Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
Scientific Committee on Health Environmental and Emerging Risks
Final Opinion on
The need for non-human primates in biomedical
research, production and testing of products and devices
(update 2017)
The SCHEER adopted this final Opinion at its plenary meeting on 18 May 2017
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
Following a request from the European Commission, the Scientific Committee on Health,
Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) reviewed recent evidence to update the
2009 Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHEER)
on ‘The need for non-human primates in biomedical research, production and testing of
products and devices’.
This Opinion responds to six main issues in the mandate and highlights the many
scientific approaches that could significantly contribute to the replacement, reduction
and refinement (3Rs) of Non-Human Primates (NHP) studies and tests. However, there
are significant issues that go beyond scientific rationale that prevent widespread
adoption and development of alternatives for NHP laboratory use and these are
discussed with suggestions of the opportunities to overcome them.
Although the current state of knowledge does not permit to propose a timetable for
phasing-out the use of NHP in Europe, the Opinion provides recommendations on how to
advance 3Rs for NHP use, such as through alternative methods, training, improvement
of techniques and protocols, sharing of knowledge and removal of barriers. Finally,
research needs are given.
SCHEER, scientific opinion, non-human primates, biomedical research, toxicity testing,
neuroscience, vaccines, infectious diseases, ophthalmology, (xeno)transplantation.
Opinion to be cited as:
SCHEER (Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks), Final
Opinion on ‘The need for non-human primates in biomedical research, production and
testing of products and devices (update 2017)’, 18 May 2017.
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
Members of the Working Group (WG) are acknowledged for their valuable contribution to
this opinion. The members of the WG are:
The SCHEER members:
Peter Hoet
Renate Krätke
Emanuela Testai
Theo Vermeire (Chair)
External experts:
Romina Aron Badin, Atomic Energy Commission, France
Michelle Epstein (Rapporteur), Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Paul Andrew Flecknell, Newcastle University, UK
Michelle Hudson-Shore, Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
David Jones, Safety Working Party, European Medicines Agency (EMA), UK
Jan Langermans, Foundation Biomedical Primate Research Centre, The Netherlands
Mark Prescott, National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of
Animals in Research (NC3Rs), UK
Alain Simonnard, Institut National de Recherche et Sécurité, France
All Declarations of Working Group members and supporting experts are available at the
following webpage:
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
About the Scientific Committees (2016-2021)
Two independent non-food Scientific Committees provide the Commission with the
scientific advice it needs when preparing policy and proposals relating to consumer
safety, public health and the environment. The Committees also draw the Commission's
attention to the new or emerging problems which may pose an actual or potential threat.
They are: the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) and the Scientific
Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER). The Scientific
Committees review and evaluate relevant scientific data and assess potential risks. Each
Committee has top independent scientists from all over the world who are committed to
work in the public interest.
In addition, the Commission relies upon the work of other Union bodies, such as the
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the
European Centre for Disease prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Chemicals
Agency (ECHA).
This Committee, on request of Commission services, provides Opinions on questions
concerning health, environmental and emerging risks. The Committees addresses
questions on:
- health and environmental risks related to pollutants in the environmental media and
other biological and physical factors in relation to air quality, water, waste and soils.
- complex or multidisciplinary issues requiring a comprehensive assessment of risks to
consumer safety or public health, for example antimicrobial resistance,
nanotechnologies, medical devices and physical hazards such as noise and
electromagnetic fields.
SCHEER members
Roberto Bertollini, Teresa Borges, Wim de Jong, Pim de Voogt, Raquel Duarte-Davidson,
Peter Hoet, Rodica Mariana Ion, Renate Kraetke, Demosthenes Panagiotakos, Ana
Proykova, Theo Samaras, Marian Scott , Remy Slama, Emanuela Testai, Theo Vermeire,
Marco Vighi, Sergej Zacharov
European Commission
DG Health and Food Safety
Directorate C: Public Health, Country Knowledge, Crisis management
Unit C2 Country Knowledge and Scientific Committees
Office: HTC 03/073 L-2920 Luxembourg
© European Union, 2017
ISSN 2467-4559
ISBN 978-92-79-80131-0
The Opinions of the Scientific Committees present the views of the independent
scientists who are members of the committees. They do not necessarily reflect the views
of the European Commission. The Opinions are published by the European Commission
in their original language only.
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... 2
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................... 3
1 SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 7
2 MANDATE .................................................................................................... 11
2.1 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................... 11
2.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE ............................................................................. 13
3 OPINION .................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Overview ................................................................................................. 14
3.2 The areas of research (fundamental, translational and applied) and testing
of products and devices in which non-human primates continue to be used
today ................................................................................................................ 15
3.3 The currently available possibilities by type of research or testing to
replace their use either with methods not entailing the use of animals or by
using other species of animals including those genetically altered .................. 15
3.4 The opportunities for the reduction and refinement of their use in areas
where no replacement can be foreseen in medium or long term as per the
principles of the Three Rs ................................................................................. 17
3.5 Identification of specific research areas where effort should be made to
advance replacement, reduction and refinement of the use of non-human
primates in scientific procedures ..................................................................... 19
3.6 The scientific viewpoint on when their use would no longer be necessary,
considering the type of research and areas of testing with a view to the
establishment of a specific phasing-out time-table where possible ................. 20
3.7 Potential implications for biomedical research (e.g., immune based
diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, infectious diseases and serious
diseases) should the use of non-human primates be banned in the EU ............ 21
4 MINORITY OPINION ................................................................................... 23
5 DATA AND METHODOLOGY.......................................................................... 24
6 SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE ............................................................................. 24
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 24
6.2 Ethical issues ........................................................................................... 24
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
6.3 Housing and husbandry ........................................................................... 26
6.4 Animal welfare standards outside the EU ................................................. 27
6.5 Experimental design and staff training .................................................... 28
6.6 Areas of research (fundamental, translational and applied) and testing of
products and devices ....................................................................................... 30
6.6.1 Overview on the use of NHPs in research and testing ................................. 30
6.6.2 Development and safety testing of pharmaceuticals and medical devices ...... 33
6.6.3 Treatment and prevention of infectious diseases ....................................... 44
6.6.4 Neuroscience ....................................................................................... 48
6.6.5 Other uses .......................................................................................... 57
7 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK ................................................. 63
7.1 Advancing 3Rs ......................................................................................... 63
7.2 How to overcome barriers? ...................................................................... 65
9 ABBREVIATIONS AND GLOSSARY OF TERMS ............................................... 67
10 REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 69
ANNEXES .......................................................................................................... 91
Annex I- Definitions and examples of replacement, reduction and refinement
......................................................................................................................... 91
Annex II - Publically available information concerning the publication of
statistical data under Article 54(2) of Directive 2010/63/EU........................... 92
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
In 2009, the SCHER adopted its Opinion on ‘The need for non-human primates in
biomedical research, production and testing of products and devices’. The SCHER
recognised that animals should only be used in medical research when it is unavoidable
and validated alternative methods are not available. The SCHER also considered NHPs
essential for scientific progress in important areas of disease, biology, research and
safety testing. The SCHER requested a regular review of this position that was reflected
in Directive 2010/63/EU. Therefore, the European Commission has requested SCHEER to
issue in 2017 an update of the 2009 Scientific Opinion.
NHPs are generally considered the best available animal models for addressing particular
research questions because of the close phylogenetic relationship with humans.
However, research in NHPs represents a serious ethical dilemma which gives rise to a
high level of concern from European Union (EU) citizens. Therefore, human interest in
potential benefits for mankind must be balanced against avoiding harm to NHPs and
adopting ethical limits or boundaries on NHP use. Opinion polls show that the general
public are more accepting of animal research where animal use and suffering are
minimised, in line with the 3Rs principle (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) and with
the acceptance of replacement of NHPs in experiments as an achievable goal. This would
also include clinical trials and the use of ex vivo organs. Directive 2010/63/EU requires
implementation of the 3Rs during the design and conduct of animal studies. To fully
apply the 3Rs and maximise the benefits, there is a need to ensure that as new
knowledge, technologies and approaches emerge there is timely assessment and
evolution of research strategies, study designs, scientific procedures and husbandry,
throughout the lifetime of research projects. Applying the 3Rs has both scientific and
economic merit.
If NHPs are considered necessary for certain uses, it is essential to adopt the highest
standards of NHP housing and husbandry and to follow best practice in the conduct and
refinement of scientific procedures. In addition, experimental design, analysis and
reporting are key means of maximising the knowledge gained from animal experiments
and avoiding wastage of animals. Appropriate training for all those working with NHPs is
essential to ensure compliance with legislation, excellence in science, animal welfare and
full implementation of the 3Rs.
It is recognised that tightening of the existing strict EU regulations for NHP use may lead
NHP research to transfer to other countries to the detriment of animal welfare. This can
be avoided by international cooperation that engages as many stakeholders and
organisations as possible to promote the international development of high standards for
research and animal welfare and ethical use.
This Opinion responds to six main issues in the mandate and highlights the many
scientific approaches that could significantly contribute to the replacement, reduction
and refinement of NHP studies and tests. However, there are significant issues that go
beyond scientific rationale that prevent widespread adoption and development of
alternatives for NHP laboratory use and these are discussed with suggestions of the
opportunities to overcome them. Lastly, the SCHEER provides recommendations on how
to advance 3Rs for NHP use, specifically on training, improvement of techniques and
protocols, sharing of knowledge, removal of barriers and research needs.
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
1- The areas of research (fundamental, translational and applied) and
testing of products and devices in which NHPs continue to be used today
In 2014, 8898 procedures on NHPs were reported in the EU, including first use and reuse
of animals. Currently, NHPs are predominantly used in the following areas a)
development and safety testing of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, b) treatment
and prevention of infectious diseases, c) neuroscience, d) ophthalmology and e)
(xeno)transplantation. The first three categories comprise the majority of NHPs used.
While NHPs are often the species of choice, their use for development and safety testing
of pharmaceuticals and medical devices also meets regulatory requirements.
2- The currently available possibilities by type of research or testing to
replace their use either with methods not entailing the use of animals or
by using other species of animals including those genetically altered
Progress has been made in identifying opportunities to avoid NHP use where, 1) they are
not the relevant species, 2) alternative species are available and 3) other methods can
be used. With regard to the study of disease, there is consensus in the scientific
community that one model can never fully recapitulate all aspects of human diseases.
This implies that a variety of models, animal and non-animal, should be used. If a one-
to-one replacement of a test may not be achievable, an integrated testing strategy
should should be used in which in silico, in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo experiments, and
clinical research are used in combination with a weight-of-evidence approach. Recent
developments in biomedical research will potentially improve the selection of the most
promising candidates for new therapies before further assessment in vivo.
Examples of currently available possibilities for replacement are:
Case-by-case approach for the choice of a second non-rodent species and greater
emphasis in regulatory guidelines on the use of alternative methods in the safety
assessment of pharmaceuticals.
Replacement strategies for treatment and prevention of infectious diseases with the
development and use of controlled human challenge models for typhoid, Plasmodium
falciparum malaria and transmission studies with specific influenza strains.
The potential to use new, high spatial and temporal resolution imaging techniques in
humans to replace some cognitive neuroscience experiments performed in NHPs.
NHPs are no longer considered acceptable organ donors for practical and ethical
3- The opportunities for the reduction and refinement of NHP use in areas
where no replacement can be foreseen in medium- or long-term, as per
the principles of the 3 Rs
Researchers are encouraged to increase the yield of data per animal and experimental
session and to share data and tissues with other researchers and to publish negative/null
results. Greater efforts are needed to assess the degree of pain and distress experienced
by NHPs, so that refinements can be implemented effectively. For studies examining the
effects of lesions or other interventions within or between groups of animals, factors
such as effect size should be considered to reduce sample sizes. Examples of currently
available possibilities for reduction and refinement are:
Safety assessment of chemicals and drugs is being enriched by increasing knowledge
and substantial experience of non-animal techniques, which potentially greatly
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
reduces the number of NHPs used. Additionally, there are experimental clinical pain
protocols developed for providing early clinical proof of concept within the boundaries
of a phase I clinical trial design (analgesic drugs).
Increasing costs of drug development of investigational medicinal products favour
limited human exposure in exploratory clinical trials, including microdosing.
Patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have the potential to reduce
the number of animal-based preclinical tests and even replace some of them.
Application of novel sophisticated imaging techniques to study the development of
infectious diseases may result in more information from fewer animals.
Technological developments in neuroscience have enabled refinement of surgical and
other procedures e.g., refining and de-sizing the devices used in invasive
experiments, improving the anaesthetics and analgesics with faster recovery used in
imaging experiments and surgery, non-invasive imaging methods help reduce and
refine invasive techniques such as surgery, refinement of food and fluid control
protocols and wireless technology have a positive impact on NHP welfare.
4- Identification of specific research areas where effort should be made to
advance replacement, reduction and refinement of the use of non-human
primates in scientific procedures
There is an urgent need to conduct systematic reviews and meta-analysis of all areas of
NHP use. This would potentially significantly reduce the number of NHPs used and the
resources required by identifying where they are unsuitable models or where they have
contributed very little to current knowledge. Additionally, it may provide evidence for
more targeted use of NHPs, which is important for ethics committees
and funders of
research. Emphasis should also be given to ensuring proper reporting of NHP studies and
effective knowledge transfer, focusing NHP research in centres of excellence and the
development of suitable, harmonised training courses. Continued work is necessary to
develop improved means of assessing pain, suffering and distress in NHPs, including the
psychological impact of their use in research. Scientific knowledge about the welfare
impact of husbandry and procedures, even after refinement measures have been
applied, needs to be factored into harm-benefit assessments.
Examples of efforts needed in specific research areas are:
To progress towards complete replacement of NHPs in drug safety testing, it will be
necessary to gain new insights into molecular biology, including a better
understanding of signalling pathways, modelling and bioinformatics and further
research into integrated testing strategies, including the identification of Adverse
Outcome Pathways (AOPs) leading to human diseases. Additional work is needed on
new models for investigating abuse potential, assessment of reproductive toxicity
and characterisation of the safety of biopharmaceuticals.
Further research is necessary into 1) the relevance and limitations of the use of NHP
models for infectious diseases and therapies, 2) the optimisation of novel non-NHP
animal models, such as humanised mice and 3) development of new techniques such
as organoïds and omics technology.
In neuroscience, progress is required in refinement of awake, behaving
The role of the ethics committees is to do comprehensive NHP project evaluations which address all aspects
of NHP programs including ethical considerations
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
electrophysiology studies. There should also be a focus on significantly improving the
spatial and temporal resolution of non-invasive imaging technologies to enable the
replacement of electrophysiological studies in NHPs.
5- The scientific viewpoint on when their use would no longer be necessary,
considering the type of research and areas of testing with a view to the
establishment of a specific phasing-out time-table where possible
A number of factors determine the timetable for complete replacement of NHP use,
among others:
Availability of funding and resources for developing alternatives to NHP models and
ensuring they are fit for purpose.
Progress in the formal validation of alternative test methods within the regulatory
arena and in reducing the timescale and bureaucracy associated with this process;
Lack of regulatory and guideline harmonisation between countries and the condition
that is often included that an alternative method must be formally validated and
accepted by regulatory authorities before it can be used.
New demands for NHP use in science, such as emergence and re-emergence of
infectious diseases where NHPs are the only relevant model.
While NHPs have been advocated by WHO as better models for Biosimilars because
they have a higher tolerance for human proteins, EMA and FDA in April 2015
adopted guidelines proposing a tiered approach suggesting that only in vitro studies
are acceptable.
The risk aversive nature of society makes it difficult to move away from familiar
methods to new alternative methods where there is less historical data to fall back
This wide spectrum of positive and negative incentives for NHP use makes it difficult to
predict a timetable for complete replacement for each of the research areas.
6- Potential implications for biomedical research (e.g., immune based
diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, infectious diseases and serious
diseases) should the use of non-human primates be banned in the EU.
Recognising the high levels of public concern about NHP research, regulatory authorities
in some world regions have also adopted ethical limits or boundaries on NHP use.
However, the close phylogenetic relationship of NHPs with humans makes them the best
available animal models for addressing particular research questions.
Therefore, there is consensus within certain sections of the scientific community that,
where alternatives do not exist, appropriate use of NHPs remains essential in some areas
of biomedical and biological research and for the safety assessment of pharmaceuticals.
As long as sufficiently validated alternatives are not available, a total ban would make
further progress in such research and some safety studies impossible, at least in Europe.
Since animal welfare standards for laboratory NHPs are on average higher in many
European countries than in other parts of the world, it follows that if NHP research is
forced outside of Europe then there would likely be a net decrease in animal welfare.
This could also have an impact on the quality of the research, on public health and
accessibility of treatments developed under different standards and on local economy.
As long as a total ban is not feasible, when communicating about NHP use with the
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
public, the scientific community should provide an accurate description of the benefits,
harms to animals and limitations of such research, and be realistic about the potential
outputs and impacts.
Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
, revising
and replacing Directive 86/609/EEC, was adopted in 2010. It provides for controls of the
use of live animals for scientific purposes including a systematic project evaluation and
authorisation, sets binding standards for housing and care as well as for the education,
training and competence of personnel both handling animals and supervising the
Due to their genetic proximity to humans and highly developed social skills, the use of
non-human primates in scientific procedures raises specific ethical questions and
practical problems in terms of meeting their behavioural, environmental and social needs
in a laboratory environment. Furthermore, the use of non-human primates for scientific
purposes is of the highest concern to the citizens. As a result, the use of non-human
primates attracted significant attention during the review of the Directive.
In this context, it is useful to recall the 2002 Scientific Steering Committee, SSC, report
highlighting the continuing need to use non-human primates in biomedical research. This
was followed by the European Parliament declaration adopted in 2007 urging the
Commission to
1. Make an end to the use of great apes and wild-caught monkeys in scientific
2. Establish a timetable for replacing with alternatives the use of all primates in
scientific experiments.
The Commission stated in its response
to the European Parliament (EP) that with the
current scientific knowledge at the time a timetable with a fixed deadline to phase out all
use of non-human primates in the area of biomedical research was not possible.
However, the Commission also recognised that science is evolving rapidly in this field
and novel technologies, such as genomics and computer modelling, were gradually
As a result of these events, DG ENV requested the Scientific Committee on Health and
Environmental Risks (SCHER) to issue an opinion on the status of alternatives for the
use of non-human primates to facilitate an informed debate during the negotiations of
the European Parliament and the Council on the revision of the Directive.
SCHER adopted its opinion in January 2009
. The SCHER opinion concurred with the
Commission's view seeing no scientific reasons to support a discontinuation of the use of
non-human primates in basic and applied research, or in the development and testing of
OJ L 276, 20.10.2010, p. 3379
The Scientific Steering Committee: “The need for non-human primates in biomedical research”, statement
adopted 4-5 April 2002:
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
new drugs. The opinion assessed the different areas in which non-human primates were
being used. It examined areas for which partial or full replacement could be foreseen,
and discussed the opportunities for the reduction and refinement of the use of non-
human primates in areas where no replacement could be expected in medium or long
Use of non-human primates in scientific procedures today
There has been a decrease in the use of NHPs compared to the situation in 2008.
According to the latest available statistics of the EU from 2011, around 11 million
animals were used in scientific procedures in the EU. Of these, approximately 6,000 were
NHPs, compared to almost 10,000 in 2008.
From a scientific point of view, the use of NHPs, at the time of the SCHER report, was
considered essential for scientific progress in a number of important areas of disease
biology, research and in safety testing, including:
− Development of pharmaceuticals, in particular safety testing, to assess potential
toxicity in animals to identify unacceptable adverse reactions in humans;
Understanding the pathophysiology of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, where
the NHP was considered the only susceptible species and therefore the only useful
animal model to study the disease, and to develop safe and effective vaccines and
− Learning how complex brains of primates, humans included, are structured and
function. Again, NHPs were considered the best model due to their close similarity to
humans with regard to brain complexity and function;
− Developing and testing xenotransplantation methodologies.
This is reflected in the EU statistics which show that 56% of the non-human primates
were used for the purposes of toxicological and other safety evaluations, 10% in the
area of basic research and 23% in applied research, development and quality control of
products and devices for human medicine and dentistry and for veterinary medicine.
