Fred D. Davis
Professor and Bobby Stevenson Chair in Information Technology
Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University
703 Flint Ave, Lubbock, TX 79409; fred.davis@ttu.edu
January 19 2022
Academic Positions
Texas Tech University, Rawls College of Business, Professor and Stevenson Chair in
Information Technology, 2015-present.
University of Arkansas, Walton College of Business, Professor, David D. Glass Chair, and
Information Systems Department Chair, 1999-2007. Distinguished Professor and
David D. Glass Chair of Information Systems, 2007-2015.
Sogang University, Graduate School of Business, Visiting Professor of Service Systems
Management and Engineering (sponsored by Korea World Class University
program), August 2010 December 2012.
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business, Associate Professor of
Information Systems, 1995-99 (interim Department Chair, 1996-97).
University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management, Associate Professor of
Information and Decision Sciences, 1993-95.
University of Michigan, School of Business Administration, Assistant Professor of
Computer Information Systems, 1986-93.
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986 Sloan School of Management,
Management Science Area; Major Field: Information Systems
Minor Field: Behavioral Science
Dissertation: A Technology Acceptance Model for Empirically Testing New End-
User Information Systems: Theory and Results
B.S. Wayne State University, Magna Cum Laude, 1980 Major Field: Industrial
Engineering and Operations Research; Minor Field: Computer Science.
Research Interests
User Acceptance of Information Technology
Technology-Assisted Decision Making
Managing Emerging Technologies
Computer Training and Skill Acquisition
Research Citation Impact
Ranked 209 for 2020 among all scientists worldwide (approx. 7 Million) based on standardized
citation impact indicator: Ioannidis, et al, 2020, "Updated Science-Wide Author Databases of
Standardized Citation Indicators" PLOS Biology.
More than 200,000 citations per Google Scholar.
Impact of articles (per Google Scholar):
1989 MIS Quarterly, more than 65,000 citations, is the #1 most cited MISQ article.
2003 MIS Quarterly, more than 36,000 citations, is the #2 most cited MISQ article.
1989 Management Science, more than 32,000 citations, is the #1 most cited Management
Science article.
2000 Management Science, more than 24,000 citations, is the #3 most cited Management
Science article.
1992 Journal of Applied Social Psychology, more than 8,000 citations, is the # 2 most cited
Journal of Applied Social Psychology article.
1993 International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, more than 6,000 citations, is the #3 most
cited International Journal of Man-Machine Studies article.
1996 Decision Sciences, more than 5,000 citations, is the #2 most cited Decision Sciences
Journal Articles Under Review
Venkatesh, V. & Davis, F.D., Cheung, C., & Yang, C. Resolving the Paradoxical Impact of
Cyberslacking on Job Outcomes: The Role of Types of Cyberslacking and Individual
Dispositions. Under second review at Information Systems Research.
Yu, Y. & Davis, F.D. User Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Ambivalence: A Bivariate
Evaluative Space Perspective. Under revision for resubmission to
Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
Yu, Y., Davis F.D., & Tian, X. Differential Determinants of User Satisfaction and
Dissatisfaction. Under review at Information Technology & People.
Parmar, H., Tahvildar, A., Ghasemi, E., Jung, S., Davis, F.D., & Walden, E. To Download or Not
to Download? Spatial and Temporal Neural Dynamics Across the Brain Regions When
Deciding to Download an App. Under revision for resubmission.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Ning, W., Davis, F.D., & Riedl, R. (forthcoming). Musical Consumption, Self-Control, and
Smartphone Addiction: A Dual-Systems Theory Perspective and Evidence from a Survey
Study. Internet Research (accepted October 31, 2021)
Venkatesh, V., Cheung, C., Davis, F.D., & Lee, Z. (forthcoming). Cyberslacking in the Workplace:
Antecedents and Effects on Job Performance. MIS Quarterly (accepted October 20, 2021)
Venkatesh, V., Davis, F.D., & Zhu, Y. A. (2022). A Cultural Contingency Model of Knowledge
Sharing and Job Performance. Journal of Business Research (accepted July 21, 2021).
Sullivan, Y., Davis, F.D., & Koh, C., (forthcoming). Executive Functions and Information
Systems Learning. MIS Quarterly (accepted April 28, 2021).
Riedl, R., Fischer, T., Leger, P.M., & Davis, F.D. (2020). A Decade of NeuroIS Research:
Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions. The Data Base for Advances in Information
System, 51(3), 13-54.
Venkatraman, S. Cheung, C.M.K., Lee, Z.W.Y, Davis, F.D., & Venkatesh, V. (2018). The
“Darth” Side of Technology Use: An Inductively Derived Typology of Cyberdeviance.
Journal of Management Information Systems, 35(4), 1060-1091.
Kim, D.J., Hebeler, J., Yoon, V., & Davis, F. (2018). Exploring Determinants of Semantic Web
Technology Adoption from IT Professionals’ Perspective: Industry Competition,
Organization Innovativeness, and Data Management Capability. Computers in Human
Behavior, 86, 18-33.
Soror, A.A., Hammer, B.I., Steelman, Z.R., Davis, F.D., & Limayem, M.M. (2015). Good Habits
Gone Bad: Explaining Negative Consequences Associated with the Use of Mobile Phones
from a Dual-Systems Perspective. Information Systems Journal, 25, 403-427.
Song, J., Baker, J., & Davis, F.D. (2015). The Role of Information Technology in Service
Delivery. Information Systems Frontiers, 17, 471-474.
Riedl, R., Davis, F.D., & Hevner, A.R. (2014). Towards a NeuroIS Research Methodology:
Intensifying the Discussion on Methods, Tools, and Measurement. Journal of the AIS, 15,
pp. i-xxxv.
Riedl, R., Mohr, P.N.C., Kenning, P.H., Davis, F.D., & Heekeren, H.R. (2014). Trusting Humans
and Avatars: A Brain Imaging Study Based on Evolution Theory. Journal of MIS, 30(4),
Leger, P., Davis, F.D., Cronan, T.P., & Perret, J. (2014). Neurophysiological Correlates of
Cognitive Absorption in an Enactive Training Context. Computers in Human
Behavior, 34, 273-283.
