Accelerated COVID-
19 Vaccine
Development Status
and Efforts to Address
Report to Congressional Addressees
February 2021
United States Government Accountability Office
United States Government Accountability Office
Highlights of GAO-21-319, a report to
February 2021
COVID-19 Vaccine Development Status
Efforts to Address Manufacturing Challenges
What GAO Found
Operation Warp Speed (OWS)a partnership between the Departments of
Health and Human Services (HHS) and Defense (DOD)aimed to help
accelerate the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. GAO found that OWS and
vaccine companies adopted several strategies to accelerate vaccine
development and mitigate risk. For example, OWS selected vaccine candidates
that use different mechanisms to stimulate an immune response (i.e., platform
technologies; see figure). Vaccine companies also took steps, such as starting
large-scale manufacturing during clinical trials and combining clinical trial phases
or running them concurrently. Clinical trials gather data on safety and efficacy,
with more participants in each successive phase (e.g., phase 3 has more
participants than phase 2).
Vaccine Platform Technologies Supported by Operation Warp Speed, as of January 2021
As of January 30, 2021, five of the six OWS vaccine candidates have entered
phase 3 clinical trials, two of whichModerna’s and Pfizer/BioNTech’s
vaccineshave received an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). For vaccines that received EUA, additional data
on vaccine effectiveness will be generated from further follow-up of participants
in clinical trials already underway before the EUA was issued.
Technology readiness. GAO’s analysis of the OWS vaccine candidates’
technology readiness levels (TRL)an indicator of technology maturity
showed that COVID-19 vaccine development under OWS generally followed
traditional practices, with some adaptations. FDA issued specific guidance that
identified ways that vaccine development may be accelerated during the
pandemic. Vaccine companies told GAO that the primary difference from a non-
pandemic environment was the compressed timelines. To meet OWS timelines,
View GAO-21-319. For more information,
Karen L. Howard and Candice N.
at (202) 512-6888 or
Did This Study
As of
February 5, 2021, the U.S. had
26 million cumulative reported
cases of COVID
-19 and about 449,02
reported deaths, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. The country also continues
to experience serious econo
, with the unemployment
rate and number of unemployed
January 2021
at nearly twice their pre-
pandemic levels
in February 2020. In
May 2020, OWS was launched and
included a goal of producing 300
million doses of safe
and effective
-19 vaccines with initial doses
by January 2021. Although
FDA has authorized two vaccines for
emergency use, OWS has not
yet met
its production goal
. Such vaccines are
crucial to mitigate the public health and
economic impacts of the
was asked to review OWS
vaccine development efforts
. This
report examines
(1) the characteristics
and status of the OWS vaccines, (2)
how developmental processes have
been adapted to meet OWS timelines,
and (3) the challenges that
have faced
with scaling up
manufacturing and the steps they are
taking to address those challenges.
GAO administered a questionnaire
based on
HHS’s medical
TRL criteria to the
OWS vaccine companies to
the COVID-19 vaccine
development proc
esses. GAO also
collected and reviewed supporting
documentation on vaccine
development and conducted interviews
with representa
tives from each of the
s on vaccine development
and manufacturing
some vaccine companies relied on data from other vaccines using the same
platforms, where available, or conducted certain animal studies at the same time
as clinical trials. However, as is done in a non-pandemic environment, all vaccine
companies gathered initial safety and antibody response data with a small
number of participants before proceeding into large-scale human studies (e.g.,
phase 3 clinical trials). The two EUAs issued in December 2020 were based on
analyses of clinical trial participants and showed about 95 percent efficacy for
each vaccine. These analyses included assessments of efficacy after individuals
were given two doses of vaccine and after they were monitored for about 2
months for adverse events.
Manufacturing. As of January 2021, five of the six OWS vaccine companies had
started commercial scale manufacturing. OWS officials reported that as of
January 31, 2021, companies had released 63.7 million dosesabout 32 percent
of the 200 million doses that, according to OWS, companies with EUAs have
been contracted to provide by March 31, 2021. Vaccine companies face a
number of challenges in scaling up manufacturing to produce hundreds of
millions of doses under OWS’s accelerated timelines. DOD and HHS are working
with vaccine companies to help mitigate manufacturing challenges, including:
Limited manufacturing capacity: A shortage of facilities with capacity to
handle the vaccine manufacturing needs can lead to production bottlenecks.
Vaccine companies are working in partnership with OWS to expand
production capacity. For example, one vaccine company told GAO that
HHS’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority helped
them identify an additional manufacturing partner to increase production.
Additionally, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is overseeing construction
projects to expand capacity at vaccine manufacturing facilities.
Disruptions to manufacturing supply chains: Vaccine manufacturing supply
chains have been strained by the global demand for certain goods and
workforce disruptions caused by the global pandemic. For example,
representatives from one facility manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines stated
that they experienced challenges obtaining materials, including reagents and
certain chemicals. They also said that due to global demand, they waited 4 to
12 weeks for items that before the pandemic were typically available for
shipment within one week. Vaccine companies and DOD and HHS officials
told GAO they have undertaken several efforts to address possible
manufacturing disruptions and mitigate supply chain challenges. These
efforts include federal assistance to (1) expedite procurement and delivery of
critical manufacturing equipment, (2) develop a list of critical supplies that are
common across the six OWS vaccine candidates, and (3) expedite the
delivery of necessary equipment and goods coming into the United States.
Additionally, DOD and HHS officials said that as of December 2020 they had
placed prioritized ratings on 18 supply contracts for vaccine companies under
the Defense Production Act, which allows federal agencies with delegated
authority to require contractors to prioritize those contracts for supplies
needed for vaccine production.
Gaps in the available workforce: Hiring and training personnel with the
specialized skills needed to run vaccine manufacturing processes can be
challenging. OWS officials stated that they have worked with the Department
of State to expedite visa approval for key technical personnel, including
technicians and engineers to assist with installing, testing, and certifying
critical equipment manufactured overseas. OWS officials also stated that
they requested that 16 DOD personnel be detailed to serve as quality control
staff at two vaccine manufacturing sites until the organizations can hire the
required personnel.
Page i GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Letter 1
Background 6
OWS Supported a Range of Vaccine Approaches 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Development Generally Followed Traditional
Practices, with Some Adaptations 20
OWS Vaccine Companies Face Challenges to Scaling Up
Manufacturing and Are Taking Steps to Help Mitigate Those
Challenges 26
Agency Comments and Third-Party Views 29
Appendix I Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 32
Appendix II The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS)
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) definitions 35
Appendix III Operation Warp Speed Dashboard 38
Appendix IV GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments 39
Related GAO Products 40
Table 1: Typical Phases of Clinical Trials 8
Table 2: Characteristics for Each Operation Warp Speed Vaccine
Candidate, as of January 2021 17
Table 3: Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) for Each Operation
Warp Speed (OWS) Vaccine Candidate, as of January
2021 21
Table 4: Department of Health and Human Services’ Integrated
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Scale and Definitions 35
Page ii GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Figure 1: Traditional Vaccine Development Timeline Compared To
Potential Operation Warp Speed (OWS) Timeline 3
Figure 2: Traditional Vaccine Development Process 7
Figure 3: Department of Health and Human Services’ Integrated
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Countermeasure
Scale and the Traditional Vaccine Development and
Manufacturing Processes 10
Figure 4: Overview of the Four Vaccine Platform Technologies
Considered by Operation Warp Speed, as of January
2021 12
Figure 5: The Process for mRNA Vaccines Generating Antibodies
to Protect Individuals from COVID-19 14
Figure 6: The Process for Replication-defective Live-vector
Vaccines Generating Antibodies to Protect Individuals
from COVID-19 15
Figure 7: The Process for Recombinant-subunit-adjuvanted
Protein Vaccines Generating Antibodies to Protect
Individuals from COVID-19 16
Figure 8: Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Candidates’ Clinical
Trials Schedule as Shown on the clinicaltrials.gov
Website as of January 30, 2021 25
Page iii GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
BARDA Biomedical Advanced Research and Development
BLA biologics license application
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CGMP current good manufacturing practice
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019
DOD Department of Defense
EUA emergency use authorization
FDA Food and Drug Administration
GLP good laboratory practice
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
IND Investigational New Drug
mRNA messenger RNA
OWS Operation Warp Speed
R&D research and development
TRL technology readiness level
VRBPAC Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory
This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the
United States. The published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety
without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain
copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be
necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately.
Page 1 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
441 G St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20548
February 11, 2021
Congressional Addressees
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in
catastrophic loss of life and substantial damage to the global economy,
stability, and security. Worldwide, as of February 5, 2021, there were over
104 million cumulative reported cases and over 2.2 million reported
deaths due to COVID-19; within the United States, there were over 26
million cumulative reported cases and 449,020 reported deaths.
country also continues to experience serious economic repercussions
and turmoil as a result of the pandemic.
