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DBS-Based Education and the Role of the Teacher DBS-Based Education and the Role of the Teacher
James Emal
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Antonio Ruiz
Racal Data Group, Sunrise, Florida, US
Miriam J. Masullo
IBM Research Division Yorktown Heights, NY
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Emal, James; Ruiz, Antonio; and Masullo, Miriam J., "DBS-Based Education and the Role of the Teacher"
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DBS-Based Education and the Role of the Teacher
Dr. James Emal
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska, US
Dr. Antonio Ruiz
Racal Data Group,
Sunrise, Florida, US
Dr. Miriam J. Masullo
IBM Research Division
Yorktown Heights, NY
UNESCO/OPEN UNIVERSITY International Colloquium
Virtual Learning Environments and the Role of the Teacher
Milton Keynes, UK
27-29 April 1997
This paper describes how a broadcast education infrastructure can be used to access a digital
library of K-12 content. Technical references to prior research and development done in support
of this concept are provided. The main goal of this paper is to relate those concepts and
technical developments to a solution that emphasizes the role of the teacher. The framework for
this solution, EduPort/DBS, attempts to bring tools and technical options to bear on a system for
education infrastructure.
There are many questions regarding the quality and value of what is learned from television, but
there is no question that television is a widespread, visual, virtual, and powerful learning
environment. In the Middle East, for example the number of households that have TVs was
estimated in a recent survey to be 50 million. Doordarshan, which means television in Hindi,
India's state-run broadcaster, accounted for $3.57 billion of TV revenue last year, according to
the Indian Market Research Bureau. The cable explosion that began only five years ago is
acclimating subscribers in leaps of million, in a nation of 920 million people. The success of
television in developing countries shows an acceptance rate similar to what has been
experienced in North America. People everywhere accept, like, and enjoy television.
Behind the success of television, as an information medium, lies a very powerful concept for
network infrastructure: the broadcast model. Deployed as a broadcast infrastructure for the
dissemination of information, "television" can be leveraged to address the serious problem of
global education. But, the number of educational approaches deployed, mostly analog
broadcasts and live video has limited effectiveness over the use of satellites. More importantly,
the effectiveness of any educational environment is limited by the role that the teacher can play
in it. Until now, the teacher has played a very insignificant, if any, role in the use of television as
an educational tool. Certainly the teacher has no explicit control over television broadcasts,
possibly no input at all.
Taking advantage of new opportunities offered by Digital Broadcast Satellite (DBS) solutions, a
new global education infrastructure can involve the teacher much more and in critical roles. A
new broadcast system (for equity access) coupled with a complementary information
organization model and guided in its use by teachers (for content convergence) can become a
powerful and efficient, universal and global educational force, that can be deployed at moderate
cost, and can reach remote locations with or without coupling with the Internet [1]. This system
can provide true equity access and quality. Again, more importantly, is the fact that such a
system may depend on the teacher’s ability to guide content convergence, more than on the
teacher’s ability to teach.
While the teacher has been the trusted vehicle for learning, a fundamental concern held by
many, is that we cannot trust technology to be a vehicle for learning. Technology is equally not a
vehicle for equitable distribution of educational resources and opportunities, in fact, a more
recent but equally profound concern, is that technology can have a very differential effect on
educational opportunity: the new class of have and have-not set of issues. Public policy
recommendations have emerged along side the new waves of technologies as a requirement for
equity access [2]. One problem is that solutions that can satisfy the goals of public policy for
equitable distribution of educational resources have not been forthcoming. It is good to demand
connectivity, but connectivity, as currently advocated, will always tend to be differential. Even if
the connectivity problem is resolved, the problem of actually learning over a network must still be
conquered. That problem, we believe, is not in the educational resources or the delivery
mechanism, but in how to converge on the benefits of specific educational content via some
educational process. It should not be ignored that the convergence factor has in the past been
attained with the aid of a teacher.
