Finance and Economics Discussion Series
Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
Second Home Buyers and the Housing Boom and Bust
Daniel Garc´ıa
Please cite this paper as:
Garc´ıa, Daniel (2019). “Second Home Buyers and the Housing Boom and Bust,” Finance
and Economics Discussion Series 2019-029. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System,
NOTE: Staff working papers in the Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) are preliminary
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Second Home Buying and the Housing Boom and Bust
Daniel Garc´ıa
March 25, 2019
Record-high second home buying (homeowners acquiring nonprimary residences) was
a central feature of the 2000s boom, but the macroeconomic effects remain an open
question partly because reliable geographic data is currently unavailable. This paper
constructs local data on second home buying by merging credit bureau data with mort-
gage servicing records. The identification strategy exploits the fact that the vacation
share of housing from the 2000 Census is predictive of second home origination shares
during the boom years, while also uncorrelated with other boom-bust drivers including
proxies for local housing expectations, the use of alternative and PLS mortgages, and
supply constraints. Localities with plausibly exogenous higher second home origination
shares experienced a more pronounced boom and bust stronger growth in construc-
tion and house prices during the boom, and steeper declines in activity during the
recession years. Overall, second home buying could explain about 30 and 15 percent of
the run-up in construction employment and house prices, respectively, over 2000-2006.
JEL codes: R12, R21, R31
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, email: [email protected]. Thanks to Chris
Carroll, Neil Bhutta, Raven Molloy, John Sabelhaus, Wayne Passmore, Shane Sherlund, Steve Laufer, Ale-
jandro Justiniano, Gadi Barlevy, Jonathan Wright, Jon Faust, and Marco Bassetto for their comments on
this and previous versions. The analysis and conclusions set forth here are those of the authors and do not
indicate concurrence by other members of the research staff or the Board of Governors.
1 Introduction
The record-high level of second home buying (homeowners acquiring nonprimary residences)
was a central feature of the 2000s housing boom.
Bhutta (2015) shows that second home
buyers contributed more to aggregate mortgage debt during the boom years than did all
first-time buyers. Second home buyers were typically over-leveraged, and despite having
middle to high income and credit scores, experienced higher default rates than average
during the recession (Haughwout et al. (2011); Albanesi et al. (2017); Albanesi (2018)). The
macroeconomic effects could have been sizable Chinco and Mayer (2016) find that second
home buying significantly contributed to mispricing in housing during the boom years. Their
data covers only 21 US cities, however, and more comprehensive studies have so far been
limited by lack of adequate data.
This paper is the first to measure second home buying based on property location with
broad coverage of the US economy, by combining credit bureau data with mortgage servicing
records. To estimate the effects of second home buying on economic activity during the
housing boom and bust, I use as an instrument the vacation share of housing from the
2000 Census, to isolate the variation in second home buying purely explained by differences
in physical local amenity values versus other factors such as variation in housing market
expectations. I find that localities with higher second home buying experienced a more
pronounced boom and bust stronger growth in house prices and construction employment
over 2000-2006, and sharper declines in activity over 2006-2010. Overall, a partial equilibrium
aggregation exercise suggests second home buying could explain about 30 and 15 percent of
the run-up in construction employment and house prices, respectively, over 2000-2006.
The main novelty of this paper from a data perspective is to use the Credit Risk In-
sight Servicing McDash (CRISM) dataset, which merges credit bureau data (Equifax) with
mortgage servicing records (Black Knight McDash). I identify buyers of second homes as
those having 2 or more first lien mortgages (same as Haughwout et al. 2011; Bhutta 2015
and others) and merge second home identifiers with property location from Black Knight
In the literature, buyers of second homes (nonprimary residences) are often referred to as property
investors. Instead, I use the terms second home buyers or nonprimary residence buyers, because some
second homes may have a strong consumption motive in addition to an investment one.
McDash. I define the second home origination share as the ratio of new home purchase loans
for nonprimary residences to total new home purchase loans at the county level.
There is a strong and positive OLS association between the county level second home
origination share and house price changes during the housing boom years. Variation in the
second home origination share explains almost 55 percent of the variation in house price
changes from 2000-2006 at the county level. This association may reflect different factors.
The possibility assessed in this paper is that second home buying may have pushed up activity
and prices during the boom years. On the other hand, local house price expectations could
have attracted second home buyers investing in real estate. For example, many booming
areas had high second home origination shares, including the home counties of Los Angeles,
Las Vegas, Miami, and Phoenix. These localities also had high shares of alternative (not
fixed rate) and privately securitized mortgages, making it challenging to isolate the causal
effects of any single determinant of the housing boom.
To disentangle causality, I use an instrument for second home origination shares the
vacation share of housing from the 2000 Census – which is uncorrelated with proxies for local
housing expectations and other drivers of the housing boom such as the use of alternative and
PLS mortgages as well as supply constraints. The identification strategy exploits the fact
that predetermined, physical differences in amenity values help explain significant geographic
variation in second home buying. Areas with high vacation shares have appealing physical
qualities, such as warm winters and a waterfront. These areas include localities in sand states
such as in Florida and California, but also localities along the Eastern Seabord, close to the
Great Lakes, and in locations with appealing terrain such as near the Ozark Mountains. In
fact, there is enough variation in the vacation share of housing to allow for specifications
with state fixed effects, which yield coefficient estimates that are very similar to specifications
without them.
The main concern with instrument validity is that the vacation share of housing may
be correlated with other drivers of the housing boom. Vacation localities do differ along
some observables, for example, they tend to have older, whiter, and more rural populations.
While I can control for these observables, unobserved characteristics such as housing expec-
tations may partly explain why vacation localities had high second home origination shares
during the boom. However, judging by the debt behavior of locals, it does not appear that
house price expectations were significantly stronger in vacation localities than elsewhere.
Had locals in vacation areas expected stronger appreciation, they may have taken out more
home equity loans, mortgages, or bought more nonprimary residences than local elsewhere.
Instead, the vacation share of housing is not significantly associated with changes in mort-
gage or home equity loan debt balances during the boom, or with second home origination
shares when measured at borrower (rather than property) location. Moreover, the vacation
share of housing is also uncorrelated with various drivers of the boom, including the local
share of subprime borrowers, the use of alternative and PLS mortgages, and housing supply
elasiticities. I also verify that vacation localities activity is not generally cyclical, with yearly
changes in house prices not statistically different in vacation localities during both recession
and non-recession years, using local house price data going back to the 1970s. In fact, trends
in house prices and construction employment are essentially identical prior to 2000, with
differential patterns emerging only after 2000, when second home buying began to increase.