In response to this
unprecedented global crisis, the federal government has taken a series of
actions to protect the health and well-being of Americans. Notably, in
March 2020, Congress passed, and the President signed into law, the
CARES Act, which provided over $2 trillion in emergency assistance and
health care response for individuals, families, and businesses affected by
More recently, in December 2020, the Consolidated
Worldwide data from the World Health Organization reflect laboratory-confirmed cases
and deaths reported by countries and areas. Data on COVID-19 cases in the United
States are based on aggregate case reporting to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and include probable and confirmed cases as reported by states and
jurisdictions. According to CDC, the actual number of COVID-19 cases is unknown for a
variety of reasons, including that people who have been infected may have not been
tested or may have not sought medical care. CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics
COVID-19 death counts in the United States are based on provisional counts from death
certificate data, which do not distinguish between laboratory-confirmed and probable
COVID-19 deaths. Provisional counts are incomplete due to an average delay of 2 weeks
(a range of 18 weeks or longer) for death certificate processing.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Situation SummaryJanuary 2021,
(Washington, D.C.: Feb. 2021). In January, the unemployment rate was 6.3 percent and
the number of unemployed persons was 10.1 million. Although both measures are much
lower than their April 2020 highs, they remain well above their pre-pandemic levels in
February 2020 (3.5 percent and 5.7 million, respectively).
Pub. L. No. 116-136, 134 Stat. 281 (2020). As of January 1, 2021, four other relief laws
were also enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2021, Pub. L. No. 116-260, 134 Stat. 1182 (2020); Paycheck
Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, Pub. L. No. 116-139, 134 Stat.
620 (2020); Families First Coronavirus Response Act, Pub. L. No. 116-127, 134 Stat. 178
(2020); and the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations
Act, 2020, Pub. L. No. 116-123, 134 Stat. 146.
Page 2 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Appropriations Act, 2021, provided additional federal assistance for the
ongoing response and recovery.
The development of a COVID-19 vaccine was crucial to mitigating the
public health and economic impacts of the virus. By the end of March
2020, with the initiation of the first clinical trials, the race was on in the
United States to develop a vaccine. On December 14, 2020, the United
States took an important step to protect the public against the virus as the
first vaccine shotsdeveloped in a shorter time than any previous
vaccine—were administered.
As part of the U.S. vaccine effort, on May 15, 2020, the federal
government announced Operation Warp Speed (OWS), a partnership
between the Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS). As stated on the HHS website, the goal was
to produce 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, with initial doses
available by January 2021. Although FDA has authorized two vaccines for
emergency use, OWS has not yet met its production goals.
November 2020 report included the following figure describing how the
federal government aimed to accelerate the development of a COVID-19
vaccine (see fig. 1).
DOD and HHS have obligated approximately $13
billion as of December 31, 2020, to support the development,
manufacture, and distribution of vaccines to help achieve this goal.
During an emergency, as declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services under
21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b), FDA may temporarily authorize unapproved medical products or
unapproved uses of approved medical products through an emergency use authorization
(EUA), provided certain statutory criteria are met.
GAO, COVID-19: Federal Efforts Accelerate Vaccine and Therapeutic Development, but
More Transparency Needed on Emergency Use Authorizations, GAO-21-207
(Washington, D.C.: November 17, 2020).
GAO, COVID-19: Critical Vaccine Distribution, Supply Chain, Program Integrity, and
Other Challenges Require Focused Federal Attention, GAO-21-265 (Washington, D.C.:
January 28, 2021).
Page 3 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Figure 1: Traditional Vaccine Development Timeline Compared To Potential Operation Warp Speed (OWS) Timeline
Note: The timelines for vaccine development depicted in this figure are not drawn to scale. These
timelines depict examples, and the specific development steps and timelines for a given vaccine may
vary from this example.
Phase 1 clinical trials generally test the safety of a product with a small group of healthy volunteers
(usually fewer than 100). These trials are designed to determine the product’s initial safety profile and
the side effects associated with increasing doses, among other things.
Phase 2 clinical trials are designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a product for a particular use and
determine the common short-term side effects and risks associated with the product. These trials are
conducted with a medium-size population of volunteers (usually a few dozen to hundreds).
Phase 3 clinical trials are performed after preliminary evidence suggesting effectiveness of a product
has been obtained, and are intended to gather additional information about safety and effectiveness.
These trials usually involve several hundred to thousands of volunteers, including participants who
are at increased risk for infection. According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, these
clinical trial phases may overlap.
According to FDA, manufacturing processes are reviewed as part of the vaccine licensure process.
Thus, even under a traditional vaccine timeline, some initial manufacturing occurs during
development, so the manufacturing processes can be adequately validated. According to an OWS
fact sheet, in some cases, the federal government is taking on the financial risk to enable large-scale
Page 4 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
manufacturing to start while clinical trials are ongoing, with the goal of having millions of doses
available for distribution upon authorization or licensure of a COVID-19 vaccine.
The OWS timeline depicts an example of a potential accelerated timeline for COVID-19 vaccine
development. However, the development process of any given OWS vaccine candidate may vary
from this example. As of January 2021, approximately 12 months have elapsed since exploratory and
preclinical research began in January 2020, after the first U.S. cases of COVID-19 were reported.
The timing for any remaining steps have yet to be determined as of this report. According to OWS
documentation, certain steps may overlap or be shortened to accelerate the development of a
COVID-19 vaccine.
During an emergency, as declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services under 21 U.S.C.
§ 360bbb-3(b), FDA may temporarily authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of
approved medical products through an emergency use authorization (EUA), provided certain statutory
criteria are met. FDA has indicated that issuance of an EUA for a COVID-19 vaccine for which there
is adequate manufacturing information would require the submission of certain clinical trial
information from phase 3 clinical trials that demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine in
a clear and compelling manner, among other things. Any COVID-19 vaccine that initially receives an
EUA from FDA is expected to ultimately be reviewed and receive licensure through a biologics
license application, according to FDA guidance.
Vaccines provide protection for individuals and, more broadly,
communities, to lower transmission and disease burden once a large
enough portion of the populationtypically 70 to 90 percentdevelops
Reaching this “herd immunity threshold” limits the likelihood
that a non-immune person will be infected. Herd immunity helps protect
people who are not immune to a disease by reducing their chances of
interacting with an infected individual, thereby slowing or stopping the
spread of the disease. Achieving herd immunity can require a high rate of
vaccination in the community, and can bring about a safe return to use of
restaurants, theaters, and gyms, and the resumption of community-based
activities. In this way, vaccines can save lives, reduce the sometimes
debilitating effects of COVID-19, and contribute to the restoration of the
You asked us to assess the technology readiness and manufacturing
status of OWS vaccine candidates. This report examines (1) the
characteristics and development status of the individual OWS vaccine
candidates, (2) how developmental processes have been adapted to
meet OWS timelines, and (3) the challenges that companies have faced
with scaling up manufacturing and the steps they are taking to address
those challenges.
To examine the characteristics and development status of the OWS
vaccine candidates, we analyzed relevant agency documents, vaccine
company documents, and journal articles. To examine how
Disease burden is the impact of a health problem as measured by mortality, morbidity,
financial impact, or other indicators.
Page 5 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
developmental processes have been adapted to meet OWS timelines, we
analyzed vaccine candidates’ technology readiness levels (TRL) and
reviewed steps vaccine companies took to develop their vaccines. We
used TRLs, a maturity scale ordered according to the required
characteristics of the specific technology, similar to those specified in our
GAO Technology Readiness Assessment Guide.
In the case of vaccine
development, HHS provides development process guidelines in its
integrated TRLs for medical countermeasures, which include vaccines.
We used the HHS TRLs to compare the OWS vaccine candidates to the
standard vaccine development process. We sent a questionnaire that
reflected HHS’s integrated TRL criteria to all OWS vaccine companies.
We also collected supporting documentation and conducted follow-up
interviews with each company to clarify or further support their responses
to the questionnaire, when necessary. To assign TRLs for each vaccine
candidate, we reviewed questionnaire responses, and supporting
documentation. When necessary, we relied on peer-reviewed studies or
other public information to validate company responses. To describe how
each vaccine company adapted their developmental processes to meet
OWS timelines, we reviewed the supporting documents we collected and
compared them against the OWS timelines. To describe the challenges in
scaling up manufacturing and the steps companies are taking to address
those challenges, we interviewed representatives responsible for
manufacturing-related activities from each of the OWS vaccine
companies, as well as representatives from the vaccine companies’
manufacturing partners.
See appendix I for additional information on our
objectives, scope, and methodology.
GAO, Technology Readiness Assessment Guide: Best Practices for Evaluating the
Readiness of Technology for Use in Acquisition Programs and Projects, GAO-20-48G
(Washington, D.C.: January 7, 2020).
See Department of Health & Human Services. Integrated TRLs for Medical
Countermeasure Products (Drugs and Biologics).
https://www.medicalcountermeasures.gov/trl/integrated-trls/ (accessed December 28,
2020). Medical countermeasures include drugs and biologics, such as vaccines, that can
diagnose, prevent, protect from, or treat the effects of exposure to emerging infectious
diseases, such as pandemic influenza, and to chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear
agents. The scope of this report is limited to vaccines.
OWS vaccine companies include Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen,
Sanofi/GSK, and Novavax. Manufacturing partners included Emergent Biosolutions and
the Texas A&M Center for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing
(Texas A&M CIADM).
Page 6 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
We conducted this performance audit from July 2020 to February 2021 in
accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our
findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that
the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and
conclusions based on our audit objectives.
HHS and DOD, in support of OWS, awarded contracts and other
transaction agreements to six vaccine companies to develop or
manufacture vaccine doses.
