Frost School of Business
2911 Centenary Boulevard
Shreveport, Louisiana 71104
2022-2023 Academic Year
c e n t e n a r y . e d u / m b a
Frost School of Business
MBA Program
Centenary College of Louisiana
TELEPHONE 318.869.5141
Revised July 2, 2022
Centenary College of Louisiana is an equal opportunity educational institution. It does
not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability
in admission, employment, or operation.
The provisions of this bulletin do not constitute an oer for a contract, which a
student may accept through registration, and any provision or requirement,
including fees, may be changed at any time with or without notice.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Table of Contents ............................................................................................ 2-3
I. General Information .................................................................. 4-5
Centenary College of Louisiana
II. Program Overview ..................................................................... 6-8
Purpose of the MBA Program
History of Centenary’s MBA Program
Philosophy of Instruction
Program Outcomes
Academic Workload
III. Admission ...................................................................................... 9-11
Steps in the Admission Process
 – Recommendation/Letter of Support
 – Essays
 – General Management Admission Test (GMAT)
 – Interview
Notification of Acceptance
Requirements for Admission (a summary of Admission requirements)
IV. Financial Information ................................................................ 12
Basic Fees
V. Academic Policies ...................................................................... 13-17
Academic Calendar
Academic Advising
Degree Requirements for the MBA
Probation and Dismissal
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
V. Academic Policies (continued)............................................ 13-17
Repeating Courses
Withdrawal and Refund Policy
Credit by Transfer of Course Work
Credit by Examination
Course Exemption
Academic Honesty
Grade Appeal Policy
VI. Program of Study ....................................................................... 18
Structure and Sequence
VII. MBA Course Descriptions ...................................................... 19-21
MBA Prerequisites
MBA Calendar 2022-2023
VIII. 2022-2023 Class Schedule .................................................... 22
IX. Campus Life .................................................................................. 23-26
Student Identification Card
Vehicle Registration
Magale Library
Fitness Center
Computing Facilities
Campus Store and Post Oce
Campus Events, Performing Arts, and Athletics
Meadows Museum of Art
MBA Lagniappe Events
Student Subscriptions
X. Administration ............................................................................... 27
XI. Graduate Business School Teaching Faculty ................ 28
XII. Map of Centenary College ..................................................... 29
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
I. General Information
Centenary College of Louisiana
In 1825, the College of Louisiana began oering liberal arts and pre-
professional education to college students in the South. Twenty-three years
later, in 1848, it merged with Centenary College, a Methodist institution in
Clinton, Mississippi. In 1908, Centenary College of Louisiana moved to its
present location in Shreveport.
For more than 195 years, Centenary College has stood for academic and
professional excellence. Our graduates have gone on to high achievement
in business and their professional lives, and our faculty members have
distinguished themselves in teaching, research, and professional service.
Graduate business education came to Centenary in 1976. The MBA Program
began in 1984. Enrollment in the program is limited, assuring a personalized
education and maximum interaction among participants and our faculty.
Our Mission
Centenary College prepares global citizens to live productive lives of vitality
and purpose.
Our Vision
Building on a firm foundation in the liberal arts, Centenary is committed to
education that happens inside and outside the classroom, in the community,
and in the world. Centenary students will be challenged to read, listen, and think
critically; to write and speak clearly; to analyze, interpret, and synthesize ideas
and information qualitatively and quantitatively; to celebrate the diversity of
human cultures; and to appreciate the value of artistic expression. This will take
place on a campus enriched by individuals from many faiths and cultures and
that emphasizes ethical and intellectual growth and the joy of creativity and
Our Values
Consistent with its founding as a Methodist institution and its continued
aliation with the United Methodist Church, Centenary College promotes the values
of compassion, integrity, intellectual and moral courage, and personal and collective
responsibility. Centenary is committed to the value of civic debate, the integrity of
science, and the inherent usefulness of the liberal arts to help students lead lives of
meaning. As a community, the college cultivates the knowledge, truth, and integrity
that are crucial to our common future as we seek to transform the world.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Our Commitment to Diversity
Centenary College of Louisiana values human diversity in all its richly
complex and multi-faceted forms, whether expressed through race and
ethnicity, culture, political and social views, religious and spiritual beliefs,
language and geographic characteristics, gender, gender identities and
sexual orientations, learning and physical abilities, age, and social or
economic classes.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
II. Program Overview
Purpose of the MBA Program
Centenary College’s Master of Business Administration (MBA)
program aims to help bright, ambitious individuals achieve greater
success in their management careers. We stress the key skills and critical
business concepts that managers need to be eective in their jobs today
and in the future. We also help each individual develop the confidence
and insight required for accepting greater responsibility.