Basic Options
Given the various, feasible technology-based opportunities for distribution of content, and for the
building of education infrastructure, how can a least common denominator be found to exploit all
of them in a complementary fashion? This would certainly reduce teacher training, and improve
on equity access for students. The blackboard has been such a common tool for all teachers,
over all time, anywhere in the world. Can a technology tool become as pervasive, indispensable,
and as universally intuitive to use: a tool of the trade? The television, as a teacher tool not a
teaching tool, has just that potential. Currently three approaches [3] dominate curriculum design
in the digital form, and for the use of educational multimedia:
stand-alone the Internet digital library
Each carries educational advantages and disadvantages. The stand-alone approach is best
exemplified by CD-ROM titles. Contained, localized, limited by copyrights and lack of portability,
this solution cannot be easily combined with the predominant networked direction that
educational technology is following.
The Internet approach, the hallmark of networking, while supportive of many different
educational uses (e.g., communications, collaboration, and content movement) is best
exemplified by the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) when it comes to educational uses. A Web
page can easily compete with any CD-ROM in functionality. Web pages support interactivity,
hyperlinking , and rich media types. The Internet, however, limits the value of the Web because
it is unable to deliver, at any level of classroom practicality, rich media, for example, video,
complex graphics, animation, simulations, and virtual worlds. Interactivity and hyperlinking, like
rich media types, are also severely limited by the slow bandwidth of the Internet. It is not the
form and function of the Web, but Internet delivery of Web pages that is limiting.
These presumably effective computer-based educational "opportunities" or features (i.e., rich
media, hyperlinking, interactivity) can then best deployed stand-alone in dedicated
environments, captured in CD-ROM form for portability, or downloaded for reserved use. Then,
again, continuity and sustainability are impacted by the deficiencies of both the stand-alone and
Internet approaches. It is not possible to provide all the features (as in a CD-ROM), and the
networking with either one approach, in any useful fashion, to support curriculum for 13 years in
every subject area, every day of the school year. Teachers could not, and do not, depend on
either approach for accountability to curriculum. The problem is not only poor and insufficient
connectivity, but also insufficiency of enabled content.
Digital library, on the other hand, in its purest form, addresses the need to more effectively
harness content. The atoms to bits metaphor [4] captures the essence of this "new", or newly
redefined approach. By representing (capturing or encoding) content in digital form we create
more opportunities for finding it and transporting it. By separating digital content from the tools
that are used to manipulate it we create more opportunities for using it and learning from it.
Research and commercial initiatives in digital library integrate with both the Internet and a suite
of technology hardware and software tools. Yet, the definition of digital library is still subject to
interpretation, making it difficult to decide how to apply the approach systematically to any
One possible definition consistent with the atoms to bits metaphor is that of a library of digital
objects representing physical media. Such a resource, where content is separate from context,
and from packaging, is the first step in being able to achieving convergence over the value of
content. Another way to define a digital library, as a virtual library, a library without walls, adds
potential to the value of the approach for equity access. Deployment, whether local or regional,
over the Internet or as broadcast solution, of a true digital library for education, is a step towards
enhanced teacher participation in the application of the technologies. How digital library
enhances the role of the teacher is a question related to the use of content.
Role of the teacher
Because of all the many available options (within the established approaches) for teaching and
learning with technology, a great deal of emphasis is being placed on teacher training. Perhaps
the reason why it is so necessary to train teachers in the use of educational technology is
because teachers do not participate in the design and development of the technologies
themselves, or in the development of applications of the technologies. While developing
interactive multimedia courseware is beyond the capabilities and possibilities for most teachers,
selecting, compiling and converging on the use of content is not, teachers do that routinely.
Facilitating that task with the use of technology, with a digital library, should be an improvement,
not an added burden, and should require minimum training. And, facilitating that task should also
enhance, rather than diminish, the role of the teacher.
