his is your annual Flex Benefits Open Enrollment quick reference guide. It contains information and links
you should review to select your flexible benefits for the 2024 benefit plan year, which runs from January
1 to December 31, 2024. This year, the online Open Enrollment period runs November 1 through 15, 2023.
Your benefits choices take eect January 1, 2024. For complete information, consult the 2024 Flexible Benefits
Enrollment and Reference Guide on the Lehigh Benefits website, available Wednesday, November 1.
Open Enrollment
Quick Reference Guide
November 2023
Medical Plan Benefit Comparison.........2
Understanding Coverage Language........3
2024 Medical Prices.........3
Davis Vision Program.........4
Express Scripts Prescription Program.........4
Coordination of Benefits/Spousal Surcharge....4
Concordia Flex Dental Program.........5
2024 Dental Prices.........5
Note About International Travel.......5
Need Help?......6
Virtual Vendor Visits......6
Notice of Privacy Practices......6
Frequently Asked Questions......7
Alight Services......8
New Life/Disability Insurance Provider.....8
Important Notice for Employees Turning 65.....8
Changes For 2024
Medical Plan Premiums – Employee premiums for
all three medical plan options will increase by 7%.
Premium contributions, including both employee
and university shares, are listed on page 3.
Dental Plan Premiums - Premiums will increase
5% in 2024. This is the first increase in dental plan
premiums since 2018.
Eective January 1, 2024, Reliance Matrix will
be the university’s Life and Disability Insurance
vendor. More information about this change is
available on page 8.
Spousal Surcharge Waiver Form – If you are
covering a spouse/partner on your medical plan,
you must complete a 2024 Spousal Surcharge
Waiver form. This form must be completed every
year that you cover a spouse/partner. See page 4
for details.
Enroll on the Web
Log in to “Connect Lehigh” from the upper left corner of
the Inside Lehigh homepage.
Navigate to the Employee Links tile.
Select “Human Resources.
Select “Lehigh Benefits.
Select the button under the words “Enroll Now!” that
reads “Click Here to View Your Benefits.
Or Use The App
Download the Benefitfocus app from The App Store or
the Google Play Store.
Log in by using the ID “lehighbenefits on the initial
screen, then sign in with your Lehigh ID and password.
You’ll be asked to confirm your dependents and answer a few
questions before you begin enrollment. You can review your
current elections, use the comparison shopping tool to view
estimated out of pocket costs, change your elections, update
your beneficiary information and more.
Turning 65 and eligible for Medicare this year?
Considering the High Deductible Plan with HSA?
See page 8 for very important information
about Health Savings Accounts
FSAs and employee contributions to HSAs DO NOT
automatically roll forward from the previous year.
If you want a healthcare or dependent care Flexible
Spending Account (FSA) or plan to make employee
contributions to a Health Savings Account (HSA) in 2024,
you must make these elections during Open Enrollment.