According to the OWS Chief Advisor and
the Director of Vaccines, OWS officials selected vaccine candidates from
four vaccine-platform technologies that OWS considered to be the most
likely to yield a safe and effective vaccine against COVID-19.
addition, OWS considered whether they met the following three criteria:
1. had robust preclinical data or early-stage clinical trial data supporting
their potential for clinical safety and efficacy;
2. had the potential, with OWS acceleration support, to enter large
phase 3 field efficacy trials in July to November 2020 and to deliver
efficacy outcomes by the end of 2020 or the first half of 2021;
3. were based on vaccine-platform technologies permitting fast and
effective manufacturing, with companies demonstrating the industrial
Other transaction agreements are flexible agreements that allow the parties to negotiate
terms and conditions specific to the project. Overall, about $8.8 billion of roughly $13
billion dollars for vaccine development and manufacturing have been obligated through
other transaction agreements as of December 31, 2020.
A vaccine platform is a technology for production of different vaccine antigensproteins
or other biomolecules that stimulate the immune response. A protein antigen may be
produced by incorporating a gene that codes for a protein or protein subunit from the
relevant virus or other pathogen (e.g., SARS-CoV-2) into another virus called a vector.
The vector serves as a delivery vehicle for the genetic material, which code for the
antigen. Vaccine platforms may have uniform, predictable characteristics, such as safety
effects; however, each antigen in a specific platform will have different immune response
See M. Slaoui and M. Hepburn. “Developing Safe and Effective COVID Vaccines
Operation Warp Speed’s Strategy and Approach,” New England Journal of Medicine, Aug.
26, 2020.
Vaccine Selection Criteria
Page 7 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
process scalability, yields, and consistency necessary to reliably
produce more than 100 million doses by mid-2021.
As of January 2021, five of the six OWS vaccine companies were testing
their vaccine candidates in phase 3 clinical trials. Two vaccines received
emergency use authorizations (EUA) from the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in December 2020.
These vaccines received
EUAs in less than a year from the time the genetic code of SARS-CoV-
2—the virus that causes COVID-19was sequenced. This was
considerably faster than any previous vaccine development and
authorization for use in the United States.
The traditional process for developing a new vaccine is well established
and tends to be sequential (see figure 2). Although there is sometimes
overlap in phases, a longer, more sequential approach is common in non-
pandemic environments. According to two vaccine companies we met
with, the purpose of this approach is in part to reduce financial risk
because each phase is costlywith later phases being especially
costlyand each phase improves the understanding of whether the next
phase will be successful.
Figure 2: Traditional Vaccine Development Process
Note: The timelines for vaccine development depicted in this figure are not drawn to scale. This
timeline depicts an example, and the specific development steps and timeline for a given vaccine may
vary from this example. There may be some overlap among steps.
During an emergency, as declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services
under 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b), FDA may temporarily allow the use of unlicensed COVID-
19 vaccines through an EUA, provided certain statutory criteria are met. For example, a
company requesting an EUA must provide evidence that the vaccine may be effective and
that the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks, among other
requirements. Any COVID-19 vaccine that initially receives an EUA from FDA is expected
to ultimately be reviewed and receive licensure through a biologics license application,
according to FDA guidance.
Traditional Vaccine
Development Process
Page 8 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Phase 1 clinical trials generally test the safety of a product with a small group of healthy volunteers
(usually fewer than 100). These trials are designed to determine the product’s initial safety profile and
the side effects associated with increasing doses, among other things.
Phase 2 clinical trials are designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a product for a particular use and
determine the common short-term side effects and risks associated with the product. These trials are
conducted with a medium-size population of volunteers (usually a few dozen to hundreds).
Phase 3 clinical trials are performed after preliminary evidence suggesting effectiveness of a product
has been obtained, and are intended to gather additional information about safety and effectiveness.
These trials usually involve several hundred to thousands of volunteers, including participants who
are at increased risk for infection. According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, these
clinical trial phases may overlap.
According to FDA, manufacturing processes are reviewed as part of the vaccine licensure process.
Thus, even under a traditional vaccine timeline, some initial manufacturing occurs during
development, so the manufacturing processes can be adequately validated.
In the exploratory phase, the target and candidate vaccine are
In the preclinical phase, researchers use cells and animals to
assess safety and produce evidence of clinical promise, evaluated by the
candidate’s ability to elicit a protective immune response. During clinical
trials, more human subjects are added at each successive phase. Safety,
efficacy, proposed doses, schedule of immunizations, and method of
delivery are evaluated (see table 1).
Table 1: Typical Phases of Clinical Trials
Phase 1
Determines the product’s initial safety profile and the side effects associated with increasing doses, among
other things. These trials generally test the safety of a product with a small group of healthy volunteers (usually
fewer than 100).
Phase 2
Evaluates the effectiveness of a product for a particular use and determines the short-term side effects and
risks associated with the product. These trials are conducted with a medium-size population of volunteers
(usually a few dozen to hundreds).
Phase 3
Performed after preliminary evidence suggesting effectiveness of a product has been obtained and are
intended to gather additional information about safety and effectiveness. These trials usually involve several
hundred to thousands of volunteers, including participants who are at increased risk for infection.
Source: Food and Drug Administration. | GAO-21-319
Note: According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documentation, these clinical trial phases
may overlap. Phase 4 clinical trials may be required after licensure to obtain additional information on
the product’s benefits, risks, and optimal use.
The next phase is FDA review of the biologics license application (BLA)
and licensure, which includes oversight of manufacturing and planning for
During vaccine development, virus targets need to be identified to develop a safe and
effective vaccine. In the case of COVID-19 vaccines, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was
identified as the virus target.
Page 9 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
postmarket surveillance.
At any phase, the process can be terminated
for various reasons including detection of adverse events, such as
serious side effects.
The federal government uses TRLs to systematically review the progress
of new technologies along a spectrum of technology maturity from basic
research to operational implementation of a proven technology. For
vaccine development, HHS tailored a set of integrated TRLs for medical
Specifically, HHS’s Biomedical Advanced Research
and Development Authority (BARDA) uses TRLs to make funding
determinations for vaccines by requesting the information aligning with
the TRL definitions from pharmaceutical companies to report progress on
their research and development (R&D) programs. These TRL criteria
allow a vaccine R&D program to be categorized by its degree of maturity,
from basic research about the mechanisms of a disease to the evaluation
of a vaccine candidate using animal studies and clinical trials in humans,
and finally through licensure and large-scale manufacturing of the
vaccine. We used the HHS integrated TRLs as a metric in this report
because TRLs represent a widely accepted system for tracking
technological progress.
The HHS integrated TRL medical countermeasure scale consists of nine
levels, requiring demonstration that a vaccine has achieved incrementally
higher levels of technical maturity until the final level, where a vaccine has
reached post-FDA licensure activities. See Appendix II for a detailed
description of the HHS integrated TRLs.
The HHS integrated TRLs include the phases of the traditional vaccine
development process (exploratory phase, preclinical phase, clinical trials,
BLA submission, and FDA review and licensure). Figure 3 compares the
HHS integrated TRLs and the traditional vaccine development and
manufacturing processes.
Phase 4 clinical trials may be required after licensure to obtain additional information on
the product’s benefits, risks, and optimal use.
HHS adapted the TRL format, originally developed by the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration and DOD, to evaluate the development of medical countermeasures
against both natural and man-made public health threats.
HHS Integrated
Technology Readiness
Page 10 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Figure 3: Department of Health and Human Services’ Integrated Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Countermeasure Scale
and the Traditional Vaccine Development and Manufacturing Processes
Potential for FDA authorization for emergency use
OWS’s strategy for rapid vaccine development was to build a diverse
portfolio of vaccine candidates based on distinct platform technologies.
According to OWS officials, this approach intended to provide a range of
options, potentially accelerating development and mitigating the risks
associated with the challenge of developing a safe and effective vaccine
on OWS’s timelines.
OWS officials originally planned to include four
platforms in the OWS vaccine candidate portfolio: messenger RNA
(mRNA), replication-defective live-vector, recombinant-subunit-
adjuvanted protein, and attenuated replicating live vector (see fig. 4).
See M. Slaoui and M. Hepburn. “Developing Safe and Effective COVID Vaccines
Operation Warp Speed’s Strategy and Approach,” New England Journal of Medicine, Aug.
26, 2020.
OWS Supported a
Range of Vaccine
To Mitigate Risk, OWS
Supported Vaccines with
Different Characteristics
Page 11 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
OWS has publicly announced support for six vaccine candidates using
three of those platforms.
OWS’s strategy included selecting different platform technologies to
mitigate the risk that any one platform or specific vaccine candidate could
fail because of problems with safety, efficacy, industrial manufacturability,
or scheduling factors. This strategy included two vaccine platforms that
had not previously been used in a licensed vaccine, but could
theoretically be quickly adapted to COVID-19 and scaled up rapidly (i.e.,
mRNA platform and replication-defective live-vector platform), and one
platform that had been proven (i.e., recombinant-subunit-adjuvanted
protein platform).