Need for an update
A number of recommendations put forward by SCHER are reflected in the Directive. The
Directive restricts the purposes for which non-human primates can be used, requires
scientific justification that no other species can be used and requires more stringent
inspections of establishment keeping or using non-human primates. An individual history
file must be kept for each non-human primate and projects using non-human primates
cannot to be authorised using simplified administrative procedures.
In addition, any work involving the use of non-human primates is subject to a
retrospective assessment at the end of the project. The use of wild-caught non-human
primates for scientific purposes is prohibited and specific measures are required to move
towards using only second (or higher) generation purpose-bred non-human primates.
Finally, SCHER recommended that their position should be regularly reviewed in the light
of alternative approaches that are constantly being developed.
This is reflected in Recital 49 of the Directive that provides that "Technical and scientific
advancements in biomedical research can be rapid, as can the increase in knowledge of
factors influencing animal welfare. It is therefore necessary to provide for a review of
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
this Directive. Such review should examine the possible replacement of the use of
animals, and in particular non-human primates, as a matter of priority where it is
possible, taking into account the advancement of science…."
The legal obligation for the review is embedded in the first paragraph of Article 58:
"The Commission shall review this Directive by 10 November 2017, taking into account
advancements in the development of alternative methods not entailing the use of
animals, in particular of non-human primates, and shall propose amendments, where
In view of the above, the Commission asks the SCHEER to issue a scientific opinion,
updating the SCHER opinion of 13 January 2009, "The need for non-human primates in
biomedical research, production and testing of products and devices", on:
The areas of research (fundamental, translational and applied) and testing of
products and devices in which non-human primates continue to be used today;
The currently available possibilities by type of research or testing to replace their use
either with methods not entailing the use of animals or by using other species of
animals including those genetically altered;
The scientific viewpoint on when their use would no longer be necessary, considering
the type of research and areas of testing with a view to the establishment of a
specific phasing-out time-table where possible;
The opportunities for the reduction and refinement of their use in areas where no
replacement can be foreseen in medium or long term as per the principles of the
Three Rs;
Identification of specific research areas where effort should be made to advance
replacement, reduction and refinement of the use of non-human primates in scientific
Potential implications for biomedical research (e.g., immune based diseases,
neurodegenerative disorders, infectious diseases and serious diseases) should the
use of non-human primates be banned in the EU.
SCHEER's opinion would be appreciated by the end of December 2016 to contribute to
the preparation of Commission Review of the Directive as provided by Article 58 of the
Directive with a deadline of 10 November 2017.
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
3.1 Overview
In 2009, SCHER adopted its first Opinion on ‘The need for NHPs in biomedical research,
production and testing of products and devices’. The SCHER acknowledges that animals
should only be used in medical research when it is unavoidable and validated alternative
methods are not available. The SCHER also considered NHPs essential for scientific
progress in important areas of disease, biology, research and safety testing. The SC
requested a regular review of this position that was reflected in Directive 2010/63/EU.
Therefore, the European Commission requested SCHEER to issue an update of the 13
January 2009 Scientific Opinion. This current Opinion addresses six areas from the
Commission's mandate on “the need for non-human primates in biomedical research,
production and testing of products and devices" (Section 3.2).
NHPs are generally considered the best available animal models for addressing particular
research questions because of the close phylogenetic relationship with humans.
However, this similarity renders the acceptance of inducing pain or distress as a
consequence of their use in scientific procedures even more debatable/challenging than
for other species of animals. Hence, research in NHPs represents a serious ethical
dilemma which gives rise to a high level of concern from EU citizens. Therefore, human
interest in potential benefits for mankind arising from NHP research must be balanced
against avoiding harm to NHPs and adopting ethical limits or boundaries on NHP use.
Opinion polls show that the general public is more accepting of animal research where
animal use and suffering are minimised, in line with the 3Rs principle. If NHPs are
considered necessary for certain uses, it is essential to adopt the highest standards of
NHP housing and husbandry
and to follow best practice in the conduct and refinement
of scientific procedures. In addition, experimental design, analysis and reporting are key
means of maximising the knowledge gained from animal experiments and unnecessary
use. Appropriate training for all those working with NHPs is essential to ensure
compliance with legislation, excellence in science, animal welfare and full implementation
of the 3Rs.
It is recognised that tightening of the existing strict EU regulations for NHP use may lead
NHP research to transfer to other countries to the detriment of animal welfare.
Decreased animal welfare may also lead to less reliable results. This can be avoided by
international cooperation that engages as many stakeholders and organisations as
possible to promote the international development of high standards for research and
animal welfare and ethical use.
In this section, SCHEER will address each of the six mandate issues beginning with a
general section that lists topics relevant for all research areas, followed by research
area-specific topics. The scientific rationale, including supporting references, for this new
opinion is given in Section 6. Recommendations are given in Section 7.
Upgraded legal obligations concerning space allowances for NHPs were taken effect 1.1.2017 Dir 2010/63/EU,
Annex III
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
3.2 The areas of research (fundamental, translational and applied)
and testing of products and devices in which non-human
primates continue to be used today
Currently, NHPs are predominantly used in the following areas a) development and
safety testing of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, b) treatment and prevention of
infectious diseases, c) neuroscience, d) ophthalmology and e) (xeno)transplantation. The
first three categories comprise the majority of NHPs used. While NHPs are often the
species of choice, their use for development and safety testing of pharmaceuticals and
medical devices also meets regulatory requirements.
3.3 The currently available possibilities by type of research or
testing to replace their use either with methods not entailing
the use of animals or by using other species of animals including
those genetically altered
General issues
Significant progress has been made in identifying opportunities to avoid NHP use where,
1) they are not the relevant species, 2) alternative species are available and 3) other
methods can be used. Where NHP use is scientifically justified, progress has been made
in identifying models in which the human target molecule is present in NHPs but not in
other animals and in improving study designs to use fewer animals. Greater progress
would be made in the replacement of NHP experiments, if this was accepted as an
achievable goal by the scientific community. Importantly, decisions about the need for
NHP use should be made case-by-case based on harm-benefit assessment taking into
account ethics and scientific rationale.
With regard to the study of disease, there is consensus in the scientific community that a
single model can never fully recapitulate all aspects of human diseases. The type of
scientific question asked and the methodology used will determine how useful and how
predictive the results obtained are. This implies that a variety of models, animal and
non-animal, should be used to address different aspects of the same disease. If one-to-
one replacement of a test may not be achievable, an integrated testing strategy in which
in silico, in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo experiments and clinical research are combined in a
weight-of-evidence approach, could fulfil the task. Moreover, recent developments in
biomedical research, e.g., cell culture techniques, in silico modelling, omics, organoids
and novel fully artificial whole-body models will potentially improve the selection of the
most promising candidates for new therapies before further assessment in vivo.
Notably, substitution of NHPs with rodents or other laboratory animal species is not
replacement as defined by Russell and Burch (1959). However, this may be ethically
desirable if the available evidence indicates that the non-primate species is likely to
suffer less harm.
Development and safety testing of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
Replacing NHP models in new medicine development and safety testing has the potential
to significantly reduce the number of NHPs used in European laboratories, as regulatory
use and routine production are consistently the areas of greatest NHP use. Examples are
in vitro and in silico models for studying liver injury and testing for idiosyncratic adverse
drug reactions, a new mouse model for understanding human-specific menstrual and
pregnancy associated disease, and swine models as second species next to rodents.
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Final Opinion
Although international regulations specify that non-rodent species should be used for
safety assessment of pharmaceuticals prior to their being used for the first time in man
and that one of these species can be an NHP species, a significant change in emphasis is
that the need to use NHPs should now be considered on a case-by-case basis. ICH
guideline S6 (R1) on preclinical safety evaluation of biotechnology-derived
pharmaceuticals, in force since December 2011, emphasises the use of in vitro
alternative methods for safety evaluation and opening the way to the replacement of
current standard methods. NHPs may be substituted by transgenic animals (usually
mice) or by the use of homologous proteins in rodents. The EU Guideline on similar
biological medicinal products containing monoclonal antibodies non-clinical and clinical
issues, which came into effect on 1 December 2012, states “the conduct of toxicological
studies in NHPs is usually not recommended”.
Arguments against phasing out animals in safety testing of pharmaceuticals are:
incomplete knowledge in new models of integrated body systems and pathophysiology,
poor representation of pharmacokinetics by isolated in vitro systems (so far only partially
overcome by using PB-PK modelling) and difficulties in extrapolating from in vitro data to
benchmark doses, which is vital for human risk assessment. Human models are
progressing in translational medicine; however, they are not yet a substitute for well-
designed animal models. Important progress is still required to develop and validate new
alternative methods and to validate them, before obtaining scientific acceptance and
regulatory recognition.
Treatment and prevention of infectious diseases
Infectious disease models in NHPs, because of the similarity of NHP and human immune
systems, resemble human disease more closely than in other animal models. However,
NHP infectious disease models are used when the course of disease resembles human
disease with a similar host range of cells, organs or tissues involved and reflect the host
response in humans. Progress has been made in replacement strategies for treatment
and prevention of infectious diseases with the development and use of controlled human
challenge models for typhoid, Plasmodium falciparum malaria and transmission studies
with specific influenza strains. Other examples in development, which might offer new
possibilities for vaccine research, include a human attenuated Tuberculosis (TB)
challenge model. These studies are particularly important because of the many ethical
and safety barriers that prevent human challenge studies with virulent pathogens. It is
not always possible to study fundamental aspects of the disease and to perform in depth
analysis of host-pathogen interactions in human volunteers or patients. In some cases,
non-NHP animal models, for example, new genetically modified mouse models may
substitute for NHPs. Importantly, it is unlikely that new technologies will negate the need
for infectious NHP models in the near future due to emerging and re-emerging
In behavioural neuroscience studies, many of the procedures used to monitor and
manipulate brain elements are invasive and therefore, only rarely is it considered ethical
to carry out these procedures in healthy humans. Opportunities for minimal risk
microelectrode recording should be utilised with the patient’s informed consent and
ethics committee approval. However, data from an injured human brain should be
carefully interpreted and cannot replace in vivo controlled studies in animals.
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There is a potential to use imaging studies in humans to replace some cognitive
neuroscience experiments currently being done on NHPs. However, fMRI measures can
only indirectly reflect neuronal activity and imaging techniques require further
development to completely replace studies in NHPs and other animals.
In vitro disease modelling possibilities have expanded and have potential for
replacement, e.g., microfluidic chambers/brain chips, mixed cell cultures, patient-
derived-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), “mini-brains” or organoids. The
absence of a blood-brain-barrier, a vascular system and an immune system, however,
are major limitations for complex pathophysiological investigations.
Other uses: Ophthalmology
NHPs represent a more relevant model for the discovery and development of new
therapeutic strategies as compared with other species. No currently available rodent, in
vitro or in silico model appears to recapitulate the architectural features of the primate
eye (i.e., the macula) or the complex structural and functional interactions of retinal
cells. New, more pertinent models of ocular pathology are currently being developed in
NHPs and new gene therapy strategies are being tested in NHPs before their translation
to the clinic. However, good progress is being made developing suitable in vitro models
of retinal defects for screening and efficacy testing of new therapies. The potential for
replacement is encouraging, especially through the use of human stem cells in
developing human cell-based models of visual pathways, particularly the retina, and
models of macular degeneration (Singh et al., 2012).
Other uses: (Xeno)transplantation
NHPs are no longer considered acceptable organ donors for practical and ethical reasons.
Pigs have the potential to be the prime candidates for organ donation. However, due to
their anatomic and immunologic similarity to humans, NHPs have been used as
recipients to investigate the fundamental aspects of organ transplantation and may be
required in the future to evaluate new immunosuppressive therapies and new methods
to prevent organ rejection. The scientific justification of the use of NHPs as recipients
should still be examined on a case-by-case basis and should take into account the in
silico, in vitro and in vivo data acquired in a non-primate species.
3.4 The opportunities for the reduction and refinement of their use
in areas where no replacement can be foreseen in medium or
long term as per the principles of the Three Rs
General issues
Researchers are encouraged to increase the yield of data per animal and experimental
session, to share data and tissues with other researchers and to publish negative/null
results. Greater efforts are needed to assess the degree of pain and distress experienced
by NHPs, so that refinements can be implemented effectively. For studies examining the
effects of lesions or other interventions within or between groups of animals, factors
such as effect size should be considered to reduce sample sizes.
Development and safety testing of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
Safety assessment of drugs is being enriched by increasing knowledge and substantial
experience of non-animal techniques, which greatly reduces the number of NHPs used.
Additionally, there are experimental clinical pain protocols developed for providing early
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clinical proof of concept, within the boundaries of a phase I clinical trial design (analgesic
Exploratory Clinical Trials, including microdosing, were established by regulatory
authorities to reduce the nonclinical testing prior to First in Human (FIH) clinical trials
(ICH M3 (R2)). These studies allow an early decision based on clinical data with
associated time and cost savings, and reduced drug manufacturing requirements (Burt
et al., 2016).
New applications of human microdosing studies to areas beyond exploratory
pharmacokinetic data could significantly reduce the number of unsuccessful candidate
drugs from progressing into the full developmental process and as a consequence reduce
the number of pre-clinical animal tests. This includes using microdosing to investigate
drug-drug interactions, site of action, pharmacokinetics in vulnerable populations,
intravenous data and metabolic profiling. The implementation of human microdosing
studies prior to full Phase I clinical trials can eliminate unsuccessful candidates from
progressing through the full developmental pathway. As microdosing studies are allowed
based on a reduced safety package compared to a full Phase I trial, then both the cost
and the number of required animal-based (including NHPs) preclinical test are reduced.
Patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have the potential to reduce the
number of animal-based preclinical tests and even replace some of them. They can be
used to assess the toxicity and clinical efficacy of drug candidates before they are
progressed into market.
Cross-company and cross-sector data sharing has identified efficient study designs for
regulatory toxicology studies, helping to reduce NHP use per study/test compound (e.g.,
fewer dose groups, animals per group, and recovery animals.
Treatment and prevention of infectious diseases
New imaging techniques may enable the study of the development of certain infections,
including early effects of infection, and/or therapy over time in the same individual. The
application of novel sophisticated imaging techniques may result in more information
from fewer animals.
Identifying correlates of protection to avoid the need for progression to severe clinical
signs would help to refine infectious disease studies.
Technological developments have enabled refinement of surgical and other procedures
within the neurosciences, e.g.:
Refining and de-sizing the devices used in invasive experiments,
Using wireless techniques to record neuronal activity,
Using positive training techniques to reduce stress in housing management and
Improving the anaesthetics and analgesics with faster recovery used in imaging
experiments and surgery,
Using non-invasive imaging methods that help reduce and refine invasive
techniques such as surgery,
Refining food and fluid control protocols to minimise the impact on NHP welfare.
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3.5 Identification of specific research areas where effort should be
made to advance replacement, reduction and refinement of the
use of non-human primates in scientific procedures
General issues
There is an urgent need to conduct systematic reviews and meta-analysis of all areas of
NHP use and to build up public databases so that no duplication is allowed. This could
potentially significantly reduce the number of NHPs used and the resources required by
identifying where they are unsuitable models or where they have contributed very little
to current knowledge. Additionally, research funders should ensure that NHP proposals
are only funded where there is no suitable alternative approach, and where there is a
high likelihood of scientific, medical or social benefit. Emphasis should also be given to
ensuring proper reporting of NHP studies and effective knowledge transfer, to maximise
the value of funded research.
Importantly, it is advisable to ensure the harmonisation and implementation of
regulations leading to improvements of replacement, reduction and refinement. It is
essential to stimulate changes in both scientific and societal attitudes and in scientific
practice by improving and expanding the 4Cs (Commitment, Communication,
Cooperation and Coordination). This may require improvements to peer review processes
for project proposals, (e.g., appointment of panel members with expertise in alternatives
to NHPs, statisticians and clinicians; amendments to application forms, guidance and
training, to ensure provision of quality information about the justification for NHP use,
animal numbers and experimental design, with robust scrutiny of this information).
It is recommended that consideration be given to focusing NHP research in centres of
excellence, defined by performance of excellent research in combination with the
provision of optimal care and use of NHP, and improving existing networks for
information sharing. Moreover, researchers and animal care staff must ensure that they
keep abreast of the latest techniques that enable reduction in animal numbers and of the
refinement of existing methods and techniques to reduce suffering, and put this evidence
base into practice. Consideration should be given to continuous development of an
accredited training course for those working with NHPs, harmonised across Member
States, and improved access to training in experimental design. Work needs to continue
to develop improved means of assessing pain, suffering and distress in NHPs, including
the psychological impact of their use in research. Scientific knowledge about the welfare
impact of husbandry and procedures, even after refinement measures have been
applied, needs to be assessed and factored into harm-benefit assessments. A high
quality social and physical environment for NHPs must always be assured, beyond the
scope of a particular study.
Development and safety testing of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
Progress has been made in identifying opportunities to avoid NHP use where they are not
a relevant species or alternative species can be used and in identifying efficient study
designs using fewer animals where NHP use is scientifically justified. In addition,
progress has been made in identifying situations where nonclinical testing can be
conducted in a single relevant species. To progress towards complete replacement of
NHPs in safety testing, it will be necessary to gain further insight into molecular biology,
including a better understanding of signalling pathways, modelling and bioinformatics
and additional research into integrated testing strategies.
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More work is needed on new models for investigating abuse potential, the assessment of
reproductive toxicity and the characterisation of the safety of biopharmaceuticals.
Treatment and prevention of infectious diseases
Research is necessary for
Determining the relevance and limitations of the use of NHP models for infectious
diseases and therapies,
The improvement of techniques and NHP characterisation to further refine models
and reduce the number of NHPs required,
The optimisation of novel non-NHP animal models, such as humanised mice, and
Development of new techniques such as organoids and omics technology to
further reduce the current need to use NHPs to study important infections.
There has been progress with refinement of awake, behaving electrophysiology studies,
but further progress is required, given the high impact on animal welfare. The basic
paradigm for study of brain activity at the single cell level involves repeated electrode
penetration, prolonged restraint, fluid or food control, and surgical procedures to implant
head fixation and recording or other devices. There needs to be a focus on significantly
improving the spatial and temporal resolution of non-invasive imaging technologies in
order to refine and ultimately replace this use of NHPs.
Other uses: Ophthalmology
For advanced replacement techniques in vision research and to learn more about the
structure and function of the visual cortex, new technology is necessary for whole organ
eye-culturing, in vitro and in silico models and simulations.
3.6 The scientific viewpoint on when their use would no longer be
necessary, considering the type of research and areas of testing
with a view to the establishment of a specific phasing-out time-
table where possible
General Issues
A number of factors determine the timetable for complete replacement of NHP use:
The availability of funding and resources for developing alternatives to NHP models
and ensuring they are fit for purpose. Criteria for prioritisation of areas of further
research could be used, e.g., the absolute number of the NHP used and the severity
of procedures.
The progress in the formal validation of alternative test methods within the
regulatory arena and in reducing the timescale and bureaucracy associated with this
Lack of regulatory harmonisation both within and across sectors and the condition
that is often included that an alternative method must be formally validated and
accepted by the scientific community and regulatory authorities before it can be used
The progress to validate new non-animal models against existing animal models.
A continued prominent role and investment of the EU in promoting and implementing
alternative methods.
The extent to which justification for the use of alternative models is laid down in
internationally accepted guidelines.
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The risk aversive nature of society makes it difficult to move away from familiar
methods to new alternative methods where there is less historical data to fall back
Factors related to scientific practice and career progression where dynamics such as
competition, the reputation and track record of researchers (in terms of grants and
publications), and entrenchment discourage switching from NHPs to alternative
(animal and non-animal) models.
New demands for NHP use in science, such as emergence and re-emergence of
infectious diseases where NHPs are the only relevant model, and biosimilars for
which NHPs have been advocated by WHO as better models because they have a
higher tolerance for human proteins. It is, however, noted that EMA and FDA in April
2015 adopted guidelines proposing a tiered approach and suggesting that only in
vitro studies are acceptable (Chapman et al., 2016).