Secondly, while content application is part of an accepted role for a teacher, curriculum design is
not. Most teachers are not curriculum design theorists, anymore than they are multimedia
programmers. Typically teachers follow a curriculum, but they do not design it. Equally, teachers
use content but, for the most part, do not create it. Teachers are not engaged in the design and
development of curriculum or content, they are engaged in teaching, something that computers
and communications need not redefine, only support.
A digital library, stocked with content that has been well indexed with respect to curriculum goals
and standards, can be a valuable resource for any teacher. Giving the teachers an avenue for
annotating that content with respect to classroom use would make it richer and more valuable to
all, it would also extend the role of the teacher beyond a particular classroom, the best form of
distance education. The role of the teacher in the digital world is most critical for the purpose of
harnessing content.
Nature of the solution
Most technology-based education carried out today gravitates around CD-ROMs, the Web, and
the Internet (e.g., connectivity via modems to schools, and e-mail). The most basic questions
that have been raised and explored [5] relating to the "big problems" that would be addressed by
these solutions are:
improved learning accessibility cost
The reality is that these technology driven solutions still do not provide equal access to
educational content over the largest possible population of students, cost effectively. The
problem of impact is more profound. Before CD-ROMS, the Web and the Internet, the
educational communities were already bewildered and confused by technology [6], the impact
has been an unknown. Today, answering questions of impact remains a dangerous speculation.
In the meantime while accessibility has increased without established results [7], so has cost.
A new content infrastructure, based on the digital library approach, to capitalize on the broadcast
medium is possible. Such a solution has been proposed to address problems of educational
quality and equity, for large regions of the world [8], in particular for geographically remote and
underprivileged regions. It is possible to provide access to specially prepared or enabled content
over a satellite infrastructure, thus in the absence of a wired infrastructure, and provide access
with a device as simple as a digital settop box, thus in the absence of a PC, and with interactivity
even in the absence of a return channel.
The global reach of the solution makes it suitable for the home, the school, and the library for
delivery over settop boxes or PCs. Since the solution is regionally oriented, because of the
nature of the DBS medium, it is best deployed as curriculum oriented, over a broad base of
"globally" useful content. That is, usage commonality in terms of educational standards,
language, and geography, bind together the deliverable content. Expert focus for choosing these
sets of global parameters is suitable for centralization of services, consistent with the broadcast
service model. The receiving environment, under the guidance of the teacher, makes the
solution suitable for decision making with respect to content, and facilitation with respect to the
use of content or more precisely the usage parameters: how specific content is grouped together
and how it is used.
Some fundamentals
The Internet brings together three major constituting elements:
1. A network to which most people attach via telephone modems
2. A set of de-facto standards (HTTP, HTML, TCP/IP, browsers, etc.)
3. A vast amount of content mostly embodied in the form of WWW home pages
The Internet is used in its mostly point-to-point connectivity, to request information, to browse the
Web, and to send and receive e-mail.
Now let's consider the fundamentals of the educational process. The educational process is
made up of the following:
A curriculum that deploys content and activities
A teacher or tutor that manages the process
A set of lectures, drill and practice, homework, hands-on and other activities
A set of evaluation practices that measure if knowledge has been obtained
Interaction is part of every aspect of the educational process, exercised as person to person
directly, or person to machine, or person to person via machine.
Overwhelmingly, we keep coming back to the basics:
An education infrastructure should incorporate all of these elements, including the best possible
facilitation system, ideally technology. Content, in digital library form, can be infused with
knowledge about the other aspects of the educational process.
Several waves of technologies have been used to facilitate education. The mainframe was too
expensive to place in every school, but was certainly used effectively for the administrative
needs of the education infrastructure. We have never stopped putting PCs in the classroom,
even though it has not been determined if and by how much these tools improve education.
More recently multimedia, CD-ROMs, and Internet access, have all been added to the use PCs
in the classroom, creating more uses for the tool.
The reality remains that no matter what tool is used to facilitate education, it is the role of the
teacher that determines how much it is used, and how effective the tool becomes as part of the
educational process. Teacher training is the biggest concern and most advocated way to
improve the use of technology in education. Since the teacher is already part of the process,
does it not make sense to put the teacher in the technology equation, instead of just training the
teacher on how to use technology?
