, so it can be assigned values like any other
Example 6.39
UAL: block
signal guard: boolean := FALSE;
out1 <= guarded not in1 after 5 ns;
p1: process
guard <= TRUE;
end process p1;
end block UAL;
In general, synthesis tools do not support guarded blocks. Such a block is equivalent to a process with a
sensitivity list that contains conditional statements. Instead of a guarded block, a process with a sensi-
tivity list may be used.
Usually, simple blocks are ignored by synthesis tools.
Although blocks may be used for design partitioning, the
language allows a more powerful
mechanism of partitioning, called component instantiation. This instantiation is presented in Laboratory
No. 8. Concurrent
This statement is the concurrent version of the sequential
statement, with the same syntax as its
sequential version:
assert condition
[report character_string]
[severity severity_level];
The concurrent
statement is executed whenever one of the signals in the conditional expression
changes, as opposed to the sequential
assert statement, which is executed when this statement is reached in a
process or subprogram.
6.3. Examples of Combinational Circuits
6.3.1. Multiplexers
Multiplexers may be described using several methods. Example 6.40 describes the 4:1 multiplexer for
4-bit buses of Figure 6.16 using a selected signal assignment.
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 630
Figure 6.16. Block diagram of a 4:1 multiplexer for 4-bit buses.
Example 6.40
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mux is
port (a, b, c, d: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
s: in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
x: out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0));
end mux;
architecture arch_mux of mux is
with s select
x <= a when "00",
b when "01",
c when "10",
d when "11",
d when others;
end arch_mux;
The reason of using the others keyword is that the selection signal s is of type std_logic_vector,
and there are nine possible values for a data object of this type. All the possible values of the selection signal
must be covered. If the
others option were not used, only four of the 81 values would be covered by the set of
options. Other possible values of signal
s are, for example, "1X", "UX", "Z0", "U-". For synthesis, "11" is the
only meaningful value, but for simulation there are 77 other values that signal
s may have. The metalogical
"--" may also be used to assign a dont care value to signal x.
The 4:1 multiplexer can be described with an
if statement as shown in Example 6.41.
Example 6.41
architecture arch_mux of mux is
mux4_1: process (a, b, c, d, s)
if s = "00" then
x <= a;
elsif s = "01" then
x <= b;
elsif s = "10" then
x <= c;
x <= d;
end if;
end process mux4_1;
end arch_mux;
Since the conditions imply mutually exclusive values of signal
, by synthesizing this description the
same circuit is obtained as when a selected signal assignment statement is used. However, because the conditions
contain a priority, the
if statement is not advantageous when the conditions imply multiple signals that are mu-
tually exclusive. Using an
if statement in these cases may generate additional logic to ensure that the preceding
conditions are not true. Instead of an
if statement, it is more advantageous to use a Boolean equation or a case
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 31
6.3.2. Priority Encoders
An example of a priority encoder is shown in Figure 6.17.
Figure 6.17. Logic diagram of a priority encoder.
This priority encoder may be described concisely with a conditional signal assignment statement, as in
Example 6.42.
Example 6.42
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity priority_encoder is
port (a, b, c, d: in std_logic;
w, x, y, z: in std_logic;
j: out std_logic);
end priority_encoder;
architecture priority of priority_encoder is
j <= w when a = '1' else
x when b = '1' else
y when c = '1' else
z when d = '1' else
end priority;
The when-else statement in the previous example indicates that signal j is assigned the value of sig-
is '1', even if
, or
are '1'. Signal
holds priority over signals
, and signal
holds pri-
ority over signal
. If signals
, and
are mutually exclusive (that is, if it is known that only one will be
asserted at a time), then the description of Example 6.43 is more appropriate.
Example 6.43
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity no_priority is
port (a, b, c, d: in std_logic;
w, x, y, z: in std_logic;
j: out std_logic);
end no_priority;
architecture no_priority of no_priority is
j <= (a and w) or (b and x) or (c and y) or (d and z);
end no_priority;
The logic generated by synthesizing the description of Example 6.43 requires
gates with only two
inputs. Although using
gates with more inputs in a
(Complex Programmable Logic Device) does not
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 632
usually require additional resources, these gates could require additional logic cells and logic levels in an
(Field-Programmable Gate Array) device. The descriptions of Example 6.42 and Example 6.43 are not function-
ally equivalent, however. This equivalence only exists if signals
a, b, c, and d are known to be mutually exclu-
sive. In this case, the description of Example 6.43 generates an equivalent logic with fewer resources.