Page 12 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Figure 4: Overview of the Four Vaccine Platform Technologies Considered by Operation Warp Speed, as of January 2021
Note: Asterisk (*) indicates company has received an emergency use authorization (EUA), which
allows the temporary use of an unlicensed vaccine, provided certain statutory criteria are met. As of
January 2021, phase 3 clinical trials are still ongoing for these COVID-19 vaccine candidates, and the
candidates are expected to ultimately be reviewed and receive licensure through a biologics license
application, according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance.
Human cells use lock-and-key-style security to allow for the necessary
exchange of proteins while preventing the intrusion of disease-causing
microbes, such as viruses. Before entering a cell, a protein needs to
present a unique ‘key’a molecular pattern that opens a specific
‘lock.’ Coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, use counterfeit keys, called
Vaccine Platform
Technologies Utilize
Different Mechanisms
for Stimulating Immune
Page 13 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
spike “S” proteins, to enter human cells.
All COVID-19 vaccines share a
common strategy: teach the immune system to recognize the SARS-CoV-
2 spike protein and neutralize the virus, providing immunity. The immune
system response that neutralizes the virus is largely mediated by antibody
production and associated immune cells (e.g., T cells). The OWS vaccine
candidates differ in what method, or platform, they use to initiate these
immune responses. There are three main platforms: mRNA, replication-
defective live-vector, and recombinant-subunit-adjuvanted protein (see
table 2). These three vaccine platforms, unlike other vaccine platforms,
do not require researchers to grow the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has
sped the time of development and avoided safety concerns associated
with using a disease-causing virus.
mRNA platform: The Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccines
deliver the genetic sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein directly to
the cell (see fig. 5). The mRNA molecule includes a code that causes the
cell to make the spike protein. Immune system cells recognize the spike
protein and a protective immune response results. The spike protein
genetic code does not enter the cell’s nucleus, only the cytoplasm.
mRNA needs to be encased in a lipid (fat) nanoparticle to enter the cell.
Pfizer/BioNTechPfizer/BioNTech’s mRNA vaccine, BNT162b2,
consists of mRNA encoding the viral spike protein of SARS-CoV-2,
transported inside lipid nanoparticles that allow the mRNA to enter
cells. The vaccine remains shelf-stable in an ultra-low temperature
freezer between -80°C to -60°C. Vials must be kept frozen between -
80°C to -60°C and protected from light until ready to use. The vaccine
remains shelf-stable for up to five days at standard refrigerator
temperatures (between 2° and 8°C).
ModernaModerna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine also consists of mRNA
encoding the viral spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus transported
in lipid nanoparticles. The Moderna vaccine can be stored at
refrigerator temperatures (between 2° and 8°C) for 30 days, and it is
stable for 6 months during shipping and long-term storage at freezer
temperatures of -20°C.
Coronaviruses are a family of related RNA viruses that cause mild to lethal respiratory
tract diseases in mammals and birds. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is the strain
responsible for COVID-19.
The nucleus is the inner part of the cell where the cell’s DNA is located while the
cytoplasm is the area outside of the nucleus, but still inside the cell membrane.
mRNA is a biological molecule that codes for protein.
Page 14 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Figure 5: The Process for mRNA Vaccines Generating Antibodies to Protect Individuals from COVID-19
Replication-defective live-vector platform: The Janssen and
AstraZeneca vaccine candidates use a weakened adenovirusa virus
that can cause the common cold but that is altered so that it cannot
reproduce or cause disease. Known as a viral vector, it carries a DNA
code to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that will stimulate the
immune system to produce antibodies. The vector interacts with the
target cell and delivers its genetic material into the nucleus, where cellular
enzymes generate the spike protein, but not the adenovirus itself (see fig.
6). The vaccinated person will produce the spike protein, priming their
immune system to target SARS-CoV-2.
Janssen - Janssen’s vaccine candidate uses a non-replicating human
Adenovirus 26 vector platform, the same platform Janssen used to
develop a vaccine for Ebola. This virus, which normally causes the
common cold, contains the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 spike
protein. This vaccine candidate can be stored between 2 and 8°C for
at least three months.
AstraZeneca - AstraZeneca’s AZD1222 vaccine candidate consists of
a non-replicating chimpanzee adenovirus, ChAdOx1, which is a
weakened version of the virus that causes infections in non-human
primates. This vaccine candidate can be stored between 2 and 8°C.
Page 15 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Figure 6: The Process for Replication-defective Live-vector Vaccines Generating Antibodies to Protect Individuals from
Recombinant-subunit-adjuvanted protein platform: The Sanofi/GSK
and Novavax vaccine candidates use purified SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins
to stimulate an immune response (see fig. 7). Often, recombinant-subunit
adjuvanted protein platforms require an adjuvant, a component of the
vaccine that helps the immune system response. Examples of the
vaccines produced using this platform include Hepatitis B, human
papilloma virus, and tetanus vaccines.
Sanofi/GSKSanofi/GSK’s vaccine candidate, developed in
partnership by Sanofi and GSK, uses the same recombinant protein-
based technology as one of Sanofi’s seasonal influenza vaccines with
GSK’s established pandemic adjuvant technology. This vaccine
candidate can be stored between 2° and 8° C.
Novavax - Novavax’s NVX-CoV2373 vaccine candidate is a
recombinant nanoparticle spike protein vaccine candidate that
includes a proprietary adjuvant to increase the immune response. It
can be stored between 2° and 8°C.
Page 16 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Figure 7: The Process for Recombinant-subunit-adjuvanted Protein Vaccines Generating Antibodies to Protect Individuals
from COVID-19
Attenuated replicating live-vector platform: This platform uses a
genetically engineered virus with its disease-causing aspects removed.
Once injected, human cells replicate the spike proteins and the virus,
allowing for other cells to be infected and more spike proteins produced,
triggering an immune response. No OWS vaccine candidates are using
this platform.
Table 2 below summarizes key characteristics of each OWS vaccine
Page 17 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Table 2: Characteristics for Each Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Candidate, as of January 2021
2 to 8°C up to 5 days
Longer periods -80 to -60°C
2 to 8°C up to 30 days
Longer periods -25 to -15°C
defective live-
At least 3 months at 2 to 8°C
Up to 2 years at -20°C
defective live-
2 to 8°C up to 6 months
2 to 8°C
2 to 8°C
Source: GAO analysis of information from vaccine companies, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other government sources. | GAO-21-319.
Mixing required means the addition of an adjuvant (to increase immune response) or diluent (to
dilute the vaccine) is required at the time of vaccine administration.
Storage temperature is the recommended temperature range for vaccine storage.
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
As of January 2021, five of the six OWS vaccine candidates had begun
phase 3 clinical trials in the United States, and two had received an
In November 2020, we reviewed four of the vaccine candidates’
clinical trial protocols.
We found that they generally appeared to follow a
typical clinical trial design by enrolling mostly healthy adults and excluding
such groups as children, pregnant women, and those with certain
Companies that have started phase 3 trials in the United States are AstraZeneca,
Janssen, Moderna, Novavax, and Pfizer/BioNTech. In December 2020, FDA authorized
the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines for emergency use.
GAO, COVID19: Federal Efforts Accelerate Vaccine and Therapeutic Development, but
More Transparency Needed on Emergency Use Authorizations, GAO-21-207
(Washington, D.C.: Nov. 17, 2020).
Vaccine Clinical
Trials Provide Critical
Information about
Safety and Efficacy
for Populations
Included in the Trials
Page 18 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
comorbid or unstable conditions.
Excluding these groups in the initial
phase 3 clinical trials is not unusual, but a potential consequence is that
the data on vaccine safety and effectiveness is based on mostly healthy
adults and may not apply to these excluded populations.
The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee
(VRBPAC) noted that the FDA issuance of EUAs should be used
according to the evidence gathered in the phase 3 clinical trials.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has issued interim recommendations,
including vaccine dosing regimens, age restrictions, and for pregnant and
lactating people.
As of January 2021, the vaccines that had received EUAs had not been
licensed by FDA and continue to be studied in clinical trials. For vaccines
that received EUA, additional data on vaccine effectiveness will be
generated from further follow-up of participants in clinical trials already
underway before the EUA was issued. The two EUAs issued in
December 2020 were based on analyses of clinical trial participants and
showed about 95 percent efficacy for each vaccine. These analyses
included assessments of efficacy after individuals were given two doses
of vaccine and from follow-up for a median duration of 2 months to
Three of the four companies set a minimum enrollment age of 18 years for their initial
phase 3 clinical trials. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is authorized for emergency use for
individuals 16 years of age and older. Pfizer/BioNTech recently started trials on volunteers
as young as 12 years old, and Moderna started trials on volunteers ages 12-17.
In reviewing EUA requests, FDA considers the intended use of a particular vaccine and
will include a contraindication in product labeling for those groups for which the risk of use
clearly outweighs any benefit, according to agency officials.
VRBPAC reviews and evaluates data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and
appropriate use of vaccines and related biological products which are intended for use in
the prevention, treatment, or diagnosis of human diseases, and, as required, any other
products for which the FDA has regulatory responsibility.