Dimoka, A., Banker, R., Benbasat, I.; Davis, F.D., Dennis, A., Gefen, D., Gupta, A., Ischebek, A,
Kenning, P., Müller-Putz, G., Pavlou, P.A., Riedl, R., von Brocke, J., & Weber, B. (2012).
On the Use of Neurophysiological Tools in IS Research: Developing a Research Agenda
for NeuroIS. MIS Quarterly, 36(3), 679-702.
Dimoka, A., Pavlou, P.A., & Davis, F.D. (2011). NeuroIS: The Potential of Cognitive
Neuroscience for Information Systems Research. Information Systems Research 22(4),
Loos, P., Riedl, R., Muller-Putz, G.R., vom Brocke, J., Davis, F.D., Banker, R.D., Leger,
P.M. (2010). NeuroIS: Neuroscientific Approaches in the Investigation and Development
of Information Systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2(6), 395-401.
Riedl, R., Banker, R.D., Benbasat, I., Davis, F.D., Dennis, A.R., Dimoka, A., Gefen, D., Gupta, A.,
Ischebeck, A., Kenning, P., Müller-Putz, G., Pavlou, P.A. Straub, D.W., vom Brocke, J., &
Weber, B.(2010). On the Foundations of NeuroIS: Reflections on the Gmunden Retreat
2009. Communications of the AIS, 27, Article 15.
Kottemann, J.E., Boyer-Wright, K.M., Kincaid, J.F., & Davis, F.D. (2009). Understanding
Decision Support Effectiveness: A Computer Simulation Approach. IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans, 39(1), 57-65.
Venkatesh, V, Davis, F.D., & Morris, M.G. (2007). Dead or Alive: The Development, Trajectory
and Future of Technology Adoption Research. Journal of the AIS, 8(4), 267-286.
Venkatraman, S., Aloysius, J. A., & Davis, F.D. (2006). Multiple Prospect Framing and
Decision Behavior: The Mediational Roles of Perceived Riskiness and Perceived
Ambiguity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 101, 59-73.
Aloysius, J.A., Davis, F.D., Wilson, D.D., Taylor, A.R., & Kottemann, J.E. (2006). User
Preferences for Multi-Criteria Decision Support Systems. European Journal of
Operational Research, 169,273-285.
Davis, F.D. & Yi, M. (2004). Improving Computer Skill Training: Behavior Modeling,
Symbolic Mental Rehearsal, and the Role of Knowledge Structures. Journal of Applied
Psychology,89, 509523.
Davis, F.D. & Venkatesh, V. (2004). Toward Pre-prototype User Acceptance Testing of New
Information Systems: Implications for Software Project Management. IEEE
Transactions on Engineering Management, 51, 31-46.
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M.G., Davis, G.B., & Davis, F.D. (2003). User Acceptance of
Information Technology: Toward a Unified View. MIS Quarterly, 27, 425-478.
Yi, M. & Davis, F.D. (2003). Developing and Validating an Observational Learning Model of
Computer Software Training and Skill Acquisition. Information Systems Research, 14,
Hardgrave, B.C., Davis, F.D., & Riemenschneider, C.K. (2003). Investigating Determinants of
Software Developers’ Acceptance of Methodologies. Journal of MIS, 20, 123-151.
Riemenschneider, C.K., Hardgrave, B.C., & Davis, F.D. (2002). Explaining Software Developer
Acceptance of Software Methodologies: A Comparison of Five Theoretical Models. IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, 28, 1135-1145.
Zhang, P., Benbasat, I., Carey, J., Davis, F., Galletta, D.F., & Strong, D. (2002). Human-
Computer Interaction Research in the MIS Discipline. Communications of the Association
for Information Systems, 9, 334-355.
Yi, M. & Davis, F.D. (2001). Improving Computer Training Effectiveness for Decision
Technologies: Behavior Modeling and Retention Enhancement. Decision Sciences, 32,
Venkatesh, V. & Davis, F.D. (2000). A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance
Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies. Management Science, 46, 186-204.
Davis, F.D. &Venkatesh, V. (1996). A Critical Assessment of Potential Measurement Biases in
the Technology Acceptance Model: Three Experiments. International Journal of
Human Computer Studies, 45, 19-45.
Venkatesh, V. & Davis, F.D. (1996). A Model of the Antecedents of Perceived Ease of Use:
Development and Test. Decision Sciences, 27, 451-481.
Davis, F.D. & Kottemann, J.E. (1995). Determinants of Decision Rule Use in a Production
Planning Task. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 63, 145-157.
Davis, F.D., Lohse, G.L., & Kottemann, J.E. (1994). Harmful Effects of Seemingly
Helpful Information on Forecasts of Stock Earnings. Journal of Economic
Psychology, 15, 253-267.
Davis, F.D. & Kottemann, J.E. (1994). User Perceptions of Decision Support Effectiveness: Two
Production Planning Experiments. Decision Sciences, 25, 57-78.
Kottemann, J.E., Davis, F.D., & Remus, W.R. (1994). Computer-Assisted Decision
Making: Performance, Beliefs, and the Illusion of Control. Organizational Behavior
and Human Decision Processes, 57, 26-37.
Davis, F.D. (1993). User Acceptance of Information Technology: System Characteristics, User
Perceptions, and Behavioral Impacts. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 38,
Davis, F.D. & Warshaw, P.R. (1992). What Do Intention Scales Measure? Journal of
General Psychology, 119, 391-407.
Bagozzi, R.P., Davis, F.D., & Warshaw, P.R. (1992). Development and Test of a Theory of
Technological Learning and Usage. Human Relations, 45, 659-686.
Davis, F.D., Bagozzi, R.P., & Warshaw, P.R. (1992). Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation to
Use Computers in the Workplace. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22,
Davis, F.D. & Warshaw, P.R. (1991). Choice Sets and Choice Intentions. Journal of Social
Psychology, 131, 823-830.
Kottemann, J.E. & Davis, F.D. (1991). Decisional Conflict and User Acceptance of
Multicriteria Decision-Making Aids. Decision Sciences, 22, 918-926.
