O'Leary M (2004) The First 72 Hours: A Community Approach to Disaster Preparedness.
Lincoln (Nebraska), iUniverse Publishing.
Common Misconceptions about
Disasters: Panic,
the “Disaster Syndrome,” and
Erik Auf der Heide
* This paper represents the opinions of the author and not necessarily the policies or
positions of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry or the U.S. Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services. As a document compiled by a federal employee,
this paper is exempt from copyright protection and may be reproduced without permis-
Disaster planning is only as good as the assumptions on which it is based. Unfor-
tunately, this planning is often based on a set of conventional beliefs that has
been shown to be inaccurate or untrue when subjected to empirical assessment.
(1–3) To the extent that this occurs, responses can be dysfunctional rather than
adaptive. The purpose of this paper is to identify a few of the more common mis-
conceptions about disasters and show how they can lead to ineffective responses.
Because most field disaster research studies have been carried out in the United
States, the discussion will focus on lessons learned from domestic disasters,
although some nondomestic examples will be included. Although evidence sug-
gests that some of these findings may apply to disasters worldwide, one must be
cautious in extrapolating the data because of the social, cultural, economic, and
political differences in other countries.
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 341
Community Resilience, Not Social Breakdown
When people think of disasters, the common image is one of social breakdown.
Because of the frequency, vividness, and potential significance of disasters, a
number of widespread stereotypes have developed about behavior in disaster.
The popular image of disaster has often centered on the theme of personal
chaos. Such an image is frequently documented by isolated anecdotes used to
prove the universality of such behavior. This image suggests that individuals
panic and that individuals lose their concern for others…. They act irratio-
nally in terms of their own self interest. Also, as the result of the disaster expe-
rience, it is suggested that people become hostile and take aggressive action
toward others. Another facet of the image suggests that victims develop a
“disaster syndrome,” a docile, childlike condition, and as a result must be
“cared for” by some protective organization, acting in a parental way…. At the
community level, the image of a “social jungle” prevails. People, hysterical and
helpless, gradually shed the thin veneer of civilization and exploit others. It is
said that looting is common and outside authority is perhaps necessary in
order to inhibit these resurgent primitive urges. It is assumed that many will
flee from the disaster area in mass panic, leaving the community stripped of its
human and natural resources. (4)
Disaster research studies demonstrate that this image is believed by the public,
by members of emergency and public safety organizations (for example, by police
and fire departments, the American Red Cross, and the military), by governmen-
tal officials, and by the news media. (3, 5) Even when interviewees have denied
seeing such behavior in their own disasters, some of them have viewed this as
atypical—as the result of the extraordinary spirit and courage unique to their own
community—rather than as characteristic of disasters in general. (3) Unfortu-
nately, as we shall see, decision making based on these beliefs can lead to inappro-
priate responses and an inefficient use of available resources.
In contrast, researchers have found—at least in the immediate aftermath of
disasters—that community resilience and unity, strengthening of social ties, self-
help, heightened initiative, altruism, and prosocial behavior more often prevail.
In short, when things are at their worst, disaster-stricken communities tend to
rise to the occasion. One possible exception is that community unity may be
decreased in chronic technological disasters involving hazardous substances. (6–
10) It is also important to point out that dysfunctional and antisocial behaviors
can occur in disasters. For example, people can panic, and one should not expect
that crime will completely disappear in high-crime inner-city areas when there is
342 The First 72 Hours
a disaster. The point is that antisocial behaviors are uncommon in typical disaster
situations. (11, 12)
The Panic Misconception
Definition of Panic
The issue of panic in disasters is frequently clouded by a lack of understanding of
what the term means. The word is often very loosely and incorrectly used to
describe virtually any type of fear, flight, or uncoordinated activity. (13–15)
EXAMPLE: Bombing, Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, 1995. A
fire department official involved in the emergency response reported, “Abso-
lute unrestrained panic was rampant in the building during the first hour to
hour and a half of the incident. The building had so many access points that it
was very difficult to keep anyone from entering [italics added]. (16)
Survivors of disasters have characterized their behavior and that of others as
“panic,” when what they are really experiencing or observing is rational behavior
based on fear. (17) It is appropriate to experience fear in a crisis, and fleeing from
a disaster is often the most rational course of action. (18) Panic, on the other
hand, involves irrational, groundless, or hysterical flight that is carried out with
complete disregard for others. (17, 19, 20) Most people evacuating in a disaster
assist others to get away. (18) For example, in Denver, Colorado, in a 1965 flood,
residents were threatened by rapidly-rising flood waters, and 92% of the families
who evacuated left together. (18)
Several conditions must usually be present simultaneously to trigger panic. (6,
13, 21)
The victim perceives an immediate threat of entrapment in a confined
Escape routes appear to be rapidly closing.
Flight seems to be the only way to survive.
No one is available to help.
1. When escape is impossible (as in a sunken submarine or a collapsed coal mine), peo-
ple do not tend to panic.
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 343
Rarity of Panic
Because this combination of conditions is so uncommon in disasters, panic is also
quite rare. (6, 7) When panic does occur, it usually involves few persons, is short-
lived, and is not contagious. (21) In studies of more than 500 events, the Univer-
sity of Delaware’s Disaster Research Center found that panic was of very little
practical or operational importance. (21, 22) A number of systematic studies of
human behavior in disasters have failed to support news accounts of widespread
panic. (5, 8, 23–26)
P. G. Wood (27) used interviews and questionnaires to gather information
from more than 2,000 persons involved in 952 building fires. Of these fires,
slightly more than 50% occurred in houses, 17% in factories, 11% in multioccu-
pancy residences, 7% in shops, and 4% in institutions such as schools and hospi-
tals. He found that there were three general types of reactions to these fires: (1)
concern with evacuation of oneself or others, (2) concern with containing or
fighting the fire, and (3) concern with warning others and notifying the fire
department. The majority of occupants appeared to have behaved adaptively.
Although some 5% of respondents took actions that increased their risk, evidence
of irrational, antisocial behavior was lacking.
Canter et al (28) carried out extensive interviews with forty-one subjects
(occupants and firefighters) from fourteen house fires, ninety-six subjects from
fires in eight multiple-occupancy buildings, and sixty-one subjects from six hos-
pital fires. Rather than panic or irrational behavior, what they found was that
occupants became involved in protective activities such as warning others, calling
the fire department, and rescuing or assisting others. The authors made a distinc-
tion between panic and behavior that was dysfunctional because it took up valu-
able time or was potentially dangerous. They pointed out that what was later
called dysfunctional behavior was usually not caused by irrationality but resulted
from occupants’ attempts to deal with uncertain information in a rapidly devel-
oping emergency. (28)
EXAMPLE: Hurricane Carla, Galveston, Texas, 1961. Carla was a category-5
hurricane, the highest level on the Saffir-Simpson scale. It was the worst hurri-
cane to hit the Texas coast in 40 years, having sustained winds of over 150
miles per hour as it positioned itself to strike the mainland.
