Simple, Compound and
Complex Sentences
A main (independent) clause contains a
subject and predicate and can stand alone
Ex. Houston plays baseball.
A subordinate (dependent) clause
contains a subject and predicate but is not
a complete thought; it begins with a
subordinating conjunction
Ex. Because we won the game
What is a sentence?
A sentence must contain both a subject
and a verb and express a complete
A subject is who or what is doing the
The verb is the action. The verb is also
called the predicate.
Subjects & Predicates
Subject- one subject doing the action
Ex. Susie called her friend on the phone.
Compound subject- more than one subject
Ex. Susie and Joan jumped rope at recess.
Predicate- one action
Ex. Josh swam laps in the pool.
Compound predicate- two or more actions
Ex. Josh rode his bike and skated this
Simple Subject & Complete Subject
Simple subject- just the subject, no
Ex: The young students enjoyed the game.
Complete subject- the subject and
Ex. The young students enjoyed the game.
Simple Predicate & Complete
Simple predicate- the verb or verb phrase
Ex. Many students cheered wildly.
Ex. Jane will finish the test after school.
Complete predicate- the action word plus
Ex. Many students cheered wildly.
Ex. Jane will finish the test after school.
Simple Sentences
A simple sentence is a basic sentence
that expresses a complete thought. It
1. A subject
2. A verb
3. A complete thought
Ex. The train was late.
Mary and Maggie took the bus.
Compound Sentences
A compound sentence contains two main
clauses joined by a comma and a
coordinating conjunction or a semi-colon.
Compound sentences connect two simple
sentences, but they often do not show a
clear relationship between the two parts.
Ex. I waited for the bus, but it was late.
Independent clause
Independent clause
Complex Sentences
A complex sentence contains a main
clause and one or more dependent
If the dependent clause comes before the
independent clause, add a comma after
the dependent clause. If the main clause
comes first, no comma is needed between
the two.
Complex sentences can show a more
specific relationship between the parts of
the sentence than a compound sentence.
Complex Sentence Examples
Independent clause first:
We won the game because we worked
together as a team.
Dependent clause first:
Although I broke my arm, I still cheered for
my team from the sidelines.
Compound-Complex Sentences
A compound-complex sentence
contains two independent clauses and at
least one dependent clause.
This is the most sophisticated type of
sentence you can use.
Though Jack prefers watching comedy films,
he rented the latest spy thriller, and he
enjoyed it very much.
Identify the type of sentence
1. Our coach will host a pizza party when
we win our first game.
2. Olivia and Caroline went to the movies.
3. James grilled burgers, and Patrick made
a salad.
4. Since I made the honor roll, my parents
let me have a friend spend the night.
5. Before Alice called me, she called her
mom, and her mom asked her to babysit
her brother.