Knowledge Management & E-Learning, Vol.10, No.3. Sep 2018
The impact of using smartphones on the academic
performance of undergraduate students
Ifeanyi Peter Ifeanyi
Joshua Ebere Chukwuere
North-West University, South Africa
Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)
ISSN 2073-7904
Recommended citation:
Ifeanyi, I. P., & Chukwuere, J. E. (2018). The impact of using
smartphones on the academic performance of undergraduate students.
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308.
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308
The impact of using smartphones on the academic
performance of undergraduate students
Ifeanyi Peter Ifeanyi
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
North-West University, South Africa
E-mail: any[email protected]m
Joshua Ebere Chukwuere*
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
North-West University, South Africa
*Corresponding author
Abstract: This study investigated the impact of using smartphones on the
academic performance of undergraduate students at the North-West University,
South Africa. To determine the impact, this study deployed the quantitative
research approach to collect data from 375 undergraduate students using
questionnaires. It was found that most undergraduate students are using their
smartphones to engage with fellow students and lecturers. It was also found
that using smartphones distracts students from their studies in certain aspects.
The results also showed the impact of using smartphones on students’ academic
capabilities and progression.
Keywords: Academic performance; Smartphones; Undergraduate students;
Learning; South Africa
Biographical notes: Ifeanyi Peter Ifeanyi is a MCom Computer Science and
Information Systems student in the Department of Information Systems,
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, North-West University
(NWU), South Africa. His research areas include smartphones, social media
and many more.
Dr. Joshua Ebere Chukwuere (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of
Information Systems, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, North-
West University (NWU), South Africa. His research interests comprise
culturetech, mobile banking, e-health, online banking, Internet of Things (IoT),
smart city, technology acceptance, culture-oriented technology, e-learning, e-
health, social media and others.
1. Introduction
Smartphones are equipped with multimedia phone features, which include camera
function, sound recording function, video function and many others. These features assist
students to drive their learning process and dreams effectively. According to Kibona and
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308 291
Mgaya (2015), most smartphone- and recreational applications are addictive to both the
higher level and lower level students in Tanzania, which, in turn, affects their academic
performance. The applications mentioned included WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook.
Furthermore, some learning systems have emerged over the years and involve ubiquitous
learning (u-learning), which is being powered by smartphone capabilities in the learning
environment. According to Jung (2014), ubiquitous learning (u-learning) combines the
characteristics of electronic learning (e-learning) and mobile learning (m-learning), in
driving forward different forms of learning through the internet connection process in the
21st century.
The mentioned forms of learning are all available on smartphones (e-learning and
m-learning). Jung (2014) further states that u-learning is used to provide students with the
right learning materials, depending on their situation. In this study, u-learning initiatives
are supported by smartphones, which are used by the undergraduate students of the
North-West University (NWU) in South Africa to access learning materials anywhere,
anytime. The NWU’s Mahikeng Campus is located in the heart of Mahikeng, the capital
city of the North West Province, South Africa. At the Mahikeng Campus, a free wireless
network is provided to students in some locations around the Campus. The Campus can
be said to consist of students from middle- to lower-income families (Chukwuere,
Mbukanma, & Enwereji, 2017) or disadvantaged societies, and using smartphones is
becoming a norm. Students who have smartphones connect easily to the wireless
networks and gain limitless access to internet connections that are aimed at advancing
students’ learning experience and performance. Furthermore, the deployment of these
internet (Wi-Fi) connections is aimed at increasing access to learning contents across the
Campus and beyond. One of the thriving platforms to increase access to learning contents
is e-Fundi. It is a course or learning management system used as a mechanism for
learning engagement and communication and learning content delivery between the
students and lecturers. e-Fundi helps the students to obtain their study materials, such as
their lecture slides, to engage in online forums, to submit assignments, to write tests,
quizzes and examinations, to communicate with lecturers and other students, and many
more. It also possesses qualities of u-learning in the sense that, regardless of your
geographical location within the nation, it can provide the student with the right learning
materials for their academic work through smartphones. This means that e-Fundi is
mobile-friendly, driving e-learning initiatives and, in doing so, increases access to
learning contents for students on- or off-campus. Consequently, according to Joshua,
Nehemiah, and Ernest (2015), e-learning is a borderless learning experience to increase
tutors and (undergraduate) students’ interaction as well as delivering effective teaching
and learning contents across different platforms, such as smartphones and many more. E-
learning platform promotes self-directed and progressive learning processes and access to
high-quality learning contents (Weichhart, Stary, & Appel, 2018; Day & Erturk, 2017).
