Journal of
Volume 34
Issue 2
Spring 2023
Building a Business Data Analytics Graduate Certificate
Dinko Bačić, Nenad Jukić, Mary Malliaris, Svetlozar Nestorov, and
Arup Varma
Recommended Citation: Bačić, D., Jukić, N., Malliaris, M., Nestorov, S., & Varma,
A. (2023). Building a Business Data Analytics Graduate Certificate. Journal of
Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230.
Article Link:
Received: March 31, 2022
Revised: May 12, 2022
Accepted: August 12, 2022
Published: June 15, 2023
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ISSN: 2574-3872 (Online) 1055-3096 (Print)
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
Building a Business Data Analytics Graduate Certificate
Dinko Bačić
Nenad Jukić
Mary Malliaris
Svetlozar Nestorov
Arup Varma
Quinlan School of Business
Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, IL 60611, USA, [email protected], [email protected], sne[email protected],
In this paper we present the evolution of the Business Data Analytics Graduate Certificate (BDA Certificate) at our institution,
Loyola University Chicago. This certificate is a successful and expanding program that attracts a diverse group of dynamic
professionals from local, national, and international populations. The program evolution described in this paper involves multiple
revisions of the curriculum, additions, and subtractions of individual courses, expansions of delivery methods, and program name
changes. The core principles of acknowledging the centrality of data, mandating the modeling-based course sequencing, and
recognizing the proper role of software tools, are outlined and recognized as the foundation of the programs success.
Keywords: Business analytics, Graduate certificate, Curriculum design & development, Data analytics, Graduate education,
Business analytics curriculum
This paper will present the evolution of the Business Data
Analytics Graduate Certificate (BDA Certificate) at our
institution, Loyola University Chicago. Currently, this
certificate is a successful and expanding program that attracts a
diverse group of dynamic professionals from local, national,
and international populations. The program has undergone
several changes involving multiple revisions of the curriculum,
additions, and subtractions of individual courses, expansions of
delivery methods, and name changes of the program.
Throughout this evolution, we have learned several valuable
lessons, which we outline in this paper. In contextualizing our
BDA Certificate, our research also presents the most up-to-date
summary of the business analytics (BA) curriculum
development and implementation research stream, a valuable
resource for our community as we continue to evolve and
improve BA-focused education.
There are many different approaches to creating a
successful business data analytics program, and we do not
present our program as a singular template to be followed.
Instead, we intend to make our experiences accessible to the
wider community of academics who create and maintain
programs with similar objectives and goals.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents a
comprehensive literature review of the past and current state of
data analytics and business analytics curriculum design and
implementation. In Section 3, we define and discuss the
founding principles of the BDA Certificate that drove the
inception and development of this program at our institution. In
Section 4, we outline the evolution of the BDA Certificate. In
Section 5, we present and discuss the future of the BDA
Certificate. Finally, in Section 6, we make our concluding
2.1 Data Analytics Overview
Data Analytics has become a widely accepted area in both
academia and business. Expertise in data analytics is highly
sought by employers in most industries. Students strive to add
data analytics-related skills to their resumes and have a strong
interest in learning how to find useful and actionable
information in large amounts of data. The last decade has seen
this discipline transition from a niche area to a broad area of
interest accepted as extremely valuable by disciplines within
and outside business.
Today’s ability to analyze large amounts of data is possible
only because of computerized data storage. With E. F. Codd’s
creation of relational databases in the 1980s and the
development of SQL (Codd, 2002; Elmasri et al., 2000),
businesses could store and retrieve data in efficient ways that
were previously unfeasible. The area of Business Intelligence
grew from this data availability. In the late 1980s, focus shifted
from data collection and storage to finding information and
knowledge within this stored data. We began to use the phrases
“knowledge discovery” and “data-driven decision-making
(Frawley et al., 1992).
The emergence of data warehousing (Chaudhuri & Dayal,
1997) led to greater amounts of clean data being available to
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
answer business questions. Once this source of clean and
consistent data became available to analysts and decision-
makers, they asked, “What else can I discover?” The focus
moved from building a data warehouse that could answer
specific, pre-defined questions to collecting clean, integrated
data to find answers to ad-hoc questions never asked before. For
example, finding the best-selling products in different
categories is a typical question a sales data warehouse is
designed to answer. On the other hand, finding products that
consumers tend to purchase together is a question that arose
from the availability of historical transaction data in the data
warehouse (Agrawal & Srikant, 1994; Nestorov & Jukic, 2003).
With the new opportunity, companies began looking for
students who could analyze and integrate information, think
analytically, and explain the results of their analyses to a
general audience. The emphasis moved from the ability to use
technology to improving company decisions (Elliot, 2012).
There were concerns that the conventional statistics
methods, which have been the basis of data analysis for a long
time, had limitations in their structure and the kinds of problems
they could handle. The necessity of first generating a hypothesis
and then testing it meant they might be missing great insights
for which no hypothesis was formulated. In addition, statistics
originated from a world where data was difficult to compile and
often had to be entered manually, so techniques were not
designed to scale to large amounts of data.
With the rapid growth of massive amounts of data stored
and electronically accessible, analysts needed to develop new
ways to optimize its use for analysis. This led to the
development and application of numerous data mining
techniques: association rule mining, cluster analysis, decision
trees, neural networks, and support vector machines, to name a
few. This ability to collect data rapidly, in many forms, and
from a variety of sources could then be integrated, all of which
led to a growing awareness in businesses that data is a valuable
resource (Chiang et al., 2018). However, without skilled
analysts to find the information contained in these datasets, they
would turn out to be just very expensive storage. Companies
now needed employees who could understand these new
methods of analysis, apply them to their data, and employees
who could better understand the customers and the supply
chain, and gain this understanding speedily (Attaran et al.,
2018). They turned to universities to supply people with such
talents and skills. Thus, along with these new techniques,
universities began adding courses that exposed students to this
new way of approaching data analysis. Initially called Statistics
II, the field gradually grew into its own, and is now referred to
as Business Analytics in many schools. As John Tukey had
argued in 1980 (Tukey, 1980), we need both types of analysis:
that which confirms, and that which explores.
In the early 2000s, Data Science began to be used
(Cleveland, 2001) as a broad term encompassing statistics,
analytics, and machine learning. In 2011, McKinsey Global
Institute predicted a major shortage of skilled data scientists,
managers, and analysts dealing with data by 2018 (Manyika et
al., 2011). This prediction was confirmed by reports of large
shortages of hirable people in this area, with strong job
prospects for the future (Piatetsky-Shapiro & Gandhi, 2018).
