Taking Apart
Numbers and
Writing Equivalent Expressions Using the
Distributive Property
Lesson Overview
Students divide area models in different ways to see that the sum of the areas of the smaller
regions equals the area of the whole model. They then rewrite the product of two factors
as a factor times the sum of two or more terms, leading to the formalization of the
Distributive Property.
Grade 6
Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
(7) The student applies mathematical process standards to develop concepts of
expressions and equations. The student is expected to:
(D) generate equivalent expressions using the properties of operations: inverse, identity,
commutative, associative, and distributive properties.
1.A, 1.C, 1.E, 1.F, 1.G, 2.C, 2.E, 2.I 3.D, 3.E, 4.B, 4.C, 5.B, 5.F, 5.G.
Essential Ideas
The area of a rectangle is the product of its length and width.
You can illustrate the Distributive Property using an area model of a rectangle with side
lengths a and (b 1 c).
The Distributive Property states that for any numbers a, b, and c, a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.
You can rewrite equivalent expressions using properties.
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 1
2 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
Lesson Structure and Pacing: 1 Day
Getting Started: Break It Down to Build It Up
Students divide area models for the product 5 3 27 in two different ways. They calculate
the areas of the subdivided parts before determining the area of the whole model.
Activity 1.1: Connecting Area Models and the Distributive Property
Students rewrite the product of two factors as a factor times the sum of two or more terms,
leading to the formalization of the Distributive Property. They decompose factors and
products into equivalent representations.
Talk the Talk: The Floor Is Yours
Students design the floor plan in a gymnasium for different after-school activities. They
represent their model using the Distributive Property and then explain their rationale.
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 3
Getting Started: Break It Down to Build It Up
Facilitation Notes
In this activity, students divide area models for the product 5 3 27 in
two different ways. They calculate the areas of the subdivided parts
before determining the area of the whole model.
Ask a student to read the situation aloud. Have students complete
Question 1 individually. Share responses as a class.
As students work, look for
Whether students use a vertical, horizontal, or slanted line to
divide the area model.
Splitting 27 into numbers that make the computation of area
Correct dimensions for each of the smaller regions in the area
Questions to ask
What is an area model?
Did you split the length to obtain specific values that add up
to 27? If so, explain your thinking.
Students may decide to make a diagonal line to split the area.
While correct, discuss that their decision makes two trapezoids, or
two triangles, instead of rectangles, and it is much more efficient
to use rectangles. Also, rectangles are required to model the
Distributive Property.
Have students complete Questions 2 and 3 individually. Share
responses as a class.
Questions to ask
What was the same about each of your area calculations? Why
is that the case?
Why does everyone get the same total area even though they
split the walkway differently?
You can divide an area model into smaller regions. The sum of the
areas of each region is the total area of the model.
4 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
Activity 1.1
Connecting Area Models and the Distributive
Facilitation Notes
In this activity, students rewrite the product of two factors as a factor
times the sum of two or more terms, leading to the formalization of
the Distributive Property. Students decompose factors and products
into equivalent representations.
Ask a student to read the introduction. Have students complete
Question 1 with a partner or group. Share responses as a class.
Questions to ask
When is the use of parentheses necessary? What do they
Why is 5 repeated in both parentheses?
How does this expression relate to your calculations?
Did anyone split the rectangle up into three regions? How
does that change the way you write the corresponding
equation using the Distributive Property?
Which combination of values is the most efficient one to use?
Ask a student to read the definition of the Distributive Property
aloud. Ask students to work with a partner or in groups to complete
Question 2. Share responses as a class.
Questions to ask
What does it mean to distribute something?
Explain what it is meant bymultiplication over addition.
The multiplication symbol is not shown but rather implied.
Where is multiplication implied in a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac?
Read and discuss the Worked Example as a class. Have students
answer Questions 3 through 5 with their partner or group, and share
responses as a class.
Questions to ask
What is the purpose of showing the arrows in the example?
Draw a diagram to represent this expression.
Could you write the expression as (2 1 15)4? Explain
your thinking?
