5710 MacCorkle Avenue, SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Revised: August 2019
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 1 LENDER APPLICATION APPROVAL PROCESS ............................................. 2
Lender Application and Approval Process ......................................................................... 2
Participating Lender ……………………………………………………………… ...................................... 2-7
Third-Party Originator …………………………………………………………………………………….……….. 7-11
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................... 12
General Eligibility Requirements ................................................................................. 12-13
Homeownership Program ................................................................................................ 13
Movin’ Up Program .......................................................................................................... 13
Secondary Market Program ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance (DPCC) Program …….……………………….… 14-15
Underwriting Options ...................................................................................................... 17
Manual Underwriting ................................................................................................... 18-19
Borrower Eligibility Requirements .............................................................................. 19-21
Property Eligibility Requirements ................................................................................ 21-22
Underwriting Guidelines .............................................................................................. 22-32
Underwriting Fees ............................................................................................................. 32
CHAPTER 4 DOCUMENT DELIVERY .............................................................................. 33
CHAPTER 5 LOAN LOCK IN POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ........................................... 35
CHAPTER 6 CLOSING DOCUMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS ................................... 36-44
CHAPTER 7 CLOSING AND FUNDING PROCESS ...................................................... 45-47
CHAPTER 8 DEFERRED DOCUMENT PROCEDURES .................................................... 48
CHAPTER 9 QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................... 49
The West Virginia Housing Development Fund (the “Fund”) is a public body corporate and
governmental instrumentality of the State of West Virginia created pursuant to Chapter 31,
Article 18 of the West Virginia Code to provide safe, decent, and affordable residential housing
for West Virginians. The Fund offers a variety of loan programs to meet the needs of low to
moderate income homebuyers, including: (1) Homeownership Program; (2) Movin’ Up Program;
(3) Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance; and (4) Secondary Market Program. These loans
are originated primarily through the Fund’s lending partners.
This guide is designed to provide our lending partners with the information needed to facilitate
the origination, processing, underwriting, closing and delivery of our loans. The Fund reserves
the right to amend this procedural guide from time to time as necessary and will provide
notification of any modification to all lenders. Amendments to this procedural guide will be
made by means of program bulletins, lender memos and by the update of our website-
maintained guide.
This guide will be used in conjunction with the guides and announcements from Fannie Mae, the
Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Veterans Administration (VA), and the United States
Department of Agriculture Rural Development (RD) where appropriate.
The Fund’s Website:
Fannie Mae Selling Guide:
Single Family Phone Numbers: 304-391-8600 or Toll Free 1-800-933-9843
Name Area Phone
Jon Rogers Senior Division Manager Single Family Lending 304-391-8743
Patti Shamblin Division Manager Single Family Lending 304-391-8729
Kay Bowe Underwriting Manager 304-391-8734
Julie Diehl Funding and Deferred Documents 304-391-8610
Bob McCarty Initial Lock-in Reservation 304-391-8726
Justin Hylbert Lender Support and Business Development 304-391-8677
Loan Servicing Customer Service 800-933-1272
Third-Party Originator 304-391-8765
Payoff Requests/Loan Servicing 304-391-8750
West Virginia Housing Development Fund (“WVHDF” or “Fund”) program loans are originated,
processed, and closed by a network of approved participating lending institutions (“Participating
Lenders”). The loans and servicing rights are then purchased by the Fund following settlement.
The Fund may also receive program loan applications through assignment from a network of
approved third-party originators (Third-Party Originators (TPOs)) that perform certain loan
origination services for loans closed by the Fund. This Chapter covers the eligibility requirements
and general duties for Participating and Third-Party Originators.
The Participating and Third-Party Originator application packages are available by contacting
Justin Hylbert at or 304-391-8677. Prospective lenders must meet eligibility
requirements set forth below and submit the appropriate application package along with all
required documentation via email to Justin Hylbert at the address above or mail to WVHDF Attn:
Justin Hylbert 5710 MacCorkle Avenue, SE, Charleston, WV 25304. The Fund will notify lenders
of their acceptance, rejection, or status within 30 days from receipt of the package. After review
and approval, the Fund will execute and return one copy of the Loan Purchase Agreement or
Third-Party Originator Agreement. These Agreements establish the principal legal obligations of
the Fund and/or participants in the program.
The Fund is under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to do business with any entity in regard to
any Fund program. The Fund reserves the right in its sole discretion to select and/or terminate
its program participants.
To be eligible as a Participating Lender, the prospective lender must satisfactorily complete the
Lender Application, provide all items requested with it and meet the following qualifications:
Authorization to do Business. Be a properly licensed and legally organized bank or savings
and loan whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
or a credit union with deposits insured by the National Credit Union Administration
(NCUA); or a currently licensed West Virginia Residential Mortgage Lender.
Insurance Requirements. Have and maintain a fidelity bond and mortgage errors and
omissions coverage.
Insurer Approvals. Be approved as an originator by a private mortgage insurer acceptable
to Fannie Mae or be an FHA, VA or RD approved mortgagee.
Mortgage Loan Originators. Mortgage Loan Originators must be licensed or registered as
required by federal and/or state law.
Experienced Staff. Must have full-time staff with demonstrated ability and experience in
single-family mortgage loan origination, processing, underwriting (if applicable), closing
and post-closing.
Quality Control Plan. Provide a copy of company’s quality control plan that meets all
insurer/guarantor/investor requirements as they apply to loans originated.