This wide spectrum of positive and negative incentives for NHP use makes it difficult to
predict a timetable for complete replacement for each of the research areas.
3.7 Potential implications for biomedical research (e.g., immune
based diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, infectious
diseases and serious diseases) should the use of non-human
primates be banned in the EU
Recognising the high levels of public concern about NHP research, regulatory authorities
in some world regions have also adopted ethical limits or boundaries on NHP use.
However, the close phylogenetic relationship of NHPs with humans makes them the best
available animal models for addressing particular research questions.
Therefore, there is consensus within certain sections of the scientific community that,
where alternatives do not exist, appropriate use of NHPs remains essential in some areas
of biomedical and biological research and for the safety assessment of pharmaceuticals.
For example: NHPs can play a key role in drug development due to their similarity to
humans with regard to sensory organs, hormonal systems, reproduction, immune
system etc., to evaluate efficacy and safety, especially for biopharmaceutical
compounds. There has been progress in a move toward a non-animal predictive
mechanism-based approach, e.g., for testing of drugs for reproductive toxicity, but there
are still obstacles to overcome in terms of regulatory acceptance and scientific validity.
In spite of this, NHPs should only be used when it is scientifically demonstrated that
none of the other non-rodent species commonly used in safety testing is appropriate for
the purpose of the study.
As long as sufficiently validated alternatives are not available, a total ban would make
further progress in such research and some safety studies impossible, at least in Europe.
On the other hand, a ban may lead to acceleration of investment into the development
of alternative methods as seen for cosmetics (European Commission, 2016).
However, a ban in Europe would likely force NHP research outside of Europe and since
animal welfare standards for laboratory NHPs are on average higher in many European
countries than in other parts of the world, it follows that there would likely be a net
decrease in animal welfare. Though some companies have developed global animal
welfare policies, there are concerns that European scientists are transferring their
research programmes outside the EU to countries where welfare/scientific standards
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would not be judged ethically acceptable in Europe. This could have an impact also on
the quality of the research, on public health and accessibility of treatments developed
under different standards and on local economy
As long as a total ban is not feasible, when communicating about NHP use with the
public, the scientific community should provide an accurate description of the benefits,
harms to animals and limitations of such research, and be realistic about the potential
outputs and impacts.
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Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
An initial literature research was undertaken by the SCHEER in July 2016 to identify key
publications for this Opinion. The aim of the literature review was to collect publications
from January 2009 to July 2016 for this Opinion. The following terms were used for the
literature review in the title, abstract, key word fields: "non-human primates" AND
(("human+health" AND "relevance") OR (ethics OR "alternative+methods" OR
"research+needs")) resulting in 26 hits for publications. The following documents were
included: peer-reviewed articles, journal entries, reviews, and public polls. The SCHEER
WG included additional relevant publications in areas of their expertise.
A call for information
was published on 1 January 2009 for collecting papers on new
technologies used to replace, reduce and refine the use of non-human primates in
biomedical research, production and testing of products and devices. The Call for
information was opened between 8 June and 3 July 2016. There were 19 submissions
containing more than 100 papers from individual scientists, research organisations,
professional societies, pharmaceutical industry and animal protection organisations.
Submitted information was considered for the Opinion, if it was relevant for the scope of
the Opinion.
6.1 Introduction
This Opinion made use of the relevant scientific literature on the use of NHPs and
alternatives in biomedical research worldwide. However, in the interpretation of studies it
is taken into account that different jurisdictions may be involved and that the regulations
with regard to NHPs can be different from those in the EU.
6.2 Ethical issues
The close phylogenetic relationship of NHPs with humans makes them the best available
animal models for addressing particular research questions. Therefore, there is
consensus within certain sections of the scientific community that, where alternatives do
not exist, appropriate use of NHPs remains essential in some areas of biomedical and
biological research and for the safety assessment of pharmaceuticals (Weatherall et al.,
2006). However, this similarity renders the acceptance of inducing pain or distress as a
consequence of their use in scientific procedures even more debatable/challenging than
for other species of animals (The Boyd Group, 2002; Weatherall et al., 2006).
Furthermore, animals cannot consent to their participation in research and generally will
not benefit from it. Hence, their use in research represents a serious ethical dilemma,
and there is a variety of views on whether NHP experiments should be permitted
(Prescott, 2010). Opinion polls of the European public repeatedly show low levels of
acceptance of the use of NHPs in research (European Commission, 2006; Crettaz von
Roten, 2012; Clemence and Leaman, 2016).
The approach to this ethical dilemma most often adopted in regulatory frameworks on
the use of animals for scientific purposes is a pragmatic, utilitarian one, which is
important for protecting human safety. Utilitarianism is a branch of ethics in which the
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moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome. It requires us to strike the most
favourable balance of benefits and costs for all the sentient individuals affected by what
is proposed to be done. In the case of NHP research, the human interest in potentially
obtaining some benefit for mankind must be balanced against the interests of the NHPs
in avoiding harm (Quigley, 2007). This case-by-case approach, referred to as “harm-
benefit assessment”, forms a key part of the authorisation process for projects involving
animals under Directive 2010/63/EU. The EC and others have published guidance on
how to perform robust harm-benefit assessments (European Commission, 2013; Home
Office, 2015; Brønstad et al., 2016; Laber et al., 2016). However, there is some
question whether the Utilitarian approach is the most appropriate one for NHP research
(Rossi, 2009; Walker, 2006; Quigley, 2007).
Further recognising the high levels of public concern about NHP research, regulatory
authorities in some world regions have also adopted ethical limits or boundaries on NHP
use, giving rise to legislation, which is a hybrid of utilitarian and deontological ethics (the
latter being based on duties and adherence to rules, rather than the consequences of
actions). For example, Directive 2010/63/EU places an effective ban on the use of Great
Apes in procedures, save for exceptional circumstances (subject to the use of a
safeguard clause; see Article 55). For a summary of the provisions relating to NHPs in
international legislation on animal use in science, see Chapman et al., 2015 and Bayne
and Morris, 2012.
Opinion polls of the general public show greater acceptance of animal research where
animal use and suffering are minimised (e.g., Ipsos MORI, 2014) in line with the 3Rs
principle, which can be summarised as:
Replacement of animals with non-animal methods,
Reduction of the number of animals used to obtain information of a given amount
and precision,
Refinement of scientific procedures and husbandry to minimise harm (e.g., pain,
suffering, distress) and improve animal welfare.
Definitions of the 3Rs have evolved since their original inception by Russell and Burch
(1959). For example, refinement is now generally accepted to apply to all aspects of the
animal’s lifetime experience and to encompass promotion of positive welfare states as
well as minimisation of suffering (Buchanan-Smith et al., 2005). More detailed and
contemporary definitions are provided in Annex 1.
Directive 2010/63/EU requires implementation of the 3Rs during the design and conduct
of animal studies. However, their successful implementation relies on the proactive and
coordinated engagement of multiple stakeholders, including researchers, veterinarians
and animal care staff, research funders and regulatory bodies requiring animal test data.
To fully apply the 3Rs and maximise the benefits, there is a need to ensure that as new
knowledge, technologies and approaches emerge there is timely assessment and
evolution of research strategies, study designs, scientific procedures and husbandry,
throughout the lifetime of research projects.
In addition to its value as a practical ethical framework for more humane in vivo
research, thereby helping to address societal concerns, the 3Rs concept also has
considerable scientific merit (Graham and Prescott, 2015). This is because replacement
is about accelerating the development and use of human-relevant tools, based on the
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latest technologies, which may be more predictive of responses in man, more cost
effective, and allow a higher throughput of studies (Sewell et al., 2016). Approaches to
reduction often focus on principles of good experimental design, and better
interpretation and reporting of studies, helping to improve the quality and reproducibility
of animal experiments (Parker and Browne, 2014). Animals free from unnecessary pain
and distress yield better quality and more reproducible data (Poole, 1997). Hence, there
are strong scientific and business drivers for the 3Rs, which increasingly are leading to
changes in practice in both industry and academia (Burden et al., 2015).
There is interplay between the 3Rs and conflicts can arise, such as when procedures that
enable a reduction in animal numbers lead to cumulative distress for the fewer animals
that are used (as might occur in a longitudinal study using imaging, for example). This
conflict is usually resolved by carefully weighing the harms and benefits to the animals
involved, or else by prioritising the experience of the animals (i.e., refinement) over
reduction. The re-use of NHPs can decrease the number of animals used overall,
however there are ethical considerations against as well as for re-use. Recital 25 of
Directive 2010/63/EU states: The number of animals used in procedures could be
reduced by performing procedures on animals more than once, where this does not
detract from the scientific objective or result in poor animal welfare. However, the
benefit of reusing animals should be balanced against any adverse effects on their
welfare, taking into account the lifetime experience of the individual animal. As a result
of this potential conflict, the reuse of animals should be considered on a case-by-case
basis.” (Recital 25 of the Directive 2010/63/EU).
In the majority of cases, NHPs used in research and testing are euthanised as an integral
part of the experiment for analysis of tissues post mortem. In situations where this is not
required, or in the case of former breeding or surplus stock animals, it may be possible
to rehome the animals as an alternative, and this is permitted under Directive
2010/63/EU. However, the rehoming process can entail welfare costs to the animals
involved. NHPs should thus only be rehomed if it is clear that the process will be truly in
the best interest of the individual animals, that it will not harm their welfare and that the
new home offers a good quality of life (Kerwin, 2006; Prescott, 2006, NCad 2016 report:
6.3 Housing and husbandry
Europe has implemented major improvements in the housing and husbandry of
laboratory NHPs over the last decade. Under Directive 63/2010/EU, it is now mandatory
to house these highly social animals in socially stimulating environments, unless there
are exemptions for scientific, animal welfare or animal health reasons (Article 33(3)). In
addition, environmental enrichment must be provided, to allow performance of a wide
range of normal behaviour. Enriched housing conditions can have a positive impact on
both the psychological wellbeing of the animals and the research outcomes (Gottlieb et
al., 2015; Hannibal et al., 2017). Improvements also include the development and
implementation of training protocols designed to encourage animals to co-operative
voluntarily with husbandry and scientific procedures (e.g., Prescott and Buchanan-Smith,
2003, 2007; Prescott et al., 2005; Graham et al., 2012; Coleman and Maier, 2010). In
the past EUPRIM-Net has developed such training protocols and has disseminated them
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extensively across European NHP facilities. A new EU COST Action (PRIMTRAIN
) is in
place to develop and exchange training protocols, building on the earlier work of the
EUPRIM-Net consortium. It aims to implement a minimum European standard for animal
training for NHP facilities.
The early life experience of NHPs is important for their welfare later in life. Care should
be taken to source animals that are weaned at an appropriate age (Prescott et al., 2012)
and that are well habituated to humans at the breeding centre, as this will mean that
they are better able to cope with experimental use in the laboratory, especially for
studies that involve frequent/close human-animal interaction (Tardiff et al., 2006;
Jennings and Prescott, 2009). There is the potential for breeding centres to prepare
animals for their future use by training them using positive reinforcement methods to
perform behaviours such as targeting shifting, and entering a transport cage. There is
evidence that voluntary exposure to simple operant tasks at the breeding centre, such as
pressing a button for automated delivery of food or fluid reward, can expedite learning of
more complex tasks in the neuroscience laboratory, and hence provide a basis for
selecting those animals likely to perform well on-study (Tulip et al., 2017). The breeding
unit provides a natural complexity of environment that lends itself to studies of primate
welfare and behaviour.
6.4 Animal welfare standards outside the EU
Animal welfare standards for laboratory NHPs are on average higher in many European
countries than in other parts of the world. There are a number of reasons for this,
including differences in legislation, practice, awareness of the welfare needs of NHPs and
animal health status. For example, the minimum enclosure sizes and space allowances
permissible for macaques under Annex III to Directive 2010/63/EU are, depending on
the age of the animals, six- to ten-times greater than the minimum permissible under
the USA ILAR Guide (European Union 2010; National Research Council 2011). NHPs in
Europe are more often housed in pens or customised rooms rather than small stainless
steel cages with gridded floors (though some laboratories outside of Europe offer EU-
style housing) (see the NC3Rs Macaque Website for examples:
). Housing NHPs in pairs
and groups is more standard in Europe than the USA and Asia (e.g., Couch et al., 2015),
where Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) may grant exemptions
from social housing for reasons that would not generally be acceptable in most European
countries. Accreditation schemes, such as the one administered by the Association for
Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC), are valuable but do
not require EU standards outside of Europe.
It follows that if NHP research is forced outside of Europe then there would likely be a
net decrease in animal welfare. A decline in welfare standards need not be axiomatic in
all cases, however. For example, the major UK public funders of NHP research require
standards equivalent to the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act and the NC3Rs
guidelines ‘Primate accommodation, care and use’, wherever in the world the research is
conducted (NC3Rs 2006; NC3Rs/AMRC/BBSRC/Defra/MRC/NERC/Wellcome Trust 2015).
Compliance is assessed case-by-case for each grant application by the NC3Rs. In recent
years, the European pharmaceutical industry has opened animal facilities in China and
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other growing economies to take advantage of emerging markets. Outsourcing of studies
to the expanding contract research base in China has also increased (Xia and Gautam
2015). To maintain appropriate standards, some companies have developed global
animal welfare policies that apply at all of their facilities, and most consider animal
welfare issues when choosing and auditing contractors and suppliers (Underwood, 2007).
These are good examples on how the commitment to actions related to international
harmonisation of regulations and welfare standards, including engaging with other
countries through the International Council on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements
for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) and the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), can improve conditions abroad to
bring research practices in line with European standards.
However, there are also concerns that European scientists are transferring their research
programmes outside the EU to countries where welfare/scientific standards would not be
judged ethically acceptable in Europe (Cryanoski, 2016; Anon, 2016). Decreased animal
welfare may lead to more stressed animals and this could have an impact on the quality
of the research. This may also affect public health and accessibility of treatments
developed under different standards and on local economy.
6.5 Experimental design and staff training
Good experimental design, analysis and reporting are key means of maximising the
knowledge gained from animal experiments and avoiding wastage of animals. With NHPs
being such precious resources, it is crucial for scientific, ethical and economic reasons
that their use is optimised. However, recent years have seen growing concern about the
reliability and reproducibility of animal studies, and poor experimental design and
reporting have been implicated as major contributing factors (see Begley and Ellis, 2012,
Collins and Tabak, 2014, and other articles in the Nature specials archive: Challenges in
irreproducible research; AMS/BBSRC/MRC/Wellcome Trust 2015, 2016). There is no
reason to suspect that NHP research is any better in this regard than other fields of in
vivo research.
For example, Kilkenny and colleagues (2009) conducted a systematic survey of the
quality of reporting, experimental design and statistical analysis in 271 papers reporting
research on live rats, mice and NHPs carried out in UK and US publicly funded research
establishments. Only 59% of the studies stated the hypothesis or objective of the study
and the number and characteristics of the animals used. Most of the papers surveyed did
not report the use randomisation (87%) or blinding (86%), to reduce bias in animal
selection and outcome assessment. Only 70% of the publications that used statistics
described the statistical tests used and presented the results with a measure of precision
or variability. These findings are by no means isolated. Poor reporting is consistently
highlighted in systematic reviews of animal research (de Vries et al., 2014). These are
important factors in the design of studies and have serious implications for animals,
science and society.
Good experimental design is one of the most effective and immediate ways to reduce
and refine animal procedures, but researchers are not getting sufficient training in this
essential area for completing ethical, rigorous and efficient research (Howard et al.,
2009). Therefore, it is essential that training in experimental design is improved and
made more widely available. There have been a number of important
initiatives/resources launched to aid researchers to improve the design and reporting of
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
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research using animals. The ARRIVE Guidelines of the NC3Rs
(Kilkenny et al., 2010)
lay out the criteria that should be met in reporting animal studies in order that their
results and conclusions can be properly evaluated by readers. These criteria address a
range of issues relating to transparency and validity of experimental design, the
avoidance or minimisation of bias, and the adequacy of statistical aspects of the study,
such as power and analysis methods. The Guidelines have been endorsed by over 1,000
journals internationally, including major titles like Nature, Cell and PLoS, and by UK
biomedical research funders, who have revised and update their peer review processes
in response. The NC3Rs has also launched the Experimental Design Assistant (EDA)
( a free online resource to support researchers, particularly
those in the early-stage of their career, in the planning of animal experiments. The EDA
consists of a website with comprehensive guidance on experimental design and a web
application which uses computer-based reasoning to provide tailored feedback and
advice on individual experimental plans. The system also includes dedicated support for
randomisation, blinding and sample size calculation, helping to ensuring robust study
design and reliable and reproducible findings.
Appropriate training for staff working with NHPs is essential to ensure compliance with
legislation, good quality science, good animal welfare and full implementation of the 3Rs.
Special knowledge and practical skills are required in order to be able to address the
complex behavioural, social and psychological needs of NHPs and the ethical
considerations involved in their use in research (Jennings and Prescott, 2009).
Guidance to Member States on the minimum training requirements for those involved in
the care and use of animals under Directive 2010/63/EU includes some species-specific
learning outcomes (Anon, 2014). NHP-specific material has been provided as part of this
initial, mandatory training in some Members States for many years, with some courses
being accredited by the competent authority or accrediting bodies on their behalf.
However, a number of issues with the current training provision in the EU need to be
addressed to deliver the best science and animal welfare and to avoid perpetuation of
out-dated practices and unwanted variation between laboratories.
First, NHP-specific training provided to prospective licensees is often very short (one day
or less) and can only provide a very brief overview of the required information. A very
short period of initial training also means that there is a particular need for Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) to expand and maintain the knowledge and skills of
those working with NHPs. Many institutions do not provide this on-going training, so
there is a strong case for increasing the scope of both initial training courses and
introduction of mandatory CPD (Weatherall et al., 2006).
Second, there is variation in the syllabus content and delivery for initial training courses
in Member States and no common agreed approach. A survey at the 2010 NC3Rs
Primate Welfare Meeting, a key forum for CPD and networking within the EU NHP
research community, found that 79% of delegates considered there was a need for an
accredited course on NHP use, care and welfare. Specific gaps in existing training
provision identified at the meeting were
NHP behaviour
Animal training
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Anaesthesia and analgesia
Welfare assessment
Humane endpoints
In response to this, the NC3Rs organised workshops on animal training and refinement
of chronic implants, and also a network for animal welfare officers working in NHP units.
The training courses run from 2007 to 2015 as part of the EC-funded projects EUPRIM-
Net I and II have also helped to support training in a range of areas. They take a
blended learning approach and cover aspects of experimental design, imaging
techniques, housing and husbandry, colony management and animal behaviour
Training in practical skills is another key issue. The Primate Welfare Meeting survey
found only 15% of delegates believed there are sufficient practical training opportunities
for those working with NHPs. This may be related to the way in which some Member
States have interpreted Article 8 of the Directive, which prevents the use of NHPs for
higher education, or training for the acquisition, maintenance or improvement of
vocational skills”. However, this article should not prevent staff with the appropriate
licenses gaining practical skills by undertaking, under supervision, authorised procedures
required as a necessary part of on-going research projects. The problem may also be
related to financial and time constraints preventing researchers from visiting other
laboratories to observe and learn new techniques, for example approaches for surgical
implantation of new recording, dosing or sampling devices. Although the concept of see
one, do one, teach oneis still considered valid within medical surgical training (Kotsis
and Chung, 2013), those performing procedures in NHPs will only rarely have undergone
the extensive training in surgical skills which underpins the assimilation of more complex
procedure by surgeons.
New opportunities to implement the 3Rs arise continually and it is important that
researchers and animal care staff keep abreast of the latest developments in NHP use,
care and welfare. Published literature and scientific events provide opportunities to
expand knowledge and skills. Increasingly, these traditional routes of information
exchange are being complemented by dedicated online resources aimed at sharing best
practice and enhancing the training and CPD of staff working with NHPs (Prescott, 2016).
These include The Macaque Website
, Common Marmoset Care website
, Chronic
Implants Wiki
and Experimental Design Assistant of the NC3Rs.
See Section 7 for recommendations.
