Neosho, Missouri • www.crowder.edu
Dual Credit
Dual Enrollment
Crowder College: Building a civil, serving, literate, learning community of responsible citizens.
Table of Contents
Definition of Programs……………………………………………………………3
Most Frequently Asked Questions………………………………………………..4
Program Requirements…………………………………………………………...5-6
Program Structure………………………………………………………………..7-8
Dual Credit Faculty ………………………………………………………………9
Student Requirements ……………………………………………………………10
Student Expectations……………………………………………………………...11
Student Academic Performance ………………………………………………….12
Payment Process…………………………………………………………………..13
Contact Information……………………………………………………………….14
Definition of Programs
The Crowder College Dual Credit Program allows high school students the opportunity to
enroll in and receive both high school and college credit during normal class hours at their high
school. Participation in the dual credit program enables high school students to get a "head start"
on their college career, as well as prepare them for the challenges of college courses. Credits
earned under these programs will be applicable toward a degree at Crowder College, and are
generally transferable to other colleges and universities.
The Crowder College Dual Enrollment Program allows high school students the opportunity to
take classes via online courses, or at any Crowder College campus for college credit. This
program also gives motivated, college-bound high school students the "jump start" they need
before attending college on a full-time basis. Credits earned under this program will be
applicable toward a degree at Crowder College and are generally transferable to other colleges
and universities.
The Vice President of Academic Affairs is responsible for certifying to the Coordinating Board
for Higher Education (CBHE) that Crowder College is in full compliance with dual credit
guidelines. In addition to these standards, Crowder College is also working toward national
accreditation through the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships. Compliance
with CBHE standards ensures that dual credit courses will be accepted in transfer to Missouri
colleges and universities in the same way as the same courses taken on one of the campuses of
Crowder College. However, because each university or college has its own curriculum, Crowder
College cannot guarantee transferability.
Most Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to take dual credit and/or dual enrollment courses?
High school students must meet the following requirements to qualify:
Admission is granted to high school students, grades 9-12, who are not older than 21.
Dual credit and dual enrollment students are eligible to enroll in college courses as long
as they meet the following criteria:
a.) Juniors and seniors with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0
scale) and written permission from the parent/legal guardian are automatically
eligible for college courses.
b.) Juniors and seniors with an overall grade point average between 2.5-2.99 (on a 4.0
scale) must provide written permission from a parent/legal guardian, and provide a
signed letter of recommendation from their principal or guidance counselor.
c.) Sophomores with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)
must provide written permission from the parent/legal guardian, and a signed letter of
recommendation from their principal or guidance counselor.
d.) Freshmen with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) must
provide written permission from a parent or legal guardian, and provide a signed
letter of recommendation from their principal or guidance counselor. Freshmen must
further demonstrate their competency by scoring at the 90
percentile or above on the
In addition, students must meet the same requirements for placement into individual
courses (e.g., English or mathematics) as those required of all Crowder students. Dual
credit and dual enrollment students must also be in compliance with all other college
policies and will not be eligible to receive any form of Title IV financial aid. Only
students who can provide a valid social security number are permitted to enroll in classes
through Crowder College.
What courses are usually offered?
Crowder College offers a full range of 100- and 200- level general education “core” courses for
dual credit and dual enrollment. Courses include but are not limited to, the following: English
composition, speech, literature, foreign language, fine art, history, psychology, sociology, math,
and science.
In addition, technical and career centers offer coursework in fields such as business, marketing,
drafting, automotive, diesel, welding, CNA, criminal justice, carpentry, and child development.
What is the difference between dual credit and advanced placement courses?
Students enrolled in dual credit courses through Crowder College earn college credit by
successfully completing these courses which transfer to nearly all public and private colleges and
universities in Missouri. State policy requires all public institutions in the state to accept a
minimum of five dual credit courses as long as these meet state guidelines for dual credit
courses. Crowder College dual credit courses meet all state quality guidelines, and are accepted
in transfer throughout the state. Crowder’s dual credit courses may also be accepted by out-of-
state institutions, but this is not guaranteed by state policy and will require students to contact the
institutions directly.