Universities with business schools find these job prospects for
students to be a motivating factor in the courses they offer, so it
is not unexpected to find that the number of certificates and
degrees in Business Analytics have grown, too. With an
increasing shortage of people trained in analytics, more and
more universities are moving into this area (Parks et al., 2018).
The Institute for Advanced Analytics (2019) has an interactive
map showing the locations within the U.S. of approximately
250 schools that now offer programs in analytics. They also
show that the number of master’s degrees in analytics and data
science has grown from a negligible number in 2008 to over
20,000 degrees awarded in 2018. Entry-level positions average
in the low $80,000s and Indeed shows over 65,000 entry-level
positions available as of March 2022 (, 2022).
Increasingly, studies are being undertaken linking specific
industry needs to specific coursework (Paul & MacDonald,
2020). Companies are moving from simply recruiting
applicants with a specific degree to looking for an analytics
workforce based on needed skills (Stanton & Stanton, 2020).
Businesses are now also looking beyond basic training in
analytics to analysts and scientists with experience or training
in their specific industry (Matthews, 2019). That is, they want
their hires to have seen and worked with not just data, but data
from their particular domain area, and to be able to
communicate the results of their analyses to non-technical team
and company members.
2.2 Business Analytics (BA) Curriculum Literature
Our research is contextualized in Business Analytics
curriculum-focused literature. The goals of this literature
review section are to (i) identify key research articles, their
publication outlets, key themes and issues raised, and provide a
general landscape of BA program presence in business schools,
(ii) evaluate whether there is a literature gap that our research
can address, and (iii) inform and assist us in assessing the
process we deployed in our institution. We present the most up-
to-date summary of that research stream (see the Appendix),
outlining the main contribution, sample size/method used, and
program type for each manuscript. In the literature summary,
we strictly focused on analytics in the business context (vs. data
science) and curriculum assessment, design, and
implementations (vs. BA course teaching cases).
This literature stream consists of 41 peer-reviewed
manuscripts between 2009 and early 2022 (Figure 1). After first
considerations of creating BI & Analytics focused programs in
2009 (Sircar, 2009), we saw an initial assessment of BA value
and its potential between 2012 and 2014 (Chen et al., 2012;
Chiang et al., 2012; Gorman & Klimberg, 2014; Wixom et al.,
2014). Significant BA curriculum assessments and
considerations were published in the 2015-2017 period (a total
of 19), mainly focused on Big Data implications, classification
of content domains and coursework, clarifying the difference
between data science and business analytics, and recognizing
gaps in the current IS curriculum standards (Topi et al., 2010).
In the last five years, we see the literature focusing on the latest
market trends such as certification integration (Shim et al.,
2021) and changing competencies (Dong & Triche, 2020;
Johnson et al., 2020; Ozturk & Hartzel, 2020; Stanton &
Stanton, 2020). There is a recognition of the changing nature of
BA in terms of job expectations, tools and their applications,
and IS discipline identity (Ceccucci et al., 2020; Urbaczewski
& Keeling, 2019) as a whole.
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
Figure 1. BA Curriculum Manuscript Count by Years
(2009 - Present)
Selected manuscripts were published in 13 journal outlets
and 6 different conferences (Figure 2). Leading Association for
Information Systems (AIS) publications, systems-, and decision
science-focused education journals are the primary targets for
publishing BA curriculum research.
Figure 2. BA Curriculum Manuscript Count by Outlets
(2009 - Present)
Thematically, BA curriculum literature assesses the state of
the BA curriculum across a wide array of topics. These include
BA value recognition and amplification (Chen et al., 2012;
Chiang et al., 2012; Wixom et al., 2014), BA’s impact on
Information Systems discipline (Ceccucci et al., 2020; Chiang
et al., 2012; Jafar et al., 2017; Urbaczewski & Keeling, 2019),
BA program type classifications and their growth (Hameed et
al., 2021; Mills et al., 2016; Stephens & McGowan, 2018), BA
curriculum component categorization (Gupta et al., 2015; Kang
et al., 2015; Mitri & Palocsay, 2015) and required coursework
(Burns & Sherman, 2019; Ceccucci et al., 2020; Choi et al.,
2017), skills and competencies (Deng et al., 2016; Dong &
Triche, 2020; Johnson et al., 2020; Mamonov et al., 2015;
Stanton & Stanton, 2020), common technology use (Johnson et
al., 2020; McLeod et al., 2017), accreditation (Clayton &
Clopton, 2019) and existing IS curriculum standards
(Matthews, 2019; Mitri & Palocsay, 2015; Rodammer et al.,
2015; Topi et al., 2010). The research commonly reports best
practices and lessons learned in the process of implementation
(Burns & Sherman, 2022; Clayton & Clopton, 2019; Hameed
et al., 2021; Shim et al., 2021; Stanton & Stanton, 2020).
Most BA programs are rooted in the reality that the
marketplace requires a workforce with solid analytics skills
(Deng et al., 2016), suggesting a growing trend of offering
business analytics-infused curriculum and BA programs in the
forms of concentration within IS major or standalone majors
(Mitri & Palocsay, 2015), minors, certificates (both
undergraduate and graduate), MS degrees, and MBA
concentrations (Gorman & Klimberg, 2014). Soon after initial
research suggested the value of BA and its potential impact
(Chen et al., 2012), the opportunity for business analytics
academic programs was recognized (Chiang et al., 2012) and
resulted in the rapid growth in programs (Wixom et al., 2014).
A majority (60%) of AACSB IS programs added analytics-
related courses between 2011 and 2016. By 2016, there was a
dramatic increase in courses offered in big data analytics
(583%), visualization (300%), business data analysis (260%),
and business intelligence (236%) (Mills et al., 2016). A study
in 2017 (using a random sample of 94 schools) found that about
64% of universities have developed business analytics
programs at the undergraduate or graduate level, while about
40% offered BA certificates at the undergraduate or graduate
level (Choi et al., 2017). Another study found that about 35%
of schools offered BA program and about 26% offered BA
minors or certificates at the undergraduate or graduate level
(Phelps & Szabat, 2017), while a study in 2018 focused on peer
private institutions found that about 50% offer any number of
analytics-focused programs (Stephens & McGowan, 2018).
More recently, over 65% of the AACSB schools (using a
sample of 535 schools) offer a degree in business analytics
concentrations at either or both undergraduate and graduate
levels (Hameed et al., 2021). The emergence of the BA
curriculum and student interest in BA reveal the trend of IS
departments shifting their focus to data and data analytics, as IS
represents the top subject domain of instructors teaching
business analytics (Hameed et al., 2021). Consequently, many
adopt the name Analyticsinto their traditional IS departments
and degree names (Ceccucci et al., 2020; Urbaczewski &
Keeling, 2019).