The results show that second home buying (when instrumented using the 2000 share of
vacation housing) contributed significantly to the boom and bust in housing activity over
2000-2010. Areas with high second home origination shares during the boom years had
faster growth in construction employment and house prices over 2000-2006. In localities
with 10 percentage point higher second home origination shares, growth in construction
employment and house prices over 2000-2006 was higher on average by 7 and 16 percentage
points, respectively.
However, over the next years, the effects of second home activity turn contractionary.
Areas with high second home originations shares over 2000-2006 contracted more severely
over 2006-2010. On average, in localities with 10 percentage point higher second home origi-
nation shares in 2000-2006, changes in delinquency rates were on average 2 percentage points
higher, and declines in house price and construction employment were 7 and 9 percentage
points more pronounced on average, respectively, over 2006-2010. These results are new
evidence pointing to the damaging effects during the housing bust of second home loans
issued during the boom, consistent with Haughwout et al. (2011) and Albanesi (2018) who
find that second home buyers had significantly higher default rates than average.
Overall, localities with higher second home origination shares in the boom years grew
faster over 2000-2006, but contracted more sharply over 2006-2010. The losses in the reces-
sion years tend to dominate the gains during the boom years. When looking at changes in
construction employment and house prices over 2000-2010, the estimated effects on construc-
tion employment are negative. For house prices, the estimated effects are positive though
not statistically different from zero. Overall, second home buying contributed to volatility:
higher activity during the boom, and reversals of that activity during the bust, especially so
in construction employment. The losses in construction employment extend to the 2000-2014
period, therefore providing empirical support to the overhang hypothesis in Rognlie et al.
(2018) which predicts persistent declines in construction following overbuilding during the
The effects of second home buying appear concentrated in the housing sector. The em-
ployment effects are not significant for total private employment excluding construction and
nontradable employment, for both the 2000-2006 and 2006-2010 periods. It is possible that
the overall employment effects were larger but are not captured by the county level models,
e.g. loan losses likely affected the overall health of the financial system. However, the lack of
significant results in the county level estimates for broader employment categories does ame-
liorate concerns about instrument validity, since local shocks affecting overall employment
are uncorrelated with the instrument. Moreover, the 2SLS point estimates are on average
about 50 percent smaller than their OLS counterparts, suggesting the latter are biased up-
wards due to other factors such as reverse causality. Results are also very similar when using
state fixed effects specifications.
To understand the extent to which second home buying may have affected the severity of
the housing boom, I combine the 2SLS estimates with the counterfactual assumptions that
the share of second home buying remained at its 2000-2001 level instead of rising. In the
baseline scenario, I find that second home buying could explain about 30 and 15 percent of
the run-up in construction employment, respectively, over 2000-2006. However, this estimate
is subject to uncertainty about coefficient estimates, in addition to assumptions about both
the extent to which the increase in second home origination shares during the boom was
an endogenous response to other changes in the economy, as well as the magnitude of the
general equilibrium effects of second home buying not captured in the county level models.
Reflecting uncertainty in the model estimates, I find that second home buying could have
explained between 6 to 57 percent of the runup in construction employment, and between 6
and 23 percent of the increase in house prices over 2000-2006.
This paper adds to the growing literature showing that second home buyers were an
important driver of the boom and bust. Bhutta (2015) documents that second home buyers
contributed significantly to the rise in aggregate mortgage debt during the housing boom.
Second home buyers had higher than average default rates during the recession (Haughwout
et al. 2011) though they were typically higher income and prime prior to it (Albanesi et al.
2017; Albanesi 2018). Quantitative work highlights how second home buyers can influence
other buyers and drive boom-bust episodes such as Piazzesi and Schneider (2009); Burnside
et al. (2016); DeFusco et al. (2017); Nieuwerburgh and Favilukis (2017). Chinco and Mayer
(2016) find that second home buying led to higher house prices (and mispricing) in a panel
of 21 cities using a high frequency panel VAR identification approach. Gao et al. (2018) also
find that second home buying contributed to the boom-bust in activity, though they use
data from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, which is known to underreport second home
buying (Elul and Tilson (2015)). Overall, the results in this paper are complementary to
this literature; the main contribution is using new data combining the strength of datasets
previously used in isolation (credit bureau data and mortgage servicing records), a novel
identification strategy, and results that include a broad set of outcome variables including
More broadly, this paper fits in the extensive body of work studying the determinants
of the housing boom. The housing boom had many, often interrelated causes, involving
households up and down the income and credit score distributions (Adelino et al. 2016; Foote
et al. 2016; Albanesi et al. 2017). One of the main contributions of this paper is isolating
the effect of second home buying (as instrumented via the vacation share of housing) on
changes in construction employment and house prices during the 2000s. I do so by showing
that the vacation share of housing is uncorrelated with major determinants of the housing
boom identified in the literature, including: the interaction of changes in housing demand
with supply constraints (Saiz 2010; Aladangady 2017); the use of alternative mortgages
such as interest-only or balloon mortgages (Barlevy and Fisher 2012; Foote et al. 2008); the
expansion in subprime credit (Mian and Sufi 2009; Demyanyk and Hemert 2011; Gerardi
et al. 2008); and the boom-bust in private label securitization (Keys et al. 2010; Nadauld
and Sherlund 2009; Mian and Sufi 2018; Garcia 2018).
2 Data
The FRBNY Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax contains credit reporting data for a nationally
representative 5 percent sample of all adults with a social security number and credit report
beginning in 1999. The data contain information on the number of open first lien mortgages
per borrower. Second home purchase originations are measured as new purchase loans for
borrowers with 2 or more properties. For each origination, I use the borrower’s number of first
mortgage accounts four quarters ahead of the origination, to avoid counting false positives,
e.g. a refinancing or change in residency that temporarily shows the borrower as having
two properties due to reporting lags. Figure 1 shows the aggregate second home origination
share, which rose from 21 percent in 2000 to its peak of 36 percent in 2006, subsequently
falling back to near 20 percent over 2009-2011. These patterns are similar to those reported
in Haughwout et al. (2011) (using the same dataset) and Albanesi (2018) (using Experian),
with both identifying second home buyers using a similar approach. While credit bureau
data is helpful in analyzing aggregate trends in second home buying, these data generally
do not contain the address of nonprimary residences acquired.
On the other had, Black Knight McDash (formerly known as LPS) contains additional
loan level characteristics, including property location. The Black Knight McDash dataset is
comprised of the servicing portfolios of the largest residential mortgage servicers in the US,
covering about 60 percent of the mortgage market. The main dataset I use in this paper, the
Equifax Credit Risk Insight Servicing McDash (CRISM), contains credit bureau data from
Equifax, matched to the mortgage-level McDash servicing data. CRISM covers about 60
percent of the mortgage market (from McDash). The merge is key since McDash does not
contain data on the number of first lien mortgages by borrower.
