Statewide News
Taste NY Updates
NYS Grown & Certified
Funding Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Spotlight: Commissioner
Ball Attends First Ever
Latino/a/x Conference
Happy New Year, everyone! With 2023 officially in the books, I’d like to take a
moment to reflect with gratitude on all that we’ve accomplished during this
This year, we reached significant milestones, broke records, and embarked on
exciting, important new initiatives. From celebrating the 10
Anniversary of the
Taste NY program (more on that below) and reaching 100,000 acres of
farmland protected in New York State to launching multiple new opportunities
to put more New York food on tables across the state and provide a boost to
our farmers, drawing the largest concert audience ever at the Great New York
State Fair, introducing New York wine to our friends in Puerto Rico, and so
much more, we have accomplished a tremendous amount. I am grateful for the
hard work and dedication of our agricultural community— the men and women
who tend to the land, protect our animals and natural resources, and produce
and manufacture the food that nourishes our communities, and our partners.
Together, we are developing a stronger, more resilient agricultural community
for the years to come.
As we look ahead to a new year, I continue to grow more optimistic than ever
about the growth and success of our industry. I thank you all for your
partnership and dedication to our shared goals and wish you all a happy and
healthy new year. Cheers to 2024!
Commissioner Ball
Department Updates Food Product Recall Book
Last month, the Department issued an
update to its Food Product Recall
Book to provide New York retail food
stores, food manufacturers, and food
businesses with an easy-to-follow
protocol to use should they need to
initiate a product recall at their
facility. Both the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the
Department issue recalls or consumer
alerts about potentially harmful food
products affecting the New York State
marketplace, making it critically
important that the stores selling or
businesses manufacturing the food product understand what triggers a recall
and what actions they should take to ensure harmful products do not reach
consumers. The Department’s Divisions of Food Safety and Inspection, Milk
Control and Dairy Services, and Food Laboratory provide a vital service that is
critical in maintaining the safety of the food supply from producer to the
retailer. The Recall Book updates will not only help staff with their goals but will
also ensure that New York’s businesses and consumers are more informed
during a recall. Learn more about the updated Recall Book and what it means
for New Yorkers.
The Milk Marketing Advisory Council Thanks Chair Andy
Novakovic for Years of Service
In December, the Milk Marketing
Advisory Council (MMAC) convened to
discuss the outlook for the dairy industry
in 2024, Northeast Dairy Foods
Research Center updates, 2024 New
York State Dairy Promotion Order
updates, and federal and state policy
related to dairy. Since 2016, the MMAC
has brought together producers,
processors, retailers, and consumers to
provide insight on issues facing the New
York dairy industry, such as the current
milk market situation, dairy production
and processing, and trade policies.
Yesterday marked the final meeting under the direction of Chair Dr. Andy
Novakovic, who has participated in the MMAC since the 1980s. The advisory
council toasted to his many years of dedication with a glass of delicious, New
York milk from Hudson Valley Fresh. Dr. Christopher Wolf of Cornell University
was announced as the new Chair of the Milk Marketing Advisory Council. We
thank Dr. Novakovic for his partnership and leadership all these years and
congratulate Dr. Wolf on his new role!
Learn About the Farm Employer Overtime Credit
Members of our team have been on the
road over the last few weeks to share
more with the industry about the
upcoming Overtime Tax Credit. Starting
in January 2024, farm employers in New
York State may be eligible for a credit of
118% of additional overtime paid as a
result of the phase-in of the new
overtime threshold. The Department will
be issuing advance credit certificates to
eligible applicants for overtime paid
during January 1 to July 31, 2024, and in
future years.
Check out these upcoming dates for a chance to learn more about the
refundable tax credit!
January 12, 2024: New York State Agricultural Society Annual Meeting &
Forum (Syracuse, NY)
February 22-24, 2024: New York Farm Show (Syracuse, NY)
For more information, visit
Prevent Barn Fires
As we bundle up for the winter months, it is
important to take the necessary
precautions to prevent barn fires. Put
safety first by creating a plan to protect
yourself and your animals from barn fires.
Following these guidelines can help you
stay safe this winter:
Invite the local fire department to tour
your farm each year and review your
safety plan with them.
Have several fire extinguishers and
flashlights located around the farm
and regularly check to be sure
they're working.
Train your staff to use the fire extinguishers.
Post emergency contact information in multiple areas.
Plan evacuation routes and rally points for people and animals, and let
your staff know.
