SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems
Libo Chen
Shandong University, SJTU
Quanpu Cai
SJTU, Alibaba Group
Zhenbang Ma
Yanhao Wang
Hong Hu
Pennsylvania State University
Minghang Shen
Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab
Yue Liu
Southeast University, QI-ANXIN
Shanqing Guo
Shandong University
Haixin Duan
Tsinghua University
Kaida Jiang
Zhi Xue
Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) has become the main category
of embedded systems. It is widely used to support tasks requir-
ing real-time response such as printers and switches. The security
of RTOS has been long overlooked as it was running in special
environments isolated from attackers. However, with the rapid de-
velopment of IoT devices, tremendous RTOS devices are connected
to the public network. Due to the lack of security mechanisms,
these devices are extremely vulnerable to a wide spectrum of at-
tacks. Even worse, the monolithic design of RTOS combines various
tasks and services into a single binary, which hinders the current
program testing and analysis techniques working on RTOS.
In this paper, we propose SFuzz, a novel slice-based fuzzer, to
detect security vulnerabilities in RTOS. Our insight is that RTOS
usually divides a complicated binary into many separated but single-
minded tasks. Each task accomplishes a particular event in a de-
terministic way and its control ow is usually straightforward and
independent. Therefore, we identify such code from the monolithic
RTOS binary and synthesize a slice for eective testing. Specically,
SFuzz rst identies functions that handle user input, constructs
call graphs that start from callers of these functions, and leverages
forward slicing to build the execution tree based on the call graphs
and pruning the paths independent of external inputs. Then, it
detects and handles roadblocks within the coarse-grain scope that
hinder eective fuzzing, such as instructions unrelated to the user
input. And then, it conducts coverage-guided fuzzing on these code
snippets. Finally, SFuzz leverages forward and backward slicing
*Corresponding authors.
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CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
© 2022 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9450-5/22/11.. . $15.00
to track and verify each path constraint and determine whether
a bug discovered in the fuzzer is a real vulnerability. SFuzz suc-
cessfully discovered 77 zero-day bugs on 35 RTOS samples, and
67 of them have been assigned CVE or CNVD IDs. Our empirical
evaluation shows that SFuzz outperforms the state-of-the-art tools
(e.g., UnicornAFL) on testing RTOS.
Security and privacy Systems security;
RTOS; Slice-based Fuzzing; Taint analysis; Concolic execution
ACM Reference Format:
Libo Chen, Quanpu Cai, Zhenbang Ma, Yanhao Wang
, Hong Hu, Minghang
Shen, Yue Liu, Shanqing Guo
, Haixin Duan, Kaida Jiang, and Zhi Xue. 2022.
SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems. In Proceedings
of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications
Security (CCS ’22), November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA. ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3548606.3559367
A real-time operating system (RTOS) is designed to serve real-
time applications. It has been widely deployed on top of embedded
microcontrollers and CPUs, with even more installations than fully-
edged operating systems. For example, VxWorks, the industry-
leading RTOS [
], runs on over two Billion devices [
]. Many
industry scenarios of RTOS not only require real-time, deterministic
performance, but also expect safety and security certications such
as NASA’s InSight Spacecraft [24].
However, it is challenging to apply traditional security mech-
anisms into RTOS due to various development constraints. For
instance, to support immediate responses to real-time tasks, RTOS
abandons the isolation between kernel and user spaces [
] and
runs all tasks in a at mode to avoid frequent context switching.
In this case, all software modules have unrestricted access to all
data and instructions in memory space [
], which brings more
potential threats to RTOS. This monolithic design was acceptable
CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Libo Chen et al.
since RTOS mainly runs in local networks and is isolated from
external threats.
These days, the Internet of things (IoT) connects more RTOS
devices directly to the Internet, which opens the door of RTOS
devices to external attackers. It is urgent to discover vulnerabilities
in RTOS systems before attackers compromise these weak devices.
Although many researchers proposed various bug detection mech-
anisms on embedded devices [
], few of them can
be directly applied to RTOSes. The main reason is that RTOS is
usually presented in a blob-rmware format and barely runs on
microcontrollers and CPUs in a single monolithic execution, includ-
ing kernel module, schedule module, and other task modules. This
feature brings diculty to traditional bug-detection mechanisms.
For static analysis [
], considering the large size of the mono-
lithic RTOS binary, classic static methods (e.g., symbolic execu-
tion [
]) suer from path explosion issues. Further, due to
the lack of explicit function symbols and the complexity of RTOSes,
it is hard to reveal the semantics of functions on binary-level. There-
fore, we cannot easily identify modules that are related to sensitive
data, nor conduct any analysis on these modules. Dynamic solu-
tions [
], such as fuzzing, either require actual devices or
rely on correct and steady emulations to test target rmware and
essential services. Since RTOSes from dierent vendors [
employ various peripherals with diverse interfaces, it is challenging
to emulate all real-world scenarios with manageable eorts.
As RTOSes get more attention, several works develop customized
tools for detecting bugs from RTOSes. Zhu et al. [
] introduce a
debugging method to detect vulnerabilities from VxWorks-based
IoT devices. Wen et al. [
] propose to check conguration errors
from bare-metal rmware on BLE devices. However, these methods
either only work on specic devices, rely on real devices [
], or
detect limited bug types [
]. Salehi et al. [
] instrument bare-
metal rmware binaries to make memory corruptions observable.
Clements et al. [
] extend HALucinator [
] to work with Vx-
Works. However, these tools require manual analysis and domain
knowledge, and thus can hardly be applied to diverse RTOS sys-
tems. Many of these works even need the source code of RTOSes to
get more details of the hardware [
] or need much extension
development for ecient fuzz testing [
]. Hence, all of them are
limited by scalability. Overall, there lacks a exible and general way
to discover vulnerabilities eectively in RTOS.
Despite the numerous diculties, we notice that specic RTOS
features provide unique opportunities to bypass the testing barri-
ers, like the multi-tasking mechanism. Specically, RTOS usually
divides a complicated application into many separate but single-
minded tasks. Each task accomplishes a particular event in a de-
terministic way. The control ow of each atomic task is usually
straightforward and independent. More importantly, if these tasks
belong to the same category, their data ow may have similar pat-
terns. Therefore, we search for the data ow that starts from diverse
external data entries to potential sink functions (e.g.,
), and
slice the corresponding code snippets among tasks of RTOS. These
slices are small enough to be tested using existing fuzzing logic. Fur-
thermore, they present much smaller but more critical control-ow
scopes. It can sharply alleviate emulation diculty and analysis
complexity, which will allow us to perform more eective and
ecient testing, like greybox fuzzing and symbolic execution.
Based on our insight, we propose SFuzz, a novel fuzzing method
that leverages forward slicing to construct a tailored code space that
drives greybox fuzzing on the emulator. Then, SFuzz incorporates
backward slicing to perform concolic execution to verify crash
inputs from fuzzing. We design SFuzz with four main components:
Forward Slicer.
Our code slicer starts by identifying functions that
handle user inputs. Since RTOS binaries do not have function names,
we dene a set of heuristics to locate such functions. After that, we
construct a call graph that starts from one caller of these functions.
Through coarse-grained propagation, we perform forward slicing in
this call graph by pruning paths independent of external inputs. We
also modify conditional branches irrelevant to inputs to ensure the
control ow reaches potential sink functions. Because of covering
the data-sharing paradigm with direct physical memory access
(frequently used in RTOS), our forward slicer can exibly extend
across dierent tasks and dynamically stitch paths in execution.
Control Flow Node Handler.
The fuzzing engine will lack the
full context and runtime state of the RTOS if it directly executes
the code snippets. Hence, Control Flow Node Handler is used to
guide the fuzzer to determine how to handle the function calls
and conditional branches unrelated to the user inputs, helping
the fuzzing engine increase the eciency and stability of path
Micro Fuzzing.
Our fuzzing engine focuses on instructions in
the pruned execution tree. Starting from the input source, it up-
dates the execution context through instruction-level emulation.
The fuzzing engine will execute input-related code snippets and
ignore massive unnecessary paths, including other input handlers.
To inspect dangerous behaviors, it monitors the contexts of sink
function calls and reports potential bugs when the contexts violate
pre-dened safety policies.
Concolic Analyzer.
To fetch missed context information in the
pruned call graph, we recover modied conditional branches and
symbolize the context of ignored functions. Then, we perform
concolic execution based on the forward slice and use the bug-
triggering input to provide the concrete value. We execute back-
ward slicing that starts from the sink function to the written object
allocation position and other input reference sites. Then, we per-
form symbolic execution starting from the ending of backward
slices to get constraints of object size and iterate every predicate
of other input to check whether the corresponding condition is
necessary or not. At last, we can realize a complete and accurate
path condition to evaluate a vulnerability.