As before, a second home
McDash and also HMDA do contain primary residence identifiers, though these are self-reported and
Figure 1: The Aggregate Second Home Origination Share
0 .1 .2 .3 .4
Second Home Share
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Home Purchase Originations
The figure plots the aggregate second home origination (new loans for nonprimary residences) share by year.
Source: FRBNY Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax and author’s calculations.
origination is identified as an origination for which the borrower has 2 or more properties a
year after the origination.
Using CRISM, I measure county level second home origination shares as the ratio of
second home originations to total originations. Figure 2 plots the county level percent
change in the CoreLogic house price index against the second home origination shares, both
measured over 2000-2006. There is a strong positive association: areas with higher second
home origination shares experienced stronger growth in house prices over 2000-2006. The
second home origination share explains almost 55 percent of the variation in house price
changes. This association could be driven by a number of factors. One possibility, the
hypothesis assessed in this paper, is that historically elevated second home buying during
the housing boom contributed to increases in house prices and residential activity. On the
other hand, high shares of second home buying could instead reflect other factors, such
as expectations about house price appreciation, or easy credit conditions due to high local
prevalence of alternative rate or privately securitized mortgages.
To isolate the effect of second home buying on local activity, I use as an instrument the
evidence in Haughwout et al. (2011) and Elul and Tilson (2015) finds that these data severely underreport
second home buying.
For originations prior to 2005, second home origination status is derived based on the borrower’s number
of first lien mortgages in 2005, when the Equifax portion of CRISM is first available.
Figure 2: HPI and Second Home Origination Shares 2000-2006
0 .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4
HPI 2000-2006
0 .2 .4 .6
Second Home Origination Share 2000-2006
The figure plots county level changes in house prices (y-axis) against second home origination shares (x-
axis) over 2000-2006. Observations are weighted by housing units in 2000 Census. Source: CoreLogic HPI,
CRISM, and author’s calculations.
vacation share of housing from the 2000 Census. The identification strategy exploits the
fact that differences in physical, predetermined local amenity values help explain variation
in the second home origination shares. In particular, the vacation share of housing from the
2000 Decennial Census is positively correlated with the second home origination shares. The
vacation share of housing is defined as the ratio of the stock of vacation units to the total
stock of housing units in a locality. Vacation units are those classified by the Census as vacant
for seasonal, recreational, or occasional use. Figure 3 plots second home origination shares
over 2000-2006 against the vacation share of housing from the 2000 Census; the vacation
share explains about 19 percent of the variation in the second home origination shares.
2.1 Vacation Localities
Figure 4 maps the top quartile of vacation localities. Vacation areas have appealing physical
characteristics: many are located near a body of water, such as along the Eastern Seaboard
or near the Great Lakes. They tend to have warm winters or to be located along mountain
ranges such as the Ozarks. The vacation share of housing is nearly collinear when measured
in different Decennial Census years, reflecting the persistent nature of the underlying physical
Figure 3: Second Home Origination Shares and Vacation Share of Housing
0 .2 .4 .6
Second Home Origination Share 2000-2006
0 .2 .4 .6
Vacation Share 2000
The figure plots county level second home origination shares over 2000-2006 (y-axis) against the vacation
share of housing from the 2000 Census. Observations are weighted by housing units in 2000. Source: CRISM,
2000 Census, and author’s calculations.
Figure 4: The Geography of Vacation Localities
The map shows the geographic distribution of the top quartile of the vacation share of housing from the
2000 Census versus other locations. The top quartile of vacation localities is shaded in dark blue, while the
other localities are in lighter blue. Source: 2000 Census, and author’s calculations.
qualities of the localities. For example, the correlation coefficient is 0.97 between the vacation
shares in the 2000 and 2010 Decennial Census years.
There is a strong positive association between second home origination shares during the
boom years and the vacation share of housing, but not all areas with high second home
origination shares were vacation localities, in particular, some populous urban areas with
booming real estate markets in the 2000s, such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Miami. While
important observations, identifying what drove the housing boom from these localities alone
is challenging because they experienced not only high second home buying rates, but also high
shares of alternative mortgages and private label securitization. Each of the home counties of
Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Miami is in the 90th percentile or higher for shares of second home
originations, alternative mortgages, and private label securitization. All these factors are
likely important and intertwined. Mian and Sufi (2018) show that areas with higher private
label securitization experienced larger increases in house prices and construction. Barlevy
and Fisher (2012) show that areas with higher use of alternative mortgages during the boom
years also experienced stronger house price appreciation.
The identification strategy exploits the fact that while the vacation share of housing is
on average strongly informative of second home origination shares during the boom years,
the vacation share is also uncorrelated with other drivers of the housing boom and bust. I
focus in particular on: the housing supply elasticity of Saiz (2010); the fraction of subprime
borrowers measured in 2000; the share of alternative mortgages measured over 2000-2006;
and the share of privately securitized mortgages also measured over 2000-2006. The fraction
of subprime borrowers is defined as the ratio of borrowers with Equifax Risk Score 3.0 below
620 and is obtained from the FRBNY Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax. The local shares
of alternative and privately securitized mortgages are obtained from Black Knight McDash,
which identifies for each purchase loan both the interest type at origination, as well as
the investor type (the institution type owning the mortgage in the secondary market). I
define alternative mortgages as those without a fixed principal or interest rate, and privately
securitized mortgages as those owned by private securitizers in December 2006.
Figure 5 plots these boom drivers – the subprime fraction, housing supply elasticity, and
shares of PLS and alternative mortgages against the vacation share of housing. The main
conclusion from the plots in Figure 5 is that the vacation share is largely uncorrelated with
the different measures. The associations are either not significant or only weakly significant,
with the R-squared below 0.015 in each case. The highest R-squared (0.014) is between the
subprime fraction and the vacation share, though in this case the correlation is negative:
Figure 5: Other Boom Drivers and the Vacation Share of Housing
0 5 10 15
Housing Supply Elasticity
0 .2 .4 .6
Vacation Share 2000
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6
Subprime fraction 2000
0 .2 .4 .6
Vacation Share 2000
0 .2 .4 .6
PLS share 2000-2006
0 .2 .4 .6
Vacation Share 2000
0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Alt Mortgage Share 2000-2006
0 .2 .4 .6
Vacation Share 2000
The figure plots other drivers of the housing boom (y-axis) against the vacation share of housing in 2000
(x-axis). The y-axis variables are: the housing supply elasticity of Saiz (2010) (top left); the fraction of sub-
prime borrowers in 2000 (top right); the share of privately securitized mortgages over 2000-2006 (bottom
left); and the share of alternative mortgages over 2000-2006 (bottom right). See text for details. Source:
FRBNY Consumer Credit Panel / Equifax, Black Knight McDash, 2000 Census, and author’s calculations.
the higher the vacation share of housing, the lower the fraction of subprime borrowers.