A significant portion of the early literature focuses on
identifying core curriculum components. Several
categorizations were proposed, such as: (1) business
information intelligence, (2) business statistical intelligence,
and (3) business modeling intelligence (Mitri & Palocsay,
2015); (1) analytical skills, (2) IT knowledge and skills, and (3)
business knowledge (Chiang et al., 2012); four pillars of
analytics (1) data preprocessing, storage, and retrieval, (2) data
exploration, (3) analytical models & algorithms, and (4) data
product (Kang et al., 2015); (1) business expertise, (2) applied
statistical analysis, and (3) technical skills (Mamonov et al.,
2015); (1) data management, (2) statistics, and (3) core data
analytics (Jafar et al., 2017); and eighteen topic areas (Gupta et
al., 2015).
These categorizations were often followed by identifying
required courses and their mapping to the aforementioned
categories and program types. For example, literature focused
on BA minors found that, on average, business analytics minor
programs have two prerequisite courses, three required courses,
and two electives (Burns & Sherman, 2019). On the other hand,
BA certificates require between three and six courses (Choi et
al., 2017). The same literature stream suggests that most BA
programs’ top three required courses include a database,
predictive analytics, and introduction to BA course (Ceccucci
et al., 2020).
Graduate-level BA education is particularly critical as
roughly 35% of the entry-level BA jobs on the market prefer
professionals with graduate degrees (Johnson et al., 2020).
Many schools responded to that call and initially implemented
graduate BA-focused programs (Mitri & Palocsay, 2015). At
the graduate program level, significant variations in the
program structure in terms of program length (10 to 18 months)
and flexibility (electives comprise 0 to 37% of the course work)
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
were reported (Mamonov et al., 2015). In a sample of six
universities, most graduate BA programs (i) allocated courses
across three areas: business expertise, applied statistical
analysis, and technical skills, (ii) focused on areas that leverage
institutional strengths, and (iii) started integrating practical
training and internships as part of their BA curriculum
(Mamonov et al., 2015). Others suggested a graduate-level
analytics curriculum consisting of five areas: data management,
statistics, core data analytics, capstone, and electives (Jafar et
al., 2017), with a focus on competencies (Mamonov et al.,
2015) and skills demanded by the marketplace, such as tools,
big data infrastructure, technical concepts, and soft skills
(Johnson et al., 2020). Distinct curriculum needs and market
expectations are reported for those completing MBA versus
those completing MS in IS or BA (Dunaway & McCarthy,
2015; Gupta et al., 2015; Jafar et al., 2017; Parks et al., 2018;
Warner, 2013).
Regarding technology used, the literature suggests that the
programs vary greatly in covering both traditional analytics and
the new emergent technologies and analytical methods. SQL,
R, Python, Excel, and Tableau are among the BA fields most
desired programming languages and tools (Johnson et al.,
2020). The programs that focus on Big Data and its
infrastructure reported common use of platforms such as Hive,
AWS, Azure, Hadoop (Johnson et al., 2020), and SAP HANA
(McLeod et al., 2017), elevating the need for continued faculty
retooling and aligned hiring practices (Hameed et al., 2021).
Calls have been made for guidelines in creating and
assessing the BA curriculum and programs (Wixom et al.,
2014). A wish list of guidelines for dreamBA program
development has been introduced (Wang, 2015) and applied
(Wymbs, 2016). Those guidelines include (1) developing
interdisciplinary courses, (2) aligning BA course offerings with
the needs of practice, (3) considering using real-world projects,
(4) capturing the union of relevant disciplines, and (5)
strengthening the faculty members’ BA expertise (Wang,
In summary, our literature review captured critical research
articles suggesting continued interest by the IS community in
the building, improving, and, increasingly, adopting BA
programs as the discipline’s key identity. The research on this
topic has been relatively steady in the last seven years, after its
peak in 2015, and is primarily published in leading IS and
Decision Science education journals and leading IS
conferences. The literature covers a wide array of topics,
focusing on the growth and impact of BA on the IS discipline,
curriculum components clarifications, and best practices,
understanding market-driven skill expectations, and evaluating
the use of technology and programming languages. The
literature summary also revealed a general lack of in-depth
description, reflection, and understanding of BDA graduate
certificate programs, their opportunities, challenges, and
required modifications to remain relevant. Given the shortage
of data analytics skills, these programs are valuable and
essential in addressing the deficit, retooling the workforce, and
providing a viable path to a full graduate-level degree.
Therefore, sharing our story of the BDA Certificate has the
potential to enrich the existing literature and inform the
academic community considering implementing or modifying
their own BA programs.
Before we describe, in chronological order, the evolution of the
BDA Certificate at our institution, we will first outline certain
basic founding principles that guided and continue to guide, our
decisions from the inception to the previous, current, and future
versions of the program. As we will describe later in this paper,
we have been through several changes since the foundations for
this program were laid out over twenty years ago. Throughout
this evolution, we have had both successes and failures. We also
had to make, and continue to make, some compromises that
were not always ideal. However, we consistently recognized
that adhering to the core principles presented in this section was
the correct course of action that ultimately enabled this program
to prosper. In particular, the three principles that continually
guided the development of this program are: the centrality of
data, modeling-based course sequencing, and the proper role of
software tools.
3.1 Centrality of Data (Principle #1)
When it comes to teaching curriculum that deals with data
utilization, the consensus among faculty at our department is
that the data itself should be at the core of learning. In other
words, the point is to first focus on the data itself, before we
study the methods of analysis and explore the actions and
opportunities that the data can afford us. In a practical sense,
this means to put the modeling and structuring of the data as the
foundation and a prerequisite for all other courses.
In other words, data organization and modeling are
paramount and central to everything else we do in our data-
related curriculum. A strong data foundation is necessary for
storage and retrieval, modeling and transformations, and
analysis and visualization. We also find support for this
principle in our literature. From a market expectation
perspective, data preprocessing (closely linked to our principle
#1) is still considered a dominant skill. A study evaluating top
skills in analytic job posts found that the top required skill was
database management(65.8% of ads), while the sixth most
required skill was SQL (56.6%). Both skills are enabled by and
require understanding data, its structure, and modeling (Dong
& Triche, 2020). A similar finding comes from another study
suggesting that one of the top two most desirable hard skills for
entry-level analytics positions includes data modeling (Stanton
& Stanton, 2020). Our formal and informal interactions with
analytics professionals and alumni confirm these findings and
the centrality of data.