Davis, F.D., Bagozzi, R.P., & Warshaw, P.R. (1989). User Acceptance of Computer Technology:
A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models. Management Science, 35, 982-1003.
Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of
Information Technology. MIS Quarterly, 13, 319-340.
Warshaw, P.R. & Davis, F.D. (1985). Disentangling Behavioral Intention and Behavioral
Expectation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 21, 213-228.
Warshaw, P.R. & Davis, F.D. (1985). The Accuracy of Behavioral Intention Versus Behavioral
Expectation for Predicting Behavioral Goals. Journal of Psychology, 119, 599-602.
Warshaw, P.R. & Davis, F.D. (1984). Self-Understanding and the Accuracy of Behavioral
Expectations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 10, 111-118.
Other Publications
Davis, F.D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Leger, P.M., Randolph, A.B. & Fischer, T. (Eds.) (2021).
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2020. Berlin: Springer.
Riedl, R., Davis, F.D., Leger, P.M., & Muller-Putz, G.R. (2020). NeuroIS: Status, Rewarding
Research Questions, and Future Directions. Forty-first International Conference on
Information Systems, India.
Ning, W. & Davis, F.D. (2020). Life Habits and Smartphone Addiction: Mediating Role of Self-
control. Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 2020, Salt Lake City.
Accepted April 16 2020.
Davis, F.D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Leger, P.M., Randolph, A.B. & Fischer, T. (Eds.) (2020).
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2019. Berlin: Springer.
Sullivan, Y, & Davis, F.D. (2020) Self-Regulation, Mind Wandering, and Cognitive Absorption
During Technology Use. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences, 4483-4492. Accepted 2019.
Hu, W., He, W., & Davis, F. (2020) When Hosts Disclose Their Private Information on
Accommodation Sharing Platforms: An Information Commercialization Perspective.
Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 822-830.
Davis, F.D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Leger, P.M., Randolph, A.B., & Fischer, T. (Eds.) (2019).
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat Proceedings 2019. Cham,
Switzerland: Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-28143-4.
Davis, F.D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Leger, P.M., & Randolph, A.B. (Eds.) (2019). Information
Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat Proceedings 2018. Berlin: Springer.
Fischer, T., Davis, F.D. & Riedl, R. (2019) NeuroIS: A Survey on the Status of the Field.
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat Proceedings 2018. Berlin:
Ning, W. & Davis, F. (2018). Are People Addicted to Smartphone Inclined to Consuming Music?
Thirty-ninth International Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco.
Davis, F.D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Leger, P.M., & Randolph, A.B. (Eds.) (2018). Information
Systems and Neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS Proceedings 2017. Berlin:
Ning, W., Davis, F., & Taraban, R. (2018). Smartphone Addiction and Cognitive Performance of
College Students. Twenty-fourth America's Conference on Information Systems, New
Riedl, R., Davis, F.D., Banker, R.D., & Kenning, P.H. (2017). Neuroscience in Information
Systems Research: Applying Knowledge of Brain Functionality Without Neuroscience
Tools. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organization, volume 21, 1-93. Berlin:
Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-48754-0.
Yu, Y.A. & Davis, F.D. (2017). The Determinants of IS User Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: A
Text Mining Approach. Proceedings of the Twenty-third Americas Conference on
Information Systems, Boston.
Davis, F.D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Leger, P.M., & Randolph, A.B. (Eds.) (2017). Information
Systems and Neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS Proceedings 2016. Berlin:
Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-41401-0.
Senecal, S. Leger, P.-M. Riedl, R., & Davis, F.D. (2017). How Product Decision Characteristics
Interact to Influence Cognitive Load: An Exploratory Study. Proceedings, Gmunden
Retreat on NeuroIS Proceedings, June 13, 2017.
Davis, F.D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Leger, P.-M., & Randolph, A.B. (Eds.) (2015). Information
Systems and Neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS Proceedings 2015. Berlin:
Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-18701-3.
Sullivan, Y.W., Davis, F.D., & Koh, C.E. (2015). Exploring Mind Wandering in a Technological
Setting. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Ft. Worth,
Texas, December 2015.
Wati, Y., Koh, C., Davis, F.D. (2014). Can You Increase Your Performance in a Technology-
Driven Society Full of Distractions? Proceedings of the International Conference on
Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2014.
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., & Davis, F.D. (2014). Individual-Level Technology Adoption
Research: An Assessment of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities for
Further Research Contributions. CRC Computing Handbook. United States. (2014).
Soror, A. & Davis, F.D. (2014). Using Self-Regulation Theory to Inform Technology-Based
Behavior Change Interventions. Conference: Proceedings of the 2014 47th Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences, January 2014.
Leger, P.M., Senecal, S., Aube, C., Cameron, A.F., de Guinea, A.O, Brunelle, E., Courtemanche,
F., Davis, F., & Cronan, P. (2013) The Influence of Group Flow on Group Performance: A
Research Program. Proceedings of the Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS, Gmunden Austria,
June 2013.
Goyal, S., Limayem, M. & Davis, F.D. (2012) Unfulfilled Obligations in Recommendation Agent
Use. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando,
December 2012. (nominated for best paper award).
Wati, Y. & Davis, F. (2012) The Relations among Executive Functions and UsersPerceptions
Toward Using Technologies to Multitask. The Eleventh Annual Workshop on HCI
Research in MIS, Orlando Florida, December 16, 2012.
Riedl, R., Mohr, P.N.C., Kenning, P.H., Davis, F.D., & Heekeren, H.R. (2011). Trusting
Humans and Avatars: Behavioral and Neural Evidence. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, Dec 4-7.
Riedl, R., Mohr, P.N.C., Kenning, P.H., Davis, F.D., & Heekeren, H.R. (2011) Mentalizing in a
Trust Game with Human and Avatar Opponents: Neural Differences, Behavioral
Consequences, and Implications. Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain. Society
for Neuroeconomics 9th Annual Meeting. Evanston IL, September 30 October 2.