Although, according to Guspatni (2018), sometimes the system can be difficult to
navigate and use. To this study, the adoption of smartphone in classrooms promotes
access to e-learning materials and opportunities.
The high levels of addiction to smartphones prove that it affects students’
academic performance (Kibona & Mgaya, 2015). This addiction causes some concerns as
to whether the use of smartphones hampers or elevates the performance of students in
general. Ezemenaka (2013) writes that the invention of mobile phone technology thrived
with the quest for new knowledge changes and the desire among university students, and
most of them are affected, including undergraduate students. This impact contributes to
the students’ academic performance both negatively and positively. With due
consideration of the effect of smartphones on the lives of university students, this study
292 I. P. Ifeanyi & J. E. Chukwuere (2018)
aimed at investigating the impacts (positive and negative) of smartphones on the
academic performance of undergraduate students. Furthermore, the study also
investigated the impact of smartphones on undergraduate students’ academic capabilities.
Furthermore, to address the research objectives and tackling the problem statement, the
following research questions were explored:
What are the positive impacts of smartphone usage on the academic
performance of undergraduate students?
What are the negative effects of smartphone usage on the academic performance
of undergraduate students?
What are the effects of smartphones on undergraduate students’ academic
2. Literature review
Many researchers have, through recent years, pointed out the advantages and
disadvantages of students using smartphones. It goes both ways, as the use of
smartphones affects the students’ lives not only academically, but also their personal
lives. However, smartphone usage among undergraduate students of the NWU is yet
unknown. Nevertheless, the use of smartphones has both positive and negative impacts
on the students who use them.
2.1. Role of smartphones in academic learning
The role of smartphone and mobile technologies in education must not be ignored
(Tikoria & Agariya, 2017). Academic learning is now innovative as a result of
smartphone and other media in promoting and advancing 21
century needed skills and
knowledge (Tulenko & Bailey, 2013; Emerson & Berge, 2018). Students have
experiences of digital surroundings in a tactile and personal manner, which is brought
about by some mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones (Cano, 2012).
Mokoena (2012) argues that the use of smartphones by students improves collaborative
learning through its connection to the internet. This statement implies that the use of
smartphones drives students to be more engaged in learner-centred participation learning.
This is a vivid indication on numerous supports that smartphones have brought to the
students; it advances their understanding by increasing academic performance, social
media participation and information sharing; it helps their social skills by giving them
opportunities to seek academic assistance and support, and many more (Mokoena, 2012).
However, according to Kinsella (2009), the challenge of communication in lecture
halls with students is solved due to the use of smartphones. Concomitantly, Mokoena
(2012) states that group projects and/or work given to the students by their lecturers are
easily and conveniently carried out with the aid of smartphones. This further shows that
students are now able to record their lecturers’ lessons and teachings in real time. This is
done by recording information during lessons, which has been made possible by the
sophisticated features available on smartphones. From different perspectives, people try
to embrace the use of smartphones because it is no longer used as communication tools
(calls and text messages) only, but also as tools for people’s social and work lives and
possibly a potential instrument in their academic lives (Cano, 2012). According to Buck,
Melnnis, and Randolph (2013), Lytle (2012) reports that college students using the
StudyBlue Flash Cards believed it assists them in memorising the key terminologies
when preparing for their tests. The study further states that some students use iPhones for
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308 293
the Evernote Peek application, which serves as a note-taking cloud service, thereby
giving them the opportunity to sort out their notes and transforming them into effective
study materials.
With the evolution of smartphones, what the students do outside the classroom is
very much the same as the work they do inside of the classroom. This observation is very
important to the issue brought up in the study with regard to the responsibility or role of
smartphones outside the premises of the school (university). It can be observed that
students use their smartphones for various reasons at university without restrictions. Then,
according to Vanwelsenaers (2012), students spend a considerable percentage of the 4.5
lesson hours using smartphones. Currently, collaboration is a key 21st century skill that
Singapore’s teachers are trying to help their students learn. In addition, through the
effective use of smartphones, students are engaged in dialogues and other collaborative
activities, and this is an excellent illustration of how the smartphone facilitates
conversation and information/content sharing (Buck et al., 2013; Vanwelsenaers, 2012).