6.6 Areas of research (fundamental, translational and applied) and
testing of products and devices
6.6.1 Overview on the use of NHPs in research and testing
The SCHEER has used publicly available information from Member States for 2014 to
provide an overview on uses of NHPs in Europe (for the sources see Annex 1).
For 2014, a total of 8898 uses (uses includes reuse of the same NHP, does not refer to
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
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the total number of animals) of NHPs were reported by European Member States (Table
1, refers to the whole EU). Species most frequently used were cynomolgus monkeys
(7098, 79.7%), marmoset and tamarins (743, 8.4%) and rhesus monkeys (612, 6.9%).
Importantly, these numbers are based on experimental procedures and include first use
as well as any subsequent reuse of the NHPs
. The number of animals used in
procedures could be reduced by performing procedures on animals more than once,
where this does not detract from the scientific objective or result in poor animal welfare.
However, the benefit of reusing animals should be balanced against any adverse effects
on their welfare, taking into account the lifetime experience of the individual animal. As
a result of this potential conflict, the reuse of animals should be considered on a case-
by-case basis. The Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific
purposes lays down basic criteria for the reuse of animals. In accordance with
veterinarian advice, an animal may be reused if the previous procedure was of “mild” or
“moderate” severity, the animal's state of health and well-being has been fully restored
and the subsequent procedure is classified as “mild”, “moderate” or “non-recovery” (Art.
Table 1: Experimental procedures reported for NHP species by all European
Member States in 2014
Cynomolgus monkey
Rhesus monkey
Vervets, Chlorocebus spp.
Other species of OW monkeys
Marmosets and tamarins
Squirrel monkey
Other species of NW monkeys
NW: New World species (primates of the superfamily Ceboidea, of Central and South America),
OW: Old World species (primates of the superfamily Cercopithecoidea, originating from Africa, the
Arabian Peninsula, and Asia).
The EU distinguishes different categories of research areas were animal experiments
may be conducted, i.e., 1) basic research, 2) translational and applied research, 3)
regulatory use and routine production and 4) higher education or training for the
acquisition, maintenance or improvement of vocational skills. These categories are
included in the forms for Member States to communicate data on use of experimental
animals. Table 2 illustrates the distribution of NHP testing in relation to these categories
Revised requirements for the reporting of statistical data on the use of animals in the EU in Annex II of
Commission Implementing Decision 2012/707/EU
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which are reported by most Member States. Regulatory use and routine production is the
category with the most NHPs used. With 74.5% of all NHP uses (6196) this category is of
high importance regarding the application of the 3Rs.
Table 2: Distribution of NHP testing in relation to the different purposes (2014)
as published by the majority of Member States having used NHPs
Basic research
Translational and
applied research
Regulatory use and
Routine production
Higher education or
training for the
maintenance or
improvement of
vocational skills
Rhesus monkey
Chlorocebus spp.
Other species of
OW monkeys
Marmosets and
Squirrel monkey
Other species of
NW monkeys
Additional data as well as statistical analysis on the use of NHPs like breakdowns e.g. by
primary purposes, specific research area or severity of treatment vary among the
Member State reports. In addition, 2014 was the first year for reporting under a new
format. Therefore no further statistics could be carried out by the SCHEER to provide
reliable further information or trends regarding the use of NHPs. A collation of the
Member State reports on NHP use including comments on comprehensiveness of the
reporting and the quality of the statistics that were published by Taylor and Rego
Uses were part of projects that were authorised before 1.1.2013; 18 uses were incorrectly reported (correct
category should have been regulatory use as these concerned training of the animals in regulatory procedures)
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For the sake of transparency and monitoring progress in the application of the 3Rs, it
would be desirable that all Member States report the same type of information and that
included categories would include the level of severity of experimental procedures,
specific research area, origin of animals, generation and first time use (see e.g., Home
Office, Annual Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals Great Britain, 2014).
6.6.2 Development and safety testing of pharmaceuticals and medical
devices Introduction
The focus in this section is on pharmaceuticals and medical devices because for all other
products testing on NHPs is generally not permitted. In addition, the use of NHPs is only
permitted in those biomedical areas essential for the benefit of human beings, for which
no other alternative replacement methods are yet available. A report commissioned by
several major UK funding agencies argued that evaluation of any proposed primate
research project should actually consider four factors: quality and importance of the
science, likelihood of medical or other public benefit, likelihood of animal suffering, and
availability of alternatives (Bateson, 2011).
In 2012, the EC adopted a package of measures on innovation in health that included
proposals to revise existing legislation on general medical devices and in vitro diagnostic
medical devices. The revisions affected all kinds of medical devices. Any animal model
selected should be generally accepted for the study of the device type and there should
be a reasonable amount of scientific evidence that the animal model has utility for the
intended study of the device type.
Currently, animal research is viewed as an essential part of the drug development
process. In its report, “Working to reduce the use of animals in scientific research” (UK
Government, 2014), the UK Government states: “over the past twenty years, the
development of monoclonal antibody therapies has completely transformed the ability to
treat diseases, including cancers, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, and the
development of this technology would not have been possible without the use of
animals, including nonhuman primates (NHPs)”.
The development of a pharmaceutical is a stepwise process involving an evaluation of
animal and human efficacy and safety information. The nonclinical safety testing of new
medicines is conducted according to international regulatory testing requirements,
frequently in accordance with guidelines agreed in meetings under the auspices of the
International Council for Harmonisation (ICH), formerly known as the International
Conference on Harmonisation. The ICH’s mission is to make recommendations towards
achieving greater harmonisation in the interpretation and application of technical
guidelines and requirements for pharmaceutical product registration, thereby reducing or
obviating duplication of testing carried out during the research and development of new
human medicines. The goals of the nonclinical safety evaluation generally include a
characterisation of toxic effects with respect to target organs, dose dependence,
relationship to exposure, and, when appropriate, potential reversibility. Inclusion of a
non-rodent species is required in the safety assessment of pharmaceuticals, see ICH
guidelines ICH M3 (R2), 2009; ICH S9, 2009 and ICH S6 (R1), 2011.
Testing the safety of medical devices, such as orthopaedic joint replacement, in animals
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such as NHPs before they are introduced in human clinical trials is required for both
ethical and legal reasons. Nonclinical safety testing, however, also includes many
improvements in technique, in vitro screening of devices, and investigator understanding
of study model selection. These factors all enhance the ability to predict the safety and
performance of medical devices in humans, as well as reducing the number of animals
required for testing. It should be noted, however, that very few medical devices, e.g.,
orthopaedic devices, need to be tested in NHPs. Progress Made In the Last 10 Years
Several alternatives for animal model testing are proposed every year (see Doke and
Dhawale, 2015 for a review), including the increasing use of human tissues (Holmes,
Bonner and Jones, 2015; Strauss and Blinova, 2017).
Bowes et al. (2012) pointed out that in vitro pharmacological profiling is increasingly
being used earlier in the drug discovery process to identify undesirable off-target activity
profiles that could hinder or halt the development of candidate drugs or even lead to
market withdrawal if discovered after a drug is approved. In addition, the utility of
animal models of disease for assessing the safety of novel therapeutic modalities has
become an increasingly important topic of discussion as research and development
efforts focus on improving the predictive value of animal studies to support accelerated
clinical development (Graham and Prescott, 2015; Cavagnaro and Silva Lima, 2016).
Scientists have also been conducting extensive reviews to challenge the existing testing
paradigms outlined in regulatory guidelines (Galijatovic-Idrizbegovic et al., 2016).
It is also recognised that in some cases earlier access to human data can provide
improved insight into human physiology/pharmacology, knowledge of drug candidate
characteristics and therapeutic target relevance to disease. Streamlined early
exploratory approaches can accomplish this end and involve limited human exposure,
with no therapeutic intent, see ICH M3 (R2). Such studies can be used to investigate a
variety of parameters such as PK, PD and other biomarkers often identified by means of
in vitro studies, which could include PET receptor binding and displacement or other
diagnostic measures. Although still needing nonclinical studies to be conducted before
initiating such clinical trials, use of any of these approaches can reduce overall animal
use in drug development.
There has also been considerable progress made over the last few years, both in terms
of reducing the numbers of NHPs required for the safety assessment of medicinal
products and in the husbandry practices (Baldrick, 2011, Beaumont et al., 2011; Buckley
et al., 2011; Chapman et al., 2012; Chapman et al., 2013; van Meer and Schellekens,
2015; Backes et al., 2016 and Chapman et al., 2016).
The value of a second species in regulatory toxicology studies is beginning to be
questioned more generally. For example, the NC3Rs and ABPI has launched an initiative
to investigate whether data from one species could be sufficient for the progression of a
potential new drug in human clinical trials (Monticello, 2015; Mangipudy et al., 2014).
The addendum to the ICH S6 (R1) guideline, which specifically deals with biotechnology
derived medicines where use of NHP is widespread, was written with an aim to reduce
the use of animals in accordance with the 3Rs principles. The guideline also emphasises
“rodent species should be considered unless there is a scientific rationale for using non-
rodents”. The guideline also states that when no relevant species can be identified
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because the biopharmaceutical does not interact with the orthologous target in any
species, use of homologous molecules or transgenic models can be considered. In
addition, it is considered to be justified to use one species for all general toxicity studies
when the clinical candidate is pharmacologically active in only one species. In these
cases, studies in a second species with a homologous product are not considered to add
further value for risk assessment and are not recommended. This revision to the
guideline is expected to lead to a decrease in NHP numbers used in this area.
The EU Guideline on similar biological medicinal products containing monoclonal
antibodies non-clinical and clinical issues (CHMP 2010), which came into effect on 1
December 2012, states “the conduct of toxicological studies in NHPs is usually not
recommended”. The background and consequence of this paradigm shift was discussed
by van Aerts et al. (2014). A further call for the waiving of animal studies on a global
basis was made in a paper by Chapman et al. (2016).
Over the past few decades, many improvements have been implemented in animal
studies on medical devices. These improvements have effectively reduced the number of
animals used, while enhancing the effectiveness of the overall assessment of nonclinical
safety. The development of established and reproducible animal models to mimic the
human condition has resulted in the site-specific implantation of devices in the
anatomical positions in which the device would likely be used. Improved understanding
of these models, relative to animal versus device interactions, has resulted in a more
accurate assessment of the device. Justification for NHP Use
Arguments against phasing out NHPs in safety testing of pharmaceuticals are therefore
similar in many ways to those regarding using rodents for toxicity testing, i.e.
incomplete knowledge of integrated body systems and pathophysiology, poor
representation of pharmacokinetics by in vitro systems (SCHER, 2005).
Safety testing of pharmaceuticals is intended to safeguard human subjects used in
clinical trials through risk assessment based on the results of all nonclinical studies,
including those from animal experiments. The Declaration of Helsinki
is a set of ethical
principles developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) for the medical community
regarding human experimentation. It states that the wellbeing of the human subject
should take precedence over the interests of science and society.
The ICH safety guidelines are written to ensure that duplication of studies is not required
for various regions in the world. These guidelines also indicate that the nonclinical
studies should be performed in “relevant species”, and that pivotal studies for risk
assessment of pharmaceuticals, such as the repeated dose toxicity testing, usually have
to be performed in two species, one of which must be a non-rodent.
1 Adopted by the 18th WMA General Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, June 1964, and amended by the:
29th WMA General Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, October 1975
35th WMA General Assembly, Venice, Italy, October 1983
41st WMA General Assembly, Hong Kong, September 1989
48th WMA General Assembly, Somerset West, Republic of South Africa, October 1996
52nd WMA General Assembly, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2000
53th WMA General Assembly, Washington 2002 (Note of Clarification on paragraph 29 added)
55th WMA General Assembly, Tokyo 2004 (Note of Clarification on Paragraph 30 added)
59th WMA General Assembly, Seoul, October 2008
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The use of a non-rodent species for the characterisation of new medicinal products aims
at limiting the uncertainty in the extrapolation process from in vitro and animal toxicity
data to the human situation. In Europe, dogs are most frequently used as the non-
rodent species, and NHPs are only used when no other species showed the same primary
pharmacodynamic response. NHPs make up less than 0.1% of the animals used in
research. However, they can play a key role in drug development due to their similarity
to humans with regard to sensory organs, hormonal systems, reproduction, immune
system etc., to evaluate efficacy and safety, especially for biopharmaceutical compounds
(Brennan et al., 2015). Species specificity can be crucial for some new medicines.
Nevertheless, the species for toxicity testing should be selected based on their
similarities to humans with regard to pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, including
biotransformation and in certain cases also where anatomical similarities are essential. A
scientific justification for the choice of non-rodent species used is a regulatory
There still exist many “pharmaceutical gaps” for various diseases, diagnostics, and
conditions, as outlined in the 2013 Report “Priority Medicines for Europe and the World”
(Kaplan et al., 2013). This is an update to the original 2004 report and provides a public-
health-based medicines development agenda, taking into account increasing life
expectancy and related population aging. Research is considered essential for medical
progress, and the report outlines various key findings and recommendations. The EU is
pushing “for the translation of basic research into therapies”, a transition that often
requires the testing of new medicines in primates, as the most relevant nonclinical
species. However, restrictions on primate experiments could hinder the development of
new medicines (Abbott, 2014).
For some disease indications, specific NHP models were developed which successfully
mimic the disease in humans, e.g., for Graves’ disease (Wang et al., 2013).
The European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has defined
criteria on the demonstration of relevance of an animal species to predict human safety
in their Guideline on Strategies to Identify and Mitigate Risks for First-in Human Clinical
Trials with Investigational Medicinal Products (EMEA/CHMP/SWP/ 28367/07), which is
currently being revised. The guideline states that scientific requirements specific to the
substance include:
Presence of the required pharmacodynamic (PD) binding site and response
Similarity to human toxicity or pharmacokinetic (PK) profile based on in vitro data or
prior experience with related compound(s) of the same class
Similarity to human in aspects of anatomy or physiology of specific organ systems
Indication for the need of an additional species to investigate a toxic effect or the
effects of a significant metabolite in humans which is not produced in the original
non-rodent species
The Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) and the UK’s Home Office
(2002) also gave the following specific recommendations on the selection and
justification of the relevance of an animal species for safety testing:
Use of a well characterised species may be quicker and require fewer animals
Unknown and contradictory neurophysiological sensitivity (meant to reflect
differences in suffering, harm, etc.) of the species (e.g., dog vs. pig)
Public perception (e.g., dogs and other pets)
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Availability of new pharmaceuticals in limited quantities in the early stages of
development, requiring initial assessments in animals of small body size
According to all these recommendations, NHPs should only be used when it is
scientifically demonstrated that none of the other non-rodent species commonly used in
safety testing is appropriate for the purpose of the study. It is also important to consider
the limitations of the NHP when choosing which species to use in drug safety test. For
example, a recent study raises significant concern about the scientific validity to humans
of drug safety studies undertaken in NHPs. Specifically, the cynomolgus monkey has
been found to be remarkably resistant to liver injury caused by paracetamol (Yu et al.,
2014). This finding is important for numerous reasons, including the fact that
cynomolgus monkeys are the NHPs used most commonly to assess drug safety.
There are in vitro systems in development that could negate the need for NHPs and
indeed other animals (see Replacement Possibilities section below).
The following examples illustrate areas of research, where therapeutic development and
safety testing in the NHP may be preferred over that in other mammalian species and
also reflect on the limitations of the model in some cases.
Menstrual Cycle: Due to the similar menstrual cycle and the anatomy and physiology of
the mammary gland of NHP females and human females, NHPs (cynomolgus monkeys)
are the more pertinent species in terms of the prediction of relevant reproductive effects
(Buse et al., 2003; Cline, 2007; Luetjens et al., 2005) and are, therefore, often chosen
as the non-rodent species for classes of compounds that are expected to provoke effects
on the female genital organs. Recently, Buse et al. (2014) have provided a good review
of available in vitro and animal models of the placenta for toxicological purposes. This
includes highlighting the limitations of the cynomolgus monkey model as well as its
suitability. It gives details of some NHP species, which should not be used. It also
suggests other models that could and may be preferable to use in place of NHPs in given
circumstances such as rodents, pigs, bovine and horses. In addition, a new study raises
the possibility that a new rodent model, the spiny mouse (Nowogrodzki, 2016), could be
used as a future replacement for NHP menstrual-related study (see replacement
possibilities section below).
Vomiting and Nausea: NHPs are less susceptible to vomiting than dogs. Thus,
pharmaceuticals with an emetic effect in the dog may be tested in the monkey (Weber,
2005). Vomiting does not only limit exposure of the pharmaceutical administered, but is
also a major hurdle to accurately characterise early effects on behaviour and on the
cardiovascular system. However, a review by Holmes et al. (2009) cautions that it
should not be assumed that an NHP is necessarily the best predictor for emetic liability in
humans as it can depend on the emetic challenge. The paper discusses opportunities for
the replacement of animals in the study of nausea and vomiting and includes
suggestions that are relevant to replacing and refining NHP studies in this area.
Blood Coagulation: The coagulation system of NHP is more similar to humans than that
of any other species (Abildgaard et al., 1971; Lewis, 1996) and thus, NHP are often the
most suited model for humans to assess potential toxicity of coagulation factors and
anti-coagulation agents.
Biopharmaceuticals: NHPs are the most appropriate animals to characterise safety of
many biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals, especially monoclonal antibodies (mAbs),
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since the most relevant species for testing is selected based on species-specific aspects
of the immune system. Monoclonal antibodies are highly specific to their targets and
accurate prediction of ‘on-target’ effects requires testing in a species that shows cross-
reactivity, thus frequently requiring testing in NHPs as the only species cross-reacting
with humanised monoclonal antibodies (APBI-NC3Rs, 2006; van Meer et al., 2015).
However, an Expert Working Group convened by the National Centre for Replacement,
Refinement and Reduction (NC3Rs) in the UK cautioned that:
The use of the NHP plays an important role in assessing the safety of mAbs.
Nevertheless, the close relatedness of the NHP to man does not necessarily guarantee
that they are the most appropriate species for the development of mAbs as illustrated
by the TGN1412 clinical trial in 2006 where the NHP had limited utility in detecting the
cytokine storm subsequently observed in the phase 1 clinical trials. Species selection
should be based on the biology of the mAb and in particular its pharmacological
activity. The NHP should not be used as ‘default’ species, as a screen or because NHP
studies have previously been conducted. (Chapman et al., 2007, Chapman et al.,
The report of the NC3Rs Working Group suggests strategies for the scientific and
regulatory community to implement to minimise NHP use and increase the efficiency of
mAb development (See Reduction and Refinement Possibilities section below).
An ongoing challenge in the development of biopharmaceuticals is preventing
immunogenicity, which can lead to side effects and more commonly an immune
response that causes loss of efficacy as the body develops neutralising or clearing
antidrug antibodies (van Meer et al., 2015). Although NHPs are often the only relevant
animal model for the development of mAbs, van Meer and colleagues’ study (van Meer
et al., 2015) suggests that the immunogenic response in NHPs is poorly predictive of the
response in humans. This finding strengthens the need to develop innovative alternative
models to ensure progress in this important therapeutic research area.
Central nervous system (CNS) pharmaceuticals: Assessing novel CNS
pharmaceuticals may further increase the need for testing in NHPs (Vuillemenot et al.,
2016). While the rat is in principle acceptable for self-administration studies in the EU,
NHPs are preferred in Japan.
Reproductive Toxicity: Historically, non-primate species have been used for
reproductive toxicity studies, generally mice, rats and rabbits. However, rodents and
rabbits are not necessarily the most accurate predictor of teratogenicity or reproductive
toxicity in humans due to differences in placental anatomy and number of fetuses. In
addition, they are not suitable models for all aspects of human reproductive toxicity,
specifically for the investigation of agents suspected or known to interfere with the
menstrual cycle. In such cases, NHPs may be more predictive for human toxicity. The
male cynomolgus is also a good model of male fertility in specific cases (Ehmcke et al.,
2006; Millar et al., 2000). Rodents can also not be used to assess the safety of novel
hormonal intrauterine devices or cognitive dysfunction associated with the menopause
(Schlatt et al., 2008; Wistuba and Schlatt, 2002). However, there is a strong impetus
within the scientific community to move away from animal-based reproductive and
developmental toxicity testing (Stallman Brown et al., 2012). This has resulted in
progress in the development of non-animal alternatives to move toward a predictive
mechanism-based approach.