Make sure your equipment for animal evacuation is available and
2023 Farm Safety Art Contest Winner Announced
NYCAMH has announced their winners for the 2023 Farm Safety Art Contest,
with eight students, aged 9 through 19, awarded first or second prize for their
entry. The theme of this year’s contest was High Visibility—Be Safe by Being
Seen.” Entries communicated how farmworkers can make themselves more
visible on the farm and on rural roadways by wearing bright colored, reflective,
high visibility clothing and adding lighting and markings to equipment. The
contest has grown since its launch and this year, featured print and digital
categories and garnered 34 creative entries from youth across the state. See
the winning pieces at
In conjunction with the competition, some classrooms of agricultural students
opted for a supplemental virtual lesson on the topic of high visibility given by
NYCAMH Agricultural Safety Educator, Christina Day. To learn more about
NYCAMH programs related to farm safety, visit
Congratulations to the winners and all of those who participated in NYCAMH’s
2023 Farm Safety Art Contest!
Apply for the Dairy Runway Program
Applications are now open through
January 8, 2024 for the second cohort of
Dairy Runway, a free, virtual Cornell
University-hosted entrepreneurship
program that supports food entrepreneurs
and dairy innovators with early-stage ideas
for value-added dairy products using New
York State cow milk. The program is open
to any dairy entrepreneur or food innovator
located in New York and the New England
states with an idea for a new, value-added,
cow milk-based dairy product. We
encourage anyone eligible to apply! Learn
more here.
Funding Opportunities
Don't miss these deadlines! The Department has a number of current funding
opportunities that are closing soon:
January 26 Deadline:
Applications are open for the Department’s
Land Trusts Grants Program, which awards
state assistance to land trusts for activities that
will assist counties and municipalities with their
agricultural and farmland protection efforts,
including providing technical assistance to
county and municipal governments, owners of
agricultural lands and other agricultural interests.
Conserving land for agricultural use helps New
York with its efforts to ensure food security,
protect jobs, and protect our environment for generations to come. This is the
fifth round of the program, which aims to help agricultural landowners protect
their land, connect willing landowners to farmers interested in leasing or buying
viable agricultural land, and highlight on-farm marketing, production, and
agritourism opportunities for preserved farms. Learn more:
January 29 Deadline:
Nearly $5 million is available to support animal
shelters and humane societies in making critical
upgrades at New York's animal shelters through
the Department's Companion Animal Capital
Fund program. This is the sixth round of
funding dedicated to the fund, which aims to
enhance animal care at shelters and ultimately
help to ensure increased adoptions for New
York's dogs and cats. Learn more
a t
animal-capital-projects-fund and
February 7 Deadline:
The New York State Regional School Food
Infrastructure Grant program dedicates
funding toward projects that encourage the use
of fresh New York State farm products in meal
preparation for K-12 school children, reduce
food insecurity, increase market opportunities for
New York State producers, and strengthen the
resiliency of our state’s food system. $50 million
will be available over five years, with one $5
million award to each of the State’s ten regions.
$10 million is available for the Regional School Food Infrastructure Grant 2023
Round 1, with two $5 million awards available for two separate regions. Learn
more at
Find out more about these and our other current funding opportunities here.
Current Job Opportunities
The Department often has great job opportunities available. Every member of
the team is an important part of the agency's core mission to promote New
York State agriculture and its high-quality and diverse products; foster
agricultural environmental stewardship; and safeguard New York’s food supply,
land, plants, and livestock. Take a look at the links and descriptions below to
learn more about some of the positions and how to apply. Or, visit
StateJobsNY to see a full list of the openings.
Associate Director of Public Information,
New York State Fair
Syracuse, NY
The New York State Department of Agriculture
and Markets is seeking an Associate Director of
Public Information to work at the New York State
Fair in Syracuse! This position assists in the
development and implementation of a public
relations plan, priorities, and systems that meet
the present and future needs of the Department
of Agriculture and Markets. Find information about the role and how to apply
Dairy Products Specialist Trainee 1
Clinton, Essex, Franklin, or Warren County, NY
The Department is also seeking two Dairy
Products Specialist Trainee 1 to work in Clinton,
Essex, Franklin, or Warren County to inspect,
rate, audit, and investigate dairy products and
dairy product producers, processors,
laboratories, laboratory analysts and handlers to
assess their compliance with State and federal
rules. Find information about the role and how to
apply here.
Horticultural Inspector 2 Apiculture
Albany, NY
The Department is seeking a Horticultural
Inspector 2 Apiculture to coordinate, manage
and supervise the statewide apiary inspection
program and seasonal apiary inspection staff
involved in the inspection program. This role
also establishes and implements honey bee
inspection goals, schedules, priorities,
procedures, and budgets. This position location is to be determined and may
be anywhere in New York State, with frequent travel to Albany, NY, and work
in the field throughout the State. Find information about the role and how to
apply here!
