Not for general distribution. Intended for Advanced Sterilization Products 1
Total cost of ownership
Linux vs. QNX realtime
operating system Part 1
Chris Ault
Senior Product Manager
QNX Software Systems
WHITEPAPER Total cost of ownership Linux vs. QNX realtime operating system Part 1
Total cost of ownership Linux vs QNX realtime
operating system Part 1
The Linux operating system provides for open access to its source code. This has led
companies to initially choose Linux as a viable development platform, on the perceived basis
that its cost is less than commercial alternatives.
To examine this in earnest, we present a three-part whitepaper series that closely examines the
total cost of ownership (TCO) of Linux and how that compares to a commercial off-the-shelf
realtime operating system like QNX. Specifically, we illustrate life-cycle costs that aren't initially
considered, but that have a far bigger contribution to the TCO than a commercial production
licensing cost.
In this introductory whitepaper we will examine:
Upfront costs
Selecting the right version of OS
Time to market
In our 2nd paper of the series, we will focus on the costs of maintaining Linux and delve into:
Patch management and version alignment
Supporting hardware drivers
Maintenance costs
Design/support services
In our 3
and final paper of the series, we will examine:
The challenges of certifying a Linux-based system
GPL concerns.
WHITEPAPER Total cost of ownership Linux vs. QNX realtime operating system Part 1
Free software
Linux is generally touted as a “free” operating system, and in certain regards, this is indeed the
case. For the most part, you can download the source code to all components of the Linux
distribution or “distro” (that is, the operating system, drivers, utilities, tools, libraries, and so on).
After all, Linux originated as a hobbyist-level effort to come up with a free version of Unix, and
belongs to the general class of software known as “Free Open Source Software” (FOSS). Linux
is maintained by the Linux community, which includes hobbyists, volunteers, academic
institutions, commercial hardware vendors, and commercial support organizations, to name a
few. You're free to modify any part of the Linux system you see fit, create a product, and sell it.
In this respect, Linux appears to have a cost advantage, in that there are neither source code
nor end-product licensing costs.
However, considering only those costs gives an incomplete, and therefore skewed, analysis of
Linux's TCO. A better way to think about it is that Linux is free like a free puppy. Anyone who
has a dog knows the never-ending expenses that pet ownership can entail, from veterinarian
bills to food costs to the time invested for training together, these represent the true total cost
of ownership of a puppy. Likewise, the total cost of ownership for a “free” Linux OS includes the
extra effort and testing needed to certify a system that uses an open source OS, the cost (or
revenue lost due to delays) in bringing the device to market, and the investment needed to
sustain an in-house team of OS experts.
It is critical when evaluating the cost of an OS to include such big-ticket items as development
cost, maintenance cost, support cost, and opportunity cost not to mention the fact that by
building your own Linux distro, you end up with a build of the OS that is unique to you. Also, the
contribution to the TCO of Linux's licensing model, the GNU Public License, (GPL for short), is a
significant factor.
Development life-cycle
If you're using Linux, your product development life-cycle loosely consists of the following steps:
1. Select, get, and configure the Linux source base.
2. Configure for cross-compilation environment for the target.
3. Create / assemble a target image.
4. Develop, test, and release your product.
5. Provide product support post-release.
The first two steps are unique to using Linux you need to find an appropriate version of Linux
to use, and then get the tool-chain working so that you can produce executable images for your
target platform. The remaining steps are, at a high level, the same for Linux and QNX with the
exception that with Linux, you also are also taking on the ongoing maintenance and
WHITEPAPER Total cost of ownership Linux vs. QNX realtime operating system Part 1
enhancements for your custom Linux OS build. Let's examine the steps that are unique to Linux
to better understand where the hidden costs are.