Performance Record. Must have a record of satisfactory performance with other
mortgage lenders or insurers which can be demonstrated by the submission of three
letters of recommendation (or agency approval).
Hiring Procedures. Provide a copy of company’s hiring procedures for checking all
employees, including management, involved with the origination loans against the GSA
Exclusionary List and HUD LDP List.
Required Training. Originators, Processors, Underwriters (if applicable) and closing
employees must attend required training sessions provided by the Fund.
Other Qualifications. Must meet such other qualifications as the Executive Director shall
deem to be related to the performance of its duties and responsibilities.
Required Loan Purchase Agreement. Execute the Fund’s Loan Purchase Agreement.
To be approved to participate as a Delegated Underwriter, the Participating Lender must meet
the following requirements:
Experience: Participating Lender must have experience in the Fund’s programs with a
minimum of 12 loans satisfactorily delivered in the preceding calendar year.
Qualified Designated Staff. Participating lenders who are interested in attaining
delegated underwriting status must submit a letter of request signed by an officer of the
company that includes the name(s) of qualified designated staff to underwrite Fund
program loans and an acknowledgement that the lender accepts responsibility for the
underwriting decisions. A resume for designated staff must be submitted along with the
letter of request.
Required Training. Lender training must be completed by designated staff.
Test Cases. A specified number of satisfactory test cases must be submitted prior to loan
closing for review by the Fund’s Underwriting Manager. The number of files will be set on
a case by case basis.
Withdrawal of Delegated Status. Low submission of loans, inactivity or consistent Quality
Control or compliance violations may result in withdrawal of delegated underwriting
After initial approval, Participating Lenders will be required to meet the following requirements
to maintain their status as an approved lender:
Insurance Requirements. Maintain required fidelity bond and errors and omissions
insurance. When requested, the Participating Lender will provide the Fund with a
certificate from the insurance provider confirming that the fidelity bond and mortgage
errors and omissions insurance is still in effect.
Quality Control Plan. Provide annual certification that Quality Control Plan meets
applicable insurer, agency and/or investor guidelines.
Organizational Changes. Provide written notice to the Fund of any major organizational
changes, including but not limited to:
o Resignation or replacement of senior management personnel.
o Resignation or replacement of the Participating Lender’s designated delegated
underwriting staff for Fund loans.
o Mergers, acquisitions or corporate name change.
o Any reorganization, which centralizes or decentralizes a primary function (i.e.,
underwriting, closing or post-closing).
o Opening or closing of offices originating the Fund’s loans
Contact Information. The lender must advise the Fund, in writing, of any changes to their
primary business contact information including main mailing address, phone/fax
numbers, email addresses and ACH account information within five (5) business days of
the event.
Satisfactory Rating/Good Standing. Maintain a satisfactory rating by or good standing
with applicable regulatory agency or agencies and applicable governmental mortgage
insurers or guarantors. Advise the Fund immediately of any suspensions, sanctions,
debarments, probationary status, or any other action imposed by any federal, state or
local authority.
Appraisal Management Companies. Lender must inform the Fund of any change in the
Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) it utilizes during the course of its business with
the Fund. This notice, which must include contact information for the AMC, must be sent
to Fund management no less than 30 days prior to the addition or deletion of any AMC.
Delegated Underwriting. To maintain delegated authority, the approved underwriter(s)
must attend all refresher courses held by the Fund and maintain a satisfactory record of
performance. Files will be routinely reviewed for compliance to underwriting guidelines
and regulatory requirements.
Compliance with Fund Requirements. Maintain compliance with applicable state and
federal laws, rules and regulations and the requirements of this Procedural Guide and the
Loan Purchase Agreement including any subsequent amendments thereto.
Approved Participating Lenders are generally responsible for originating, processing, closing,
post-closing and delivering all loans in accordance with this Procedural Guide and any other
applicable guidelines referenced herein. Participating lenders with delegated underwriting
authority are also responsible for underwriting.
To participate in the Fund’s loan programs, Participating Lenders must comply with the
certifications, representations, warranties and requirements contained in the Loan Purchase
Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference, and this Procedural Guide and any
subsequent amendments thereto. The Fund may immediately terminate a lender’s participation
in the Fund’s loan programs if the lender fails to observe or perform any covenant, obligation or
agreement in the Loan Purchase Agreement or this Procedural Guide.
Unless otherwise stated in specific program guidelines, the Participating Lender may not charge
or collect any fees or discount points in excess of those stated herein. The Participating Lender
may collect fees for reimbursement of costs incurred, such as credit reports, appraisals, or flood
certification fees as applicable.
A $100 Administration fee payable to West Virginia Housing Development Fund is required on all
loans. This fee will be net funded at purchase of the loan.
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Programs
Origination Fee The Participating Lender will be compensated an origination premium
on Homeownership and Movin’ Up Program loans up to 1.85% of the first loan amount
with a minimum of $1,500 upon closing/funding. The program summary in effect at the
time of loan lock-in will indicate the amount paid by the loan applicant and/or the Fund.
This amount is also available on the rate sheet from the day the loan was locked in with
the Fund. The Participating Lender cannot reduce or refund this amount to the borrower
without written consent from the Fund.
Service Release Fee All servicing rights must be sold and transferred to the Fund. A
service release premium will be paid to the Participating Lender on Homeownership and
the Movin’ Up loans. The service release premium will be reflected on the program
summary, effective the date of loan lock-in, as well as the rate sheet. Service release fees
are paid to the Participating Lender when all post-closing documents are received and
accepted. The Participating Lender cannot reduce or refund this amount to the borrower.