Headlines in sev-
eral newspapers reported, “More than 100,000 persons flee in near panic.”
Actually, 70–80% of those on Galveston Island remained during Carla, even
though most knew they would be cut off from the mainland. Islanders boasted
of having had beach parties during the hurricane. After Carla, a Galveston
professional man said that he was “very proud of not having evacuated.” His
344 The First 72 Hours
parents had never fled before a storm, and neither had he. For those that did
leave, the evacuation was reported as calm, business-like, and without panic.
(30, 31)
EXAMPLE: Fire, Beverly Hills Supper Club, Southgate, Kentucky, 1977.
British newspapers carried the following headlines: “Panic Kills 300” (The
Sun), “Panic and 300 Stampede to Death” (Daily Mail), “A Killer Called
Panic” (Daily Express). (14) However, detailed investigations carried out by
the National Fire Protection Association did not find widespread panic. In
some of the interviews, persons referred to “panicky behavior,” but it was
unclear what they meant, since the specific behavior and actions of these sup-
posedly panicked persons was not actually described. Likewise, although some
screaming was heard, the reasons for the screaming (for example, screaming in
attempts to locate others) were not reported.
However, when actual behavior was described, it was clearly not panic.
Even though the Supper Club staff had not received fire emergency training,
they did not abandon their posts and flee. Rather, their first actions were to
investigate the source of the smoke, try to put out the fire with extinguishers,
notify the fire department, assist patrons in exiting the building, and rescue
patrons who had collapsed from the smoke. Even after helping patrons out of
the building, staff reentered the burning building to help others. A survey of
survivors taken after the fire indicated that 76% of the patrons were assisted
out of the building by staff. Patrons were observed to evacuate in an orderly
and calm fashion, even when thick, blinding, choking smoke enveloped them.
There was very little shoving, and even when it did occur, it was described as
“a constructive shove” to get persons to move faster. It was not a result of hys-
teria or an attempt to get out before others.
Staff and patrons alike urged others to be calm and not to panic, some-
times downplaying the danger. Almost all of the deaths occurred in the Caba-
ret Room, which was the last to be notified of the fire. Even after the fire was
announced, comedians on stage in the Cabaret Room continued their perfor-
mance, an action that could well have contributed to the fact that many of its
occupants did not take the warnings seriously until it was too late. Unfortu-
nately, the number of occupants in the room was three times larger than the
existing exits could accommodate. Most of the occupants were overcome by
smoke and collapsed before they could get out. Some persons who were suc-
cessful in evacuating were only able to walk a few yards outside the building
before they collapsed and died. There was no evidence to suggest that any of
these deaths were due to trampling underfoot. It is ironic that in a situation
where survival utterly depended on rapidity of evacuation, there sometimes
seemed to be more concern about preventing panic than convincing people to
leave. (32)
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 345
EXAMPLE: Air crash, Sioux City, Iowa, 1989. The rescuers and firefighters
who were first on the scene were amazed at how calm the victims were. The
Sioux City fire chief reported, “There was no chaos—no mass confusion.
They were calm and organized, and many of the survivors, once they got out,
stayed and assisted others. They, themselves, were instrumental in saving addi-
tional lives.” (33)
EXAMPLES: Bombing, World Trade Center, New York City, 1993, and ter-
rorist attack, 2001. Evacuations were carried out in an orderly fashion, with-
out panic. (6, 34–36)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake and fire, San Francisco, 1906. Jack London rushed to
San Francisco to cover the earthquake, the biggest story of his lifetime. He
reported that, “remarkable as it may seem, Wednesday night, while the whole
city crashed and roared into ruin, was a quiet night. There were no crowds.
There was no shouting and yelling. There was no hysteria, no disorder…I saw
not one woman who wept, not one man who was excited, not one person who
was in the slightest degree panic-stricken…Never, in all San Francisco’s his-
tory, were her people so kind and courteous as on this night of terror.” (37)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, Los Angeles, 1971. The first floor of the two-story
Mental Health Building of the Los Angeles County Olive View/UCLA Medi-
cal Center completely collapsed. The upper story—containing fifty-five psy-
chiatric patients—ended up at ground level. A staff member described a
frightening noise and being thrown violently across the room by the shaking.
Patients were observed to be cooperative, and there was no panic. In fact,
some of the more psychotic patients became more rational during the emer-
gency and rescued fellow patients, then after some time passed, they relapsed
back into their baseline psychosis. (38)
Concerns have been expressed as to whether the lack of panic would apply to a
bioterrorism incident. (39) Would such an event lead to widespread panic, flee-
ing from the cities, and refusal of medical practitioners to take care of victims?
Some remember the hesitancy of physicians to treat AIDS patients and wonder if
the same thing would happen again. Although there is little data on which to base
an opinion, two events are instructive: the sarin attack in Tokyo in 1995 and the
flu pandemic of 1918.
Murakami (40) interviewed forty victims of the 1995 sarin gas attack in
Tokyo. It is of interest to note that some interviewed victims used the term panic
to describe what happened. Yet, their observations of the way people actually
behaved were not consistent with the definition of panic. An example is the fol-
lowing account by a woman victim.
346 The First 72 Hours
I felt absolutely awful. My eyes were twitching, like muscular convulsions,
though they didn’t hurt, but everything was yellow…when I got off [the sub-
way] I thought, this has to be sarin. My pupils are contracted, aren’t they? As
part of my job, I read the newspaper thoroughly every day and watch the news
without fail. I knew about the Matsumoto incident, which is when I first
encountered the term “pupil contractions.” Oddly enough, I was extremely
calm. I knew it was sarin. (40)
Despite her realization that she had been exposed to deadly nerve gas, she assisted
two other victims to the subway station office to summon an ambulance. When
one could not be obtained, the three walked to a nearby hospital, escorted by a
subway station attendant.
Another victim described his experience as follows.
There came an announcement that a passenger had collapsed on the subway
and that the subway would be making a temporary first-aid stop at the station.
This was followed by the announcement that three passengers had collapsed.
After the train stopped, a man walked by on the platform stating that there
was sarin gas. Following that, several nearby people stood up, though they did
not seem to be in any particular hurry. They weren’t running to escape or any-
thing. A short time later, another announcement stated that poison gas had
been detected and that passengers should head for safety above ground. At
that time, all the passengers stood up and got off the train, but still there
wasn’t any panic. They walked a little faster than normal, but there was no
pushing or anything. I went out the exit and up the stairs. Outside, I wanted
to have a cigarette, but I could barely draw air into my throat before I was
coughing hard. That’s when I knew I’d breathed the gas. Because I could
walk, unlike those that were being carried out of the station, I didn’t think my
condition was that serious. So I walked to the Shintomicho Station and took
the Yurakucho Line to work. When I got there, the executive director asked
me if I was all right, and he told me that they were saying it was sarin, so I’d
better go to the hospital quickly and have some tests. (40)
In his study of the 1918 flu pandemic, Crosby (41) made a conservative esti-
mate that more than half a million Americans died as a result. This figure is
greater than the combined deaths from World War I, World War II, the Korean
War, and the Vietnam War. Yet, the masses did not flee the cities in blind panic.