According to CDC, ACIP provides advice and guidance to the Director of the CDC
regarding use of vaccines and related agents for effective control of vaccine-preventable
diseases in the civilian population of the United States. Recommendations made by the
ACIP are reviewed by the Director, and if adopted, are published as official CDC/Health
and Human Services (HHS) recommendations in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report. According to CDC, people who are pregnant and part of a group recommended to
receive the COVID-19 vaccine may choose to be vaccinated. If they have questions about
getting vaccinated, a discussion with a healthcare provider might help them make an
informed decision. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
Page 19 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
monitor for adverse events. For the two vaccines that received EUAs,
Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, phase 3 clinical trials did not study the
efficacy of a single dose regimen in a manner that allowed for definitive
conclusions, according to FDA.
According to FDA, a BLA typically includes safety data from the entire
study population through at least 6 months of follow-up following the last
vaccination, though most adverse events are observed within 1.5 months
of vaccine administration. In clinical trials for the Pfizer/BioNTech and
Moderna vaccines, participants reported side effects such as pain at the
injection site, fatigue, and headache. These side effects are not unusual
for vaccines. The initial phase 3 clinical trials for these vaccines excluded
people with a history of severe adverse reactions to any vaccine or
allergic reactions to any component of this vaccine. More than 20 cases
of suspected anaphylaxis following vaccine administration occurred in the
United States as of January, 2021.
FDA issued an EUA fact sheet in
December 2020 (Moderna) and January 2021 (Pfizer/BioNTech) that
stated there is a “remote chance” of a severe allergic reaction and
recommended that people with severe allergic reactions to the first dose
of the vaccine not receive the second dose and people allergic to any of
the vaccine’s ingredients not get the vaccine.
The fact sheet also notes
that the two vaccines continue to be studied in additional clinical trials and
that serious and unexpected side effects may occur.
According to FDA, as of January 4, 2021, 98 percent of phase 3 trial participants in the
Pfizer/BioNTech trial and 92 percent of participants in the Moderna trial received two
doses of the vaccine at either a three- or four-week interval, respectively. Those
participants who did not receive two vaccine doses at either a three-or four-week interval
were generally only followed for a short period of time. Therefore, FDA determined there is
not enough data to draw conclusions about the depth or duration of protection after a
single dose of vaccine. See See S. Hahn, and P. Marks. Food and Drug Administration:
FDA Statement on Following the Authorized Dosing Schedules for COVID-19 Vaccines,
(Press Release Jan. 4, 2021).
In January 2020, CDC reported that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
detected 11.1 cases of anaphylaxis per million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and
2.5 cases of anaphylaxis per million doses of the Moderna vaccine. For both vaccines,
greater than 70-percent of cases of anaphylaxis occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination.
Food and Drug Administration, Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers: Emergency
Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to Prevent
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals 16 Years of Age and Older (Revised
January 2021); and Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers: Emergency Use
Authorization (EUA) of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to Prevent Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals 18 Years of Age and Older (Revised December 2020).
Page 20 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
The HHS integrated TRLs generally reflect the traditional process used
for vaccine development. Therefore, they provide the measurement
standard by which we can assess the development process to
understand where and how the process may have been modified for
COVID-19 vaccines.
In an effort to understand the readiness of each OWS vaccine candidate,
we conducted a TRL analysis, which showed that vaccine companies
generally followed the traditional development process. After reviewing
vaccine companies’ questionnaire responses and supporting information,
we assigned TRLs to each vaccine candidate based on the HHS
integrated TRLs using associated FDA guidance and supporting
documentation for each vaccine candidate. Table 3 shows our assigned
TRL for each of the vaccine candidates as of January 21, 2021.
We did not assess the extent to which the development process for OWS vaccine
candidates met criteria for vaccine authorization or licensure set forth in statute and
COVID-19 Vaccine
Generally Followed
Traditional Practices,
with Some
Page 21 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Table 3: Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) for Each Operation Warp Speed (OWS) Vaccine Candidate, as of January 2021
Vaccine Company
Vaccine has achieved completion of current good manufacturing practice (CGMP)
validation and consistency lot manufacturing, and pivotal clinical trials demonstrating
sufficient efficacy and safety to receive an emergency use authorization (EUA).
Vaccine has achieved completion of CGMP validation and consistency lot
manufacturing, and pivotal clinical trials demonstrating sufficient efficacy and safety to
receive an EUA.
Vaccine has achieved scale-up, initiation of CGMP process validation, and expanded
clinical trials as appropriate for the product.
Vaccine has achieved scale-up, initiation of CGMP process validation, and expanded
clinical trials as appropriate for the product.
Vaccine has achieved CGMP pilot lot production, investigational new drug (IND)
application submission, and phase 2 clinical trials that establish an initial safety,
pharmacokinetics, and immunogenicity assessment as appropriate.
Vaccine has achieved CGMP pilot lot production, IND application submission, and
phase 1 clinical trials that establish an initial safety, pharmacokinetics, and
immunogenicity assessment as appropriate.
Source: GAO analysis of vaccine companies’ questionnaire responses and vaccine development documentation. I GAO-21-319
Note: GAO assigned these TRLs based on questionnaire responses and documentation, where
CGMP regulations for drugs and biologics, including vaccines, contain minimum requirements for the
methods, facilities, and controls used in manufacturing, processing, and packing of a drug product.
The regulations help to ensure that a product is safe for use, and that it has the ingredients and
strength it claims to have. See 21 C.F.R. pts. 210 and 211 (2020).
An IND is a formal notice to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of a company’s intent to begin
human clinical trials. An IND must include evidence that the product is reasonably safe for proposed
clinical trials, based on preclinical data, among other information. FDA has 30 days to object to an
IND before it becomes effective. 21 C.F.R. pt. 312 (2020).
TRL 8A indicates that additional expanded clinical safety trials may be required for the product. In the
case of a COVID-19 vaccine, we assigned a TRL 8A when an emergency use authorization (EUA)
was issued for that product. During an emergency, as declared by the Secretary of Health and
Human Services under 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b), FDA may temporarily authorize unapproved medical
products or unapproved uses of approved medical products through an EUA, provided certain
statutory criteria are met. FDA has indicated that issuance of an EUA for a COVID-19 vaccine for
which there is adequate manufacturing information would require the submission of certain clinical
trial information from phase 3 clinical trials that demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the
vaccine in a clear and compelling manner, among other things. Any COVID-19 vaccine that initially
receives an EUA from FDA is expected to ultimately be reviewed and receive licensure through a
biologics license application, according to FDA guidance.
TRL based at least in part on testimonial evidence; GAO could not verify all information supporting
our TRL determination through documentary evidence.
Although Novavax is currently conducting phase 3 clinical trials, they reported that as of February 2,
2021, they had not completed the step to scale up and validate the CGMP manufacturing process,
and therefore did not yet meet the criteria for TRL 7.
Page 22 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Each of the OWS vaccine companies we talked to told us that the primary
difference between COVID-19 vaccine development and vaccine
development in a non-pandemic environment was the compressed
timelines under which they were working. In addition, to speed up the
availability of the vaccines, companies initiated large-scale manufacturing
while collecting data on clinical trial participants. In a June 2020 guidance
document, FDA identified some ways that COVID-19 vaccine
development may be accelerated.
For example, the guidance document
states that companies may accelerate development by relying on
knowledge gained from similar products manufactured with the same
well-characterized platform technology, to the extent legally and
scientifically permissible. All OWS vaccine companies indicated that prior
experience on the vaccine platform helped support key steps that would
normally be conducted for each individual vaccine.
OWS vaccine companies relied on data from animal studies to develop
COVID-19 vaccines and make adaptations. Although imperfect at
predicting success of a vaccine, animal studies are typically conducted to
improve understanding of whether the vaccine may be safe and effective
in humans before clinical trials begin. We found that all of the companies
performed animal studies to investigate COVID-19 vaccine
immunogenicityincluding assessing the neutralizing antibodies and T-
cell responsesand challenge studies that tested the potential for
efficacy in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or COVID-19 in specific
animal models (e.g., mice, hamsters, and/or nonhuman primates).
addition, all companies indicated that they conducted animal toxicology
studies for their vaccine platform, but some animal studies may not have
been specific to their COVID-19 vaccines. For example, one company
had more than 10 previous animal toxicology studies on the platform they
were using for their COVID-19 vaccine, which showed that there were no
safety concerns from any vaccine made using that platform, and,
therefore, according to the company, it was not necessary to conduct
separate animal studies specific to COVID-19 vaccines to proceed in
developing a vaccine.
Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research, Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent
COVID-19 Guidance for Industry (June, 2020).
A challenge study involves vaccinating animals followed by exposing them (i.e.,
challenge) to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and observing if they are protected from COVID-19
OWS Vaccine Companies
Adapted Some Practices
to Accelerate
Animal Studies Were
Conducted to Inform
Human Studies and Not
All Were Specific to the
OWS Vaccine Candidates
Page 23 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
At least half of the OWS vaccine companies indicated that they had not
completed certain animal safety and efficacy studies before beginning
phase 1 clinical trials.
Instead, in order to begin collecting data in clinical
trials more quickly, the companies relied on data from other vaccines
using the same platforms, where available, or conducted animal studies
concurrently with clinical trials. As of January 2021, some animal studies
are still ongoing for COVID-19 vaccines that are in late-stage (e.g., phase
3) clinical trials.
Another approach OWS vaccine companies may have used to enter
clinical trials more quickly was to conduct their pre-clinical studies not in
compliance with good laboratory practices (GLP), which TRL 6 and 7
criteria specify as being needed only “as appropriate.”