Advanced placement courses are special sections of high school courses designated by the high
school to prepare students for national Advanced Placement tests. Students may earn college
credits for these courses that are recognized at colleges and universities across the country based
upon their scores on these tests. Generally, students must at least make at a 3, and often higher
(on a scale of 1 to 5), on these national exams to earn college credit.
Program Requirements
Admission Application
All students must submit an online dual credit/dual enrollment application for admission to
become a Crowder student. If you have taken a Crowder class before, you do not need to fill out
a new application. For dual credit students, the $25 application fee is waived. Only students
who can prove legal United States permanent residency are permitted to enroll in classes through
Crowder College.
Placement Exam: Compass or ACT
Compass is a computerized placement exam available in the Student Success Center that will
assist your academic advisor in placing you in the correct English, math and reading-based
classes. At the main campus in Neosho call 417-455-5602 to schedule a test time, or you can call
the Crowder site nearest to you.
Compass consists of three parts: math, reading, and writing. Qualifying scores include a 70 on
the writing portion, 81 on the reading portion and a 54 in the algebra placement domain for the
math portion. There is no initial charge for taking the Compass test. If your score does not
initially qualify, you are eligible for two additional retakes of any section at a cost of $5 each per
calendar year.
ACT results: Qualifying scores include an 18 on the English portion of the ACT, a 23 on the
math portion, and an 18 in the reading portion to be placed in college-level English and math
courses as well as classes with a reading requirement.
Cost and Payment
Dual credit classes will be billed to the student’s home address at a rate of $60 per credit hour.
There are generally no additional fees, and most text books will be loaned at no charge if
returned in good condition. Workbooks and passkeys must be purchased. Receipt of a bill will
depend on the date of enrollment. Payment must be made in full before a student may enroll in
any classes in subsequent semesters or receive a transcript. Although there is a payment plan
available, the student or parents can make payments on their own schedule, keeping in mind that
they must be paid in full by the end of the semester.
Schedule of Courses
The course schedule is available on the homepage of www.crowder.edu. Students who wish to
enroll in courses online, or at one of our campuses, must make an appointment with the Crowder
College dual credit coordinator or an academic advisor.
An enrollment form with your classes listed on it must be completed each semester. Having
been enrolled in a previous semester class does not automatically allow you to be enrolled in the
subsequent semester class. After your enrollment session, you will receive an official schedule
that provides you with your Crowder ID number. You will not need (or receive) a Crowder One
ID card. Simply providing the bookstore, library or cashier’s office with your driver’s license
will suffice.
Dual credit students will be issued a loaned textbook via their high school instructor unless the
course requires a consumable passkey or workbook. If so it is the student’s responsibility to
purchase this material.
Dual enrolled students will need to place their textbook order online or make arrangements to
pick them up at the Neosho (main) campus. To place your order online, go to the website at
www.crowder.edu. Under SERVICES, select BOOKSTORE. This will direct you to the
bookstore website. Click on the word “Books” in the top blue band, then “Browse Books.
Select the term you wish to order books for; continue to browse department, course and section.
All of this information is located on your printed schedule. You may click the book to view it
before adding it to your cart. Continue shopping or proceed to checkout. Dual enrolled students
will have a used, loaned textbook mailed directly to their home address once the order is placed.
Freight rates will apply.
Reminder: Workbooks and online passkeys must be purchased for any student as they cannot be
returned and reused. Loaned books must be returned before you will be eligible to re-enroll.
Login Information
A student technology tip sheet with instructions on how to log into Crowder College email,
Blackboard, My Crowder, and TK20 will be given to the student at enrollment. Students can
also locate this information on Crowder’s homepage.
Program Structure
At Crowder College, responsibility for dual credit courses rests with the same academic
administration that is responsible for all credit courses delivered on the college campuses.