In fact, officials wanting to prohibit public gatherings or enforce the use of surgi-
cal masks in an effort to prevent spread of the disease were met with public resis-
tance. Physicians and nurses continued to care for flu victims even though their
colleagues were falling victim to the disease. Visiting nurses often faced scenes
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 347
reminiscent of the Bubonic Plague in the fourteenth century. Fifteen-hundred
nurses volunteered their services to fight the influenza battle even before the
American Red Cross appropriated money to pay them. Ad hoc emergency hospi-
tals, soup kitchens, and ambulance services sprouted up to meet the demand.
Nonmedical volunteers brought food to tenement houses to feed persons too ill
to care for themselves. They manned cars to transport doctors and nurses on
house calls to treat persons who were ill. Even taxi cabs were recruited, and
despite the illness of the passengers, the drivers never once refused to transport
them to hospitals. Even those with no professional obligation to care for the sick
volunteered in droves, knowing full well that they were exposing themselves to a
lethal, contagious, untreatable disease in the process. (41–44)
Hesitancy to Evacuate
In contrast to panic, a more common problem is getting people to evacuate and
keeping them from returning before the danger is over. (2, 6, 11, 23, 30, 45–48)
EXAMPLE: Hurricane Andrew, South Dade County, Florida, 1992. While it
is estimated that seven million residents evacuated, three million refused to
leave. (49)
EXAMPLE: Volcano eruption, Mt. St. Helens, Washington, 1980. When
Mt. St. Helens began showing signs of an impending eruption, actions were
taken to keep people away from the threatened area. Violators were subject to
fines of $500 and 6 months in jail. Nevertheless, it was fairly easy for anyone
to circumvent the roadblocks by using numerous logging roads all around the
mountain. Numerous people did just that, much to the frustration of law
enforcement officers trying to keep the area closed. (45)
Usually, the initial response to warnings of a disaster threat is disbelief, not
panic. (23) If it appears that the warning is credible, the next response is to try to
confirm its validity, usually by listening to radio and television broadcasts or by
talking to friends, relatives, or neighbors. (13, 23, 48, 50) If there is conflicting
information or vagueness about the threat, recipients of the warnings will tend to
downplay the danger. Members of threatened populations will seize upon any
“vagueness” in a warning message that allows them to reinterpret the situation in
a nonthreatening fashion. (13, 23) Nonspecific warning methods, such as sirens,
are notoriously ineffective in getting recipients to take protective action. (13)
EXAMPLE: In their study of a nursing home fire, Edelman et al (51) observed
that because of prior false fire alarms, a number of the residents ignored the
348 The First 72 Hours
initial warnings and did not take them seriously until they heard other occu-
pants screaming, “Fire!” Panic behavior was not observed, although one men-
tally retarded patient stated that she had “panicked.” It was unclear what this
patient actually meant when she reported this.
Occasionally, in technological emergencies involving potential threats that are
unfamiliar or “invisible” to the public (for example, chemical or radiological acci-
dents), people will interpret inconsistent or vague warnings as if the worst were
likely to happen. In such cases, they are more likely to heed evacuation orders or
to evacuate on their own initiative. (52)
The problem with the panic misconception is that the public, the media, and
even emergency planners and public officials believe it. (3, 39) Because of this,
officials may hesitate to issue warnings because they are convinced that the result-
ing panic will cause more damage than the disaster itself. (2, 14, 53, and 54) This
belief has led to recommendations to avoid panic by (1) providing minimal infor-
mation to occupants in the event of a building fire and (2) carrying on normal
activities until the last possible moment. In places of entertainment, it has been
suggested that the band should continue to play if there is a fire and that panic
can be avoided by having telephones located in areas where people cannot over-
hear calls to the fire department. (14)
A more relevant concern for these public officials should be how to create
warning messages that the public will heed. Several factors serve to improve the
response to warnings. (2) The public is more likely to act on warning messages if
they understand the warnings, if they believe that the warnings are true, and if
they believe they are personally at risk. (50) They are more likely to heed warnings
if past warnings were accurate and did not “cry wolf.” (2, 48, 51) Warning mes-
sages are also more likely to be believed if they are issued by a credible source,
such as police or fire officials, emergency management or disaster officials, or
elected officials, such as the mayor or governor. (13, 51)
The specificity of the warning influences its effectiveness. Recipients need to
know more than just the fact that there is a threat. Effective warnings are those
that state, in terms clear to the recipient, the urgency of the situation, likelihood of
impact, and exact localities at risk. For example, saying that the river will crest
five feet above flood stage may convey less meaning than either saying it will
cover the courthouse stairs or showing a map of the exact streets that will be
flooded. (21, 48) Even in parts of the country where tornadoes are common,
terms like “tornado watch” and “tornado warning” are misunderstood by more
than a third of the public. (2) Disaster warnings are not usually very effective
unless they identify specific courses of protective action that can be taken to
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 349
reduce the threat. Protective actions may be obvious to some persons who have
lived for some time in disaster-prone areas. However, to many persons, especially
in the case of technological accidents, the appropriate protective actions may be
less apparent. (2)
The context of the warning is also important. (2) Warnings issued by televi-
sion and radio stations may not be taken seriously unless normal programming is
suspended to cover news about the threat. Weather cues are another important
contextual variable, as well as seeing flames or smoke in a building. (51, 55) (See
the following examples.)