Therefore, the explanatory power of the vacation share on the second home origination
share is largely independent from any of the other major drivers of the boom-bust identified
in the literature.
It is possible, though, that unobservables asssociated with the boom are correlated with
the vacation share of housing, e.g. expected house price appreciation may partly explain why
vacation shares have high second home origination shares. Local housing expectations are
generally not observed, but we can measure changes in household debt balances, which are
likely correlated with housing expectations. All else equal, stronger expected appreciation
in vacation localities would predict stronger increases in debt balances, through looser credit
constraints and spending wealth effects (Carroll et al. 2011; Mian and Sufi 2011; Kaplan
et al. 2017; Aladangady 2017). I measure county level median debt balances for first mort-
In the plots, observations are weighted by population, though the results are very similar without weights.
gages and home equity loans for the 2000-2006 period from the FRBNY Consumer Credit
Panel/Equifax. These data are based on the primary residence of the borrower, i.e. if New
York City residents buy properties in Phoenix, those purchases are registered in New York
City. Figure 6 plots changes in median household debt balances by debt category against the
vacation share of housing. Neither changes in mortgage nor home equity loan debt balances
is significantly associated with the vacation share of housing, with the R-squared in each
case below 0.010.
Thus, judging by the debt behavior of locals, it does not appear that local expectations
of house price appreciation were stronger on average in vacation localities. Therefore, it is
unlikely that expectations of house price appreciation originating from vacation localities
explain why they had higher second home origination shares.
The second home origina-
tion share when measured at borrower (rather than property) location provides additional
evidence. If locals expected strong appreciation on their primary residence, they may have
purchased more nonprimary residences in the same locality or elsewhere. Using the FRBNY
Consumer Credit Panel / Equifax, I measure second home origination shares at borrower
location, i.e. if a New York City resident buys a second home in Phoenix, that purchase is
registered in Phoenix at the borrower location. Figure 7 plots the second home origination
share over the peak boom years of 2004-2006 against the vacation share of housing: the two
are uncorrelated, with the R-squared rounding out to 0.00.
In sum, the evidence does not suggest that vacation localities were particularly bubbly
during the housing boom years, for any reason other than having high second home shares
by virtue of their appealing physical localities. The lack of an association between the
various boom drivers considered and the vacation share of housing is not likely explained by
measurement issues; changes in median debt balances and the other housing characteristics
considered are strongly associated with house price changes during the boom years. Figure 8
plots county level changes in house prices over 2000-2006 against changes in mortgage debt
balances, housing supply elasticity, and the shares of alternative and PLS mortgages. All
While locals of vacation localities do not appear to have had stronger than average expectations of house
price growth than residents elsewhere, that does not imply that out-of-town buyers held consistent beliefs.
Chinco and Mayer (2016) find that out-of-town buyers appear generally less informed and experienced worse
loan losses than locals.
Figure 6: Housing Debt Balances and the Vacation Share of Housing
0 .5 1 1.5
First Mortgage Balance
0 .2 .4 .6
Vacation Share 2000
-1 0 1 2 3 4
Home Equity Loans Balance
0 .2 .4 .6
Vacation Share 2000
The figure plots county level percent changes in median household debt balances over 2000-2006 (y-axis)
against the vacation share of housing (x-axis). The left panel plots changes in first lien mortgage balances,
and the right panel plots changes in home equity loan balances. Source: NYFRB Consumer Credit Panel /
Equifax, 2000 Census, author’s calculations.
the series are highly correlated. For example, PLS shares during the boom years explain
about 45 percent of the variation in house price changes, while changes in mortgage balances
explain slightly over 60 percent of the variation in house prices.
Another concern is that economic activity in vacation localities may tend to be proycli-
cal, reflecting for example, differences in industry composition. If so, we may expect that
activity in vacation localities tends to rise more during expansions, and contract more dur-
ing recessions, for reasons unrelated to second home buying. To check for this, I aggregate
house prices for the top quartile of vacation localities as well as for the remaining counties.
Figure 9 plots house prices for the two groups of vacation localities, both indexed to equal
100 in the year 2000. Figure 9 shows that house prices trended nearly identically between
1975-2000 in vacation localities as in other locations. Significant differences in patterns only
emerge after 2000. To delve deeper into the question of cyclicality, I regress yearly changes
in the house price index on the vacation share of housing. Figure 10 provides a time plot
of the coefficient estimates along with 95% confidence intervals. Positive and significant
Figure 7: Second Home Origination Shares (borrower location) and Vacation Share of
0 .2 .4 .6
Second Home Orig. Share (borrower location)
0 .2 .4 .6
Vacation Share 2000
The figure plots second home origination shares over 2004-2006 (y-axis) against the vacation share of housing
(x-axis). The second home origination shares are measured based on borrower (rather than property) loca-
tion, i.e. New York City residents buying out-of-town second homes are counted in New York City. Source:
NYFRB Consumer Credit Panel / Equifax, 2000 Census, author’s calculations.
yearly estimates indicate that house price growth was stronger on average that year in va-
cation localities, and viceversa. Figure 10 shows that changes in house prices in vacation
localities were not statistically different for almost all years between 1977-2000. The only
exceptions are during the 1980-1982 recession when house price changes in vacation localities
were countercyclical rather than procyclical. After 2000, however, the coefficient estimates
are significantly larger and significant. House price growth in vacation localities was faster
than elsehwere over 2000-2006, and slower than elsewhere from 2006-2010, coinciding with
the aggregate trends in second home buying.
Figure 8: HPI and Other Boom Drivers
0 .5 1 1.5 2
HPI 2000-2006
0 .5 1 1.5
Mortgage Balance 2000-2006
0 .5 1 1.5 2
HPI 2000-2006
0 .2 .4 .6
PLS share 2000-2006
0 .5 1 1.5 2
HPI 2000-2006
0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Alt Mortgage Share 2000-2006
0 .5 1 1.5 2
HPI 2000-2006
0 2 4 6 8
Housing Supply Elasticity
The figure plots changes in house prices over 2000-2006 (y-axis) against various housing characteristics (x-
axis). On the x-axis the figure plots changes in median first lien mortgage balances over 2000-2006 (top left
panel); the share of privately securitized mortgages over 2000-2006 (top right panel); the share of alternative
mortgages (bottom left panel); and the housing supply elasticity of Saiz (2010) (bottom right panel). Source:
NYFRB Consumer Credit Panel / Equifax, Black Knight McDash, Corelogic HPI, and author’s calculations.
