This booklet will help you get started in the Thomas D. Arthur Graduate
School of Business. It will also serve as a reference for CoB policy
throughout your program. Please note that this is not a substitute for the
Graduate Catalog.
Revised 10/17/2022
First Steps ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Technology ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Pirates Aboard or Orientation Requirement ..................................................................................................... 4
Deferring Your Admission ................................................................................................................................. 5
Advising ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Course Choice Guidelines .................................................................................................................................. 5
Registration Instructions ................................................................................................................................... 6
Tuition Payment ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Add/Drop/Withdrawal ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Refunds ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Textbooks .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Starting Courses ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Changing Your Contact Information .................................................................................................................. 9
Helpful Pages ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Academic Policies ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Probation ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Admission by Exception/Conditional Admission ............................................................................................. 10
Readmission .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Academic Integrity .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Communication Policies .................................................................................................................................. 11
Financial Assistance ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Health Insurance Requirement ....................................................................................................................... 12
Immunization Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 12
Parking on Campus .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Computer Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 12
Online Classes ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Proctoring ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Electronic Library Resources ........................................................................................................................... 13
Member Organizations ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Beta Gamma Sigma ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Departmental Student Organizations ............................................................................................................. 13
Military Students ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Arthur Graduate School of Business ................................................................................................................... 14
Cunanan Center for Professional Services .......................................................................................................... 14
Business Communication Center ........................................................................................................................ 14
Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................................... 14
You are assigned both a Pirate ID and ECU ID when you are admitted to the program.
Your Pirate ID is your username or user ID and is used to log in to various University systems like e-mail. Student
Pirate IDs are last name and first initial plus the two-digit year of enrollment. For example, James Frederick Pate
was originally accepted to ECU as an undergraduate student for fall 2010. Therefore, James Pate's Pirate ID is
patej10. Your Pirate ID is also the first part of your e-mail address (“PirateID”
Your ECU ID (sometimes called Banner ID) is a unique identifying number for your student record; it takes the
place of a social security number. It is a capital B followed by 8 digits. The Graduate School will include your
PirateID and ECU ID in the official admission letter that they mail to you. Your ECU ID is also included at the top
of your planning sheet sent via e-mail by the College of Business.
You will need to change your passphrase before you attempt to log on to any of the University systems.
Instructions for how to do so can be found at
Your Pirate ID and passphrase will grant you access to all of the electronic resources (Canvas, PiratePort, and
PirateMail) available to you at ECU. After changing your passphrase, log on to these three systems to ensure
that you have correct access. Please note that your passphrase expires every 90 days. ECU ITCS can assist you
with any technical problems.
ECU E-mail Account (PirateMail)
E-mail account information is taken from records supplied by the Registrar from your official application
materials. Incorrect information must be corrected by contacting the Registrar’s Office. Student e-mail
accounts are created automatically and become operational at the time of admission. You can access your e-
mail account online at If you need help configuring your account, please click here.
Note that you must use in full for your ECU email. Using only will not work.
The Compass
The Compass is our OFFICIAL Weekly Newsletter...exclusively designed for College of Business Graduate
Students! We do not send individual emails for deadlines, reminders, and updates. All information will be
communicated through the Pirate's Compass, a weekly newsletter distributed to all enrolled COB graduate
students’ ECU email addresses. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THE CONTENT. If you missed a deadline
(e.g. Graduation) because you haven't read the Compass, that is your responsibility. Stay on top of updates
from the College of Business Graduate Programs office, such as:
Registration information
Full-time and part-time job opportunities
Internship positions
Important program deadlines
Professional development opportunities
Alumni tips and connections
Targeted career advice from the Career Center in the College of Business
Since the newsletter is in a blog format, you can always go back and search for something you missed.
PiratePort is the University’s web portal. It contains information about your classes, grades, general university
information, transportation, and registration. You may access PiratePort at
Banner is the university’s integrated database system which encompasses registration, student information, and
financial aid. Access to Banner is through PiratePort via the Banner Self Service link.