Davis, F.D. (2011). Foreword. In T. Teo (Ed.). Technology acceptance in education:
Research and issues. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Schmidt, P.J., Davis, F.D., Davis, C.C., &Cronan, T.P. (2011). Acquiring ERP Business
Process Knowledge: A Network Structure Analysis. Proceedings of the Forty-fourth
Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, January, 2011, Koloa,
Kauai, Hawaii.
Leger, P.M., Davis, F.D., Perret, J., & Dunaway, M.D. (2010). Psychophysiological Measures of
Cognitive Absorption. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Workshop on HCI Research in
MIS, Saint Louis, Missouri, December 12, 2010
Dimoka, A. & Davis, F.D. (2008). Where Does TAM Reside in the Brain? The Neural
Mechanisms Underlying Technology Adoption. Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth
International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, December 14-17.
Dimoka, A., Pavlou, P.A., & Davis, F.D. (2007). Neuro-IS: The Potential of Cognitive
Neuroscience for Information Systems Research. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth
International Conference on Information Systems, Montreal, December 9-12.
Davis, F.D. (2006). On the Relationship between HCI and Technology Acceptance Research.
In Zhang, P. & Galetta, D. (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction and Management
Information Systems: Foundations. Advances in Management Information Systems,
Volume 5, Armonk: NY: M.E. Sharpe, 395-401.
Davis, F.D., Maruping, L., Schmidt, P. J. and Kim, Y. (2006). Technology and Dispatch of
Emergency Services: The Roles of Sensemaking and Situation Awareness. Collected
Research Papers for the 1st ISCRAM-TIEMS Summer School on Blended Crisis Response
Teams, Tilburg, June.
Davis, F.D. (1998). Academic Viewpoint: The Internet and Managing Key Accounts 1997
Survey Results. NAMA Journal, Winter.
Davis, F.D. &Venkatesh, V. (1995). Measuring User Acceptance of Emerging Information
Technologies: An Assessment of Possible Method Biases. Proceedings of the
Twenty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences,
January, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, Vol IV, 729-736.
Venkatesh, V. & Davis, F.D. (1994). Modeling the Determinants of Perceived Ease of Use.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Vancouver, BC, 213-
Kottemann, J.E. & Davis, F.D. (1992). Analyzing and Improving User Acceptance of
Multicriteria Decision Making Aids. Research Advances in Computers and Social Science,
Volume IV, S. Nagel (Ed.), JAI Press, 1-17.
Davis, F.D. & Kottemann, J.E. (1991). What-If Analysis and the Illusion of Control.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems
Sciences (J.F. Nunamaker, Ed.), Kauai, Hawaii, January 8-11, 452-460.
"NeuroIS Research: Progress and Potential." Invited research workshop presentation,
McMaster University DeGroote School of Business, November 19, 2019.
"Technology Acceptance Research: Past, Present, and Future." Invited research workshop
presentation, McMaster University DeGroote School of Business, November 18,
A Decade of NeuroIS Research: Progress and Potential.” Keynote presentation,
American Accounting Association 2019 Joint Midyear Meeting of the AIS and
SET Sections, San Antonio Texas, January 12, 2019.
Enabling HCI Researchers to Investigate Unexplored Research Questions with
NeuroIS.” Panel presentation with Leger, P.M. vom Brocke, J., Riedl, R., &
Randolph, A. B. The 17th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in
MIS, San Francisco, CA December 13, 2018.
“Why NeuroIS? Motivation and Importance.” Presentation in 2018 pre-ICIS workshop on
NeuroIS (F. Davis Organizer). San Francisco, CA December 13, 2018.
“NeuroIS Research Update: So Far So Good. MIS Seminar Series, Queens University,
September 21, 2018.
“NeuroIS: Information Systems Meets Cognitive Neuroscience.Invited Keynote
Presentation, 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference, Graz Austria,
September 20, 2017.
“NeuroIS: New Opportunities for IS Research.” Invited Research Workshop
Presentation, University of North Texas, April 15, 2016.
“NeuroIS: New Opportunities for IS Research.” Invited Research Workshop
Presentation, University of Louisville, April 8, 2016.
“Reflection and Looking Forward: A Journey of 25-Year Technology Adoption and
Diffusion Research” Panel with V. Venkatesh & D Goodhue, DIGIT 2014
Workshop, AIS Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of
Information Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, December 14, 2014.
The PhD Project 2013 Information Systems Doctoral Students Conference. KPMG
PhD Project, Invited Speaker General Session: “Crafting your Research
Story” August 2013, Chicago.
“The Emergence of NeuroIS: A Focus on Theoretical Constructs” March 1, 2013 Texas Tech
University (Invited Workshop Presentation).
“The Emergence of NeuroIS: 2006 2013” University of Memphis February 15 2013 (Invited
Workshop Presentation).
“PLS: New Directions, New Challenges, and New Understandings.” Panel Moderator (Panel
included W. Chin, D. Goodhue, & R. Thompson) AMCIS 2012, Seattle, WA, August 9-
11, 2012.
“Smart Services: Opportunities and Challenges in Design, Development, and Deployment
Keynote presentation, First International Symposium on Future Knowledge Services,
hosted by KAIST Dept. of Knowledge Service Engineering, Seoul Korea, Dec 8, 2011.
“Digital Convergence in Food and Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges” Keynote
presentation, International Symposium of IT Convergence in Food and Agriculture
Industry, hosted by Seoul National University, Seoul Korea, Oct. 25, 2011.
“NeuroIS: The Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience for Information Systems Research”
Sogang Business School, Service Systems Management and Engineering Colloquium,
Sept. 30, 2011.
“User Acceptance of E-Services” World Class University Colloquium Series, Sogang
Business School, Seoul Korea, Dec 3, 2010.
“User Acceptance of Ubiquitous Mobile Services” Keynote presentation, Smart Convergence:
Challenges and the Future, Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University, Seoul,
Korea, November 17, 2010.
“User Acceptance of E-Services” Keynote presentation, U-City World Forum International
Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 16, 2010.
“User Acceptance of E-Services” Department of Knowledge Services Engineering Workshop,
College of Information Science and Technology, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, November 5, 2010.