“Other” allowable fees - Participating Lender may collect from the borrower up to
$650.00 for other reasonable customary charges made by the Participating Lender under
its general residential mortgage lending policy including, without limitation, fees
associated with the processing, underwriting and closing of the loan as permissible by the
insuring and/or licensing agency.
A $100 Administration fee payable to West Virginia Housing Development Fund is
required on all first deed of trust loans. This fee will be net funded at purchase of the loan.
Compensation and fees may be changed or eliminated at the discretion of the Fund.
Secondary Market
Pricing On Secondary Market loans, the rate lock and price will indicate the amount that
will be paid by the Fund. The Fund’s daily rate sheet will establish the pricing, which is all-
Service Release Fee All servicing rights must be sold and transferred to the Fund. The
service release fee is included in the price.
“Other” allowable fees - On Secondary Market loans “other” allowable fees are not
capped by the Fund but must comply with any applicable state or federal
Non-compliance with the representations, warranties and requirements contained the Loan
Purchase Agreement and this Procedural Guide and any other applicable guidelines referenced
therein may result in the following remedies: imposition of fees or penalties, the required
repurchase of specified loans, suspension from any activity as a Participating Lender (including
new reservations or delegated underwriting authority) or termination of program participation.
Late Delivery Fees The Fund may impose penalties for failure by the Participating Lender
to submit required loan documents within the required time period.
o Closed loan packages, including the complete credit package, must be submitted
to the Fund within 10 calendar days of the loan closing on Homeownership,
Movin’ Up and Secondary Market loans. Loan packages not received within this
time frame may be subject to a late fee.
o On Secondary Market loans delivered 11 days past the note or closing date, the
loan is subject to repricing. Repricing will be determined by the lowest of lock-in
price or price in effect the day of delivery of the loan to the Fund.
Late deferred document fees for Homeownership and Movin’ Up loans are as follows and
will be deducted from future payment of fees:
o File completed within 0-90 calendar days 0
o File completed within 91-120 calendar days .25% of loan balance
o File completed within 121-150 calendar days .50% of loan balance
o File completed within 151-180 calendar days .625% of loan balance
o File completed over 180 calendar days .65% of loan balance
For loans more than 180 days past date of initial review, the lender may be requested to
repurchase the loan. Repurchase requests will be mailed to the lender within 30 days of
the loan reaching 180 days past the date of initial review. Under extenuating
circumstances, an extension may be granted to the lender at the discretion of the Fund
and a fee may be imposed.
Repurchase of Loans a repurchase request for any loan will be for an amount equal to
the unpaid principal balance of the mortgage loan, plus accrued interest and costs
incurred by the Fund, delivery fees and any service release premium paid to the
Participating Lender for the loan along with any amount of the Down Payment and Closing
Cost Assistance loan which also may have been provided to the borrower. The following
may result in repurchase:
o Non-compliance with applicable Program requirements.
o Non-compliance with documentation requirements.
o Failure to comply with federal or state laws, rules or regulations.
o Misrepresentation or misstatement.
o Incorrect documents.
o Failure to deliver good title.
o Failure to provide all loan documents within required time frames.
o Non-compliance or breach of the purchase agreement with the Fund.
o Any loan which, within the first four payments of principal and interest due under
the Note, the loan becomes two months or more in arrears as to principal and
interest, or otherwise in default which, after any required notice and any cure
period or regulatory waiting period, would give the Fund the right to foreclose.
The grounds for and terms of repurchase are more fully set forth in the Loan Purchase
Third-Party Originator Eligibility Requirements - To be eligible as a Third-Party Originator, the
company must meet the following qualifications:
Authorization to Do Business. Be a properly licensed and legally organized bank or savings
and loan whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
or a credit union with deposits insured by the National Credit Union Administration
(NCUA); or a currently licensed West Virginia Residential Mortgage Lender or Broker.
Mortgage Loan Originators. Originators must be licensed or registered as required by
federal and/or state law.
Experienced Staff. Staff must demonstrate ability and experience in single-family
mortgage loan origination and be knowledgeable of the Fund’s program eligibility
requirements and all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations.
Required Training. Originators must attend required training sessions provided by the
Other Qualifications. Meet such other qualifications as the Executive Director shall deem
to be related to the performance of its duties and responsibilities.
Required Third-Party Originator Agreement. Execute the Fund’s Third-Party Originator
Ensure compliance with all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations and
the requirements set forth in this Procedural Guide and in the Third-Party Originator
Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Ensure adequate staff both in terms of numbers and experience/knowledge to fulfill
duties under Third-Party Originator Agreement.
Protect the Fund against fraud, misrepresentation or negligence by any parties involved
in the origination process.
Communicate with each borrower all the requirements of the applicable home loan
program(s), the status of the mortgage loan application and answer questions pertaining
to the Fund’s programs.
Perform the requisite services as set forth in the Third-Party Originator Agreement and in
accordance with the requirements of this Procedural Guide, applicable insurer/guarantor
requirements and applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations pertaining to
mortgage transactions.