One company
indicated that GLP safety studies were being conducted for their COVID-
19 vaccine, while others relied on non-GLP studies or GLP studies for
other vaccines using that platform. One company told us that GLP
efficacy studies were not possible for COVID-19 due to limitations of
resources necessary to conduct such studies at the required biological
safety level.
By conducting different phases of clinical trials concurrently (e.g., phase 3
clinical trials beginning as phase 1 trials are ongoing), OWS vaccine
companies increased the speed of the vaccine development process.
One company noted that using efficient clinical trial strategies, such as
concurrent or overlapping trials, is particularly important to quickly
determine disease protection (i.e., vaccine efficacy) in a pandemic. For
instance, this approach was successfully used during the Ebola epidemic
in Africa where vaccine efficacy was assessed while the epidemic was
still ongoing. Though some overlap of phases is not unusual even in
traditional vaccine development, officials from two companies stated that
in non-pandemic environments it can take months to review clinical trial
data before starting a new phase. For example, officials from one
company said they might normally take 6 months to review data from
FDA recommends that vaccine manufacturers engage in early communications with
FDA to discuss the type and extent of nonclinical testing required for the particular
COVID-19 vaccine candidate to support proceeding to first in human clinical trials and
further clinical development.
GLPs define the requirements to ensure data quality and integrity of preclinical research.
See 21 C.F.R. pt. 58 (2020).
According to HHS, working on clinical trial phases in parallel instead of taking the
traditional sequential approach to vaccine development potentially shaves months off the
timeline for vaccine development.
OWS Vaccine Companies
Conducted Concurrent or
Combined Clinical Trials
Page 24 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
phase 2 trials before initiating a phase 3 trial, and they would have a
meeting with FDA about the plan before proceeding. For COVID-19
vaccine development, officials from this particular company said they took
3 weeks to review data and initiate efforts to move to phase 3 trials. All six
OWS vaccine companies gathered initial human safety and
immunogenicity data in phase 1 or combined phase 1/2 clinical trials with
a small number of participants before proceeding into trials with more
participants, namely large-scale phase 3 clinical trials, consistent with
traditional processes. All companies that have started phase 3 clinical
trials as of January 2021 did so before completing phase 1 clinical trials
(see fig. 8).
Page 25 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Figure 8: Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Candidates’ Clinical Trials Schedule as Shown on the clinicaltrials.gov Website as of
January 30, 2021
Note: Clinical trials were listed only if they were sponsored by an Operation Warp Speed company or
a collaborator and were specifically for the Operation Warp Speed vaccine candidate. Dates are
study start dates and completion dates; some dates are estimates. Some of these clinical trials may
not necessarily inform regulatory decisions in the United States.
At least half of the OWS vaccine companies selected a dose for phase 1
clinical trials that was based in part on disease protection data generated
in animal studies for that vaccine candidate or from studies for other
vaccines using the same vaccine platform. One company noted that the
public health emergency precluded them from taking the time to
determine the minimum effective dose. Instead, they focused on a dose
that resulted in an acceptable tolerability and immunogenicity profile and
Page 26 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
with the greatest chance of efficacy. This company recognized that they
might end up delivering a higher dose than is necessary in the short-term,
but indicated they could explore a minimal dose that may be as effective,
but more efficient, at a later time.
As we reported in November 2020, OWS vaccine companies face several
challenges with rapidly scaling up manufacturing operations to produce
hundreds of millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccines, including:
Limited manufacturing capacity. Before the COVID-19 pandemic,
most existing vaccine manufacturing capacity was already in use,
according to experts we interviewed. Therefore, new capacity has
been created, or production capacity shifted from other products.
According to one company representative, vaccine manufacturing is
highly complex and generally will ramp up at a graduated pace, rather
than starting at full-scale. Additionally, once bulk quantities of
vaccines are produced, they must be sealed into sterile containers,
such as vials or syringes, in a process known as fill-finish
manufacturing. We heard from representatives from three
pharmaceutical industry groups we interviewed that there was a
shortage of facilities with capacity to handle fill-finish manufacturing.
That type of facilities shortage can lead to production bottlenecks.
Disruptions to manufacturing supply chains. Vaccine
manufacturing supply chains have been strained by disruptions
caused by the global pandemic, including changes in the labor
In our November 2020 report, we also reported on the difficulty associated with the
technology transfer process for scaling up vaccine manufacturing. We did not include
additional information on that challenge in this report because many vaccine companies
we interviewed reported completing technology transfers at their large-scale
manufacturing facilities.
OWS Vaccine
Companies Face
Challenges to Scaling
Up Manufacturing
and Are Taking Steps
to Help Mitigate
Those Challenges
Several Challenges Hinder
Efforts to Rapidly Scale Up
Vaccine Manufacturing
Page 27 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
market, increases or decreases in the demand for certain goods, or as
one DOD official noted, export restrictions implemented by some
countries. For example, we heard from representatives at one facility
manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines that they experienced challenges
obtaining materials, including disposable reactor bags, reagents, and
certain chemicals. They also said that, due to global demand, they
waited 4 to 12 weeks for items that before the pandemic were typically
available for shipment within one week. We also heard from one
expert we interviewed that the supply of the materials used in fill-finish
manufacturing, such as glass vials and pre-filled syringes, was limited.
Gaps in available workforce. The ability to hire and train personnel
with the specialized skills needed to run vaccine manufacturing
processes can be a challenge for even experienced manufacturers.
For example, we heard from representatives at a facility
manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines that filling open positions for mid-
to upper management had been a challenge. These positions are
significant because manufacturing managers function as the technical
points of contact for production questions and are responsible for
managing safety, quality, and compliance with CGMPs.
Federal officials and representatives from OWS vaccine companies
described the ways that they are working together to mitigate
manufacturing challenges, and as of January 2021, five of the six
companies had started large-scale manufacturing. OWS officials reported
that 63.7 million doses of vaccines were released to the federal
government as of January 31, 2020. This represents about 32 percent of
the 200 million doses, that according to OWS, the companies with EUAs
are contracted to provide by March 31, 2021.
Additional doses of
vaccines are being manufactured, but will not be releasable to the federal
government unless they are authorized for emergency use, OWS officials
reported. Companies reported that they are continuing to work with their
manufacturing partners to ramp up vaccine production as they also work
with OWS to address manufacturing challenges. For example:
Limited manufacturing capacity. Some companies are working to
expand production capacity. Representatives from one OWS vaccine
company told us that BARDA helped them identify an additional
manufacturing partner to increase production of their vaccine. The
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is also overseeing construction
projects to expand capacity at vaccine manufacturing facilities. For
As noted above, FDA authorized the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines for
emergency use in December 2020.
OWS Vaccine Companies
Are Working with the
Federal Government to
Help Mitigate
Manufacturing Challenges
Page 28 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
example, OWS officials told us in November 2020 that the Corps of
Engineers provided a site assessment and oversight for a
construction project that provided a manufacturing site with two
additional vaccine production suites. According to OWS, the Corps of
Engineers is also overseeing seven agreements to expand
manufacturing capacity, including support to companies that are
manufacturing products such as cell culture media and glass vials.
Disruptions to manufacturing supply chains. As we reported in
November 2020, representatives from a facility manufacturing COVID-
19 vaccines told us that they were in frequent communication with
OWS officials to coordinate on possible manufacturing disruptions and
that DOD assisted them with expediting procurement and delivery of
critical manufacturing equipment. Additionally, officials from BARDA
said that their subject matter experts in developing and manufacturing
vaccines worked with each of the six OWS vaccine companies to
create a list of critical supply needs that are common across the six
vaccine candidates. To address these critical supply needs, DOD and
HHS officials said that as of December 2020 they had placed
prioritized ratings on 18 supply contracts for vaccine companies under
the Defense Production Act.
Furthermore, OWS officials stated that
they have worked with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to
expedite necessary equipment and goods coming into the United
Gaps in available workforce. OWS officials stated that they have
worked with the Department of State to expedite visa approval
supporting the arrival of key technical personnel, including technicians
and engineers to assist with installing, testing, and certifying critical
equipment manufactured overseas. OWS officials also stated that
they requested that 16 DOD personnel be detailed to serve as quality
control staff at two vaccine manufacturing sites until the organizations
can hire the required personnel. According to OWS, the DOD
personnel were still in place at the manufacturing sites as of January
The Defense Production Act, as delegated, generally provides federal agencies authority
to, among other things, place priority ratings on contracts so that they receive priority
treatment over any other unrated contracts or orders if necessary to meet the delivery or
performance dates specified in the order. See Pub. L. No. 81-774, 64 Stat.798 (1950)
(codified, as amended, at 50 U.S.C. § 4501, et seq.); Exec. Order No. 13,603, 77 Fed.
Reg. 16,651 (Mar. 22, 2012); 15 C.F.R. pt. 700, Sch. 1. For additional information on
agencies’ use of this authority, see GAO, Defense Production Act: Opportunities Exist to
Increase Transparency and Identify Future Actions to Mitigate Medical Supply Chain
Issues, GAO-21-108 (Washington, D.C.: Nov 19, 2020).