Our program is designed to heighten strategic thinking and
to develop the entrepreneurial mindset that enables innovation
within organizations. Our students become adept at recognizing an
opportunity, marshalling the necessary resources, and executing the
opportunity as a holistic plan: Strategy Defined—Innovation Applied.
We expect that our graduates will expand their leadership
responsibilities, advance faster, and rise higher with the Centenary
MBA degree.
We strive to provide students with a challenging, immediately
applicable, and stimulating learning environment that will maximize their
return on investment. After satisfactorily completing all coursework and
program requirements, a student earns a MBA degree.
History of the Centenary MBA Program
The current MBA program at Centenary College began in the winter
of 1984. The dean and faculty of the Frost School of Business designed a
program to answer growing criticism that traditional MBA programs had
become overly theoretical at the expense of practicality and
career usefulness.
Faculty of the Frost School of Business met with foundation heads,
business leaders, and management trainers in government and industry
prior to designing the present program for experienced professionals.
Since the first announcement of our Executive MBA program in November
1984, the response has been strong and enthusiastic.
Recently, the Frost School of Business faculty reviewed the curriculum
for currency and relevancy and made a number of curricular changes.
Centenary College is accredited by the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate
and masters degrees. Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia
30033-4097 or call 404.679.4500 for questions about the accreditation of
Centenary College.
Philosophy of Instruction
Centenary MBA courses concentrate on core concepts that have
significant practical applications in today’s organizations. Our courses
are taught from a senior management perspective with an emphasis
on the business skills and knowledge that enable a shift from functional
expertise to broad-based leadership, strategic thinking, and a mindset for
organizational innovation.
Courses are taught by full-time Centenary professors as well as highly
qualified business executives who are currently active in developing new
products, financing ventures, managing factories, and guiding personnel
programs. Typically, class sizes are small, assuring a personalized and
highly interactive learning environment.
Our program taps into the management and operating experience
of each participant and then builds on that experience in the classroom.
The Frost faculty is particularly adept at stimulating the exchange of ideas
among our students. The applied orientation of our program facilitates
immediate transfer of classroom learning back to the workplace while
preparing our MBA candidates for the challenges each will face in
the future.
Program Outcomes
At completion of the MBA, students will have developed a valuable
skillset, including communication, critical thinking, and complex problem
solving. Students will be prepared to analyze, design, and implement
projects as an influential leader in their organization. Graduates of our
in-class MBA will be able to perform the following:
•  Critically assess business performance to strategically manage
business opportunities in a dynamic context.
•  Analyze organizational resources to enhance productivity,
collaboration, and innovation.
•  Integrate industry and discipline specific tools to the analysis of
targeted business sectors and problems.
•  Execute eective and ethically driven business decisions through
the application of appropriate frameworks.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
•  Formulate and deliver appropriate verbal and written
communications on business performance, requirements,
and outcomes.
Academic Workload
Centenary MBA courses are intense and demanding. Most students
take one to two courses per term. In a typical week, students may expect
to spend approximately eight hours outside of class preparing for each
class session. Students who know in advance that they will have to miss
more than one class meeting should not enroll for that term. With three
absences, students are automatically dropped from the course.
Extenuating circumstances for more than two absences must be approved by the
instructor and the dean.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
III. Admission
Admission to the MBA program is contingent upon the applicant
having a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with a grade
performance indicating probable success at the graduate level. In addition,
performance on the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is
used in evaluating an applicant.
Full Admission
The following minimum criteria must be met in order to be considered
for admission to the MBA program:
1. A four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
2. Approval from the dean of the Frost School of Business.
3. An undergraduate GPA and GMAT score that indicate probable
success at the graduate level.
4. Completion of an application form to include resume,
recommendation, interview, and essay.
5. Completion of undergraduate prerequisites (if required).
Undergraduate Prerequisites
Basic undergraduate preparation in Business Administration is
a requirement for taking graduate level courses leading to an MBA.
A student with a bachelor of business degree or its equivalent
normally will have completed the basic courses needed. A student
whose undergraduate degree is in another discipline can meet these
requirements by completing two additional courses that may be taken
in the classroom or online:
•  Principles of Microeconomics (3 hours)
•  Principles of Macroeconomics (3 hours)
As an alternative, a student can demonstrate proficiency in the above
areas on an approved test, such as the CLEP test. A student must earn
a “C” or better in all prerequisites. The dean may require that a student
repeat certain prerequisite courses taken as an under graduate. A student
will not be admitted to candidacy for the MBA prior to having completed
these prerequisites. Courses may not be taken for graduate credit without
the proper prerequisite for that course. Students may take up to six (6)
credits of graduate work while completing the undergraduate prerequisites.