“The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Neuroscience” Gmunden Retreat on
Advances in NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, June 30, 2010.
TAM Research: Dead or Alive?” 15
Conference: The Information and Management
Association (AIM 2010), La Rochelle, France, May 19, 2010.
“NeuroIS: The Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience for IS Research” 15
Conference: The
Information and Management Association (AIM 2010), La Rochelle, France, May
19, 2010.
“NeuroIS: The Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience for IS Research” Eighth Annual Big XII+
MIS Research Symposium, Fayetteville, AR, April 2010.
“NeuroIS: The Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience for IS Research” University of South Florida
Research Seminar Series, Tampa, February 26, 2010.
“NeuroIS: Hype or Hope” Panel presentation (with R. Banker, R. Bagozzi, E. Brynjolfsson,
A. Dimoka, & R. Riedl), Thirtieth International Conference on Information Systems,
Phoenix, Arizona December 2009.
“The Technology Acceptance Model: Practical Implications and Research Directions.”
University of Linz, Austria, February 11, 2009.
“Psychological Contract Violation in Recommendation Agent Use.” With S. Goyal & M.
Limayem, The Seventh Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Paris, France,
December 13, 2008.
“Why is Academic Business School Research Important?” Walton College, Dean’s
Executive Advisory Board, Fayetteville, AR, October 24, 2008.
“User Acceptance of Information Technology: Research Progress, Current Controversies, and
Emerging Paradigms.” Keynote speech, The Sixth Annual Workshop on HCI Research in
MIS, Montreal, Quebec, December 8, 2007.
“User Acceptance of Information Technology: Research Progress, Current Controversies, and
Emerging Paradigms.” Keynote speech, International Conference on Electronic Business,
Taipei, Taiwan, December 3, 2007.
“Antecedents and Consequences of Adopting Performance-Based Budgets.” Moore School of
Business, University of South Carolina, April 2007.
“Sailing to Win: Strategies for Winning the Tenure Race.” Big XII+ MIS Symposium, Mini-
Doctoral Consortium panel (with R. McHaney, R. Sharda, K. Siau, & L.
Chidambaram), Lawrence, Kansas, April 2007.
“Tradeoff-induced Decision Anxiety: Unintended Negative Effects on Preferences for Decision
Aids.” Sloan Center for Internet Retailing, Fall Seminar Speaker Series, Anderson
Graduate School of Management, University of California Riverside, December 2006.
“Building and Managing a Research Program.” (with V. Venkatesh). Decision Sciences
Institute International Conference, San Antonio, November 2006.
“Mental Models and Organizational Alignment.” Hawaii International Conference on
Systems Sciences, January 2006.
“The Road More Traveled.” International Conference on Information Systems, Junior Faculty
Consortium, Las Vegas, December 2005.
“Does Technology Adoption Research Have a Future?” (with V. Venkatesh& M. Morris).
Decision Sciences Institute International Conference, Boston, November 2004.
“User Preferences for Multi-Criteria Decision Support Systems.” University of Kansas,
Accounting and Information Systems Workshop, April 2003.
“Theoretical Extensions: Going Beyond Theories from Social Psychology in Adoption
Research.” DIGIT 2002, Barcelona, Spain, December 2002.
“Cognitive Processes in Dynamic Decision Support.” Session chair, Decision Sciences
Institute Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2002.
“The Role of HCI Research in the MIS Discipline” AMCIS Panelist, Dallas, August, 2002.
“SAP: Technology in the Classroom.” Arkansas Society of Certified Public Accountants, 2001
Annual Convention, Fayetteville, AR, July 2001.
“Developing and Validating an Observational Learning Model of Computer Software
Training and Skill Acquisition.” Michigan State University, Accounting and
Information Systems Workshop, April 2001.
“IT Summit II: A Focus on Solutions”, Little Rock, AR, November 2000.
“Explaining Developer Acceptance of Formal Software Methodologies: An Integration of Five
Theoretical Models.” Ohio State University, Accounting and MIS Workshop, September
“Emerging Research Directions and the Effectiveness of Doctoral Education.” Keynote
Address, Business Ph.D. Curricular Issues Mini-Conference, 1999 Decision Sciences
Institute Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 1999.
“Technology’s Impact on Arkansas.” Arkansas Center for Public Affairs Fall Conference, Hot
Springs, AR, September 1999.
“Theoretical Extensions of the Technology Acceptance Model.” Information Systems
Colloquium, University of Texas Austin, September 1999. Video telecast to
University of North Carolina and Indiana University.
“A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model: The Formation and
Evolution of Perceived Usefulness.” Information Systems Research Workshop,
Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, October 1998.
“Research Issues in Decision Technologies.” Second Annual Maryland Information
Systems Workshop, University of Maryland Baltimore County, April 1998.
“Technology Acceptance Model: Report on a Decade of Research and Suggested Future
Directions” (with V. Venkatesh). Second Annual Maryland Information Systems
Workshop, University of Maryland Baltimore County, April 1998.
“Integrated Multimedia Collaboration Technologies: Identifying High Payoff Business
Applications.” University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management, Information
and Decision Sciences Workshop, November 1997.
“Integrated Multimedia Collaboration Technologies: Identifying High Payoff Business
Applications.” AT&T Bell Laboratories, Middletown, NJ; Lucent Technologies,
Basking Ridge, NJ, September 1997.
“Barriers and Bridges to Electronic Commerce.” Featured Speaker, AT&T Business
Leadership Luncheon, Alexandria, VA, February 1997.
“Overconfidence in What-if Analysis: Active Involvement vs. Imaginability of Outcomes.”
America’s Conference on Information Systems, Phoenix, AZ, August 1996.
“Determinants of Decision Rule Use in a Production Planning Task.” University of Arizona,
College of Business and Public Administration, Information Systems Research
Workshop, February 1996.
“Determinants of Decision Rule Use in a Production Planning Task.” University of
Minnesota, Carlson School of Management, Information and Decision Sciences
Workshop, November 1995.
“Should IT Rely Exclusively on Reference Disciplines for Measuring Success?” (panel with
W. Doll, N. Melone, & R. Torkzedah) The Sixteenth International Conference on
Information Systems, Amsterdam, December 1995.