Crowder College administrators work to ensure consistency with the delivery of dual credit
coursework across our service district, including deadlines for approving new dual credit
courses, developing common marketing and communications materials, and monitoring uniform
implementation of dual credit policies and procedures.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Vice President of Academic Affairs is responsible for:
Certifying to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) that Crowder
College is in full compliance with CBHE guidelines on dual credit.
Submitting an annual report verifying Crowder College’s compliance with state policy
The Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Program Coordinator is responsible for:
Assisting high school students with filling out online dual enrollment applications.
Collecting and processing student enrollment and placement scores.
Ensuring program compliance with CBHE guidelines on dual credit.
Meeting national program accreditation standards through National Alliance of
Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).
Serving as a liaison between the high school and Crowder College.
Collaborating with Division Chairs and/or designated Lead instructors.
Conducting annual summer orientation trainings for all new dual credit instructors.
Communicating with program participants, parents, instructors, and high school/tech
center administration.
Updating and developing all marketing and promotional materials related to dual credit
and dual enrollment.
Serving as primary academic advisor for all dual credit and dual enrollment participants.
Division Chairs and/or Lead Instructors are responsible for:
Aligning syllabus with institutional requirements
Certifying dual credit faculty to ensure the same qualifications are met as are required of
adjunct faculty to teach the same courses on campus.
Ensuring dual credit faculty is using the same book(s) as taught campus wide.
Confirming dual credit courses duplicate as closely as possible the same courses offered
on the college campus.
Leading annual discipline-specific summer training of all adjuncts.
Overseeing the assessment of student outcomes to ensure that such assessments are
comparable to those required of students enrolled in on-campus courses.
Observing dual credit adjunct faculty.
Providing support and assistance in offering the dual credit course, and ensuring that dual
credit courses are equivalent to the same courses offered on the college campus in all
substantive ways.
Dual Credit Adjunct Faculty are responsible for:
Collaborating with division chairs and/or designated lead instructor in the design and
delivery of dual credit courses.
Attending dual credit and divisional orientation meetings/trainings annually.
Providing a syllabus, assignments, assessments, and evaluations to ensure that the course
is equivalent.
Confirming accurate class rosters each semester.
Submitting grades in a timely manner.
Using the approved Crowder College textbooks and resources.
Keeping good course records should Crowder need them in the event of a grade appeal.
Conducting prescribed experiments and labs as required by the Crowder College science
Ensuring that at least 70 percent of the students in the class are registered for the dual
credit class.
Using the Crowder College webmail system and checking it regularly.
Utilizing Blackboard and My Crowder as tools for faculty resources and professional
Adhering to contract outlining expectations and compliance.
Assisting in the enrollment process.
Posting Dual Credit Fact Sheets that outline policies and procedures in your classroom
each semester.
High School Dual Credit Counselors and Coordinators are responsible for:
Determining and confirming student eligibility.
Arranging placement testing as required such as Compass or ACT.
Assisting in the registration process.
Serving as a liaison between the high school and Crowder College.
Recommending eligible students for registration.
Dual Credit Faculty
Faculty Qualifications
In order to ensure that dual credit faculty meet the same qualifications required of adjunct faculty
to teach the same courses on campus, the following guidelines are maintained. Dual credit
faculty are subject to the same evaluation systems and procedures. A Crowder College dual
credit instructor is considered to be an employee of Crowder College and is an adjunct instructor.
High school instructors must meet the following educational requirements as established by the
Higher Learning Commission and Missouri Department of Higher Education Dual Credit
Faculty Qualifications as directed from their website.
Faculty Support
Dual credit faculty are provided the same professional development opportunities provided to
adjunct faculty. This includes access to Crowder College professional development activities,
tuition waiver for Crowder courses, and stipends to attend selected professional development
activities designated by the academic administration of the college. Dual credit faculty are also
provided the same support provided to adjunct faculty, and are subject to the same evaluation
systems and procedures.