Getting the right version
As an open source solution, Linux encourages lots of people to make lots of contributions and
changes to the source base. When someone disagrees with the direction a certain tool, library,
driver, or even operating system component has taken, that person has a number of options
open to them. In some cases, there are already multiple, competing implementations of a
particular component, and all that's required is that the person chooses a different component
than the one that's shipped with a particular Linux distribution. They then maintain this change
going forward, and have effectively customized their distribution. On the other hand, if there is
no other particular component that suits them, then they are welcome to “fork” their own version
of that component. What this means is that they take a snapshot of the component's source
code as it exists at some moment in time, and go off and make their changes. They may or
may not want to, or indeed be able to, re-integrate their changes with the main branch. It turns
out that this is sometimes driven as much by politics and personalities, as it is by technical
To put into perspective how many people contribute, customize and alter the Linux kernel, a
February 2015 report from the Linux Foundation, entitled Linux Kernel Development, stated that
nearly 12,000 developers from more than 1,200 companies have contributed to the Linux kernel
since tracking began 10 years ago.
As a solution for hobbyists, researchers, certain end-users, etc., Linux can be a good fit.
However, as a solution for basing a stable, safety-critical product (such as in the medical,
automotive ADAS, industrial safety or safety critical military devices, for example), this leaves
much to be desired. In fact, many distributors, network providers, and customers will not buy a
system unless they can trace everything, including the OS, back to its original sources. There
was a recent case where a cell phone maker was using a distro based on the Linux kernel and
because of the lack of traceability with Linux, was unable to sell their phones through discerning
partners until the traceability was resolved. Meanwhile, QNX has unique, patented systems that
To put into perspective how many people contribute,
customize and alter the Linux kernel, a February
2015 report from the Linux Foundation, entitled
Linux Kernel Development stated that nearly 12,000
developers from more than 1,200 companies have
contributed to the Linux kernel since tracking began
10 years ago.
WHITEPAPER Total cost of ownership Linux vs. QNX realtime operating system Part 1
trace every build back to source origins and specific commits. The lineage of all source code is
known and tracked.
Selecting the proper version of Linux can create a litany of questions. Which version and
configuration of Linux is most suitable to my project? Is it the latest version of a particular
distribution? Is there a qualitative difference amongst the various different versions? As far as
standard support for your C runtime environment goes, do you use glibc? libc4? libc5? uClib?
dietlibc? Do you use the same kernel as is used on the desktop, or do you use a specialized
set of patches for security (grsec? AppArmor? SELinux? SMACK? TOMOYO?) Do you need
realtime support, and thus yet another, different kernel (or at least set of patches)?
At issue is, do all of your selections above result in a tested, stable, complete and maintainable
version? Is your custom configuration of patchsets going to be supported by the community, or
will you be bearing the full load of supporting this software? More importantly for critical
systems, do you have the resources to certify the complete system? According to, for example
IEC 62304 (and included standards), there are stringent requirements related to producing risk
analyses for all components of the system. Such analyses include traceability of patch sets and
modules, ensuring that the development processes are strictly followed, code reviews recorded,
branch coverage and code coverage performed, as well as the removal of dead code (that is,
code that is not pertinent to the operation of the system). At the very least, you have to be able
to demonstrate that the code's presence does not affect the operation of the system. Proving a
negative such as that is quite difficult. These are all likely major areas of focus and areas
needing control within your project.
Build determinisim
A key aspect to consider in the build cycle is that of build determinism. In certain cases, if you
can provide a binary-identical (or at least assembly-language code identical) version of a
subsystem, you may be able to bypass, or at least minimize, testing on that subsystem. One of
the concerns with Linux, (apart from the fact that it’s a monolithic kernel, and any one change
can mean a complete retest), is that small or even seemingly unrelated changes, like toolchain
changes, may cause ripple-through effects.
