CSDT Centre Patna Visit: www.csdt.co.in/index.aspx Contact No.:- 7070090551/2/3
Course Title: PHP Web Development Syllabus
Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with a
comprehensive understanding of PHP programming for web development. Students
will learn how to create dynamic and interactive websites by integrating PHP with
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL. The course covers essential PHP concepts,
database integration, session management, security considerations, and best
practices in web development.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is recommended. Prior
experience with programming concepts would be beneficial but not mandatory.
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the fundamentals of PHP programming language.
2. Learn how to build dynamic web applications using PHP.
3. Gain proficiency in integrating PHP with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
4. Develop skills in interacting with databases using MySQL and PHP.
5. Explore advanced topics such as session management, authentication, and
security in PHP applications.
Course Outline:
1. Introduction to PHP
History and evolution of PHP
Setting up PHP development environment
Writing and running PHP scripts
PHP syntax and basic constructs
2. PHP Variables and Data Types
Scalar, compound, and special data types
Variable declaration and assignment
Type conversion and type juggling
3. Control Structures in PHP
Conditional statements (if-else, switch)
Looping structures (for, while, do-while)
Break and continue statements
4. PHP Functions
Defining and invoking functions
Passing arguments to functions
Returning values from functions
Variable scope and global keyword
5. Arrays and Array Functions
Creating and manipulating arrays
CSDT Centre Patna Visit: www.csdt.co.in/index.aspx Contact No.:- 7070090551/2/3
Array functions for sorting, searching, and manipulation
Associative arrays and multidimensional arrays
6. PHP Forms and Form Handling
Creating HTML forms
Handling form data using PHP
Form validation and error handling
Sanitizing user input
7. Working with Databases (MySQL)
Introduction to relational databases
MySQL database setup and configuration
Performing CRUD operations using PHP and MySQL
Database abstraction with PDO (PHP Data Objects)
8. Session Management and Cookies
Using sessions to maintain state
Setting and retrieving cookies
Session security considerations
Implementing login/logout functionality
9. Object-Oriented PHP
Classes, objects, and properties
Methods and visibility modifiers
Constructors and destructors
Inheritance, polymorphism, and interfaces
10. File Handling and Manipulation
Reading from and writing to files
File upload and handling file uploads
Directory operations and file system functions
11. Security Best Practices in PHP
SQL injection prevention
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) prevention
Data validation and sanitization
Secure password hashing and authentication
12. Introduction to PHP Frameworks (Optional)
Overview of popular PHP frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony,
CodeIgniter, etc.
Advantages of using frameworks for web development
Basic concepts and features of a chosen framework
Weekly assignments to reinforce learning concepts.
Midterm exam covering topics covered in the first half of the course.
Final project requiring students to develop a dynamic web application using
PHP and MySQL.
CSDT Centre Patna Visit: www.csdt.co.in/index.aspx Contact No.:- 7070090551/2/3
Textbook: "PHP and MySQL Web Development" by Luke Welling and Laura
Additional Resources:
Online tutorials and documentation (PHP official documentation).
Supplemental readings and materials provided by the instructor.
Assignments: 30%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Final Project: 40%
Participation and Attendance: 10%
Attendance Policy: Regular attendance is expected. Students are allowed a
maximum of three unexcused absences. Excessive absences may result in a reduction
of the final grade.
Office Hours: Instructor office hours will be held twice a week for additional help
and clarification.