Each dual credit instructor has an on-campus faculty member to provide support and assistance
in offering the dual credit course, and in ensuring that dual credit courses are equivalent to the
same courses offered on the college campus. Dual credit faculty are also evaluated by students
according to the same schedule and procedures used for all faculty. That is, all dual credit faculty
are evaluated for the first three years they teach a course, and then on a three-year rotational
basis thereafter. This evaluation is composed of a formative classroom visit with an immediate
follow-up conference.
Dual Credit Instructor Brochure. Link from website:
Student Requirements
Admission is granted to high school students, grades 9-12, who are not older than 21.
Dual credit and dual enrollment students are eligible to enroll in college courses as long
as they meet the following criteria:
a.) Juniors and seniors with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0
scale) and written permission from the parent/legal guardian are automatically
eligible for college courses.
b.) Juniors and seniors with an overall grade point average between 2.5-2.99 (on a 4.0
scale) must provide written permission from a parent/legal guardian, and provide a
signed letter of recommendation from their principal or guidance counselor.
c.) Sophomores with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)
must provide written permission from the parent/legal guardian, and a signed letter of
recommendation from their principal or guidance counselor.
d.) Freshmen with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) must
provide written permission from a parent or legal guardian, and provide a signed
letter of recommendation from their principal or guidance counselor. Freshmen must
further demonstrate their competency by scoring at the 90
percentile or above on the
1. Submit online dual credit/dual enrollment application at:
It is recommended that students complete their application for admission in the spring
prior to fall enrollment; this will give the student more time to complete testing
2. Meet the same course admission requirements as those followed on the Crowder College
campus including:
o Achieving Compass scores or ACT scores for college placement of at least 18 on
the reading component, 18 on the English component and a 23 on the math
o Taking the necessary prerequisite courses.
o Completing enrollment form listing desired course(s) in which to enroll.
3. Dual credit enrollment must be completed, with all requirements such as an application,
written permission from parent/legal guardian, test scores, and signed letter of
recommendation from principal or guidance counselor (if needed) by the end of the
fourth week of the college semester. Dual enrollment, which are classes offered on the
Crowder College campus or online, must be completed by the Friday before the first
week of classes.
Student Expectations
Course Rigor
The course syllabus and content are approved by the academic department at Crowder College
and will be taught at the college level. Therefore, students can expect the difficulty of this course
to be greater than other high school courses.
Students will be graded based on Crowder College standards. Final grades will be reflected on
both the student’s high school transcript and on the college’s permanent record. Because dual
credit coursework becomes a permanent part of the student’s college transcript, it is important
for students to fully apply themselves in these courses. The grades earned under dual credit are
permanent and cannot be removed from the student’s academic record.
Academic Record
The credits and grades you earn through the dual credit/dual enrollment program will become
part of your permanent academic record (transcript) at Crowder College.
You will be expected to follow Crowder College policies and procedures. To receive a copy of
the catalog and/or student handbook, call the Admissions Office toll-free at (866) 238-7788, or
visit our website www.crowder.edu.
You should avoid missing classes unless it is absolutely necessary. Attendance plays an
important role in the success of the class.
It is the student's responsibility to contact the Dual Credit Coordinator to formally withdraw
from a dual credit/dual enrollment class. Failure to do so will result in an F on the student's
transcript. Payment is still required. See the website for complete refund schedule and payment
Student Academic Performance
Students who wish to enroll in college coursework, whether online or in the classroom must have
a qualifying assessment on the ACT or Compass in order to be placed in college-level English,
reading, and/or math courses. The performance of dual credit students in any course must also be
assessed by the same summative measures used for on-campus students in the same courses,
such as final common exams, projects, portfolios, or other performance measures. Dual credit
students must also participate in end of course assessments in the same way these assessments
are implemented for all students.