That’s a Wrap! Commissioner Ball Wraps Up Year-Long
Celebration of Taste NY in Syracuse
Last month, Commissioner Ball wrapped
up the Department’s year of anniversary
celebrations with an open house event at
the Central New York Welcome Center,
in Destiny, USA with partners from
Empire State Development, Destiny
USA, and Visit Syracuse. The open
house event brought together regional
agricultural, tourism, and supporting
partners to introduce visitors to the New
York farmers and producers whose
products are available at the Welcome
Center and encourage visitors to shop
local for the holiday season. Producers
providing samples at the event included Dutch Hill Maple (Tully, NY), Riches
Apiary (Kirkville, NY), Speech Family Candy Shoppe (Syracuse, NY), and
Nelson Farms (Cazenovia, NY). As part of the celebration, the Welcome
Center held a reusable bag giveaway to the first 25 visitors. Additionally,
Commissioner Ball unveiled the Welcome Center’s holiday wreath, which was
sourced from New York State Grown & Certified Christmas tree grower,
Springside Farm (Pompey, NY).
This event was the last in a yearlong series celebrating the Taste NY
program’s 10th anniversary. From traveling to regional Welcome Centers
across the state to treading new ground at events like The Great New York
State Fair in Syracuse and the PGA Tournament in Rochester, we have logged
lots of miles and gotten to highlight and meet some of the very best food,
beverages, and specialty items New York farmers and producers have to offer
and look forward to another decade of Taste NY! Thank you to all of our Taste
NY market managers, our partners, and the farmers and producers who have
made the program the success it is! It has been a tremendous 10 years
cheers to the next 10! Stay tuned to next month’s Monthly Harvest for a special
Taste NY feature compilation that will showcase 2023’s celebrations and
milestones. In the meantime, check out this special Taste NY Countdown to
NYS Grown & Certified and Partners Spotlight Locally
Grown Products at the New York Produce Show
In December, the Department’s NYS
Grown & Certified program team took
part in the New York Produce Show
and Conference. This annual event,
which is the largest produce show in
North America, helps connect New
York’s specialty crop growers to
buyers from around the world. The
#NYSCertified booth included
partners from Eden Valley Growers,
Upstate Growers and Packers,
Headwater Food Hub, GrowNYC, the
New York State Vegetable Growers
Association, Empire Potato Growers,
the New York Cider Association, Red
Jacket Orchards, Niagara Fresh Fruit
Company, Reeves Farms, and Torrey Farms. Department Commissioner
Richard A. Ball also stopped by the booth following the show’s ribbon cutting.
The Produce Show is a great annual opportunity to highlight our state's unique
agricultural industry and delicious homegrown products, and we look forward to
another great event in 2024.
Current Funding Opportunities
IFB 0297 - Lawn Care Services at the New York State Fairgrounds
Proposals are due January 11, 2024.
IFB 0303 - Purchase of Portable Horse Stalls
Proposals are due January 17, 2024.
RFA 0294 - Farmland Protection Implementation Grants Round 19 -
Agricultural Conservation Easement Projects
Applications are taken on a rolling basis.
RFA 0263 - Municipal Agriculture and Farmland Protection Planning
Applications are taken on a rolling basis.
RFA 0262 - County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Planning Grants
Applications are taken on a rolling basis.
RFA 0181 - Source Water Buffer Program
Applications are taken on a rolling basis.
For more information on these or other funding opportunities, please visit our
Funding Opportunities page.
Spotlight: Commissioner Ball Takes Part in First Ever
Latino/a/x Conference
Commissioner Ball had the great
honor of joining the first ever
Northeast Latino/a/x Agricultural
Community Conference, held by the
Cornell Small Farms team on
December 7 and 8. The conference
brought together more than 150
people, including over a hundred
members of Latino/a/x farm families
and nearly 50 service providers and
public servants. Attendees came from
16 counties across New York State,
from as far west as Orleans County
and as far east as Suffolk County, as
well as from Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts, Maryland, and Florida.
At the conference, Commissioner Ball delivered a keynote speech in Spanish,
highlighting his personal background in farming and Department efforts aimed
at better supporting historically underserved groups in agriculture, including
more than $5 million in new state funding through programs like the Urban
Farms and Community Gardens grant programs, Farmers’ Market Resiliency
program, and others.
The conference was part of the Cornell University College of Agriculture and
Life Sciences’ Futuro en Ag project, which aims to support the community of
Spanish-speaking and Latino, Latina, and Latinx farmers in the Northeast. The
Department is proud to support the Cornell Small Farms program as they strive
to address language and cultural barriers to support ag careers. To learn more
about Futuro en Ag, visit Learn more
about the conference and Commissioner Ball’s participation.
Department of Agriculture and Markets | 10B Airline Drive, Albany, NY 12235
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