2.2. Portability of smartphones as a convenient means of learning for students
Students happen to be interested in ways they can learn and at the same time have their
attention captivated. They may be provided with autonomy over their educational
experience (Buck et al., 2013) and access to standard learning contents and opportunities
(Day & Erturk, 2017). As a matter of fact, one of the most important features of the ever-
evolving features of the smartphone is its small or rather portable size and its ability to be
used not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom (Mokoena, 2012). This
offers an edge over the traditional platform for learning and teaching, which deals with
books and chalk/marker boards behind the four walls of education institutions.
It was suggested by Ezemenaka (2013) that the use of internet-enabled phones has
been on the rise in the 21st century, and as a matter of fact is something that many cannot
comprehend. Additionally, young people pay a great deal of attention to their internet-
enabled phones, also to what their peers think of them. As the mental effects of the use of
smartphones are ever present in the lives of the users, there also exist other impacts
caused by the continuous use of smartphones, and this has been identified to be an
‘addiction’. Some psychologists, of recent, have issued cautions that cell phone users face
the risk of being addicted to their phones. There are some medical concerns that have
been raised in association with the use of smartphones; there also happens to be effects
such as insomnia, anxiety, misery and others (Ezemenaka, 2013). All these effects
usually develop when students find themselves without their cell phones. Ebiye (2015)
listed the rudimentary utilities of smartphones, which comprise mobile teleconferencing,
mobile audio and visual calls, as well as sending and receiving electronic mails. Then,
according to Gowthami and VenkataKrishnaKumar (2016), they argue that the use of the
internet is now a routine habit for students, as well as a medium that is used by students
to search for information at anytime and anywhere. Based on all indications, the rate of
smartphone penetration aids teaching and learning processes among students in
developing societies through the use of internet connections. Smartphones and mobile
technologies make access, exchange and mobility of information easier (Kent, 2016).
2.3. Challenges involved in using smartphones and the effects accompanied with
the use
It appears that some students are able to accomplish tasks using smartphones at
universities or classrooms, while in the case of others, the smartphone has become a
294 I. P. Ifeanyi & J. E. Chukwuere (2018)
potential form of distraction. Even the visibility and mere presence of a smartphone that
is connected to the internet attract the attention of students and many adults, thereby
diverting their focus and/or attention in class. Some students can ‘switch their focus
between the smartphone as a form of entertainment device and at the same time, a
learning platform (Barnwell, 2016). Additionally, smartphones could prove to be very
important in the sense that it gives children, or in this case, students from different kinds
of socioeconomic backgrounds, the same opportunity to access learning materials
(digital-age information). However, the use of smartphones as a form of learning entails
that students have to combine information and at the same time stay focused on their
lesson or discussions in class. For students, who have low literacy skills and the steady
urge to multitask on social media, blending the purposeful use of smartphones into
classroom activity can be particularly challenging. Then, the main advantage of the tool
tends to go to waste. There has been proportional growth in the use of mobile phones, and
mobile phones are being overused (Baron, 2010). Smartphone encourages micro-learning
for the employed and unemployed for advancement of knowledge and skills (Emerson &
Berge, 2018). Young people’s use of smartphones invites the initiation of social circles;
friendships are also initiated and destroyed. Romantic affiliations emerge from these
social circles, which are often developed or established on the social and recreational
websites, thereby probably leading to a shift in the relationship of users with their family
members. Traditionally, friendships and social associations or connections were done in
person; however, in the era of the evolving technological world of smartphones, they are
being done over social networks and as a matter of fact have become the preferred
platform to develop friendships. Friendships that are developed over social networks tend
to be more recreational and are less based on educational purposes. Based on the previous
sentence, it is a clear indication that less attention is given by the students to their
academic work and activities. Some schools have decided to restrict the use of
smartphones in classes or during lectures; the reason being that it enables the students to
cheat during their examinations and/or tests (Buck et al., 2013). The easy internet access
on smartphones enables students to easily look up their examination and/or tests
questions online. The use of smartphones in this manner can cause the student to be
somewhat relaxed about studying, as they can easily find the answers to their
examinations or test questions online, thereby helping the students to pass their
examination, but not helping them to have knowledge about what they are being taught
by their lecturers. Consequently, the adoption of smartphones can be said to be driven by
two properties of decadent and sensible dimensions.