We implement our prototype of SFuzz based on Ghidra [
] and
UnicornAFL [
] with around 6,200 lines of Python code, 4,300
lines of C code, and 5,100 lines of Java code. To understand the
ecacy of SFuzz in detecting security vulnerabilities in RTOS, we
apply our tool to 35 rmware samples from 11 vendors. SFuzz
successfully discovered 77 unknown vulnerabilities in these latest-
version rmware samples. We also compare SFuzz with the state-
of-the-art tools, and SFuzz outperforms all compared tools.
In summary, we make the following contributions:
We propose a slice-based method to test RTOS, which utilizes
forward slicing to prune control ow for ecient fuzz testing,
and incorporates backward slicing to validate alerts from fuzzing.
SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
We design and implement SFuzz
, which performs slice-based
fuzzing through cross-platform CPU emulation to eectively
detect vulnerabilities in RTOS rmware.
We evaluated SFuzz on 35 real-world RTOS rmware samples
from 11 vendors and discovered 77 unknown bugs. 68 bugs have
been assigned CVE/CNVD IDs.
In this section, we rst provide the background of vulnerabilities in
RTOS. Then, we present the overview of our approach and discuss
the associated challenges.
2.1 RTOS and Embedded Devices
The Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is designed to provide a
deterministic execution pattern. It focuses on timely task execu-
tion and works for embedded devices with real-time requirements,
such as printers, switches, and routers. Because of the limitation of
memory space and the requirements for fast task scheduling and
quick response (i.e., performance constraints) [
], some ven-
dors compile their RTOS into a single binary with all functionalities.
Meanwhile, they also strip the system symbols to reduce the size
of binary les. These factors bring challenges for researchers to
emulate the whole system or analyze the security of the embedded
devices that use RTOS as their operating system.
However, these devices (i.e., printers, routers, and so on) usually
receive data packages from the outside (e.g., network, Bluetooth,
and so on) and parse them to nish various tasks, providing attack-
ers with ways to hijack them. Meanwhile, these devices are usually
the critical points of the home network or Local Area Network
(LAN). Without state-of-the-art defense mechanisms, such as Exe-
cutable Space Protection [
] and stack canary [
], attackers pay
a lot of attention to them and like to hack them through their data
entries. Hence, it is necessary for security researchers to overcome
the challenges and propose a proper method to detect vulnerabili-
ties in the embedded devices that are easy to touch through their
data entries.
2.2 Motivation Example
Listing 1 shows a simplied snippet that contains a buer over-
ow error in Line 40. We found this bug in the RTOS of TP-Link
WDR7660 using our tool, SFuzz, and reported it to its vendor. The
bug has been xed and assigned a CVE number
The functionality of this code snippet is to receive data from out-
side (Line 7) and call the corresponding function set to handle
the data package (Line 9-44). In detail, it rst steps into function
(Line 9) to check the basic format and size of
the package header (Line 15), match the magic bytes (Line 16), and
check the integrity of the whole package (Line 17). If the input
package satises all constraints, the execution will step into the
(Line 18) to call the corresponding handler
(Line 24) based on the version of the package (Line 23). Function
resolves and extracts the header of the struc-
(Line 35-36), which is the basic data unit in the pack-
age’s payload, and copies the
to a memory space (Line 40).
Because the length of the data section in the structure
We will release the source code at https://github.com/NSSL-SJTU/SFuzz.
1 void devDisco verHandl e (int sockfd) {
2 int len, ret;
3 struct sockaddr_in src_addr ;
4 int addrlen = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
5 memset ((uint8 *)& src_addr , 0, 0x10 );
6 memset( Global_addr , 0, 0 x5C0 );
7 len = recvfrom( sockfd , Global_addr +0 x1c, 0x5a4 , 0, (struct
sockaddr *)&src_addr , (socklen_t *)& addrlen );
8 if ( len != ERROR )
9 ret = protocol_handler (( packet *)( Global_addr +0 x1c));
10 if (ret == ERROR )
11 logOutput (" devD iscoverH andle Error !");
12 }
13 int protocol_handler ( packet *data) {
14 bytes [4] = {0 xe 1 , 0x2b , 0x83 , 0 xc7};
15 if ( header_check(data ))
16 if (magic_check ( data -> magic_bytes , bytes , 4))
17 if (checksum( data ))
18 return msg_handler ( data) ;
19 return ERROR;
20 }
21 int msg_handler ( packet *data) {
22 int ret = ERROR;
23 if (data -> version == 0x01 )
24 ret= parse_ advertisement ( data ->payload , data -> payloadLen );
25 return ret;
26 }
27 int parse_adv ertisement ( uint8 * payload , int payloadLen ) {
28 char* dst ;
29 char* var_addr ;
30 char buffer[64];
31 int index ;
32 var_addr = DAT_404d33a8 ;
33 msg_eleme nt *element ;
34 msg_e lement_header * element_ header ;
35 element = pa rse_msg_ element ( payload , payloadLen );
36 element_header = element ->header;
37 if ( element_header ) {
38 index = (int)*(var_addr +4));
39 dst = buffer+ index;
40 if ( copy_msg_element (( cha r *)element ->data , dst ,
element_header ->len)) == 0) // Stack Overflow
41 return SUCCESS;
42 }
43 return ERROR;
44 }
Listing 1: Pseudocode of the simplied motivation example.
recorded in its
eld, an attacker could trigger a stack overow
vulnerability here via accurately constructing a package and setting
the value of
larger than the length of the buer used to store
the data section.
Unfortunately, current bug-nding techniques for embedded
systems cannot detect this vulnerability eectively. Dynamic solu-
tions, like fuzzing and emulation, cannot guarantee to emulate a
whole RTOS with closed hardware features and cover all program
states, especially for the specic code parsing the self-dened data
format. For example, suppose we have a device and want to use
the recent work SRFuzzer [
] to identify this bug. In that case, we
have to leverage reverse engineering to analyze all data formats
the device can handle and then generate and send requests to trig-
ger the handling logic code. It requires a high labor cost, and the
requirements for analysts are very high. Static approaches such
] and SaTC [
] cannot eectively locate the data
entries in a monolithic RTOS binary. For example, KARONTE only
focuses on the data related to the inter-process communication
and SaTC takes the keywords used to mark the user input to nd
CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Libo Chen et al.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Num of Functionality Snippets
Cumulative Probability
Global Variable
Figure 1: (1) Distribution of functions w.r.t. the number of function-
ality snippets they belong to.
75% of functions in the functionality snip-
pets we identied only belong to one functionality snippet, and less than
5% of functions are shared by more than six functionality snippets.
Distribution of global variables w.r.t. the number of functionality
snippets they are used in.
87% of global variables in these functionality
snippets are only used in one functionality snippet. These results show that
most functionality snippets are independent of each other.
the data entry. Moreover, the complex code logic (we simplify the
control ow graph of the snippet in the motivation sample) in the
snippet is hard for them to conduct static taint analysis or symbolic
execution to eciently nd the sensitive path from the data entry
point (e.g., recvfrom) to the sink function (e.g., memcpy).
2.3 Necessity and Reasonability of SFuzz
According to the above analysis and comparison, the dynamic
method is more applicable in detecting RTOS bugs than the static
analysis method. However, without much manual analysis and a
robust full-system emulation method, how can we eectively detect
these vulnerabilities in the real-time operating systems of various
embedded devices via a dynamic method?
Our intuition is that conducting fuzzing on functionally indepen-
dent snippets is an eective way to discover bugs in RTOSes, and we
name it
slice-based fuzzing
. Suppose we collect a program slice
containing the complete function set that receives and handles the
corresponding data package. We can eectively and reasonably
detect the vulnerabilities in the piece of code via hybrid fuzzing and
instruction-level emulation. Moreover, we can ignore the diculties
of emulating various hardware and service features.
Consider the sample in Listing 1, after identifying the data-
receiving function (Line 7) and all the functions related to the
package handling (e.g.,
in Line 40), we could construct the
code snippet and generate input to trigger the stack overow vul-
nerability through coverage-guided hybrid fuzzing. Due to lacking
complete context while executing the code snippet, we need to
handle the control ow nodes unrelated to the external package to
make fuzzing ecient and stable. Once the vulnerability is found,
we do a concolic analysis based on the input that triggers the vulner-
ability, and obtain a nal result, including the complete constraints
related to the control ow nodes we handle, to help us determine
whether the vulnerability is a false positive. As we see, the explo-
ration scope of our method is limited to risky code snippets by
static analysis. Meanwhile, we only use symbolic execution to help
us create new test cases while the fuzzing gets stuck, and verify the
crash result. These make our method, compared with the traditional
static analysis and symbolic execution methods, could have better
performance and mitigate the path explosion problem.