6.4. Examples of Sequential Circuits
6.4.1. Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
Sequential circuits represent a category of logic circuits that include storage elements. These circuits
contain feedback loops from the output to the input. The signals generated at the outputs of a sequential circuit
depend on both the input signals and on the state of the circuit.
The present state of a sequential circuit depends on a previous state and on the values of input signals.
In the case of synchronous sequential circuits, the change of state is controlled by a clock signal. With asynchro-
nous circuits, the change of state may be caused by the random change in time of an input signal. The behavior
of an asynchronous circuit is generally less secure, since the state evolution is also influenced by the delays of
the circuit’s components. The transition between two stable states may be attained by a succession of unstable,
random states.
Synchronous sequential circuits are more reliable and have a predictable behavior. All storage elements
of a synchronous circuit change their state simultaneously, which eliminates intermediate unstable states. By
testing the input signals at well-defined times, the influence of delays and noises is reduced.
There are two techniques for designing sequential circuits: Mealy and Moore. In the case of Mealy se-
quential circuits, the output signals depend on both the current state and the present inputs. In the case of Moore
sequential circuits, the outputs depend only on the current state, and they do not depend directly on the inputs.
The Mealy method allows to implement a circuit by a minimal number of storage elements (flip-flops), but the
possible uncontrolled variations of the input signals may be transmitted to the output signals. The design using
the Moore method requires more storage elements for the same behavior, but the circuit operation is more reli-
6.4.2. Flip-Flops
Example 6.44 describes a synchronous D-type flip-flop triggered on the rising edge of the clock signal
(Figure 6.18).
Figure 6.18. Symbol of a D-type flip-flop.
Example 6.44
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity dff is
port (d: in std_logic;
clk: in std_logic;
q: out std_logic);
end dff;
architecture example of dff is
process (clk)
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
q <= d;
end if;
end process;
end example;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 33
The process used to describe the flip-flop is sensitive only to changes of the
clk clock signal. A transi-
tion of the input signal
d does not cause the execution of this process. The clk'event expression and the sensi-
tivity list are redundant, because both detect changes of the clock signal. Some synthesis tools, however, will
ignore the process sensitivity list, and thus the
clk'event expression should be included to describe events
triggered on the edge of the clock signal.
To describe a level-sensitive latch (Figure 6.19), the
clk'event condition is eliminated and the data
d is inserted in the process sensitivity list, as shown in Example 6.45.
Figure 6.19. Symbol of a D-latch.
Example 6.45
architecture example of d_latch is
process (clk, d)
if (clk = '1') then
q <= d;
end if;
end process;
end example;
In Example 6.44 and 6.45 there is no else condition. Without this condition, an implied memory ele-
ment is specified (that will keep the value of signal
q). In other words, the following fragment:
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
q <= d;
end if;
has the same meaning for simulation as the fragment:
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
q <= d;
q <= q;
end if;
This is consistent with the operation of a D-type flip-flop. Most synthesis tools do not allow to use an
else expression after an if
clk'event and clk
= '1') condition, because it may describe a logic for
which the implementation is ambiguous.
As has been shown in Section, when a conditional statement does not have all the alternatives
specified, a storage element (flip-flop) is generated by synthesis. In order to avoid to synthesize storage elements
when they are not required, values must be assigned to variables or signals in each conditional branch.
6.4.3. Registers
Example 6.46 describes an 8-bit register by a process similar to that of Example 6.44, the difference
being that
d and q are vectors.
Example 6.46
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity reg8 is
port (d: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
clk: in std_logic;
q: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0));
end reg8;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 634
architecture ex_reg of reg8 is
process (clk)
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
q <= d;
end if;
end process;
end ex_reg;
6.4.4. Counters
Example 6.47 describes a 3-bit counter.
Example 6.47
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity count3 is
port (clk: in std_logic;
count: buffer integer range 0 to 7);
end count3;
architecture count3_integer of count3 is
cnt: process (clk)
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
count <= count + 1;
end if;
end process cnt;
end count3_integer;
In the previous example, the addition operator is used for the count signal, which is of type integer.
Most of synthesis tools allow this use, converting the type
integer to bit_vector or std_logic_vector.
Nonetheless, using the type
integer for ports poses some problems:
In order to use the value of
count in another portion of a design for which the interface has ports of
std_logic, a type conversion must be performed.
The vectors applied during simulation of the source code cannot be used to simulate the model gener-
ated by synthesis. For the source code, the vectors should be integer values. The synthesized model will
require vectors of type
Because the native
operator is not predefined for the types
, this operator
must be overloaded before it may be used to add operands of these types. The
standard defines
functions to overload the
operator for the following operand pairs: (
), (
), (signed, signed), and (signed, integer). These functions are defined in the numeric_std pack-
age of the
Example 6.48 is the modified version of Example 6.47 in order to use the type
for the coun-
ter’s output.