In essence, it is no longer only a task-oriented technology for the purpose of
productivity, but it is also an entertainment-oriented technology that is designed for
pleasure. According to Chun, Lee, and Kim (2012), 18 to 20 persons tend to become
thoroughly driven sentimentally in probing for fun and sensory stimulation when using a
smartphone for entertainment purposes and pleasure, while they are likely to be
judiciously persuaded to scrutinise cost benefits based on its performance when using
smartphones for work (Chun et al., 2012). In this study, the effect of smartphones on
academic performance or the learning of students is mixed with challenges that will be
determined later in the study.
3. Research methodology
This study deployed a quantitative research method using questionnaires to collect data
from undergraduate students at the NWU (Mahikeng Campus). A random sampling
technique was used in selecting participants across all faculties of the Campus.
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308 295
There are 11 499 students who were registered for the academic year of 2016 at
the NWU, Mahikeng Campus. Within that number of students, there are 6,582 female
students and male students are 4,917. A sample of 375 students was randomly chosen
using the sample size determination method by Krejcie and Morgan (1970). 375
questionnaires were distributed, collected and analysed. The questionnaires were printed
and handed out to students in their respective classrooms, at the cafeteria and many other
places around the Campus (both in groups and individually).
The targeted group of students are the undergraduates of the NWU, Mahikeng
Campus, South Africa, and the sample size used was 375, which included students from
all faculties of the Campus, as the data collection was not limited to a specific faculty. All
the distributed questionnaires were received back from the students, i.e. the return rate is
100%. This was achieved through a consistent follow-up, reprinting and redistribution of
questionnaires until the required number was achieved.
4. Data analysis
The analysis of findings in this study is a result of the collected questionnaires on the
empirical investigation of the impacts of smartphones on the academic performance of
undergraduate students at the NWU, Mahikeng Campus. The data analysis is arranged
into four parts. Part 1 deals with the demographics; part 2 focuses on the positive impact
of smartphone usage on the academic performance of undergraduate students; part 3
deals with the negative impact of smartphone usage on the academic performance of
undergraduate students; while part 4 deals with the effects of smartphone usage on the
academic capabilities of undergraduate students.
4.1. Demographic information
In the demographics section of the questionnaire, students were asked questions such as
their gender, age range, and academic level. The reason behind the demographic
questions is to determine or find out basic personal information of the respondents.
Table 1
Age range
33 and above
Academic level
Table 1 found that more of the respondents were female. The indication drawn
from the findings shows that the study had more female respondents than male
296 I. P. Ifeanyi & J. E. Chukwuere (2018)
respondents. For the age range, the findings show that most of the respondents who filled
out the questionnaire are in the age range of 21 to 24 years. This implies that the overall
population was dominated by young students. To determine the academic level of the
respondents, the findings show that most of the respondents were in their third year (see
Table 1). This is an indication that most respondents come from the third-year
undergraduate students who are more exposed to the digital world such as using
4.2. Analysis of positive impact of smartphone usage on students’ learning
The descriptive analysis in Part 2 aimed at analysing the positive impact of smartphones
on the academic performance of the undergraduate students of the NWU, Mahikeng
Campus. Below are the questions that provided the positive impacts:
Table 2
Internet access and getting help from classmates using smartphones
Do you have internet access in
your classroom venues?
Can you easily reach your
classmates to get help from
them using a smartphone?
Table 2 above shows that most undergraduate students often get internet access in
their classes or lecture halls. The finding indicates that students use their smartphones
even in class because of access to internet (WIFI) connections.
The use of smartphones is widely adopted by undergraduate students even as a
learning aid in getting help from classmates. Table 2 also displays that most of the
respondents’ state that they get help from their friends in the classroom using
smartphones. The findings show that students use their smartphones to reach their
classmates for help with regard to their academics, meaning that smartphones are
becoming academic-centric in developing countries.
The bar chart in Fig. 1 above shows that 197 (52.5 %) of the students believed
that smartphones help them academically, while 143 (38.1%) of the students ticked the
‘frequently’ option. As the finding suggests, participants are consistently using their
smartphone in their educational learning.