These courses are not part of the core requirements for an MBA.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Apply to: Admission, Frost School of Business
Jackson Hall, Room 210
Centenary College of Louisiana
2911 Centenary Boulevard
Shreveport, Louisiana 71104
Telephone: 318.869.5141
Steps in the Admission Process
A completed application form should be submitted to the above
address, along with a $50 non-refundable application fee.
This fee is
waived for those with a Centenary College undergraduate degree.
An ocial transcript should be requested by you from each college
attended. Transcripts should be forwarded from your previous college(s)
directly to our oce. Please use the mailing address shown above. All
transcripts and GMAT scores must be received prior to admission.
After your application materials have been reviewed, we will
contact you, and a personal interview with the dean of the Frost School
of Business will be arranged. Considering the application package in its
entirety, the Admissions Committee takes a comprehensive approach to
evaluating applications.
Recommendation/Letter of Support
A recommendation attesting to intellectual and professional abilities
should be requested from an individual who is familiar with the candidate’s
commitment to the program and potential.
The essay is used to evaluate several areas of candidacy. First, your
essay outlines career progression, significant accomplishments, and
thoroughness of your career planning and preparation. Second, your essay
often reveals your strengths as well as areas of opportunity. Finally, your
essay demonstrates your written communication skills. Please include an
updated resume along with your essay and application.
General Management Admission Test (GMAT)
Acceptable GMAT scores are required for admission into the MBA pro-
gram, unless your undergraduate overall grade point average was at least
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
3.25. The GMAT is waived for all applicants with an undergraduate degree
and a 3.25 or higher grade point average. The GMAT requirement may also
be waived for applicants who have already earned a graduate-level degree
(e.g., MD, JD, MHA, MS) from an accredited college or university. Ocial
scores must be mailed directly to the Centenary College MBA Program
(Code 6082) by Educational Testing Service. Admission decisions, con-
tingent upon receipt of ocial scores, can be made using the unocial
documents. The GMAT is administered on demand at Pearson Professional
Centers. For GMAT information and test reservations, go to
All candidates for admission are required to participate in a personal
interview with the dean of the Frost School of Business. The interview
helps to further assess the candidate’s strengths, motivations, personal
commitment, and ability to meet the demands of the MBA program. It is
also an opportunity for the candidate to ask further questions and to dis-
cuss individual considerations.
Notification of Acceptance
Candidates who are accepted into the program will receive a letter of
notification of their acceptance.
Requirements for Admission
1. Ocial transcripts from all previous academic work, sent directly to
the Frost School of Business, from the institution
2. All professional, academic, and work experience is considered in an
individual’s application and reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
3. The completed application form, including essay and resume
4. Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores, sent directly
from GMAT Testing Service (School code 6082)
5. Recommendation/support letter
6. Interview with the dean of the Frost School of Business
Meeting these requirements does not guarantee admission to the
MBA program.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Tuition for the 2022-2023 Amended Academic Year
Tuition for the Centenary College MBA Program is $2145 per course for the 2022-
2023 school year. Information concerning financial aid may be obtained from the finan-
cial aid director at 318.869.5137. Graduate students can borrow under the Federal Direct
Student Loan Program or the Graduate PLUS Loan Program. Information about these
programs can be found at Students should file the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and then email the Financial Aid Oce with information on
which terms need to be covered. The Centenary Business Oce should be contacted at
318.869.5125 to make financial arrangements for the MBA payments.
Financial Clearance
Financial arrangements may be made through the Business Oce. Tuition and
expense bills are sent to students three weeks after the start of each term. These bills
contain tuition and related fees and reflect financial aid credits awarded. Interim monthly
statements are mailed throughout each semester for incidental fees incurred. Before
registration for the next term, all past due balances must be paid in full or a “HOLD”
will be placed on the student’s account, which will prevent the student from registering.
Students who are more than ten days delinquent in payment of any fees may be
suspended from the College. No transcripts will be issued until all financial obligations to
the College have been met. Delinquent account balances, which include Perkins Loan, will
be turned over to a collection agency. All fees associated with the collection of the debts
are the responsibility of the student. Information concerning financial clearance may be
obtained from the Business Oce at 318.869.5125.
Basic Fees
Application Fee: Each first-time applicant pays a one-time non-refundable fee of $50.
This fee is waived for those with a Centenary College undergraduate degree.
Copyright Fees: In addition to textbooks, many classes assign cases and articles that
require payment for duplication. Students are responsible for such payments before the
second week of classes.
