This form must be turned in to the Front Office BEFORE school starts.
_____________________________________, _______, ________________
print student name AND student number) (grade) (student birthday)
will need to be released early from school on _________________ at __________
(date) (time)
will be checked out by ________________________________________.
(parent/guardian name please print)
(parent/guardian signature)
(parent contact info.-phone number)
OR Student Driver:
Student will be driving him/herself to said destination. I understand the policy requires someone from the
Attendance Office to call me and
reconfirm that my child has permission to leave the school campus.
(parent/guardian name please print)
(parent/guardian signature)
(parent contact info - phone number)
I understand my child may only be checked out by the adult or sibling listed. I am also aware
the procedure is to go to the Attendance Office to sign the student out and a photo ID is
required. Students may not check out fellow students.
Check one:
(please print)
Illness (self, immediate family)
Doctor/Dentist appointment
Academic event
Court appearance
Religious holiday
Death of family member
Important: It counts as a day when a student misses 3 or more periods. After fifteen (15) days of
absence, whether excused or unexcused, a student will be required to turn in a doctor's note for
every subsequent absence, tardy and early dismissal to be considered excused.