Example 6.48
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity count3 is
port (clk: in std_logic;
num: buffer unsigned (3 downto 0));
end count3;
architecture count3_unsigned of count3 is
cnt: process (clk)
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 35
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
count <= count + 1;
end if;
end process cnt;
end count3_unsigned;
Usually, synthesis tools supply additional packages to overload operators for the type std_logic. Al-
though not standard packages, these are often used by designers because they allow arithmetic and relational
operations on the type
, and from this point of view they are even more useful than the
package. These packages do not require to use two additional types (
) in addi-
tion to
, as well as the functions to convert between these types. When using one of these
packages for arithmetic operations, a synthesis tool will use an unsigned or signed (two’s complement) repre-
sentation for the type
std_logic_vector, and will generate the appropriate arithmetic components as well.
6.4.5. Resetting Synchronous Logic
The previous examples do not make reference to resets or initial conditions in the logic described. The
standard does not specify that a circuit must be reset or initialized. For simulation, the standard specifies
that, unless a signal is explicitly initialized, it will be initialized to the value with the
'left attribute of its type.
To place the real circuits in a known state at initialization, reset and preset signals must be used.
Figure 6.20 illustrates a D-type flip-flop with an asynchronous reset signal. This flip-flop may be de-
scribed as shown in Example 6.49.
Figure 6.20. Symbol of a D-type flip-flop with asynchronous reset.
Example 6.49
architecture example_r of dff is -- 1
begin -- 2
process (clk, reset) -- 3
begin -- 4
if (reset = '1') then -- 5
q <= '0'; -- 6
elsif rising_edge (clk) then -- 7
q <= d; -- 8
end if; -- 9
end process; -- 10
end example_r; -- 11
If the
signal is asserted, then signal
will be assigned '0', regardless of the value of the clock
signal. The
rising_edge function is defined in the std_logic_1164 package and detects the rising edge of a
signal. This function can be used instead of the (
and clk
= '1') expression if the clk signal is of
std_logic. In the same package is defined the falling_edge function as well, which detects the falling
edge of a signal. These functions are preferred by some designers because at simulation the
tion, for example, will ensure that the transition is from '0' to '1', and will not take into account other transitions
such as from 'U' to '1'.
To describe a flip-flop with an asynchronous preset signal, lines 5-7 in the above example may be
modified as follows:
if (set = '1') then -- 5
q <= '1'; -- 6
elsif rising_edge (clk) then -- 7
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 636
The flip-flops may also be reset (or preset) synchronously by including the appropriate condition inside
the section of the process that is synchronous with the clock, as shown in Example 6.50.
Example 6.50
architecture example_r_sync of dff is
process (clk)
if rising_edge (clk) then
if (reset = '1') then
q <= '0';
q <= d;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end example_r_sync;
The process in the previous example is sensitive only to the clock signal. Synthesis produces a D-type
flip-flop that is synchronously reset whenever the
reset signal is asserted and a rising edge of the clock signal
appears. Because most flip-flops in
s do not have synchronous sets or resets, implementing synchronous
presets or resets requires using additional logic resources (Figure 6.21).
Figure 6.21. Additional logic resources required for a synchronous reset.
A combination of synchronous and asynchronous reset (or preset) may also be used. Sometimes two
asynchronous signals are needed: a reset signal, as well as a set signal. Example 6.51 describes an 8-bit counter
with asynchronous reset and set.
Example 6.51
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity count8 is
port (clk: in std_logic;
reset, set: in std_logic;
enable, load: in std_logic;
data: in unsigned (7 downto 0);
count: buffer unsigned (7 downto 0));
end count8;
architecture arch_count8 of count8 is
cnt: process (reset, set, clk)
if (reset = '1') then
count <= (others => '0');
elsif (set = '1') then
count <= (others => '1');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (load = '1') then
count <= data;
elsif (enable = '1') then
count <= count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process cnt;
end arch_num8;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 37
In the previous example, both signals
reset and set are used to asynchronously assign values to the
counter registers. The combination of reset and preset signals in this example poses a problem related to synthe-
sis. The
if-then-else construct used in the process implies a precedence that count should be assigned the
"11111111" only when signal set is asserted and reset is not asserted. The logic in Figure 6.22(a) as-
sures this condition.
Figure 6.22. The synthesis result of Example 6.51: (a) additional logic assures that the
signal is
dominant; (b) the result assuming that the
signal is dominant.