EXAMPLE: Tornado, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1980. Sirens were heard fre-
quently from April through late summer, but their warning value may have
been somewhat tempered by a sense of relative invulnerability. (The last time
a tornado had hit Grand Island was in 1857, and year after year since that
time, those storms that had appeared always veered north of the city.) Sirens
did not usually trigger a sense of immediate danger. They were heard during
Civil Defense tests, conducted twice each month, and they were heard when
funnel clouds had been sighted nearby, funnel clouds that ended up not actu-
ally posing a threat to the city. The townspeople seemed to rely primarily on
their own weather sense and ability to read environmental clues. The sound of
sirens was interpreted not so much as a warning of clear and present danger as
it was a signal to watch the skies. Thus, unless conditions looked particularly
threatening, the sirens did not generate much alarm. However, on the evening
of June 3, they were not heard with the usual complacency. The skies did, on
this occasion, look uniquely ominous. Many people turned on the radio,
began making personal weather observations, and in general became sensitized
to signs of potential danger even before the sirens began to sound. When the
sirens began to go off, they were heeded. The result was that, in spite of bear-
ing the full and extended force of 6 twisters that flattened one-fifth of the
town (population 40,000), there were only 5 deaths and a relatively small
number of injuries. The experience of most persons interviewed after the
storm can be summed up in the words “We hear the sirens all the time, but for
some reason, [this time] we paid attention.” (55)
EXAMPLE: Flash flood, Big Thompson Canyon, Colorado, 1976. A storm
dumped more than twelve inches of rain on the western watershed of the can-
yon. Although the lower end of the canyon was at greatest risk, it was not even
raining at this location. Thus, it was hard to believe that a flood was possible,
and warnings were treated with disbelief. When the ensuing flash flood raged
through the canyon, it swept 146 persons to their deaths. (56)
Several other factors can enhance compliance with warnings, such as repeated
warnings and similar warnings from multiple sources, provisions for assuring the
350 The First 72 Hours
safety of livestock and pets, the ability to account for the safety of family mem-
bers, and assurances that there will be no looting. (2, 6, 52, 57, 58) Finally, invi-
tations from friends or relatives to shelter with them are likely to increase the
rates of evacuation. (2, 13, 23)
Disaster planners and response agencies need to be aware that rapid evacua-
tion may spell the difference between death and survival. Evacuation warnings
should not be withheld or delayed for fear of precipitating widespread panic.
While the conventional wisdom has been that one should not “shout fire in a
crowded theater,” the evidence from the study of fires suggests that such an
emphatic warning may save lives if it convinces the patrons to exit in an expedi-
ent manner.
The “Disaster Syndrome” Misconception
Another common misconception is that many persons faced with disaster are so
overwhelmed that they develop what has been called “disaster shock” or the
“disaster syndrome.” This is said to be a state of stunned psychological incapaci-
tation that results in the inability to take care of oneself or others. Those suffering
from this supposed state are thought to be unusually dependent on and suscepti-
ble to strong leadership from authorities. (3, 59, 60) Actually, only a small pro-
portion of disaster victims suffer from this kind of psychological shock, which
tends to be limited to sudden, violent disasters. Even when it occurs, the condi-
tion is usually short lived. (5, 18, 21)
Search and Rescue by Survivors
In contrast to this image of dependency, most disaster victims take the initiative
to help themselves and others. In numerous disasters, going back for decades, it
has been observed that a large part, if not most, of the initial sheltering, feeding,
relief, rescue, and transport of victims to hospitals was carried out by survivors in
and near the stricken area.(1, 6, 18, 25, 61–67) Search and rescue is an important
case in point. Most post-disaster search and rescue is carried out not by trained
emergency response organizations but by family members, friends, neighbors,
coworkers, and even complete strangers who happen to be at or near the scene at
the time of impact. (2, 25, 62, 66–72)
EXAMPLE: Tornado, Wichita Falls, Texas, 1979. More than 5,000 victims
needed immediate help. Only 13% of the victims rescued indicated that they
had been rescued by someone they recognized—usually by uniform—as being
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 351
associated with an emergency organization. The others were assisted by aver-
age citizens, many of whom were themselves victims. Fifty-nine percent of all
uninjured victims interviewed rendered aid to someone else within minutes
after the tornado passed. It is estimated that this amounted to upwards of
10,000 individuals. (66)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, San Francisco Bay Area, 1989. Random surveys car-
ried out in two of the six impacted counties (San Francisco and Santa Cruz)
indicated that more than 31,000 residents became involved in search-and-res-
cue activities in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. (73) Across the bay,
in Oakland, the earthquake had collapsed a double-decker section of interstate
highway, called the Cypress Expressway, where the highest number of quake
related fatalities occurred. The Oakland Fire Department reported, “The suc-
cess of the Cypress rescue operation was due, in large measure, to the efforts of
hundreds of citizen volunteers. These volunteers, coming from residences and
businesses in the neighborhood or passing by on the street and freeway, per-
formed some of the first rescues of trapped motorists. Using makeshift ladders,
ropes, and even the trees planted beside the freeway, these volunteers scram-
bled up onto the broken structure to render first aid and help the injured and
dazed to safety.” (74)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, Tangshan, China. 1976. This earthquake, probably
the worst peacetime disaster of the century, resulted in approximately 250,000
deaths. Yong reported that 200,000 to 300,000 victims rescued themselves
and then carried out 80% of the rescue of others. (75)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, Mexico City, 1985. More than 2.8 million adults
volunteered in the response, with more than 1.2 million of them becoming
involved in search-and-rescue activities. (76)
EXAMPLES: Four disasters occurring in 1978–1979. The following percent-
ages of search and rescue were carried out by bystanders: tornado, Lake
Pomona, Kansas—50%; tornado, Cheyenne, Wyoming—29%; tornado,
Wichita Falls, Texas—40%; and flash floods in Texas—67%. (66)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, Coalinga, California, 1983. “Local untrained citi-
zens did most of the initial search-and-rescue work, including control of utili-
ties on a block-by-block basis…Without this responsiveness a much larger
disaster would have resulted….” (77)
EXAMPLE: Gas explosion, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1992. Researchers inter-
viewed 43 victims who had been buried alive in the impact and found out that
all the victims had been rescued within two hours by relatives, neighbors, and
others who lived in the immediate area. Professional search-and-rescue teams
352 The First 72 Hours
arrived too late to have much impact on victim survival; the vast majority of
the victims they located were already dead. (6)
EXAMPLE: Bombing, Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
1995. Hundreds of persons who worked in the downtown area rushed to the
site, and many entered the building to search for survivors. In the first one and
a half hours of the incident, countless civilians and rescue personnel—many
without apparent direction by the authorities—were in and around the build-
ing, all desperately wanting to help. (16)
One of the consequences of search and rescue by survivors is that the activity is
usually not well-coordinated. (1, 13, 78, 79) Rosow, in his assessment of four tor-
nado disasters, likened disaster search and rescue to a “mass assault.” (80) He
described large numbers of people tackling the first obvious problem coming into
view, overcoming it by sheer force of numbers, and then moving on to take on
the next obvious problem in the same manner. During this process, little atten-
tion was being given to the overall picture.