Figure 9: HPI in Vacation and Other Localities
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
House Price Index
1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Top quartile vacation share Other
The figure plots house prices against time for two groups: the top quartile of vacation shares in the 2000
Census, and the other counties. House prices are indexed to equal 100 in the year 2000. Source: CoreLogic
HPI, 2000 Census, and author’s calculations.
Figure 10: Yearly ∆HPI for Vacation Localities
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6
Coeff Estimate/CI95
The figure plots yearly coefficient estimates α
with associated 95 percent confidence intervals from esti-
mating the following equation each year: HP I
= α
V acation Share
+ υ
. Observations weighted by
housing units in 2000 and standard errors clustered by state. Source: CoreLogic HPI, 2000 Census, and
author’s calculations.
3 Empirical Framework and Results
To estimate the effects of high second home origination shares on local outcomes during
the boom, I isolate the variation in the second home origination shares explained solely by
the instrument, the vacation share of housing, conditional on various other characteristics
of localities. Vacation localities do differ along some observables, e.g. they tend to have
older, whiter, more rural populations, as well as a higher share of employment in services.
To account for these differences, I control for a detailed set of county covariates including
demographics such as education, income, and age profiles in 2000; household financial charac-
teristics such as the fraction of subprime borrowers and median credit scores in 2000; industry
composition including manufacturing, construction, and services employment shares in 2000;
and pretrends such as changes in house prices and employment from 1997-2000. A full list
of county covariates and data sources is provided in Table 1. Table 2 provides summary
I now discuss results based on the following 2SLS specification:
= θX
+ β
Second Home Origination Shares
Second Home Origination Shares
= δX
+ ρV acation Share
+ v
where observations are at the county i level; changes are taken over 2000-2006, 2006-2010, and
2000-2010 for different outcome variables Y
(e.g. house prices, construction employment,
total private employment) each estimated separately; and X
are other county characteristics,
described in Table 1 with summary statistics in Table 2.
I use data on counties with over 10,000 housing units in the 2000 Census, which yields
slightly over 1,200 counties with house price data, accounting for about 92% of aggregate
employment. Observations are weighted by the number of households in the 2000 Decennial
Census, though results are similar without weighting and are also reported in the Results
section. Extreme observations (1% from each tail) are dropped from each dependent vari-
able. Standard errors are clustered at the state level. I report results for state fixed effects
specifications in the Results below, though they are not included in the baseline specifica-
Table 1: Data Definitions
Variable Definition Source
Dependent Variables
House Prices Percent change in house prices from
2000-2006, 2006-2010, and 2000-2010
CoreLogic HPI
Percent change in employment category j
from 2000-2006, 2006-2010, and 2000-2010
Delinquency Rates Percentage point change in fraction of 90+
delinquent properties from 2006 to 2010
CoreLogic MarketTrends
Prerecession Characteristics
House Prices Percent change in house prices 1997-2000 CoreLogic HPI
Employment Percent change in total private employment
Construction Percent change in construction private
employment 1997-2000
House prices Log level median house price 2000 Census
Household income Log of median 2000 Census
White population Fraction of population identified as white 2000 Census
Poverty rate Fraction of families below poverty line 2000 Census
Age profile Fraction of population 55 years or older 2000 Census
College population Fraction of population with a college degree
or more
2000 Census
Urban rate Fraction of population in urban areas 2000 Census
Mortgage use Fraction of housing stock that had been
2000 Census
Risk Score 3.0 Median 2000 FRBNY
Consumer Credit
Subprime Fraction of households in a county with Risk
Score less than 620
2000 FRBNY
Consumer Credit
Nontradable share Nontradable share of employment, as defined
in Mian and Sufi (2014)
2000 CBP
Construction share Share of employment 2000 QCEW
Manufacturing share Share of employment 2000 QCEW
Services share Share of employment 2000 QCEW
Health and education share Share of employment 2000 QCEW
This table provides definitions and sources for the data used throughout the paper. CBP: County Business
Patterns; QCEW: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.
Table 2: County Summary Statistics
Dependent Variables
Mean SD p10 Median p90 N
House Prices 2000-2006 0.52 0.37 0.18 0.40 1.13 1220
Construction Emp 2000-2006 0.18 0.38 -0.14 0.13 0.58 1220
Other Emp 2000-2006 0.05 0.15 -0.09 0.04 0.22 1220
Nontradable Emp 2000-2006 0.11 0.18 -0.07 0.09 0.31 1220
House Prices 2006-2010 -0.12 0.15 -0.35 -0.10 0.03 1220
Delinquency Rate 2006-2010 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.08 1220
Construction Emp 2000-2006 -0.23 0.33 -0.46 -0.26 -0.01 1215
Other Emp 2006-2010 -0.04 0.08 -0.13 -0.04 0.05 1220
Nontradable Emp 2006-2010 -0.03 0.13 -0.14 -0.04 0.09 1220
House Prices 2000-2010 0.30 0.24 0.03 0.28 0.61 1220
Construction Emp 2000-2010 -0.12 0.32 -0.40 -0.15 0.20 1220
Other Emp 2000-2010 0.02 0.20 -0.17 -0.01 0.22 1220
Nontradable Emp 2000-2010 0.08 0.24 -0.13 0.04 0.31 1220
County Characteristics
# Housing units (thousands), 2000 79.12 164.77 11.46 32.96 182.81 1220
% Educ College, 2000 0.21 0.09 0.11 0.18 0.33 1220
Home Value ($thousands), 2000 104.13 46.86 63.40 92.50 155.65 1220
% Equifax Risk Score 3.0 620, 2000 0.27 0.08 0.17 0.25 0.38 1220
Median Equifax Risk Score 3.0, 2000 703.90 29.78 661.00 711.00 738.00 1220
% White Pop, 2000 0.87 0.12 0.72 0.91 0.98 1220
% Families below poverty line, 2000 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.13 1220
Emp 1997-2000 0.07 0.08 -0.01 0.06 0.15 1220
Construction Emp 1997-2000 0.15 0.19 -0.05 0.13 0.37 1220
House Prices 1997-2000 0.18 0.10 0.08 0.16 0.31 1220
Other Emp 1997-2000 0.06 0.08 -0.01 0.06 0.15 1220
% Urban population 0.61 0.25 0.26 0.64 0.94 1220
HH Median Income ($thousands), 2000 40.73 9.32 30.95 38.83 53.27 1220
Construction Share of Emp, 2000 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.11 1220
Manufacturing Share of Emp, 2000 0.20 0.12 0.06 0.18 0.38 1220
Nontradable Share of Emp, 2000 0.21 0.05 0.16 0.21 0.28 1220
Services Share of Emp, 2000 0.70 0.12 0.54 0.72 0.84 1220
Health & Edu Share of Emp, 2000 0.13 0.05 0.07 0.13 0.19 1220
% Age 50, 2000 0.29 0.05 0.22 0.29 0.35 1220
The table provides summary statistics for localities with over 10, 000 households in the 2000 Decennial Cen-
sus and with house price data. Changes for delinquency rates are in percentage point, all other are percent
3.1 Results
Areas with higher second home origination shares (instrumented with the vacation share of
housing) experienced a more pronounced boom and bust in activity. Higher second home
shares led to higher construction employment and house prices over 2000-2006. However,
those gains during the boom years were largely reversed over the next years: declines in
house prices and construction employment, and increases in delinquency rates, were more
severe in areas that high second home origination shares during the boom years. Overall,
looking at differences in activity for the whole decade 2000-2010, the effects balance out for
house prices, but are negative for construction employment. Consistent with the overhang
hypothesis in Rognlie et al. (2018), overbuilding in the boom led to persistent declines in
Table 3 shows 2SLS coefficient estimates for the 2000-2006 changes in house prices
and employment (for construction, nontradable, and total private employment) models.