Canvas is a course management tool that provides a simple interface for courses offered by ECU. The
Canvaslogin is at
ECU provides free software for students including Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, and various other tools.
Please visit to download these packages.
Before beginning classes, the Arthur School requires all new students to complete the online Pirates Aboard
Orientation course in Canvas. Participation will better prepare you to begin your graduate program. Failure to
complete the Pirates Aboard orientation course will result in your schedule being dropped for the semester and
a delay in the start of your program.
The Graduate School has a separate orientation in Canvas. You are welcome to complete it as well, but are not
required to.
About the Pirates Aboard
All students are required to complete the self-paced Pirates Aboard orientation course prior to starting any
coursework. To help better prepare you for your first semester in graduate school, the Pirates Aboard course
gives you an introduction to the program. The class is fully online, and is beneficial regardless of whether you
intend to take online or face-to-face classes. The class covers information such as:
Case analysis and writing skills
Proctor search and selection
You will be added to the course in Canvas and it will appear on your Canvas home page. You will find a link to
Canvas in the Quick Links section of the ECU home page. You can also go directly to You can log in using your Pirate ID and passphrase.
Please note: you must first register your Pirate ID by changing your initial passphrase (see instructions above)
and log in to your PirateMail account (
You may defer your admission for up to one year (For Example: a student admitted for Spring 2022 could defer
admission to 1
Summer 2022, 2
Summer 2022, Fall 2022, or Spring 2023). Please contact your advisor via
email no later than the first first day of class for your admission term if you wish to have your admission
deferred to a future term. Students who do not have their admission deferred and who do not take classes in
their first term, must complete a Readmission Application.
Students register online through the Banner registration system, accessed via PiratePort. No PIN or registration
number is required for graduate students to register for classes. The College of Business (CoB) graduate
advisors are available for guidance, but it is the student’s responsibility to register for classes. Likewise, each
student, new or continuing, has primary responsibility for assuring that he or she is completing degree
requirements. Advisors are happy to discuss class choices, schedules, electives, etc., and answer any questions.
Graduate business student advisors are:
Students with Last
Names Beginning:
MBA, MS-STH, and
MBA, MS-STH, and
MBA, MS-STH, and
Any MBA, MS-STH, or certificate student wishing to make an advising appointment (in the office or via
telephone) may do so by clicking here. Appointments will not be made via email.
MSA students can contact their advisor directly via email or phone to discuss questions or schedule an
You should expect to put in 10-15 hours of work per week for classes numbered under 6300 and 15-20 hours per
week for classes numbered over 6300. Review your personalized planning sheet that was included with the
College of Business admission email. It is best to take the courses that act as prerequisites as early in your
program as possible. Prerequisites for each class are detailed on the right side of the planning sheet.
Most graduate business students who work full-time (40 hours per week) take two classes each fall and spring
and one class each summer session. If your 40 hour job is really 60 hours, it is best to start with one class each
semester. Approximately 55-60% of full time students take three classes each semester. Approximately 35-40%
of full time students take four classes each semester. Less than 5% of full time of full time students take five
classes each semester.
Many MBA students find that a good balance of quantitative (ACCT, FINA, MIS, or OMGT) and qualitative (MKTG
or MGMT) classes makes for a more manageable experience. You can take the courses in any order as long as
you have met or waived the prerequisites. There is no requirement that you complete all foundation classes
prior to beginning to take the common body of knowledge classes as long as you satisfy the prerequisite
Electives should not be put off until the end of the program. It is a good idea to mix them into your schedule
once you have moved into the common body of knowledge classes for MBA students or the accounting breadth
classes for MSA students. All required MBA and MSA classes are offered each fall and spring semester;
however, electives are offered on a rotating basis.
There are two paths that MBA students can pursue in regards to electives in the MBA program. Most students
choose three general MBA business electives from the pool of elective classes offered within the College of
Business. Of the three required electives, at least one must be quantitative (ACCT, FINA, MIS, or OMGT, except
for OMGT 6763) and at least one must be qualitative (MKTG or MGMT). The third may be either quantitative or
qualitative. Course descriptions, including electives, can be found on our website. Students who were
undergraduate accounting majors must take four electives instead of three since they do not take ACCT 6521.