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Other challenges for the development of new medicines are the novelty of the molecules
that are currently under development, the unique delivery systems, use of alternative
routes of administration, long half-life and mismatch between pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics. Replacement possibilities
Replacing NHP models in new medicine development and safety testing has the potential
to significantly reduce the number of NHPs used in European laboratories, as regulatory
use and routine production are consistently the areas of greatest NHP use, as discussed
above. Substantial progress has been made in the development of new in vitro and in
silico methods and integrated testing strategies have been proposed by OECD
which have the potential to reduce, refine and ideally replace the need for NHPs
and indeed other animal studies in the near future, based on the identification of AOPs
(Adverse Outcome Pathways) through the integration of Mode of Action, kinetics and
dynamics. The examples given include substituting NHPs for other species, which is not
without ethical considerations, but can be viewed in the context of progressing toward
the ideal position of complete replacement with non-animal alternatives.
Liver Injury and Testing for Idiosyncratic Adverse Drug Reactions (IADRs) in
Humans: Thompson et al., (2012) evaluated an in vitro approach, which explored both
cellular effects and covalent binding to assess IADR risks for drug candidates using 36
drugs which caused different patterns and severities of IADRs in humans. They propose
that this integrated in vitro panel of five assays approach has the potential to enable
selection of drug candidates with reduced propensity to cause IADRs in humans. Shoda
et al., (2014) describe the DILIsym® software, a mechanistic model of drug-induced
liver injury (DILI) and how its development will improve the rationale design of new
drugs. DILIsym® simulates the mechanistic interactions and events from compound
administration through the progression of liver injury and regeneration. Modelling
mitochondrial toxicity illustrates the type and use of in vitro data to represent biological
interactions, as well as insights on key differences between in vitro and in vivo
Menstrual Cycle and Associated Disorders: Advances in research relating to
menstruation and associated disorders such as endometriosis and pre-menstrual
syndrome, have been hampered by the lack of an appropriate model. The ideal model
would be a small species with a short reproductive cycle and similar placental form, but
traditionally the species most resembling humans has been cynomolgus monkeys (Buse
et al., 2014). However, very recently evidence that the spiny mouse (Acomys cahirinus)
is the first rodent species known to menstruate indicates that it could provide an
unprecedented natural non-NHP model to study the mechanisms of menstrual shredding
and repair and may be useful in further understanding human-specific menstrual and
pregnancy associated disease (Bellofiore et al., 2016). This is new research and further
studies will be required to check the validity of this rodent as a model for the human
condition, but it does hold great promise as a future alternative to NHPs.
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Swine Models: There is an expanding body of research that supports the use of swine
models (especially mini-pig strains) as an alternative to the use of dogs and NHPs as the
choice of non-rodent species in nonclinical toxicology testing of pharmaceuticals. Swine
models share similarities in anatomical and physiological characteristics with humans
such as the cardiovascular, urinary, integumentary and digestive systems (Swindle et
al., 2012). The pig has been particularly useful in treatment of atherosclerosis and
myocardial studies. The pig and mini-pig are increasingly being used as toxicological
models in safety assessment for reproductive toxicology, development of paediatric
pharmaceuticals and routine toxicology (Swindle et al., 2012).
In addition, Forster et al., (2010) concluded that the mini-pig is well placed to meet the
challenges of emerging technologies and the toxicology of the future due to the
sequence homology between pigs and humans, the potential to perform toxicogenomic
studies, and because the mini-pig is the only non-rodent toxicology model where
transgenic animals can be readily generated and where reproductive technologies are
well developed. Ellegaard et al., 2010 concluded that it is easier to keep mini-pigs to a
good standard of welfare under laboratory conditions than it is for NHPs or dogs. Reduction and refinement possibilities
Where replacement of NHPs is not yet possible, there are several opportunities to reduce
the numbers required in this area of research and to refine the procedures involved,
which are outlined here.
Biopharmaceuticals: To investigate evidence-based opportunities to minimise the use
of NHPs in the development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, an expert working
group was convened by the NC3Rs. The report of the working group (Chapman et al.,
2007) and subsequent papers (e.g., Chapman et al., 2012, 2016) provide detailed
strategies and approaches that can be adopted to ensure that NHP studies are minimised
and when they are necessary are efficient and effective, such as using homologous
proteins and appropriate genetically altered rodents, and designing the programme of
work to optimise the study duration, dose regimes and number of groups. The efficient
study designs identified by the NC3Rs-industry data sharing enable the number of NHPs
per mAb in development to be reduced by half. Other opportunities for reduction and
refinement identified by the NC3Rs working in collaboration with industry and regulatory
bodies internationally include: avoiding the use of NHPs for candidate selection (Lave et
al., 2009, Beaumont et al., 2011), reducing the number of recovery animals on
toxicology studies (Sewell et al., 2014), group housing during cardiovascular telemetry
recordings on toxicology and safety pharmacology studies (Prior et al., 2016), reducing
the upper limits of body weight loss in short term toxicology studies (Chapman et al.,
2013), and use of micro-samples to assess drug exposure in blood, plasma and/or
serum (Chapman et al., 2014a,b).
Microdosing: New applications of human microdosing studies to areas beyond
exploratory pharmacodynamics and biomarkers, which could include PET receptor
binding and displacement or other diagnostic measures data, could potentially reduce
the number of unsuccessful candidate drugs from progressing into the full developmental
process and as a consequence reduce the number of nonclinical animal tests. Lappin et
al., 2013 and Burt et al., 2016 describe how the microdosing technique has been
extended to assess the magnitude of potential drug-drug interactions and early
indications of metabolic profiling of a drug. The latter could lead to improved prediction
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of drug clearance in humans. Therefore, there is greater potential for the so far limited
application of microdosing to be improved and its utility widely expanded to the benefit
of animal models, which could include NHPs.
Patient derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs): Recently, Giri and Bader
(2015) argued that iPSCs can be used as an in vitro clinical trial and as a consequence
can provide an opportunity within the drug development process to assess human
disease pathology without the need for animal models. Giri and Bader (2015) discuss the
utility of iPSC methods, the technical challenges and how they can be further developed
including comments on the infrastructure needed to ensure widespread use. iPSC
technology enables exploration of disease mechanisms of normal healthy and diseased
cells in vitro. This provides clues to novel therapeutic molecular targets that are directly
relevant to humans. Once the targets have been identified, iPSCs can be used to screen
potential drug candidates to predict their effectiveness in terms of toxicity, dosage and
individual human susceptibility. Giri and Bader (2015) also note that such technology
could be used to modify the conventional drug discovery process to ensure improved
relevance to human disease and to produce high-quality efficacious drugs. Therefore,
iPSCs have the potential to reduce the number of animal-based preclinical tests and
even replace some of them. Identification of specific research areas
This section provides information on areas of research that have the potential to require
increased NHP use in the future or where there is great potential to develop alternative
models and methods to replace current NHP use.
Debilitating Disease: There are a number of examples for major new treatment
options for debilitating diseases where NHPs have been used in the safety assessment as
the best available model for humans due to close similarities in physiology and anatomy
that can be found in the European Public Assessment Reports (EPARs) on the European
Medicines Agency (EMA) website
. This is probably a reflection of an increased number
of biotechnology-derived medicines being developed for indications such as rheumatoid
arthritis and cancer. Biotechnology derived medicines have tended to use NHPs as a
default non-rodent species, although this is being questioned (Baumann et al., 2014;
Backes et al., 2016).
Cognitive Processes: Brain disorders are among the largest cause of disease burden
globally, affecting millions of people and imposing enormous societal and economic
costs. Many of these disorders are chronic and incurable conditions for which existing
treatment options are inadequate and in some cases almost completely ineffective. One
specific challenge in modelling brain disorders is that many of the clinical symptoms
involve higher cognitive functions that are controlled by the prefrontal cortex (PFC),
which is much less developed in rodents than in primates
(Kaas, 2013) and thus, NHPs
are generally considered the most suitable experimental animals for research on higher-
level cognitive and behavioural processes (Giarola, 2015).
Abuse Potential: New drugs must be evaluated for “actual or relative potential for
abuse” (CHMP, 2006; FDA 2010). Abuse potential can be determined in multiple ways,
most frequently using drug discrimination and drug self-administration. Animals,
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primarily rats and monkeys, self-administer most of the drugs humans abuse and, in
many cases, the use of rodent and monkey models provides similar information. While
the rat is, in principle, acceptable for self-administration studies in the EU, NHPs are
preferred in Japan. Working primarily with Pfizer, the NC3Rs built a case to use the rat,
supporting a change in ICH M3 to accept rodent instead of NHP data (O’Connor et al.,
There are cases, however, when species differences emerge and it is advantageous to
use NHPs for these assessments. There are differences in brain anatomy between
rodents and primates (including NHPs) that make NHPs more suitable for translational
longitudinal neuroimaging studies (Howell and Murnane, 2011; Murnane and Howell,
2011; Nader and Banks, 2014). As well as potential for abuse of new drugs, the
regulatory uncertainty in industry about the testing and safety of e-cigarettes could lead
to the use of NHPs in inhalation and addiction studies, but Combes and Balls, (2015a;
2015b) present an extensive assessment of how these new tobacco-related products
could be tested using mainly cutting edge in vitro techniques and human clinical studies.
Prenatal Drug Exposure: Another advantage of the use of NHPs in new medicine
development includes the study of prenatal drug exposure (Gill et al., 2012; Soto et al.,
2012). Macaques develop at a similar rate to humans during the embryonic period, but
at an accelerated rate thereafter. Skeletal growth and maturation is a continuous
process that occurs during the pre and postnatal period through to adult. Therefore,
disruptions in this process at any time during development could potentially affect
growth. However, disruptions in the prenatal and early postnatal periods are likely to
have the most notable effects since this is when the skeletal structures are being formed
and the ossification centres appear. The choice of species is, however, driven by the
same considerations as for general safety assessment in that only relevant species
should be used, meaning that NHPs are used most often for biotechnology derived
Paediatric Medicine: Guidance documents on the safety assessment of medicines for a
paediatric population are available (FDA 2006, CHMP 2008). A harmonised ICH guideline
on the Nonclinical Safety Testing in Support of Development of Paediatric Medicines (ICH
S11) is currently in development. There is agreement that juvenile toxicity testing
should be considered if the available nonclinical and clinical data are not sufficiently
comprehensive to support the intended paediatric clinical trials. This has led, in some
instances, for the conduct of safety assessment in juvenile animals across several
species. Mostly these studies are performed using rodent models (rats and mice), but in
a number of cases, NHP models have also been used. For those organs that continue to
develop post-birth, the most rapid maturation period is during the first 3 to 6 months in
macaques and this corresponds developmentally to the first 2 to 8 years in humans. The
choice of species is basically driven by the same considerations as for general safety
assessment in that only relevant species should be used (Baldrick 2013, Barrow et al.,
The timing of the various postnatal phases is obviously different across species (rodents,
dog, mini-pig, NHPs) and these differences should be considered for study planning
and/if the test item targets a particular organ system (Baldrick, 2013). For NHPs, there
is a lack of accepted and consistent definition of the various postnatal development
phases. However, efforts have been made to provide this information for the cynomolgus
monkey (Morford et al., 2011; Weinbauer et al., 2011).
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Vomiting and Nausea: Holmes et al. (2009) note that the use of animal models,
including NHPs, for establishing emetic liability is an issue for discussion as robust data
on their predictive value are lacking. They argue that there are scientific and ethical
drivers for applying 3Rs to this area. They suggest that alternatives to animal models in
nausea and vomiting research have not been fully explored due to the complexity and
multisystem reflexes involved. The paper calls for experts to come together and examine
opportunities for replacement and to inspire innovation in 3Rs implementation in this
field of research. Some of the key avenues of research that they suggest should be
explored are;
Invertebrates and other lower organisms have the potential to act as screening to
identify emetic potential early in the drug development process. Assessing the utility
of these models is potentially quick and validating them against existing clinical and
pre-clinical data will be essential.
Pharmacogenomics microarray based gene expression profiling could offer
researchers the opportunity to identify emetic liability of novel compounds in vitro.
In vitro approaches tissue models of enteroendocrine cells from the gastrointestinal
tract developed for investigating neurotransmitter responses to mechanical forces
and dietary components could potentially be applied to nausea and vomiting. Further,
techniques such as isolated abdominal vagal grease gap preparation could be used to
assess emetic liability.
Holmes et al., (2009) also provide a useful stepwise strategy incorporating these
approaches that will help to reduce and refine animal use, including NHPs, in this area.
Reproductive Toxicity: There has been progress in a move toward a non-animal
predictive mechanism-based approach but there are still obstacles to overcome in terms
of regulatory acceptance and scientific validity. This is an area where resources and
collaborative effort should be focused as there is significant scope for replacing NHPs and
other animals. A report (Stallman Brown et al., 2012) of a 2012 FDA Workshop to
discuss emerging in vitro tools for predicting reproductive and developmental toxicity
focuses on the ability of in vitro test methods to predict in vivo outcomes and the
potential to incorporate these new methods into regulatory decision making. The report
highlighted emerging methods such as whole embryo culture and embryonic stem cell
tests, zebrafish and metabolomics. It also highlights several collaborative efforts to
develop and validate in vitro assays and what strategies are need to apply such assays
to regulatory decision making.
In addition, when considering toxicity testing more generally the recent findings of Bailey
et al. (2015) indicate that tests results inferring an absence of toxicity provide no
evidential weight of an absence of toxicity in another species even when data from NHPs
and humans are compared. The paper strongly argues that animal tests including those
involving NHPs have very little value in predicting human toxicity and that human-
focused alternatives need to be adopted.
Transgenic Techniques: Transgenic macaques were first reported 15 years ago (Chan
et al., 2001) and an overexpression model of Huntington's disease was described in
2008 (Yang et al., 2008). Despite these advances, however, the widespread adoption of
transgenic primate models appeared impractical until recently, given the paucity of
methods for making precise genetic changes in primate embryos. Recent developments
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in transgenic techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 and TALENS have now led to calls for the
creation of lines of transgenic NHPs and arguments for their necessity to biomedical
science (Jennings et al., 2016; Scaduto, 2016).
Basic and translational neuroscience has made, and will continue to make, great
progress by studying mice and other simpler organisms. Much can also be learned by
studying humans directly, and technological advances in areas such as neuroimaging,
genomics and induced pluripotent stem (iPSC) cells are allowing human disease
researchers to address questions that were previously restricted to experimental
animals. NHP research will in no way replace these approaches, and, for both ethical and
practical reasons, primate genetic models should only be considered where other
alternatives are not available.
In addition, this is an area of research where some argue that the moral and welfare
arguments vastly outweigh the potential benefits of any such use (Coors et al., 2010;
Combes and Balls, 2014; Bateson and Ragan, 2014). It is therefore important to
carefully consider when, why and how such projects should be attempted.
When considering these ethical issues, it is useful to distinguish between different types
of transgenic studies. Many questions about brain function can be addressed in mouse
transgenic knock-in lines expressing genetically encoded reporters or effectors under the
control of an endogenous promoter, allowing monitoring and manipulation of activity in
specific subsets of cells. The development of primate genetic models, if deemed
essential, will be an international effort, involving many countries with different cultural
traditions and public attitudes toward animal research. It will be important to establish
shared standards and regulations and to assure all stakeholders that work is performed
to the highest standards of animal welfare regardless of where it is conducted.
Finally, there is an ethical obligation to use animal resources wisely, minimising
unnecessary duplication of effort and maximising the benefit obtained from each animal
by sharing data and (where applicable) cell and tissue samples. This applies to all animal
research, but it is especially so for NHP research given the high costs, the long lead
times and the need to minimise the numbers of animals used. Achieving this will require
coordination at national and international levels.
6.6.3 Treatment and prevention of infectious diseases Introduction
Despite the development of various advanced in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo techniques,
the pathophysiological aspects responsible for morbidity and mortality of many infectious
diseases are still largely unknown. Therefore, the use of live models to study biological
aspects of infectious diseases and to develop new therapies and vaccines remains
indispensable. By definition, the most predictive model to study a disease is in the target
species itself. However, safety and ethical barriers to study infectious diseases in
humans limit the use of most human challenge models and/or patients. In general,
clinicians only see patients when the disease is in an advanced stage and treatment is
required. Although important data can be obtained from patient studies, both practical
and ethical issues limit the in depth analysis of host-pathogen interactions. Animal
studies are, therefore, important to study certain aspects of infectious diseases in depth.
Furthermore, it is important that these models mimic the various responses in humans
as much as possible including immunological and pathological responses. Such models
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allow studies on safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of new vaccines and/or drugs and
also provide possibilities for relevant research on host-pathogen interactions and the
interplay with the host immune system. In some cases, NHPs provide the best, or even
only, models to study these aspects in infectious disease research. Over the last
decades, NHPs have been instrumental in gaining an understanding of the pathogenesis
of various infectious diseases and have provided relevant models to develop new
therapies, e.g., development of vaccines against polio, yellow fever, Hepatitis B and
Ebola, identification of the causative agents of infectious diseases such as SARS, typhoid
fever and mumps, and more in-depth understanding of infections such as HIV (e.g.,
Cong et al., 2016; Curtis et al., 2015; Fouchier et al., 2003; Garcia-Tellez et al., 2016;
Kaushal et al., 2012; Martinez et al., 2015; Mason et al., 1973; Prince and Brotman,
2001; Racaniello, 2006; Rivera-Hernandez et al., 2014; Shedlock et al., 2009, Pena and
Ho, 2015; Scanga and Flynn, 2014). Justification for the use of NHP in Infectious Disease
The selection of an animal model in infectious disease research depends on the specific
scientific questions. Macaques, Syrian gold hamsters and mice may be used to study
yellow fever and are associated advantages and disadvantages (Julander, 2016). In
contrast to the other models, however, macaque models have a disease pattern similar
to humans and clinical isolates can be used. Therefore, NHP models are used to study
the whole array of disease manifestations and optimal protection, which is the case for a
variety of other infectious diseases. To select NHPs as an animal model, the course of
the disease should: 1) resemble human disease with a comparable host range of cells,
organs or tissues involved and 2) reflect the host response in humans as much as
possible. Additional reasons for selecting NHPs include 1) the target of a potential drug
or vaccine is only present in NHPs and humans (‘t Hart, 2015) or 2) NHPs are natural
hosts for the pathogen (Ploquin et al., 2016). Progress made in the last 10 years
During the past 10 years, there have been many developments in the infectious disease
and vaccine research field. There have been striking improvements in in-depth analysis
of various aspects during infections with the aim to select biomarkers and/or vaccine
candidates. Development of omics technologies such as genomics and proteomics, and
new cell culture techniques and development of organoïds have helped the
downselection of vaccine candidates for preclinical studies. Rapidly developing imaging
techniques and telemetry in infectious disease research provide more data from animal
studies and thus, reduce animal numbers in experiments. Human challenge models and
clinical data are additional developments in infectious disease and therapy research as
well as the development of humanised mice and non-mammal animal models. Taken
together, new approaches lead to reduction, refinement and replacement of NHP models.
One major advance has been the full replacement of NHPs for testing of the
neurovirulence of polio vaccines (Dragunsky et al., 2003).
For replacement, controlled human challenge models were developed and implemented
for typhoid, Plasmodium falciparum malaria (Pollard. et al., 2012) and transmission
studies with specific influenza strains (Killingley et al., 2012) as well as the human
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attenuated TB challenge model, which is currently in development for vaccine
development (Kaufmann et al., 2016). However, with ethical and safety barriers
preventing human challenge studies with virulent pathogens e.g., HIV, TB and Zika
virus, NHP models remain in use. Moreover, because many aspects of certain infections
are mimicked in NHPs, NHPs remain suitable research models (Mothé, 2015; Capuano,
2003; Garcia-Tellez et al., 2016; Dudley et al., 2016). Furthermore, validated correlates
of protection against most of these pathogens have not been identified, which prevents
the assessment of new vaccine efficacy in humans without challenge studies.