It is possible that this is not the intended behavior. Some synthesis tools recognize that this may not be
the intended effect and flip-flops are by design either reset- or preset-dominant. Therefore, depending on the
algorithm used by the synthesis software, the code of Example 6.51 generates the logic of either Figure 6.22(a)
or Figure 6.22(b). Many
s with product-term resets and presets are able to implement both variants. Like-
wise, most
devices have the resources to implement product-term resets and presets. However, while most
devices allow an efficient global reset or preset, most do not have the resources to provide an efficient
product-term reset or preset, in which case the implementation of Figure 6.22(b) is preferred.
In all the preceding examples with reset or preset signals, either the
if statement or the rising_edge
function was used to describe synchronous circuits. These circuits may also be described with the wait until
statement, but in this case the reset and preset signals must be synchronous. This is because for descriptions that
are to be synthesized, the
wait statement must be the first in the process, and therefore all the following state-
ments will describe a synchronous logic.
6.4.6. Three-State Buffers and Bidirectional Signals
Most programmable-logic devices have three-state outputs or bidirectional I/O signals. Additionally,
some devices have internal three-state buffers. The values that a three-state signal may have are
'0', '1', and
, all of which are supported by the type
Example 6.52 presents the modified description for the counter of Example 6.51 to use three-state out-
puts. This counter does not have an asynchronous preset signal. This time the
std_arith package is used and
the type
std_logic_vector for data and count.
Example 6.52
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_arith.all;
entity count8 is
port (clk, reset: in std_logic;
enable, load: in std_logic;
oe: in std_logic;
data: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
count: buffer std_logic_vector (7 downto 0));
end count8;
architecture arch_count8 of count8 is
signal count_tmp: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
cnt: process (reset, clk)
if (reset = '1') then
count <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge (clk) then
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 638
if (load = '1') then
count_tmp <= data;
elsif (enable = '1') then
count_tmp <= count_tmp + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process cnt;
oep: process (oe, count_tmp)
if (oe = '0') then
count <= (others => 'Z');
count <= count_tmp;
end if;
end process oep;
end arch_count8;
In this description two additional signals are used compared to the description of Example 6.51:
added to control the three-state outputs, and the local signal
declared in the architecture. The process
is used to describe the three-state outputs for the counter. If signal
is not asserted, the outputs are
placed in the high-impedance state. The
process description is consistent with the behavior of a three-state
buffer (Figure 6.23).
Figure 6.23. Three-state buffer.
The counter of the preceding examples may be modified to use bidirectional signals for its outputs. In
this case, the counter may be loaded with the current value of its outputs, which means that the value loaded
when the
load signal is asserted will be the previous value of the counter or an external value, depending on the
state of the
oe signal.
In Example 6.53, the output enable of a three-state buffer is defined implicitly.
Example 6.53
mux: process (row_addr, col_addr, present_state)
if (present_state = row or present_state = RAS) then
dram <= row_addr;
elsif (present_state = col or present_state = CAS) then
dram <= col_addr;
dram <= (others => 'Z');
end if;
end process mux;
The three-state buffers of the
signal are enabled if the value of
, or
. For any other values of the
signal, the output buffers are not enabled.
In the preceding examples, behavioral descriptions were used for three-state buffers. To generate these
buffers, structural descriptions may be used as well, such as the
construct. This construct is de-
scribed in Laboratory No. 8.
6.5. Applications
6.5.1. Identify and correct the errors in the following description:
library ieee; -- 1
use ieee.std_logic.all; -- 2
entity t_c is -- 3
port (clock, reset, enable: in bit; -- 4
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 39
data: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- 5
egal, term_cnt: out std_logic); -- 6
end t_c; -- 7
architecture t_c of t_c is -- 8
signal num: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- 9
begin -- 10
comp: process -- 11
begin -- 12
if data = num then -- 13
egal = '1'; -- 14
end if; -- 15
end process; -- 16
-- 17
count: process (clk) -- 18
begin -- 19
if reset = '1' then -- 20
num <= "111111111"; -- 21
elsif rising_edge (clock) then -- 22
num <= num + 1; -- 23
end if; -- 24
end process; -- 25
-- 26
term_cnt <= 'z' when enable = '0' else -- 27
'1' when num = "1-------" else -- 28
'0'; -- 29
end t_c; -- 30
Use the Active-HDL system for a successful compilation of this description.
6.5.2. Analyze the examples presented for sequential statements. Simulate the descriptions of the equal-
ity comparator (Example 6.12), the counter (Example 6.21), the circuit to compare the bits of the same order of
two vectors (Example 6.26), the circuit to count the number of ones of a vector (Example 6.27).