Columns 1 and 2 of Table 3 show that house price and construction employment growth
during the boom was on average 16 and 7 percentage points higher, respectively, in localities
with 10 percentage point higher second home origination shares over 2000-2006. Though
house prices and construction employment grew faster in localities with higher second home
origination shares, those gains in real estate do not appear to have led to gains in overall
employment. Columns 3 and 4 show results for nontradable employment and other employ-
ment (total private employment excluding construction).
The coefficient estimates are not
significant and small, especially in the nontradable employment model (Column 3).
However, the increase in activity associated with higher second home origination shares
during the boom is largely reversed during the recession years. Second homes borrowers were
more levered during the boom and had higher default rates during the recession (Haughwout
et al. 2011; Albanesi 2018). Table 4 shows 2SLS coefficient estimates for the 2006-2010 period.
Areas with 10 percentage point higher second home origination shares during the boom
The instrument is strong, with the Kleibergen-Paap first stage F statistic about 100, considerably higher
than the rule of thumb F statistic value of 10 commonly used in the literature to indicate weak instrument
Nontradable employment is a category of local employment accounting about 20 percent of total private
employment, comprised mostly of local retail and food; see Mian and Sufi (2014).
experienced steeper declines in activiy: house price and construction employment declines
were 7 and 9 percentage points stronger on average (Columns 1 and 2, respectively), while
changes in delinquency rates were on average about 2 percentage points higher (Column
3). The overall employment effects are mostly restricted to construction, with changes in
nontradable employment and other employment not significant.
Looking at changes in activity for the whole decade, the effects are negative, especially
for construction employment. Table 5 shows results for the 2000-2010 period. For localities
with 10 percentage point higher second home origination shares over 2000-2006, changes over
2000-2010 in house prices were on average 4 percentage points higher though not statistically
different from zero (Column 1), and construction employment changes were on average 6
percentage points lower and significant. For broader employment categories, the effects on
employment losses are not significant. When looking at changes in activity over a longer
horizon, such as 2000-2014, the results are similar: the construction employment declines
are persistent, but the coefficient estimates for the house price and broader employment
categories models are close to zero and not significant.
Overall, these results are consistent
with Rognlie et al. (2018), which predicts that the recovery from housing boom-bust episodes
is asymmetric, with the overbuilt sector left behind.
In sum, localities with high second home origination shares during the boom experienced
a more pronounced boom and bust in activity in house prices and construction employment,
with the losses in construction employment during the recession outweighing the gains during
the boom years. A limitation of the county level empirical strategy is that spillover effects
across localities may not be captured. For example, high default rates for second home
buyers likely contributed to the poor health of the financial system during the recession,
and so likely affected overall credit supply. In turn, lower credit supply during the recession
likely contributed to the job losses (Duygan-Bump et al. 2015; Chodorow-Reich 2014; Garcia
2018). Nonetheless, the lack of significance in the nontradable and other employment models
does ameliorate concerns about instrument validity, since the instrument is not correlated
with local shocks affecting overall employment, i.e. it is unlikely that vacation localities had
high shares of second home originations because those localities experienced a positive shock
Results not shown to economize on space, but available upon request.
during the boom that increased overall employment.
3.2 Delving Deeper
The 2SLS coefficient estimates contrast with their OLS counterparts, which are on average
about twice as large across models. Tables 6 and 7 report OLS coefficient estimates for the
2000-2006 and 2006-2010 periods, respectively. The OLS coefficient estimates are larger,
suggesting that the OLS estimates are biased upwards due to other factors such as reverse
causality. For example, the coefficient on second home origination shares in the 2000-2006
2SLS house price model (Table 3 Column 1) is 1.608, while the OLS analog is 2.965 in Table
6 Column 1, with the difference statistically significant. The difference between 2SLS and
OLS estimates is particularly large for the nontradable and other employment models. For
example, the coefficient on second home origination shares in the 2000-2006 2SLS nontradable
employment model (Table 3 Column 3) is 0.016 and not significant, while the OLS analog
is 0.319 and is highly significant (Table 6 Column 3).
The results are also robust to using state fixed effects. Because the results are similar,
I use specifications without state fixed effects in the baseline to exploit both within and
across state variation, rather than restricting the data to using only within state variation.
Table 8 provides results for the 2000-2006 models with state fixed effects. The second home
origination shares coefficient is similar to the baseline estimates in Table 3 – the coefficient on
the house price model is slightly larger (Column 1), while the coefficient in the construction
employment models is slightly smaller (Column 2), with neither difference being statistically
significant. Table 9 provides results for the 2006-2010 models with state fixed effects. Again,
the results are very similar with coefficient estimates not statistically different.
The results reported are weighted by the number of housing units in 2000, though they are
robust to alternatives. Table 10 reports unweighted results for the 2000-2006 2SLS models.
The results are qualitatively the same: areas with higer second home origination shares
during the boom experienced significantly higher growth in house prices and construction
employment, though not in broader employment categories. The instrument is stronger (the
Kleibergen-Paap first stage F statistic is larger) than in the baseline model, reflecting that
localities with high second home origination shares during the boom that are not vacation
localities tend to be larger, e.g. the home counties of Miami, Phoenix, and Los Angeles. The
coefficient estimates are not statistically different from their counterparts in the baseline
(Table 3), though they are slightly smaller.
The results are also robust to controlling for differences across localities in housing supply
elasticities. The baseline results do not control for differences in elasticities, because these
are available only for the smaller sample of counties located within metropolitan statistical
areas (MSAs). Table 11 report results for the counties for which the housing supply elasticity
of Saiz (2010) is available. Because coefficient estimates may change because of the sample
change (counties in MSAs only), or the inclusion of the housing supply elasticity control, I
report results for the MSA sample with and without the housing supply elasticity on the right
hand side. Columns 1 and 2 report coefficient estimates for the house price and construction
employment models without the elasticity control, while Columns 3 and 4 add the control.