The quantitative and qualitative requirements are the same. The third and fourth electives are chosen from any
of the business disciplines.
Some MBA students choose to pursue one of our optional certificates, which can be found here. The certificates
require the student to complete four (Security Studies requires five) specific classes and are used in place of the
three general MBA electives.
Registration for the summer and fall semesters usually starts in late March. Registration for the spring semester
usually starts in late October. Early in every semester, the CoB Graduate Office notifies students via the Pirate’s
Compass newsletter that the schedule for the following semester is complete and available on the Graduate
Business School webpage for review. Important registration dates are listed on the official University calendars.
Students can register for classes on or after the beginning date. Students are expected to complete registration,
including the payment of all required fees, on the dates prescribed in the university calendar. Students who fail
to pay fees by the required dates will have their schedules canceled. Detailed information on registering or
waitlisting for courses can be found on our Registration page.
Students pursuing their program via online classes only should register for DE classes which are designated with
section numbers beginning with a “6” sec. 601, 602, 603, etc. DE classes have a lower tuition because campus
amenities such as student health and the gym are not included. You still have access to the library as a DE
student. Section numbers beginning with “0” sec. 001, 002, etc. will carry all student fees and are taught face
to face. These classes will show a meeting day and time for the class in fall and spring.
If a class is full, you will need to place yourself on the waitlist for that class. The Graduate Programs Office nor
professors can special add you to a class that is full to capacity. There is no guarantee that a student will have
an opportunity to register for the class if they are on the waitlist. Detailed information on registering or
waitlisting for courses can be found on our Registration page.
Tuition statements for each term are generated by the Cashier’s Office at a specific time each semester, after
early registration has begun. Tuition bills are available online only; a paper bill will not be mailed to you. Once
you have registered for courses, you may pay your tuition online via PiratePort after the Cashier’s Office makes
the statement available. You can also make your tuition payment by mail. The Cashier’s Office does not accept
payment via telephone.
Please check the academic calendar and tuition and fee brochure for tuition deadlines. Schedules are purged for
students who have not paid tuition; the entire schedule is purged if there is any balance due. Please check your
tuition statement via PiratePort if you modify your schedule during the registration period. Keep a copy of your
tuition payment receipt for your records.
All campus sections are subject to the main campus tuition and fee rates found under the Main Campus Tuition
link on the Cashier’s website. All online sections are subject to distance education tuition and fee rates found
under the Distance Education/Continuing Education link found on the Cashier’s website. If a student is
registered for at least one campus class, all classes, regardless of their delivery method, are billed at the campus
The College of Business charges a tuition differential of $125 per credit hour for its graduate classes. The
additional tuition revenue is allocated to the College and is used to improve the quality of the graduate business
programs. The increased revenue improves student success in the workplace, provides financial assistance to
those in need and those with superior credentials, provides funding for additional graduate student needs, and
rewards excellent teachers and researchers needed to provide high quality instruction. The differential tuition is
charged on a per-credit-hour basis for students enrolled in any graduate-level ACCT, BUSI, FINA, MIS, MGMT,
MKTG, or OMGT class. The differential tuition is not charged for any of the optional certificate classes housed
outside of the CoB.
Online Tuition*
North Carolina Resident
1 class (3sh) $1,244.15
1 class (3sh) $3,435.65
2 classes (6sh) $2,487.80
2 classes (6sh) $6,870.80
3 classes (9sh) $3,731.45
3 classes (9sh) $10,305.95
Each additional class above 3 is FREE!
Each additional class above 3 is FREE!
Campus-based Tuition*
North Carolina Resident
1 class (3sh) $1,884.99
1 class (3sh) $4,076.49
2 classes (6sh) $3,769.48
2 classes (6sh) $8,152.48
3 classes (9sh) $4,935.97
3 classes (9sh) $11,510.47
Each additional class above 3 is FREE!