To prove the reasonability of the slice-based fuzzing method
on RTOS, we selected systems of four embedded devices from
two vendors (i.e., TP-Link and MERCURY) to check whether their
functions can be divided into task-specic, independent snippets.
We choose these four devices because they all contain symbol les
or log functions, which facilitate our judgment on the functionality
of each function and the manual verication of the result. We search
all types of data read-in points in the system, such as the
function, and take their caller functions (e.g.,
as the root points of the data handling trees and the specic task
modules. Then we recursively search the function calls existing in
a root point function and its children functions and form a function
set. We use the name of a root point function to name its function
set (as listed in the UpSet gure). In theory, these function sets
should correspond to dierent data read-in points, data processing
tasks, and functionalities. And only in this way can prove our
slice-based fuzzing method is reasonable. The less intersection of
functions between dierent function sets, the higher the functional
independence of each set.
Because the verication results of the four devices are similar,
we take TP-Link WDR7660 as an example to illustrate their results.
We provide the CDF diagram to simplify the presentation of the
distribution of the function intersection between dierent func-
tionality snippets. As Figure 1 shows, few of the functions (less
than 25%) belong to more than one set. According to our analysis,
the intersection mainly comes from two aspects. One is the func-
tions (e.g.,
, and so on) of the standard library, and
dierent functionalities will use them. The second is the similar-
ity between dierent function sets. Although these function sets
have dierent data entry points, they handle similar data packages,
such as
. We also
provide an UpSet gure (Due to the page limitation, we put it on
), a visualization technique for the quantitative analysis
of sets, to show the details of the intersection between dierent
function sets collected from the RTOS.
To further study the coupling metrics of modules in RTOS, we
inspect the shared data among tasks in the above four embedded de-
vices. The result shows that the ratio of global variables employed to
share data among functionality snippets is low. We identied 14,592
global variables, 207 of which are used in the functionality snippets
we identied, and only 27 global variables are shared by dierent
snippets (less than 13%, listed in Figure 1). Furthermore, we check
the data-sharing paradigm through shared keywords operated by
several API couples (e.g.,
), as presented in
] and SaTC [
]. This data-sharing paradigm is preva-
lent in embedded systems due to its convenience. We nd no data
sharing among functionality snippets in these four samples that
utilize corresponding API couples.
SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Sensitive Call
Forward Slicer
Call Graph
Call Graph
Symbolic Execution
based on
Forward Slicing
Condition Verifier
based on
Backward Slicing
Concolic Analyzer
Control Flow
Nodes Handler
Figure 2: Overview of SFuzz.
SFuzz takes the rmware of the real-time embedded devices as input and outputs their bug reports. It rst recovers the
semantic of the functions in RTOSes and uses the forward slicer and Control Flow Nodes handler to extract the code snippet related to the outside inputs. And
then, it uses the emulation execution and coverage-based fuzzing to explore the paths in the sliced execution tree. Finally, it constructs the proof-of-concept
based on the concolic analyzer.
The above analysis shows that these function sets collected from
RTOS meet the characteristics of functional independence concern-
ing control ow and data ow. Hence, the experiment result veries
the reasonability of the slice-based fuzzing method.
2.4 Challenges of Slice-based Fuzzing
To apply our method to RTOS of various embedded devices, we
need to address three main challenges.
C1. How to determine the scope of the snippets?
Firstly, we
need methods to identify the data read-in functions no matter
whether the target RTOS contains symbol les. Secondly, we need
an approach to determine the scope of the snippet corresponding
to a data receiving point. Constructing the functionality set via
function calls will include some paths and functions unrelated to
the processing logic for the input data. Meanwhile, some paths that
cannot touch the sink function will also be included in the scope.
Both of them will aect the eciency of slice-based fuzzing.
C2. How to handle the points related to control ow in the
Some function calls and conditional branches will aect
the reachability of the execution path
and the eciency of fuzzing.
For example, some functions that the emulator cannot emulate
will aect the path reachability. Another example, some compare
instructions will use global variables or the variables unrelated to
the input we are mutating. Because we cannot mutate the values
of these variables via seed mutation, we cannot control the jump
direction of the following branches of these compare instructions.
C3. How to eectively conduct slice-based fuzzing and ver-
ify the PoC?
On the one hand, the pure fuzzing technique is hard to
generate valid seeds to pass various kinds of condition guards with-
out any prior knowledge of the application or input format [
Similar to Driller [
], we combine fuzzing with symbolic execu-
tion to make path exploration more eective. On the other hand,
because we conduct fuzzing on code snippets and preprocess some
instructions related to control ow, we need to design a method to
judge whether a proof of concept (PoC) results in a crash is a real
vulnerability in the original RTOS.
Approach Overview.
In this paper, we design SFuzz to address the
above challenges and leverage the slice-based fuzzing technique
Execution Path is a sequence of instructions executed by the target rmware from a
data receiving point with a specic test case.
to detect vulnerabilities in code snippets of RTOS of embedded
devices. As Figure 2 shows, SFuzz takes the rmware of the real-
time embedded devices as input and outputs their bug reports. It
rst recovers the semantic of the functions in RTOSes and uses
the forward slicer and Control Flow Nodes handler to extract the
code snippets related to the outside inputs. And then, it uses the
slice-based fuzzing technique to explore the execution tree
of the
code snippet. Finally, it constructs the proof-of-concept based on
the concolic analyzer.
In detail, the forward slicer combines the call graph analysis
with the forward taint analysis to determine the exploration space
of each task for slice-based fuzzing; Control Flow Nodes Handler is
used to help the following fuzzing part skip the unnecessary path
exploration and those nodes which will make the fuzzing phase
get stuck; the micro fuzzing engine is a hybrid greybox fuzzer,
which combines some low-level techniques, such as error detection
policies, to make the fuzzer could run smoothly and nd errors; the
Concolic Analyzer is mainly to help us lter false positives due to
exploration pruning and context missing.
3.1 Forward Slicer
To conduct the slice-based fuzzing on functionality snippets of the
target RTOS, we rst recover the semantic of the critical functions
in the rmware (details listed in §4) to locate the external data
entry points (e.g.,
), global data sharing functions (e.g.,
) and vulnerable functions (e.g.,
), and then lever-
age the forward slicer module to output the execution tree related
to handling the external input and global data.
Forward Slicer contains three parts, and its workow is shown
in Figure 2. The Sensitive Call Graph Constructor detects input
obtaining functions (e.g.,
in Listing 1) and global data
read points, and then takes the callers of these functions as root
nodes to build call graphs
. To make the fuzzing test focus on
the vulnerable path, we prune the branches that cannot touch
potential sink functions (i.e.,
, and so on) in
the graphs. The Call Graph Pruning component further prunes the
subgraphs or paths that are independent of external input. Finally,
the Call Graph Stitching component splices some edges between
Execution Tree merges all execution paths from one data receiving point taken as a
root node, and every node in the tree represents an instruction forking a new path
from the current path, such as branch and function call instructions.
A call graph is a control-ow graph, which represents calling relationships between
functions in a program. Each node represents a function and each edge (f, g) indicates
that function f calls function g.
CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Libo Chen et al.
1 /*date set point */
2 char * var = WebGetsVar (a1 , " wanPPPoEUser ");
3 nvram_set ("wan0_ppp oe_username ", var);
4 /*data get point */
5 sprintf ( usename , " wan% d_pppoe_userna me ", var );
6 char * var1 = nvram_get ( usename );
Listing 2: Code Samples for Call Graph Stitching (dynamic method).
the nodes of dierent call graphs. These edges are missing while
building these call graphs due to the lack of direct correlation.
Call Graph Pruning.
To judge whether an external input or global
data could aect the parameters of the potential sink functions,
SFuzz leverages lightweight (coarse-grained) taint analysis tech-
nology to track each path (from the root node to the leaf node) in
the call graph, determines the possible scope of the inuence of the
external input and global data, and lters the paths independent of
them. Here we describe the high-level design of the taint engine.
For each call path, the taint engine steps into the function body of
each node in the path. It marks the parameters or return values of
the input reception and parsing functions as taint sources based on
the functions’ semantic, such as the parameter
in Listing 1, the memory space which points to is used
to store the input data. While conducting the taint analysis on each
instruction, the taint engine rstly translates instructions into inter-
mediate instructions whose semantic are simpler than the assembly
instructions of various disparate architectures. And then, for each
intermediate instruction, it includes the output operand(s) of the
instruction into the tainted operands set if the input operands are
aected by the external input. For function call instruction whose
callee does not belong to the call path, the taint engine will prop-
agate the taint attribute from its tainted parameters to the return
value. If the risky parameter(s) of the sink function (e.g.,
(*dest, *src, count)) are aected by the input, SFuzz
retains the corresponding call path.