Even when trained emergency response teams become involved, a coordinated
effort is not assured. At least in part, this may be due to the fact that it is often
unclear who has overall legal responsibility for coordinating widespread post-
disaster search and rescue, especially when multiple agencies respond or disasters
cross jurisdictional boundaries. (2)
EXAMPLE: Tornado, Flint-Beecher, Michigan, 1953. We had our own
group—auxiliaries [firemen]…and some guys from the rescue team. And we
would be working our way down this block from one house to the next. But
there was some other gang ahead of us and another following right behind,
maybe thirty feet away, looking through the place that we just finished. We
would shove around a pile of timbers and junk to search through underneath,
and when we’d finish, the team coming afterwards would push it back to
check underneath where we had dumped it. Q: Was it the same pile of junk
that the team ahead of you shoved around? A: Yeah, I guess we were doing the
same thing ourselves—following the gang ahead of us. (80)
Local officials should include provisions in their disaster plans to coordinate
search and rescue by survivors. A first step is to identify someone to lead the
effort. Even relatively simple measures can have a significant impact. For exam-
ple, when a tornado struck Waco, Texas, in 1953, initial search-and-rescue activ-
ity was not well-coordinated. However, by the second night, groups of about
fifteen civilians were organized under a leader and an assistant leader from mili-
tary units that had responded. Each of these teams was linked to a command post
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 353
by walkie-talkie. (81) This type of arrangement could easily be adapted in the
early stages of civilian disaster responses to lend order to search-and-rescue
Casualty-Transport by Survivors
It is often through these widespread post-disaster search-and-rescue activities that
disaster victims first make contact with assistance. However, to the untrained lay
public, the “best emergency care” is seen as transport as quickly as possible to the
closest hospital. If sufficient ambulances are not immediately available, survivors
do not tend to sit idly by awaiting their arrival. Rather, they use whatever means
of transport is expedient. In a study of 29 U.S. disasters, it was found that at 75
hospitals where data was available, 54% of the initial casualties arrived by ambu-
lance, 16% by private vehicle, 16% by police car, 5% by helicopter, 5% by bus or
taxi, 4% on foot, and 10% by unknown means. While these figures refer to the
first patients to arrive, overall, most patients in these disasters were transported by
nonambulance vehicles. (1) In numerous disasters since this study, the findings
have been similar. (2, 68, 82)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, San Francisco Bay Area, 1989. On the night of the
earthquake, only 23% of casualties arriving at hospitals came by ambulance.
EXAMPLE: Bombing, Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, 1995.
Only 36% of the victims transported to hospitals came by ambulance. (84)
More than 300 patients were transported by other means, such as bus, van, or
private vehicle. (85)
EXAMPLE: Riots, Los Angeles, 1992. Only 34% of the patients were trans-
ported to the hospital by ambulance. Police cars transported 11%, and 13%
arrived by foot. Depending on the source of data, estimates are that between
30% and 70% of the persons injured transported themselves to the hospital or
were taken by friends. (86)
EXAMPLE: Subway nerve gas attack, Tokyo, Japan, 1995. At one of the clos-
est hospitals, St. Luke’s International, 7% of the victims arrived by ambu-
lance, 12.9% by fire department nonambulance vehicle, 1.4% by police car,
24.1% by taxi, and 34.9% on foot. (87)
EXAMPLE: Terrorist attack, World Trade Center, New York City, 2001.
Only 6.8% of the victims transported to hospitals arrived by ambulance. The
vast majority of patients did not use out-of-hospital emergency medical ser-
354 The First 72 Hours
vices to get to the hospital. Instead, many patients self-referred themselves by
foot, public transportation, or private conveyance to the EDs in New York,
NY, and surrounding areas. (88)
Nonambulance patient transport in disasters has several important ramifica-
tions. It helps to explain why most patients arriving at hospitals have not been tri-
aged in the field or have not received first-aid treatment. (1) These patterns may
also explain why hospitals may first be notified of the disaster by the first arriving
casualties (or the media) rather than by authorities on site and why meaningful
information from the scene about numbers and types of casualties is often not
received.(1, 74, 89–102) Because so much of the initial care of disaster casualties
is provided by the survivors themselves, it would seem that providing the public
with first-aid and disaster skills (as part of a high school curriculum, for example)
should be a part of any community disaster-preparedness program. Another
approach is to provide educational materials about disaster response to the public
in print form. In California, for example, information for the public about how
to prepare and respond to earthquakes is published in the front section of tele-
phone directories.
Overloading of Closest Hospitals
Because most initial casualty transport is carried out by the survivors, most disas-
ter casualties end up at the closest hospital,
while other hospitals in the area wait
for patients who never arrive. (2, 82) In his study of 29 disasters, Quarantelli
found that in 75% of the cases, more than half of the victims were taken to the
closest hospital, and in 46% of the cases, more than three-fourths of the victims
went to the closest hospital. Apparently, this was not because other hospitals were
full, since the average hospital bed vacancy rate in these disasters was 20%. (1)
See Figures 27.1 (p. 365) and 27.2 (p. 366) for data from the Kansas City sky-
walk collapse and the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma
City. It is apparent that a few of the closest hospitals received most of the casual-
ties and that numerous local hospitals were not utilized at all.
This pattern of overloading of hospitals closest to the disaster site has occurred
even when sophisticated plans had been made to equitably distribute patients
among the available hospitals in the event of a disaster. (1) Such plans, no doubt,
were based on the assumption that most casualties would be transported by local
2. A variant on this theme is when one hospital is locally renowned for giving emer-
gency care, in which case most casualties end up there.
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 355
ambulances under hospital direction. Thus, when communities base their plans
on the belief that local emergency organizations will carry out most disaster-
response activities, they are caught completely off guard when the public takes
matters into its own hands. Actually, it is not just the public that does this; police
and firefighters have also been known to load victims into nonambulance vehicles
and send them to the closest hospitals. (1)
While overloading of the closest hospitals may be very difficult to prevent,
there are some things that can be done to reduce it. When it is possible, those
who are transporting casualties should be advised as to which hospitals are receiv-
ing fewer patients and thus have shorter waiting times. It is helpful to have a cen-
tralized community-wide system for rapidly determining which hospitals are
being overloaded and which have not exceeded their capacity for patient care.
However, communities that depend on the use of cellular or telephone commu-
nications for this purpose often find that these circuits rapidly become overloaded
and unusable (discussed further in the next section). Two-way radio networks
using common frequencies are far more reliable. Although in many disasters only
a minority of casualties are transported by ambulance, ambulances that are trans-
porting casualties might be wise to avoid the closest or most locally renowned
hospitals, which are likely to be the busiest. Redistributing casualties after they
have reached the hospital is constrained by federal laws governing patient trans-
fers. Although hospitals are exempt from these laws in the event of a national
emergency, it is not clear if this also will apply to local disasters. (103) It might,
however, be possible to stop vehicles transporting patients on major routes to area
hospitals and redirect them to facilities most able to handle the patients.
Massive Inquiries about the Missing
In contrast to the dependency image, members of the public will take actions to
reunite with family members and loved ones. If they cannot reunite, they will
take measures to find out if family and loved ones are okay. The magnitude of
this effort can have profound and often unexpected effects on emergency
response organizations. Because residents in the United States are very mobile,
family members and loved ones are often separated from one another. Nearly
every family has blood relatives living in other parts of the nation or even over-
seas. Even family members who do live together are often separated throughout
the day.