Centenary Alumni Tuition Discount
Take your next step at Centenary and take advantage of tuition discount programs
for the MBA program!
Current students receive a 20% tuition discount for direct entry into Centenary’s
MBA program.
Returning alumni receive a 10% tuition discount to begin the MBA program.
Centenary alums should contact the dean of the Frost School of Business for
additional information at 318.869.5141.
IV. Financial Information
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
V. Academic Policies
Academic Calendar
The MBA Program utilizes a unique calendar. Whereas most
programs have two or three terms, the Centenary program has five
10-week terms per year. This calendar allows students to accelerate
their studies and complete the curriculum in a one year period.
Fall August 8 - October 14, 2022
Winter I October 17 – December 22, 2022
Winter II January 9 – March 17, 2023
Spring March 20 – May 26, 2023
Summer May 29 – August 4, 2023
Registration takes place by email or written notification.
Students respond to an email sent by the dean’s oce during the
registration period. Students state the course(s) they want to register
for the upcoming term. Instructors notify students course material
requirements and the most ecient method to obtain them.
Academic Advising
The dean and faculty of the Frost School of Business advise
students in the planning of their academic programs.
Degree Requirements for the MBA
The MBA Program consists of a pre-established curriculum of
9 three-hour courses and three hours of a project/thesis (30 total
hours). There are no electives.
Students must complete 30 total hours of required academic
work and earn a 3.0 (‘B’ average) to receive their MBA.
The degree must be completed within seven calendar years after
commencing the program.
The grading scale for MBA candidates is:
A – Excellent
B – Good
C – Average
D – Poor
F – Failing
I/IR – Incomplete
W – Withdrawal
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
The grade of ‘I’ or ‘IR’ will automatically become an ‘F’ if not
completed within three terms.
Due to the Federal Privacy Act, the Frost School of Business oce
cannot inform students of their grades in person. Students may view
their grade information via the Centenary College Bannerweb. No
grades will be given out over the telephone.
Probation and Dismissal
Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0
(B average) will be placed on probation.
Students will be notified in writing of their probationary status.
Students must achieve a 3.0 grade point average in order to continue
in the program. Students earning a C grade or lower in any class, while
they are on probation, will be dismissed from the program.
Repeating Courses
MBA students may repeat courses in which a C or below was
earned. The Repeat/Replace course form must be prepared by the
student and submitted for processing before the term begins when the
course is being repeated. The higher grade will be used in calculating
the student’s standing in the program.
This policy is in harmony with our coaching philosophy of
education. We believe all of our students are capable of high
performance. Some need more time and coaching than others.
Students are allowed two absences per course. With three
absences, students are automatically dropped from the course.
Extenuating circumstances for more than two absences must be
approved by the instructor and the dean.
Withdrawal and Refund Policy
MBA students are not charged a fee for dropping classes. During
the first two weeks of a module, courses may be dropped without
penalty by calling the dean’s oce at 318.869.5141 and notifying the
professor. After the first two weeks, classes may be dropped only by
sending the dean a written letter of request to drop.
The student who drops a class after the first two-week grace
period will be required to pay full tuition cost.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Credit by Transfer of Course Work
A maximum of six credit hours may be transferred from other
accredited graduate programs into the Centenary MBA program. Credit
will be accepted only when a grade of B or higher has been earned and
the course was completed during the six-year period prior to enrollment in
the Centenary MBA program.
Course Exemption
Students holding a C.P.A., C.M.A., or C.I.A. certificate are exempt
from MBA 513 Financial Accounting and Reporting and MBA 520
Managerial Accounting.
The graduation commencement exercise takes place once a year
in late April/early May. All students are expected to attend. A student
unable to attend commencement must notify the Oce of the Provost in
writing prior to graduation.
A student must submit an Intent to Graduate form to Centenary
College’s Registrar Oce by September 30 if he/she plans to graduate
in May of the next year. It is the responsibility of each student to make
certain that all course requirements for graduation have been met.
Students must satisfy the following in order to graduate:
1. Completion of all required course work.
2.  Submission of approved entrepreneurial project.
3. Minimum of 3.0 grade point average.
4. No outstanding college bills.
Academic Honesty
Honesty, trustworthiness, and respect for others are core values held
by the Centenary College community. As members of this community,
students enrolled in graduate coursework at Centenary shall neither
commit nor tolerate cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic
dishonesty. While it is the responsibility of faculty to explain what
constitutes academic dishonesty within the particular requirements
of their courses, academic dishonesty is generally defined as the
representation of another’s work as one’s own, a violation of testing
conditions, or complicity in such acts.
Centenary College follows the following procedure for all cases
in which a student enrolled in graduate coursework is suspected of
academic dishonesty:
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
1. The instructor, observing or becoming aware of an apparent incident
of academic dishonesty, informs the student of the infraction
as expeditiously as possible. The instructor may take whatever
academic punitive action he/she may deem appropriate, up to and
including a grade of F in the course and removal from the classroom.
The instructor must inform the chair and/or dean of the department/
school by letter of the infraction and the instructor-imposed penalty.
The dean determines whether additional academic punitive action
is appropriate. Via certified mail (with a copy sent by regular mail),
the chair/dean must inform the student of the actions taken and the
student’s right to appeal the decision to the Graduate Council. Proof
of mailing will be sucient to prove notice in the event that the
recipient refuses to sign for or accept the letter. Should the student
wish to appeal, he/she must make a written appeal within one week
of this notification by delivering a written appeal to the chair/dean.
The chair/dean will then forward the appeal to the chair of the
Graduate Council.
2. If the accused student appeals the instructor’s action, the Graduate
Council takes testimony from the instructor, the student, and all
appropriate witnesses including those designated by the student.
In the event of a finding of guilt, the ruling is final; however, the
Graduate Council may modify the penalty. Should the student be
found innocent, the instructor must re-evaluate the work in question
and not penalize the student for the alleged violation.
Grade Appeal Policy
1. It is the policy of Centenary College that students are responsible
for fulfilling prescribed course objectives, completing stated course
assignments, and adhering to stated academic standards for each
course in which they are enrolled. If an instructor has evaluated a
graduate candidate in a professionally accepted manner, an academic
appeal is not warranted. Also, an appeal is an inappropriate recourse
for questions of professional competence or academic freedoms. Only
charges of arbitrariness, capriciousness, and prejudice are subject to
academic appeal.
2. Based on these principles, issues eligible for appeal involve
computational errors, application of course rules, adherence to
syllabi, consistency and communication of evaluation standards, and
expressed bias.
3. Graduate candidates who believe that their final grade reflects an
arbitrary or capricious academic evaluation or reflects discrimination
MBA Program
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of Business
of Louisiana
based on race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability
may employ the following procedures to seek modification of such
an evaluation:
a. If a graduate candidate receives a final grade in a course which he/
she believes is unfair, the candidate should first contact the faculty
member involved prior to the end of the drop/add period of the
next academic term.
b. If the candidate complaint is not resolved, the candidate may
appeal his/her grade to the department chair. It is the candidate’s
responsibility to provide a written statement of the specific
grievance with all relevant documentation (syllabus, guidelines for
papers, presentations, etc.) attached.
c. If the department chair is unable to resolve the grade appeal
to the satisfaction of the candidate and the faculty member
involved, or the faculty member involved is the department chair,
then a written appeal prepared by the candidate with all relevant
documentation may be made to the provost and dean of the
College. The provost and dean of the College will make the final
decision in terms of resolution of the appeal.
d. All parties to the grade appeal process are to maintain strict
confidentiality until the matter is resolved.
All policies of Centenary College apply to both undergraduate and
graduate students, unless specifically noted in this catalog.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
VI. Program of Study
The Structure and Sequence of the Program
The MBA Program consists of a pre-established curriculum of 9
three-credit-hour courses and three-credit-hours of a project, for a total
of 30 credit hours. There are no electives. The courses in the program
are listed below; those with asterisks require pre-requisites:
MBA 510 Leadership and Organizational Performance
MBA 513 Financial Accounting and Reporting
MBA 515 Managerial Statistics
MBA 520* Managerial Accounting (pre-requisite is MBA 513)
MBA 525* Financial Management (pre-requisite is MBA 513)
MBA 530 Marketing and New Media Management
MBA 535 Operations and the Value Chain
MBA 540 Regulation and Ethics for Business
MBA 565* Business Strategy and Integration (pre-requisites are
MBA 510 and MBA 525)
MBA 570* Entrepreneurship and Business Development
(prerequisite is MBA 565, Committee approval)
Classes meet for ten weeks, one night per week. If the class night
falls on a holiday, then the class is rescheduled to meet the minimum
10 class meetings per term.
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Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
MBA 510: Leadership and Organizational Performance
This course focuses on the human and structural aspects of organizational
management at the individual, group, and organization levels. Students assess,
evaluate, and apply evidence-based management practices and theory that
can lead to tangible organizational performance outcomes, such as increased
job satisfaction, increased revenue, improved motivation and conflict resolution
techniques; greater work-life balance; and enhanced leadership eectiveness.