The coefficient estimates for the MSA subsample tend to be larger than the full sample,
though they are not statistically different. Adding the housing supply elasticity as a control
(Columns 3 and 4) slightly lowers the second home origination share coefficients, reflecting
the negative correlation between supply elasticities and the vacation share of housing, though
the correlation is only very weak (see the top left panel of Figure 5). However, the coefficient
estimates are very similar and well within one standard error.
Overall, the qualitative conclusions are the same and quantitative results not statistically
different, when using alternative specifications, such as the inclusion of state fixed effects,
alternative weighting schemes, and sample restrictions (e.g. counties in MSAs only) and
controlling for differences in supply contraints.
The comparison for the 2006-2010 models is not reported to economize on space, but the discussion is
very similar to that of the 2000-2006 period. Results available upon request.
Table 3: 2000-2006 2SLS Estimates of the Effects of Second Home Buying
Dependent variables 2000-2006:
HPI Construction Emp NonTradable Emp Other Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 1.608*** 0.742** 0.016 0.085
(0.55) (0.37) (0.14) (0.11)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.70 0.54 0.50 0.60
Kleibergen-Paap F stat 95.79 110.58 108.38 105.84
Observations 1109 1115 1112 1112
This table shows 2SLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
(using the vacation share of housing in the 2000 Decennial Census as an instrument). The sample of coun-
ties includes localities with over 10,000 housing units in the 2000 Census. All equations include the controls
listed in Table 1. Observations weighted by the number of housing units in the 2000 Decennial Census. De-
pendent variable outliers (1 percent of each tail) are dropped. Standard errors are clustered at the state
level. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.
Table 4: 2006-2010 2SLS Estimates of the Effects of Second Home Buying
Dependent variables 2006-2010:
HPI Delinq. Rate Constr. Emp NonTrd. Emp Other Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 -0.738*** 0.161** -0.870*** 0.060 -0.083
(0.25) (0.06) (0.22) (0.10) (0.07)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.54 0.62 0.42 0.17 0.37
Kleibergen-Paap F stat 108.97 108.31 101.92 107.17 100.94
Observations 1108 1108 1116 1112 1118
This table shows 2SLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
(using the vacation share of housing in the 2000 Decennial Census as an instrument). The sample of coun-
ties includes localities with over 10,000 housing units in the 2000 Census. All equations include the controls
listed in Table 1. Observations weighted by the number of housing units in the 2000 Decennial Census. De-
pendent variable outliers (1 percent of each tail) are dropped. Standard errors are clustered at the state
level. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.
Table 5: 2000-2010 2SLS Estimates of the Effects of Second Home Buying
Dependent variables 2000-2010:
HPI Construction Emp NonTradable Emp Other Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 0.393 -0.602** 0.127 -0.054
(0.38) (0.26) (0.15) (0.15)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.38 0.22 0.44 0.57
Kleibergen-Paap F stat 106.87 110.32 108.17 105.82
Observations 1112 1119 1112 1114
This table shows 2SLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
(using the vacation share of housing in the 2000 Decennial Census as an instrument). The sample of coun-
ties includes localities with over 10,000 housing units in the 2000 Census. All equations include the controls
listed in Table 1. Observations weighted by the number of housing units in the 2000 Decennial Census. De-
pendent variable outliers (1 percent of each tail) are dropped. Standard errors are clustered at the state
level. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.
Table 6: 2000-2006 OLS Estimates of Second Home Buying
Dependent variables 2000-2006:
HPI Construction Emp NonTradable Emp Other Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 2.965*** 1.158*** 0.319*** 0.164***
(0.42) (0.15) (0.07) (0.04)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.71 0.55 0.51 0.61
Observations 1109 1115 1112 1112
This table shows OLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
measured over 2000-2006. The sample of counties includes localities with over 10,000 housing units in the
2000 Census. All equations include the controls listed in Table 1. Observations weighted by the number of
housing units in the 2000 Decennial Census. Dependent variable outliers (1 percent of each tail) are dropped.
Standard errors are clustered at the state level. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and
0.01 levels, respectively.
Table 7: 2006-2010 OLS Estimates of Second Home Buying
Dependent variables 2006-2010:
HPI Delinq. Rate Constr. Emp NonTrd. Emp Other Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 -1.415*** 0.234*** -1.366*** -0.326*** -0.268***
(0.14) (0.04) (0.16) (0.07) (0.04)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.58 0.63 0.44 0.22 0.39
Observations 1108 1108 1116 1112 1118
This table shows OLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
measured over 2000-2006. The sample of counties includes localities with over 10,000 housing units in the
2000 Census. All equations include the controls listed in Table 1. Observations weighted by the number of
housing units in the 2000 Decennial Census. Dependent variable outliers (1 percent of each tail) are dropped.
Standard errors are clustered at the state level. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and
0.01 levels, respectively.
Table 8: 2000-2006 2SLS Estimates of the Effects of Second Home Buying, with State
Fixed Effects
Dependent variables 2000-2006:
HPI Construction Emp NonTradable Emp Other Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 1.790*** 0.717** -0.087 0.071
(0.32) (0.29) (0.14) (0.12)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.90 0.67 0.59 0.67
Kleibergen-Paap F stat 156.56 158.92 157.94 162.05
Observations 1109 1115 1112 1112
This table shows 2SLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
(using the vacation share of housing in the 2000 Decennial Census as an instrument). The sample of counties
includes localities with over 10,000 housing units in the 2000 Census. All equations include the controls listed
in Table 1. State fixed effects are included. Observations weighted by the number of housing units in the
2000 Decennial Census. Dependent variable outliers (1 percent of each tail) are dropped. Standard errors are
clustered at the state level. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.
Table 9: 2006-2010 2SLS Estimates of the Effects of Second Home Buying, with State
Fixed Effects
Dependent variables 2006-2010:
HPI Delinq. Rate Constr. Emp NonTrd. Emp Other Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 -0.496*** 0.118*** -0.675*** 0.030 -0.077
(0.11) (0.04) (0.17) (0.07) (0.06)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.86 0.83 0.66 0.39 0.55
Kleibergen-Paap F stat 156.47 155.11 145.55 158.36 149.33
Observations 1108 1108 1116 1112 1118
This table shows 2SLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
(using the vacation share of housing in the 2000 Decennial Census as an instrument). The sample of counties
includes localities with over 10,000 housing units in the 2000 Census. All equations include the controls listed
in Table 1. State fixed effects are included. Observations weighted by the number of housing units in the
2000 Decennial Census. Dependent variable outliers (1 percent of each tail) are dropped. Standard errors are
clustered at the state level. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.