Each additional class above 3 is FREE!
*Tuition is subject to change.
Before add deadline
A graduate student may make schedule changes (add or delete one or more courses) at any time from the start
of registration until the end of the course adjustment period. Adding a course is always subject to seat
availability. During this time, students can alter their own schedules via Banner. Applicable dates can be found
on the official University calendar. Once the course adjustment period has passed, a student can drop a course
through the Registrar’s Office, but can no longer add a course. Switching sections is not allowed after the course
adjustment period. Students cannot drop their entire schedule via Banner; please contact your advisor if you
want to drop the last class or only class on your schedule.
After the course adjustment period, but before the course withdrawal deadline (typically 60% of the course)
The Registrar’s Office processes all requests to withdraw from a class after the add deadline. Graduate students
do not need a schedule change form or a signature/approval from the graduate business office. Requests to
withdraw must be sent from the student’s ECU email address.
Students must contact the Registrar’s office via e-mail ( The student needs to provide the
Registrar with the following information:
1) Name
2) ECU ID - B followed by 8 digits; not PirateID
3) course name/number
Please copy your advisor on any email correspondence regarding withdrawing from a class. No course is
officially withdrawn until the required procedure is completed. It is the student's responsibility to complete the
procedure for course withdrawalss. You can check the status of your withdrawal by reviewing your Academic
Transcript on Banner Self Service.
Final Withdrawal Date
The final date to withdraw from a class without a grade for each term can be found on the official University
calendars. The withdrawal date is a hard deadline with no exceptions.
Consequences of Withdrawing From a Graduate Course:
There is no limit to the number of classes a graduate student in good standing can withdraw from during
their graduate program.
If you are on academic probation, and you withdraw a course after “census dayof the term, the
withdrawn course is included in the number of semester hours allowed under probation. Census Day for
each term can be found on the University calendars.
Withdrawing from a course has Financial Aid implications. If you receive Financial Aid, please contact
their office to discuss your plans.
If you withdraw from a course before the deadline, you will not receive a grade, however the course will
appear on your transcript with a “W”; the drop does not affect your GPA.
If you withdraw from a course that is a prerequisite or co-requisite for another course you are registered
for in a future semester, the withdrawal will impact that subsequent course.
Students are given a partial tuition refund dependent upon the date the class or classes are dropped. Not all
schedule changes result in a refund. Any refunds that a student becomes entitled to shall first be applied to
outstanding financial obligations owed to the University.
Student refunds are handled electronically via TouchNet. Students currently access TouchNet through PiratePort
web portal to view bills, make payments, view, download, and print 1098-T tax statements, and set up tuition
payment plans.
With the eRefunds process through TouchNet, students have the option for refunds to be deposited directly into
a designated bank account of their choice. If direct deposit information is not provided to the University, refund
checks will be mailed to the student. Please make sure your mailing address is up to date. Full details and
instructions can be found here.
Textbook information can be found on the Student Store website. You can search for books by course, order
them, and have them delivered to you. Or you can use the textbook information to order through any online
retailer. You are not required to order textbooks from the ECU student store.
All course information is disseminated through Canvas. You will not have access to Canvas immediately after
admission; it may take a few days before you can log in. Once you are able to log in, don’t be alarmed if your
classes don’t appear in Canvas right away. Professors will make classes available when he or she has finished
preparing the class. This may be two weeks prior to the first day of classes, or it may be the day classes begin.
The professor is required to have the Canvas course available by 9:00 am on the first day of class for each
term. If a course is not available by this time, please contact your advisor. Once you have access to the class in
Canvas, find and review the syllabus. This will give you the outline and structure for the semester. It will also
guide you through course lectures and readings as well as give you due dates and requirements for homework,
papers, and exams.
You can change your mailing address with the University by logging in to PiratePort and selecting the link for
Student Self Service. From there, select Personal Information, then Update Addresses and Phones. From this
screen, you can click on the address type (current, primary, etc.) and edit the information. It is important that
you keep your mailing address information current.