Furthermore, with modern mass-media communications, even relatively small
disasters can become international events, literally within minutes. These initial
356 The First 72 Hours
reports can be exaggerated and dramatic. However, they often lack specific
details—about the scope of the disaster and the exact locations involved—that
would allow persons in their audience to determine whether their loved ones have
actually been affected. The immediate impulse of many is to pick up the phone.
If the person is not at home, calls will be made to hospitals, law-enforcement
agencies, American Red Cross chapters, government offices, and other sources of
information in the impacted area. These calls will come from all over the nation
and even from foreign countries. (63)
When disaster warnings have been issued, the public will also make calls trying
to confirm the existence, locality, and severity of the threat. They will call to seek
advice about what to do, and they will call to offer donations and volunteer ser-
vices. The volume of this telephone traffic helps to explain why so often in disas-
ters telephone (and more recently cellular) circuits rapidly become overloaded
and unusable. This is a finding that is consistent in disaster reports going back
nearly fifty years. (2, 6, 63, 66, 80, 81, 89, 104–116) Yet, it continues to be
neglected in community disaster planning efforts. In one study, it was observed
that this jamming occurred when as few as 10% of the telephones was being used
simultaneously. (23)
EXAMPLE: Hurricane Andrew, Homestead, Florida, 1992. The cellular cir-
cuits that were not damaged became overloaded by civilian use from approxi-
mately dawn to 9:00
P.M. (117)
EXAMPLE: Air crash, Sioux City Iowa, 1989. Because families on the airliner
had been split up and taken to different hospitals, and because inquiries from
relatives, friends, the airline, and the media were flooding hospital telephone
lines, it was necessary for the two medical centers involved to communicate
closely about the crash victims and their conditions. When it became apparent
that telephone communications would continue to be difficult, the hospitals
had to rely on a police car to ferry casualty lists between the two facilities.
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, San Francisco Bay Area, 1989. Communication sys-
tems were seriously overloaded during the first critical hours after the quake.
“This is to be expected, as a fearful public wants information from authorities
and wants reassurance that other family members and friends are okay. One
result was that a high number of calls received by fire dispatch operators were
not to report actual emergencies, but were calls seeking information….” (106)
EXAMPLE: Bombing, Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, 1995. Dur-
ing the first twelve to eighteen hours, cellular and telephone circuits were over-
loaded. This made it extremely difficult to communicate. Portable/mobile
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 357
cellular sites were eventually erected near the incident site to ease the stress on
cellular circuits. (119)
EXAMPLE: Terrorist attack, World Trade Center, New York City, 2001. “It
happened throughout the United States on September 11, 2001, but nowhere
like lower Manhattan. A busy signal, ‘Please try your call again later,’ or com-
plete lack of dial tone met the ears of landline callers and cell phone users. And
nowhere was it more crucial that a dial tone exist than in lower Manhattan, as
people tried to locate family members, hospitals tried to contact reserve staff,
and emergency management and public health agencies tried to coordinate a
response to the day’s tragedy.”(120) Verizon reported that its usual call vol-
ume of 115 million calls per day in the New York City metropolitan area dou-
bled, making cell phones useless. Long-distance carriers that depended on
Verizon’s landlines in the area were also crippled. (121)
When those seeking information about loved ones are unable to get through
by phone, those living within driving distance will show up in person to continue
their quest. (62, 63, 81, 120, 122) Few public safety agencies, hospitals, emer-
gency response organizations, or governmental bodies are prepared for the deluge
of inquiries after a disaster, and the results can be literally paralyzing. (2)
Despite the predictability of this search for the missing, it does not appear that
most communities have established formal procedures and plans for tracking the
missing and making this information available to the public. Planning should
include agreement on who will be responsible for community-wide victim track-
ing. Emergency planners should identify institutions where information on the
missing is likely to be available (such as hospitals, morgues, shelters, and jails) and
they should familiarize their staff with the plans. Victim information should be
transmitted by encrypted communications to a central location, where it can be
collated and made available to the public. To protect privacy, information should
only be released to those giving specific names of the missing they are seeking.
Because telephones and cellular communication circuits are likely to be damaged
or overloaded, transmission should be by satellite phone, Internet, or two-way
radio nets. Preferably, this information would be made available to the public
through a toll-free phone number and/or Internet site distant from the disaster
site. This way, inquiries will not place an extra burden on local communications
The Command-and-Control Model
The unfounded belief that people in disasters will panic or become unusually
dependent on authorities for help may be one reason why disaster planners and
358 The First 72 Hours
emergency authorities often rely on a “command-and-control” model as the basis
of their response. This model presumes that strong, central, paramilitary-like
leadership can overcome the problems posed by a dysfunctional public suffering
from the effects of a disaster. This type of leadership is also seen as necessary
because of the belief that most counter-disaster activity will have to be carried out
by authorities. Authorities may develop elaborate plans outlining how they will
direct disaster response, only to find that members of the public, unaware of these
plans, have taken actions on their own. (123)
Disaster researchers recommend that disaster plans be based on what people
naturally tend to do in disasters rather than the command-and-control model.
This is more effective than designing a plan and expecting people to conform to
it. (21, 23, 124) Planners need to know that in disasters the public will spontane-
ously take rational measures to protect themselves and to help others. Most initial
disaster relief is provided not by formal emergency and relief organizations, but
by residents of the impact area and surrounding communities. It is not likely that
local authorities will be able to curtail or control these efforts. However, effective
planning can take these efforts into account and influence them. For example,
authorities may have little control over which hospitals receive victims trans-
ported by private vehicles. Ambulances transporting victims, however, can be
directed to bypass the closest hospital and go to hospitals that are not otherwise
receiving many victims. Authorities also can reduce the extent of jammed cellular
and telephone circuits by setting up victim-tracking procedures and providing
the information to the public via hot lines set up outside the impacted area. Sim-
ilarly, hotlines can be established outside the area for those wishing to volunteer
their services or donate materials.
Belief in the “disaster syndrome” also catches local authorities off guard because
they do not expect, nor have they made provisions to deal with, the flood of vol-
unteered assistance that is offered in disasters. The United States has a long his-
tory of volunteerism. This tradition is exemplified by the number of volunteer
ambulance services and fire departments that exist in this country and numerous
social, religious, and philanthropic organizations that volunteer their time. This
altruism does not vanish in disasters; if anything, it becomes stronger.(2, 13, 25)
In fact, within the stricken area, more potential volunteers become available
when schools and nonessential businesses close down.(18, 25) In contrast to vol-
unteer organizations that participate in the routine response to emergencies,
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 359
many disaster volunteers are unsolicited and unexpected. (2, 13, 125) As dis-
cussed previously, most search-and-rescue operations, as well as casualty trans-
port, is carried out by untrained bystander volunteers.
Disaster-stricken communities are often deluged with offers of volunteered
assistance from trained individuals and outside emergency response organiza-
tions. Others respond to requests by the media or other unofficial sources to
“send everything you’ve got.” In addition, local officials may issue public appeals
for assistance without any appreciation for how successful their requests will be.