How did you decide which addend to put in the
What are the factors in this equation?
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 5
Why did you choose the sum of those two values to
represent the factor?
Are some sums a better choice than others? Explain
your thinking.
What was the error in each false statement?
How do you read each true statement?
What is important to keep in mind when you are distributing
a factor over a quantity?
Differentiation strategies
To scaffold support for Question 3, suggest that students use
arrows similar to those used in the Worked Example. Then,
have them work backwards from the partial products.
For advanced learners, demonstrate how the Distributive
Property can help with mental math by expressing one factor
as the sum of the tens and ones values. For example:
3 3 28 5 3(20 1 8) 5 60 1 24 5 84.
You can use the Distributive Property to rewrite the product of two
factors as a factor times the sum of two or more terms.
Talk the Talk: The Floor Is Yours
Facilitation Notes
In this activity, students design the floor plan in a gymnasium for
different after-school activities. They represent their model using the
Distributive Property and then explain their rationale.
Have students work with a partner or in groups to complete
Question 1. Share responses as a class.
Questions to ask
What rationale did you use to split the gym floor to
accommodate the three activities?
How is the width of the gym floor reflected in your equation?
How is the area of each activity reflected in your equation?
A typical volleyball net spans about 36 feet from pole to
pole. Did you leave enough room to set up the net? If not,
how could you change your diagram and the corresponding
6 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
How does the use of the Distributive Property change when
you are multiplying a single factor by the sum of three
Does the sum of the areas of each of the three regions total
4200square feet?
The Distributive Property allows you to represent expressions in
different ways.
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 7
Warm Up Answers
1. 90 square inches
2. 108 square yards
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 1
Write, read, and evaluate equivalent numeric expressions.
Identify the adjacent side lengths of a rectangle as
factors of the area value.
Identify parts of an expression, such as the product and
the factors.
Write equivalent numeric expressions for the area of a
rectangle by decomposing one side length into the sum
of two or more numbers.
Apply the Distributive Property to rewrite the product of
two factors.
numeric expression
Distributive Property
Calculate the area of each
rectangle. Show your work.
6 in.
15 in.
9 yd
12 yd
Taking Apart
and Shapes
Writing Equivalent Expressions Using
the Distributive Property
You know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using different strategies.
Taking apart numbers before you perform a mathematical operation can highlight important
information or make calculations easier. How can taking apart numbers help you to express
number sentences in different ways?
8 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
1. Sample answer shown.
2. Sample answer shown
3. 135 square feet
10 125
100 35
2 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
Getting Started
Break It Down to Build It Up
Callie is building a rectangular walkway up to her house. The width of
the walkway is 5 feet and the length is 27 feet. She needs to calculate
the area of the walkway to determine the amount of materials needed
to build it.
1. Mark and label 2 different ways you could divide an area
model to determine the area of the walkway.
2. Determine the areas of each of the subdivided parts of
3. What is the total area of the walkway?
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 9
1. Sample answer.
5 3 27 5 5(25 1 2)
5 (5 ∙ 25) 1 (5 ∙ 2)
5 125 1 10
5 135
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 3
The numeric expression of 5 3 27 represents the area of the walkway
from the Getting Started. A numeric expression is a mathematical
phrase that contains numbers and operations.
The equation 5 3 27 5 135 shows that the expression 5 3 27 is
equal to the expression 135.
An equation is a mathematical sentence that uses an equals sign to
show that two or more quantities are the same as one another.
1. Reect on the different ways you can rewrite the product
of 5 and 27. Select one of your area models to complete the
How did you split the side
length of 27?
5 3 27 5 5(
1 )
What are the factors of each
smaller region?
5 (5 ?
) 1 (5 ? )
What is the area of each
smaller region?
What is the total area?
Connecting Area Models
and the Distributive Property
What are
other ways
you could
split one of
the factors
and write a
What would
the equation
look like if you
split one of
the factors
into more
than two
10 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
Help students
between the terms
expression and
equation. Read
the following
statements aloud.