Call Graph Stitching.
] and SaTC [
] proposed,
some data-ow of external input could be interrupted by data shar-
ing paradigms (e.g.,
). Unfortunately, RTOS
also faces the same challenge. Unlike the previous approach, in
addition to using static analysis to splice the deterministic asso-
ciated nodes, we also use dynamic technique to detect the non-
deterministic correlation between the data set and use point(s). For
the data sharing paradigms (i.e., set and use point) labeled with
constant strings, we search and match them based on the constant
strings. Then connect the two call paths and use a virtual node
(i.e., two-tuples, such as
) to represent the
paradigm in the merged call graph. For the paradigms marked by
dynamically created variables, such as "wan%d_pppoe_username"
in Listing 2, we get these paradigms based on the approximate
string matching method and create a virtual condition node to con-
nect the potential data sharing paradigms. And then determine
whether jump to the global data read point based on the actual
value of the variable during emulation execution. For the set points
that have many corresponding get points, we also build a virtual
condition node and determine the jump direction based on random
3.2 Control Flow Nodes Handler
After the handling of the Forward Slicer module, we could build an
execution tree of the target code snippet based on the call graph.
However, to make the fuzzing test on the execution tree work
smoothly and avoid unnecessary path exploration, we still need to
handle several types of instructions related to control ow (i.e., (i)
function call, (ii) conditional branch), which will aect the reacha-
bility of the execution path and the eciency of the test. In other
words, because of lacking full context and runtime state of the
RTOS, we need strategies to guide the fuzzer to determine how to
handle the function call in the snippet and choose which branch of
the conditional statement to jump.
Call Instruction.
On the one hand, we add the address of the
function call instruction, whose callee’s parameters are not aected
by the external input, into
set and guide the fuzzer to
skip the function call. We do this mainly because its arguments are
unrelated to the input, and its return value and parameters will not
be changed via mutating the seed input. Hence, patching this kind
of function will help the fuzzer ignore its complexity and increase
the fuzzing eciency. On the other hand, for all the function calls
that belong to the sensitive call graphs or whose arguments are
aected by the input, such as
in Listing 1, we keep them. Only by stepping into these functions
can we ensure the reachability of the sensitive path.
Conditional Branch.
A conditional statement directs the control
ow to a target address only if the specied branch constraint is
satised. However, while conducting fuzzing on code snippets, we
have to face a problem determining the direction of the conditional
jump if the condition has no relationship with the input data, which
means we cannot change the jump direction by mutating the input.
To make the fuzzing test more eective and sound, we propose
several methods for handling various conditional branches.
Assuming only one branch of a conditional jump instruction is
reachable to the sink function. If its condition is aected by the in-
put, we insert the target address of the unreachable branch to the
set, which guides the fuzzer to avoid exploring this
branch. Otherwise, we add the address of the jump instruction
set and guide the fuzzer to replace the condi-
tional jump with the xed jump to the reachable branch.
Suppose both branches of a conditional statement are reachable to
the sink functions. If its constraint is not related to the input data,
we add the address of the instruction into the
which guides the fuzzer to replace the instruction with a random
jump statement. Otherwise, we do not change the code. It is
mainly to help us explore as many paths that are not determined
by the input as possible.
If no branch of a conditional jump instruction is reachable to the
sink function, we add the target addresses of the two branches
to the
set, which will guide the fuzzer to exit the
current path exploration when encountering these addresses.
3.3 Micro Fuzzing
As the core of our fuzzing engine, we name the slice-based fuzzing
technique as Micro Fuzzing. It takes code snippets as input, explores
paths in the execution tree, and ignores irrelevant call sites and
other input data handlers. The engine simultaneously inspects the
SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
context of sink function call sites and exports crash input when
memory access against pre-dened policies.
Image Loader.
After loading the RTOS rmware, the image loader
will preprocess the tailored code snippets marked by the previous
module. For the call instruction should be skipped (in
the image loader replaces the call instruction with NOP-like in-
struction. For the branch that should avoid being explored (in
), SFuzz adds the
statements to its tar-
get address. When the program executes to the corresponding
address, the program will exit the current path exploration directly.
For the branch which should be replaced with a xed jump or
random jump, SFuzz handles it with the corresponding operation.
Fuzzing Engine.
When the core engine is invoked, it loads the
RTOS system and repeatedly executes the target code snippets from
its beginning (the root node of the execution tree). This engine will
generate random data in input entry points. Based on UnicornAFL,
this engine can perform coverage-guided fuzzing and emulate in-
structions execution on this tailored execution tree. When the core
fuzzing engine gets stuck, the hybrid fuzzer invokes its concolic
execution component. This component randomly selects an input
from the seed queue and symbolizes each byte in the input. After
tracing the execution path corresponding to the input, the concolic
execution component utilizes its constraint-solving engine to iden-
tify inputs that would force execution down previously unexplored
paths. The fuzzing engine will exit if no new path is found within
a threshold time.
By pruning unnecessary paths, Micro Fuzzing ignores input-
irrelevant function calls (in
) and executes NOP-like
instruction instead. On the other hand, it directly skips emulation-
hard instructions, avoids marked condition branches (in
and allocates concrete data when pointer reference to uninitialized
memory. The emulation-hard instructions are usually related to
interrupts interacting with hardware or HAL (hardware abstraction
layer) modules (e.g., send a signal to the CPU scheduler) and do
not aect the data-ow starting from input sources. Thus, skipping
these instructions in emulation brings fewer side eects. Finally,
these two ways make the emulation more stable and focus on ex-
ploring the code snippets handling the target input data.
Memory Safety Policies.
Because bare-metal [
] and RTOS
devices often lack memory sanitizer mechanisms due to cost sen-
sitivity and resource constraints. Thus, SFuzz needs to provide
lightweight memory safety check policies for the fuzzing engine,
which dene the violation of memory access in call sites of sink
function. Here we focus on detecting the bugs that occur in memory
buer operation. We classify memory buer into two categories:
the buer that can be statically analyzed to determine the size (in-
cluding the buer on the stack, the buer created via a
function, the global variable that can be identied its size based on
adjacent variables, etc.), and the buer that cannot determine its
size statically. For the buer whose size can be statically identied
(SFuzz conducts the analysis in the forward slicer module), we de-
termine whether an overow has occurred by detecting whether
the buer boundary data has been modied after executing the
sink function. For the buer whose size cannot be determined, we
directly output an alarm and further identify the buer size in the
subsequent concolic analyzer module.
Algorithm 1 The workow of Concolic Analyzer.
1: function ConcolicAnalyzer(CrashInput, RTOSProject)
2: Trace Tracer(CrashInput, RTOSProject)
3: TargetSink GetSinkPoint(Trace)
4: CompletePoC
5: State SimulationStart(RTOSProject)
6: State.AddConcreteConstraints(CrashInput)
7: while State.active do State still satises all constraints
8: if isTargetSinkFunc(State, TargetSink) then
9: StateConstraints BackwardSlicing(State).Constraints()
10: for constraint StateConstraints do
11: if ReSymexec(RTOSProject, constraint.invert(), CrashInput, TargetSink) then
12: StateConstraints.remove(constraint)
13: end if
14: end for
15: if SinkBufferDeterminable(StateConstraints) then
16: OutputCompletePoC(StateConstraints, CrashInput, RTOSProject)
17: return
18: end if
19: else
20: if State PatchedFuncset then
21: SymValues SymRetValue(State)
22: State.AddNewSymbols(SymValues)
23: else if State PatchedJMPset then
24: State.SetJumpDirection(Trace)
25: end if
26: end if
27: State.Step() Step to next concolic state
28: end while
29: OutputFailedInfo(CrashInput, RTOSProject) State cannot reach sink
30: end function
3.4 Concolic Analyzer
When the Micro Fuzzing engine exits, Concolic Analyzer will check
all crash inputs that have triggered violations. It takes these cases
as concrete inputs and conducts concolic execution in the corre-
sponding execution paths for constraint solving.
As the pruned function call instructions (in
and conditional branches (in
) might be misleading
control ow in the original execution tree, thus we need to check
whether a crash input could trigger a real vulnerability in the origi-
nal RTOS. To conduct this check, Concolic Analyzer rst recovers
these branches and symbolizes parameters and return values in
these patched functions call sites, and then performs concolic test-
ing based on forward and backward slicing.