Students will be introduced to contemporary leadership theories and provide
some suggested methods for developing leadership capacity at the individual and
organizational levels.
MBA 513: Financial Accounting and Reporting
Accounting practices and procedures used to develop and report with financial
statements. Emphasis is placed on a practical approach to understanding and
applying accounting data including the use and misuse of historical accounting
data; interpreting and reporting balance sheets, income statements, and state-
ments of retained earnings of proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. This
course is waived for students with a current C.P.A. , C.M.A., or C.I.A. designation.
MBA 515: Managerial Statistics
Introduces the quantitative tools most frequently used in business. Applied
concepts from statistics and management science. Topics covered include
descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression.
MBA 520: Managerial Accounting
Course focuses on how accounting concepts are used in inventory management,
overhead allocation, cost accounting, depreciation and internal reporting, control,
and other areas. Topics also include how managers interpret and alter accounting
information in order to make appropriate business decisions. Pre-requisite is
MBA 513. This course is waived for students with a current C.P.A. , C.M.A., or C.I.A.
MBA 525: Financial Management
Fundamental principles and practices relevant to a firm’s financial strategy are
addressed. Emphasis is on conceptual foundations and analysis of how financial
fundamentals impact financial strategies and the ecient allocation of wealth
resources. Topics include: development of pro forma statements, operating
budgets, financial environments, market eciency, financial analysis, cash flow,
time value of money, risk analysis, capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend
VII. MBA Course Descriptions
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of Business
of Louisiana
policies and other methods for firms to finance operations and growth. Practical
case examples as well as contemporary theories of finance are discussed. Pre-
requisite is MBA 513.
MBA 530: Marketing and New Media Management
Students integrate classical marketing theory with innovative marketing techniques
and tactics to support a firm’s overall marketing and business strategies. Students
will learn how to assess, select, and integrate digital technologies, analytical
approaches, and social media in concert with a firm’s overall marketing strategy.
MBA 535: Operations and the Value Chain
Emphasis is placed on the operational activities that successfully create and
deliver products and services across the entire supply chain from the raw material
to the final product. Included is the development of those performance skills
which enhance the supplier and customer relationships and the order fulfillment
activities. Techniques addressed include demand forecasting, quality performance
analysis, and productivity measurement for both manufacturing and service
operations. Case studies and business visits utilized.
MBA 540: Regulation and Ethics for Business
This course will study how the law and public policy aect business enterprises
and the impact of decision making. Topics include government control of
monopolies, public ownership of enterprises, and government regulation of
business. Also, the role of government in protecting consumers, employees,
investors, and the environment. Emphasis is placed on applying these concepts to
business decisions while considering the ethical perspective.
MBA 565: Business Strategy and Integration
The business enterprise operates in a competitive and dynamic environment. This
course is designed to integrate the various business disciplines of management,
marketing, economics, finance, and accounting which are relevant to the decision-
making process in formulating policies and strategies within the business
enterprise. Emphasis will be placed on innovation and organizational change. Case
studies and research projects are utilized to supplement text readings. Prerequisite
is MBA 525.
MBA 570: Entrepreneurship and Business Development
In this practicum, MBA candidates propose, develop, and present a comprehensive
business plan for a business opportunity of their choosing. The projects may
address the initiation of a new venture as an independent business or the initiation
of a new product or process for an existing enterprise. Pre-requisites are MBA 565
and MBA committee approval of project proposal.
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Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Microeconomics is concerned with the behavior of individual economic units,
households, and firms. The course will explore what it means to eciently
allocate resources. The course will introduce the student to the essential
concepts necessary to understand economic activity and economic issues
involving public policy at the individual level.
This course equips students with basic tools that enable them to analyze the
eect of government policies (fiscal and monetary) on economic growth, short-
run fluctuation in output, the banking sector, the level of unemployment, inflation,
the GDP, and other macroeconomic indicators. Students will also be able to
measure the National Income, the GDP deflator, and the CPI and have a better
understanding of how the economy operates.
* Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are prerequisites for the MBA program
and not part of the MBA Core Curriculum.
MBA CALENDAR 2022-2023
FALL 2022: July 25 - August 12, 2022 August 8 - October 14, 2022 Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Noon
WINTER I 2022: October 3 - October 21, 2022 October 17 - December 22, 2022 Wednesday, January 11, 2023 Noon
WINTER II 2023: December 12, 2022 - January 13, 2023 January 9 - March 17, 2023 Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Noon
SPRING 2023: March 6 - March 24, 2023 March 20 - May 26, 2023 Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Noon
SUMMER 2023: May 15 -June 2, 2023 May 29 - August 4, 2023 Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Noon
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
VIII. 2022-23 Class Schedule (tentative)
*These courses require prerequisites.