“Measuring User Acceptance of Emerging Information Technologies: An Assessment of
Possible Method Biases.” The Twenty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on Systems Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, January 1995.
“Integrating Research on Technology Acceptance and Diffusion of Innovations.” (panel with K.
Mathieson and P. Todd) DIGIT (Diffusion Interest Group on Information Technology),
Vancouver, December 1994.
“The Effectiveness of Information Technology Applications: Performance vs. Performance
Beliefs.” ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Detroit, October 1994.
“Determinants of the Willingness to Use a Powerful Decision Rule in a Production Planning
Task.” University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management, School-wide
Interdisciplinary Consortium, June 1994.
“User Acceptance of Information Technology in the Workplace.” University of Minnesota,
Carlson School of Management, MIS Research Center Seminar Series, April 1994.
“Computer-Assisted What-If Analysis and the Illusion of Control.” University of Minnesota,
Carlson School of Management, Information and Decision Sciences Workshop, April 1993.
“Computer-Assisted What-If Analysis and the Illusion of Control.” UCLA Research
Colloquium, April 1993.
“User Misperceptions of Decision Technology Effectiveness.” ORSA/TIMS National
Meeting, San Francisco, November 1992.
“User Misjudgments of Decision Support System Effectiveness.” The May Conference, Decision
Behavior Research Consortium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 1992.
“What-If Analysis and the Illusion of Control.” (with J. E. Kottemann) The Twenty-Fourth Annual
Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Kauai, Hawaii, January 1991.
“Making Sense of Quantitative Data in Information Systems Research: Tradeoffs, Strengths,
and Weaknesses of Three Approaches to Analyzing Empirical Data.” (panel with D.
Goodhue & R. Thompson) The Eleventh Annual International Conference on
Information Systems, Copenhagen, December 1990.
“Fun, Usefulness, and User Acceptance of Computers in the Workplace,” The Academy of
Management Meeting, San Francisco, August 1990.
“Perceived Versus Actual Performance Impacts of Information Technology,” University of South
Florida, Tampa, March 1990.
“User Acceptance of Computer Technology,” California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
Obispo, January 1990.
“Technology Acceptance Models in Information Systems Design” ORSA/TIMS National
Conference, New Orleans, May 1987.
“Information Systems Development: Product or Service?” (panel with J. Walls, R. B.
Cooper, O. A. El Sawy& L. B. Eliot), The Seventh Annual International Conference
on Information Systems, San Diego, December 1986.
“Management Support Systems: Key Issues and Challenges.” Detroit Chapter of the
International Institute of Industrial Engineers, November 1986.
Degree Program Courses
Capstone Project (Master of Science in Data Science)
Project Management (Master of Science in Data Science)
Doctoral Research Seminar on Foundation of MIS
Business Analytics (MBA Core Course)
Decision Support Analytics (Master of Information Systems)
Business Intelligence (Senior Elective)
Information Systems and Data Processing (MBA Core Course)
Doctoral Seminar on Management Support Systems
Doctoral Seminar on Organizational Impacts of Information Technology
Business Modeling and Application Development (MBA/BBA elective)
Multidisciplinary Action Project (MBA Core Field Project)
Fundamentals of Information Development and Use (Undergrad Requirement)
Doctoral Seminar on User Acceptance of Information Technology
Organizational Productivity with Information Technology (MBA Concentration)
MBA Field Consulting Project (Core Requirement)
MBA Group Field Project (Core Requirement)
Decision and Management Support Systems (MBA Elective)
Seminar in Decision Support Systems (Undergraduate Elective)
Strategic Information Systems (MBA Core Course)
Business Problem Solving with Computers (MBA Elective)
Statistics for Business and Economics (Undergrad Requirement)
Information Systems Concepts for Management (Undergrad Requirement)
Management of IT Seminar (Master of Information Systems Requirement)
PhD Dissertation Committees
Weihong Ning (2021)(chair)
Yixiu Yu (2020)(chair). Initial placement: Ball State University.
Gaus "Roman" Alam (2019?)(chair).
Yulia Wati Sullivan (2016). “Costs and Benefits of Mind Wandering in a Technological
Setting: Findings and Implications.” Initial placement: SUNY Binghamton.
Amr Soror (2015)(chair) Initial placement: California State University Fullerton.
Vishal Shah (2015)(chair) Initial placement: Central Michigan University.
Zach Steelman (2014) Initial placement: Oklahoma State University.
Mary Dunaway (2014) (co-chair) Initial placement: Quinnipiac University.
Bryan Hammer (2013) Initial placement: Oklahoma State University
Martin Hassell (2013) Initial placement: Marquette University
Sankar Srinivasan (2013) (co-chair) Initial placement: Idaho State University
Richard Kumi (2013) xxxx?
Conway Christopher (2012). “Time Waits for No One: Using Time as a Lens in Information
Systems Research.” Initial placement: IESEG School of Management, Paris.
Rick Brattin (2012).
Jaime Newell (2011). “The Role of Leadership in Facilitating the Performance of
Dispersed Teamwork.” Initial placement: University of Cincinnati.
Pam Schmidt (2011). “The Influence of Simulation-based IT Education on Enterprise System
Knowledge and User Satisfaction” (co-chair). Initial placement: Wayne State
Josh Eno (2010). “An Intelligent Web Crawler for a Virtual World.”
Rym Meliane (2010). “Understanding Consumers’ Online Repurchasing Decisions.” HEC
Lausanne - Faculty of Business & Economics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Xiaojun Zhang (2010). “Facilitating Knowledge Management System Success: Roles of
Technologies, Management and Social Networks(co-chair). Initial placement: HEC
Sandeep Goyal (2010). “Never Promise More Than You Can Deliver: Psychological Contract
Violation in Recommendation Agent Use” (co-chair). Initial placement: University of
Southern Indiana.
Tracy A. Sykes (2009). “Being Assimilated: Leveraging Social Network Theory to Understand
Technology Implementations in Organizations.” Initial placement: Australian National
Srinivasan Venkatraman (2008) “The ‘Darth’ Side of Technology Use: Cyberdeviant Workplace
Behaviors(co-chair).Initial placement: Assistant Professor, Coastal Carolina University.