Flex Benefits Updates for 2024
Open Enrollment 2024 Quick Reference Guide
page 2
Summary of Medical Plan Options
PPO HDHP Keystone HMO***
National National 21 County/Lehigh Valley
In-network Out-of-network In-network Out-of-network In-network
Annual Deductible
$300 $500 $1,750 $2,500 $0
$900 $500 /person $3,500* $5,000* $0
20% 40% 20% 40% N/A
Out-of-Pocket Maximum for all medical and prescription drug charges
$5,000 No limit $5,000 No limit $4,000
$10,000 No limit $10,000 No limit $8,000
Physician Services
Oce Visit $30 copay/visit 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $30 copay/visit
Specialist Visit
$50 copay/visit 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $50 copay/visit
Preventive Care
(Administered in
accordance with
Preventive Health
Guidelines & PA state
No charge Mandated screenings
and immunizations:
40% coinsurance;
Routine physical
exams: Not covered
No charge Mandated screenings
and immunizations: 40%
coinsurance; Routine
physical exams: Not
No charge
Hospital Services
Inpatient Coverage
20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $250/admission
Outpatient Hospital
20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $100 copay/outpatient surgery
Emergency Room
$150 copay/service, waived if admitted 20% coinsurance
after deductible
$150 copay/visit, waived if
Urgent Care
$50 copay/
40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $50 copay/ service
Maternity Services
Postpartum Care
20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance No charge
20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $250/admission
Mental Health **
20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $250/admission
$30 copay/visit 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $30 copay/visit
Substance Abuse **
20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $250/admission
$30 copay/visit 40% coinsurance 20% coinsurance 40% coinsurance $30 copay/visit
Prescription Drugs
10% coinsurance
Coinsurance plus
amount over Express
Scripts allowable
10% coinsurance
after deductible
is met
Coinsurance plus
amount over Express
Scripts allowable amount
after deductible
10% coinsurance
Brand Forumulary
20% coinsurance
Coinsurance plus
amount over Express
Scripts allowable
20% coinsurance
after deductible
is met
Coinsurance plus
amount over Express
Scripts allowable amount
after deductible
20% coinsurance
Brand Non-Forumulary
30% coinsurance
Coinsurance plus
amount over Express
Scripts allowable
30% coinsurance
after deductible
is met
Coinsurance plus
amount over Express
Scripts allowable amount
after deductible
30% coinsurance
*For all coverage levels other than employee only, the entire family deductible must be met before the HDHP plan starts paying medical and pharmacy
benefits to anyone in the plan. Medical and pharmacy expenses count toward the deductible.
** Managed Behavioral (Mental) Health services are administered by Capital Blue Cross for all of the medical plans. To search for providers of managed
behavioral health please go to My Care finder at https://www.capbluecross.com/wps/portal/cap/home/find/my-care-finder. Preauthorization is required in
all plans.
***Care from out-of-network providers is not covered, other than in an emergency, as determined by Capital Blue Cross.
See the Summary of Benefits and Coverage and Plan Design Details sections of the 2024 Enrollment and Reference Guide to learn more about specific
coverages and limits as well as preauthorization information.
Open Enrollment 2024 Quick Reference Guide
page 3
The following are definitions of terms used in the description of medical coverage. Understanding these terms will make it
easier for you to compare the benefits provided under each of the plans.
Allowed Charge: That portion of a charge that the plan
determines is reasonable for covered services that
have been provided to the patient. Also known as the
“allowance.” Amounts in excess of the allowed charge are
not paid by the plan. If the services were provided by a
participating provider, the amount in excess of the allowed
charge is waived by the provider. If the services were pro-
vided by a non-participating provider, the patient may be
responsible for paying the additional amount (see “Balance
Balance Billing: Occurs when a provider of services or
supplies declines to accept the payment level determined
by a medical plan as payment in full. The provider then bills
the insured for the amount of the charge that exceeds plan
payment plus deductible, coin surance, and/or copayment.
Coinsurance [Cl]: The portion of a covered charge that is
paid by both the insured and the plan. It is the sharing of
charges as defined by the plan. Typically these amounts
are expressed in terms of the “percentage paid by the plan
versus percentage paid by the insured,” such as 80 percent
by the plan and 20 percent by you; 70 percent by the plan
and 30 percent by you; or 50 percent by the plan and 50
percent by you. Coinsurance amounts may aect out-of-
pocket maximums.
Copayment [CP]: A flat dollar amount paid to the provider
by the insured for a covered service or supply at the time it
is received. An example would be paying the physician $30
at the time of an oce visit. Copayments do not aect the
deductible and coinsur ance maximum, but do contribute
to the out-of-pocket maximum that includes applicable
physician copayments.
Covered Charge: An allowed charge for service that the
plan is designed to accept and for which the plan will pay, if
all other con ditions (like deductibles and coinsurance) have
been met. Charges that are not covered (like Balance Billing)
do not aect deducti bles, coinsurance, or out-of-pocket
Deductible [D]: The total amount of covered charges that
the insured must pay in full during the plan year before any
payment is made by the plan.
Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The maximum amount that would
be paid by the insured for covered charges during a plan
year, usual ly a combination of deductible, coinsurance, and
copayments. The amount does not include plan charges
for services that are not covered, and charges that are in
excess of plan allowable charges (see “Balance Billing”).
Preventive Care: Any covered medical service or supply
that is received in the absence of symptoms or a diagnosed
medical condi tion. Preventive care includes preventive
health services like physical examinations, certain
immunizations, and screening tests. Preventive care can
also provide specific programs of education, exercise, or
behavior modification that seek to manage disease or
change lifestyle: programs for diabetes management,
smoking cessation, childbirth preparation and the like.
Medical plans clearly define the types of services, supplies,
and programs they oer as preventive benefits and they
provide them based upon protocols established in the
medical community with regard to factors like frequency,
patient age, and suitability. The Patient Protec tion and
Aordable Care Act also requires particular preventive
services for particular individuals to be covered at no cost,
provided the covered services are received from a network
provider. These services can be reviewed at healthcare.gov/
Understanding Medical Coverage Plan Language
2024 Monthly Medical Insurance Prices
Employee Premiums
HDHP Plan PPO Keystone HMO
Individual $678 $41 $274 $132
Employee + Spouse/Partner $1,396 $156 $678 $371
Employee + Child(ren) $1,270 $132 $603 $326
Employee + Family $2,016 $229 $983 $537
Open Enrollment 2024 Quick Reference Guide
page 4
Vision and Prescription Drug Plan Information
In-Network Cost
to You
Eye Exam $0 $32
Eyeglass Lenses
Standard Single vision $0 $25
Bifocal $0 $36
Trifocal $0 $46
Post Cataract $0 up to $72
Non-standard (i.e. no
line bifocals, tints,
Fixed Costs
No Additional
$0 for Davis fashion
selection frames at all
providers. Amount over
$110 for non-Davis frames
at Visionworks, less 20%
overage discount. Amount
over $60 at other providers.
Contact Lenses
Prescription and
Daily Wear: $20
Extended Wear: $30
Contact Lenses Amount over $75, less 15%
discount on overage
Specialty: $48
Disposable: $75
Medically Necessary
Contacts (w/prior
$0 up to $225
1-877-923-2847 (prior to initial enrollment)
1-800-999-5431 (once enrolled) or www.davisvision.com
Davis Vision Program
Express Scripts Prescription Drug Benefit
Lehigh’s prescription drug program is based on a three -tiered formulary that determines the amount of coverage you will receive for
your drugs. Below are the coverage levels for each tier.
Coordination of Benefits/
Spousal Surcharge
If you have dependents covered by
Lehigh’s medical insurance plan, you will be
asked to complete a Coordination of Benefits
questionnaire. You will receive the form from
Capital BlueCross. This form will ask you if your
dependents’ other parent also has coverage for
them on a plan from his or her employer. It also
asks if your adult children (under age 26) have
coverage with their employers.
In general, all participants receive primary
coverage from the medical plan that covers
them as an employee, and dependent children
receive primary coverage from the parent
whose birthday comes first in the calendar year.
Secondary coverage comes from the medical
plan of the other employer, or the other parent,
If you choose to have your spouse or partner
covered by Lehigh’s medical insurance plan,
you will be charged a $100/month surcharge
until you complete a Spousal Surcharge Waiver
request and HR approves it.
The waiver request form is provided during
the online enrollment process. Failure to submit
the waiver request during Open Enrollment will
result in the monthly surcharge beginning on
January 1. If you provide the form later and it is
approved, the surcharge will stop; however, you
will not receive a refund for prior months.
Retail Mail Order
Generic 10% ($25 maximum) per 30-day supply 10% ($62.50 maximum) per 90-day
Formulary Brand Name 20% ($50 maximum) per 30-day supply 20% ($125 maximum) per 90-day
Non-Formulary Brand Name 30% ($100 maximum) per 30-day supply 30% ($250 maximum) per 90-day
If you have questions about whether your prescriptions are considered “formulary” or “non-formulary,” contact Express
Scripts at 1-866-383-7420 or www.express-scripts.com.