Note: This is only a tentative schedule. Stang availability and enrollment eligibility aect
course scheduling. Classes are normally held from 5:30 – 9:20 p.m. on the night indicated.
Definite schedules will be sent to students approximately two weeks prior to the first day of
8-8 to 10-14 10-17 to 12-22 1-9 to 3-17 3-20 to 5-26 5-29 to 8-4
MBA 510 Leadership and Organizational Behavior X
MBA 513 Financial Accounting and Reporting X
MBA 515 Managerial Statistics X
MBA 520 Managerial Accounting* X
MBA 525 Financial Management* X
MBA 530 Marketing and New Media Management X
MBA 535 Operations and the Value Chain* X
MBA 540 Regulation and Ethics for Business X
MBA 565* Business Strategy and Integration X
MBA 570* Entrepreneurship and Business Development X
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Student I.D. Card
MBA students are encouraged to take full advantage of the oerings
of the Centenary community. The College has granted MBA candidates
free admittance to all performances and athletic events and access to
the Fitness Center. Present your MBA picture I.D. card to be admitted. To
obtain your card, call the Frost School of Business oce at 318.869.5141.
Your student I.D. may be used at other Shreveport businesses that give
student discounts.
Vehicle Registration
You will need to register your vehicle to help campus security protect
our parking area. Vehicle registration is processed via the Centenary
College web site at Once you have logged onto the site,
click on the “Campus Services” icon. Choose the icon for the “Department
of Public Safety” and then choose “Vehicle Registration.” Provide all of the
information requested on the registration form and click “Submit.” DPS
will forward your parking tag to the Frost School of Business. You will be
notified that your tag is ready and you may then either pick it up in our
oce or pick it up from your instructor in class.
Magale Library
Centenary’s libraries provide access to hundreds of thousands of print
and digital books, journals, and research materials. Our extensive collection
of subscription web-based resources, which oer access to periodicals
like the Wall Street Journal (print edition and abstracted in the database
Nexis Uni) and databases like Business Source Complete, is accessible
from anywhere using your Centenary credentials, and all of our collections
are easily searchable from our homepage using our new smart search
interface, Omnia (visit
Cooperative arrangements with the Louisiana Library Network (LOUIS)
and LALINC allow graduate students to apply for a LALINC card at the
Magale Library and visit any college or university in Louisiana that honors
these cards and check out materials. Via inter-library loan, students can
access a book or article anywhere in the world within 24 hours to 3 days.
Help is available over the phone, in person, through chat, and by email,
and we are happy to oer research consultations and/or instruction on
research and resources nearly anytime.
IX. Campus Life
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Library hours during the undergraduate fall and spring semesters are:
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ................................................................................ Monday - Thursday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. .....................................................................................................Friday
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ....................................................................................................... Saturday
1 p.m. to 8 p.m. ........................................................................................................... Sunday
Summer, May Module, and Christmas holiday times dier. Call the Library
for precise times at 318.869.5699. It is possible to have holiday library
times extended to meet the needs of a particular class.
Fitness Center
The Centenary Fitness Center and Natatorium contains two basket-
ballcourts, a 25 meter swimming pool, an indoor track, an exercise area
with weight machines and cardiovascular equipment, an aerobic room,
a dance studio, and a racquetball court. MBA students are invited to use
this facility provided they are currently enrolled in a course and have a
current Centenary I.D. card.
Fitness Center operation hours:
7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ............................................................................... Monday - Thursday
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ............................................................................................................Friday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. .................................................................................................... Saturday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ........................................................................................................Sunday
Call the Fitness Center at 318.869.5060 for additional information.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Computing Facilities
The Frost School of Business houses technology rich classrooms and
computing laboratories. A multimedia center on the main floor of the Frost
School of Business is equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software
for printing, scanning, desktop publishing, and video editing.
Our MBA classrooms are on a wireless network enabling you to access
the information resources of the Frost School of Business on your own
wireless-equipped laptop as desired.
All students are issued campus e-mail, Canvas, and Banner accounts.