The bar chart in Fig. 2 also shows that the majority of the students, 160 (42.7%),
are using their smartphones for the purposes of ‘doing research’, followed by the option
of ‘doing assignments’, which had 73 (19.5%). The next options, in descending order of
frequency and percentage, were the ‘downloading study material’ option with 63 (16.8%),
the ‘accessing lecture slides option with 38 (10.1%), the ‘record live lectures’ option
with 25 (6.7%), the ‘watch tutorial videos’ option with 15 (4.0%), and finally the ‘other
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308 297
option with 1 (0.3%). Judging from what has been indicated in Fig. 2, most students use
their smartphones to perform different forms of educational activities, ranging from doing
research, assignments and many more.
Frequently Sometimes Almost never Total
Fig 1. Use of smartphone for academic help
Fig 2. Educational activities performed with smartphones
Fig 3. Perceived possibility to reach lecturers for help via smartphones
298 I. P. Ifeanyi & J. E. Chukwuere (2018)
Fig. 3 displays the analysis to the question: “Does your smartphone easily allow
you to reach your teachers for help?” The majority of the students went with ‘sometimes’,
and were 232 (61.9%), followed by the ‘always’ option with 132 (35.2%), and lastly the
‘never’ option with 17 (4.5%). As this finding indicates, students use their smartphones to
reach out to their lecturers for help in their academics.
The bar chart in Fig. 4 above represents the answers provided by the students to
the question: “Has your academic performance increased with the use of smartphones?”
Most of the students went with the ‘partiallyoption, which had 287 (76, 5%), followed
by the ‘no idea’ option, with 42 (11.2%), the ‘no’ option with 26 (6.9%), and finally the
‘yes’ option with 20 (5.3%). The finding indicates that students find smartphones
effective in improving their academic performance.
According to Fig. 5, the bar chart above, 175 students (46.7%) ticked the ‘never’
option, 169 students (45.1%) went with ‘Sometimes’, and finally 31 (8.3%) went with the
last option, which was ‘Yes’. As indicated above, lecturers use smartphones to aid
teaching and learning.
Fig 4. Perceived increase in academic performance with the use of smartphones
Fig 5. Perceived use of smartphone by lecturers to aid teaching
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308 299
The bar chart above in Fig. 6 presents the question: “Do you find smartphones
helpful when you want to use calculators or dictionaries? Most of the students went with
the option ‘sometimes’ and were 268 (71.5%), followed by 97 (25.9%) students, and
finally 10 (2.7%) students. This indicates that students use their smartphones to perform
calculations and make use of the dictionary.
Fig 6. Perceived help of calculators and dictionary in smartphones
Fig. 7 answers the question “Does your access to the internet through your
smartphone help you understand your lectures better?” According to the chart in Fig. 7,
259 (69.1%) of the students went with ‘sometimes’, 104 (27.7%) of the students went
with the ‘yes’ option, while 12 (3.2%) of the students went with the ‘neveroption. This
indicates that students find their smartphones helpful in understanding the lectures as they
are taught.
Fig 7. Perceived help for understanding lectures
300 I. P. Ifeanyi & J. E. Chukwuere (2018)
Using the bar chart above in Fig. 8, it is displayed that 185 (49.3%) of the
students ‘sometimes record/store lecture notes with their smartphone, 159 (42.4%)
students went with the ‘yes’ option, while 31 (8.3%) went with the ‘never’ option. This
indicates that students use their smartphones to record lecture notes and this will be of
help to them when they want to study later.
Fig 8. Perceived help for recording/storing lecture notes
4.3. Analysis of the negative impact of smartphone usage on student learning
In Table 3, the descriptive analysis is aimed at analysing the questions asked in relation to
the negative impact of smartphones on the academic performance of undergraduate
students of the NWU, Mahikeng Campus.
Table 3
Negative impacts
How often do smartphones distract students’ learning in general?
How often do you receive calls on your smartphone in class?
How often do you receive text messages on your smartphone
while in class?
Do you often engage in replying to text messages on your
smartphone while in class?
How often does your smartphone ring and end up disturbing the
Do you always take pictures with your smartphone while lectures
are going on?
Does your use of smartphones make you do less school work?
Does your smartphone deprive you from getting enough sleep?