Hillol Bala (2008) “Nothing Endures but Change: An Investigation of Employees’ Responses to
Enterprise Systems Implementation and Business Process Changes. Initial placement:
Assistant Professor, Indiana University.
Sunny Park (2007) “Role of Information Systems Users’ Personal Values in Individual
Acceptance of Information Technology.”
Ross Taylor (2006) “Effect of Perceived Effort Saved on User Perceptions in a Computer-aided
Decision Environment(chair). Initial placement: Assistant Professor, University of
Nebraska Kearny.
Wei Sha (2005) “Beyond Cognition: The Influence of Affective Trust and Affective Risk on
Consumer Participation in Electronic Commerce(chair). Initial placement: Assistant
Professor, Pittsburgh State University.
Jennifer D. Christie (2003) “Characteristics of Computer-Mediated Environments and their Impact
on Spending and Choice.” Initial placement: Assistant Professor, Michigan Technological
James L. Ritchie-Dunham (2002) “Balanced Scorecards, Mental Models, and
Organizational Performance: A Simulation Experiment.” Initial placement:
Research Staff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Karla Hahn (1999) “Electronic Journals as Innovations: A Study of Author and Editor Early
Zhijun Zhang (1999) “The Design and Empirical Study of Perspective-Based Usability
Mun Yi (1998) “Developing and Validating an Observational Learning Model of Computer
Software Training” (chair). Initial placement: Assistant Professor, University of
South Carolina.
Sabrina Salam (1997) “The Effects of Subordinate Competence, Leader Competence, Leader
Integrity, and Technology on Subordinate Participation Seeking, Performance,
Satisfaction, and Agreement.” Initial placement: Consultant, Gemini Consultants.
Viswanath Venkatesh (1997) “User Acceptance of Information Technology: A Unified View”
(chair). Initial placement: Assistant Professor, University of Maryland.
D. Harrison McKnight (1997) "Motivating Critical Computer Systems Operators: Job
Characteristics, Controls, and Relationships" (co-chair). Initial placement: Assistant
Professor, Florida State University.
Youngjin Yoo (1997) “An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Group History and Group
Cohesiveness on the Video Communication Channel Structuration and Appropriation
Processes in a Distributed Group Environment.” Initial placement: Assistant Professor,
Case Western Reserve University.
Diane Lending (1994) “The Effect of CASE Technology on System Development Jobs: A Job
Characteristics Approach.” Initial placement: Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-
Barbara D. Klein (1994) “The Impact of Base Rates and Payoffs on the Detection of Errors in
Data.” Initial placement: Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Hugh Whalen (1993) “The Effects of Information Technology on the Outputs of White Collar
Workers.” Initial placement: Assistant Professor, University of New Brunswick.
Lori S. Feldman (1992) “An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Marketing Management
Decision Making and Firm Performance.” Initial placement: Visiting Assistant Professor,
Purdue University-Calumet.
Sandra J. Burke (1992) “The Effectf Missing Information and Inference on Decision Processing
and Evaluation.” Initial placement: Assistant Professor, Georgetown University.
Gerald L. Lohse (1991) “A Cognitive Model for Understanding Graphical Perception.” Initial
placement: Assistant Professor, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Carol Pluzinski (1990) “Automatic Processes in Consumer Response to Advertisements.”
Initial placement: Assistant Professor, Stern School, New York University.
Paul D. Evans (1989) “How Business Professionals Decide to Trust Computer-based
Models Developed by Others.” Initial placement: Assistant Professor, George Mason
Honors Theses Supervised
Daniel C. Apon “Human Resource Management and Leadership Skill Acquisition Through
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Gaming Experience” 2008.
Yerim Kim “Computer Aided Dispatch System: What is Helpful for 911 Emergency
Service Dispatchers?2008.
Jared Allen “Interfacing Agents with Natural Language2005.
Arnab Banerjee “Student's Acceptance of Technology Mediated Learning” 2002.
Ali Moeen “Virtual Reality Based Gaming Simulations and Business Education” 2002.
Editorial service
Senior Editor: Information Systems Research, 2012-2016, AIS Transactions on Human-
Computer Interaction, 2008-present.
Co-Editor: Journal of the AIS (JAIS) Special Issue on Methods, Tools, and
Measurement in NeuroIS Research (2012-2014).
Associate Editor: Information Systems Research (2002-2005), Management Science
(1994 - 2008), MIS Quarterly (1996 - 1999), Communications of the AIS (2004-2006).
Service to the Field
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Vienna, Austria, June 1-3 2021.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Vienna, Austria, June 2-4 2020.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Vienna, Austria, June 4-6 2019.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Vienna, Austria, June 19-21 2018.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, June 12-14 2017.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, June 6-8 2016.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, June 1-3 2015.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, June 5-7 2014.
Co-Editor, Journal of the AIS (JAIS) Special Issue on Methods, Tools, and Measurement in
NeuroIS Research (2012-2014).
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat
on NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, June 1-4 2013.
Co-chair, AMCIS Doctoral Consortium, August 2013, Chicago.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, A. Randolph, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat on
NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, June 3-6, 2012.
Member, Walton College Dean Search Committee, Fall 2011- Spring 2012.
Member, Faculty Search Committee, ISYS Department, Fall 2011-Spring 2012.
Member, Sogang Business School Advisory Board, 2011-2014.
Co-organizer (with R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, & P. Leger), Gmunden Retreat on Advances in NeuroIS,
Gmunden, Austria, June 26-28, 2011.
Co-organizer (with P. Kenning, R. Riedl, & J. vom Brocke), Gmunden Retreat on
Advances in NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, June 28-30, 2010.
Conference Co-chair, Eighth Annual Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium, Fayetteville, AR,
April 2010.
Co-organizer (with A. Dimoka & R. Riedl), Gmunden Retreat on the Foundations of
NeuroIS, Gmunden, Austria, September 22-24, 2009.