Open Enrollment 2024 Quick Reference Guide
page 5
Dental Benefit Summary
Diagnostic and Preventive Service Benefits - Paid at 100%
of MAC*. Does not count against maximum annual benefits
of $1,000 per person
Semi-annual cleaning, polishing and examination
Annual bitewing X-rays
Complete X-ray series (every five years)
Fluoride treatment (under age 19)
Sealant: Under age 16. One sealant per permanent first and
second molars in three years.
Emergency treatment: Palliative (to alleviate pain), not restorative
Basic Service Benefits - Paid at 80% of MAC*
Inpatient consultation
Anesthetics: Novocain, IV sedation, general
Basic restoration: Amalgam and composite fillings
Non-surgical periodontics
Oral surgery
Simple extraction
Repair of crowns, inlays, onlays, bridges and dentures
Major Service Benefits - Paid at 50% of MAC*
Surgical periodontics
Inlays, onlays and crowns
Prosthetics: Dentures and bridges; no implants
Orthodontics (under age 19) - Paid at 50% of MAC*
Orthodontic lifetime benefit maximum of $1,000 per person
*MAC: Maximum Allowable Charge - The negotiated
charge the plan pays to providers.
The Preventive Incentive
To encourage good oral health and help save
you money, United Concordia Dental’s plan covers
Class I diagnostic and preventive procedures
in full. Annual preventive care for each person
covered under the plan includes:
Two cleanings
Two exams
One set of X-rays.
In addition, the coverage of these costs does
not count toward your annual maximum. For more
information on The Preventive Incentive, contact
United Concordia Dental customer service at
To view a list of participating dentists, visit
United Concordia’s website at
www.ucci.com/, select “Find a Dentist,
and select “Advantage Plus” to find
participating dentists in Pennsylvania,
and “National Fee-For-Service” to find
dentists in all other states.
2024 Monthly Dental Prices
United Concordia Dental
Employee Only $37.02
Employee + One $74.06
Employee + Two or More $95.74
A Note About International Travel
All three of Lehigh’s medical coverage plans are administered by Capital BlueCross, which is a member of the
BlueCross BlueShield Association.
That aliation makes the BlueCross BlueShield Global Core program available to employees and dependents
covered under any Lehigh medical plan. BlueCross BlueShield Global Core provides access to an international network
of traditional inpatient, outpatient, and professional healthcare providers, as well as participating hospitals, around the
If you plan to travel outside the US, you can find information about the program and its services - including the process
for locating a doctor or hospital - by calling 1-800-810-BLUE. Outside the US, call collect at 1-804-673-1177. You can also
visit the Global Core website at https://www.bcbsglobalcore.com.
If you are traveling on university business outside the US, you can also use the International SOS program travel
services assistance plan that can help with medical, personal, travel and security assistance in times of need.
International SOS is not medical insurance, but is another source of support. Learn more about International SOS and
other university travel insurance issues by calling the Oce of International Aairs (610-758-4977) or Risk Management
Open Enrollment 2024 Quick Reference Guide
page 6
Need Help?
Need an answer to a benefit coverage question? Here’s a list of resources to get your questions answered. Clip and save
this list for future reference. This list is also available at: https://hr.lehigh.edu/resources.
Provider Phone Web Address
AFLAC 800-433-3036 www.aflacgroupinsurance.com
Alight (expert medical opinion) 888-361-3944 mymedicalally.alight.com
BenefitsVIP Service Center (general Lehigh
benefits questions)
866-293-9736 email: solutions@benefitsvip.com
Capital BlueCross and
Keystone Health Plan
800-216-9741 www.capbluecross.com
Capital BlueCross Managed Behavioral
Health (mental health benefits)
866-322-1657 www.capbluecross.com
Capital Blue Virtual Care (telehealth) 855-818-3627
Davis Vision
800-999-5431 or
control code: 5167
Express Scripts 866-383-7420 www.express-scripts.com
Health Advocate
Advocacy Services
web: https://members.healthadvocate.com/
Health Equity (HSA administration) 866-346-5800 www.healthequity.com
Health Advocate
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
866-799-2728 healthadvocate.com/members
United Concordia Dental 800-332-0366 www.ucci.com
Wageworks/Health Equity
(FSA administration)
855-774-7441 or
Virtual Visits by Capital BlueCross
A representative from Capital BlueCross will be available
virtually during Open Enrollment on
the dates below.