After initial approval, Third-Party Originators will be required to meet the following requirements
to maintain their status as an approved lender:
Organizational Changes. Provide written notice to the Fund of any major organizational
changes, including but not limited to:
o Resignation or replacement of senior management personnel.
o Mergers, acquisitions or corporate name change.
o Any reorganization, which centralizes or decentralizes a primary function.
o Opening or closing of offices originating the Fund’s loans (include address, phone
number, fax number and branch manager’s name).
Satisfactory Rating/Good Standing. Maintain satisfactory rating by or good standing with
applicable regulatory agency or agencies. Advise the Fund immediately of any
suspensions, sanctions, debarments, probationary status, or any other action imposed by
any federal, state or local authority.
Compliance with Fund Requirements. Maintain compliance with applicable state and
federal laws, rules and regulations, the requirements of this Procedural Guide and the
terms and conditions set forth in the Third-Party Originator Agreement and any
subsequent amendments thereto.
For each closed loan that the Third-Party Originator performs the requisite services described
below and timely submits the application to the Fund, the Fund will pay the Third-Party Originator
the amount of $575.00. This amount may be changed at the discretion of the Fund.
A. Services - to become eligible to receive payment, the Third-Party Originator must
perform at least six (6) of the following services:
1. Obtain information from the borrower and deliver a complete FNMA 1003
application to the Fund, including all liability account numbers, signatures of
all borrowers and the loan originator, the originator NMLS/NMLRS number
and the originating company NMLS number (This service is required);
2. Analyze prospective borrower qualifications and determine eligibility for Fund
3. Educate the prospective borrower in the home buying and financing process
by advising the borrower about the types of loans available and explaining how
closing costs and monthly payments could vary under various loan types;
4. Collect financial information (pay stubs, W2s, tax returns, bank statements)
and other related documents that are part of the application process;
5. Assist the borrower in understanding and clearing credit issues;
6. Maintain regular contact with the borrower, realtors, and the Fund between
application and closing to update them on the status of the application and
gather any additional information or documentation as needed; and
7. Participate in the loan closing.
B. Timely Submission of Application
1. A complete copy of any loan application that the Third-Party Originator desires
the Fund to consider MUST be submitted within 24 hours of taking of the
application. If the loan application is for a purchase, the sales contract must
be attached and if the loan application is for a refinance, a copy of the current
deed must be attached. If the loan application is not submitted within 24
hours, the Fund will not accept the application. A loan application missing
required documentation or complete information will not be accepted until
such time as all required documentation and information have been timely
2. Payment to the Third-Party Originator will be issued by check within thirty (30)
days after the closing date.
3. Third-Party Originator shall have no direct or indirect ownership interest in any
property acting as security for the Mortgage Loan, or affiliation or relationship
with any other party having a financial interest in the Mortgage Loan or the
Mortgage Loan transaction unless prior written consent is obtained from the
4. Payment to the Third-Party Originator will be issued by check within thirty (30)
days after the closing date.
C. Program Loan Terms. The maximum interest rate and term for Program Loans shall
be specified and communicated to the Third-Party Originator by the Fund from time
to time.
Loans originated and processed under the Fund’s Homeownership, Movin’ Up Program and
Secondary Market Program are to follow specific program requirements as described within this
Each day a rate sheet is delivered via e-mail providing information on the program rates and
terms available for that day. This rate sheet may be revised from time to time during a business
day. It is the Originator’s responsibility to ensure that they have the most current sheet available
when they reserve a loan.
To reserve funds, a Third-Party Originator Registration/Lock-In Form, FNMA 1003 Application
(with income information, liability account numbers and executed by borrowers and loan officer),
Executed Assignment of Loan, Borrowers signature authorization, and executed Sales Contract
(if applicable) are faxed to the processing center at (304) 391-8765.
The loan documentation and registration form will be reviewed and executed by the processing
center with notification to the lender by phone or fax.
The Fund’s processing staff will review and analyze the initial documentation to match potential
candidates to a product based on the applicant(s) eligibility and qualifications. The Fund’s staff
will complete and mail all initial disclosures to the applicant(s) along with a request for any
additional documentation. Simultaneously, the file will be submitted to underwriting for
preliminary approval. Appraisals will be ordered by the Fund’s staff when preliminary approval is
Approval and any conditions will be faxed/e-mailed to the Third-Party Originator. The processor
will transmit approval conditions to the applicant and obtain documentation for loan approval.
The title search will be ordered by the Fund’s staff and preliminary closing date determined.
Upon receipt of the executed initial documents, the appraisal and all required conditions, the
loan is submitted to the Fund’s underwriting department for final approval. After receipt of final
approval, the lender and borrower are notified with any required closing conditions.
Upon receipt of the required closing conditions, the Fund’s processing staff will schedule closing
with the applicant, attorney and lender.
The Fund’s Closing Staff will prepare and deliver the closing documents to the Closing Attorney
and request funds for disbursement and conduct post-closing follow-up with the applicant and
the lender as necessary.
Loans must comply with the respective program-specific eligibility requirements, as well as
applicable underwriting and processing guidelines and federal guidelines depending on the loan
type (FHA, VA, RD). In cases where the federal underwriting or eligibility guideline is stricter than
that of the Fund, the federal guideline shall be followed.
The Fund will generally only accept Qualified Mortgages as defined under the temporary
Qualified Mortgage provision of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Ability to
Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rule (12 C.F.R. 1026.43(e)(4)) and the final rules adopted
by HUD, VA and USDA under the authority granted in 15 U.S.C. 1639c. In limited
circumstances, the Fund will accept loans that meet the manual underwriting and
approval requirements set forth in Chapter 3.