Replacement and Reduction
In vitro modelling: Recent developments in biomedical research have improved the
selection of ‘most promising candidates’ for new therapies in vitro before further
assessment in vivo. A recent example is a cell culture technique to study drugs against
dormant stages of specific malaria species that substantially reduced the number of NHP
experiments (Dembele, 2014; Zeeman, 2016). In vitro/ex vivo models, -omics
technologies and systems biology (in silico modelling) provide important new
opportunities for understanding host response to pathogenic organisms, e.g., growth
inhibition assays for M. tuberculosis (Zelmer et al., 2016) and can provide information on
important components of pathogens for the selection of best vaccine candidates.
Promising new technology, e.g., growing organoïds from specific stem cells and
improved 3D cell culture techniques and techniques such as MIMIC may also provide
new insights into infectious diseases and/or development of new therapies (Dauner et
al., 2017). Collectively, new methods may downselect new vaccine candidates and drug
targets. However, these alternative methods may only provide partial information on the
complex interaction between host and pathogen, though there is hope for the near
future, with the development of fully artificial whole-body models.
Non-NHP animal models: The development of non-NHP animal models, such as
transgenic and humanised mice or zebrafish may eventually reduce NHP use (Holz et al.,
2016; Arainga et al., 2016; Neely, 2017, Ibeh et al., 2016). Unfortunately, data may be
difficult to interpret due to variations in immune systems between certain non-NHP hosts
and humans (Garcia-Tellez, 2016). Additionally, there may be the need to adapt the
pathogen to the host, e.g., influenza or Dengue virus in mice, which is less problematic
with NHPs. Currently, there are very few non-NHP models available that have the
capacity to fully replace NHP models in the near future.
Refinement and Reduction
Imaging techniques: Imaging techniques, such as PET-CT scanning or fluorescent
imaging within infectious disease may enable the study of the development of certain
infections, including the early effects of infection, and/or therapy over time in the same
individual (Lin et al., 2016). Novel sophisticated imaging techniques including new
tracers and labelled mAbs will enable detailed analysis of the development of infections
in a single animal, which will increase the amount of information from fewer animals
(Bocan et al., 2015). Identification of specific research areas
The (re)emergence of infectious diseases over the past years demonstrates the need for
research and new therapies. A recent example is the re-emergence of whooping cough
caused by Bordetella pertussis for which small animal models are not reliable for vaccine
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development. However, a new baboon model was developed that mimics whooping
cough in patients (Warfel et al., 2013). Important diseases such as TB and simian
immunodeficiency virus (primate analogue of HIV) are more human-like in NHPs than in
other animal models. Human challenge models are currently not possible because of the
potential chronic nature of the infection and absence of relevant non-NHP models for the
specific research question. Plasmodium vivax, one of the most prevalent malaria
infections in the world, can only be partially studied in humanised mice (Mikolajczak et
al., 2015). Additionally, Macaques infected with a macaque-specific analogous parasite
may only provide limited information on Plasmodium vivax infection (Joyner et al.,
2015). Although NHPs are important the study of malaria infection and therapy, NHP
models also have their limitations (Martinelli, 2016). Depending on the question, malaria
liver stage research may be studied in mouse models (Holz et al., 2016). There are
several studies stating that there is a lack of available vaccines, even after many years
of research in NHP models for HIV research (Akhtar, 2015; Bailey, 2014). However,
NHPs have been essential for improving our understanding of HIV and in the
development of new interventions that resulted in a longer survival of HIV patients.
Recently, a specific NHP HIV model was found to have many similarities with disease
development in HIV-infected children with non-progressive disease (Muenchhoff et al.,
2016). NHP models are thus, indispensable for the study of the fundamental aspects of
HIV and development of prophylactic and therapeutic therapies.
Changes in spread, infectivity and pathogenicity of infectious agents are realistic
dangers. Examples are recent Ebola and Zika epidemics as well as new pandemic
influenza strains. Because of many years of NHP research on Ebola, vaccines were
available relatively quickly and could be tested in endemic areas. Zika was originally
discovered in NHPs in the 1940s and currently, Zika infections are studied in NHPs.
Dengue virus, the most prevalent arbo-virus with potential severe morbidity, does not
naturally infect non-human species. However, in contrast to all other immune-competent
animal species, Dengue infects and replicates in NHPs and stimulates relevant immune
responses (Clark et al., 2013). Thus, NHPs provide essential models for understanding
and combatting (re)emerging infectious pathogens.
Infectious disease models are better in NHPs than in other animals when the disease
resembles that in humans compared with other animal models. A major advantage is the
similarity of NHP and human immune systems. Most reagents for analysis of human
immune responses can be reliably used in NHPs. Additionally, increasing knowledge of
the NHP major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes has substantially improved the
understanding of HIV and will have an impact on other diseases, such as emerging viral
infections, TB and malaria, which will also be essential for elucidating mechanisms
underlying host immune control of pathogens. Because genetics between humans and
other species, including NHPs are not identical, small differences may influence the
outcome of an infectious disease or therapy (Bailey, 2014). Differences between humans
and NHP in their innate response to LPS have been reported (Barreiro, 2010), which can
be used both as weaknesses or strengths for NHP models in this field.
Due to their phylogenetic relationship, the MHC of NHPs and humans are more closely
related than that of other animal species and as a result often offer the best fit-for-
purpose models. Small differences in genetics between different species (e.g., rhesus
versus cynomolgus macaques) or even within species derived from different
geographical origins in combination with different disease outcomes (e.g., HIV and TB)
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provide the opportunity to study fundamental mechanisms underlying pathogenesis and
host response (‘t Hart et al., 2015; Sharpe et al., 2016).
Future Research
Further optimisation and characterisation of non-NHP animals, such as humanised or
transgenic mice and zebrafish, can reduce the use of NHP models for specific questions.
Further development of new techniques such as organoïds and -omics technology, 3-
dimensional cell culture techniques and systems biology for vaccine development will
reduce the current necessity to use NHP to study important infections
. Development of
human challenge models should be encouraged when possible. Platforms for
collaboration and sharing of data from population studies, genome wide association
studies and clinical studies should be strengthened to further advance knowledge and
thus development of new therapies and vaccines. The use of imaging techniques in both
preclinical and clinical studies are important to reduce or replace NHP models and will be
helpful to compare NHP and patient data. Improvement and development of new
imaging techniques, tracers (e.g., to allow PET imaging) and labelled antibodies are
necessary to follow infections in vivo in individual animals. Research leading to the
identification of predictive biomarkers for vaccine efficacy in animal studies, including
NHP, and patients will result in the possibility to perform better predictive vaccine
efficacy studies in humans without requirement of a pathogen challenge. Reduction and
refinement of NHP models in infectious disease research can also be achieved by further
and better characterisation of NHP. Examples include the in-depth characterisation of the
genetic background, which will improve the understanding of disease, therapy, improved
animal selection (Haus et al., 2014; Vierboom et al., 2016) and characterisation of the
microbiome. Additional refinement will be reached by continuously improving animal
training protocols to reduce potential stress responses that can influence the outcome of
the research. Sharing of biological material obtained from NHPs, e.g., through biobanks,
should be encouraged to further reduce the number of animals used. In some cases, the
use of NHPs is mandatory to test a new vaccine master or working seed lots, such as for
yellow fever (WHO Technical Report Series, No 872, 1998). Replacement of live vaccines
that have a risk for neurological effects and were master or working seed lots are now
tested in NHPs by subunit vaccines. Currently, it is not possible to provide a fixed time-
schedule for reducing the number of NHPs used in infectious disease research. It is
unlikely that the new technologies will fully replace NHPs in the near future, especially
with the (re)emergence of pathogens. Moreover, this will also depend on potential
outbreaks with novel pathogens in which NHPs are the most relevant or possibly, the
only reliable model species.
6.6.4 Neuroscience Introduction
Historically, NHPs are used as models of the human brain in fundamental research to
elucidate how brain circuits contribute to memory, attention, decision making, reward,
emotion, visual and auditory perception and motor control (Bystron et al., 2006; Dehay
and Kennedy, 2007; Garcia-Cabezas et al., 2008; Letinic et al., 2002; Meyer et al.,
2000; Georgopoulos, 2000; Sanchez-Gonzalez et al., 2005; Smart et al., 2002; Schultz,
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2002; Fabbri-Destro and Rizzolatti, 2008; Rizzolatti and Fabbri-Destro, 2008). Although
the number of NHPs used per study is typically small, many neuroscience research
groups within Europe are engaged in this type of academic research. The continuum
between such fundamental primate research and applied neuroscience research in
patients remains the key to advances in the field.
In addition to advancing scientific knowledge about the brain, information gained from
fundamental research on NHPs has helped to understand brain dysfunction and has
sometimes contributed to the identification of treatments against disease and injury in
patients. For example, behavioural techniques to study the consequences of brain injury
in NHPs have been translated to allow assessment of human patients. Changes in
learning after lesions of different regions within the frontal lobe (Kennerley et al., 2006,
Rudebeck et al., 2008) were used by another research team to elucidate the difficulties
of human patients with frontal lobe lesions (Camille et al., 2011). Understanding the
consequences of brain lesions in NHPs had a direct bearing on understanding the
impairment of patients with lesions that included parts of the same brain areas. The
clinical work could not have been done without the initial animal studies. Fundamental
neuroscience research has also helped, along with data from rodents and man, construct
new experimental in silico and in vitro models and to develop new computational
technologies to simulate how the brain works. An ongoing example of this endeavour is
the Human Brain Project
. These replacement techniques partially rely on
electrophysiological data acquired in animals. Substantial work in the field of imaging
techniques has been achieved due to the work with NHPs in fundamental neuroscience
research (Logothetis, 2001). Electrophysiology studies in the awake, behaving state are
generally assessed as imposing a high welfare impact due to the number of procedures
involved (e.g., surgeries under anaesthesia, chronic restraint and penetration of
microelectrodes, food or fluid control), their likely effects on the monkeys, their
repetition over many months or years, and long-term housing in the laboratory
environment (Bateson et al., 2011) (also see Severity Classification below).
Translational neuroscience research aims at understanding the causes of, and developing
new therapies against, a range of brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s
disease or multiple sclerosis. These disorders remain poorly understood and have an
important impact on society in terms of number of patients (510 million in the EU in
2015) and their affected relatives, as well as on public health cost (WHO NeuroAtlas,
EBC). Multiple strategies should be deployed to advance knowledge in this area. Whilst
rodents are used for this research, applied and translational research in NHPs can be key
in some steps of the process because of their greater similarity to man. Both
fundamental and applied studies can show discrepancies between primates and non-
primate species, thus avoiding the pursuit of certain research directions that could fail if
translated to the clinic.
Modelling neurodegenerative diseases in NHPs can cause a high degree of suffering to
the animals. For example, the MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease can result in severe
impairment of the well-being and condition of the animals, necessitating daily
examination, warming, weighing, hand feeding and grooming until they regain autonomy
(Jackson and Jenner, 2012). In the chronic phase, motor symptoms of Parkinson’s
disease closely resemble the pathology in patients, which includes abnormalities in gait,
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balance and posture, slowness of movement, freezing, rigidity and levodopa-induced
dyskinesias. The caging environment needs to be adapted to these symptoms (reduced
height of elevated platforms in the cage, use of grids instead of bars, plastic instead of
metal grids to avoid contact with cold surfaces on platforms and cage flooring, adjusting
the height of food and beverage receptacles to grant ease of access, etc.) and to
minimise risk of injury. Alternatively, other NHP models of neurodegenerative disease
like 3NP systemic intoxication or quinolinic acid intra-striatal lesions for Huntington’s
Disease, overexpression of mutant proteins like huntingtin (for Huntington’s Disease),
alpha-synuclein (for Parkinson’s Disease), amyloid or Tau (for Alzheimer’s Disease), are
mostly asymptomatic and currently classified as moderate since they only require one
surgical intervention that does not induce long lasting suffering throughout the lifespan
of the animal.
However, given the potential for serious adverse effects of some models and techniques
and the long-lasting nature of some of these studies, it is particularly important that
funders and ethics committees establish robust peer review procedures to ensure that
only those projects with a very high likelihood of producing scientific, medical or social
benefit go ahead, and that there is full application of the available opportunities to
implement all three Rs. Severity classification
Directive 2010/63/EU requires that severity classification take into account, among other
things, the lifetime experience of the animals, the duration, frequency and multiplicity of
harmful techniques, the potential for cumulative suffering within a procedure, and the
application of refinement techniques (see Annex VIII). Prospective severity classification
for the purposes of project evaluation is done for the entire group of animals undergoing
the procedure/s, and is based on the most severe effects likely to be experienced by any
individual animal after applying all appropriate refinement techniques. On the other
hand, retrospective reporting of actual severity (e.g. for annual statistical reporting) is
based on the actual experience of each individual animal. Guidance on severity
assessment from national competent authorities
states “The actual severity to be
reported for the individual animal should be the highest level experienced during the
course of the procedure and not based on the severity at the end of the procedure. Nor
should the evaluation be considered a simple additive process, e.g., a number of mild
procedures = moderate severity. It should be based on an overall assessment of the
animal's experience from the start of the procedure to the end.” Permission to re-use is
dependent on actual severities of the previous procedure/s in combination with
prospective classification of proposed re-use. Reuse permission is not based on
prospective classification of the previous procedure.
Annex VIII of the Directive gives examples of procedures under each severity category.
Surgery under general anaesthesia with appropriate analgesia is a ‘moderate’ procedure,
whereas use of metabolism cages involving severe restriction of movement over a
prolonged period (e.g., up to 5 days) is a ‘severe’ procedure. Most non-human primates
on long-term electrophysiology studies will experience a number of surgical procedures
during their lifetimes (Pickard et al., 2013), and restraint in a restraint chair for up to 6
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hours per day most days per week (McMillan et al., 2017). The Pickard Committee
analysed data extracted from laboratory records on the number of adverse effects and
complications experienced by macaques and marmosets used in neuroscience studies
predominantly in the UK (Pickard et al., 2013). Infection around implants occurred in
23% of macaques with short-term implants, rising to 39% of macaques with long-term
implants. Bone infection occurred in 6% of animals, brain infection in 1%, and cerebral
haemorrhage in 1%. The incidence of seizures in studies involving lesions to the central
nervous system was 9% of cases. Non-elective euthanasia to end suffering was reported
in 26/234 cases, of which 42% were procedure-related. The Pickard data indicates that
underestimation of severity can occur (e.g., see Table 9, page 49 for four case studies
where the animals failed to cope and premature euthanasia was performed on welfare
grounds identified as clear examples of ‘severe’ by the UK competent authority but
classified by the researcher/s involved as ‘moderate’).
Prospective severity classification should be made on case-by-case basis and in line with
the highest severity that may be experienced by an individual animal. It is important to
remember that reuse conditions are based on actual reported severity. Justification for continuing to use NHP in the specific area
A variety of animal species are used in neuroscience. NHPs are generally used where
other species such as rodents lack the brain structures of interest, the fine visual and
motor abilities under investigation, the use of neurotransmitter systems, the functional
connectivity, or the ability to perform complex cognitive and behavioural tasks similar to
those used in humans (Jennings, 2016).
There is consensus in the scientific community that one animal model can never fully
recapitulate all aspects of human brain diseases. The type of scientific question asked
and the methodology used to explore will determine how useful and how predictive the
results will be. This implies that a variety of models, animal and non-animal, must be
used to address different aspects of the same disease. As an example, mouse transgenic
models of Huntington’s disease, bearing the same genetic defect as humans, do not
exhibit all the major aspects of the disease, whereas non-transgenic NHPs models do
(Palfi et al., 2007; Palfi et al., 1996; Pouladi et al., 2013).
The similarity of follow-up techniques used in pre-clinical studies and the appropriate
scaling up of the treatment delivered is a very important factor in the predictability of
the results for clinical safety and efficacy trials. For gene therapy strategies, assessing
adverse events from either off-target infection or deleterious motor consequences such
as dyskinesias (abnormal movements) can only be explored in a brain that is as complex
as the human brain (e.g., in terms of number of cortical layers) and that presents a
similar motor phenotype (which implies a similar connectivity across specific brain
regions). For cell therapy, the number of cells needed, the rate of their differentiation
(much more rapid in rodents than in NHPs) and the length of the axonal connections are
key factors for circuitry reconnection that cannot always be appropriately assessed in
small brains before initiating clinical trials (Lindvall, 2016). Perhaps more importantly,
the potential adverse effects of these cells (migration/implantation to undesired targets
over long distances, overgrowth) can be monitored non-invasively using magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. The availability of peripheral fluids, in particular
cerebrospinal fluid, to follow up adverse events such as rejection and immunogenicity of
grafted cells longitudinally using specific immune biomarkers can be challenging in small
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animals compared with NHPs and may not predict the clinical scenario (de Lange, 2013).
Imaging techniques like fMRI and PET pharmacology have high translational potential
and are increasingly used to identify cell populations involved in disease and these
approaches may then be modelled in silico or in less complex systems where relevant
(Herrmann et al., 2015). The use of NHPs in certain experiments can be justified by the
sub-anatomical rearrangement of neuronal populations and their connectivity across
brain structures that are not always present or partially present in rodent species like the
neocortex, the prefrontal cortex, and visual areas as well as attentional and oculomotor
networks (Hutchison and Everling, 2012). Importantly, the connectivity across
hemispheres, the presence of homologous structures in both hemispheres (redundancy),
or the lateralisation and intra-hemisphere connections are distinctive features in human
and NHPs (Passingham, 2009; Stout, 2012; Izpisua Belmonte et al., 2015; Procyk,
2016). Progress made in the last 10 years
There has been extraordinary progress in recent years in the field of Brain-Machine
Interfaces (BMIs) that use neuronal action potentials (spikes) recorded by implanted
electrode arrays to restore function after paralysis. NHPs have and continue to play an
important role, particularly in the development of upper-limb BMIs, since the motor
systems controlling the human arm and hand are shared only by other primates (Borton
et al., 2013). Key advances made first with NHPs and subsequently translated to
paralysed human patients include: the control of computer interfaces in monkeys (Taylor
et al., 2002) and humans (Hochberg et al., 2006), the control of robotic prostheses in
monkeys (Velliste et al., 2008) and humans (Hochberg et al., 2012), the control of
functional electrical stimulation of muscles in monkeys (Ethier et al., 2012) and humans
(Bouton et al., 2016) and artificial sensory stimulation in monkeys (Tabot et al., 2013)
and humans (Flesher et al., 2016). In each case, NHP research has driven translation to
patients (Bensmaia and Miller, 2014). The next generation of BMIs may act as artificial
(neuroprosthetic) connections between disconnected parts of the nervous system
(Hampson et al., 2012; Jackson et al., 2006); Hampson et al., 2012; Jackson et al.,
2006). For example, work is underway to develop methods of reconnecting the brain to
the spinal cord (Zimmermann and Jackson, 2014), requiring new spinal cord stimulating
technologies which (due to the different neuroanatomy of quadrupeds) must be tested
first in NHPs. In addition, improved longevity and stability of BMIs may require new
cortical electrodes and signal processing techniques (Hall et al., 2014) which must first
be developed and tested in NHPs before they can safely be translated to humans.
Applied studies conducted in animal models, and in particular in NHPs, have also had an
important role in the advancement of gene therapy for neurodegenerative diseases
(Hocquemiller et al., 2016). Taking Parkinson’s disease as an example a gene therapy
vector that produces dopamine in the brain has been shown to be safe and efficacious in
pre-clinical studies in rodents and NHPs and in the first generation of patients treated in
Europe (Jarraya et al., 2009; Palfi et al., 2014).