In Table 3 above, question 1 shows the finding that suggests that the use of
smartphones causes distractions to the undergraduate students who use them. Question 2
indicates that most undergraduate students do receive calls while in classroom on their
smartphone and this can be a distraction to their attention. In question 3, the findings
show that students sometimes receive text messages while in class. The indication
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308 301
derived from the analysis above shows that the undergraduate students mostly receive
text messages while in class and this can be a distraction to them.
Question 4 (Table 3) above shows that undergraduate students reply to text
messages while in class and, as a matter of fact, it can be a distraction to the students.
Judging from what has been indicated above in number 5, students have their phones ring
in class, and this a distracting factor for the students.
The overall indication from question 6 above expresses that students take pictures
with their smartphones while in class and this will divert their attention from what their
lecturers are saying. Question 7 above indicates that the use of smartphones makes
students do less school work and this can lead to a decrease in the success of their
academic performance. Sleeping time is important to a student. However, according to
question 8, the findings indicate that the use of smartphones by the students deprives
them of sleeping time and this can be quite detrimental to their study patterns or learning.
The overall findings from Table 3 testify that the misuse of smartphones by
undergraduate students causes distractions during class sessions.
The chart in Fig. 9 above depicts that 194 (51.7%) of the respondents are ‘not
entirelysure whether smartphones consume their time or not, while 111 (29.6%) believe
that it does and 70 (18.7%) suggest that it does not consume their time at all. The findings
indicate that using smartphones is a time-consuming factor for many students who use
Fig 9. Use of smartphones consumes students’ time
Fig 10. Perceived decrease in academic performance by smartphones
The chart above in Fig. 10 revealed that 270 (72.0%) of the students suggest that
smartphone usage does not decrease academic performance and 105 (28.0%) believe that
it does. According to their opinions, the use of smartphones decreases their performance
302 I. P. Ifeanyi & J. E. Chukwuere (2018)
4.4. Effects of using smartphones on the academic capabilities of undergraduate
The description analysis in Part 4 aimed at analysing the effects of using smartphones on
the academic capabilities of undergraduate students of the NWU, Mahikeng Campus.
Fig. 11 presents the question: “Do you find it difficult to access academic
materials on your smartphone?The finding proves that 269 (71.7%) of the respondents
sometimes find it difficult to access academic materials on their smartphones, while 78
(20.8%) have no challenge at all. The findings show that students find it difficult to
access academic materials on their smartphones and this can affect the students’
academic performance.
Fig 11. Perceived capability to access academic materials on smartphones
The chart above in Fig. 12 shows that 298 (79.5%) students can accomplish their
school work faster using smartphones, but ‘not always’, while 52 (13.9%) can
accomplish their school work faster using smartphones. This is an indication that students
who use their smartphones accomplish school work faster than those without
smartphones. The overall finding from this question proves that smartphone usage by
undergraduate students is a welcome development improving academic work turnaround.
Fig 12. Perceived capability to accomplish school work faster while using smartphones
The above chart in Fig. 13 shows that the majority of the students said ‘yes’ when
asked if, in general, the use of smartphones has instilled some academic knowledge in
them. 117 (31.2%) of the respondents do not believe that smartphones can instil new
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308 303
academic knowledge. This is an indication that smartphones can establish new academic
knowledge in the undergraduate students.
Fig 13. Perceived capability to use smartphones to instil academic knowledge
Fig. 14 presents that the majority, 231 (61.6%), of the students suggested ‘yes’,
that smartphones are advisable for undergraduate students and 144 (38.4%) of the
respondents do not want to see undergraduate students using smartphones. The findings
suggest that many participants would like to see more undergraduate students using
smartphones and to, a large extent, many oppose the recommendation. The overall
response shows that smartphone usage among undergraduate students offers different
kinds of opportunities and capabilities, as shown in Fig.11 to Fig. 14.
Fig 14. Advisability of using smartphones for undergraduate students
5. Discussions
The findings show that the male respondents contributed to 37.1% of the population,
while female respondents contributed to 62.9%. The age range of the participants was
between 21 and 24 years, accounting for 50.9%. The respondents were asked their faculty,
and responses showed that Education and Training students were the most populated
among the entire sample. It was also found that the majority of respondents speak
Setswana (173) 46.1%, with the lowest frequency of language use by the respondents
coming from the Xitsonga tribe and the ‘other’ category, having 1.1% each.