The workow is shown in Algorithm 1. In detail, the forward
slicing-based concolic testing part takes a crash input as the concrete
value to perform concolic execution on the path triggered by the
input. If a function call site in the path belongs to
it will apply new symbols to the function’s arguments and return
value. It collects all constraints along with the execution path until
reaching the sink function. For constraints related to the other input
data entry points or patched functions, the backward slicing-based
condition verier ips each constraint once at a time and reruns
the symbolic engine from the beginning with the given inverted
constraint. If the symbolic engine can still reach the sink function,
the corresponding constraint is judged as non-required for the
current PoC. For constraints related to sink buer size that has
not been determined in former modules, the verier calculates its
value and only alerts when sink buer size can be determined and
is overowed by input data.
We use a real-world sample (CVE-2021-32186) to present how
the concolic analyzer works. As Listing 3 shows,
CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Libo Chen et al.
1 void vulnSet( webRequest * a1, webRequestData * a2)
2 {
3 char * ledStatus ;
4 char * ledClsTime;
5 char * ledTime ;
6 char argbuf[0 x100 ];
7 int ledCtlType ;
8 ledClsTime = webVar(a1 , " LEDCloseTime "); // Input
9 ledStatus = webVar(a1 , " LEDStatus "); // Other input #1
10 ledCtlType = nvram_get (" led_ctl_type "); // Other input #2
11 if (strcmp ( ledCtlType , ledStatus) )
12 nvram_set (" led _ctl_type " , ledStatus );
13 if (! strcmp( "2", ledStatus) ) {
14 ledTime = nvram_get(" led_time "); // Other input #3
15 sub_800D487C (a2, argbuf );
16 if (strcmp ( ledTime , ledClsTime ))
17 nvram_set (" led_time " , ledClsTime ); // Global data set
18 }
19 }
20 void vulnGet ()
21 {
22 char v8 [64];
23 memset( v8,0, s i z e o f ( v8)); // Written object
24 ledTime = nvram_get(" led_time "); // Global data get
25 strcpy( v8, ledTime); // Sink
26 }
Listing 3: Code Sample for Concolic Analyzer
construct a data sharing paradigm. The data source la-
beled by
is passed to NVRAM (Non-volatile random-
access memory) when another data labeled by
is set
to "2", and then can trigger a stack buer overow in vulnGet.
Forward slicing-based concolic testing.
After getting a crash
input, Micro Fuzzing also outputs the corresponding execution
path, including the input entry point and the sink function call site.
As Listing 3 shows, the entry point is in Line 8, and due to this
slice being stitched by data sharing paradigms, the sink point in
current function
(Line 17). Thus, we perform
concolic testing from Line 8 and check execution path conditions in
Line 17. In this process, the symbolic execution engine collects path
constraints, including the symbolic expression of parameters and
return values from other input data reading functions in Line 9, 10,
and 14. At last, the path conditions (Line 17) contain all these other
input data because they respectively constitute branch conditions
in Line 11, 13, and 16.
Backward slicing-based condition verier.
Although an exe-
cution path constraint could present a specic constraint set that
every input data should satisfy, it still lacks critical information in
two parts: rst, whether the constraints on other input data are
necessary or not, which will bring false negative in bug detection;
second, the size constraint of the object written by the sink function,
which will bring false positive and false negative. Accordingly, we
solve problems in two aspects:
As vulnSet in Listing 3 shows, backward slicing starts from the
sink function in Line 17 and backward tracks the execution path.
By inspecting the execution path condition in the sink function,
we extract constraints that include other input data and locate
corresponding source positions as endpoints of backward slicing
in Line 9, 10, and 14. We invert these constraints and rerun the
symbolic execution individually, checking satisability by sym-
bolic execution from the endpoint of corresponding backward
slicing. If the state could still reach the sink function, the con-
straints are proven to be unnecessary for sink reaching. At last,
we can remove non-essential constraints (Line 11) and contain
necessary conditions (Line 13 and 16).
in Listing 3 shows, backward slicing start from the
sink function in Line 25 and backtracks the execution tree. In
this process, backtracking focuses on the current function scope,
captures any memory handler function related to this written
object, and sets the farthest call site as the ending (Line 23).
At last, symbolic execution starts from the endpoint and solves
constraints of allocation size by leveraging function semantics
of relevant handlers.
We implement the prototype system of SFuzz with around 6,200
lines of Python code, 4,300 lines of C code, and 5,100 lines of Java
code. The taint analysis module and semantic recovery part are
implemented based on Ghidra [
]. The fuzzing engine is built
based on UnicornAFL and Driller [
], and the concolic analyzer is
implemented based on Angr [
]. We extended Driller to make it
work for RTOS images, including re-implementing its trace logger
based on our self-designed RTOS loader to track the execution trace
of the target code snippets. Our system is based on several basic
procedures as follows:
Image Extraction.
We leverage strings embedding in the rmware
to identify the type of RTOS (e.g., VxWorks 5.5.1) and leverage Bin-
Walk to extract the content of the RTOS image. Meanwhile, for
disassembling the content, we use the feature of the machine code
in the image to determine the type of CPU architecture (e.g., MIPS).
Base Address Recognition.
Because many data reference or func-
tion call operations in RTOS systems are dependent on the base
address, and wrong addresses will result in incorrect data references
or control ow jumps. We implemented this part based on the core
idea that only the correct base address can link the most data reference
pointers with the intended targets. The method is proposed in Vx-
hunter [
] and used in some related works, such as FirmXRay [
This module contains two steps to recognize the base address. It
rst identies and extracts the data reference pointers from the sys-
tem; secondly, it matches the absolute address of the data pointers
with the intended targets. It should be claimed that (i) we only use
string pointers to help recognize the based address, which is good
enough (as the result in §5.4 shows); (ii) we implement this method
based on PCode, which is Ghidra’s intermediate representation for
assembly language instructions, instead of the instructions of a
specic architecture. Therefore, it could support more architecture.
Function Semantic Reconstruction.
As explained in §3.1, we
need function semantic to guide the taint analysis and locates the
sensitive snippets. SFuzz mainly recovers the semantic and func-
tionalities of three types of functions: (i) the functions that receive,
parse or share the external input data (i.e., user input); (ii) the sink
functions (e.g., memcpy); (iii) the functions that set or get global
data. We implement four methods to automatically recover the
function semantics of functions and identify sensitive functions.
Symbol File & Log Function
. According to our analysis, some
vendors (e.g., TP-Link and MERCURY) will release the symbol
les that label the name of the functions; meanwhile, the log
SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Table 1: Dataset of device samples.
We selected
device samples from
vendors, including router, rewall, printer, switch and BCI on four ar-
chitectures. Size represents the sum size of the samples collected from the
corresponding vendor before unpacking.
endor Type Series OS # Size Architecture
Firewall TZ/SOHO VxWorks 2 153M MIPS(BE)
RIOCH Printer SP/AcioSP VxWorks 4 41M ARM(LE)
Xerox Printer WC/Phaser VxWorks 4 66M ARM(LE/BE)/MIPS(BE)
CISCO Switch SG VxWorks 1 7M ARM(LE)
Linksys Switch LG VxWorks 1 7M ARM(LE)
Tenda Router AC eCos 7 14M MIPS(LE/BE)
FAST Router FAC/FW eCos 3 4M MIPS(LE)
TP-Link Router WDR VxWorks 6 11M ARM(LE)/MIPS(BE)
D-Link Router DIR eCos 3 3M MIPS(LE/BE)
Vendor* BCI BCI_V1 FreeRTOS 1 2M ARM LE
otal 5 17 3 35 314 4
functions used to output the runtime error are also can be used
to recover the function names. According to our analysis, some
vendors (e.g., TP-Link and MERCURY) retain symbol les that
can label the names of the functions in the rmware. Mean-
while, some vendors use log functions to output the runtime
error, which can also help recover the function names, such as
in the statement
(ostream, "devDiscover:
error, ret = %d", retcode).
Virtual Execution
. Firstly, the method compares the number of
the target function’s arguments and return value with the stan-
dard library functions to nd the potential matching functions,
such as strcpy. Secondly, it allocates memory space, initializes
the state of registers, and sets the initial values of the arguments
for the function. At last, it simulates code in the function body
and determines the matching function by analyzing the value of
output and the memory space the simulation aects. We leverage
this method to recognize the standard library functions, such as
memcpy and printf.
Web Service Semantic
. We leverage the shared strings used
to mark the user input both in the front-end les (e.g., HTML,
PHP, and JavaScript) and back-end les to recover the semantic
of some functions related to the web services. We implemented
this approach based on the method proposed in SaTC [9].
Open source rmware
. Some vendors select open-source RTOS
projects to build their systems, such as eCos and FreeRTOS. For
these types of systems, after identifying their version while pre-
processing the rmware, we can leverage B2SFinder [
] and
some other tools [
] to match the functions in the rmware
with the functions in the open-source projects based on strings,
immediate, and other explicit features embedded in the code.