The Thomas D. Arthur Graduate School of Business website contains academic and admistrative information
pertinent to your graduate program experience.
Policies governing all graduate programs can be found in the Graduate Catalog.
Important dates and deadlines for upcoming semesters are on the Academic Calendars website.
All students must maintain a minimum graduate GPA of 3.0 to remain in good standing in the program. If your
GPA falls below 3.0 at the conclusion of any semester, you may be placed on academic probation. Students on
academic probation are given 9 consecutive semester hours to raise their GPA to at least 3.0. Courses with a
grade of “I” (incomplete) or dropped after census day (tenth day of the semester) are included in the calculation
of the 9 semester hours. If you are unable to raise your GPA to 3.0 or greater, your program will terminate. If it
becomes mathematically impossible for you to raise your GPA to 3.0 within your allotted 9 consecutive semester
hours on academic probation, your program will terminate. In addition, if at any time the College of Business
Graduate Programs Office determines you are not making satisfactory progress toward the completion of your
degree, your program will terminate. All probation and termination decisions are at the discretion of the Arthur
Graduate School of Business.
It takes one grade of A to raise one grade of C to a 3.0 GPA. In addition, it takes three grades of A to raise one
grade of F to a 3.0 GPA. These guidelines are related to 3 semester credit hour classes. A student who receives
an F in a required course must retake the course in which the F was received. Note that both the old and new
grades are reflected on a student’s transcript and both grades are used to calculate the student’s overall GPA.
College of Business retention standards are more rigorous than the minimum retention standards set forth by
the university you can be placed on academic probation regardless of the number of hours completed in your
program. The College of Business reviews student records after both 1
and 2
summer session rather than
treating the two as one session. In addition, you are not eligible for financial aid past your first probationary
If you were ‘admitted by exception’, you are subject to a special set conditions set forth by the Graduate School.
If you were admitted by exception, it would have been noted in your admissions email.
Students who were admitted by exception must have a 3.0 program GPA at the conclusion of the semester in
which they complete their 9
semester hour. If this condition is not met, your program will be terminated. If, in
the semester in which you complete your 9
hour, you take additional courses, your GPA at the end of that
semester will be used. All classes that count towards your program will be calculated. For example, if you take
6 hours worth of classes in your 1
semester and 6 more hours in your 2
semester, all 12 hours will be used to
calculate your GPA in regards to this condition.
In graduate school, there are no grades of D. ECU’s Graduate School does not use a plus/minus system for
grading. The only grades that you can earn are A, B, C, and F.
In some special cases, a student may be given an Incomplete grade for a course. Incompletes are only granted
for students who experience an overwhelming hardship that prevented them from dropping the course or that
occurred after the deadline to drop the course. Incompletes are granted at the discretion of the instructor of
the class. A change of grade or removal of a grade of Incomplete must be made within one year from the date
the original grade was received. Grade changes are at the discretion of the professor.
There are no grade replacements in Graduate School. If you make a C in a course, you can’t retake it to improve
your GPA. If you make an F in an elective course, you may retake the course if you so desire, but both courses
will be listed on your transcript and both will be used to determine your GPA.
Official grades are posted in Banner Self Service. Grade reports are not mailed, but can be requested from the
Registrar’s Office.
You may take a semester or more away from the program if needed. If you go a semester or more without
registering for classes, you must complete a readmission application online from the Graduate School website.
A readmission application is required to reactivate your record in the University system and must be completed
by the same deadlines that apply to a new applicant. There is no fee associated with the readmission
application. If you are out of the program for a year or more, you must meet the current admission criteria in
order to be readmitted. Additionally, your transcripts will be reviewed to determine your eligibility for waivers.
Academic integrity is expected of every East Carolina University student. Violation of the ECU academic integrity
policy may result in a failing grade in the course. Procedures governing academic integrity violations are
described on the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities’s website.