Once initiated, these appeals are very difficult to rescind. (2)
EXAMPLE: Air Crash, Kenner, Louisiana, 1982. The Kenner Fire Depart-
ment requested assistance from three outside fire departments. However,
seven responded. Fourteen helicopters were available, many of which landed
in a large field next to city hall. Ambulances and rescue units responded from
up to seventy miles away. Forty-two doctors and a hundred nurses, more than
planned or expected, arrived on the scene. Local command staff were unaware
they were even coming and therefore could not cancel their response. It was
estimated that about 200 full-time and reserve police showed up. Many drove
as close to the scene as possible, locked their cars, and proceeded on foot.
Unfortunately, their police cars subsequently impeded access for fire trucks
and ambulances. All of this massive response was for only four injured survi-
vors. (126)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, Coalinga, California, 1982. The quake generated
only 16 serious casualties, yet 5 medevac helicopters showed up, and 30
ambulances came from as far away as the San Francisco Bay Area, a distance of
100 miles. None had received an official request from local authorities, and
some left their home areas uncovered to participate in the response. Local
authorities were not aware of their presence, much less able to integrate them
into the response. (77, 127)
EXAMPLE: Terrorist Attack, World Trade Center, New York City, 2001. “A
large number of ambulances that are not a part of the 911 system volunteered
and/or self-dispatched to the site, (i.e., without coordination and direction of
EMS Command or Dispatch), which degraded FDNY’s ability to maintain
control.” (128) When the Health care Association of New York State estab-
lished a hotline for medical volunteers, they received more than 40,000 calls
the first day. By 5
P.M. the next day, callers heard the message, “We have
received an overwhelming response to our call for assistance. Thank you for
your concern. We are unable to accept any more calls.” The Red Cross
reported it had more volunteer offers (22,000 in 2¡ weeks) than in any prior
disaster. (129, 130)
360 The First 72 Hours
Planners should anticipate that in any disaster, they will have to deal with
large numbers of volunteers, even if they are not requested. It is unlikely that this
can be prevented. However, it can be influenced. One mistake to avoid is to
request volunteers without first checking to see that they are actually needed. If
volunteers are not needed, this information should be quickly conveyed to the
public via elected officials, agency spokespersons, and the news media. If it is felt
necessary to make public appeals for volunteers, such requests should state specif-
ically what skills are needed. Furthermore, these volunteers should be directed to
report to a specific check-in area located away from the site and brought into the
disaster-impacted area only when they are needed.
Often, disaster planners and officials are also unprepared for the magnitude of
donations that are triggered by disasters. (63, 71, 131) These donations include
food, clothing, blood, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, and a host of other
materials, equipment, and supplies. (81)
EXAMPLE: Tornado, Waco, Texas, 1953. One of the biggest problems was
the food situation. It started rolling in from all over the state. One of the
major tasks was the disposal of thousands of donated sandwiches before they
became dangerous. Proffered supplies were not confined to food items. Every-
thing imaginable was offered in unlimited quantities. We were so disorganized
we didn’t realize what we actually needed. On the other hand, we had so
much that we couldn’t take care of what we had. Food and clothing donations
came in such quantities that they threatened to crowd the workers out of the
Red Cross headquarters and Salvation Army building. A total of three and a
half box cars of clothing arrived from all over the nation. After the disaster,
some three tons of clothing remained on hand. (81)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, San Francisco Bay Area, 1989. Throughout the first
night, volunteers poured into the area, arriving with supplies and equipment
which they thought might be needed. Contractors and construction workers
volunteered their services and equipment. A roofing-supply yard provided an
elevated conveyer belt, which was used to carry rescuers and equipment up
onto the collapsed Cypress Expressway, where victims were trapped. A request
was made for portable lighting equipment, and soon contractors began arriv-
ing with generators, electrical cords, and lighting units. No one asked for a
voucher or receipt. (74)
In addition to material goods and money offered by the general public, corpo-
rations and businesses also generously donate items. Examples include cellular
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 361
telephones (16, 117, 120, 132, 133), computers (16), free long-distance phone
calls (16, 115), fast food (16, 105, 113), electrical generators, cords, portable
lighting (74), construction equipment (such as cranes, trucks, lo-boys, clam
buckets, and bulldozers) and supplies (16, 74, 80), fork lifts (74), air tools and
hoses (74), airbags for lifting debris off victims (74), wood blocks for cribbing
(74), wheel barrows (16), pharmaceuticals (16), sunscreen (16), groceries (134),
gasoline (134), clothing (134), rain gear (16), blankets (16), booties for search
dogs (16), chiropractic services (16), laundry and dry cleaning services (16), and
mental health services (16).
A large portion of donations in many disasters is inappropriate to the needs of
the incident and not based on any systematic needs assessment. Examples include
outdated drugs, antibiotics for diseases not commonly found in the area impacted
by the disaster, and inappropriate clothing items. (63, 71, 135, 136)
Blood Donations
The generosity that tends to follow disasters applies to blood donations as well.
However, problems can occur when elected leaders, government officials, or the
media assume that blood is needed without first assessing the actual need. This
can cause problems at hospitals and blood banks. (25, 63, 137–139)
EXAMPLE: Tornado, Athens, Georgia, 1973. Whereas the hospital had
always anticipated problems caused by curiosity seekers and families of vic-
tims, one of the greatest problems was caused by blood donors. A request for
blood donors produced a response far in excess of that which could be handled
by the hospitals. These people left their vehicles parked illegally and blocked
traffic around the hospital. (125)
EXAMPLE: Air crash, Sioux City, Iowa, 1989. Blood supplies at the local
hospitals and at the Siouxland Community Blood Bank were adequate to
meet all the demands. Even though officials made no public appeal for
donors, over 400 persons turned out to give blood. Additional offers of blood
from blood centers in Des Moines, Omaha, and other areas much farther
away were declined. (132)
EXAMPLE: Air crash, Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport, 1985. Before
adequate information was even available about the crash, local radio stations
suggested that blood would be needed. Four hundred ninety-one persons
responded to this appeal, inundating the blood bank at Parkland Memorial
Hospital and causing a crowd-control problem. Personnel had to be diverted
from the emergency department to the blood bank to deal with the donors.
362 The First 72 Hours
Donors were actually turned away because of the hospital’s inability to process
the blood. (107)
EXAMPLE: Bombing, Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, 1995.
Community, state, and national support began within minutes of the bomb-
ing. The Oklahoma Blood Institute opened its satellite centers, where citizens
stood in line for two and a half to three hours to donate. The centers closed in
the late afternoon because the Institute had received all the blood it could pro-
cess. (16)
EXAMPLE: Explosion, 3M Plant, St. Paul Minnesota, 1951. After a broad-
cast appeal for blood, the Red Cross blood bank was swamped with donors.