3.2 Modeling-Based Course Sequencing (Principle #2)
In many instances, business data analytics is promoted as
enabling actions that can lead to positive change. While that is
true, it also often leads to teaching business data analytics by
immediately jumping into the methods of analysis and showing
a variety of possible actionable outcomes. Our approach differs
from this common scenario. Starting a BA program with a
course that focuses on how data is structured (i.e., Database
Course) before learning how data is analyzed is not the norm in
many BA curriculums. For example, we looked at dozens of
similar programs (Data Analytics certificates at reputable US-
based universities) and found that only two of them offer a
course in databases or a similar course on how data is organized.
In conjunction with the basic principle outlined above in
sub-section 3.1, we adhere to a specific guideline for
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
sequencing of courses, where a course on database modeling
will be a prerequisite for covering topics that deal with data
analysis. We feel very strongly that students, in any course
dealing with data analytics, must have knowledge about how
data is organized. Therefore, skills such as entity-relationship
modeling and relational modeling must be mastered before
actual analytical skills are learned. Understanding metadata, if
data is organized and prepared for analysis, or data preparation,
if data is not prepared for analysis, is mandatory for any serious
data analytics effort. Therefore, learning the methods that
enable understanding of metadata and data preparation
(including structuring, re-structuring, and cleaning of data)
before learning methods for analyzing data is critical.
3.3 Proper Role of Software Tools (Principles #3)
We acknowledge the need to include state-of-the-art software
in a business data analytics curriculum. However, when it
comes to software tools, we subscribe to the view that tools are
a means to an end, where the end is more important than the
means. In other words, the focus should be on the concepts the
software tools implement rather than on the proprietary details
of how those concepts are employed in particular packages. Our
intent is not to showcase studentsfluency and comfort level
with a particular software or platform. Instead, they should be
recognized for their knowledge of principles, methods, and
problem-solving skills.
We expect our students and graduates to be able to
seamlessly and quickly switch between using competing
software, such as various data modeling tools, DMBS
platforms, data mining software, data visualization packages,
and tools of the future, based on their knowledge of methods
and principles encapsulated in these tools.
Regarding the data centrality principle (principle #1), we
recognize that if data analysts do not have a professional
understanding of how data is organized, they cannot optimally
use their analytical skills; i.e., it is often difficult to analyze data
if one does not understand how it is organized and why it is
organized the way it is organized. Once data centrality is
acknowledged, the modeling sequencing principle (principle
#2) becomes essential for achieving it. Lastly, if we do not
institute principle #3, we render the program a narrow, vendor-
proprietary educational effort rather than a true, universally
applicable degree.
In this section, we will chronologically outline the evolution of
the BDA Certificate program at our institution. This outline will
serve to underscore how both internal and external factors and
events influenced and shaped our program. We will outline both
the initiatives that resulted in progressive success as well as the
ones that outright failed or had to be abandoned. All of them
were important in providing us with the experience and
expertise to continually improve the program.
4.1 The DWHBI Certificate (Prior to 2007)
The first precursor to the BDA Certificate at our institution was
the Graduate Certificate in Data Warehousing and Business
Intelligence (DWHBI Certificate), launched in 2001 by the
information systems group at the School of Business at our
institution. This certificate was put together to supplement the
MBA degree and the other graduate degrees while
simultaneously showcasing two newly created graduate
business courses: Data Warehousing, and Data Mining. In the
1990s and early 2000s, both Data Warehousing and Data
Mining were relatively new, growing areas enjoying strong
industry demand accompanied by the lack of professionals with
proper education in these areas. The DWHBI Certificate was
created to capitalize on these trends.
The certificate was created as a 5-course program, where
students began by taking the Database Systems course and then
proceeding to take the Data Warehousing and Data Mining
courses. Two electives followed these. At that time, the
Database Systems course was already mature with an in-depth
coverage of database requirements, database conceptual
modeling (ER modeling), database logical modeling (relational
modeling) and normalization, SQL, and issues related to
database implementation and administration. For database
modeling, we used our own home-grown application called
FatFreeERD, which students could install for free on their
computers. This application’s capability for drawing ER
diagrams and relational schemas was used in the modeling part
of the class. The DBMS platform that was used for SQL was
Oracle, which was acquired through participation in the Oracle
Academic Initiative. This program allowed academic
institutions access to Oracle technology and MS Access.
The newly created Data Warehousing class was designed to
be taken after the Database Systems class. As in the Database
Systems class, this class heavily emphasized data-modeling.
The main focus was, of course, on modeling analytical data
repositories, namely data warehouses and data marts. In
particular, the class heavily emphasized dimensional modeling
with star schemas. The FatFreeERD application was utilized, as
it can also draw star schemas. Other data-warehouse related
topics, such as the extract, transform, and load process (ETL),
and OLAP/BI were also covered, but in a strictly theoretical
The Data Mining class also had the Database Systems class
as its prerequisite. This class began in the mid-90s and built on
the skills developed by the students in their database class. Data
mining was introduced as the process of discovering
meaningful patterns in large amounts of data, though the
meaning of “large” has evolved since the mid-90s. Originally,
we used a software tool, Clementine, which had been acquired
by SPSS and Excel for data analysis. Students were required to
build a database, export the data into an Excel spreadsheet, and
load it into Clementine to run data mining models. Emphasis
was placed on data understanding, model understanding,
analysis of the model output, and application to business
problems. All students were required to complete a project
following the CRISP (CRoss-Industry Standard Process)
process (Wirth, 2000).
These three courses (Database Systems, Data Warehousing,
and Data Mining) formed the programs core and were
mandatory for all students enrolled in the certificate. Per
administrative rules of the university, this certificate was
designated as a five-course program. Therefore, the program
had to include two more courses. The decision was made to list
several Marketing courses as possible electives. To acquire the
DWHBI certificate, students had to take two of these applied
elective courses. These included courses on Business to
Business Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication,
Digital Marketing, Database Marketing Strategy, Customer
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
Relationship Management, and Internet Marketing Strategy.
The structure of the program is illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3. DWHBI Certificate Curriculum Prior to 2007
At that time, marketing was (at least internally in the School
of Business) regarded as the main client of analytical data and
as such, an appropriate supplier of elective courses for the
certificate. Administration at that time was satisfied that the
Information Systems group was able to fulfill the requirement
for a five-course sequence in the requirements and that the
Marketing group was able to increase the enrollment in their
courses by adding the DWHBI Certificate students.
The certificate students were generally satisfied with both
the core and elective classes. They reported that there was very
little connection between the two groups of classes, but they
liked acquiring the data management and analysis skills they
viewed as supplementary to their main area of study. This was
not understood to be a critical issue since the certificate was
awarded mostly to the students already enrolled in one of the
master’s programs at the graduate school of business, as all of
the courses in the certificate also counted towards their master’s
degree. In fact, no separate enrollment figures for the DWH/BI
certificate were kept during this period.
