The mission of the Advisory Board is to provide advice, guidance, and support for the continuing
development of high quality business programs at Radford University.
This organization shall be known as the Advisory Board for the Davis College of Business and
Economics (aka, the Davis COBE Board).
ARTICLE II (Membership)
Section 1. The Davis COBE Board shall have a maximum of 10 of its members on the Executive
Committee. Individuals shall be nominated for Board membership by a majority of the Executive
Committee and elected by a majority of the voting members of the Davis COBE Board attending
any regular meeting. The associated expectations are identified in Table 1.
Table 1. Davis COBE Board and Associated Expectations/Requirements.
Financial Donation
Event Participation
An annual contribution
in any amount to a Davis
COBE sponsored fund
initiative is expected.
Participate in
at least half
of the Board
every year.
Participate in at least
two Davis COBE
educational /
mentoring activities
Voting members that serve 3
year terms.
An annual contribution
of at least $2000 to a
Davis COBE sponsored
fund initiative is
Participate in
at least three
ittee meetings
every year.
Participate in at least
two Davis COBE
educational /
mentoring activities
Chair, Vice Chair and upto 8
other voting members that serve
2 year terms.
A contribution to a Davis
COBE sponsored fund
initiative is encouraged.
Participation is
President, Provost, Vice
President for University
Advancement, Dean, Associate
Dean, Department Chairs,
MBA Director, Director of
Advancement - Davis COBE,
and Board Coordinator. No
voting rights
Section 1. The general purpose of the Davis COBE Board is to provide advice, guidance, and
support for the continuing development of high quality business programs at Radford University.
The Board’s role is advisory to the Dean and faculty in promoting leadership in business.
Section 2. It is anticipated that the Davis COBE Board will assist in promoting the professional
image of and good relations for the Davis COBE with the larger business community. More
specifically, the Board shall assist the College by:
a. Providing advice and counsel to the Dean and faculty on all pertinent matters that affect the
college, internal as well as external, to best relate the college and its programs to the changing
needs of the business community.
b. Supplementing the existing career counseling and placement services to increase the availability
of job opportunities to undergraduate and graduate business majors, including communication
between business people and students to acquaint students with challenges and opportunities.
c. Providing the faculty opportunities for meaningful business engagements, short-term
employment in responsible positions, and other relationships and programs with the business
community, including providing research support for faculty members by assisting in gaining
access to or by creating databases and, if appropriate, providing research grants.
d. Sharing the special insight and expertise of business executives through classroom presentation
or other meeting situations, executive-in-residence programs, executive to student counseling and
faculty consultation.
e. Assisting the College in acquiring the resources necessary to continue its development as a
leader in the education of business majors by taking an active role in private fund-raising activities.
ARTICLE IV (Officers)
Section I. The Chair and the Vice Chair of the Board shall be elected by the voting members upon
the recommendation of the Executive Committee. These officers may not serve more than two
consecutive one year terms.
Section 2. The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Davis COBE Board, shall have and
exercise general control and supervision over the affairs of the Board, shall see that all orders and
resolutions of the Board are carried into effect, shall be a member of all committees of the Board
with voting privileges, and shall perform other duties and exercise other powers as may be assigned
to him or her by the Board. The Chair shall chair meetings of the Board and Executive Committee
and work with the Dean in formulating the agenda.
Section 3. The Vice Chair shall serve in absence of the Chair.
Section 4. The Dean of the Davis COBE shall appoint the Board Coordinator.
Section 5. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair of the Advisory Board, the Vice
Chair of the Advisory Board, and up to eight additional members (elected by the voting members),
and the Dean of the Davis COBE. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to act on behalf
of the Board as necessary. A simple majority of the Executive Committee shall have the authority
to act for the whole Board on all matters not in conflict with the Constitution or bylaws.
ARTICLE V (Meetings)
Section 1. Recognizing that individual members of the Davis COBE Board will be contacted
throughout their term for advice on specific issues, the Board will only meet formally in the spring
and fall of each year on dates established by the Chair in consultation with the Dean. Committees,
as defined by the Executive Committee, will meet during part of the general meetings and on other
dates as appropriate. The format of meetings will generally be open and informal to maximize
Section 2. For the Davis COBE Board as a whole and for the Executive Committee, a quorum shall
consist of a majority of those members present at any called meeting. All called meetings shall be
announced at least two weeks in advance.
ARTICLE VI (Financial and Time/Event Reporting)
Section 1. The Dean of the Davis COBE and the Director of University Advancement - Davis
COBE will create and manage a fund raising campaign that includes COBE sponsored fund raising
initiatives with financial goals.
Section 2. The Davis COBE Board will provide ideas and assistance with the fund raising
Section 3. At each Davis COBE Board meeting, the Director of University Advancement - Davis
COBE will report to the Board the status of all Davis COBE Board members financial, time and/or
event contributions towards COBE sponsored initiatives.
ARTICLE VII (Amendments)
Amendments may be added at regular meetings of the Board upon approval by two-thirds of the
voting members present provided the members have been sent a copy of the amendment prior to
the meeting.
By-laws may be adopted by a majority vote of the members present at any Board meeting. The
By-laws must be consistent with this Constitution.
Amended 8 January, 2021
Ratified 5 February, 2021