Create a profile of the school, and classroom where you will are assigned for the mentorship. The report should be a
narrative description of school, and classroom combined with tables created to display the statistical information.
Part I Introduction
Provide a brief paragraph defining the grades/subjects taught (for the Impact Study) and the community surrounding the
Part II The School and the Community
Describe the demographic characteristics of the school and of the assigned school system. Also, compare demographic
data for the school with the data for the school system. Most of this information is available from school and/or school
system personnel. It may also be available on the school district website. The report is not limited to, but should include
the following (in cases where not available, leave out) While not all statistics and resources may be found for your school,
you should have a wide representation of the following:
Student population by race/ethnicity/gender
% of students receiving free/reduced lunch (school and system wide)
Demographic profile of the teaching staff, if available
Per pupil expenditure (for system)
Explore websites to define size of the community, major employers, resources (e.g., public transportation,
libraries, educational institutions vocational and higher ed., parks, major industries and businesses). You are
welcome to add other factors that are relevant to defining the community.
Part III The Classroom
Provide a narrative description of the classroom setting. Include general information such as the grade level, the
subject(s) taught, the number of students, and the organization of the classroom and the students for instruction. Briefly
describe the ways in which the needs of diverse learners are met, such as accommodations made for special needs
students and how advanced learners are challenged (additional details should be in your lesson plans).
Next, describe the demographic characteristics of the classroom learning community. The information about the
classroom will be available from school personnel. The report is not limited to, but should include the following
information about the classroom:
Classroom membership by race/ethnicity/gender
% of students receiving free/reduced lunch (if available)
% of students receiving special education services
Description of students with special needs and the resource support available
English Language Learners in the classroom
Part IV Reflection
Discuss how the information about the school system, school, and classroom helped you to create a supportive classroom
environment that was culturally inclusive and relevant to all students.
Sample Profile (Fictional County)
Part I Introduction
My internship, the culminating experience for the Elementary Education degree program, was completed at Washington
Primary School in Maryville, Virginia. I was fortunate to work with a National Board certified teacher and her class of
twenty-four delightful fourth graders. The total school population at Washington Elementary is 750.
Maryville is located in Independence County, a community in southwestern Virginia. The primary industries are mining
and agriculture. There is a community college in the county and two universities within an hour’s drive.
Part II The School and the Community
The Independence County School System has one comprehensive high school, three middle schools, and six elementary
schools with a total enrollment of 8,476. As shown in the following chart, slightly more females than males make up the
student population of the school system, while at Washington Primary; the male students outnumber the females.
Population of School System and School by Gender
School System
Washington Primary
The chart below shows the diversity among the students attending schools in the county. The student body at
Washington Primary is more diverse than the statistics reported for the system.
Population of School System and School by Race & Ethnicity
The teaching staff of the school system does not reflect the diversity among the students. There are 2241 teachers in
county for grades Pre-K-12. Washington has a teaching staff of 27.
Teacher Diversity for School System and School
System Total
Black or African-American
The per-pupil expenditure for students in county school ranks among the lowest in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Independence County annually spends $8485.53 per student, compared to the state average expenditure of $9654.10 per
student. The number of students receiving free lunch or reduced is 83%, compared to 56% for the entire school system.
The public transit available in this community includes a commuter rail station and a city bus system. There is a public
library located .5 miles from the school. Within a five mile radius there is a community college. Major industries and
businesses represented and provide for jobs. GEICO remains the largest private sector employer in Stafford, with more
than 4,000+ employees. Other top employers in Stafford County with more than 1,000 employees include the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Defense and Wal-Mart Associates. The food service distributor McLane Mid
Atlantic and Stafford Hospital Mary Washington Healthcare each employ over 500 employees.
Part IV The Classroom
The twenty-four students in my fourth grade classroom are all unique individuals who bring a variety of experiences into
the classroom. There are equal numbers of males and females in the classroom. Eighteen of the children receive free or
reduced lunch. The children present five racial and ethnic groups, as shown in the table below.
Race & Ethnicity of Students in the Classroom
System Total
Washington Primary
American Indian
Asian Indian
Black or African-American
There are a few parents who regularly support the classroom teacher in a variety of ways ranging from preparing teaching
materials to tutoring the children. Two of the children have been identified as gifted and participate in the after-school
enrichment program. Several children (5) have been identified as special needs students, and each has an IEP that
spells out the accommodations the child needs. These students receive services through the special needs resource
support structure in place at the school. There are two special education resource teachers in the building, and an ESL
teacher spends two days a week at Washington. The children who need these services are pulled out of class at
appointed times during the week.
[And so on and so forth…]
Part V Reflection
You will need to compose your response to this section based on your particular internship experience. The task
for Part V was:
Reflect upon your experience collecting and compiling the demographic data. Discuss how describing the school system,
school, and classroom helped you to create a supportive classroom environment that was culturally inclusive and relevant
to all students.