The program during this period is a combination of
convenience and compromise. There was little communication
and coordination between the Information Systems and
Marketing faculty. Both groups viewed the certificate as a side
initiative that enabled graduate business students that took
certain courses from both areas to acquire an additional
4.2 DWHBI Certificate (2007 2015)
By 2007 the curriculum context at our institution was starting
to change as the data-related issues were perceived as
increasingly valuable, not only by the Information Systems
department but also by other departments. One of the
consequences of this new focus was the decision to start
viewing the DWHBI certificate as its own program as well,
rather than just as a supplement to the existing master’s
programs at the School of Business. The five-course certificate
was still offered as an elective component of the master’s
programs at the School of Business (a relationship that
continues to this day) but an effort was undertaken to promote
it also as a credential that could be acquired by students joining
our graduate school of business just for the certificate.
The leadership of the DWHBI certificate undertook an
audit of all graduate classes at the School of Business and
identified the courses that had greater relevance and connection
to the DWHBI Certificate, and as such, added them to the list
of electives, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. DWHBI Certificate Curriculum 2007-2015
The list included courses on Managerial Accounting and
Integrated Decision Making from the accounting department as
well as Project Management and Forecasting Methods courses
from the operations management area. In addition, another
Information Systems course was identified as an elective:
Strategic Uses of IT. Several Marketing classes from the
previous list of electives were dropped (as they were perceived
as not sufficiently relevant for the DWHBI certificate), while
three remained: Integrated Marketing Communications,
Database Marketing Strategy, and CRM. At this time, the
Information Systems faculty engaged with all of the faculty
teaching elective courses, and all agreed that elective courses
should be integrated in a way that aligned with the mission of
the DWHBI certificate. At the same time, all the core courses
were undergoing changes and additions.
The Database Systems course started using the newly
launched, free, web-based open-suite ERDPlus (
for the data modeling aspect of the course. In addition to
continuing to use Oracle for the SQL portion of the class,
students were also provided with the access to Teradata DBMS
through a membership in the Teradata University Network
initiative. The Data Warehousing class maintained its heavy
focus on modeling and switched to using the ERDPlus to create
star schemas. Other topics were now covered in a much more
applied way, including using Informatica software for ETL and
Tableau for OLAP. Big Data topics were introduced, and
Greenplum MPP and MapReduce Hadoop platforms were
included in the coursework.
By 2007, Data Mining had evolved, as had the tools
available for its application. SPSS has continued to expand and
improve its product. The software name was changed to
Predictive Analytics Software (PASW), and the number of data
mining tools had expanded to reflect the software’s new
orientation. The ability to load data from various sources was
also made possible. The course continued to include association
rule mining, cluster analysis, decision trees, and neural
networks as focus techniques. The course used several cases
from different business fields, and students were still required
to complete a project that followed the CRISP methodology.
Since the DWHBI certificate was now viewed as more than
just a supplement to the existing master’s degrees, enrollment
into the certificate started to be actively monitored and tracked.
The enrollment numbers for the DWHBI certificate during this
period oscillated widely, as shown in Figure 5. Since this period
coincided with the great recession that started in 2008, it is not
easy to evaluate the effect of the quality of the curriculum and
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
courses to the enrollment itself. But, certainly, the numbers
have mostly grown, as compared to 2007.
Figure 5. DWHBI/BDA Certificates Awarded
(Compared to 2007)
Note that enrollment numbers in this paper are given as
ratios. Due to privacy and competitiveness reasons, we do not
have permission from our institution to give exact numbers or
demographic breakdowns. The ratios still provide an
illustration of progress and trends.
4.3 Business Data Analytics Certificate (2015 2021)
With the attention that the broad field of Business Data
Analytics was gaining, and considering that all three core
classes in the DWHBI Certificate were fundamental and
integral parts of Business Data Analytics, the decision was
made to revamp the certificate and rebrand it as the Business
Data Analytics (BDA) Certificate. It became apparent that the
terms Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence were being
perceived as somewhat narrow and technical, especially
compared to the term Data Analytics, which was becoming very
popular and had a much broader appeal.
Serious analysis of the DWHIBI Certificate curriculum and
the entire graduate school of business curriculum was
undertaken. For the newly named BDA Certificate, the decision
was made to consider only courses where the data and/or data
analysis was one of the central themes. The intent was to
identify courses that either contain elements and methods that
are useful and instrumental for business data analytics or
integrate business data analytics with the application topics that
they cover.
The decision was made to keep all three core courses in
place as they were as fundamental to the mission of the new
certificate as they were for the old one. Next, the evaluation of
the electives from the 2007-2015 period was undertaken. Due
to various reasons, ranging from not having data and analytics
as the main focus (for example, Strategic Use of IT, Project
Management) to changes in the course syllabus and/or
turnovers of faculty teaching the courses resulting in the change
of course focus (which occurred every couple of semesters and
in too many cases instructors were allowed to change classes
completely, often minimizing the data analytics aspect), all
previous electives, except the Forecasting course, were
eliminated from the certificate. This is illustrated by Figure 6.
At this point, the emergence and prominence of data
analytics as a broad business phenomenon was reflected in the
fact that several departments at our School of Business created
one or more course in their field with a focus on data analytics.
Those courses used knowledge from our base analytics trio of
classes but with applications in their specific areas. Those
courses included Human Resources Data Decision Making,
Supply Chain Analytics, Marketing Metrics, and Customer
Analytics. Unlike the electives of previous iterations of the
DWHBI certificate, these domain-specific courses were created
and taught by faculty with a solid background in data
organization and analysis topics, in addition to their expertise
in their respective domains. Also illustrated by Figure 6 is the
number of new courses added to the list of electives. The
existing Applied Econometrics class in the economics
department was identified as having the analysis of data as its
main focus and, as such, appropriate for inclusion in the list.
Figure 6. DWHBI/BDA Curriculum 2015-2021
In addition, several new courses were created in the
Information Systems department. One of those was a new
course on Data Visualization. This course consists of three main
parts. The first part of the course covers data visualization
theory, including categorical and quantitative variables, basic
chart types, visual distortion and the “Lie Factor” formula, and
chart evaluation. Students learn these theoretical concepts and
apply them to many chart examples. Group exercises in class
are one of the key components of the first part of the course.
The second part of the course focuses on using Tableau, one of
the most widely used software tools for data visualization.
Students learn the fundamental building blocks of charts and
how to implement them in Tableau. Some unique features
include the custom-made top-K chart module, parameterized
and flexible histogram module, and custom rank module. The
last part of the class focuses on dashboarding and storytelling.