Discussant, Twenty-eighth International Conference on Information Systems, Montreal,
December 12, 2007.
Faculty Mentor, Doctoral Student Consortium, Decision Sciences Institute International
Conference, San Antonio, November 2006.
Co-chair, Junior Faculty Consortium, International Conference on Information Systems, Las
Vegas, December 2005.
Track Chair, Information Systems Track, Decision Sciences Institute International
Conference, San Francisco, November 2005.
Session Chair, Roundtable for Doctoral Students, AMCIS Conference, August 2003.
Co-chair, AMCIS Conference HCI Minitrack, August 2002.
Co-chair, Pre-ICIS HCI Workshop, August 2002.
Advisory Board member, AIS SIGHCI 2001 2004.
Vice President of Technology, National Account Management Association, 1996.
Program Committee Member, International Conference on Information Systems,
Amsterdam, December 1995.
Representative, Planning Committee, International Conference on Information Systems, Dallas,
December 1991.
Program Committee Member and Track Chair, Information and Decision Making, International
Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis, December 1988.
Chair, Special Interest Group on Managerial Computing, Information Systems Executive Forum,
Michigan Business School, 1987-1991.
Administration and Committee Assignments
Member, ISQS Area Ph.D. Committee, 2018-present.
Member, ISQS Area Faculty Search Committee, 2017-2018.
Member, Rawls College Research Advisory Committee, 2017-present.
Member, Rawls College Research and Scholarship Strategic Planning Task Force 2018.
Member, Rawls College of Business Credentials Committee, 2016-present.
Member, Rawls College of Business Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2015-present.
Member, Texas Tech University Chancellors Council Distinguished Research Award
Review Committee, 2015.
Member, University of Arkansas Institutional Repository and Open Access Task Force,
(college representative), 2014-2015.
Member, University of Arkansas Conflict of Interest and Commitment Review Committee,
Member, University of Arkansas Computing Activities Council, 2012-2015.
Member, Walton College of Business Research Committee, 2012-2015.
Chair, Information Systems Department Research Committee, Walton College, 2011-2015.
Member, Information Systems Department Peer Review Committee, 2012-2014.
Member, Information Systems Department Promotion and Tenure Review Committee, 2012-2014.
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Information Systems Department, Walton College, 2011-
Member, Dean Search Committee, Walton College, 2011-2012.
Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Information Systems Department, Walton College, 2010-
Member, Department Chair Search Committee, Information Systems Department, Walton College,
Member, Department Chair Reappointment Committee, Walton College, 2010.
Member, Business Behavioral Research Lab Committee, Walton College, 2009-present.
Member, Ph.D. Committee, Information Systems Department, Walton College, 2007-2012.
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Information Systems Department, Walton College, 2007-
Member, Planning Committee, University of Arkansas SimU 2007 Conference on
Simulation and Gaming in Education (held September 9, 2007).
Member, Balanced Scorecard Task Force, Walton College, 2005-2006.
Chair, Strategic Planning Task Force, Walton College, 2003.
Member, User Committee, Center for Academic Excellence Building, University of
Arkansas, 2003-2004.
Member, Enterprise Systems Steering Committee, Walton College 2003-2006.
Chair, University of Arkansas $5,000,000 Campus Classroom Technology and Networking Upgrade
Committee, 2002-2003.
Chair, Technology Mediated Learning Task Force, Walton College of Business, 2002.
Member, Committee to Develop Programming and Conduct Architect Selection for
Advanced Information Technology Building, University of Arkansas, 2002.
Co-chair (with David Andrews). The Arkansas Information Technology Summit: Preparing
the Arkansas IT Workforce for the 21st Century. One-day statewide symposium
involving 275 representatives from education, industry, and government.
Fayetteville, AR, November 1999.
Member, Executive Committee, Walton College of Business, 1999-2007.
Chair, College Review Committee for Tenure and Promotion, Maryland Business School, 1998.
Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Information Systems Department, Maryland Business School,
Member, Institutional Review Board, Maryland Business School, 1997-98.
Member, MBA Program Review Committee, Maryland Business School, 1997.
Member, Maryland Business School Information Technology Evaluation Committee, 1997.
Acting Department Chair, Information Systems Department, Maryland Business School, 1996-
Member, Interdepartmental Committee on Admissions Policy, Maryland Business School, 1997.
Member, Budget Strategy Committee, Maryland Business School, 1997.
Member, Dean's Advisory Committee, Maryland Business School, 1996-1997.
Doctoral Program Coordinator, Information Systems Department, Maryland Business
School, 1996-1997.
Member, Strategic Information Technology Planning Committee, Maryland Business
School, 1996-1997.
Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Information Systems Department, Maryland Business
School, 1996-1997.
Chair, Search Committee for Executive Director, Information Technologies, Maryland
Business School, 1996.
Co-chair, Faculty Search Committee, Information Systems Department, Maryland Business
School, 1995-1996.
Chair, MBA/MS Program Curriculum Review Committee, Information Systems
Department, Maryland Business School, 1995-1996.
Interdisciplinary Schoolwide Conference Planning Committee, Carlson School, 1994-95.
Executive Development Center Faculty Review Committee, Carlson School, 1994-95.
Schoolwide Reading Committee for Promotion and Tenure, Carlson School, 1994-1995.
Strategic Planning Committee, IDS Department, Carlson School, 1994.
Departmental Reading Committee for Annual Faculty Review, Carlson School, 1994.
Review Panel for NSF Proposals, Quality Leadership Center, Carlson School, 1994.
PhD Program Review Committee, Carlson School, 1994.
MBA Core Course Coordinator, Michigan Business School 1992-93.
Doctoral Studies Advisor, CIS Group, Michigan Business School, 1988-92.
Chair, Special Interest Group on Managerial Computing, Information Systems Executive
Forum, Michigan Business School, 1987-1991.
Curriculum Committee, Michigan Business School, 1987-89.
Faculty Advisor, CIS Club, Michigan Business School, 1986-88.
Chair, Human Subjects Review Committee, Michigan Business School, 1989-91.
Co-chair, Journal Evaluation Committee, CIS Group, Michigan Business School, 1986-87.