For evaluation of our approach, we should answer the following
research questions:
Can SFuzz discover real-world vulnerabilities in RTOS of
embedded devices? (§5.1)
Whether each part of SFuzz is necessary for eectively
discovering bugs in RTOS? Compared with state-of-the-art tools,
how does our tool perform? (§5.2 and §5.3)
Is SFuzz accurate and ecient for vulnerability discovery
in each step? (§5.4)
Table 2: Experiment congurations.
indicates feature enabled;
means feature disabled.
represents function call Instruction,
CBranch represents conditional branch.
Coverage-Guided Symbolic Handler for Handler for
Fuzzing Execution FuncCall CBranch
As shown in Table 1, we collected 35 rmware samples
from 17 series in 11 vendors. These devices cover three RTOS types
and supply various services, including 23 routers, seven printers,
two rewalls, two switches, and one BCI (Brain-Computer Inter-
face). Among these samples, seven devices adopt the MIPS-BE
architecture, 13 adopt the MIPS-LE architecture, and one adopts
the ARM-BE architecture, while the other 14 use the ARM-LE ar-
chitecture. On average, each rmware is 9 megabytes, and SFuzz
processed up to 314 megabytes in total.
Environment Setup.
Our experiments run on a Ubuntu 18.04
host with a RAM of 256 GB and a 32-core Intel Xeon Processor
of 2.4 GHz. Especially, we set the time limit for the fuzzing part
of each experiment to be six hours when handling one data entry
point and operated each experiment with one CPU core. According
to our observation, none of the experiments could nd new paths
or crashes after this timeline.
Experiments Design.
To answer the
, we design ve experi-
ments that test the selected RTOS with dierent congurations, as
shown in Table 2. SFuzz is a full-featured fuzzer, which utilizes the
handler for function calls and conditional jump instructions, and
the symbolic execution engine to boost the fuzzer. SFuzz-Handler
does not use the control ow node handler (§3.2) to process the
critical nodes related to control ow. SFuzz-FHandler only handles
the conditional branch statements, while SFuzz-CHandler merely
handles the function call instructions. The last experiment is con-
ducted using the existing state-of-the-art fuzzer for code fragments,
], and we improved its program loader to make it
work for various RTOS rmware in our dataset. Note that the vanilla
greybox fuzzer (e.g., UnicornAFL) and other methods (e.g., SFuzz)
are deployed on the same original execution tree
from the begin-
ning point. Then, each method applies tailored strategies according
to their respective principles.
Bug Conrmation.
Each alert produced by SFuzz contains a
unique crash input from the source point and symbolic expressions
for the path constraint, which may include other data sources or
global variables. We manually veried each alert, and only it can
result in a real bug we consider it is a vulnerability.
5.1 Real-world Vulnerabilities
SFuzz found 77 new bugs
in 20 rmware samples of dierent
devices, including router, printer, rewall, and BCI. By the time of
submission, 68 of them have been conrmed by the vendors, and
All paths that begin from an external data entry point (i.e., an instruction) in the
target RTOS form one original execution tree.
All bugs are listed at https://github.com/NSSL-SJTU/SFuzz/blob/main/rw_vuls.md.
CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Libo Chen et al.
Web Parser
NVRAM Handler
JSON Parser
Socket Handler
Config File Parser
Event Parser
Env Handler
Bug Number
7 7
1 1
(a) Types of Input Receiving Points
Local Server
1 1
(b) Types of Service Protocols
Figure 3: Statistics of Input Receiving Points types and Service Pro-
tocols types corresponding to the real-world vulnerabilities.
67 have been assigned CVE or CNVD IDs (46 CVE and 21 CNVD,
64 are high severity); 9 bugs are still waiting for responses from the
vendors. Figure 3 shows the types of data receiving points and tasks
of the snippets corresponding to these bugs. In detail, these bugs
exist in many dierent tasks, such as HTTP, UDP, and Bluetooth.
Moreover, the input data comes from several data sources, such as
Web parser, NVRAM handler, and Socket handler. Additionally, we
list detailed case studies of revealed bugs in our dataset
5.2 Comparison with Existing Methods
To understand the contribution of SFuzz’s every component for
fuzzing result and performance, and analyze the actual performance
of our tool compared to other "similar" tools, we design this experi-
ment. Because all these works cannot be directly applied to RTOSes
and are dicult to migrate to RTOSes, we simulate these works, as
experiment setup part shows. The strategies used in SFuzz-FHandler
are a superset of the strategies used in T-Fuzz [
], and T-Fuzz is
not entirely open-source and cannot be used on code snippets of
RTOS. Hence, here we use SFuzz-FHandler to represent T-Fuzz.
Meanwhile, SFuzz-Handler equals to a version of Driller [
] for
code fragment execution. We feed all these tools with the same
execution trees collected from ve devices and start them from the
same source points that read the data package. According to the
experiments on ve tools, we compare their performance in three
aspects: eectiveness, stability, and eciency.
As shown in Table 3, all 5 tools can nd vulnerabil-
ities in real devices to a certain extent, ranging from 4 to 34. Both
UnicornAFL and SFuzz-Handler can only nd bugs from 4 execu-
tion trees, and they only explored 1,390 and 1,366 execution paths.
When we applied
patch on the basis of SFuzz-Handler
(i.e., SFuzz-FHandler or T-Fuzz), we can see that although the num-
ber of explored paths has increased by 149% to 3,397, the actual
number of bugs that can be found is basically the same. When we
patch on the basis of SFuzz-Handler (i.e., SFuzz-
CHandler), although path exploration only increased by 23%, 17
bugs were found on 19 execution trees. Our complete method com-
bines the above modes and can nally trigger up to 134 unique
crashes on 105 execution trees on 5 models and discover 34 bugs.
And SFuzz outperforms all compared tools.
Table 3: Compared with other tools. #Path
represents the number of
paths that can be discovered by each tool.
represents the number
of the execution trees that contain crashes.
represents the
number of inputs resulting in unique crashes.
represents the number
of real-world bugs that can be discovered.
de Device #Path #ExecTree #CrashInput #Bug
enda AC11
269 3 3 3
206 0 0 0
26 0 0 0
838 0 0 0
MERCURY_M6G 51 1 2 1
otal 1,390 4 5 4
enda AC11
269 3 3 3
211 0 0 0
26 0 0 0
814 0 0 0
MERCURY_M6G 46 1 3 1
otal 1,366 4 6 4
enda AC11
1,629 4 5 4
462 0 0 0
120 1 6 1
1,149 0 0 0
MERCURY_M6G 37 1 4 1
otal 3,397 6 15 6
enda AC11
409 15 18 13
234 2 5 2
25 0 0 0
947 1 1 1
MERCURY_M6G 64 1 3 1
otal 1,679 19 27 17
enda AC11
1,841 34 46 25
754 19 19 2
141 1 6 2
1,364 46 57 3
MERCURY_M6G 79 5 6 2
otal 4,179 105 134 34
To compare the stability among these tools, we inspect
the successful simulation ratio among all fuzzing executions on ve
devices. As shown in the results
, dierent devices have dierent
stability variations among tools, but we still nd that FHandler (han-
dles the function call instructions) improves the stability greatly. In
detail, the stability of Tenda AC11 has increased from 6.02% (SFuzz-
Handler) to 97.69% (SFuzz-CHandler), and TP-Link WDR7660 has
increased from 27.98% (SFuzz-Handler) to 64.62% (SFuzz-CHandler).
On the other hand, CHandler (handles the conditional branches)
brings some lightly adverse eects. Thus, SFuzz applies both FHan-
dler and CHandler and can maintain satisfactory stability.
When checking time consumption in these ve tools,
we nd that the more complicated methods are applied, the more
time is spent on testing. The experiment result
demonstrates the
average fuzzing time dierent tools spend on each device. In detail,
UnicornAFL, SFuzz-Handler, SFuzz-FHandler, SFuzz-CHandler, and
SFuzz take 293s, 723s, 909s, 1,006s, and 1,049s on average in fuzz
testing on one execution tree of one device, respectively. It shows
that SFuzz spends more time but maintains an acceptable range.
SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Table 4: Compared with traditional symbolic execution.