The course also involves a quarter-long group project that
requires the analysis of a real-world dataset. In lieu of a final,
students present their project findings using dashboards and
stories in Tableau in a formal setting.
Another information systems course included was a
programming course titled Programming for Decision Making.
For several years, we relied on the Computer Science
department for courses related to coding. Over time, our
students began asking for a coding course with specific
applications in business. We began with Visual Basic, moved
to C#, then to VBA with a strong emphasis on coding in Excel,
then to R, and finally to Python. We currently offer VBA, R,
and Python courses. The programming language focus change
is partially driven by the evolution of languages and their
acceptance by the industry and is in line with trends identified
in our literature review (Dong & Triche, 2020; Johnson et al.,
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
2020; Ozturk & Hartzel, 2020; Stanton & Stanton, 2020). Also,
we expose our students to a variety of coding approaches. We
continually monitor real-world developments, especially
regarding skills expected of entrants to the job market.
We strongly believe that coding is a good skill in which to
develop competence for several reasons: First, it strengthens a
student’s logical thought process, and second, it takes the
mystery out of what is often perceived as an inaccessible area
(as many students think of mathematics or statistics). We also
believe that the language of choice will continue to change, but
the skills will remain constant. We have accepted that the
language we offer will be a moving target.
Another new course, titled Business Analytics, was added
to the list of electives. This course was designated as a BSAD
(Business Administration) course, indicating that it did not
belong to one particular department at the school of business,
even though the information systems department managed it.
This particular course was envisioned as a course that would
provide students with the basic instruction of the R language
while at the same time being a broad course that would give
students a high-level overview of data mining, data
visualization, and other information systems tools and methods
for data analysis, in a way that can serve as a standalone course
for the members of our MBA population who only want to take
one course (instead of the entire BDA Certificate). At the same
time, the course serves as an introduction to and building block
of the certificate for students interested in completing the whole
certificate. While the BSAD course touches on various BA
approaches and methodologies, including an introductory
discussion of Data Mining, standalone Data Mining was still
needed in our BDA curriculum, as it delves much deeper into
data mining topics.
In 2020, we added one more elective Information Systems
course (online/asynchronous), which proved to be extremely
popular (proven by large enrollment in the inaugural version of
the class and a high student evaluation score for the course
(4.8/5) and instructor (4.9/5) effectiveness) by both graduate
certificate students and those in other MS and MBA programs
(as elective). The course, Applications of Visualization is
envisioned to introduce the UX side of data visualization to our
students. In this experiential and hands-on course (using
Tableau), students develop a vocabulary and framework for
discussing, critiquing, assessing, and designing visual displays
of quantitative data. This class focuses on the awareness and
application of human perception and cognition (gestalt laws,
preattentive attributes, color, memory, cognitive effort, etc.),
best design practices in visualizing quantitative data,
dashboarding, and interacting and storytelling with data. As the
analytics curricula mature, it is clear that the UX side of
analytics is becoming a critical skill set for our graduates. Their
interest in this course, student satisfaction rates (previously
noted evaluation scores and a high Net Promoter Score of 80),
and resulting professional impact confirm the value of this type
of content. Here are just sample statements of the impact this
newly created course has had on our students:
“I printed out one of the homework assignments to bring
with me to my interviewI think this made me stand
out in my interview which led to an immediate offer
“Ive started getting projects at work revolving around
class content - it has helped tremendously!
“This course has helped me in creating visualization,
sometimes even simple charts were drastically
improved with minimizing cognitive effort. My
supervisors supervisor even commented on how well I
improved a monthly report.”
“The skills learned in this class will set you apart as a
professional and possibly open up opportunities into
data analytics.”
I think this is one of the best courses I have taken. The
content is highly relevant and applicable in the
The content choices for our courses and their dynamic
modifications over time are a result of several factors: our
understanding of market needs, alignment of relevant standards
and available literature, and faculty content and research
expertise, collaboration and leadership. We maintain contact
with the marketplace and its needs through close contact with
our alumni (many now with leadership roles in large
corporations and consulting firms) and regular university,
department, and program-sponsored formal and informal
events. Furthermore, we rely on the expertise of our faculty
members who (i) are on boards of local companies, (ii)
published leading database, data warehousing, and
programming textbooks, (iii) run consulting practices focused
on data analytics, and (iv) operate research labs such as UX and
biometrics lab.
As shown in Figure 5, the switch from the DWHIBI
certificate to the BDA Certificate coincides with a significant
increase in enrollments. While it is entirely possible that some
or even all growth was driven by the increase in data analytics
within business schools, the enrolled students often verbalized
that the branding change allowed them to view the core courses
in the certificate as both approachable and widely applicable,
while the choice of electives proved to be both plentiful and
satisfactory. Evidence of our success includes very positive
teaching evaluations (where students’ comments repeatedly
refer to the “approachable” and “applicable” nature of the
courses), as well as results of conversations with students
during the application for graduation process. These are
voluntary, but nearly half of the students participated. During
these conversations, core principles are routinely discussed
with students who confirm their positive effect on curriculum
and job search. It was common to hear from our BDA alumni
that our BDA courses were instrumental to securing a new job
or completely pivoting their careers.
4.3.1 Accelerated and Online Versions of the BDA
Certificate. As the BDA Certificate enrollment continued to
grow, we decided to offer our students different ways of
completing the certificate. Traditionally, all courses at our
graduate school of business are offered in person at our campus
location. The courses are offered on a quarterly basis, where
each course meets once a week (typically 6-9 pm in the
evening) for ten weeks. All our graduate programs, including
the BDA Certificate, can be started during any of our quarters:
Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer. Students complete the BDA
Certificate in as quickly as two quarters or as slowly as five
quarters (if they are taking only one course per quarter).
In the Summer of 2017, we decided to offer an accelerated
version of the BDA Certificate, with each course meeting every
day for two weeks at our downtown location. The students in
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
this accelerated intensive program spent 3 hours daily in the
classroom. A single class could be completed in two weeks.
Courses were offered in sequence, enabling students to
complete the 5-course certificate in 10 weeks. In addition to the
three core courses, two electives were chosen for inclusion in
the accelerated version: Data Visualization and Business
Analytics. The program succeeded with good course enrollment
and generally favorable student feedback. The same accelerated
program was repeated in the summer of 2018.
At that time, the decision was made to create an
asynchronous online version of the five courses in the
accelerated program. The accelerated online asynchronous
certificate was offered to a limited group of students in 10
weeks during the winter of 2018-19. We had concerns about
how the students would fare in such an intensive program done
in a relatively isolated fashion, but to our surprise, the five
courses in this accelerated online version received positive
feedback from the students. We compared students’ feedback
using course evaluations across two formats (accelerated vs. 10-
week) and found either no difference or, surprisingly,
preference for the accelerated version in one instance (taught by
the same instructor) as measured through students’ assessment
of Material Learned (+0.1 difference), Overall Course
Effectiveness (no difference), and Instructor Overall
Effectiveness (+0.2 difference).