East Carolina University is an equal educational opportunity institution. In keeping with this policy, the
university makes no distinction in the admission of students, or in any other of its activities, based on race, color,
sex, creed, handicap, or national origin.
Once you have registered for classes, the University, faculty, and administration will communicate with you
through your ECU e-mail account only. Please check your e-mail frequently and keep the account cleaned out to
avoid missing important announcements. It is assumed that you have received and read your e-mail messages
within 24-hours of the time the message was sent.
Each week, we send out a newsletter entitled The Compass. You should always read this newsletter from top to
bottom. In the past, we sent out multiple emails per week, each regarding a single subject. We found that many
students lost these emails. In an effort to increase awareness of important events, policy changes, and
opportunities, we switched to the newsletter. One of its best features is that it is tied to a blog (linked above).
Therefore, you can always refer back to the blog if you accidentally delete the email.
Graduate scholarship awards are available for full-time and part-time, new and current degree-seeking students.
Scholarships are awarded based on both financial need and academic merit and can be for one semester or for
the full program. Additional scholarships are available annually from the College of Business Professional
Programs. More information and applications are available here.
We offer Graduate Assistantships and Teaching Assistantships for full- time on-campus students only. Please
refer to the Graduate Assistantship portion of our website for policies and application instructions. Please direct
all graduate assistantship questions to the Arthur School at [email protected].
The Financial Aid Office is independent of the College of Business and all student loans process through that
office. If you are seeking financial assistance for your graduate studies, it is best to start the process early.
Graduate students must be enrolled in at least five (5) semester hours to be eligible to receive financial aid
during a spring or fall semester. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least five (5) semester hours across
the summer sessions to be eligible for aid during the summer. Students must also enroll at these levels to be
considered part time and eligible for loan deferment.
If you receive financial aid during your graduate program, you are required to complete a Financial Aid Exit
Survey during your last semester and prior to graduation. Likewise, you are required to complete the Exit
Survey if you drop below half-time status. Students enrolled at less than half-time status are not eligible for
financial aid. You may have a hold tag for “Exit Survey” on your record even if you are not graduating. This
occurs due to late registration or only registering for one class for the coming semester. If you have an “Exit
Survey” hold tag on your record and plan to be at least half-time for next semester, you must e-mail
[email protected] to notify financial aid of your intentions. Students requiring only one class in the semester of
graduation are not eligible for financial aid. The Exit Survey may be completed here.
Students taking on-campus classes will be required to show evidence of an existing creditable health insurance
policy. If necessary, students may purchase health insurance through a University-sponsored plan or another
policy outside the University. Students with existing creditable health insurance will be able to waive out of the
University plan easily and quickly on-line. No paperwork is required. Students who do not waive out and
purchase the University-sponsored plan will be billed each semester and the premium will count in the “cost of
attendance” used for financial aid consideration.
Distance education students are not eligible to purchase health insurance nor are they required to submit
proof of insurance. If at any time your status changes and you meet criteria listed above, you will then have to
supply the required health insurance information or the charge for the Student Health Insurance Plan will be
included in your tuition. To be eligible for the Student Health Insurance Plan, students must be taking face-to-
face on-campus courses.
Information about student health insurance requirements can be found on the Student Health website.
You will receive a request from Student Health for your immunization records. If you are pursuing the degree
solely through online courses, you are not required to submit immunization records. If you plan to take an on-
campus class, you will need to have these records updated and submitted to Student Health per their
instructions. Until you are registered for only online classes, you will get notifications regarding the need to
submit immunization records.
A permit is required to park on campus at any time on weekdays. The permit requirements are strictly enforced.
Students can purchase a C zone permit that allows them to park at the Athletic Complex and take a bus to Main
Campus. In the evenings, most lots on Main Campus are available to C zone permit holders so you can park
closer for your evening classes. More information is available by calling 252-328-6294 or at
College of Business computer requirements can be found on the CoB Technology, Information & Operations site.