Higher Priced Mortgage Loans, as that term is defined in 12 C.F.R. 1026.35, are ineligible
for delivery to the Fund.
All loans must follow the processing, underwriting and closing procedures provided in this
Loans must be secured by a valid first lien on the eligible dwelling or second lien for the
Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Loans (DPCC).
Loans must be subject to adequate insurance coverage in accordance with this Procedural
Guide, the Fannie Mae’s Seller’s Guide and the requirements of FHA, VA, and RD
programs, as applicable.
Loan conditions must be satisfied.
Proper loan closing procedures must be utilized.
The Fund requires lenders to remit an Administrative Fee of $100.00 on all loans.
Loans must be eligible loans in accordance with this Procedural Guide and Fannie Mae
FHA, VA, and RD guidelines, as applicable.
Homeownership Program loans must comply with all requirements outlined in this
Procedural Guide as well as the current income and house price limits, which are located
on the Fund’s website.
Movin’ Up Program loans must comply with all requirements outlined in this Procedural
Guide as well as the current income and house price limits, which are located on the
Fund’s website.
Secondary Market loans must comply with Fannie Mae guidelines as set forth in the
current version of Fannie Mae’s Selling Guide, available at
Loans must otherwise comply with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and
regulations, the provisions of this Procedural Guide and the terms and conditions of the
Loan Purchase Agreement.
For rates, refer to the daily rate sheet for the applicable program.
The Homeownership Program offers 30-year fixed rate mortgages to eligible homebuyers,
providing up to 100% financing terms for qualifying applicants. These loans are processed and
underwritten to Fannie Mae, FHA, VA and RD Guidelines as applicable. The Underwriting and
Eligibility Requirements Chapter provides detailed guidelines on this program and the
requirements the borrower(s) must meet in order to qualify for this program.
The Homeownership applicant(s) must be provided the Single-Family Mortgage Brochure, which
outlines in detail pertinent guidelines. The Brochure is available on our website at
There is no minimum loan amount on this program and maximum loan amount is controlled by
the House Price Limits located on the Fund’s website, required down payment and compliance
with this guide. The loan must be secured by a valid first lien on the eligible single-family dwelling
being financed.
Prior ownership restrictions may apply, depending on the county in which the borrower is
purchasing. Refer to underwriting section in Chapter 3 for specific guidelines.
The Movin’ Up Program offers 30-year fixed rate mortgages, providing up to 100% financing
terms for qualifying applicants. No first-time buyer restriction applies. These loans are processed
and underwritten to Fannie Mae, FHA, VA and RD Guidelines, as applicable. The Movin’ Up
program accomplishes the specific objective of providing funds for long-term mortgage financing
of residential housing to qualified persons. Through the Movin’ Up program, the Fund increases
the availability of funds for housing by purchasing loans from Participating Lenders that meet
these requirements and otherwise comply with the eligibility and underwriting guidelines found
in the Chapter 3.
There is no minimum loan amount on this program and maximum loan amount is controlled by
the House Price Limits located on the Fund’s website, required down payment and compliance
with this guide. The loan must be secured by a valid first lien on the eligible single-family dwelling
being financed.
The Secondary Market Program provides 10 to 30-year, conventional fixed rate mortgages for all
income levels, providing up to 97% financing for the purchase of a primary residence. This
program also provides refinancing opportunities for qualified applicants as well as financing for
the purchase of second homes and investment properties.
Secondary Market loans must be processed, underwritten and closed in accordance with Fannie
Mae guidelines and loan eligibility requirements to be eligible for purchase by the Fund.
When registering Secondary Market loans in an amount of $250,000 and higher, the lender must
submit the DU findings indicating that it is in an Approve/Eligible condition. Further, the
compensation on loans of $250,000 and higher will be reduced by 25 basis points from the price
posted daily by the Fund on our Rate Sheet. This reduction will be reflected in the price confirmed
by the lock desk. There is not a minimum loan amount and maximum loan amounts are
determined by Fannie Mae. You may access Fannie Mae’s Selling Guide at
The Fund offers low interest rate Down Payment and Closing Assistance loans to aid qualified
borrowers in the purchase of their home. This loan closes in the name of the Fund, and Fund
designated trustees are named on the Deed of Trust. The DPCC loan must be secured by a valid
second lien position on the eligible dwelling. This program is available for Homeownership and
Movin’ Up program loans only under the following terms and conditions:
Refer to the daily Rate Sheet for loan amounts and terms.
The maximum combined loan to value will be dictated by the insuring agency but in no
instance can it exceed the Fund’s maximum CLTV of 105%.
For LTV/CLTV determination, the Fund requires total loan amount to be used for these
calculations. The Fund allows the actual calculation versus the FNMA guidelines of
rounding. LTV’s below 90% or LTV’s of 90% and above determine the available amount
of the 2
Deed of Trust loan.
Payment amount is included in the ratios for repayment.
Loan is not assumable.
Loan must be paid in full if the property is refinanced or sold.
Funds are to be applied first towards any standard closing cost that the borrower is
obligated to pay and then any remaining balance can be applied as down payment. Funds
used as down payment can also be considered the borrower’s funds to cover personal
property on the Homeownership Program.
Borrowers can be reimbursed for approved items that they have paid outside of closing
and documented. Approval is at the Fund’s sole discretion.