Based on this experience, in the summer of 2019 we
delivered the accelerated version of the BDA Certificate in the
asynchronous online format. The program generated a lot of
interest and we had to cap the enrollment for it. The attendees
very positively evaluated the program, and we had another
iteration in the same format for the summer of 2020, which was
equally successful. At our institution, Information Systems and
all business courses have high course evaluation averages and
are viewed as exemplary by the university administration. In
this environment, the BDA Certificate did even better. For
example, in student evaluations, the BDA Certificate courses
were evaluated in the Overall Course Effectiveness on a 5-point
scale, 0.1 points higher than all graduate Information Systems
courses and 0.3 points higher than all graduate business courses.
In Material Learned, the difference was 0.3 and 0.5 points
higher, respectively. The format remained popular with our
students and contributed significantly to the continued growth
of the certificate.
4.3.2 Influence of the BDA Certificate on the
Undergraduate Program. As the BDA Certificate (and its
predecessors) evolved at our institution on the graduate level,
we were able to create continually and include information
systems courses with equivalent topics in our undergraduate
program. For example, as we introduced a standalone Data
Visualization graduate class for the BDA Certificate, we also
introduced an equivalent standalone Data Visualization class
for the undergraduate program. Similar scenarios occurred with
other classes. In each case, the initial impetus for a new course
was the intent to improve the BDA Certificate, and then it was
logical to expand the undergraduate program with an equivalent
course as well.
At this time, our BDA Certificate program is thriving, and we
are satisfied with all of its aspects, including the course
offering, enrollments, and the professional outcomes of our
students. For example, in the current setup, our students can get
instruction in SQL, R and Python, which is aligned with the
current situation wherein SQL, Python, and R are the primary
programming tools used by analytics practitioners in the
industry (Johnson et al., 2020).
However, we are under no illusions that we have reached a
stable state that will remain unchanged for years to come. At
this stage, when it comes to a business data analytics
curriculum, change is a certainty, and maturity is not probable
(at least not in the near term). Technologies and methodologies,
job market, student needs, methods of delivery, competitors,
and other factors are all subject to continuous changes.
The future will undoubtedly bring challenges,
opportunities, and changes. For example, we recently
developed a course covering data storytelling and user
experience. We are already working on developing additional
courses that we may include as future elective (or even core)
courses for the certificate. The new courses we are considering
would cover business requirements for analytics, machine
learning life cycle, AutoML tools (such as DataRobot),
advanced R, etc. At the same time, we are reluctant to require
more than five courses for a certificate degree. Therefore, our
challenge will be incorporating many diverse paths into a
singular BDA Certificate.
One trend that may positively impact future graduate
offerings, including the BDA Certificate, is the growth patterns
in our undergraduate program. The patterns are quite similar to
the growth in the BDA Certificate. Figure 7 shows the increase
in enrollment in our undergraduate program in the 2007-2021
period. A comparison of Figure 7 with Figure 5 reveals
Figure 7. Information Systems (Undergraduate)
Majors Graduating (compared to 2007)
Perhaps not surprisingly, we are seeing an uptick in former
undergraduate IS students pursuing both BDA Certificates and
our MS IS-focused programs. We are responding to this pool of
students by giving them credits for some classes. For others, we
provide guidance in selecting advanced topics and newer
courses that exist only at the graduate level.
Another emerging issue is the need to offer the certificate
in a variety of formats, including in-class, online, and hybrid,
providing the students with the flexibility to take their five
courses in whatever mixture of these formats they prefer. This
will require an increase in our resources and innovative
scheduling options. This also may require adopting new
measures for assessing the quality of teaching and learning
(MacLeod et al., 2019).
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
Lastly, prompted by the success of the BDA program, in the
Fall of 2020, we launched Masters in Information Systems and
Analytics Program. This program builds on the foundation of
the certificate and enables a deeper dive into information
systems and analytics topics.
In conclusion, in addition to our three founding principles, we
adopt the guidelines (dreamBA program) introduced in our
literature review (Wang, 2015) to assess the process used in our
BDA evolution. First, we developed and incorporated
interdisciplinary courses in every iteration of our program
evolution. In our case, this was primarily implemented through
elective courses. However, our programs list of electives was
initially extensive and lacked data focus. Over time, we
narrowed the list of interdisciplinary courses. Second, we
closely aligned BA course offerings and their content with the
practices needs. Our faculty expertise and their close
interaction with practice informed our three founding principles
to ensure alignment with market needs when it comes to critical
thinking, data, analysis methods, and tool skills. Third, our
courses include a mix of theoretical knowledge and experiential
learning using real-world projects and resulting data and project
management challenges. The inclusion of additional real-world
projects continues to be an area of opportunity. Fourth, the
program captures the union of relevant disciplines, which, in
our case, currently include statistics and econometrics,
programming, IS, and SCM/Forecasting. Lastly, we strengthen
the faculty membersBA expertise through continuous training,
strategic hiring, insistence on adopting all instructorsfounding
principles, and talent realignment.
In this paper, we have presented the process of building the
BDA Certificate at our institution and the evolution that
included multiple curriculum revisions, additions and
subtractions of individual courses, expansions of delivery
methods, and program name changes. Ultimately, the success
of our program was based on the core principles of
acknowledging the centrality of data, mandating the modeling-
based course sequencing, and recognizing the proper role of
software tools.
We do not assert that how we built our BDA Certificate
program is the only way to go about business data analytics
academic programs (which may include vendor-specific
certificates, focusing on one component of BA, and various
forms of domain-specific BDA certificates, to name a few).
Instead, we have described in this paper how that worked for
our circumstances and our constituency in an ever-changing
area. We believe that sharing our story can help the readers
understand the steps in this fluid process as they embark on their
own BA curriculum initiatives.
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Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
Dinko Bačić is an assistant professor of information systems in
Loyola University Chicago’s
Quinlan School of Business, and the
founder of the UX & Biometrics
(UXB) lab. His research interests
include data visualization, human-
computer interaction, biometrics,
cognition, neuro IS, business
intelligence & analytics, and
pedagogy. He has papers published
in premier journals such as Decision Support Systems,
Communications of the Association for Information Systems,
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, Springer
Computer Science Lecture Notes and Leonardo, among others.
He has over fifteen years of corporate and consulting
experience in business intelligence, finance, project
management, and human resources.