The EduPort/DBS approach
EduPort [9] was designed to use a digital library and to be compatible with the broadcast
medium, combining all the elements of the process, in a more accessible, more cost effective
solution. With a digital library as a tool, content can be made available already infused with
knowledge about the content itself, ways to use it, forms of assessing for new gained
knowledge, examples of how to deploy it, ways to move on, and learning possibilities to move on
to, all the strands of learning. What is learned from the educational process can then be
reflected back in the library, as new content, linked to the process itself. A connection between
process and material can then be made in a sustained, systematic fashion. Aggregation of
content, information, and knowledge can be coordinated, and then shared broadly via an
applicable networked infrastructure. Enabling this resource and making it universal (all forms of
content), and global (as a worldwide tool) is sensible, but is it possible, or feasible?
Such considerations must be made a-priori, with respect to the digital library design decisions.
Regarding global access, those decisions need not be made just for that portion of the world
connected to the Internet. Our initiative was to combine specific applications of digital library with
DBS to come up with an education infrastructure that can work together with the Internet or other
network, or can be deployed stand-alone in a variety of configurations for all access
environments and cost models; and, it can also be simpler to use.
Facilitating the education process
What good is developing the most compelling, media rich and fully interactive CD-ROM if the
vast majority of students in the world will not be able to use it? What is the purpose of tuning
down the experience so that it can be networked over the Internet, if the vast majority of
students around the world are not connected to it? That realization has led to cries by
governments to wire all the schools. The Internet will continue to evolve providing broader
access and greater functionality, and schools will continue to be wired. But that is not unlike the
move to put libraries, telephones, fax machines, and computers in the schools. The real
challenge is how to provide equal access and global reach in a timely and cost effective manner,
while technology evolves, while connectivity is deployed, and while actually achieving
educational benefits.
Digital Broadcast Satellite (DBS), cable and wireless are all networks that can enable broadcast
applications and services. The nature of the medium and the characteristics associated with the
client player or receiving devices (settop box and remote control) do not require explicit control
by the teacher, but do involve guidance relating to the selection of materials. That is, available
materials are scheduled as requested by the teacher for a given timespan during which the
materials are available. These timespans can correspond to curriculum plans, courses, or
geographic locations. Selection would be based on the basis of content convergence with
educational goals and over a general time and place: specific requirements. A digital library that
accommodates these kinds of requests must be engineered for that purpose.
An equitable solution
A Digital Data Broadcast (DDB) solution that delivers to Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) settop
boxes interactive content using the so-called "carousel" model has been proposed [1] as an
equitable solution for education infrastructure. This solution can work in the absence of a return
channel for interactivity, creating "perceived interactivity" by virtue of the speed of the broadcast
transport mechanism. This method capitalizes on the success of DVB or DBS settop boxes,
which can be readily obtained as a consumer items for prices under $400.
The educational DBS solution is based on standard developments such as Digital Video
Broadcast (DVB) and recent deployments of DBS such as DirecTV(TM), DirectPC(TM), and
Echostar/Dish Network. These technologies have created ready access to the services and
applications of broadcasting. For example, the investment required by a school (in the
EduPort/DBS model) can be as low as a single PC. This makes the infrastructure feasible and
physically accessible to students anywhere, even from their homes.
The most important advantage of this solution is that it can be deployed where terrestrial wired
networks are not available, or not likely to become a reality in the foreseeable future. That
permits a developing country, or a rural area in a developed country to use the same digital
content that is being enabled for other solutions, with some reorganization. It also opens widows
of opportunities for inner cities and underprivileged areas that for different reasons are also
outside the connected world of information. While disconnected from the Internet,
underprivileged and rural areas are in touch with the world of broadcast television. This solution
leverages the existence of those technologies, and the existing expertise to use it.