Take some time to visit with Capital and ask questions
about how Lehigh’s benefit plans work. Human
Resources representatives will also be
Wednesday, November 1, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 7, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Registration for individual appointment slots is
available via Page Up.
Notice of Privacy Practices
Lehigh University has a Benefit Plans
Notice of Privacy Practices. You have a right
to receive a paper copy of this Notice of
Privacy Regulations at any time. To obtain a
paper copy of this notice, send your written
request to:
Lehigh University Human Resources
306 South New Street, Suite 437
Bethlehem, PA 18015
If you would like to have a more detailed
explanation of these rights or if you would
like to exercise one or more of these rights,
contact the Director of Benefits at the
above address or call 610-758-3900.
Open Enrollment 2024 Quick Reference Guide
page 7
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the last date to file Capital BlueCross claims for
the HDHP or PPO medical plans?
A: Claims must be filed within twelve (12) months of the date
of service for any of the Capital BlueCross medical plans.
Q: How often may I change from one health insurance
plan to another within our medical plans?
A: The only time you can change to another plan is during
the annual open enrollment period, held this year from
November 1-15. If you are dissatisfied with your current
coverage, please contact Human Resources. It is important
to tell us about any problems you encounter.
Q: I am expecting a baby/adopting a child soon. When and
how should I add my new child to my coverage?
A: Adding a child to your family is a Qualifying Life Event. As
a result, you have thirty-one (31) days from the date of birth
or adoption placement to add a child (under the age of 26)
to your insurance. You should add your child as soon as
possible during that timeframe.
Remember: Open Enrollment insurance elections are for
the 2024 plan year. Therefore, if you need to add a child
to your insurance coverage for the remainder of 2023,
you need to provide the appropriate information and
documentation outside of the Open Enrollment process.
To do so, log into Lehigh Benefits and select “Life Event” in
the “Manage Account” section on the left side of the screen
before beginning Open Enrollment. You will be prompted
to provide information and documentation on your new
Completing the Life Event section triggers the system to add
your child to your insurance for the remainder of 2023. You
may continue on to select your 2024 benefits through the
Open Enrollment process. If your new child is not yet listed
as a dependent, you’ll need to add them when prompted.
Q: I am getting married soon. Can I add my new spouse
and/or stepchild(ren) to my coverage or do I have to wait
until there is an open enrollment period?
A: The instructions in the question above regarding
adding a new child also apply in this situation. You have
thirty-one (31) days from the date of your marriage to add
your spouse and/or stepchild(ren) to your health and/or
dental coverage, purchase dependent life insurance, and/
or increase your supplemental life insurance. After thirty-one
days, you must wait for the next open enrollment period. If
your spouse has access to health insurance through his or
her employer, keep the spousal surcharge in mind when
considering adding him or her to your medical plan. See the
full Flexible Benefits Enrollment and Reference Guide online
on the Lehigh Benefits website.
Q: My child just turned age 26 and has no health
insurance plan. Can he or she stay on my medical plan?
A: No. Your dependent or adult children can only remain
covered under a university medical, dental, life insurance,
or FSA program until the end of the month in which they
reach age 26. He or she will be oered COBRA continuation
medical and dental coverage at that time. He or she can
also visit www.healthcare.gov to see options for purchasing
individual medical insurance. If your child is disabled, special
rules may apply. Please contact HR for more information.
Q: I am helping my 25-year old pay for major dental
work. Can I be reimbursed through my Flexible Spending
Account (FSA)?