Page 29 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
We provided a draft of this report for review and comment to DOD and
HHS (including the National Institutes of Health and FDA). The agencies
provided technical comments, which we incorporated as appropriate. We
also provided a draft of this report to the six OWS vaccine companies;
four companies provided technical comments, which we incorporated as
We are sending copies of this report to the appropriate congressional
committees, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary
of Defense and other interested parties. In addition, the report is available
at no charge on the GAO website at http://www.gao.gov.
If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact
Karen Howard at 202-512-6888 or [email protected] or Candice Wright
at 202-512-6888 or [email protected]. Contact points for our Offices of
Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page
of this report. GAO staff who made major contributions to this report are
listed in appendix IV.
Karen Howard, PhD
Director, Science, Technology Assessment,
and Analytics
Candice N. Wright
Acting Director, Science, Technology
Assessment, and Analytics
Agency Comments
and Third-Party
Page 30 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
List of Addressees
The Honorable Patrick Leahy
The Honorable Richard Shelby
Vice Chairman
Committee on Appropriations
United States Senate
The Honorable Ron Wyden
The Honorable Mike Crapo
Ranking Member
Committee on Finance
United States Senate
The Honorable Patty Murray
The Honorable Richard Burr
Ranking Member
Committee on Health, Education,
Labor, and Pensions
United States Senate
The Honorable Gary C. Peters
The Honorable Rob Portman
Ranking Member
Committee on Homeland Security
and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate
The Honorable Rosa L. DeLauro
The Honorable Kay Granger
Ranking Member
Committee on Appropriations
House of Representatives
Page 31 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
List of Addressees Continued
The Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr.
The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Republican Leader
Committee on Energy and Commerce
House of Representatives
The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson
The Honorable John Katko
Ranking Member
Committee on Homeland Security
House of Representatives
The Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney
The Honorable James Comer
Ranking Member
Committee on Oversight and Reform
House of Representatives
The Honorable Richard Neal
The Honorable Kevin Brady
Republican Leader
Committee on Ways and Means
House of Representatives
The Honorable James E. Clyburn
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis
Committee on Oversight and Reform
House of Representatives
The Honorable Bill Foster
House of Representatives
The Honorable Mark E. Green, MD
House of Representatives
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Page 32 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
To examine the characteristics and development status of the Operation
Warp Speed (OWS) vaccine candidates, we analyzed relevant agency
documents, vaccine company documents, and journal articles. To
describe efforts that OWS officials have taken to identify and select
vaccine candidates, we reviewed the Department of Health and Human
Services’ (HHS) and Department of Defense’s (DOD) Operation Warp
Speed fact sheet and a journal article written by OWS officials, and
interviewed OWS officials. To understand dosing, temperature
requirements, and other vaccine characteristics, we reviewed literature
from OWS vaccine companies, fact sheets from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), journal articles, and available clinical trial
protocols on the OWS COVID-19 vaccine candidates.
To describe the
design and status of clinical trials, we reviewed the Food and Drug
Administration’s (FDA) COVID-19 vaccine guidance, the available clinical
trial protocols, and documentation from clinicaltrials.gov.
To describe the safety and effectiveness characteristics of the Moderna
and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccineswhich have received emergency use
authorization (EUA)we reviewed the interim clinical considerations for
use of the vaccines from the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP), the meeting transcripts and briefing documents from
FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee
(VRBPAC), FDA Letters of Emergency Use Authorization and fact sheets,
and FDA guidance for Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines to
Prevent COVID-19.
We analyzed vaccine candidates’ technology readiness levels and
reviewed steps vaccine companies took to develop their vaccines. We
developed a questionnaire that reflected the HHS integrated technology
readiness levels (TRL) and sent the questionnaires to all six OWS
COVID-19 vaccine companies. We used TRLs, a maturity scale ordered
according to the required characteristics of the specific technology. This
report used the HHS integrated TRLs to assess the readiness level for
We reviewed the clinical trial protocols for AstraZeneca, Janssen, Moderna, Novavax,
and Pfizer/BioNTech.
Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research, Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent
COVID-19 Guidance for Industry (June, 2020).
Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research, Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines to Prevent
COVID-19 Guidance for Industry (October, 2020).
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Page 33 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
each of the six vaccine companies.
Other examples of TRL definitions
and descriptions are provided in our GAO Technology Readiness
Assessment Guide, which provides a framework for better understanding
technology maturity.
We also collected supporting documentation and
conducted follow-up interviews with companies to clarify and gather
additional support for their questionnaire responses, when necessary. We
used the company responses on the progress and activities conducted for
each vaccine candidate, and reviewed the relevant supporting
documents, such as clinical trial documents and safety and
immunogenicity data evaluations conducted by research and
development scientists, to verify information reported by each vaccine
To assign TRLs for each vaccine candidate, we relied on
peer-reviewed or other public information to validate company responses
to the greatest extent possible. When feasible, we used company
documents that were created for FDA, such as components from the
investigational new drug (IND) application.
If companies did not provide
sufficient documentation to support the answers provided, we assigned a
TRL noting the assumption and caveats, such as, testimonial evidence
was used to support the TRL designation.
To determine how each vaccine company adapted their developmental
processes to meet OWS timelines, we reviewed the documentation we
collected and compared it to the HHS TRL criteria and the OWS
timelines. We used information available from the questionnaire and
clinicaltrials.gov to understand the different ongoing trials, such as the
associated dates, including the actual study start date, and estimated
study completion date. We discussed the development process, including
See Department of Health & Human Services. Integrated TRLs for Medical
Countermeasure Products (Drugs and Biologics).
https://www.medicalcountermeasures.gov/trl/integrated-trls/ (accessed December 28,
2020). Medical countermeasures include drugs and biologics, such as vaccines, that can
diagnose, prevent, protect from, or treat the effects of exposure to emerging infectious
diseases, such as pandemic influenza, and to chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear
agents. The scope of this report is limited to vaccines.
GAO, Technology Readiness Assessment Guide: Best Practices for Evaluating the
Readiness of Technology for Use in Acquisition Programs and Projects, GAO-20-48G
(Washington, D.C.: January 7, 2020).
Immunogenicity data refers to the measurement of antibodies generated against the
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antigen in clinical trial participants.
An IND is a formal notice to FDA of a company’s intent to begin human trials. An IND
must include evidence that the product is reasonably safe for proposed clinical trials,
based on preclinical data, among other information. FDA has 30 days to object to an IND
before it becomes effective. 21 C.F.R. Part 312.
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Page 34 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
the use of combined and concurrent clinical trials with the companies in
our interviews. With all of these data, we were able to develop a timeline
for development of each vaccine candidate.
To identify challenges in scaling up manufacturing for COVID-19 vaccine
candidates and the steps OWS companies have taken to address them,
we conducted a literature review and reviewed reports and journal articles
about vaccine manufacturing. We interviewed or received written
responses from HHS and DOD officials, including those working within
OWS. We also interviewed representatives from industry groups and
representatives from vaccine companies and manufacturers working with
OWS for additional perspectives on vaccine development and
manufacturing activities. We also reviewed information from OWS officials
on the number of completed vaccine doses made available to the federal
government from Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech and the number of
projected vaccine dose productions from each of the six OWS vaccine
Appendix II: The Department of Health and
Human Services’ (HHS) Technology Readiness
Level (TRL) definitions
Page 35 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Table 4 shows the HHS integrated TRL medical countermeasure scale
(TRL 1-9) and definitions for medical countermeasure products including
drugs and biologics.
These TRLs are based on October 2004
Department of Defense (DOD) Medical TRLs and May 2008 HHS Public
Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE)
Table 4: Department of Health and Human ServicesIntegrated Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Scale and Definitions
Review of Scientific Knowledge Base. Active monitoring of scientific knowledge base. Scientific findings are
reviewed and assessed as a foundation for characterizing new technologies.
Development of Hypotheses and Experimental Designs. Scientific “paper studies” to generate research
ideas, hypotheses, and experimental designs for addressing the related scientific issues. Focus on practical
applications based on basic principles observed. Use of computer simulation or other virtual platforms to test
Target/Candidate Identification and Characterization of Preliminary Candidate(s). Begin research, data
collection, and analysis in order to test hypothesis. Explore alternative concepts, identify and evaluate critical
technologies and components, and begin characterization of candidate(s). Preliminary efficacy demonstrated in
3A Identify target and/or candidate.
3B Demonstrate in vitro activity of candidate(s) to counteract the effects of the threat agent.
3C Generate preliminary in vivo proof-of-concept efficacy data [non-good laboratory practice (GLP)].
Candidate Optimization and Non-GLP In Vivo Demonstration of Activity and Efficacy. Integration of
critical technologies for candidate development. Initiation of animal model development. Non-GLP in vivo
toxicity and efficacy demonstration in accordance with the product’s intended use. Initiation of experiments to
identify markers, correlates of protection, assays, and endpoints for further non-clinical and clinical studies.
Animal Models: Initiate development of appropriate and relevant animal model(s) for the desired indications.
Assays: Initiate development of appropriate and relevant assays and associated reagents for the desired
Manufacturing: Manufacture laboratory-scale [i.e., non-good manufacturing practice (GMP)] quantities of bulk
product and proposed formulated product.
4A Demonstrate non-GLP in vivo activity and potential for efficacy consistent with the product’s intended use
(i.e., dose, schedule, duration, route of administration, and route of threat agent challenge).
4B Conduct initial non-GLP toxicity studies and determine pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics and/or
immune response in appropriate animal models (as applicable).
4C Initiate experiments to determine assays, parameters, surrogate markers, correlates of protection, and
endpoints to be used during non-clinical and clinical studies to further evaluate and characterize candidate(s).
Medical countermeasures include drugs and biologics that can diagnose, prevent, protect
from, or treat the effects of exposure to emerging infectious diseases, such as pandemic
influenza, and to chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents.
Appendix II: The Department of Health and
Human Services(HHS) Technology
Readiness Level (TRL) definitions
Appendix II: The Department of Health and
Human Services’ (HHS) Technology Readiness
Level (TRL) definitions
Page 36 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Advanced Characterization of Candidate and Initiation of GMP Process Development. Continue non-GLP
in vivo studies, and animal model and assay development. Establish draft Target Product Profiles. Develop a
scalable and reproducible manufacturing process amenable to GMP.
Animal Models: Continue development of animal models for efficacy and dose-ranging studies.
Assays: Initiate development of in-process assays and analytical methods for product characterization and
release, including assessments of potency, purity, identity, strength, sterility, and quality, as appropriate.
Manufacturing: Initiate process development for small-scale manufacturing amenable to GMP.
Target Product Profile: Draft preliminary Target Product Profile. Questions of shelf life, storage conditions,
and packaging should be considered to ensure that anticipated use of the product is consistent with the
intended use for which approval or licensure will be sought from FDA
5A Demonstrate acceptable absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination characteristics and/or immune
responses in non-GLP animal studies as necessary for IND filing.
5B Continue establishing correlates of protection, endpoints, and/or surrogate markers for efficacy for use in
future GLP studies in animal models. Identify minimally effective dose to facilitate determination of “humanized”
dose once clinical data are obtained.
GMP Pilot Lot Production, IND Application, and Phase 1 Clinical Trial(s). Manufacture GMP-compliant pilot
lots. Prepare and submit Investigational New Drug (IND) package to FDA and conduct phase 1 clinical trial(s) to
determine the safety and pharmacokinetics of the clinical test article.
Animal Models: Continue animal model development via toxicology, pharmacology, and immunogenicity
Assays: Qualify assays for manufacturing quality control and immunogenicity, if applicable.
Manufacturing: Manufacture, release, and conduct stability testing of GMP-compliant bulk and formulated
product in support of the IND and clinical trial(s).
Target Product Profile: Update Target Product Profile as appropriate.
6A Conduct GLP non-clinical studies for toxicology, pharmacology, and immunogenicity as appropriate.
6B Prepare and submit IND application to FDA to support initial clinical trial(s).
6C Complete phase 1 clinical trial(s) that establishes an initial safety, pharmacokinetics, and immunogenicity
assessment as appropriate.
Scale-up, Initiation of GMP Process Validation, and Phase 2 Clinical Trial(s). Scale-up and initiate
validation of GMP manufacturing process. Conduct animal efficacy studies as appropriate. Conduct phase 2
clinical trial(s).
Animal Models: Refine animal model development in preparation for pivotal GLP animal efficacy studies.
Assays: Validate assays for manufacturing quality control and immunogenicity if applicable.
Manufacturing: Scale-up and validate GMPs at a scale compatible with USG
requirements. Begin stability
studies of the GMP product in a formulation, dosage form, and container consistent with Target Product Profile.
Initiate manufacturing process validation and consistency lot production.
Target Product Profile: Update Target Product Profile as appropriate.
7A Conduct GLP animal efficacy studies as appropriate for the product at this stage.
7B Complete expanded clinical safety trials as appropriate for the product (e.g., phase 2).
Appendix II: The Department of Health and
Human Services’ (HHS) Technology Readiness
Level (TRL) definitions
Page 37 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Completion of GMP Validation and Consistency Lot Manufacturing, Pivotal Animal Efficacy Studies or
Phase 3 Clinical Trials, and FDA Approval or Licensure. Finalize GMP manufacturing process. Complete
pivotal animal efficacy studies or clinical trials (e.g., phase 3), and/or expanded clinical safety trials as
appropriate. Prepare and submit a new drug application (NDA) or biologics license application (BLA).
Manufacturing: Complete validation and manufacturing of consistency lots at a scale compatible with federal
requirements. Complete stability studies in support of label expiry dating.
Target Product Profile: Finalize Target Product Profile in preparation for FDA approval or licensure.
8A Complete pivotal GLP animal efficacy studies or pivotal clinical trials (e.g., phase 3), and any additional
expanded clinical safety trials as appropriate for the product.
8B Prepare and submit NDA or BLA to FDA.
8C Obtain FDA approval or licensure.
Post-Licensure and Post-Approval Activities.
9A Commence post-licensure/post-approval and phase 4 studies (post-marketing commitments), such as
safety surveillance, studies to support use in special populations, and clinical trials to confirm safety and
efficacy as feasible and appropriate.
9B Maintain manufacturing capability as appropriate.
Source: The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) TRL medical countermeasure scale. I GAO-21-319
FDA = Food and Drug Administration
USG = United States Government
These could include GLP animal efficacy studies required by FDA at this stage in support of an
emergency use authorization (EUA). During an emergency, as declared by the Secretary of Health
and Human Services under 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b), FDA may temporarily authorize unapproved
medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products through an EUA, provided
certain statutory criteria are met. The scientific evidence required for issuance of an EUA will be
handled on a case-by-case basis and will depend on, among other things, the nature and extent of
the threat at any point during the product development timeline, from the initiation of phase 1 studies
through licensure or approval. GLP animal efficacy study requirements may also vary by product type
(e.g., vaccine, therapeutic, prophylactic) and U.S. government agency program office.
Appendix III: Operation Warp Speed
Page 38 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
In connection with the issuance of this report, GAO has
produced an interactive dashboard that integrates multiple
data sources to visualize the status of vaccine development.
This dashboard brings together timely data on OWS-
supported vaccines, assesses their maturity using
technology readiness levels, and provides insight into OWS
vaccine development, manufacturing, leadership, funding,
and lessons learned.
Data displayed in the online
dashboard will be updated periodically. Data metrics may be
added to the dashboard after the issuance of this report.
Taken together, these resources provide readers with the
information they need to better understand and respond to
the ongoing pandemic.
The interactive dashboard may be found at https://ows.gaoinnovations.gov/.
The data published in this report and on the dashboard as of Feb 11, 2021 is the latest
data available at the time of our analyses.
Appendix III: Operation Warp Speed
Appendix IV: GAO Contacts and Staff
Page 39 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
Karen L. Howard, PhD at 202-512-6888 or [email protected]
Candice N. Wright at 202-512-6888 or [email protected]
In addition to the contacts named above, Laura Holliday (Assistant
Director), Christopher Murray (Assistant Director), Darnita Akers (Analyst-
in-Charge), Anna Irvine (Analyst-in-Charge), Angelica Aboulhosn, Nora
Adkins, Mike Dickens, Maya Dru, Lorraine Ettaro, Cory Gerlach, Ryan
Han, Anika McMillon, John Ortiz, and Benjamin Shouse made key
contributions to this report. Other staff contributing include Tim DiNapoli
Kaitlin Farquharson, Katheryn Hubbell, Alyssa Hundrup, Tom Lombardi,
Jeff Mayhew, Miranda Riemer, Will Simerl, and Jennifer Weber.
Appendix IV: GAO Contacts and Staff
GAO Contacts
Related GAO Products
Page 40 GAO-21-319 Operation Warp Speed
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GAO-21-265 (Washington, D.C.: January 28, 2021).
GAO, COVID-19: Urgent Actions Needed to Better Ensure an Effective
Federal Response, GAO-21-191 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 30, 2020).
GAO, COVID19: Federal Efforts Accelerate Vaccine and Therapeutic
Development, but More Transparency Needed on Emergency Use
Authorizations, GAO-21-207 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 17, 2020).
GAO, COVID-19: Federal Efforts Could Be Strengthened by Timely and
Concerted Actions, GAO-20-701 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 21, 2020).
GAO, COVID-19: Brief Update on Initial Federal Response to the
Pandemic, GAO-20-708 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 31, 2020).
GAO, COVID-19 Contracting: Observations on Federal Contracting in
Response to the Pandemic, GAO-20-632 (Washington, D.C.: July 29,
GAO, COVID-19: Opportunities to Improve Federal Response and
Recovery Efforts, GAO-20-625 (Washington, D.C.: June 25, 2020).
GAO, Science & Tech Spotlight: COVID-19 Vaccine Development,
GAO-20-583SP (Washington, D.C.: May 26, 2020).
GAO, Defense Acquisitions: DOD’s Use of Other Transactions for
Prototype Projects Has Increased, GAO-20-84 (Washington, D.C.: Nov.
22, 2019).
GAO, Federal Acquisitions: Use of ‘Other Transaction’ Agreements
Limited and Mostly for Research and Development Activities,
GAO-16-209 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 7, 2016).
GAO, Influenza Pandemic: Lessons from the H1N1 Pandemic Should Be
Incorporated into Future Planning, GAO-11-632 (Washington, D.C.: June
27, 2011).
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