Student Support
Dual credit/dual enrollment students are provided access to on-campus support services
including, but not limited to, advising, bookstore, library services, tutoring services, and access
to student activities. Crowder College complies with the AA/EO requirements. For
accommodations in compliance with the American Disabilities Act contact our Office of
Disability Services Coordinator at (417) 455-5733, or [email protected]
Transferability of Credit
Crowder College accepts dual credit courses as equivalent to their on-campus courses. In
addition, Crowder College accepts in transfer dual credit courses completed at other colleges and
universities without limit from any institution that is certified by CBHE as adhering to its dual
credit guidelines. Dual credit courses are accepted in transfer according to all applicable
articulation agreements and recognized course equivalency agreements.
Dual credit courses from Crowder College transfer to all public colleges and universities in
Missouri, and to all but a very small number of private colleges and universities in the state.
Some Missouri institutions may limit the number of dual credit courses they accept to five
courses, but most do not have strict limits. It is very important to check with colleges and
universities that you plan to attend to determine in advance their policies for accepting dual
credit courses. Many students have found that dual credit courses may also transfer to out-of-
state colleges and universities, both public and private; however, Crowder can only guarantee
dual credit transfer to Missouri institutions under the jurisdiction of CBHE.
Request a Transcript
Transcript request forms are available from our homepage at www.crowder.edu, Under the
Current Students tab; select the Record’s Office link. Under Forms & Requests, select
Transcript Request. Print, complete, and return. The first transcript request is free; each
additional request is $2 to mail and $5 to fax. For additional questions or concerns regarding
transcripts, please contact the Record’s office directly at (417)455-5664.
Note: You must have your bill paid in full before a transcript request can be processed.
Payment Process
The academic process for dual credit/dual enrollment courses, including registration, payment,
and withdrawal dates, parallels that required for all students on our campus.
Tuition and Payment
The Board of Trustees of Crowder College annually sets tuition and fees for all courses and
programs. Crowder College charges dual credit/dual enrollment students a discounted tuition rate
of $60 per credit hour. There are generally no fees, and most text books will be loaned at no
charge if returned in good condition. Workbooks and online passkeys must be purchased.
Receipt of a bill will depend on the date of enrollment.
Payment must be made in full before a student may enroll in any classes in subsequent semesters
or receive a transcript. Although there is a payment plan available, the student or parents can
elect to make payments on their own schedule, keeping in mind that they must be paid in full by
the end of the semester. Payment can be made in several ways:
By mail Please include ID or SSN
Make check or money order payable to:
Crowder College Cashier’s Office
601 Laclede Neosho, MO 64850
In person Credit or debit card, check, money order, or cash
Farber Hall 1st floor- on main campus- or at most Crowder College locations.
By phone Credit or debit card
Call 417-455-5598 or 417-455-5402 to pay securely over the phone with a cashier.
Contact Information
Academic Affairs Office McDonald Hall Room 124
Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. Glenn Coltharp
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Adam Morris
Administrative Assistants - Tamara McDonnell and Judy Ireland
Telephone number 417- 455-5740; Fax number is 417-455-5511
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:30 am4:30 pm, Friday 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Bookstore- 1
Floor Farber Hall
Bookstore Manager- Colleen Holland for instructor materials
Bookstore Asst. Manager- Tammy Stark for student materials
Telephone number- 417- 455-5588
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:00 am6:30 pm, Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Career and Technical Education Office McDonald Hall, Room 124
Associate Vice President for Career and Technical Education - Eddie Stephens
Administrative Assistant - Jada Scheppert
Telephone number 417- 455-5605
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:30 am4:30 pm, Friday 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Cashiers Office- 1
Floor Farber Hall
Accounts Receivable Manager- Joseph Brenner
Cashiers- Spring Bradley and LeeAnn Orton
Telephone numbers - 417- 455-5598 or 417- 455-5402
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:00 am6:30 pm, Friday 8:00 am- 4:30 pm
Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Office- 2
Floor McDonald Hall
Program Coordinator- Melissa Smith
Administrative Assistant- Kelsey Davis
Telephone number 417- 455-5627; Fax number- 417- 455-5667
Website: http://www.crowder.edu/academics/dual-credit
Updated 8-1-2015