SE means
symbolic execution tool, SE+Handler represents the combination of sym-
bolic execution tool and control ow node handler.
osure (TTE)
SFuzz SE SE+Handler
enda AC11
CVE-2021-31755 7min42s 42min15s 18min44s
CVE-2021-31756 44min08s
CVE-2021-31757 1min42s 8min35s 6min09s
CVE-2021-31758 40min42s 87min21s
CVE-2021-32180 4min21s 19min19s
CVE-2021-32181 45min25s
CVE-2021-32186 16min13s 243min14s 130min12s
CVE-2021-32187 45min28s
CVE-2021-32188 54min56s
CVE-2021-32189 40min05s 141min51s
CVE-2021-32190 44min30s
CVE-2021-32191 3min18s 28min31s 11min07s
CVE-2021-32192 32min57s 81min05s
CVE-2021-34100 33min03s 62min04s
CVE-2021-34102 59min41s
orted Issue 1
orted Issue 2
orted Issue 3
8min19s 29min28s
orted Issue 4
orted Issue 5
7min37s 38min14s 19min55s
orted Issue 6
27min33s 50min51s
orted Issue 7
7min48s 12min20s
orted Issue 8
orted Issue 9
2,484 491 389
CVE-2020-28877 26min45s 190min57s
26min18s 217min20s
235 40 83
SP 221
10min12s 178min12s 97min04s
122 95 38
CVE-2021-33374 43min45s 142min20s
4min36s 212min53s 16min05s
815 143 411
16min11s 226min24s 46min54s
53 107 72
5.3 Comparison with Symbolic Execution
We conduct comprehensive experiments to compare SFuzz with
traditional symbolic execution (SE) techniques. Since no existing
SE tools can directly test RTOSes, we implement a prototype by
ourselves based on Angr [
], a popular and well-maintained SE
tool. We list the results in Table 4. The result shows that the slicing
method signicantly boosts the eciency of bug discovery. We also
add the Control Flow Nodes Handler of SFuzz to the SE tool. The
result shows that the handler can boost the performance of SE on
bug discovery and path exploration.
Bug number.
SFuzz can nd 34 bugs in ve vendors’ samples.
Symbolic execution (SE) only reveals eight bugs. With the help of
the Control Flow Nodes Handler, SE+Handler can discover 19 bugs.
SFuzz reveals bugs in a shorter time than the
other methods. For Tenda samples, SFuzz reveals one bug in 33
mins, SE+Handler takes 52 mins, and SE needs 72 mins; For TP-
Link, SFuzz discovers one bug in 27 mins, SE+Handler takes 204
mins, and SE cannot nd any bug; For RICOH samples, SFuzz reveals
one bug in 16 mins, SE+Handler takes 97 mins, and SE needs 178
mins; For FAST, SFuzz nds one bug in 27 mins, SE+Handler takes
79 mins, and SE needs 213 mins; For MERCURY, SFuzz nds one
bug in 38 mins, SE+Handler takes 47 mins, and SE needs 226 mins.
Path exploration.
Our slicing method helps fetch more paths
than others and is more suitable in the fuzzing scenario than in
symbolic execution. For Tenda samples, SFuzz can explore 2,484,
SE+Handler executes 389, and SE runs 491 paths; For TP-Link,
SFuzz can explore 235, SE+Handler performs 83, and SE only runs
40 paths; For RICOH, SFuzz can explore 122, SE+Handler runs 38,
and SE runs 95; For Fast, SFuzz can explore 815, SE+Handler runs
411, and SE only executes 143; For MERCURY, SFuzz can explore
53, SE+Handler runs 72, and SE runs 107. In total, SFuzz explores
3,709, SE+Handler executes 993, and SE only runs 876 paths in
these samples. It should be noted that SFuzz runs fewer paths in
MERCURY because it gets bugs in quite a shorter time than others.
5.4 Accuracy and Eciency
In this section, we evaluate the accuracy and eciency of each part
of SFuzz, including Forward Slicer (i.e., Semantic Reconstruction
and Forward Slicing), Micro Fuzzing, and Concolic Analyzer.
Semantic Reconstruction.
Among our dataset, 31 samples can
be analyzed by SFuzz. The base address recognition model can cor-
rectly recognize the base addresses of 25 rmware samples. And
six models (FAST FW325R, FAST FW313R, MERCURY MW325R,
TP-Link WDR5660, Tenda AC5, and Tenda AC6V2) cannot be rec-
ognized automatically, and their base addresses are determined
by manual analysis. Through verication using symbol tables and
manual eort, we found that most of the semantics automatically
recovered by SFuzz are accurate, and the cross-validation accuracy
rate is more than 90%. In detail, the semantics of seven models were
recovered via the symbol le recovery method. The web service
semantic recovery method recognized the semantics of web input
functions of seven Tenda devices. The virtual execution method can
be used to restore the semantics of 24 samples. Eight models use
the log function patterns to restore their function semantics. Espe-
cially in RICOH-SP330 (a printer), SFuzz nds only one user-input
data reading function (i.e.,
). Hence it only extracts one
corresponding sensitive call graph. Additionally, we present a list
of all revealed Input Sources and Sink Functions in our dataset
Forward Slicer.
To understand the accuracy of the slicing method,
we need to check whether this method leads to missing sensitive
data-ow inuence based on global variables, which are referenced
in the scope of patched functions handled by the control ow code
handler. Thus, we measure the possible impact on the data ow
and control ow, and specically, we count how much the patched
function can aect the input data and branch conditions through
global variables. Finally, we count each proportion to the patched
functions. As shown in Table 6, the two ratios in these models all
maintain a low range (4.67% and 4.33%), meaning the possibility of
sensitive data-ow leakage through global variables is sustainable.
To review the eciency of the slicing method, we need to com-
pare the size of our slices with the entire binary and check how
many function call instructions and condition branches are handled
in our slices, and in these handled positions, how many sites will be
CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Libo Chen et al.
Table 5: Performance of the static analysis part. #CG
represents the number of input-related call graphs.
represents the ratio of the number
of functions in the call graphs to the total functions.
represents the proportion of the function call instructions handled by SFuzz in call graphs.
represents the proportion of the condition branches handled by SFuzz in call graphs.
represents the proportion of the function call
instructions (handled by SFuzz) triggered in fuzzing.
represents the proportion of the condition branches (handled by SFuzz) triggered in fuzzing.
endor Model #CG Rate.Func Rate.Call Rate.CJmp TRate.Call TRate.CJmp Time
DIR100 8 1%(34/2507) 84%(158/188) 20%(39/197) 29%(46/158) 14%(1/7) 22.4
D-Link DIR613 62 6%(227/4059) 95%(7853/8269) 6%(299/5302) 12%(943/7853) 13%(6/45) 3304.7
FAST FAC1200R_Q 71 3%(307/9719) 74%(2559/3449) 50%(1054/2116) 30%(766/2559) 13%(58/437) 945.9
MERCURY M6G 7 1%(138/11588) 76%(613/806) 24%(173/720) 9%(58/613) 7%(8/120) 309.4
RICOH SP 221 6 2%(421/19134) 65%(1497/2313) 27%(732/2718) 2%(30/1497) 0%(0/59) 910.3
RICOH SP 330 1 0%(27/36112) 87%(65/75) 12%(6/49) 22%(14/65) 0%(0/2) 31
TP-Link WDR7660 27 2%(151/9425) 90%(1078/1196) 44%(304/684) 10%(112/1078) 15%(15/100) 2459.8
TP-Link WDR7661 26 2%(144/9152) 90%(1048/1159) 44%(291/662) 11%(120/1048) 16%(15/94) 2411.5
Tenda AC6V2 44 2%(156/7164) 94%(4416/4685) 9%(216/2411) 33%(1446/4416) 29%(16/56) 789.8
Tenda AC8 42 2%(150/8531) 95%(4304/4550) 9%(202/2301) 41%(1750/4304) 22%(12/55) 641
Tenda AC11 42 2%(156/8554) 95%(4443/4697) 9%(210/2402) 37%(1642/4443) 22%(13/58) 976.5
verage - 31 1.52% 89.32% 18.02% 24.71% 13.94% 1163.8
Table 6: Data-ow inuence of global variables. #Input
represents the
num of functions by
patched that can impact input data through
global variables.
represents the num of functions by
patched that can impact condition branches through global variables.
represents the total number of functions by
represents the proportion of patched functions that impact in-
put data to all patched functions.
represents the proportion of
patched functions that impact branch conditions to all patched functions.
endor Model
# Rate.
Branch Patched Input Branch
0 0 158 0% 0%
DIR613 14 9 7,853 0% 0%
FAST FAC1200R 216 200 2,559 8% 8%
MERCURY M6G 115 115 613 19% 19%
SP 221 52 47 1,497 3% 3%
SP 3500SF 14 14 301 5% 5%
WDR7660 64 52 1,078 6% 5%
WDR7661 63 51 1,048 6% 5%
AC6V2 59 51 4,416 1% 1%
AC8 54 47 4,304 1% 1%
AC11 61 53 4,443 1% 1%
verage - - - - 4.67% 4.33%
triggered in the following fuzzing process. As shown in Table 5, the
ratio of the number of functions in the sliced call graphs to the total
functions is 1.52% on average. Thus, it shows that our slices are small
enough to save analysis eort. In these call graphs, the proportion
of the function call instructions and condition branches handled
is 89.32% and 18.02% on average. Moreover, 24.71% and 13.9% of
handled call instructions and condition branches are triggered in
the subsequent fuzzing process. Thus, it proves these pruned sites
are necessary and indeed make eorts in the following process.