304 I. P. Ifeanyi & J. E. Chukwuere (2018)
5.1. Positive impact of smartphones on the academic performance of
undergraduate students
A cross-tabulation was performed between the gender of the students and smartphones
distracting students from learning in general; it found that 50 of the male respondents find
smartphones distracting and 43 were female students who suggest that smartphone usage
is not distractive in general. According to Rouis, Limayem, and Salehi-Sangari (2011),
smartphones equip students with access to internet connections, and this makes them feel
the need sometimes to text their friends in class. Furthermore, a cross-tabulation was
done between student faculty and the question: “Do you have internet access in your
classroom venues? The results show that Commerce students have more classroom
venues that have internet access and the faculty with the least internet access is Human
and Social Sciences, with eight of the students from the faculty saying that they have
internet access in their classroom venues. In Fig. 4, students were asked whether their
academic performance has increased with the use of smartphones; the results showed that
76.3% of the students stated that it has partially increased, 6.7% said that it has not
increased and the other 5.6% suggested that their academic performance has definitely
increased. Furthermore, 55.7% of the respondents get help from their classmates when
seeking assistance; this finding is supported by Mokoena (2012) and Gowthami and
VenkataKrishnaKumar (2016), who suggest that smartphone usage by students increases
collaborative activities, information sharing, academic assistance and support from each
other. Fig. 1 shows that ‘sometimes’ (52.5%) and ‘frequently (38.1%) using
smartphones assists respondents academically. Positively, Fig. 2 highlights that the use of
smartphones assists students in many ways, including doing research (42.7%), doing
assignments (19.5%), accessing lecture slides (10.1%) and many more. Furthermore, Fig.
3 proves that sometimes respondents reach out to their lecturers via smartphones. All the
findings, including Fig. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, show that the use of smartphones by
undergraduates benefits them academically in that it increases their performance, even
though it is not in a huge way, but it increases nonetheless.
5.2. Negative impacts of smartphone usage on the academic performance of
undergraduate students
There are negative impacts of social networks on the academic performance of students
(Rouis et al., 2011). The correlation that was found displayed that relationships exist
between the age range of the students and how often they receive calls on their
smartphones while in class. The finding shows a positive relationship between the two
variables, which means that the ages of the students have a significant impact on how
often they receive calls on their smartphones in a classroom. In the descriptive statistics,
under Table 3, question 1 proves that sometimes (71.2%) suggests that they are distracted
using smartphones in general, while a higher percentage of the students indicated that
they sometimes (61.6%) receive calls while in class, with 18.7% going with the ‘always’
option. Receiving and answering calls cause distractions (Rouis et al., 2011). In question
3, 18.1% of the students never receive text messages on their smartphones and 63.2% of
the students ‘sometimes’ receive text messages. The finding also shows that 69.3% of the
respondents ‘sometimes’ reply to text messages in classrooms. Nonetheless, a cross-
tabulation shows that the use of smartphones impacts more on the sleeping patterns of the
female students than their male counterparts. Because of these mentioned distractions,
some schools have restricted the use of smartphones in classes or during lectures (Buck et
al., 2013).
Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10(3), 290308 305
The study further depicted in Table 1 question 5 that 62.4% of the respondents’
smartphones ring, which ends up disturbing other students in class, while 17.1% of
responses differ. Furthermore, many (52.3%) students take pictures with their smartphone
while in lectures. Moreover, as seen in Table 3 question 7, it has been proved that 56.3%
of the participants engage in less school work because of smartphones. Additionally, a
question was asked whether their use of smartphones causes them to not get enough sleep,
and 58.4% of the participants are distracted. Smartphone usage consumes participants’
time, with 29.6% of the students in support. Overall, the use of smartphones decreases
academic performance, as 72.0% suggested. This implies that many of the participants
are negatively affected by smartphone usage because they are mostly distracted in one
way or the other while using smartphones. According to Baron (2010), the growth in the
use of mobile phones causes mobile phones to be overused. The findings are counter to
Mokoena (2012), who believed that smartphones improve the lives and activities of the
users and increase collaboration, support and information sharing. Nonetheless, the
effective use of smartphones positively affects a user.