Over 150 donors were processed, but 400 more were turned away. (140)
EXAMPLE: Skywalk collapse, Hyatt Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, 1981.
Within minutes, the blood bank was inundated with volunteers, and the
blood bank ended up drawing blood all weekend. Over 2,116 units were col-
lected. Of these, 249 units of blood, 67 units of platelets, 32 units of plasma,
and 32 units of cryoprecipitate were used for the disaster victims. They not
only met the demand from the accident but kept the blood bank from having
to deplete its supply for routine cases. (141, 142)
EXAMPLE: Terrorist attack, World Trade Center, New York City, 2001.
Television networks ran ticker tapes to inform the public of the need for
blood. These tapes continued to run after sufficient donations had been col-
lected, and the blood centers quickly became overwhelmed.(120)
Usually, the needs of a disaster are very specific, and donations not directed at
those particular needs only serve to create more work for an already beleaguered
community, which must now sort, label, and even dispose of large amounts of
goods. Specifying a single site to receive and manage donations can help to
reduce some of the disruption they cause. Again, as in the case of volunteers,
problems can be avoided by proactively making it clear to the public when dona-
tions (for example, blood) are not needed. Cash is always the best donation,
because it enables the recipient community to meet the specific needs generated
by the disaster.
The Looting Misconception
Another common belief is that disasters are usually accompanied by increases in
antisocial activity, such as looting, price gouging, traffic violations, and violence.
Even when looting is not actually observed, that fact is often attributed to the
extraordinary security measures that have been taken rather than the fact that
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 363
such behavior is inherently uncommon. Sometimes what is thought to be looting
may actually be the salvage of disaster victims’ property by friends or relatives
unknown to those observing this activity. (63) Except in civil disorders and riots,
increased criminal activity is uncommon in U.S. disasters. (5) Generally, the
amount of donated goods far exceeds that which could be looted in disasters.
When looting does occur, it is usually carried out by outsiders rather than mem-
bers of the impacted community. (116)
EXAMPLE: Hurricane Betsy, New Orleans, 1965. When compared to the
same month of the previous year, major crimes in the city dropped 26%, bur-
glaries decreased from 617 to 425, thefts of greater than $50 decreased from
303 to 264, and thefts of less than $50 diminished from 515 to 366. (18)
EXAMPLE: Tornado, Waco, Texas, 1953. Police reported little in the way of
looting, despite the fact that objects from jewelry store windows were scattered
over the sidewalk. (81)
EXAMPLE: Earthquake, San Francisco Bay Area, 1989. Only a few dozen
occurrences of looting occurred throughout the entire Bay Area. Most
occurred in traditionally high-crime areas. Overall, many jurisdictions
reported a decrease in criminal activity. (143)
EXAMPLE: Bombing, Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, 1995.
Overall criminal activity decreased. No looting was reported despite the fact
that the blast destroyed shop windows and doors, leaving them open to pass-
ersby. People evacuated nearby banks so rapidly that they left money on the
counters, but not a penny was taken. (16)
EXAMPLE: Hurricane Gilbert, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Galveston, and
Houston, Texas, 1988. Burglary rates in all these cities declined to below-nor-
mal rates, and there were no verified cases of looting. (5)
EXAMPLE: Terrorist attack, World Trade Center, New York City, 2001.
Crime rates throughout the city fell sharply after September 11. (144)
At the same time, the fear of widespread looting has its consequences. For
example, one reason people refuse to evacuate in disasters is to protect their prop-
erty. (5, 23, 48, 58) It is also ironic that security measures undertaken to “prevent
looting” can prevent residents from salvaging property that is exposed to the ele-
ments by the disaster. (80) Finally, overzealous police and security guards man-
ning roadblocks set up to keep looters out sometimes prevent the entry of
legitimate disaster-response personnel.
364 The First 72 Hours
EXAMPLE: Flooding during Tropical Storm Agnes, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsyl-
vania, 1972. There were many problems during the cleanup period, which
lasted several weeks. Guards manning roadblocks would not honor identifica-
tion cards of hospital employees. In order to obtain needed supplies and
equipment, the hospital cleanup supervisors put on lab coats so they could
pass as doctors and get through the road blocks. (145)
EXAMPLE: Hurricane Elena, Pinellas County, Florida, 1985. Altogether, 3
hospitals and 19 nursing homes had to evacuate a total of 2,071 patients. Vol-
unteers and off-duty nursing home staff who were called back to assist with
the evacuation were not permitted to pass through police checkpoints. (146)
EXAMPLE: Tornado, Barrie, Ontario, Canada, 1985. Police roadblocks went
up so quickly and were so carefully guarded that some of the medical staff had
trouble getting through to the hospital. (98)
EXAMPLE: Terrorist attack, World Trade Center, New York City, 2001.
Police security lines impeded hospitals from transferring stable patients to
nearby long-term care and mental health facilities and transporting discharged
patients (or getting family members to pick them up) in order to make room
for anticipated disaster victims. They also prevented vehicles from bringing
supplies to hospitals from the outside and stopped what they considered
“unessential” hospital staff (such as housekeeping) from coming to work when
they were needed. (147)
In disasters, a greater problem for police than looting is the need for traffic
control, so that emergency units can get to the scene and patients can get to hos-
pitals. Law-enforcement personnel frequently are also needed to help with search-
and-rescue activities. While a police presence will help to assure residents and
business owners worried about looters, units should not be unnecessarily diverted
from traffic or other emergency duties to deal with the presumption that massive
looting will occur.
Concluding Remarks
Disaster planning is only as good as the assumptions upon which it is based.
Unfortunately, surveys of disaster and emergency response officials reveal a num-
ber of commonly held misconceptions that can lead to dysfunctional planning.
(3) This chapter identifies some of the more common misconceptions about the
public’s response to disaster and presents information from systematic studies of
actual disasters. In particular, one of the most important lessons concerns the
problems of using the command-and-control model of planning. It is more effec-
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 365
tive to learn what people tend to do naturally in disasters and plan around that
rather than design your plan and then expect people to conform to it.
366 The First 72 Hours
Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the “Disaster Syndrome,” and Looting 367
1. Quarantelli EL. Delivery of Emergency Medical Care in Disasters: Assumptions
and Realities. New York: Irvington Publishers, Inc.;1983. http://
www.udel.edu/DRC/email.html or http://www.udel.edu/DRC/books.html
2. Auf der Heide E. Disaster Response: Principles of Preparation and Coordina-
tion. St. Louis: CV Mosby; 1989. http://orgmail2.coe-dmha.org/dr/
3. Wenger DE, James TF, Faupel CE. Disaster Beliefs and Emergency Planning.
New York: Irvington Publishers, Inc; 1985.
4. Quarantelli EL, Dynes RR. Introduction Special issue on organizational and
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