Micro Fuzzing.
In Table 7, the Forward Slicer of our tool can nd
340 unique execution trees that could introduce bugs among 11
dierent models. The Micro Fuzzing engine identies 245 vulnerable
sink functions and constructs crash inputs corresponding to these
potential bugs. The average analysis time on one execution tree
varies from less than 7 minutes to over half an hour. And the total
Table 7: The result of Micro Fuzzing. #Tree
represents the number of
execution trees which are found by the Forward Slicer.
the number of vulnerable sink function call sites identied by Micro Fuzzing.
represents the average time Micro fuzzing spends on one execution
Total Time
represents the total time Micro fuzzing spends on one
Total Paths
represents the number of all explored execution paths.
endor Model #Tree #VSink
8 7 658.75 5,270.00 108
DIR613 62 43 668.48 41,446.00 721
FAST FAC1200R 71 46 1,069.97 75,968.00 756
MERCURY M6G 7 5 494.86 3,464.00 34
SP221 6 1 454.17 2,725.00 98
SP330 1 1 1,244.00 1,244.00 20
WDR7660 29 19 2,075.34 60,185.00 2,640
WDR7661 28 19 2,175.23 56,556.00 2192
AC6V2 44 34 674.86 24,970.00 1,062
AC8 42 34 1,034.39 39,307.00 1,398
AC11 42 36 1,150.93 48,339.00 1,841
otal - 340 245 - 359,474 10,870
analysis time for one model ranges from 20 minutes to 21 hours,
depending on the complexity of the execution trees to explore.
Concolic Analyzer.
Micro Fuzzing module ignores other input
data that may inuence the execution path of bugs, and the patched
control ow nodes may aect inputs we mutate. Thus, the number
of unique crashes acquired from fuzzing in sink function call sites
is often larger than real bugs. As shown in Table 8, SFuzz can nd
115 alerts in 302 unique crashes and capture 67 other inputs in
PoC results. By manual eort, we locate 16 false-positive cases
among these alerts and eight false-negative cases that SFuzz cannot
reveal. Due to page restrictions, we present the reason and how
to determine these cases on Github
. Finally, SFuzz can discover
99 real bugs (One bug may exist in multiple devices of one vendor.
Thus, the sum of unique bugs is 69—precisely, three duplicates in D-
Link, two duplicates in RICOH, and 25 duplicates in Tenda) among
107 bugs of these devices (the unique bugs count is 75).
SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Table 8: The result of Concolic Analyzer. #CI
represents the unique
crash inputs found by Micro Fuzzing.
represents the number of other
inputs in PoC results.
represents the bug number veried by Concolic
represents the number of false-positive cases.
the number of false-negative cases.
represents the number of real
bugs. Avg.Time represents the average time spent on concolic testing.
endor Model
# Avg.
Alert OI FP FN Bugs Time(s)
7 6 0 2 1 5 36.86
DIR613 43 22 6 9 0 13 294.02
FAST FAC1200R 57 3 11 0 1 4 776.66
MERCURY M6G 6 3 0 1 1 3 73.25
SP221 6 2 0 0 0 2 181.00
SP330 18 2 0 0 0 2 635.00
WDR7660 19 2 0 0 0 2 2,226.84
WDR7661 20 1 0 0 0 1 2,240.00
AC6V2 39 22 14 2 1 21 264.82
AC8 41 26 20 1 2 27 712.31
AC11 46 26 16 1 2 27 661.91
otal - 302 115 67 16 8 107 -
RTOS Security.
Armis Labs [
] reveals critical zero-days that can
remotely compromise the most popular real-time OS, Vxworks [
and demonstrates how to take over an entire factory by leveraging
these discovered vulnerabilities [
]. Zhu et al. [
] introduce how
to nd vulnerabilities with fuzzing and debugging VxWorks devices.
However, current methods are not generic and rely on equipment
for debugging [45] or need heavy labor for manual analysis [33].
Symbolic Execution.
Under-constrained symbolic execution [
and compositional symbolic execution [
] can analyze programs
in the UNIX operating system, such as UC-KLEE [
], RWSet [
and their improved methods [
]. They identify critical data
(e.g., Read&Write Sets [
], Relevant Location Set [
]) that aect
reachability to new code, and detect and eliminate redundant states
and paths when exploring code space. Our slicing method prunes
paths based on whether the current function is related to handling
the external input or not. Exploring these irrelevant functions does
not help bug discovery, but may make the instruction emulation fail
or make the testing stuck. Therefore, eliminating paths in SFuzz is
designed to boot fuzzing in RTOS and independent of these works
in principle and target. UC-KLEE [
] performs a function-scope
analysis and suers from missing inter-procedural data ow. More-
over, these advanced approaches [
] are all designed for
checking source code or IR, which are popular at full-edged OS but
scarce at RTOS. Thus, these methods need massive eort for scal-
ing on the binary of RTOS and have high computation complexity
when running on low-level instructions. Note that SFuzz performs
the symbolic execution based on symbolizing concrete inputs no
matter in the Micro Fuzzing engine and Concolic Analyzer module.
Thus, they iterate branches in a path triggered by this concrete
value (e.g., crash input) and mitigate the path explosion problem.
Greybox Fuzzing & Dynamic testing.
] proposes di-
rected greybox fuzzing, which makes a fuzzer generate inputs to
eciently reach a given set of target program locations (i.e., vul-
nerable functions). Hawkeye [
] evaluates exercised seeds based
on static information and the execution traces to generate the dy-
namic metrics, which help Hawkeye achieve better performance
to touch the target sites. However, directed fuzzing aims to reach
sensitive locations, regardless of roadblocks in execution paths that
hinder ecient fuzzing and steady emulation in RTOS. Similarly,
IntelliDroid [39] can directly generate inputs that trigger targeted
Android APIs as an over-approximation for malicious behaviors
and allow the dynamic analysis to decide whether they are mali-
cious. However, it must work with full-system dynamic analysis
tools (e.g., TaintDroid), which is hard to be satised in RTOS. HAR-
] integrates program slicing with dynamic execution to
automatically extract runtime values from highly obfuscated An-
droid malware. These advanced testing methodologies work well
on full-edged OS. However, due to the lack of a stable system-wide
emulation solution for RTOS, they can not succeed without a grey-
box environment for inspecting the context of the target program
on the y. Note that our slicing determines a coarse scope of the
tainted data and tailors roadblocks that hinder ecient fuzzing and
steady emulation in the RTOS binary. They make the subsequent
fuzzing process work uently and eectively on code snippets in
terms of instruction ow without a system-wide emulation. Ap-
plying the directed fuzzing strategies may improve eciency, and
we will integrate them in future work.
Code Fragment Execution.
Several methods have been proposed
to directly test vulnerable functions hidden in the "deep" code.
Ispoglou et al. [
] present a tool FuzzGen that can automatically
synthesize fuzzers for triggering deep code in libraries within a
given environment. However, FuzzGen needs to compile the source
code of the target library and its consumers to infer the library’s
interfaces. Voss [
] designs UnicornAFL that adds the Unicorn-
based test harness to normal AFL. Thus, it can fuzz binary codes
with many CPU architectures, including ARM, X86, etc. However,
UnicornAFL only emulates instructions, cannot emulate peripheral
interaction and inter-procedural scheduling, and usually fails in
executing related instructions (e.g., interrupt) either.
We propose SFuzz, a novel slice-based fuzzing method, to detect
security vulnerabilities in RTOS. Based on the insight that an RTOS
monolithic system can be split into meaningful code slices, SFuzz
leverages forward slicing to construct a tailored execution tree
that is small enough to drive greybox fuzzing on the emulator
and utilizes forward and backward slicing to perform concolic
testing to verify unique crashes from fuzzing. SFuzz has successfully
discovered 77 zero-day software vulnerabilities in 20 RTOS devices,
and 67 have been assigned CVE or CNVD IDs. Our evaluation result
shows that each part of SFuzz helps it outperform the state-of-the-
art tools (e.g., UnicornAFL) in discovering bugs in RTOS.
We thank the anonymous reviewers of this work for their helpful
feedback. This research is supported, in part, by Shandong Provin-
cial Natural Science Foundation under Grant No. ZR2020MF055,
ZR2021LZH007, ZR2020LZH002 and ZR2020QF045, and Science
and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality Research
Program under Grant 20511102002.
CCS ’22, November 7–11, 2022, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Libo Chen et al.
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