The following are the delivery options available to the combined model:
1. A single stand-alone PC or TV
client with access only to DBS
2. A single PC or TV client with
access to both DBS and the
3. A PC or other Gateway/Server
connected to DBS, which in turn
enables an intranet within the
school to interconnect to a set of
PCs via an intranet or LAN
4. A PC or other Gateway/Server
connected to both DBS and the
Internet, which in turn enables an
intranet within the school to
interconnect to a set of PCs via an
intranet or LAN
Figure 1. Deployment options possible with the integrated Internet/DBS access solution
These options correspond, and are the best combination of the two successful models for
information delivery, DBS as in DirecTV (TM), and the Internet as in today's low-bandwidth
point-to-point connectivity. The socioeconomic implications of combining these models in a
single solution will be massive because it will allow so many more countries to revamp their
education infrastructure. The most important consideration is how to enable content that has
been developed for one or the other access medium.
Details of the Solution
DBS settop boxes are being used today to receive and decode MPEG2 video and audio content.
Prepared content for these settop boxes can be carousels of MPEG I-frames, where each page
of information is placed together with its related navigational hyperlinks, and hot-keys, that is, it
can be interactive. Interactivity without a return channel is achieved by the design of the
carousel, which is cycling (i.e., being repeated) in a very short interval, usually measured in
seconds, and by a compatible organization model to maximize the carousel design. The latency
(response time) is predictable in terms of average and maximum for going from the current page
to the selected page via one of the hot-keys, and that is the number of the page in the
This solution provides that least common denominator that can be implemented for delivery over
satellite, to complement the Internet, where possible, or alone, for maximum flexibility. A school
or home can connect over Ku-band satellite, just like is done in DirecTV(TM) and other DVB
systems, to receive content using a small antenna. The solution also extends to delivery of other
than MPEG I-frame objects, such as HTML objects to PCs, NCs, and gateway servers for
dissemination of prepared content. The teacher becomes a critically important factor in the
solution, because the selection of MPEG objects for broadcast or download must be mediated
by an expert who can make "best decisions", since in the broadcast medium, the choices apply
to large groups.
Since the solution can be deployed as a complement to the Internet, using the Internet as return
channel where possible, selections can be made by interacting with the digital library. It would be
possible to design applications, in a teacher scenario used to facilitate the creation of lesson
plans or curriculum blocks, as described in EduPort [10], that can be delivered as requests on a
playlist. The broadcast would follow the playlist to schedule access and/or download of content.
In the total absence of a return channel, other means, such as telephone or mail
communications would still allow a teacher to have input into the process. If desirable those
selections can be made ahead of time for a given period of time, maybe a school term or
semester. Departures from the scheduled programming can be achieved by making requests,
using any possible mechanism of communication with the broadcasting center.
Elements of the solution
The solution is comprised of four elements as follows:
1. A content creation and enablement complex
2. A broadcast center
3. A broadcast network
4. A set of client receivers
Content creation and enablement complex
This is the most vital and possibly most misunderstood element of the solution, because less
attention is generally given to content enablement compared to connectivity and the
development of isolated software tools. In many instances content enablement is being equated
with the development of WWW home pages, and the assumption is made that all the content
that will ever be needed for education is being put on the Web. In reality, content enablement
should be curriculum driven and should be part of an organized and systematic deployment
effort, with proper guidance from teachers. That is, teachers must participate in the cataloguing
and indexing of content, an aspect of the technology solution that teachers are already trained to
support. This could assume that curriculum remains the same, and that curriculum is not
designed by the teacher, but that new, creative, and relevant ways to apply it are.
On the other hand, curriculum development can be associated with the organization of content.
Curriculum design theory, and curriculum modeling can play an important role in content
enablement for this solution. Within the framework of EduPort a particular curriculum model can
be used to guide the selection of content, to create lesson plans or curriculum blocks [11].