Table 10: 2000-2006 2SLS Estimates of the Effects of Second Home Buying (Unweighted)
Dependent variables 2000-2006:
HPI Construction Emp NonTradable Emp Other Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 0.966** 0.500* 0.024 -0.058
(0.48) (0.30) (0.13) (0.11)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.50 0.31 0.34 0.42
Kleibergen-Paap F stat 137.06 146.49 206.40 147.70
Observations 1109 1115 1112 1112
This table shows 2SLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
(using the vacation share of housing in the 2000 Decennial Census as an instrument). The sample of coun-
ties includes localities with over 10,000 housing units in the 2000 Census. All equations include the controls
listed in Table 1. State fixed effects are included. Observations not weighted. Dependent variable outliers
(1 percent of each tail) are dropped. Standard errors are clustered at the state level. *, **, and *** indicate
significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.
Table 11: 2000-2006 2SLS Estimates of the Effects of Second Home Buying in MSAs
Dependent variables 2000-2006:
HPI Construction Emp HPI Construction Emp
Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE Coef./SE
Second Home Origination
Share 2000-2006 2.503*** 1.387** 2.359*** 1.339**
(0.60) (0.54) (0.62) (0.54)
Elasticity -0.054* -0.015
(0.03) (0.01)
All other controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
R-squared 0.75 0.64 0.75 0.64
Kleibergen-Paap F stat 37.19 42.30 38.61 43.76
Observations 613 616 613 616
This table shows 2SLS results from regressing changes in local outcomes on second home origination shares
(using the vacation share of housing in the 2000 Decennial Census as an instrument). The sample of counties
includes those located in MSAs for which housing supply elasticity data is available. All equations include
the controls listed in Table 1. State fixed effects are included. Observations weighted by the number of hous-
ing units in the 2000 Decennial Census. Dependent variable outliers (1 percent of each tail) are dropped.
Standard errors are clustered at the state level. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 0.10, 0.05 and
0.01 levels, respectively.
3.3 Aggregate Implications
To gain a sense of the aggregate implications of second home buying, I perform a par-
tial equilibrium aggregation excercise which combines the estimated causal effects of having
higher second home origination shares during the housing boom, together with a counter-
factual time path of second home origination shares in which the shares stay fixed at their
2000-2001 levels.
To begin, define the counterfactual 2000-2006 change in construction employment in
county i, Constr. Emp
, as the predicted construction employment change if county i
second home origination shares had stayed at their 2000-2001 level (SHOS
) instead
of rising to the 2005-2006 level (SHOS
), conditional on all other observables X
Constr Emp
= ∆
Constr. Emp
Constr. Emp
denotes the fitted value from the baseline construction employment
2SLS model including all covariates X
, and β is the estimated elasticity of construction em-
ployment with respect to second home origination shares. I then recover 2006 construction
employment levels corresponding to both the counterfactual and fitted changes in employ-
ment, using the initial-period employment level: Constr. Emp
= Constr. Emp
(1 +
Constr. Emp
) and
Constr. Emp
= Constr. Emp
(1 +
Constr. Emp
The fraction in construction employment changes explained by second home buying is
given by:
[Constr. Emp
Constr. Emp
I also perform the analogous exercise for house prices.
I find that the increase in second
home buying could explain about 32 and 15 percent of the run-up in construction employment
and house prices over 2000-2006, respectively, using the 2SLS baseline estimates reported in
Table 3. In other words, construction employment would have increased by about 10 rather
Aggregate changes in house prices are computed as the average house price change weighted by housing
units in 2000.
than 14 percent, and house prices by 56 rather than 66 percent, respectively, over 2000-2006.
The accuracy of the aggregation exercise depends on a number of factors. The counterfac-
tual asks how different house prices and construction employment evolved had second home
origination shares remained at their 2000-2001 level rather than rising, but it is possible that
at least some of that increase was an endogenous response to other changes in the economy,
such as rising wealth and an aging population. From this point of view, the partial equi-
librium aggregation exercise would lead to overestimates. However, the aggregation exercise
does not take into account general equilibrium effects which may go in the opposite direction.
For example, higher second home origination shares led to higher house prices, which could
have contributed to perceptions of a robust financial system, and therefore contributed to
strong credit supply during the housing boom. Moreover, the results from the aggregation
exercise also depend on the precision of the estimated elasticities of activity to second home
origination shares. When repeating the aggregation exercise using the 90 percent confidence
intervals for the second home origination shares coefficients in the construction employment
and house price models, the conclusion is second home buying could have explained between
6 to 57 percent of the runup in construction employment, and between 6 and 23 percent of
the increase in house prices over 2000-2006.
4 Conclusion
In the peak years of the housing boom 2004-2006, about 35 percent of new home purchase
mortgages were for second homes, compared with about only 20 percent in other periods.
Second home buyers were typically over-leveraged, and despite having middle to high in-
come and credit scores, experienced higher default rates than average during the recession
(Haughwout et al. (2011); Albanesi et al. (2017); Albanesi (2018)). Studying the effects of
second home buying on activity is complicated for at least two reasons: owner-occupancy in
loan level datasets (such as HMDA and Black Knight McDash) is underreported (Elul and
Tilson (2015)), and localities with high second home origination shares (e.g. Las Vegas, Mi-
ami, Phoenix) may have boomed for other reasons, such as strong house price appreciation
expectations, high shares of alternative or privately securitized mortgages, or tighter supply
The contribution of this paper is to construct a new measure of second home origination
shares at the county level, by combining the best sources of data available: credit bureau
data for the number of properties held by each borrower, and mortgage servicing records for
the address of each new property acquired. Second home origination shares explain about 55
percent of the variation in house prices across localities over 2000-2006. To isolate the effects
of high second home origination shares on activity, I use the vacation share of housing in the
2000 Census as an instrument. Because vacation locales have predetermined and persistent
high amenity values (such as warm winters and a watefront), the vacation share of housing
is on average strongly informative of second home origination shares during the boom. The
vacation share of housing is also uncorrelated with proxies for local housing expectations
(such as changes in local housing debt balances) and other drivers of the boom, such as the
fraction of subprime borrowers, the use of PLS mortgages, and housing supply elasticities.
I find that localities with high second home origination shares (explained by the vacation
share instrument) experienced a more pronounced housing boom and bust. In those localities,
house prices and construction employment grew faster over 2000-2006, and contracted more
sharply over 2006-2010, with the losses in the latter years in construction employment having
dominating and persistent effects until at least 2014. A partial equilibrium aggregation
exercise suggests high second home buying could explain about 30 and 15 percent of the
run-up in construction employment and house prices over 2000-2006.
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