Have students
usethumbs-up or
to indicate
2. Sample answer.
The area of the whole
rectangle is equal to
a (b+c) , because a is
the width and b+c is
the length. The area of
the smaller rectangle
is ab and the area of
the larger rectangle is
ac . The sum of those
areas, ab+ac , is equal
to the area of the whole
rectangle, a(b + c).
3a. 7(3 1 10 ) 5 21 1 70
3b. 3(12 1 15 ) 5 36 1 45
3c. 8(2 1 7 ) 5 16 1 56
3d. 5(6 1 9 ) 5 30 1 45
Write an example or counterexample to illustrate.
All equations have equal signs in them.
All expressions are equations.
All equations include expressions.
4 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
You just used the Distributive Property!
The Distributive Property, when
applied for multiplication, states
that for any numbers a, b, and c, the
equation a( b 1 c ) 5 ab 1 ac is true.
2. Explain the Distributive Property using the area model shown.
You can read and describe the expression 4 (2 1 15) in different ways.
For example, you can say:
four times the quantity of two plus fteen,
four times the sum of two and fteen, or
the product of four and the sum of two and fteen.
You can describe the expression 4 (2 1 15) as a product of two factors.
The quantity (2 1 15) is both a single factor and a sum of two terms.
3. Fill in the missing addend in each box that makes the
equation true.
a. 7 (
1 10 ) 521 1 70 b. 3 ( 1 15 ) 536 1 45
c. 8 (2 1
) 516 + 56 d. 5 (6 1 ) 530 + 45
Consider this example of the Distributive Property.
4(2 1 15) 5 4 ? 2 1 4 ? 15
You can also use
grouping symbols
to show that you
need to multiply
each set of
factors before
you add them,
? 2) 1 (4 ? 15) .
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 11
4a. Sample answer.
4 (10 1 7) 5 68
40 1 28 5 68
68 5 68
4b. Sample answer.
9 3 34 5 306
9 (30 1 4) 5 306
270 1 36 5 306
306 5 306
4c. Sample answer.
3 3 29 5 87
3 (20 1 9) 5 87
60 1 27 5 87
87 5 87
5a. False;
3(2 1 4) 5 3 ? 2 1 3 ? 4
5b. True
5c. False;
7(20 1 8) 5 7 ? 20 1 7 ? 8
5d. False;
4(5 1 10) 5 20 1 40
5e. True
LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • 5
4. Rewrite a factor as the sum of two terms in each expression
and use the Distributive Property to verify each product.
a. 4 3 17568 b. 9 3 345306
c. 3 3 29587
5. Identify each statement as true or false. If the statement
is false, show how you could rewrite it to make it a true
a. True False 3(2 1 4) 5 3 ? 2 1 4
b. True False 6(10 1 5) 5 6 ? 10 1 6 ? 5
c. True False 7(20 1 8) 5 7 1 20 ? 8
d. True False 4(5 1 10) 5 20 1 10
e. True False 2(6 1 11) 5 12 1 22
12 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
1. Sample answer.
50(40 1 34 1 10) 5
50 ? 40 1 50 ? 34 1
50 ? 10
5 2000 1 1700 1 500
5 4200
I divided the length of
the gym into three parts
to create three areas of
different sizes for each
I made the area for
playing volleyball the
largest, 50 feet by 40
I made the area for
playing dodgeball, 50
feet by 34 feet, close
to the same size as the
volleyball area, but a bit
I made the smallest area
of the gym, 50 feet by 10
feet, for playing board
games or reading since
those are activities that
require less movement.
6 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Multiples
The Floor Is Yours
You can apply the Distributive Property to solve
real-world problems.
Consider the situation.
Tyler is setting up the gym oor for an after-school program. He
wants to include a rectangular area for playing volleyball and
another for dodgeball. He also wants to have an area for kids who
like to play board games or just sit and read. The gym oor is
already 50 feet by 84 feet, or 4200 square feet.
1. Create a diagram to show how you would split up the
gym oor. Represent your diagram using the Distributive
Property and write an explanation for the areas assigned to
each activity.
40 34 10