Certainly the WWW home page format can be used as the content and information exchange
standard that it has become; but the Web a generic tool only enables, and does not provide an
organizational scheme for any application domain. The role of the teacher in this solution is not
to create curriculum, but to deploy it and illustrate it with teaching exemplars, and insightful
knowledge. That can be captured in Web pages. But those Web pages must be organized such
that they can reflect curriculum and curriculum models, as it is done with EduPort, so that
knowledge can be exchanged along with the content.
The broadcast center complex
After the content is ready for dissemination and broadcast, it is the function of the broadcast
center to schedule, manage, update, monitor, and maintain the broadcasting operation of the
solution. This could be done as a lights out 24 hour a day operation. The operation could also be
remotely connected to the final broadcast facility, which could host a much larger video delivery
center linked to the content enablement center. Almost none or little development of the content
might happen here, the DDB operation could be an extension of the DVB operation at the
broadcasting center. In other cases the broadcasting center and the content enablement center
could be the same facility.
The broadcast network
The preferred network for broadcasting of digital video (DVB-DDB) is satellite. Consumer
oriented deployments such as DirecTV (TM) have been successful gaining more and more
customers and sometimes taking customers away from lower quality analog cable
infrastructures. The most common satellite deployment is the high power Ku-band system that
uses small 18 to 36 inch antennas. Around the world Ku-band transponders can be leased from
satellite infrastructure companies such as Intelsat and PanAmsat. There are vertically integrated
satellite companies such as DirecTV International (DTI), Echostar, Astra, and others with
transponder licenses that can be leveraged for education infrastructure.
All of the US and most of the areas of all continents are covered by at least one transponder, at
about 27 Mbps per transponder with as high as 33 transponders per satellite slot. It is important
to realize that for linking to the home as another education (home) scenario, it is highly desirable
to have the same dish that brings entertainment also bring this education solution. The reason is
because it is important in the home not to have to reorient the receiving Ku-band antenna. On
the other hand, for the school, the libraries, the community centers, and businesses, for the
classroom scenario, the education infrastructure need not be the same that reaches the home,
but the content from the same organized library should be available for presentation in multiple
user scenarios.
Client receivers for broadcast education infrastructure
The fundamental receiving device is a simple DVB settop box that is mainly an MPEG
demultiplexer with an MPEG decoder, some memory of the graphics capabilities, a simple
runtime environment and operating system, and a processor. This is a consumer item. Within
the possible options cited, the same can be accomplished with PCs, and NCs; and gateway
servers can also play a role for downloading of content. The environment expected in these
devices is HTML decoding browsing capabilities, and HTTP or TCP/IP addressing if necessary.
All of these user environments are geared to the deployment of an education infrastructure that
reaches the home, the school, and other learning centers, coordinating and connecting the
content to the user scenarios: classroom, teacher, and the home.
Nebraska Pilot Project
The prototype tested in Nebraska included all the options of the integrated Internet/DBS solution
as described in Figure 1 and illustrated in Figures 2 & 3.
Figure 2. Elements of the solution combine to provide an integrated system
End-to-End Solution
The end-to-end solution as exemplified in the pilot project in Nebraska involved the production
laboratory resources of the University for video editing and digital development. In addition the
computer systems, otherwise dedicate to IT processing for traditional university operations, were
adapted to create a digital library for post-digital production storage and service. Fundamentally
the university computing resources were used as a serving center for the application, in the
absence of any existing infrastructure for that purpose. Telephone facilities were dedicated from
the local telecommunications carrier to connect this serving center to the local High School were
the content would be accessed by teachers and students. A pilot infrastructure was thus
designed and created by the requirements driven from the EduPort application.
Potentially, such an infrastructure could be used to deliver media services of this kind to State
and local government agencies, business and the university campus itself. In addition the
availability of satellite links and cable would have made it possible to access homes and remote
areas in the State and the nation. All these possibilities were demonstrated by means of
application scenarios demonstrated at the High School. The broadcast scenario was actually
delivered via the satellite and digital receivers. The design goal was to help envision how the
design of the system could take advantage of all delivery resources to create a universal access
solution. This universal access solution is a realistic solution for teachers and students, for use
from school and from home. This solution makes the role of the teacher broader in that by
definition is impacts the home in a very direct and tangible way. Teachers can affect the fabric
of a community via the intervention of technologies that support the role of the teacher, the value
of learning and the goals of the school.