Students can download a free copy of Microsoft Windows via ECU’s Information Technology and Computer
Services (ITCS) website. You will need reliable high speed Internet access. You will also need a
headphone/microphone headset to attach to your PC for online lectures and chats. Since you will use this
throughout the program, get a good one. Every student is responsible for providing the computer hardware,
software, and connectivity required for classes.
There is very little difference between the online classes and the face-to-face classes aside from the obvious fact
that online classes don’t meet in a physical space. With few exceptions, the same professor that teaches the
face-to-face class also teaches the online class. The course content, the volume of work, the textbook,
homework, assignments, etc. are the same; you still interact with your professor and classmates, only in the
online class the interaction is via e-mail, chat rooms, and threaded discussions. Your professor may also require
group projects and team activities; you just move information electronically rather than meeting in the graduate
lounge or library. Canvas is the primary means of disseminating information regardless of whether you are in a
face-to-face class or online class.
In online classes, you do things in "bands" of time. For example, you may have from Monday morning 8am to
Wednesday afternoon 5pm to take a quiz; log in and take the quiz at a time that is convenient for you. Typically,
major project and paper deadlines have specific due dates.
Our courses are asynchronous in nature. You may, however, have some courses that utilize synchronous
activities (chat, live lecture, etc.). Professors in these courses will give you multiple opportunities to participate
so that you can fit the activity into your schedule. If you simply can’t participate in any scheduled synchronous
activities, please communicate this to your professor. You will be given a suitable alternative to participation.
At the graduate level, the work is tougher than at the undergraduate level and there is more of it. Falling behind
in a graduate class is easy to do and hard to fix. Keeping up with your assignments is critical. In an online class,
no one reminds you what is due 2-3 times per week.
Unreliable connectivity due to inadequacies of service providers (public or private) or due to geographic,
technical infrastructure, societal issues, or political circumstances is not an acceptable reason for incomplete
assignments. Also, remember that servers DO fail on occasion. Deferring assignments to the last moment is not
wise. Students are responsible for meeting all current hardware, software, and connectivity requirements.
Note that, due to the rapid progression of technology, these requirements are subject to and often do change.
Most online classes will have at least one proctored exam; some will have more than one. Exams are either
paper-based or delivered online via Canvas. For information on finding a proctor, click here. We strive to make
the process of finding a proctor as easy as possible !
Joyner Library contains over one million volumes and several thousand periodicals which can be accessed
through an online catalog. ECU subscribes to more than 100 databases, which provide full text journal,
magazine and newspaper articles; information about companies and industries; accounting materials; and legal
cases, statutes and regulations. Go to the library home page and select the Electronic Resources link to see the
complete list of databases or use the Pirate Source database, also listed on the library home page, to find the
best resources for specific subject areas. Most databases are accessible from off-campus. Log in to them from
the Joyner website using your Pirate ID and passphrase. Get help finding and using library resources at the
Reference Desk located on first floor of Joyner Library. E-mail and telephone reference services are also
Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest national recognition a student in business can receive and is only associated
with AACSB accredited programs. Students are invited to join based upon academic performance in their
graduating semester.
View all College of Business Student Organizations here.
Please review the documents for Active Duty personnel and Veterans at our website. This will help you
complete the paperwork necessary for Military Tuition Assistance, Military Tuition Waivers, and VA benefits.
Questions can be directed to the Veteran Affairs Coordinator (252-328-1731,
The Graduate Programs office can be reached at 252-328-6970, 866-592-0835, or [email protected].
Ms. Karen Rupp
Assistant Director
Mr. Paul Russell
Mr. Leonard Mansfield
Assistant Director
The Cunanan Center for Professional Services helps match students with high quality internships and full-time
jobs and provides resume and interview information. They can be reached at 252-737-1514, 866-627-1236, or
[email protected]. Their homepage can be found here.
Lee Brown, Director, [email protected]
Melissa Parks, Assistant Director, [email protected]
The Business Communication Center coaches College of Business students in communication skills and provides
support as students prepare for careers. They can be reached at 252-737-2759 or [email protected]. Their
homepage can be found here.
