The Musical
Music by Michael Gore
Lyrics by Dean Pitchford
Book by Lawrence D. Cohen
Based on the Novel by Stephen King
presented by arrangement with
Concord Theatricals
director's note
Carrie is a story about women. There are male characters to be sure, but
it's a story centered around women and the myriad ways in which they
interact with each other - women on the verge of adulthood, women at
their most vulnerable, women developing a conscious. The original
novel, which debuted in 1974, was Stephen King's first, and he credits
his wife and daughter for assisting him with tapping into the female
pysche. The book reads as dated from a 21st century perspective, from
casual misogyny to the use of overtly racist terms and adjectives. And
yet, the mythology of Carrie lives on, as school and mass shootings
become a weekly occurrence in our culture.
The original production of Carrie: The Musical has a rather dramatic
history; its original production, co-produced by the Royal Shakespeare
Company, premiered 35 years ago this week in Stratford. Shortly
thereafter it transferred to Broadway and opened to horrible reviews
and abruptly closed. For a span of 20-something years it was
considered the biggest Broadway flop of all time, considering money
invested versus money recouped. 2012 brought renewed interest in the
material, which sparked a "revisal" (the libretto underwent major
changes) that premiered Off-Broadway, and the rest is history.
I truly hope you enjoy the show as much as we liked making it. Thank
you for supporting live theatre.
Lormarev Jones, Director
Meredith College Theatre
Carrie The musical
Lormarev Jones
Production stage manager
Music Director
scenic designer
Jeff a.r.
lighting designer
mann Becker
costume designer
technical director
sound engineer
assistant stage manager
Scenic Charge artist
assistant stage manager
props designer
sound Designer
assT. Intimacy coordinator
Intimacy Coordinator
Laura Bess
Fight Choreographer
Jeff A.R.
musical synopsis
act I
Prologue: Interrogation Space
Scene 1: Chamberlain High School
Scene 2: Girls' Locker Room/Guidance Counselor's Office
Scene 3: Streets of Chamberlain/Carries Private World
Scene 3A: Interrogation Space
Scene 4: Town Park
Scene 5: White Bungalow
OPEN YOUR HEART............................................Reverend Bliss, Margaret, Carrie &
AND EVE WAS WEAK......................................................................................Margaret &
Scene 6: Interrogation Space/Chris' House
THE WORLD ACCORDING TO CHRIS...........................Chris, Billy, Sue, Tommy &
Scene: White Bungalow/A Street in Town
EVENING PRAYERS.........................................................................................Carrie &
Scene 8: Fourth Period English Class
Scene 9: Soccer Field/Girls Locker Room
UNSUSPECTING HEARTS...................................................................Miss Gardener &
musical synopsis
act II
Scene 1: Interrogation Space/Courtyard
A NIGHT WE'LL NEVER FORGET.....................................Kids, Sue, Tommy, Chris &
Scene 2: Interrogation Space/School Hallway
Scene 3: Gymnasium
YOU SHINE................................................................................................................Tommy &
Scene 4: Shadows/Carrie's Bedroom
WHY NOT ME?........................................................................................................... Kids &
STAY HERE INSTEAD......................................................................................Margaret &
Scene 5: White Bungalow
Scene 6: The Gym
PROM ARRIVAL..........................................................................................Kids, Tommy &
UNSUSPECTING HEARTS (REPRISE).............................................Carrie & Miss
DREAMER IN DISGUISE (REPRISE)...............................................................Tommy &
CHRIS AND BILLY PROM...............................................................................Chris, Billy &
PROM CLIMAX....................................................................Chris, Billy, Carrie,Tommy &
THE DESTRUCTION.......................................................................................Carrie &
Scene 7: White Bungalow/Shadows
Carrie White*...............................................................................Carolina Gao
Carrie White*.............................................................................Sky Symonds
Margaret White......................................................................Kelsey McCrary
Sue Snell.............................................................................................Kylie Hunt
Chris Hargensen..............................................................Emma K. Johnson
Tommy Ross...................................................................................Justin Fuko
Billy Nolan.....................................................................................Justin Jones
Mrs. Gardener.................................................................SarahElla Trustman
Mr. Stevens/Reverend Bliss...................................................Grayson Fulp
Norma...............................................................................Micaela Deadwyler
Frieda/Margaret Understudy.................................................Noelle Smith
Helen/Sue Understudy...................................................Mackenzie Kotch
George/Mr.Stevens Understudy.................................Thomas Matrejek
Stokes/Tommy Understudy........................................................Carl Staub
Freddy/Billy Understudy.................................................Jackson Morgan
Ensemble/Chris Understudy................................................Autumn Clark
Ensemble/Mrs. Gardener Understudy...........................Alaire Donofrio
Ensemble............................................................................Davi Cunningham
Male Voice........................................................................................WS Brown
Female Voice.................................................................................Becca Blum
*Carolina gao will play the role of "Carrie" on wed. 2/22, fri.