Campus Store and Post Oce
Supplies and college apparel are available at the Centenary College
Campus Store (318.869.5278) which is located, along with the Post Oce,
in the Moore Student Union Building. Hours for the Post Oce are 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Hours for the Campus Store are 10:00
a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Campus Events, Performing Arts, and Athletics
MBA students are welcome to attend campus cultural and athletic
events. Lectures, films, and other programs are held throughout the year,
many open to the public and many of special interest to individual classes
or disciplines. A complete listing of campus events can be found on the
website at
The Marjorie Lyons Playhouse oers a full schedule of dramatic
performances; the Hurley School of Music presents concerts by visiting and
local artists, as well as the music faculty. Graduate students and a guest
may attend most performances at the Centenary student rate. For informa-
tion on Playhouse schedules, visit Music events can be
found at
You are also welcome to attend athletic events. Centenary participates
in NCAA Division III athletics and sponsors 18 inter collegiate athletic
programs: nine men’s sports and nine women’s sports. A full schedule of
events is available online at
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Meadows Museum of Art
The Meadows Museum schedules national as well as regional exhibits.
It is the permanent home of the Jean Despujols Collection of Indochinese
Art. For museum hours, visit
MBA Lagniappe Events
The Frost School Oce of the dean and the MBA Alumni Association
host numerous events during the course of the year to oer our MBA
candidates and alumni a “little something extra.” We sponsor a quarterly
speakers series, a spring cocktail reception, and numerous projects
benefitting the community. Contact the dean of the Frost School of
Business for specific dates and times.
Drew Mouton from December 2021 MBA breakfast forum.
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Centenary College of Louisiana
President, Christopher L. Holoman
M.A., The University of Chicago
Ph.D., The University of Chicago
Provost and Dean of the College, Karen Soul
B.A.S., University of Minnesota Duluth
M.Ed., University of Minnesota Duluth
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Registrar, Lalita D. Rogers
B.A., Louisiana State University-Shreveport
M.Ed., University of New Orleans
M.S., Grand Canyon University
Ph.D., Jackson State University
Director of Financial Aid, Lynette Viskozki
B.S., Centenary College of Louisiana
Vice President for Finance and Administration, Robert S. Blue
B.S., The Citadel
M.S., Webster University
X. Administration
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
Graduate Business School Teaching Faculty
Mohammad Ali,
B.S., Lahore University of Management Sciences; M.A.,
Xiamen University, Ph.D., University of New Mexico.
Priyanka Chakraborty, B.S., Presidency College; M.A., Jawaharlal Nehru
University; Ph.D., Southern Methodist University.
Barbara J. Davis, B.S., M.B.A., Louisiana State University-Shreveport;
D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University; C.P.A., C.I.A., C.G.M.A., C.F.A.,
S. Maurice Hicks, B.A., Texas Christian University;
J.D., Louisiana State University.
Patricia L. Humphrey, B.S., M.B.A., Louisiana State University-
Shreveport; D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University.
Thomas Moran, B.S., M.B.A., Indiana University.
Michael “Tony” Pierce,
B.S., East Texas Baptist University; M.B.A., Centenary
College of Louisiana.
Kyle Ristig, B.S., Arkansas Tech University; M.A., M.B.A., D.B.A.,
Louisiana Tech University.
Helen B. Sikes, B.S., M.B.A., Louisiana State University-Shreveport;
D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University; C.P.A., C.M.A., C.G.M.A.
XI. Faculty
MBA Program
Frost School
of Business
of Louisiana
2911 Centenary Blvd. Shreveport, LA 71104
318.869.5011 800.234.4448
1. 2910 Building
2. Brown Memorial Chapel
3. Bynum Commons / Cafeteria /
Whited Room
4. Centenary Fitness Center
5. Canterbury House
6. Centenary Square
7. Cline Residence Hall
8. Crumley Gardens
9. Ed Leuck Louisiana
Academic Arboretum
10. Facilities Office
11. Frost Gardens
12. Gold Dome / Athletic Complex
12a. Mayo Soccer Field
12b. Shehee Stadium
12c. Softball Field
12d. Tennis Courts
13. Hamilton Hall
14. Hardin Residence Hall
15. Hargrove Memorial Amphitheatre
16. Hurley Music Building /
Music Library / Anderson Auditorium
16a. Anderson Choral Building / Atrium
16b. Feazel Instrumental Hall
13 20
17. Jackson Hall
18. James Residence Hall
19. Jones-Rice Field
20. Magale Library
21. Main Entrance
22. Marjorie Lyons Playhouse
23. Meadows Museum of Art
24. Mickle Hall / Carlile Auditorium
25. Moore Student Union Building (SUB)
26. Peavy Climbing Tower
27. The Quad
28. Riggs Plaza
29. Rotary Residence Hall Suites
30. Sam Peters Building /
Admission Office
31. Sexton Residence Hall
32. Smith Building /
Kilpatrick Auditorium
33. Symphony House
34. Turner Art Center
35. Wright Math Building
LOT 12
LOT 11
LOT 10
LOT 13
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