6.5.3. Write a sequence to set the signal
x to the value of logical
between all the lines of an 8-bit
6.5.4. Modify the following sequence to use a conditional signal assignment statement:
process (a, b, j, k)
if a = '1' and b = '0' then
step <= "0100";
elsif a = '1' then
step <= j;
elsif b = '1' then
step <= k;
step <= "----";
end if;
end process;
6.5.5. Transform the following sequence into a
with state select
data <= "0000" when idle | terminate,
"1111" when increase,
"1010" when maintain,
"0101" when decrease,
"----" when others;
6.5.6. Transform the following sequence into two selected signal assignment statements:
case state is
when idle => a <= "11"; b <= "00";
when terminate | increase => a <= "01"; b <= "--";
when maintain | decrease => a <= "10"; b <= "11";
when others => a <= "11"; b <= "01";
end case;
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 640
6.5.7. Rewrite the following sequence using an
if conditional statement:
output <= a when state = inactive else
b when state = receive else
c when state = transmit else
6.5.8. Simulate the combinational circuits described in Examples 6.40, 6.41, 6.42, and 6.43.
6.5.9. Build a 4-bit magnitude comparator with three outputs (equal, less than, and greater than) using:
Logical operators;
Relational operators;
A selected signal assignment statement;
A conditional
if statement.
Compile the descriptions of the magnitude comparator and simulate their operation.
6.5.10. Describe an 8-bit 4:1 multiplexer using a
case statement. The inputs to the multiplexer are
a[7:0], b[7:0], c[7:0], d[7:0], s[1:0], and the outputs are q[7:0].
6.5.11. Design a BCD decoder for the 7-segment display. The inputs of the decoder are
bcd[3:0], and
the outputs are
6.5.12. Design a
memory with a capacity of 8 words of 9 bits each. The block diagram of this
memory is shown in Figure 6.24.
Figure 6.24. Block diagram of a
When the read signal rd is asserted, the output data_out (9 bits) of the memory must be enabled. When
the read signal is not asserted, the output must be placed in the high-impedance state. When the write signal wr is
asserted, the value from the data_in input must be written into one of the 8 registers. The read and write pointers
indicate which register to read and which register to write. To increment the read and write pointers, the rdinc
and wrinc signals may be used, respectively. The rdptrclr and wrptrclr signals reset the read and write pointers
to point the first register of the
Structure of Computer Systems – Laboratory No. 6 41
6.5.13. Compile the description of the 8-bit register of Example 6.46 and simulate the operation of this
6.5.14. Modify the description of the 8-bit register of Example 6.46 to use two additional input signals,
reset and init. When the reset signal is asserted, the register will be reset to "00000000" asynchronously.
When the
init signal is asserted, the register will be set to "11111111" synchronously. Verify the operation of
this register.
6.5.15. Compile the description of the 3-bit counter of Example 6.47 and verify the operation of this
counter. Then modify the description to use the type
std_logic_vector for the output vector count.
6.5.16. Modify the description of the 8-bit counter with three-state outputs of Example 6.52 to use a
conditional assignment statement instead of the
oep process. Add a three-state output signal named collision,
which will be asserted when the signals
enable and load are both active, provided that the outputs of the
counter are activated by the
oe signal.
6.5.17. Modify the description of the 8-bit counter of Example 6.52 to use bi-directional signals for its
outputs. The counter will be loaded with its current outputs instead of the input vector
6.5.18. Design a binary multiplier for 8-bit numbers in sign-magnitude representation using the direct
multiplication method. Use processes or concurrent signal assignment statements for each element of the multi-
6.5.19. Design a binary multiplier for 8-bit numbers in 2’s complement representation using Booth’s
method. Use processes or concurrent signal assignment statements for each element of the multiplier.
6.5.20. Design a binary multiplier for 16-bit unsigned numbers using multiplication on groups of two
bits. Use processes or concurrent signal assignment statements for each element of the multiplier.
6.5.21. Design a binary divider for numbers in sign-magnitude representation using the nonrestoring
division method. The dividend is a 16-bit number, and the divisor is an 8-bit number. Use processes or concur-
rent signal assignment statements for each element of the divider.
6.5.22. Design a decimal multiplier for 4-digit numbers using the right-and-left-hand components
method. Use processes or concurrent signal assignment statements for each element of the multiplier.
6.5.23. Describe in
the architecture that uses horizontal microprogramming (Figure 4.5). Use
processes or concurrent signal assignment statements for each element of the architecture.
6.5.24. Modify the description of the microprogrammed architecture in order to use vertical micropro-
gramming (Figure 4.6).