In contrast, the QNX realtime OS (RTOS) is designed with a microkernel architecture. This
architectuture provides an extensive level of fault containment and recovery. The microkernel
architecture means that every driver, protocol stack, filesystem and application runs outside the
kernel, in the safety of memory-protected user space. Virtually any component can be
automatically restarted without affecting other components or the kernel. The QNX kernel and
all of the QNX subsystems are version controlled, tested and you benefit from the collective field
testing across millions of other embedded systems using these exact same kernel and
subsystem binaries you do not have to take on the risk of having a unique-to-you build of a
Because of the extensive development going on in the Linux community, changes are
constantly being made. However, they're not just being made to the source code of each
subsystem, but also to the very instructions used to build the subsystem. Changes to those
instructions, such as changing a compiler optimization flag, can have massive retest
requirement effects throughout the system. Since the compiler is now producing different code,
in critical devices this means that you need to retest / re-certify the entire image, because it's
possible that the differently executing code may have uncovered a latent bug. (Note that the
WHITEPAPER Total cost of ownership Linux vs. QNX realtime operating system Part 1
“obvious” solution freezing the compiler version you are using is not possible. Linux and its
toolset are tightly coupled.)
Naturally, to ensure sanity and control of project timelines you’ll have to standardize on a tool
chain revision level and carefully consider any deltas coming from upstream and test each time
you move forward. This adds additional IT / build infrastructure to maintaining your repository or
baseline of build / development (effectively, your own custom distribution). You’ll need
resources in order to monitor and maintain your tool chain another area which has nothing to
do with your product value proposition or product differentiation.
Time to market
A significant issue impacting time-to-market is the availability and quality of device drivers.
Ideally, the hardware vendor would create, maintain and support high quality drivers for their
hardware. But unfortunately, Linux’s licensing model has a direct (and negative) impact here.
Leading-edge hardware is strongly tied to proprietary Intellectual Property (IP) rights and
manufacturers are hesitant to compromise their IP by releasing source code. Some
manufacturers will release “binary blobs” – that is, executable / binary images with no source
code. Or, they may release a watered-down version of the driver (with source code) that
doesn’t compromise the IP they wish to protect. If the provided driver isn’t suitable for your
purposes, however, you’ll need to write and maintain your own. This uses up valuable elapsed
time, as well as developer resources, and thus increases your overall cost.
On the other hand, with QNX, there are no legal obligations to disclose source. Because of this,
the hardware manufacturers have far less IP exposure when dealing with QNX drivers.
Therefore, they are legally less restricted when creating drivers for QNX, or at least in releasing
the information under NDA so that you, QNX, or a third party can create and maintain the driver.
In addition, because of QNX's modular, microkernel architecture, drivers are stand-alone
entities, meaning they are much more isolated from version changes in other components.
There is no kernel interlock like there is in Linux.
If the system you are building is for mission critical operations, like those found in medical
devices and functional safety systems like industrial controllers and railway safety, the issue of
time to market gets exacerbated due to certification challenges. Building a certified system
becomes increasingly complex and downright impossible based on the choice of OS, an issue
we’ll explore in further detail in part 3 of this whitepaper series.
The Total Cost of Ownership for a project consists of many factors that may not be immediately
apparent. A simple decision based on a shallow analysis of the cost of obtaining and licensing
the source code is insufficient. Anyone considering using Linux for a project (especially one for
a critical system) needs to be cognizant of the costs and considerations articulated in this paper.
They must be prepared to make an informed decision about the relative merits of an apparently
“free” operating system (with potentially unbounded costs) versus the predictable cost of
obtaining and licensing QNX. Not only is QNX a stable, certified platform with a company
behind it that provides support, custom engineering services, open source integration and
WHITEPAPER Total cost of ownership Linux vs. QNX realtime operating system Part 1
license compliance, but what QNX mainly provides is freedom. Freedom for you to get back to
what you do best: developing your own software.
In our 2nd and 3rd paper of the series we will focus on the costs of maintaining Linux and
examine the challenges of certifying a Linux-based system.
About QNX Software Systems
QNX Software Systems Limited, a subsidiary of BlackBerry Limited, was founded in
1980 and is a leading vendor of operating systems, development tools, and professional
services for connected embedded systems. Global leaders such as Audi, Siemens,
General Electric, Cisco, and Lockheed Martin depend on QNX technology for their in-
car electronics, medical devices, industrial automation systems, network routers, and
other mission- or life-critical applications. Visit and, and follow @QNX_News on Twitter. For more
information on the company's automotive work, visit and
follow @QNX_Auto.
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