A: Yes. Qualifying medical expenses incurred by your adult
child (under 26 years old) are eligible for reimbursement
through your FSA. The same requirements apply.
Q: What is the dierence between “pre-tax” and “post-
tax” long-term disability (LTD) plans?
A: If you purchase LTD coverage on a pre-tax basis, this
means you pay federal income tax on the benefit if you
become disabled, but you pay no federal income tax on the
premium. If you choose the post-tax option, you pay federal
income tax on the premium, but no federal income tax on
the benefit (the income you would receive if you became
Q: I enrolled my non-working spouse/partner on my
insurance plan. How can I avoid being charged a
A: The Spouse/Partner Surcharge of $100 per month is
assessed when an employee’s spouse/partner has access
to medical insurance via an employer or former employer
but still chooses to be enrolled in Lehigh’s plan as primary
coverage. If your spouse/partner does not have such
access, you must complete the online Spouse/Partner
Surcharge Waiver Request form to avoid being charged.
If you do not complete the spousal surcharge waiver
request by November 30, 2023, you may be charged the
surcharge starting in January 2024. You will continue
to be charged $100 monthly if you do not submit a waiver
request that is then approved by HR. Please note that if your
waiver request is accepted, the surcharge will stop, but prior
months’ charges will not be refunded.
Q: How do I access Managed Behavioral Health (Mental
Health) benefits under my medical plan?
A: Your first step should always be to contact the proper
service provider by phone. Capital BlueCross provides
managed behavioral health benefits for all three medical
plans. You can call 866-322-1657.
Open Enrollment 2024 Quick Reference Guide
page 8
More About Your Benefits
Fact: Once you are enrolled in any part of
Medicare, you will not be eligible to contribute
to (or receive contributions from Lehigh into)
an HSA in the months following your Medicare
eective date.
Fact: If you are receiving Social Security
payments prior to age 65, you will automatically
be enrolled in Medicare when you turn 65.
Fact: If you do not stop contributing to your
HSA after enrolling or being automatically
enrolled in Medicare, you will be subject to
taxes and penalties from the IRS.
What This Means for Your HSA: You can be
Medicare eligible and still contribute to your HSA
beyond age 65, as long as you have postponed
applying for Social Security payments and
Medicare benefits.
The Bottom Line: Because Lehigh’s HDHP
medical plan automatically includes the HSA,
if you are Medicare eligible you should assess
your current situation and consider your medical
plan decision very carefully.
For more information, download this sheet
from Health Equity: https://hr.lehigh.edu/sites/
The WageWorks HealthCare Card is a debit card that you
can use at the point of sale to access your healthcare FSA
funds when paying for allowable charges. Once the year
turns over from 2023 to 2024, you will only be able to use
the card to pay for 2024 expenses. You will need to file
for reimbursement of 2023 expenses via the WageWorks
website or app no later than March 31, 2024.
Important Reminder for Healthcare FSA Users
Contributing to an HSA after age 65
As you approach Medicare eligibility, be aware of
these important facts.
Avoid IRS Taxes and Penalties!
Lehigh Life/Disability Provider
Change in 2024
Eective January 1, 2024, Reliance Matrix will be the
university’s new life and disability insurance provider.
Reliance Matrix was selected after careful consideration
in response to increasing premiums and decreasing
client satisfaction with Lehigh’s current vendor, Lincoln
Financial Group.
Reliance Matrix will be administering life insurance
coverage, short term disability and long term disability
claims. They oer an attentive and responsive claims
team alongside an intuitive online claims administration
option for employees.
Lehigh HR will provide contact information and details
about Reliant Matrix’s claims process in December.
Alight (formerly ConsumerMedical), a free
expert medical opinion service, is a benefit for Lehigh
faculty and sta. Alight services include:
Find the best doctors and hospitals in their area and
insurance network
Verify any doctor’s credentials, skills, and experience
treating their condition
Get a second opinion from top specialists, either
in person or virtually
Connect with experts in their diagnosis from leading
medical institutions
For more information, visit https://hr.lehigh.edu/alight-