Any unused proceeds are to be returned to the Fund with the closing package in the form
of a check to be applied as a principal reduction to the Down Payment and Closing Cost
(DPCC) Assistance loan.
Standard FNMA documents are to be used for the Note and Deed of Trust.
It is mandatory that the Fund provide the funds for this loan at the closing table. Loan
proceeds must be requested from the Fund by 2:00 p.m. the business day prior to the
loan closing. The loan has to be approved and cleared for funding by a Fund underwriter
prior to the funding request being processed in our office.
Note that this program requires a Loan Estimate and a Closing Disclosure with the Fund
named as the lender. The deed of trust recording fee is the only fee that should be
reflected on the Closing Disclosure.
The Fund offers a variety of loan options. The eligibility and underwriting guidelines specific to
the Fund’s programs will be found in this guide. All loans delivered to the Fund require an
Approve/Eligible or Accept finding from appropriate automated systems. The HFA Preferred
loan product should be selected when inputting loan information in DU The lender is responsible
for providing evidence of satisfactory, enforceable mortgage insurance when applicable.
Conventional loans Conventional loans originated and processed under the Fund’s
Homeownership and Movin’ Up programs are to be generally underwritten to follow FNMA
guidelines. Program specific requirements outlined in this guide will take precedence in the case
of conflict. Secondary Market loans will follow FNMA guidelines found in the selling guide on
their website All conventional loans are required to be processed
through Desktop Underwriter. An Approve/Eligible is required for loan to be eligible for purchase.
For loans receiving an Out of Scope, refer to the section for Manual Underwriting.
VA and FHA Insured Loans The Participating Lender is responsible for obtaining VA or FHA
approval on the Homeownership and Movin’ Up programs. The automated system findings must
be in the file receiving an Approve/Eligible or Accept/Eligible decision. VA and FHA loans that
require a manual downgrade to a Refer status per AUS findings are not acceptable for delivery to
the Fund. When underwriting a FHA or VA insured loan that is to be financed under our
programs, use FHA or VA credit documentation guidelines, unless specified otherwise within our
guidelines. The LTV and CLTV calculations are to be determined using the total loan amount (face
amount of the note). The loan amount cannot exceed the appraised value, with the exception
of the VA funding fee, and in no case may the loan amount exceed the house price limits.
Secondary Market loans insured by FHA or VA are not eligible for delivery to the Fund.
RD Insured Loans RD insured loans must be submitted and approved through GUS, with all
conditions of the automated system and matrix guidelines satisfied. The Participating Lender is
responsible for underwriting and obtaining the approval of RD guarantee on the loan. When
underwriting a RD insured loan that is to be financed under our Homeownership or Movin’ Up
Programs, use RD credit documentation guidelines, unless specified otherwise within our
guidelines. The LTV and CLTV calculations are to be determined using the total loan amount (face
amount of the note).
With the exception of the Homeownership Program, the RD guarantee fee and closing costs can
be included in the loan amount in accordance with RD guidelines; however, the final loan amount
may not exceed the Fund’s house price limits. The loan amount may exceed the appraised value
only by the RD guarantee fee. The maximum LTV/CLTV of 105% applies.
The Homeownership program prohibits the inclusion of the closing costs. Other guidelines apply
as previously stated.
Special programs that provide down payment assistance (i.e. HOME Consortium, Federal Home
Loan Bank, Northern Panhandle, etc.) should be submitted to the fund for review and acceptance
prior to taking loan applications on our programs using this type of assistance.
All documents should be submitted through the Fund’s Lender Portal with appropriate upload
type selected. Refer to the Portal chapter for more details.
File Review by the Fund
This option should be utilized for all conventional loans submitted by non-delegated
participating lenders. The following documents are required for initial review and
conditional approval:
o Initial, fully executed 1003
o Fully executed sales contract/purchase agreement including all addendums
o Current Deed (on refinance transactions)
o 1st couple of pages of Credit report reflecting borrower name and scores (if issued
by Factual Data)
o Any pay stubs, VOE’s, VOD’s, Bank Statements, Court Orders, etc. that may have
been received at application. Full credit and collateral documentation may be
submitted as PTC (prior to closing) conditions.
Documents should be submitted using the Lender Portal with the following selections:
o Initial UW Submission >for initial review only
o Underwriting PTCs > all conditions for underwriting review)
o Appraisal>Only appraisals (or compliance inspections with photos) must be sent
through this separate upload type so that report stays in PDF form. All other
documents pertinent to the appraisal are to be sent as an Underwriting PTC
The Fund will attempt to review the file within 2-4 business days of receipt. The lender
will receive loan decision through the portal as a download. Email notification will be sent
to any persons who have uploaded documents. Approval, rejection, and listings of pended
items can be printed from the download file.
All conditions of the loan approval must be met prior to or at closing. A Final Approval/OK
to Fund must be obtained prior to closing with any closing conditions provided in the
closed loan package submitted to the Fund.
Delegated Underwriting (DE)
The Participating Lender will underwrite files utilizing its on-staff Fund approved DE underwriter.
After a lender has obtained delegated status, the lender’s staff should direct underwriting
questions to its delegated underwriter.
The DE underwriter will submit issues that need to be addressed by the Fund to the Fund’s
Underwriting Department. DE Underwriters are fully responsible for the credit and collateral
decisions. Deficiencies found in the loan underwriting may result in repurchase of the loan.