Richard O’Dor, Director, [email protected]
What differences are there between the campus-based and online programs?
In regards to program specifics, the College of Business does not differentiate between delivery methods. Your
program will be the same regardless of whether online or face to face. This includes admission criteria,
application deadlines, and class requirements. You can mix delivery methods in a semester, or change from
semester to semester. Please note that graduate assistantships are not available to online students and online
classes will require a proctor for exams.
Will I get a Student ID?
Online students can request a card from the Division of Continuing Studies that identifies you as an ECU student.
This card allows you to access the school libraries of the UNC system. Campus based students must visit the ECU
1 Card office for their student ID. For more information visit
How many classes should I take each semester?
If you are working a 40 hour job, you can probably handle 2 classes. If your 40 hour job is really 60 hours, 1 class
will be plenty. If you are a full time student and work 20 hours or less a week, then 3 or 4 is the typical load.
If I drop a class or withdraw, will it show on my transcripts?
If you drop a class after the course change period at the beginning of the term, the class will show on your
official transcript with a “W” to indicate that you withdrew from the course.
Can I waive any of the MBA classes since I took undergraduate business classes?
The seven course business foundation component is designed to quickly give a non-business undergraduate
student the same academic knowledge-base as that of an undergraduate business student. Some or all of these
classes may be waived if student has completed appropriate undergraduate course work at acceptable
performance levels. Course waivers are made on a course-by-course basis as approved by the CoB Graduate
Programs Office if equivalent undergraduate courses have been completed with a minimum grade of B-. The
undergraduate course must have been completed prior to beginning the graduate program. You cannot
continue undergraduate course work to earn waivers after starting a graduate program.
Will I be considered an NC resident?
To qualify as a resident for tuition purposes, a person must become a legal resident and remain a legal resident
for at least twelve months immediately prior to classification. Thus, there is a distinction between legal
residence and residence for tuition purposes. Furthermore, twelve months legal residence means more than
simple abode in NC. In particular, it means maintaining a permanent home of indefinite duration as opposed to
maintaining a mere temporary residence to enroll in an institution of higher education.
Thus, physical residence alone is not sufficient. The big indicators are driver’s license, voter registration, physical
residence, car registration, etc. Every one of those must be in place for a calendar year before someone can
even hope to have in-state status. For example, if you started living in North Carolina January 2007 but you
delayed getting a NC drivers license until March 2007, the year does not start ticking until March 2007 (or the
latest of the dates).
How do I access my e-mail?
You log into all ECU electronic resources (e-mail, Canvas, PiratePort) using your Pirate ID and passphrase.
Information about your Pirate ID and default passphrase will be forwarded to you by the University in separate
mailings. Problems with user IDs or passphrases are resolved by calling the student help desk at 252-328-9866.
You may reach the e-mail login site at
How do I access my online class?
Canvas is the primary means of disseminating information to students. Use your Pirate ID and passphrase to log
into your Canvas account. You may want to bookmark the Canvas login site, as you will need to check your
Canvas courses daily.
What is the difference between my ECU ID and Pirate ID? How are they used?
The Pirate ID is also referred to as your username/user ID. This is how you are identified for logging into most
computing resources at ECU. Your Pirate ID can be found in your Admissions letterYour Pirate ID is the first part
of your e-mail address (“PirateID”
You have also been assigned a unique “ECU ID” that identifies you as a student at East Carolina University. Your
ECU ID also known as your Banner ID, but different from your Pirate ID will be required for very important
functions such as dropping courses.
Helpful Hint: If you forget your ECU ID or passphrase go to, and click on ‘Pirate ID’, and answer
your security questions to gain access to your ECU ID, change your passphrase, and/or unlock your account.
You can also find your ECU ID in PiratePort by logging in and clicking on your name in the upper right-hand
corner of the page.
Where can I get Technology Help?
The IT Help Desk, online at, offers technical assistance to ECU students including software
support, answers to general technology-related questions, getting connected to the university network and
Phone Support: 252-328-9866; Toll Free: 1-800-340-7081