Zoom Tutorial
1. Using Zoom to deliver and record lectures and hold office hours (up to 300
participants). You will need a computer with a webcam. Classroom computers do
not have webcams
a. These instructions may differ slightly whether you are using a Mac or
Windows, or if you are using the zoom in a browser or on the app. Which
ever it is, the commands and buttons should be the same, however you
may have to search your screen to find them.
b. It is HIGHLY recommended that you have your powerpoint and any other
materials opened on your computer before you begin a Zoom session so
they are easy to find as you go
Zoom Tutorial
Below are specific instructions starting from downloading Zoom to interacting with your
class, and other features of Zoom you may need to interact with students. The flow for
Zoom for any given class time is:
1. Start a meeting
2. Turn on your video
3. Hit record
4. Start interacting with your students (if synchronous)
5. You can share your screen to show a powerpoint presentation or just keep the
video on you, and switch back and forth as needed.
6. End the meeting.
Read below for step-by-step instructions for each of these and other features you
may want to use.
a. Log into Zoom at https://tamu.zoom.us with your TAMU ID. Your profile will
show up on the screen. Faculty and students may need to download the zoom
app to computer (do after logging into zoom).
You want to download “Zoom Client for Meetings”
Once the installer downloads, double-click it to run it
It will give a pop up screen to login. Choose “Sign in”, then Sign In with SSO” on the
right. For the domain type “tamu” and then hit Open Zoom.
You will then log in with your NetID and Password.
This will pop up with your zoom app now installed shown here:
b. Hit the Schedule button on the bottom left, or if in a browser, click on Meetings
and then Schedule a new meeting and fill in the information as directed. (See below
screenshot for overall settings)
General Settings to use
i. Topic
Rename to course name or number
Change date and time
Set duration to class time or set to recurring with no fixed time.
You don’t need to require registration unless you want to know who joined
ii. Meeting ID
Generate Automatically
iii. Password
Do not require meeting password
iv. Video
Host on; participants off
v. Audio
Computer Audio
vi. Meeting options
Enable join before host
Mute participants upon entry
***Only Authenticated users can join (this will make it possible to get a
register of students who were there for attendance, it’s up to you if you
want this)
Automatically Record
v. Save settings
Your screen should look something like this:
c. Click Schedule
i. Click Meetings, then hit Copy the invitation
ii. copy this information, with the meeting link and meeting ID onto your clipboard
iii. paste this information to an Announcement on eCampus (click send email
immediately below) or as an email to your class.
d. Start your lecture
i. log into Zoom https://tamu.zoom.us OR Open the Zoom App on your computer
ii. Click Meeting at the top and locate the scheduled meeting from your list
iii. Click the meeting start button, then Join with Computer Audio (you can also
Test your speaker and microphone if you want to, but you will have to eventually
click Join with Computer Audio to begin)
iv. You can share content (slides, videos, etc.) using the shared screen, or load
slides using Virtual Background by clicking the up caret [ /\ ] to the right of
the Start Video icon. If you share your screen, be careful to clean up your
v. To ensure minimal background noise during your ZOOM Class, it is
recommended that you mute everyone on the call. We have that setting done
earlier, but if needed again, click on the Participants icon at the bottom of your
screen Click Mute All in the side panel.
e. To record your lecture ahead of time or during your lecture, when in the meeting hit
the Record icon on the bottom toolbar
i. Once you end a meeting, the recording will be automatically converted to an
mp4 and saved to your Documents Folder on your computer ready to be
uploaded to Google Drive. Another way to access recording links is to navigate
to zoom.us/recording in your browser. If you choose to save to the Zoom cloud,
you can edit the video or add captions but you must keep it in the cloud and
share it with your students. The edits and captions made in the cloud will not
download with the recording.
ii. Press the Share icon next to the recording you would like to distribute. You
can update the sharing settings and distribute them using the provided link.
When you share a meeting, click the box that says “require registration” so that
you can see who has viewed the video.
iii. You will see an option to save in the cloud or on your computer.
f. Meeting participants can ask questions during a ZOOM Class / Meeting via the
meeting Chat.
i. Start by clicking the Chat icon on the bottom right of your screen
ii. The chat panel will open up on the right and you can view and respond to all
public or private chats
iii. Use the three dots [ ] to choose whether you want to send messages to all
meeting attendees or the host privately, you can also save the chat here to
respond to questions later.
g. To share your screen for your powerpoint presentation
i. Once you have joined the meeting, click on the green “Share Screen button at
the bottom of your screen (you may have to move your mouse towards the bottom
for it to appear
ii. You now have the option to share your screen. Whichever screen you select to
share is what your students will see.
iii. To stop sharing click the Red “Stop Sharing” button at the top of the screen.
You may have to move your mouse towards the top of your screen for it to
appear. This will revert back to your students seeing you live on screen.
h. To use the whiteboard:
i. Click on Share Screen at the bottom
ii. Select the Whiteboard and click on Share Screen
iii. When you click on the Whiteboard, the annotation tools will become available
iv. You can save the Whiteboard as a PNG file. It will then be stored in the Zoom
folder as 'whiteboard.png'
i. Breakout rooms are available for private meetings with students or to divide the
class into groups.
i. Once you have joined the meeting, click on Breakout Room at the bottom
(often it’s in the MORE button). You can assign students to rooms and go
between them.
j. End your class
i. move your curser to the lower left
ii. from the popup menu, click end meeting
iii. choose end meeting for all
iv. you will be prompted for how you want to store your recording, cloud or
computer. Save on your computer it is taking many hours to get the saved
recording link on the cloud. Once saved to your computer, you can share the
video on the Google Drive.