A pilot site in Nebraska
The University of Nebraska is enriched by two organizations that together can provide the
coordination of resources need for a complete EduPort/DBS solution, end-to-end. The Nebraska
Division of Continuing Studies hosts the largest High School in the world with an enrolled class
of 87,000 students. This organization can easily become part of the content enablement
complex. And, Nebraska Educational Television (NETV) with a nationwide transponder footprint
can become the broadcast center complex of the infrastructure and also provide the network for
the infrastructure.
Figure 3. System integration and interoperability provide an open solution
In a recent development NETV converted to DBS advancing the deployment of the pilot, which
until now had been focused on content enablement and hardware deployments for digital library.
More specifically, the content creation and enablement complex at the University of Nebraska is
well advanced and well connected to a large population of wired clients, on the Internet and via
high capacity Intranets, both on campus and out to the schools. With the addition of DBS as a
complement to the wired infrastructure, the potential for creating a statewide or even a national
education infrastructure is rapidly moving towards reality.
The following chart illustrates the Nebraska pilot and it's potential partners. Project EduPort
brought together a vision of interoperability among high schools, universities, state and local
governments, corporations, broadcast media and communication companies. Delivering MPEG
streams from large storage centers of digital libraries via terrestrial networks and most recently
via satellite broadcasts to all Nebraskans is the goal of the University.
Summary and conclusion
The Nebraska Division of Continuing Studies, like many other such institutions around the world,
has confirmed what the United Kingdom Open University first discovered thirty years ago: that it
is possible to educate large numbers of people, at a distance, in a cost effective fashion. Printed
material is still the predominant medium used by both institutions to disseminate content.
Technologies are struggling to improve on that model by enhancing learning with rich media and
interactivity, and by increasing access. Cost effectiveness remains an issue hard to address with
The EduPort/DBS solution presented begins to address the problem with a cost effective model,
without sacrificing the existing learning potential that is associated with rich media and
interactivity, while increasing the access scale by many orders of magnitude. Our efforts, in
collaboration between the University of Nebraska, many content providers, and IBM, have been
in behalf of all students and teachers in the world. This is an attempt to propose, define, and pilot
what we believe is a massive distance learning solution. Special attention has given to the
issues of content as related to the role of the teacher. We see the role of the teacher as a key
element of the solution.
We also believe that the potential of this solution is orders of magnitudes larger than any other
current effort. This solution would support almost complete open enrollment and be replicable
worldwide. Much work is yet needed in terms of deployment; therefore the ideas are presented
openly so that various interpretations can be realized. The technologies are available.
Eventually, collaboration among all seeded projects can be coordinated, perhaps through
UNESCO, an organization that has interest in equity and global education deeply at heart. Such
coordination will speed up impact by many times more than the sum the collaborative parts.
The greatest gift that can be given is the opportunity to learn, because learning is the ultimate
freedom. That gift is at hand.
1. Ruiz, A., Masullo, M.J., "A Universal and Global Education Infrastructure", UNESCO World
Congress Moscow, Russia, July 1996.
2. Gooler, D.D., Defining Education's Role in Telecommunications Policy, Proceedings and
Recommendations, Invitational Working Meeting, Wye Woods Conference Center, October
10-11, 1991.
3. Mack, R., Masullo, M.J., Meyer, J., "Educational Multimedia: Perspectives in Evolution", IBM
Research Report, New York, USA, 1997 (in press).
4. Negroponte, N., <I<>, Knopf, New York, USA, 1995.
5. Davis, G.K., "Higher Education's Big Problems: Can Technology Help Solve Them?",
Keynote address at the semiannual meeting of the Educom National Learning Infrastructure
Initiative, Keystone, Colorado, 1995.
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