2/24, and The Saturday evening performance *
*sky symonds will play the role of "carrie" on thurs. 2/23, the
saturday matinee, and on sun. 2/26*
Autumn Clark (Ensemble/Chris Understudy) is a
Sophomore, and is so excited to be in Carrie. She’s previously
been in Space Girl (Zlagdorian Chancellor), Everybody (ASM,
Evil), A Grand Night for Singing (Ensemble), and The Wolves
(#2). She’d like to thank her parents and her pets for their
support. Enjoy the show!
Becca Blum (Female Voice) a Meredith Theatre Alum, is
thrilled to be apart of another fun production. Since
graduating in 1995, she’s trodden the boards of theatres
across the triangle, directed productions at several, and most
recently added appearances in commercials, films, and TV
series to her resume. She and her husband, Seth, passed on a
love of acting to their three kids who have already enjoyed
great success. Grateful for family, friends, and art!
WS Brown (Male Voice) is the Director of Events at Meredith.
He has toured nationally with the Acting Company and
internationally with Chuck Davis and the African American
Dance Ensemble. He also taught technical theatre at Enloe
High School and at Meredith College.
Alaire Donofrio (Ensemble/Mrs. Gardener Understudy) is a
Junior Music and Social Work Major. She has been involved
in multiple ensembles and productions at Meredith such as
Meredith Chorale and White Iris Light Opera. In her free time,
she enjoys writing, singing, playing the cello, and having fun
with friends. Buckle up for this harrowing show!
Micaela Deadwyler (Norma) is a Sophomore at Meredith
College. She is Double Majoring in Dance and Theatre with a
Music Concentration. She has previously been in Everybody
and A Grand Night For Singing at Meredith and stage
managed Lilith in Pisces.
Davi Cunningham (Ensemble) is a Freshman
Undergraduate. She is Double Majoring in Theatre with a
Musical Theatre Concentration and English. Her hopes are to
be a stage performer, director, and editor in the future. She
has been in The Wolves (2022) and Oh Kay! (2022) at
Meredith College this academic year, with previous
performance experience in High School. Davi would like to
thank the director and her cast mates for creating such a
wonderful show experience for her this Spring.
Carolina Gao (Carrie White*) is a Senior Double Majoring in
Theatre and Communications. She has previously performed
in Roe (2022), Everybody (2021), and A Grand Night For
Singing (2022) at Meredith College. Carolina would like to
thank the entire creative team for this opportunity, her cats,
her family, and her friends for their support!
Grayson Fulp (Mr. Stevens/Reverend) is a local freelance
artist, aspiring performer, voice actor, stage technician, and
everything in between. He is an NCSU graduate you may
recognize from several University Theatre shows, and this is
his first time working with Meredith College. As always, he is
incredibly grateful for his family’s unwavering support.
Justin Fuko (Tommy Ross) is a Sophomore at Peace
University Majoring in Musical Theatre. Previously he was
seen in Cinderella (2022) as Prince Christopher and Zombie
Prom (2022) as Jonny Warner at Peace. Justin would like to
thank his family and friends for their support and a big shout
out to his boyfriend, John, for pushing him further everyday!
Justin Jones (Billy Nolan) is ecstatic to be a part of his first
show at Meredith College! Hailing from a background of NC
State and community theatre, he is so happy to continue to
explore different programs in the area. Justin praises his
family and friends for encouraging him to be himself. Cheers!
Emma K. Johnson (Chris Hargensen) is a Junior at Meredith
College Majoring in Theatre with a Musical Theatre
Concentration and Minoring in Communications. She has
recently been seen as a Featured Soloist in A Grand Night for
Singing, Black Stache in Peter and the Starcatcher, and
Cinderella in Raleigh Little Theatre’s Cinderella. She would
like to thank her Dog, Kevin (who is very cool) as well as the
rest of her family, friends, and the entire team behind Carrie.
Love to Dad, enjoy the show!
Kylie Hunt (Sue Snell) is a Senior Majoring in Theatre and
Political Science. She was recently in Meredith's production
of The Wolves (#13), and has acted in other shows including
A Grand Night for Singing and Everybody. She's extremely
grateful for the opportunity to perform in this show. She
thanks her friends and family for their support!
Kelsey McCrary (Margaret White) is a Junior Theatre Major
with a Concentration in Musical Theatre. She has previously
performed in The Wolves (#7), Dogfight (Marcy), and Xanadu
(Melpomene). She was also the Stage Manager for Meredith’s
production of Roe in the fall! She would like to thank
Lormarev and the creative team for giving her this
opportunity! Enjoy the show!
Thomas Matrejek (George/Mr. Stephens Understudy) is
excited to be working once again with Lormarev at Meredith
College. This is his third production at Meredith with previous
credits including: Ensemble in A Grand Night for Singing
(2022) and Andy in Company (2019). In the Raleigh area, he
recently performed as Plankton in NRACT's Spongebob The
Musical and Ensemble in RLT's In The Heights. Outside of
performing, Thomas has been a Lighting and Sound
Designer in the area for multiple productions. Shoutout to his
Mom, Dad, Family, and Trish for all their support.
Mackenzie Kotch (Helen/Sue Understudy) is a Sophomore
Chemistry Major who transferred to Meredith this year. She
was in the Ensemble of Roe (2022) and is excited for her first
musical at Meredith.
Noelle Smith (Frieda/Margaret Understudy) is a Junior
here at Meredith College! She previously stage managed
Space Girl (2021) and was the Sound Board Op. for Roe
(2022). She is also a performer! At Meredith, Noelle played
the Messenger in Medea (2020), was a Featured Soloist in A
Grand Night for Singing (2022), and #11 in The Wolves
(2022). Noelle would like to thank the creative team and her
fellow cast members for being so supportive. She is so
excited for each and everyone of you to see this production
of Carrie!
Jackson Morgan (Freddy/Billy Understudy) is a graduate
from Enloe Magnet High School and has done many projects
with many different community theaters. He has done
notable shows such as Cinderella at Raleigh Little Theater as
well as the school edition of Les Misérables with Raleigh ACT.
He does video production as well as podcasts and YouTube
in his free time.
SarahElla Trustman (Mrs. Gardener) is a Sophomore Music
and Psychology Double Major. This is her first show since
returning to Meredith after a decade-long break. During her
time away, SarahElla has worked as a professional
mnemonist (memory expert) and magician, performing and
lecturing all over the United States.
Sky Symonds (Carrie White*) is a Junior Majoring in
Theatre with a Musical Theatre Concentration. This is her
fourth Meredith show. Previous roles include Ronda and
others in Roe, Ensemble in A Grand Night For Singing, and
Somebody in Everybody. She’d like to thank her family and
friends for their unconditional love and support.
Carl Staub (Stokes/Tommy Understudy) is excited to make
his Meredith debut. He recently portrayed Bingley/Mary in
Pride and Prejudice (2022) at Raleigh Little Theatre. Outside
of theatre, he works at a high school media center. He would
like to thank his family and friends for their endless support!
Ava Baumgartner (Costume Designer) is a Senior Majoring
in Fashion Merchandising. She has previously helped on
costumes for Roe (2022) and choreography for A Grand Night
For Singing (2022). She would like to thank the Meredith
College Theatre Department for this opportunity and her
friends and family for support!
Lizzy Andrews (Sound Designer) is delighted to design
once again for the Meredith main stage. A Junior, she studies
English Literature and currently works as Dramaturg for
Justice Theatre Project's 2023 season. She is grateful not
only to those who have opened doors, but taught her to
design, build, and create them.
Jenni Mann Becker (Lighting Designer) is a professional
lighting designer, scenic designer, and educator who has
been working in the local theatre scene for 20 years. Her
design work includes lighting design for Men on Boats at
Justice Theatre Project; August: Osage County, Smokey Joe's
Cafe and Significant Other at Theatre Raleigh; Life is a Dream
and Radio Golf at Deep Dish Theater; and many productions
at Meredith College. After a long hiatus, Ms. Becker is excited
to return to Meredith College as an adjunct professor!
Kristen Bridge (Assistant Stage Manager) is a Junior at
Meredith and is excited to be a part of Carrie! Some other
shows she has been a part of are The Wolves, Everybody, and
Medea. She would like to thank the cast and crew for their
hard work, along with friends, and family for their constant
Jock Brocki (Technical Director) is a theatre professional
with a deep working knowledge of all aspects of the craft
gained from both technical theater work and acting. He
served as the full-time technical director at The Temple
Theatre in Sanford, NC, from 2005 to 2012. He has worked as
a freelance technical director and set builder for many other
NC theaters, including Manbites Dog, The Carrboro
ArtsCenter, St. David's School, Cape Fear Regional Theater,
and Ft. Bragg Playhouse.
Kerry DeSimone (Sound Engineer) is a Sophomore
Majoring in Interior Design with a Minor in Theatre. She has
worked on previous productions including: Light Board
Operator in Everybody, Sound Board Operator for A Grand
Night for Singing, and Sound Designer/Operator for The
Wolves. She is super thrilled to be part of the Meredith
Theatre Community!
Veronica Dress (Assistant Intimacy Choreographer) is an
intimacy director, sex educator, and sex & intimacy coach
based in Durham, NC. She is passionate about creating
spaces for people to explore topics of gender, sexuality, and
intimacy with curiosity and self-compassion. She would like
to thank Lormarev, Laura, Nat, and Jeff for supporting her on
this journey!
Chris Droessler (Sound Support) has run sound, stage
lighting, and provided other technical support for Al Gore,
Ben Folds, Pat Boone, Clint Black, David Holt, Glenn Miller
Orchestra, The 5th Dimension, The African American Dance
Ensemble, Alvin Ailey, and many more. Chris is looking
forward to his second theatrical performance at Meredith
Laura Bess Jernigan (Intimacy Choreographer) holds a BA
in Theatre from Meredith College (2007) and an MFA in
Acting from UNCG (2016). She has been seen in many
productions in both North Carolina and NYC. She is a proud
member of Actors Equity.
Jeff A.R. Jones (Scenic Designer/Fight Choreographer) is
Resident Designer for Carolina Ballet, where he has designed
scenery for most of the company’s original works. He also
designs for William Peace University and throughout the
southeast. His alter-ego is a Certified Fight Director with the
SAFD and Certified Intimacy Director with IDC with over 200
credits. He is faculty at Elon and William Peace University.
Visit Collaborative Combat Movement Arts on Facebook
about his Raleigh fight classes.
Lormarev Jones (Director) is an '05 graduate of Meredith
College, currently in her first year as Director of Theatre, now
running the very program from which she received her
undergraduate degree. This is the third show she has
directed for the program following last fall's Roe and last
Spring's A Grand Night for Signing. She is also very close to
achieving certification in Intimacy Direction through Intimacy
Directors and Coordinators. Previous
directing/choreography credits include Playmakers
Repertory Company, Raleigh Little Theatre and several area
high schools. Moms and Mentors have gotten her to this
point: Props to Ma, Maggie, Reneé. Community Support has
lifted her as well; Love to Laura Bess and CNW.
Annalee Nelson (Assistant Stage Manager) is a Sophomore
Majoring in Theatre with K-12 Licensure. This is her first stage
management position, but she has previously performed in
Meredith College’s A Grand Night For Singing and Space Girl.
She’s incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported her
through this process. Break a leg, everyone!
Caroline O'Dekirk (Production Stage Manager) she/her, is a
Senior Theatre Major. She previously Stage Managed
Everybody (2021) and Medea (2020) at Meredith College,
and was Assistant Stage Manager for City of Angels (2022)
and The Play That Goes Wrong (2022) at Theatre Raleigh. In
her free time, you'll see her singing, drawing or organizing
something! Standby performance…GO!
Anna Prince (Assistant Choreographer) is a Junior
Majoring in Theatre Education and Minoring in Dance. She is
also pursuing her K-12 Teaching Licensure. Anna has worked
on Medea (2020) as Assistant Stage Manager, Voices (2021)
as Camera Operator, and Everybody (2021) as
Choreographer at Meredith College. She would like to thank
her friends, family, and professors for always pushing her
beyond her limits and believing in her!
Megan Thomas (Props Designer) is a Sophomore Majoring
in Theatre, as well as working towards her K-12 Teaching
Licensure. She was recently an Assistant Stage Manager for
the Meredith College production of The Wolves (2022). She
would like to thank her amazing family and friends for their
constant support!
Chelsea Waddelow (Music Director) Meredith Class of '11,
is excited to be music directing her second show at Meredith.
Previous Meredith productions include A Grand Night for
Singing (2022), Merrily We Roll Along (2016), Once Upon a
Mattress (2017), Xanadu (2018), and many different roles in
WILO productions. Thanks to Jim, as always!
Miyuki Su (Scenic Charge Artist)is a 2000 graduate of the
Meredith College Theatre Program. She has designer scenery
for Raleigh Little Theatre, Raleigh Ensemble Players, and
Theatre Raleigh.
Courtney White (Choreographer) works as an adjunct
faculty member in Dance at Meredith College. While she is an
active part of the dance community throughout the triangle,
her work has afforded her the opportunity to teach, perform,
present and produce work both nationally and
internationally. She earned an MFA in Choreography from
The University of North Carolina Greensboro and a BA in
Dance Concentrating in Performance and Choreography
from Meredith College.
Jim Waddelow (Conductor) versatile pit career includes
more than 120 musical theater and opera productions at the
professional and college level. Artistic Director of the Raleigh
Symphony Orchestra, and the Oklahoma Haydn Festival, he
serves Meredith College as Director of Instrumental Music
where he conducts the White Iris Light Opera.
Dan Harlan (Special Effects Consultant) has been called
“The Most Versatile Magician in the World,” and it's easy to
see why. Harlan has invented, performed, and taught more
magic than any other magician... ever! In fact, over the course
of five years, he updated the entire Tarbell Course in Magic
(an eight-volume encyclopedia containing over 1200 tricks!)
by putting his own spin on every trick in the book. Not only
did he perform them all in his weekly show (at a rate of six
new tricks a week!), he also re-designed and built all the
props, made all the costumes, choreographed all the
routines, wrote all the scripts, and more! One of the most
innovative modern magicians, Harlan’s cutting-edge miracles
have delighted audiences in over 20 countries around the
world. He has been featured at Caesar's Magical Empire in
Las Vegas, headlined at the world-famous Magic Castle in
Hollywood, and guest-starred at Masters of Magic in Saint-
Vincent, Italy. Harlan also fooled Penn & Teller on the CW's
long-running, hit show “Fool Us.” Performing, writing,
teaching, consulting, creating and lecturing, Harlan does it
all. Wherever you see the magic of Dan Harlan, you are sure
to be delighted as he transforms the mundane into the
Jim Waddelow - Conductor/Bass
Chelsea Waddelow - Keys I
Peyton Flory - Keys II
Casey Overton - Guitar I
David West - Guitar I*
Danny Lavan - Drums
Sarah Page - Cello
Natalie Wiese - Cello
*Saturday Performance Only*
Madelyne Comley
Jimena gonzalez salinas
isabella kenoyer
Emily Hodge
Caroline O’Daniel
Molly B. Auxter
grace bianco
Camila Alvarez-Moncada
Molly B Auxter
Kristen Bridge
Autumn Clark,
Madelyne Comley
Jalyn Crafton
Davi Cunningham
Micaela Deadwyler
Kerry DeSimone
ALaire Donofrio
Carsen Fessey
Kyleigh Fields
Justin Fuko
Carolina Gao
Emily Hodge
Kylie Hunt
Emma K. Johnson
Justin Jones
Lormarev Jones
Mallory Kemple
Mackenzie Kotch
Brianna Long
Thomas Matrejek
Ainsley Mengel
Jackson Morgan
Annalee Nelson
Caroline O'Dekirk
Anna Prince
Ace Rosas
Jimena Gonzalez Salinas
Noelle Smith
Miyuki Su
Carl Staub
Sky Symonds
Michaela Altman
Ava Baumgartner
Maddie Comley
Megan Elliott
Jimena Gonzalez-salinas
Zoe Gray
Willa Harrington
Taniya Harris
Emma K. Johnson
Sydney Nelson
Ava Sturzebecher
Elizabeth Sullivan
Sky Symonds
SarahElla Trustman
Dan Harlan
Bill Brown & the Meredith Events Staff
William Peace University
Rich Roland & Indiana University at
Rachel Stenbuck
Meredith college music department
Raleigh Charter high school
Samantha Cibelli
Chris Bernier
women @ work
original work by student
April 12th-16th 2023
Jones studio theatre
April 21st-23rd 2023
Jones auditorium