Finally, immunotherapies and silencing strategies in aggregation diseases like
Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and
Frontotemporal Dementia aim at neutralising or eliminating aggregated proteins believed
to be pathological and result in neuronal death (Arevalo-Villalobos et al., 2016;
Crunkhorn, 2016; Merienne et al., 2015; Nielsen and Nielsen, 2013; Valera and Masliah,
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2013). These proteins are naturally present in the brain, have one or more physiological
functions that are not completely understood and are present in many different
conformations in the brain. While the refinement of these strategies can be tested in
vitro by making gene silencing more specific or improving the specificity of antibodies
targeted against pathological protein epitopes, an assessment of the systemic effects,
both beneficial and adverse, of reducing protein load in the whole body has been
assessed in NHPs and proven to be safe before testing them clinically (McBride et al.,
2011; Grondin et al., 2012; Stiles, Zhang et al., 2012; Grondin et al., 2015;
Kordasiewicz et al., 2012; Keiser et al., 2016).
Despite this progress, a 2011 review by an independent panel convened by the major
public UK funders of NHP research found little direct evidence of actual medical benefit in
the form of changes in clinical practice or new treatments arising from the NHP
neuroscience portfolio funded over a ten year period between 1997 and 2006 inclusive
(Bateson et al., 2011). There were a number of reasons for this including lack of a
genuine link to medicine, the time that had elapsed between the research and the review
and a lack of awareness on the part of the researchers about the pathway to medical
benefit and how to move discovery to practical application. The panel also noted,
however, that the neuroscience was good quality and highly cited. It is important that
the justifications offered for individual NHP research projects are soundly based and
realistic and any potential health benefits are demonstrable. In addition, there should be
effective knowledge transfer and dissemination to ensure maximum benefit. Replacement possibilities
Most behavioural neuroscience studies combine measurements of sensory, cognitive,
motor or other psychological functions with some method of monitoring and
manipulating the activity of individual neurons, circuits or systems to establish a causal
relationship between the brain and behaviour or cognition. Because many of the
procedures used to monitor and manipulate brain elements are invasive (such as
electrophysiological recording or stimulation of neurons, and production of temporary or
permanent lesions via surgical, chemical or physical means), only rarely is it considered
ethical for them to be carried out in humans. It has been proposed that many more
studies involving recording from single neurons could be made directly in people (Bailey
and Taylor, 2016). However, when these studies are conducted, the electrode placement
sites are driven exclusively by clinical need (e.g., implanting DBS electrodes) and often
the brain tissue under study is compromised by a disease process like epilepsy,
Parkinson’s disease or traumatic brain injury (Jacobs et al., 2013; Priori et al., 2013;
Worrell et al., 2012). Moreover, the recording duration of this type of studies is limited
compared to the longitudinal follow-up available in the experimental setting. Hence, their
potential for replacing NHP studies is limited. Nonetheless, where opportunities for
microelectrode recording exist, with the patient’s informed consent, minimal risk and
ethics committee approval, they should be utilised (Mamelak, 2014).
The potential to use functional MRI studies in humans to replace some cognitive
neuroscience experiments performed in NHPs has been repeatedly proposed. However,
there are limitations in the interpretation of the blood oxygenation BOLD signal, that
does not reflect neuronal activity at the single cell or small population level, that prevent
this technique from explaining the neural correlates of cognitive neuroscience in the
healthy and pathological brain (Logothetis et al., 2008; Schridde et al., 2008; Buzsaki et
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al., 2012; Rigotti et al., 2013; Buckner et al., 2013). fMRI is a powerful non-invasive
neuroimaging method to extrapolate fundamental neuronal mechanisms that can be
revealed and interpreted by electrophysiology. Both methods are complementary and
many laboratories use approaches in NHPs and humans to advance our understanding of
the human brain while reducing the numbers of NHPs used in the laboratory (Procyk et
al., 2016; Passingham, 2009).
Moreover, recent studies have stressed several critical factors concerning statistical
approaches used in fMRI studies (Eklund et al., 2016), concluding that the widespread
use of this technique has to some extent slowed down and mislead current neuroscience
Regarding other non-invasive imaging techniques proposed to be able to replace
neurophysiological studies in NHP, their limitations have been previously reviewed
(Bateson et al., 2011):
despite the opportunities offered by imaging techniques, they are a long way from being
able to replace completely studies in NHPs and other animals. For example, information
on the direction of an anatomical connection (anterograde versus retrograde) is
unavailable from MRI-based techniques, and it is impossible to infer fine grained
connectivities (at the level of individual cells or groups of cells) using these approaches.
Functional mapping techniques such as fMRI are limited in recording a haemodynamic
signal, rather than the neuronal activity itself. This makes it impossible, for example, to
make inferences about the relative timing of events at a fine temporal scale. Techniques
such as magnetoencephalography (MEG) can offer greater insights into neuronal timing
and do directly reflect the electrical activity of a region, but the MEG signal reflects
synchronised activity across populations of cells, rather than the single cell level
information that is available from electrophysiological studies in animals. Non-invasive,
reversible interference with localised human brain functions using TMS allows mapping of
brain structure-behaviour relationships, providing a powerful alternative to NHP lesion
studies. However, TMS can only be reliably targeted to structures on the cortical surface;
deep brain structures, or medial cortical areas, are inaccessible to this technique yet are
important to study because of their role in many neuropsychiatric disorders.”
Acknowledging the limitations of existing imaging techniques is important to determine
the scientific hypotheses that can be tested through them and what experiments can be
directly performed in humans (Perry and Singh, 2014; Ruff et al., 2008; Schmid et al.,
2010). Significantly improving the spatial and temporal resolution of non-invasive
imaging technologies should be a high priority given the potential, after appropriate
validation, to advance the 3Rs in of NHP research (Boto et al., 2016). Transcranial
focused ultrasound (tFUS) / focused ultrasound neuromodulation (FUN) is an emerging
form of non-surgical neuromodulation that confers advantages over existing electro and
electromagnetic technologies by providing a superior spatial resolution on the millimeter
scale as well as the capability to target sub-cortical structures non-invasively in NHPs
and human (Deffieux et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2016; Leo et al., 2016).
The use of microfluidic chambers/brain chips and mixed cell cultures constitutes
replacement strategies are important for understanding cellular processes such as cell-
to-cell communication, protein trafficking or the role of glial cells, in health and disease.
Advances in stem cell biology have significantly contributed to biomedical research in the
last 10 years. The use of patient-derived iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells has
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considerably changed the ethical dilemma of using embryonic stem cells to understand
differentiation or as a therapeutic option (Santostefano et al., 2015). In vitro disease
modelling possibilities have expanded thanks to this technology, in particular when
monogenetic diseases rather than sporadic diseases are concerned (Avior et al., 2016).
These cells can recapitulate some aspects of the disease, just like animal models can,
and allow the replacement animals in the study of cellular mechanisms of disease by
assessing neuron-to-neuron or neuron-to-glial cell communication in microfluidic
chambers for example. Moreover, it allows the replacement of animals in novel drug
screening where the molecular target is known and toxicity assays. The challenges
remaining are, for example, the use of viruses for the reprogramming of patients cells
derived from skin (fibroblasts) or blood (PBMCs), residual somatic memory that can
affect differentiation “purity”, and the time that neurons and non-neuronal cells can be
kept alive after differentiation in order to study their activity (Korecka et al., 2016). The
same holds true for “mini-brains” or organoids where neuronal and non-neuronal cells
can form networks, but the degree of connectivity and axonal outgrowth remains to be
determined. Moreover, given the differentiation states of cells achieved at present, these
“brains in a dish” seem more suitable to study neurodevelopment and developmental
disorders of the brain than processes involving aged neurons (Bae and Walsh, 2013).
The absence of a blood-brain-barrier, a vascular system and an immune system
constitute major limitations when investigating complex pathological processes in vitro. Reduction and refinement possibilities
Generally within basic neuroscience the number of NHPs used per study is small. For
studies where the experimental unit is the neuron, the standard for publication is two
animals per condition; if the results obtained from the second monkey confirming the
results can be replicated in another animal. Efforts are made to optimise the yield of
data per animal and experimental session, for example via the use of multi-electrode
arrays, and in some cases to share data and tissues with other researchers. For studies
examining the effects of lesions or other interventions within or between groups of
animals, sample sizes may be around four per group, depending of factors such as effect
Over the last decade, advances in brain imaging technologies and non-invasive
electrophysiological methods have furthered efforts to refine and replace NHP
investigations in cognitive neuroscience and pharmacology. For example, integration of
structural and functional MRI with transient inactivation of targeted brain regions allows
studies to be performed without longer-lasting impairments or disability in the animals
(Schmid et al., 2010). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) provides a way of
establishing the causal role of particular brain cortical areas in cognitive function, without
causing the permanent tissue destruction that has long been the traditional method.
Structural MRI is being used to more accurately target recording, stimulation, lesioning
and transplantation procedures, yielding better quality data (t’Hart et al., 2006). MRI
scans are also being used to produce head restraint devices custom-fitted to the animal’s
skull, improving integration and stability and reducing the likelihood of infection, bone
necrosis and loosening of the device (Mulliken et al., 2015). Functional MRI in NHPs is
developing rapidly, offering a powerful tool for directly refining and potentially replacing
some electrophysiological studies (Vanduffel and Farivar, 2014, Ortiz-Rios et al., 2015).
Technological developments have also enabled refinement of surgical and other
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procedures within the neurosciences. For example, infrared reflection and video-based
systems for tracking eye position/movement have replaced the use of surgically
implanted scleral eye coils (Kimmel et al., 2012). Screw-mounted headposts and
recording chambers machined from single pieces of titanium have in some cases
replaced traditional devices using dental acrylic, which create greater defects in the
scalp, are less biocompatible and must be maintained assiduously to prevent infection
(Adams et al., 2007; In some studies, non-invasive means of head
restraint can replace surgically implanted devices (Hadj-Bouziane et al., 2014, Slater et
al., 2016). Use of antimitotic compounds (e.g., 5-flurouracil) have reduced, and in some
cases removed, the need for dural scrapes (Spinks et al., 2003). Modern anaesthetics,
from which the animals recuperate more rapidly (Bertrand et al., 2017), have enabled
more rapid reintroduction of NHPs to the social group, reducing the likelihood of
aggression due to disturbance of the group hierarchy (Jennings and Prescott, 2009).
Food and fluid control protocols, used to motivate reliable performance on cognitive and
behavioural tasks, have been refined to reduce the impact on animal welfare (Prescott et
al., 2010; Hage et al., 2014; Gray et al., 2016). Technological advances have resulted in
smaller devices for multi-electrode array recordings and the possibility to obtain in vivo
electrophysiological data wirelessly (Eliades and Wang, 2008; Fernandez-Leon et al.,
2015; O'Shea et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2014). Identification of specific research areas
Many large and small animal species have been used to identify anatomical structures
and pathways that are relevant to vision, sensation, hearing motor control and cognition.
Traditionally, electrophysiological recordings have been performed in vivo and brain
slices. An alternative that is heavily investigated is the use of optogenetic techniques in
which a virus can infect neurons and render them sensitive to light to modulate their
activity. Optogenetics has contributed immensely to identifying networks of connected
cell populations, functional pathways and circuitry in vitro and in the rodent brain both in
health and disease in the last decade (Adamantidis et al., 2015; Deisseroth, 2015). An
important refinement is that optogenetic experiments in rodents could better inform
deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatments to modulate neural activity in pathways that
are anatomically relevant to a given disease and combine it with pharmacological
modulation for a symptomatic treatment (Luscher and Pollak, 2016). However, there are
several technological aspects (light penetration, stable opsin protein expression without
cell dysfunction/inflammation, single neuron versus neuronal population modulation,
etc.) that currently prevent this technique from being translated to large brains and
replacing standard electrophysiology are under investigation in NHPs.
An important factor in the progress of gene therapy, antibodies, PET radiotracers,
contrast imaging molecules and drug delivery strategies for neurodegenerative disease is
the crossing of the blood-brain-barrier. The efficient passage of these imaging or
therapeutic agents into the brain will determine the success of these approaches in the
clinic. Focus ultrasound (FUS) uses ultrasound and a systemic injection of microbubbles
in the vasculature in combination with anatomical MRI imaging to transiently and focally
open the barrier. Given the size of the brain, the potential adverse events (like tissue
heating, lesions, and duration of the opening) and the specificity of the cell populations
that need to be targeted, animal models, in particular NHPs, might still be required to
validate such new approaches (San Sebastian et al., 2013).
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More recently, some research groups have been working on direct reprogramming in the
rodent brain, using the proliferation of astrocytes in neurodegenerative diseases to
reconvert these cells into neurons, thus avoiding an invasive surgical procedure for cell
transplantation (Chen et al., 2015). Because the exact role (beneficial versus
detrimental) of astrocytic/microglial proliferation during inflammatory processes that
may be different in rodents and primates, some work to confirm the mechanisms in
NHPs may be a requirement before clinical trials in patients.
6.6.5 Other uses
It is not possible to report on all NHP models in this Opinion. Primates are used in
behavioural research and in various other areas of biomedical research in addition to the
areas focused on in the Opinion. NHP models are used to study inflammatory disorders,
aging (Mattison and Vaughan, 2016), developing and evaluating new tracers for
neurodegenerative diseases (Golla et al., 2015) and other diseases, developing and
evaluating new drugs and therapies against a variety of disorders (Haanstra et al., 2016)
and developing gene therapies (Tadin-Strapps et al., 2015). NHPs will mostly likely be
required to study the effects and safety issues for stem cell therapy and organoïd
transplants. Ophthalmology Introduction
Blindness is a debilitation condition affecting more than a million people in Europe alone.
The major causes of sight loss are retinal dystrophies, age-related macular
degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Given the heterogeneity of inherited
eye diseases and the impact on public health, efforts have been made at the EU level to
create networks for rapid translation of therapies to the clinic (Cuna-Vaz and Zrenner,
The retina of NHP and man show some unique features (e.g., both NHPs and humans
have a macula lutea/fovea) not found in other mammals (Eichenbaum et al., 2014) and
therefore NHPs represent a more relevant model for specific ophthalmology research.
Combes and Shah (2016) provide a summary of the scientific advantages of using NHP
models such as forward facing eyes, binocular vision and ability to train them to perform
complex tasks. In conjunction, they discuss the associated welfare concerns and
limitations of using NHPs including the highly invasive nature of some of the techniques
and re-use of animals. The paper gives a comprehensive overview of the in vivo, ex vivo,
in vitro, computational models and volunteer studies that can be used in vision research.
For example, they describe the restricted possibility that species such as fruit fly, zebra
fish and amphibia could be used in some circumstances and outline the pros and cons of
subcellular, tissue culture, retinal cell cultures, stem cells and brain slices. However, they
argue that the potential for relative replacement is more encouraging especially through
the use of human stem cells in developing human cell-based models of visual pathways,
the availability of suitable in vitro models for efficacy testing of new therapies
particularly in the retina (Krishnamoorthy et al., 2016; cited in Combes and Shah,
2016). They provide evidence that the rodent visual system displays similarities with the
visual pathway of humans and NHPs and that transgenesis has opened up new avenues
of research with rodents. Furthermore, they argue that;
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‘There is an urgent need to improve the methodology for whole organ eye-culturing, and
to discover more information about the structure and function of the visual cortex, in
order to expedite the development of improved in vitro and in silico models and
simulations as a way of increasing implementation of advanced replacement techniques
in vision research’ (Combes and Shah, 2016). Pertinence of NHP in the specific research area
No currently available in vitro or in silico model appears to recapitulate the architectural
complexity of retinal cells or their complex structural and functional interactions and
many animal models have been attempted to mimic ophthalmic diseases like macular
degeneration or glaucoma (Chen et al., 2014; Burgoyne, 2015). Many differences in eye
anatomy and function exist between rodents and NHP including colour perception, the
presence of forward-looking eyes, a binocular processing that gives rise to the
perception of depth, the presence of a fovea, saccadic foveation and a divergent
specialisation of the spatial visual attention system; the presence of a macula, central
part of the retina, that is responsible for visual acuity and colour vision in human and
NHPs (Meier and Reinagel, 2013). Progress and future research directions
For some of these models, NHP might be indispensable, such as Usher type I syndrome,
an inherited disorder causing deafness and blindness. Many transgenic mouse models
have been generated since the discovery of the genetic mutations leading to the disease.
Although these mouse strains are deaf, none reproduces the retinal degeneration
observed in humans. A recent publication argues that unlike mice, NHPs have the five
USH1 proteins colocalising at membranemembrane connection sites between the outer
segment of the photoreceptors and surrounding subcellular compartments called the
“calyceal processes” (Sahly et al., 2012). A NHP model of this disease is under
development by specifically targeting the proteins in these regions through a shRNA
silencing strategy delivered by AAV (Institute of Vision, France).
A major axis of research is the restoration of visual perception in patients suffering from
degenerative retinopathies who eventually become blind. One example of these
conditions is the genetically inherited retinitis pigmentosa (Dalkara and Sahel, 2014).
«Artificial retinas» have been shown to functionally replace photoreceptors in patients
suffering from retinal degeneration and new devices are currently being developed and
tested in NHPs to improve the number of photodiodes, the biomaterials and the optimal
morphology of the implant (Stingl et al., 2016; project SIGH AGAIN
Alternatively, gene therapy and optogenetic light-mediated activation of remaining
transfected retinal neurons are ideal for specifically stimulating the cells that have not
degenerated and thus, restore electrical stimulation of the optic-brain circuitry (Duebel
et al., 2015).
Gene therapy for a different inherited disease, Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis, that causes
impaired vision from birth and blindness within a decade, has given promising results in
patients but seems to be less efficacious than in a dog model and a new viral vector is
under investigation in NHPs to improve the clinical results (Bainbridge et al., 2008;
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Kostic et al., 2010). Finally, cell therapy using embryonic stem cells or induced
pluripotent stem cells has given promising results in rodent and primate models of
retinitis pigmentosa and researchers have now developed cell lines that might be less
immunogenic after transplantation by matching the MHC molecules in the cell donor and
the recipient (Shirai et al., 2016; Sugita et al., 2016a; Sugita et al., 2016b). Because of
the uniqueness of the visual system in primates, it is certain that some of these and
novel therapeutic approaches will be tested in NHPs as well as rodents. Transplantation
NHPs have been used as recipients for investigating the fundamental aspects of organ
transplantation (Kean et al., 2006). They have been essential for developing various
aspects of organ transplantation and prevention of rejection. Insights gained from NHPs
in organ transplantation are used in clinical medicine and clinical research. This has
reduced the need for NHPs in transplantation research, though NHPs may still be
required to evaluate new immunosuppressive therapies and methods to prevent organ
rejection (Zeiser and Blazar, 2016).
The success of organ transplantation in patients with organ failure has increased the
demand for human cells, tissues and organs in the treatment of human disease and the
shortage of organ donors for transplantation is considered to be a major social problem.
Only a minority of patients who may benefit from a transplant will be able to receive one
and 10 to 20% of patients on the waiting list for organ transplants will die before a donor
organ becomes available (UK National Health Service, 2015). In addition, waiting times
are growing and are typically 2 to 5 years. Furthermore, as the transplants themselves
may also need replacing, this will exacerbate the situation.
In addition to treatment of the terminal failure of organs such as kidney, lung, liver and
heart, transplantation is also being seen as a therapy for other diseases such as cystic
fibrosis and for patients affected by diabetes and Parkinson disease.
The concept of “xenotransplantation”, i.e. organs from animals, was pioneered a century
ago, when transplanting human organs was considered ethically controversial. Grafts
were, however, quickly rejected, however, because of unknown forces later identified as
immune responses.
The unmet and growing demand for human cells, tissues, and organs coupled with
recent advances in the science of immunology and molecular biology (e.g., potent
immunosuppressive drugs, transgenic techniques) have stimulated a renewed interest in
the transplantation of animal cells, tissues, and organs instead of human cells and
The subject of ethics in relation to xenotransplantation has been widely explored (Sykes,
2003). Various animal rights activists are opposed to the idea of xenotransplantation
because they maintain that humans do not have right to breed and use other animals for
their own needs. While these issues require considerable debate, the accepted opinion is
that animals used for research or clinical xenotransplantation must be treated
respectfully and humanely, and they must not be used without regulatory approval.
Xenotransplantation does, however, also raise a major public health dilemma. There is a
need to balance the potential promise of this technology to alleviate the shortage of
human cells, tissues, and organs currently available for transplantation with the risk of
potential transmission of infectious agents to the patient, their close contacts, and the
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
public at large. Experience with human-to-human transplantation has demonstrated the
transmissibility of infectious agents from donor to recipient (e.g., Human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, Hepatitis B virus, and Hepatitis
C virus).