5.3. Effects of smartphones on academic capabilities of undergraduate students
The descriptive analysis for the questions under this part showed that a greater number of
students find it convenient to access their academic materials on their smartphones. This
is in accordance with what Mokoena (2012) said; one of the most important features of
the ever-evolving features of the smartphone is its small or rather portable size and its
ability to be used not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom. Cross-
tabulation was done between the students’ year of study and the question: “Do you find it
convenient to access academic materials on your smartphone?” The result shows that the
second-year students found it more convenient to access academic materials on their
smartphones, while 35 of the students stated that they find it convenient. Furthermore, the
second-year students have the largest number of students who find it convenient to access
their academic materials on their smartphone, with 17 of the second-year students saying
that they do not find it convenient while 63 sometimes find it convenient. The overall
findings concur with Al-Tarawneh (2014), who noted that positive contributions of
smartphones towards students give them the ability to obtain academic support and
Furthermore, a correlation was developed in order to determine the relationship
between students’ year of study and the question” “In general, would you say that your
smartphone has instilled academic knowledge in you?” The results showed that there is a
positive relationship between the variables just mentioned. The correlation coefficient
was shown as 0.185. In addition, it showed that the student’s year of study has a
significant impact on the smartphone instilling academic knowledge in the students. The
finding is also backed by data analysis, which shows that 68.8% of the students believed
that smartphone usage instilled academic knowledge in them. Based on this, 61.6% of the
respondents believe that smartphone usage should be encouraged at undergraduate level.
The encouragement should come from fellow students, lecturers, parents, educational
institutions, sponsors and many more. The findings show that smartphone usage by
undergraduate students offers positive capabilities to the users. These capabilities are sets
of encouragement in the adoption of smartphones for academic purposes for
undergraduate students. However, according to Ezemenaka (2013), the invention of
mobile phone technology thrives and brings in attitudinal changes among university
students and most of them are affected, including undergraduate students.
306 I. P. Ifeanyi & J. E. Chukwuere (2018)
6. Conclusions and recommendations
In the literature review, important ideas were raised, which pointed out the positive and
the negative impacts of the use of smartphones on the academic performance of
undergraduate students. Gowthami and VenkataKrishnaKumar (2016) argue that the use
of the internet is now a routine for people and also a medium that is used by the students
to search for information at anytime and anywhere. This is a clear indication that college
students now turn to smartphones to help them carry out academic activities. Even as the
use of smartphones is common among college students or, in this case, undergraduate
students, there lie with it some factors that are detrimental to the increase of the academic
performance of students who use them (Table 3). However, the positive aspects of
smartphones can improve the performance of undergraduate students if used well.
As per the findings that have been discussed above, there are a few
recommendations that are made for consideration. They are as follows:
Students said that they find smartphones helpful in keeping in contact with their
lecturers. Furthermore, a higher percentage of the students found smartphones
convenient in accessing their academic materials. In light of this, it is
recommended that lecturers should communicate more with the students through
this medium. This could be achieved by creating chat groups that can help every
one of the students and lecturers stay connected in order to share information.
According to the findings in relation to social networks, students visit the
Facebook social network and WhatsApp more. Lecturers should therefore create
profiles on Facebook or Facebook pages and WhatsApp groups dedicated to the
modules they teach. This Facebook page and WhatsApp group will be a
platform where the lecturers can post notes for download, notices and also
discussions related to their lessons and module/s.
Academic institutions should also implement programmes that can restrict
students from using social network sites and applications while attending
Lastly, even though a higher percentage of the students said that they do not
receive calls while in class, it is recommended that the students are only allowed
to use their smartphones when the lecturer tells or recommends them to do so;
for example, to access their academic materials or something of the sort.
In conclusion, the findings show that there are many ways that smartphones affect
the academic lives of the undergraduate students at the North-West University. In
literature studies, there were arguments made for and against the impacts that
smartphones have on the academic performance of students. This study can conclude
with the fact that using smartphones made an impact on students both positively and
negatively. Then, it will be highly beneficial if there could be more research carried out
in developing countries on how students use smartphones to increase their academic
performance, how low-income families or communities have impacts on students’ usage
of smartphones and the impact of smartphones on students attending classes and other
academic related activities. This study presents an in-depth understanding on the effects
of smartphones on undergraduate students in a developing country. The findings show
that undergraduate students, in general, need to understand that smartphones improve
their social and academic lives and it can also cause decreased performance in academic
studies. However, the effective use of smartphones brings in more advantages than
disadvantages to undergraduate students’ lives. The results of this study will enlighten
undergraduate students on the effects of using smartphones for multiple aspects.
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