Nenad Jukić is a professor of information systems at the
Quinlan School of Business at
Loyola University Chicago. Dr.
Jukić conducts research in various
information managementrelated
areas, including database modeling
and management, data warehousing,
business intelligence, data mining,
business analytics, Big Data,
information systems education, and
IT strategy. His work has been published in numerous
management information systems and computer science
academic journals and conference publications. Dr. Jukić is the
author of the textbook Database Systems: Introduction to
Databases and Data Warehouses,” whose Edition 2.0 has been
published in July of 2020, and the creator of the free web-based
database modeling tool ERDPlus.
Mary Malliaris is a professor of information systems in Loyola
University Chicago’s Quinlan
School of Business, and Chair of
the Information Systems & Supply
Chain Management Department.
Her research and teaching interests
are in statistics, databases, data
mining and analytics. She has
published articles in the Review of
Quantitative Finance and
Accounting, The International
Journal of Computational Intelligence and Organizations, the
Journal of Banking and Finance, Neural Networks in Finance
and Investing, Neural Computing and Applications, and
Applied Intelligence among others and is currently an associate
editor for The Journal of Economic Asymmetries.
Svetlozar Nestorov is an associate professor of information
systems in Loyola University
Chicago’s Quinlan School of
Business. His research and teaching
interests are in databases, data mining
and analytics, data visualization,
education, and e-commerce. He has
published articles in international
journals and conferences including
Decision Support Systems,
Information Systems Management, Journal of Database
Systems, ACM SIGMOD Record, PLoS Computational Biology,
and Computing in Science and Engineering.
Arup Varma is a Distinguished University Research Professor
and Frank W. Considine Chair in
Applied Ethics at the Quinlan School
of Business, Loyola University
Chicago. He holds a PhD from
Rutgers University, New Jersey
(USA), an M.S. in Personnel
Management & Industrial Relations
from XLRI, Jamshedpur (India), and
a BSc (Hons) from St. Xavier's
College, Kolkata (India). Dr. Varma’s research interests include
performance appraisal, expatriate issues, and HRM issues in
India. He has published over 100 articles (and book chapters)
in leading journals. He has won multiple awards for teaching,
research, and service, including the 2017 Alumnus Award for
Academics from his alma mater, XLRI. In 2018, he spent 6
months in India, as a Fulbright Scholar.
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
BA Curriculum Manuscript Summary
Data Source(s)
Lessons through a reflection on the process of BA
minor creation
Single school
Overview of BA program offering and faculty
schools (US)
Undergraduate and
Integrating professional certification with four
courses in the undergraduate BA track.
Single school
The overlap between the BA and the Information
Technology degree programs.
Common set of skills required across BA jobs and
highlighting gaps in undergrad. curricula.
29 universities
A framework for MSBA curriculum by identifying
BA practitioners’ concepts, skills, and tools.
Comprehensive analysis linking specific industry
needs to specific coursework that allows any
university to create a well-rounded BA program.
literature, and 18
Undergraduate and
Stanton, 2020)
Identification of job titles, credential and skills
required for BA jobs along with program changes to
prepare students for BA career requirements.
Assessment of BA minor structures
65 randomly
selected schools
AACSB accreditation concerns and BA certificate
developmental process.
Single school
Critical discussion of MIS departments transition to
Analytics departments
Undergraduate and
Explore MSBA programs from top business schools
and investigates their content.
62 programs
Analytics curriculum development roadmap is
offered by examination of evolving analytic needs
through the lens of disruption theories.
Undergraduate and
McGowan, 2018)
Identify four overarching issues in BA curricula
literature and provide BA curricula development
24 private
universities and
Overview of how U.S. universities have designed
and implemented BA programs/courses in terms of
the degree (major, minor) and certificate program,
and the number of courses.
Undergraduate and
Graduate programs
Made the case (and a curriculum template) that a
Master’s degree in data analytics is the right place
for IS educators start the assimilation of the data
analytics phenomenon.
13 graduate
programs and
single school
Compare curricula usage by SAP member schools to
evaluate changing curriculum.
SAP member
schools’ requests
Not specified
Statistics perspective on the content and who is
teaching business analytics courses
17 universities
Explored the growth of analytics, BI, and big data
content in AACSB IS programs between 2011 and
2016. The growth is analyzed through the mapping
of courses to four pillars of analytics.
Undergraduate and
The analysis of BA-related course offerings and
subsequent BA-maturity ranking of institutions
124 schools (414
Undergraduate and
Journal of Information Systems Education, 34(2), 216-230, Spring 2023
Developing and managing BA curriculum using
innovation theory. Two-phased curriculum
approach: program mission & accreditation and
course design.
Literature, Single
school focus
Assessment of similarities and differences between
undergraduate BA and data science programs.
13 universities
Lessons in the development and implementation of
Single school
BI&A model curriculum guidelines across program
types (undergraduate, MS, and MBA)
Lit., interviews,
and surveys
Undergraduate and
Identified a need for data analytics integration into
business skill sets and curriculum designs. Provided
a framework to design and teach data analytics
Recognition that traditional business and IT degrees
lack important data and analytics skills. A mapping
of BA skills to three newly courses is documented.
Single school
Four pillars of analytics; trace the skills and courses
needed to support each pillar.
Single school
Present competency-based BA curriculum
6 institutions
Palocsay, 2015)
Explore two curricular: a BI/BA concentration in a
typical IS major and a comprehensive, integrated
BI/BA undergraduate major. Assess 2010 IS Model
curriculum in relation to BI/BA content,
Document the redesign of business curriculum to
meet the demand for BA skills development
Single school
BA curriculum strategies and best practices.
Conf. panel, 2
Ozgur, 2015)
BA undergraduate curriculum designed around five
knowledge domains: PLC, DM, analytical
techniques, deployment, and a functional area.
Literature, single
university focus
Klimberg, 2014)
Early analytics program benchmarking focused on
job outlook and academic response and curricula
(programs, concentrations, certificate + graduate)
32 institutions
offering BA
Undergraduate and
graduate programs
Formalized interdisciplinary Big Data Analytics
(BDA) curriculum development process.
Panel report describing the current state and best
practices in BI and BA curricula. Focus on the
emergence of Big Data and its implications.
96 universities +
Undergraduate and
Overview of the efforts made to develop a
curriculum for business analytics that meets
the needs of all MBA students
Single school
focus, literature
Evaluate the role of BI&A education in business
schools, the challenges facing IS depts, IS curricula
and program development in BI&A education.
8 schools
Undergraduate and
BI importance in the leading business programs and
a description of BI/BA minor curriculum
50 universities,
single school
Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals
Education Special Interest Group
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