There are anatomic and immunologic similarities between NHPs and humans and these
similarities can reduce the immunological and other barriers to the survival and adequate
functioning of a xenograft in a human host. For these reasons, some investigators have
preferred the use of NHPs as potential sources of cells, tissues, and organs for
xenotransplantation. However, the structural and functional similarities may also
facilitate the transmission of certain infectious agents.
In light of the lack of supply of human organs for transplantation, several alternatives
have been investigated and debated. Implantable mechanical devices have been
explored in the field of cardiac transplantation. Recently, research has increased in the
area of transplanting embryonic cells across species and growing kidneys and endocrine
pancreas cells in situ (Mohiuddin, 2014) Organs from pigs have been the focus of much
of the research in xenotransplantation, in part because of the public acceptance of using
pigs and the physiological similarities between pigs and human and NHPs.
Xenografts have been proposed as appropriate for infants who are physically too small to
accommodate organs retrieved from adult or paediatric donors. Additionally, organs from
animal sources could be transplanted into patients currently excluded from the human
organ transplantation list.
NHPs are not acceptable organ donors for both practical and ethical reasons. In addition
to being uncomfortably close to humans on the evolutionary ladder, they also produce
few offspring, are slow to mature, and would be difficult to rear under the sterile
conditions required to minimise contamination by shared pathogens.
For xenotransplantation research pigs are the optimal candidates for organ donation
(Cooper et al., 2016). Barriers against the implementation of alternatives and
opportunities to progress
The spirit of EU Directive 2010/63/EU, which lays down the rules on animals used for
scientific purposes, is to facilitate and promote the advancement of alternative
approaches and to ensure a high level of protection for animals needed for animal
testing. To achieve this, it requires Member States to promote the use of 3Rs-principles
in scientific research and wherever possible a scientifically satisfactory method or testing
strategy, not entailing the use of live animals, shall be used instead of a procedure (on
animals). This Opinion highlights that in the case of NHPs there are many scientific
approaches that could significantly contribute to the replacement, reduction and
refinement of NHP studies and tests. However, there are also significant issues that go
beyond the scientific rationale, which are preventing the widespread adoption and
development of alternatives to NHP laboratory use. This section describes these barriers
to the implementation of alternatives and provides some suggestions of the
opportunities to overcome them and make progress toward achieving the ethos of the
Directive in Europe.
Schiffelers et al. (2014) provide a framework for understanding the barriers and drivers
associated with the regulatory acceptance and use of 3Rs models in pharmaceutical and
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
chemical testing more generally, which can be effectively applied to the case of NHP use
in science more specifically. They discuss the issues in terms of three levels that have to
align in order for an alternative approach to be accepted and implemented;
micro level: consists of the niche in which innovations such as new test methods are
developed and tested. Here, drivers and barriers are found relating to the development
and validation of 3R models;
meso level: entails a mix of existing rules and regulations, expertise, practices and
institutions that strongly influence the acceptance of innovations like 3R models;
macro level: where broader societal features, like the existing material infrastructure,
the political culture and coalitions, broad social values, world views, the macro-economy,
demography and the natural environment, can be found (Schiffelers et al., 2014, p.42).
In terms of this Opinion, the barriers to NHP alternatives are applicable to animal use
more generally but are amplified due to the strong ethical and social concerns
surrounding NHP experimentation. In this context, the micro-level barriers are the
scientific limitations of alternative methods that have been described in this Opinion as
well as the uncertainty of how to translate the findings from such models and build up
the necessary knowledge base to refer to. The main meso-level barriers are legislative,
in particular, the lack of regulatory harmonisation both within and across sectors and the
condition that is often included that that an alternative method must be scientifically
valid, justified and accepted (Schiffelers et al., 2014). A second meso level problem is a
lack of resources for developing alternatives to NHP models. At the macro level, the
potential to replace primates is not just about scientific data but is strongly
related/reliant on factors related to scientific practice where dynamics such as
competition, the reputation of the researchers and entrenchment and policy create
polarisation (Hudson-Shore, 2015; Innovative UK, 2015) and add to the problems at the
micro and meso levels. Another major macro-level barrier is the risk aversive nature of
society which makes it difficult to move away from familiar methods to new alternative
methods where there is less historical data to fall back on.
When considering these barriers and how to overcome them, this Opinion illustrates that
there is a great deal of work being conducted at the micro-level with many examples of
alternatives to NHP use that have been or are being developed. It also provides the
impetus for encouraging innovation and further scientific progress in terms of model and
technique development. There have also been a small number of funded European
initiatives to further the implementation of 3Rs principles in the field of NHP research
including EUPRIMNet
. There is an urgent need to
conduct systematic reviews and meta-analysis of all areas of primate use. While this will
be time consuming in the short-term, in the medium- and long-term, it could result in
significantly reducing the number of NHPs used by identifying where they are unsuitable
models or where they have contributed very little to current knowledge. This will save
resources and animals in conducting further unnecessary studies. It will also provide
evidence for much more targeted use of NHPs which could lead to reduction and
refinement and will ensure that the scientific justification for their use is much more
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
specific and robust. For advice and guidance on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of
animal studies, researchers may wish to consult the NC3Rs/CAMARADES Systematic
Review Facility (, which includes a free app to help researchers to
utilise these methodologies.
At the meso-level, there is still much to be done in terms of ensuring regulations are
harmonised and fully implemented to prevent opportunities to replace primates being
missed. In particular, it is important that the problems with validation are addressed so
that the paradox of in vitro models being expected to meet criteria that were never met
by most animal tests is resolved. In recent years, there has been some improvement in
the resources and funding available for developing alternatives and implementing 3Rs
initiatives. However, this is still small in comparison to the figures involved in animal
based-research. In addition, Research Councils and Funding Bodies should conduct
regular reviews of the outcomes of their NHP projects to ensure that the work has
resulted in a significant enough outcome to justify the use of NHPs and that funding is
being effectively distributed. While not perfect, the Bateson Report (2011) provides an
example of the kind of review, which can be conducted.
The macro-level barriers are perhaps the most difficult to address as they require
changes in attitude both scientific and societal and in scientific practice. Schiffelers et al.
(2014), Taylor (2014) acknowledge these difficulties, but they provide a core set of tools
to enhance the process of aligning the levels and moving the process forward which is
very applicable to NHP use. They advocate the 4Cs;
Commitment: This includes an international commitment to 3Rs models for scientific
and ethical reasons as well as the practical commitment of allocation of resources for the
development, validation and implementation of 3Rs models.
Communication: Finally, NHP researchers should have access to training opportunities
to help them communicate the aims and impacts of their research to the general public.
The Concordat on The Concordat on Openness initiative in the UK is a welcome
development, which is being replicated in other EU countries (e.g. Tierversuche
Verstehen Initiative in Germany and GIRCOR in France). Organisations signing the
Concordat agree to be more open and transparent about their animal research, to
provide accurate descriptions of the benefits, harms and limitations, be realistic about
the potential outputs of such research, and be open about its impact on animal welfare
and the ethical considerations involved. The Bateson Committee (Bateson et al., 2011)
also commented on public engagement, cautioning against overstating and generalising
the medical benefit of NHP research given that much of it is funded primarily for its
scientific value.
Cooperation: Cooperation or collaboration is arguably the most important means by
which to progress 3Rs initiatives in NHP use. Schiffelers et al. (2014) summarise it as
the process where two or more parties interact to create shared understanding. It is not
only about exchanging information but also about education and the mutual use of
information. It is important at all stages in the 3Rs process. This opinion includes several
examples where such cooperation has been very effective such as the NC3Rs working
groups on NHP use in mAb development and vomiting and nausea, and the EUPRIM-Net
initiative, which facilitated the implementation of the 3Rs among NHP researchers from
different lines of research. Cooperation needs to be inter and intra-disciplinary and needs
to cut across different stakeholder sectors such as regulators, industry and animal
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
protection groups to drive innovation and change.
Coordination: This is needed to guide alternatives to NHP models through the chain
from models development to the ultimate implementation in regulatory guidelines and/or
everyday scientific practice. This will involve the cooperation detailed above on an
international as well as national scale and the creation of clear roadmaps to follow.
Communication will be key to successfully and efficiently completing each part of the
Some of the recommendations given below are already requirements of EU Directive
2010/63, however they are incorporated into the committees series of recommendations
to emphasise their particular importance in relation to the use of non-human primates,
and to encourage their full and rapid implementation in all member states.
7.1 Advancing 3Rs
R01 Decisions about the need for NHPs in research projects or regulatory testing should
be made case-by-case based on strong scientific rationale and the availability of
alternative approaches. For instance, it may be possible that data from one species
is sufficient for progression of a potential new drug into human clinical trials.
Although international regulations for drug safety testing specify that non-rodent
species should be used and that one of these species can be NHPs, a significant
change is consideration of the need to use NHPs on a case-by-case basis. The choice
of species for a research project should, in each case, be based on scientific data on
the most appropriate model. There should also be harm-benefit assessment taking
into account the importance of the biological or medical question and the anticipated
benefits, the quality of experimental design and likelihood of successfully answering
the question, and ethical considerations, including the number of animals involved
and the harm caused to them. The EC and others have published guidance on how
to perform robust harm-benefit assessments (European Commission, 2013; Home
Office, 2015; Brønstad et al., 2016; Laber et al., 2016).
R02 In contrast to current areas of research with great potential to replace current NHP
use such as in safety testing of pharmaceuticals, other areas of research, partly
new, may require increased NHP use in the future, e.g., emerging infectious
diseases. A solid harm-benefit assessment is needed here, too. The majority of NHP
use in the EU is for safety assessment studies, performed to meet regulatory
requirements. NHPs should only be used when there are no alternatives and it is
scientifically demonstrated that none of the other non-rodent species commonly
used in safety testing is appropriate for the purpose of the study. In addition NHP
use can be avoided when in vitro preliminary studies demonstrate NHP are not a
suitable animal model. It is indeed important to consider the limitations of the NHP
when choosing which species to use in drug safety test: the use of an appropriate
species or combination of species/models is essential to obtaining the most reliable
and translatable information.
R03 Progress has been made in identifying opportunities to avoid NHP use where they
are not a relevant species or alternative species can be used, and in identifying
efficient study designs using fewer animals where NHP use is scientifically justified.
This progress has largely been led by the NC3Rs working in collaboration with
industry companies and regulatory bodies internationally, acting as a honest broker
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
for pre-competitive data sharing and providing an open forum for dialogue between
the parties. The evidence base and recommendations are being put into practice,
but there is scope for wider uptake across the industry to further advance the 3Rs.
R04 Research funders and ethics committees should ensure that research is conducted
on NHP only where there is no suitable alternative approach, and where there is a
high likelihood of producing scientific, medical or social benefit. This may require
improvements to existing peer review processes to make them more robust. It is
recommended that an international working group develops a clear listing of the
elements that should be scrutinised by project evaluators for their authorisation
and/or funding including experimental design and systematic inclusion of a
publication plan (including for negative results) for non-regulatory projects.
Researchers should report their NHP studies in compliance with the ARRIVE
Guidelines in order to maximise the information published and avoid unnecessary
R05 With regard to transgenic techniques (e.g., CRISPR) in NHPs, the SCHEER
recommends that the European Commission form a working group to assess the
scientific and ethical implications of such research to determine if it should be
allowed in the EU and, if so, within what constraints.
R06 Conduct systematic reviews in all areas of NHP research, where possible, to conclude
on its value, translational relevance and necessity in the context of alternative
approaches. Cross-company and cross-sector data sharing would be a path forward
for this type of retrospective assessment of NHP studies.
R07 Where NHP research is necessary and justified, it should be performed to genuinely
high standards of experimental design and technical practice, ethics and animal
welfare. Experiments should be performed by appropriately trained and skilled staff
with the necessary knowledge, resources and infrastructure to fully implement the
3Rs, as required by legislation and expected by general public. To this end, we
recommend that consideration be given to focusing NHP research in centres of
excellence and improving existing networks for information sharing.
R08 Researchers, ethics committee members, animal welfare committee members and
animal care staff must ensure that they keep abreast of the latest techniques that
enable reduction in animal numbers and the refinement of methods and techniques
to reduce suffering, and put this evidence base into practice. Ideally, this is a
continuous process of improvement and CPD. Institutional constraints on
implementation of the 3Rs should be recognised and addressed. Training should be
included in non-animal methods to improve skills in multidisciplinary science and
technology can help drive the development of non-animal technologies by training
researchers in new skills for continuing their research in their field, without animal
R09 CPD should be seen as an essential part of the training process for research workers
using NHPs. Researchers, veterinarians and animal technicians should make full use
of the CPD opportunities available, and this should be supported by their research
organisation. CPD should form part of training records and assessment of
R10 Available training opportunities are fragmented and not always aligned with best
practice. Consideration should be given to development of an accredited,
harmonised training course for those involved in NHP research to provide a solid
foundation in NHP behaviour and best practice in their care and use.
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
R11 Funding should also be provided for exchange visits and practical workshops for
those directly involved in the care and use of NHPs to facilitate sharing of best
R12 Whilst there has been progress with refinement of neuroscience studies involving
NHPs, funders and researchers should focus on significantly refining devices and
methods as well as improving the spatial and temporal of existing and new non-
invasive imaging technologies to refine, validate and ultimately replace the use of
highly invasive techniques in NHP. Experiments should make full use of modern
imaging, biotelemetry, virtual models and other technologies, and sharing of data
and resources (animals, tissues and equipment) between researchers and
institutions, to reduce and refine NHP use.
R13 There needs to be improved means of assessing pain and distress in NHPs, including
the psychological impact of their use in research. Scientific knowledge about the
welfare impact of husbandry and procedures, even after refinement measures have
been applied, needs to be factored into harm-benefit assessments.
R14 Reduction in NHP use would be assisted by greater use of more efficient
experimental designs (e.g., factorial designs). Careful consideration should also be
given to sample size calculations for NHP studies. The NC3Rs Experimental Design
Assistant ( is one source of tailored advice for those
lacking institutional access to expert statistical support.
R15 Breeding facilities should contribute to improvements in both animal welfare and
quality of science by ensuring that animals are well habituated to humans and better
able to cope with scientific and husbandry procedures.
R16 Literature searches, mainstream scientific and specialist conferences and resources
from institutions like the NC3Rs are all sources of information and advice on
opportunities to apply the 3Rs and the benefits of this. Researchers and associated
animal care staff should ensure that they continually review and adapt their working
practices accordingly.
R17 For the sake of transparency and monitoring progress in the application of the 3Rs,
it would be desirable that all Member States report on the level of severity of
experimental procedures, origin of animals, generation and first time use.
7.2 How to overcome barriers?
R18 To overcome the wider social, non-technological barriers to the implementation of
alternatives it will be necessary to stimulate changes in both scientific and societal
attitudes and in scientific practice by improving and expanding the 4Cs
(Commitment, Communication, Cooperation and Coordination). This will influence
the risk aversive nature of society that makes it difficult to move away from familiar
methods to new alternative methods, where there is less historical data to fall back
on. The 4Cs will also help to reduce problems related to competition, the reputation
of researchers and entrenchment and policy create problems.
R19 When communicating about NHP use with the public, the scientific community
should provide an accurate description of the benefits, harms to animals and
limitations of such research, and be realistic about the potential outputs and
impacts. For safety testing, regulatory requirements and scientific consideration, it is
possible to use NHPs, with proof that NHPs are most representative of humans,
regarding pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
R20 Researchers should report their experimental methods and results comprehensively,
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
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accurately and transparently. They should transparently evaluate and report on the
progress in the development of alternative methods and their validation, but also on
scientific limitations of alternative methods as well as the uncertainty of how to
translate the findings from such models and build up the necessary knowledge base
to refer to.
R21 It is also necessary to reduce the timescale and bureaucracy associated with the
process of formal validation and to overcome the lack of regulatory harmonisation
both within and across sectors.
R22 The EC should instigate strategic research funding initiatives to support the scientific
and technological development required to achieve NHP replacement, or at least
considerable progress towards it. This would also help the scientific community meet
the policy objectives of the Commission.
R23 To progress towards complete replacement of NHPs in safety testing, it will be
necessary to gain advance molecular biology techniques, including, for example, a
better understanding of signalling pathways, mode-of-action information, modelling
and bioinformatics. By integrating these data and the results of in vitro testing,
omics technologies applied to in vitro systems and physiologically-based
pharmacokinetic modelling, non-animal models will together more closely represent
what happens in a human body.
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
A public consultation on this Opinion was opened on the website of the Scientific
Committees from 10 February to 26 March 2017. Information about the public
consultation was broadly communicated to national authorities, international
organisations and other stakeholders.
The public consultation involved 190 contributors from Academia, researchers, Member
States, Non-Governmental Organisations and industry, providing a total of 318
comments, each of them addressing several issues. Each submission was carefully
considered by the SCHEER and the Scientific Opinion and biblography was revised
accordingly. In addition, a public hearing took place on 14 March 2017
. 19
organisations participated in the public hearing.
The comments from the public consultation and SCHEER responses are available at:
Replacement, Reduction, Refinement
Commitment, Communication, Cooperation and Coordination
Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal
Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry
Brain-Machine Interfaces
European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use
Central Nervous System
Continuing Professional Development
Directorate-General for Environment in the European Commission
Deep Brain Stimulation
Drug-Induced Liver Injury
Experimental Design Assistant
European Food Safety Authority
European Medicines Agency
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
European Public Assessment Report
European Commission
European Union
US Food and Drug Administration
UK Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
Focus ultrasound
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees
Idiosyncratic Adverse Drug Reactions
International Council for Harmonisation
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Monoclonal Antibodies
UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction
of Animals in Research
Non-human primates
Prefrontal Cortex
European Network Behavioural Management and Training of
Laboratory non-human Primates and Large Laboratory Animals
Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks
Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks
Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks
Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
World Medical Association
Working Group
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
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Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
Annex I- Definitions and examples of replacement, reduction and refinement
Methods that avoid or replace the
use of animals in areas where they
would have otherwise been used.
In some cases, relative
replacement (i.e. replacing the use
of live ‘protected’ vertebrates with
vertebrate cells or tissues, early
life-stages or non-vertebrates) has
been implemented as a first step to
absolute replacement.
Human volunteers, tissues and
cells; mathematical and computer
models; established animal cell
lines, or cells and tissues taken
from animals killed solely for this
purpose (i.e. not having been
subject to a regulated procedure);
non-protected immature forms
vertebrates; invertebrates, such
as Drosophila and nematode
Methods that minimize the number
of animals used per experiment or
test, either by enabling researchers
to obtain comparable levels of
information (of a given amount and
precision) from fewer animals, or
to obtain more information from
the same number of animals
(thereby avoiding further animal
Improved experimental design and
statistical analysis; sharing of data
and resources (e.g., animals and
equipment) between research
groups and organizations; use of
technologies, such as imaging,
that enable longitudinal studies in
the same animals.
Methods that minimize any pain,
suffering, distress or lasting harm
that may be experienced by the
animals, and improve animal
Refinement applies to all aspects of
animal use, from the housing and
husbandry used to the scientific
procedures performed upon them.
Use of appropriate anaesthetics
and analgesics regimens; avoiding
stress by training animals to
cooperate with procedures such as
blood sampling; providing animals
with appropriate housing and
environmental enrichment which
allows the expression of species-
specific behaviours.
Reproduced from Graham ML, Prescott MJ (2015) The multifactorial role of the 3Rs in
shifting the harm-benefit analysis in animal models of disease. European Journal of
Pharmacology 759, 19-29.
In the European Union, non-protected immature forms are embryonic and fetal
mammals, birds and reptiles up to the last third of their gestation or incubation period,
larval forms of amphibians and fish until they can feed independently, and cephalopods
until the point at which they hatch.
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
Annex II - Publically available information concerning the publication of
statistical data under Article 54(2) of Directive 2010/63/EU
No animals were used in Malta in 2014
Non-human primates testing (update 2017)
Final Opinion
Not yet published.
Northern Ireland: