Multi-View Architecture Description and
Amanda Liu
Columbia University
New York, NY
In software development, implementation strays from the
intended architecture in what is known as architectural
drift as programmers introduce communication pathways
between components that shouldn’t be interacting. In our
approach, we have embedded an architecture description
language (ADL) into a programming language that restricts
resource access with capabilities and generates connections
via metaprogramming. Not only does this ensure that the sys-
tem semantics reect its architectural principles, but this also
facilitates editing compatible with rapid software evolution.
Software and its engineering Software organiza-
tion and properties; Software system structures;
Software architecture, architecture description language
ACM Reference Format:
Amanda Liu. 2018. Multi-View Architecture Description and En-
forcement. In Proceedings of 2018 ACM SIGPLAN International Con-
ference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Soft-
ware for Humanity (Splash Companion ’18). ACM, New York, NY,
USA, Article 4, 3 pages.
Software architecture allows programmers to reason about
systems and create coherent designs consistent with project
demands [
]. Complex architectures are often described with
multiple views. Common architectural views include a mod-
ule view of relationships between units of functionality, a
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Splash Companion ’18, November 2018, Boston, Massachusetts
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 123-4567-24-567/08/06. .. $15.00
Figure 1: A simple client-server network architecture.
component-and-connector (CnC) view of runtime entities
and interactions, and a deployment view of component con-
gurations and allocations [
]. The separation of concerns
aorded by views can also ease software evolution. In to-
day’s languages, an architectural change entails modifying
multiple les. However, integrating architecture and seman-
tics could localize such changes and streamline software
As software evolves, it is common for programmers to vi-
olate the intended architecture by introducing unintentional
interactions between components. These dependencies are
generally created when programmers can make arbitrary
connections between components and access libraries which
provide unrestricted use of system resources. Take, for in-
stance, a three-tier system; it is not uncommon for program-
mers to make direct connections between the client and
database, bypassing the server. After several iterations of
such changes, the architectural drift results in software that
bears little to no relation to the conceived architecture [
In this work, we propose an architecture description lan-
guage (ADL) that prevents structural violations of the in-
tended architecture by incorporating the architectural speci-
cation into the software implementation.
We implemented this ADL in the context of the Wyvern
programming language. Wyvern was designed to enable
programmers to express and enforce design constraints [
]. In the CnC view of our ADL, systems are described
using standard architectural notions such as components,
connectors, ports, etc [
]. Consider the client-server system
whose architecture is shown in Figure 1. This system would
be described as follows in our ADL:
Splash Companion ’18, November 2018, Boston, Massachuses Amanda Liu
1 co m pon e nt Cli ent
2 port ge tInf o : req uire s CSIfa ce
3 co m pon e nt Ser ver
4 port s e ndIn fo : pr o vide s C SIfac e
5 co n nec t or JS ONWe bCtr
6 val h ost : Stri n g
7 val pr t : Int
8 ar chit ect ure C l ien tSe r ver
9 co mpo n ent s
10 Cli ent cli e nt
11 Ser ver ser v er
12 co nne c tor s
13 JS ONWe bCtr j sonC tr
14 at tac h men ts
15 co n nect c l ient . get Info and ser ver . send Info wi t h js onCt r
To implement a system using our ADL, programmers must
supply implementations of the components by providing a
corresponding module denition for each component type.
The component ports reect the dependencies of the modules.
Since the
component declares a
port that
requires the
interface, the
module takes
in a corresponding argument. Likewise, since the
port provides the
the Server module exposes a CSIface eld.
1 mod u le de f C l ient ( get Info : C SIfa c e ): TC PCli ent
2 def s tart (): Uni t
3 ge t Info . ge t Val (" key ")
1 mod u le de f S e rver ( ) : TC PSer ver
2 val dat abas e = ha shma p . mak e ( )
3 val sen dInf o : CSI face = ne w
4 def g etVal ( key : Str ing ): S t ring
5 da t abas e .get ( key )
To prevent unintended component interactions, our system
does not leave the creation of connections up to the pro-
grammer. Instead, they are assembled at runtime with their
implementations derived from the architecture. This is done
via metaprogramming, wherein Wyvern types can contain
metadata declaring methods that are run at compile time.
Our ADL uses methods in the connector type’s metadata to
create component connections at compile time.
1 type JS ONW e bCt r
2 val h ost : Stri n g
3 val pr t : S t ring
4 me tada t a new
5 // me t hods for ge ner a tin g con n ect o r imp lem ent a tio n
The modules generated to make connections must be given
the capabilities to do so. Due to non-transitive authority in
Wyvern, these capabilities are inaccessible to the components
]. The client-server ports must be given network capability.
The generated client port restricts network access to a socket
connection to a specic host and port. The generated server
port only listens for connections on the specied port.
1 mod u le de f r e qPor t ( pr o p: J SONWe b Ctr , net : Ne twork ) : CS Ifac e
2 def g etVa l ( key : Str ing ): S tring
3 val c o nn = net . c onne ct (
4 prop . host , pr o p. prt )
5 // inv oke get V al of Ser v er
1 mod u le de f p rovP o rt ( prt: C SIface , net : Net work )
2 def ru n ( ): Unit
3 // acc ept in c omin g c onn e cti ons
Since our approach groups relevant concerns into multiple
architectural views, it is easier to make certain modications.
For example, if a connector is changed, only the CnC view
must be modied. No change has to be made to the imple-
mentation since the connections are generated based on the
architecture description. Take for instance changing a client-
server connection using a JSON protocol to one using a
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). This would normally
involve changes across multiple les. Furthermore, it is di-
cult to ensure that all relevant changes were addressed. The
same modication in our system would be limited to changes
in the CnC view alone. Thus, by automatically handling
connector creation, we denitively construct component in-
teractions in terms of the ADL specication and preserve
architectural integrity across system modications.
Many existing formal ADLs have sucient complexity to
describe software systems and their structural constraints
but lack an integrated method of enforcing these properties
]. A few ADLs such as ArchJava can check and enforce
architecture in implementation but do not address commu-
nication through the runtime system [
]. Techniques such
as reexion models support conformance checking between
the static architecture and the implementation [
]. However,
reexion models require the programmer to map elements
of a high-level model to the source code. This process can
be tedious and error-prone, especially for large systems.
Consistency between software semantics and architecture is
important in software development—not only for protection
against hazardous dependencies and structural vulnerabili-
ties, but also for traceability in large systems. We can protect
against the introduction of component interactions that vio-
late the architectural specication by constructing a system
that derives its connector implementation from the archi-
tecture in a capability-safe language. Moreover, our use of
multiple architectural views allows high-level changes to be
made to software in a simple, concise way. Our implementa-
tion of a multi-view ADL incorporating the capability safety
of Wyvern and its application on a client-server network sys-
tem demonstrates its potential for the development of larger,
complex software systems that are architecturally sound.
This project was supervised by Jonathan Aldrich and Selva
Samuel at Carnegie Mellon University. It was supported by
a National Science Foundation REU grant.
Multi-View Architecture Description and Enforcement Splash Companion ’18, November 2018, Boston, Massachuses
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