The DE Underwriter will complete an Underwriting Compliance Sheet based on final loan
approval information and send to the Fund for review utilizing the Lender Portal.
o UW Compliance Sheet Any waivers should accompany this sheet through this
o Appraisal The appraisal is to be sent at the same time as the UW Compliance
Upon satisfactory review, the Fund underwriter will sign off on the UW Compliance Sheet
and return through the Lender Portal. If corrections that are required, they should be
made on the same form and returned to the Fund through the UW Compliance Sheet
portal delivery option.
Loans are not to be closed prior to the Fund’s underwriter signing off as approved. The
complete credit package including federal compliance documents must be delivered to
the Fund after the loan is closed.
Federal Compliance Review
This option is for the non-delegated participating lenders in submitting government loans. The
Lender’s government approved/delegated underwriter will review and render decision for credit
and collateral, based on the insuring agencies guidelines. The lender takes full responsibility for
this decision. Deficiencies found in the loan underwriting may result in repurchase of the loan.
Submission of Federal Compliance documents only are required. Any missing documents
will be requested as a prior to closing condition. The remainder of the credit and collateral
file should be sent with the closed loan package after closing.
o Initial UW Submission > for initial review only.
o Underwriting PTCs > any conditions requested to complete review
o Appraisal > appraisals only are to be sent using this option to retain report in PDF
form. Documents pertaining to the appraisal are to be sent with PTC conditions.
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Conventional loans may be eligible for manual underwriting
when they receive a Refer w/Caution finding if they meet the eligibility requirements set forth
below and have a minimum of one (1) of the compensating factors listed below. Loans
underwritten by the Fund that receive a Refer w/Caution finding will be reviewed for manual
underwriting eligibility. If requirements are met, this option will be noted on the rejection letter
sent. Additional review will be made upon receipt of a full credit file including supporting
documentation of the eligibility and compensating factors.
Delegated underwriters reviewing Refer w/Caution loans for manual underwriting eligibility must
note their recommendations and send file to the Fund for final review and approval to override
a Refer w/Caution finding. Manual approvals require signature of the Fund’s underwriting
manager or senior division manager. Secondary Market and Government Insured loans are not
eligible for this review.
Eligibility Requirements
Minimum Credit Score of 640
All non-medical collections and charge offs with individual balance of $200 or aggregate
of $1,000 must be paid prior to closing. All liens and judgements must be paid prior to
Disputed accounts must be resolved with new credit report obtained to reflect resolution.
Maximum Debt to Income (DTI) of 41%
Reserves of 2 months PITIA
Mortgage Insurance provided if applicable
Compensating Factors
Previous housing experience documented with 12 months satisfactory payment with
payment shock not exceeding 1 ½ times current payment without savings to offset. (VOR
from management company, not from an individual landlord; or 12 months cancelled
Equivalent savings pattern as substitute for previous housing
Residual income 150% of VA Table
Additional income received for a minimum of 12 months but less than 24 months that is
not acceptable for DTI qualifying
Secondary Market loans receiving an Out of Scope DU Finding may be eligible for manual
underwriting following FNMA’s guidelines for non-traditional credit. Full credit files (excluding
appraisal) should be submitted for review by the Fund.
Homeownership, Movin’ Up and Secondary Market Programs
All borrowers must take title to the property and meet all compliance requirements.
Be a resident or intend immediately to become a resident of West Virginia.
Comply with all underwriting requirements as applicable.
Only U.S citizens and permanent, resident aliens (green card holders) are eligible for a
Fund loan.
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Programs
Satisfy the applicable income and house price limits required of the Program (found at ).
Not use any portion of the program loan to refinance or replace an existing mortgage,
except for the construction period financing which does not exceed 24 months.
Must be a primary residence.
Income toward federal limits will continue to be determined by persons taking title to the
property. However, family size will be determined by the number of persons expecting
to occupy the subject property as their primary residence within 60 days of closing.
In cases where there is shared custody of a dependent, the borrower must have 50% or
greater custody for the dependent to be included. If the family size matches the
information on the 1003, no further documentation is necessary. If the family size differs
from the application, the additional household members should be identified and
documented by a signed statement from the borrower.
Income calculation details for federal compliance limits are found in the underwriting
guidelines under Federal Compliance Income and the Single-Family Brochure.
Homeownership Program
Homeownership loans may only be made to title holders who had no ownership interest
in their principal residence at any time during the three-year period ending on the date
the program loan is closed. This requirement does not apply to residences located in
targeted areas or where the borrower is an eligible veteran under the Heroes Earnings
Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008. Refer to the current income and house price limits
for list of non-targeted counties. (Eligible veterans include any veteran who has not
previously received financing for a home through a Mortgage Revenue Bond program.) In
assuring that this requirement is met, the Participating Lender must obtain and review
the following:
o Satisfactory Application Affidavit
o 1003 application residency and declarations section with three (3) years residency
information disclosed (address/residency type/landlord name & address as
o Signed federal income tax returns for previous one (1) year
o Credit reports from each of the areas/countries/locality in which any borrower(s)
has resided in the past three years
Ownership interest for this program includes, but is not restricted to:
A fee simple interest
A joint tenancy, a tenancy in common, or a tenancy by the entirety
The interest of a tenant shareholder in a cooperative
A life estate
A land contract, under which possession and the benefits and burdens of ownership are
transferred although legal title is not transferred until some later time
An interest held in trust for the eligible borrower (whether or not created by the eligible
borrower) that would constitute a present ownership interest if held directly by the
An interest in a manufactured housing unit permanently attached to real property. For
these purposes permanently attached is defined as the unit being permanently anchored
to real property and has had the wheels and other components used in transportation
Interests which are not considered ownership interests include: A remainder interest, a lease
without regard to any purchase option, a mere expectancy to inherit an interest in a principal
residence, the interest that a purchaser of a residence acquires upon the execution of a purchase
contract, and an interest in other than a principal residence during the previous three years.
Secondary Market
WVHDF follows FNMA selling guide for this program.
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Programs The Fund will finance single family dwellings located
in WV and used as a principal residence. This includes 1-4 units with borrower required to owner
occupy one of these units, condominiums, townhouses, modular and new manufactured homes
(double wide). Single wide manufactured homes are not eligible.
The dwelling must be structurally sound, functionally adequate, in compliance with all applicable
zoning requirements, housing codes and the standards set forth by the Fund in the Appraisal
Requirement Section.
The acquisition cost of the dwelling must meet the applicable purchase price requirement of the
Homeownership Program - Loans are subject to the following additional requirements:
Maximum Lot Size. The land appurtenant to a residence shall be considered as part of the
residence only if such land is typical for the area and reasonably maintains the basic livability of
the residence and does not provide, other than incidentally, a source of income to the mortgagor.
This must be supported by similar comparable. In no instance can the land exceed five acres.
Use of Property. A principal residence does not include any residence which can reasonably be
expected to be used: (a) primarily for a trade or business, except for a two to four family
residence, in which case the borrower shall be permitted to rent or lease the non-owner-
occupied unit(s), (b) as an investment property, or (c) as a recreational or second home. Not more
than fifteen percent (15%) of the total living area of a residence may be used in a trade or
business which would permit any portion of the costs of the dwelling to be deducted as an
expense for Federal Income Tax purposes (except in the case of a two to four family residence,
in which case the borrower shall be permitted to deduct for Federal Income Tax purposes the
costs associated with the non-owner-occupied units).
Refer to the Appraisal section for additional details.
Movin’ Up Program There is no acreage restriction for this program, however comparables
must support site size. Refer to the Appraisal section for additional details.
Secondary Market Program New and used manufactured homes and modular homes are
eligible (refer to Fannie Mae selling guide). New or used singlewide mobile homes are not eligible
for delivery to the Fund. Refer to FNMA selling guide for other property guidelines.
Acquisition Cost - Purchase transactions for all programs have the price established by a sales
contract. Homeownership and Movin’ Up programs have specified house price limits, referred
to as “acquisition cost”, which is the cost of a completed residential unit. No portion of the
proceeds of the Homeownership loan can be used to acquire furniture or other personal property
not permanently affixed to the residence. When a sales contract or the appraisal references
personal property, the down payment amount needs to cover the value of the personal items to
ascertain that Homeownership dollars are not financing these items. In the event that the
property is a newly constructed home with appliances, or appraisal indicates a newly renovated
kitchen with appliances, then the actual invoice must be used for the value. The Fund allows for
$50 per used appliance for value pertaining to calculations of personal property. Personal
property other than appliances will need to have a value established by a qualified person with
the file containing documentation to support how the value was derived. The acquisition cost of
a residence does NOT include:
Usual and reasonable settlement and financing costs (settlement costs include title and
transfer costs, title insurance, survey fees and other similar costs, and financing costs
include credit reference fees, legal fees, appraisal expenses, “points” which are paid by
the purchaser[s], or other costs of financing the residence; such amounts must not exceed
the usual and reasonable costs which otherwise would be paid where financing is not
provided by Qualified Mortgage Bonds);
The imputed value of services performed by the purchaser or members of his/her family,
which include only the purchaser’s spouse, brothers and sisters, ancestors, and lineal
descendants in construction or completing the residence; or
The cost of land owned by the purchaser(s) for at least two years before the date on which
the construction of the residence begins.
The Fund follows FNMA for all loan programs in calculation of sales concessions and financing
concessions over allowable financing by interested party contributions (IPC’s).
The Homeownership Program requires a completed Application Affidavit executed by each
eligible borrower(s) and/or persons taking title to property; and a Seller Affidavit executed by the
seller(s) must be delivered to the Fund. These forms are included in the Single-Family Mortgage
Brochure and are available online at The borrower must receive the brochure
in its entirety, and then complete the affidavit as required.
Family size for determination of income limits is addressed under Borrower Eligibility.
In situations where there is more than one seller, multiple Seller Affidavits may be obtained. In
no case should changes be made to these forms. The form must be fully completed, signed and
notarized. Any corrections should be initialed.
The Seller Affidavit requires the property address to be provided; however, the section at the
bottom should reflect the seller(s) current address.
Application and Seller Affidavits are not required for the Movin’ Up and Secondary Market
The Fund requires an independent appraisal of the subject property in accordance with Fannie
Mae’s appraisal guidelines (or FHA, VA or RD as applicable) to be included in the loan credit
package. Fannie Mae’s appraisal guidelines are available at within the
Selling Guide and include information on the selection of an appraiser, information the lender
needs to maintain on file, and review of the appraisal. Both the lender and the appraiser need
to be knowledgeable of the requirements set forth in Fannie Mae’s and the insuring agency’s
appraisal guidelines. Appraiser comments should be provided to support adjustments; narrative
is extremely helpful in determining acceptability of the property and report.
The Fund also requires the Participating Lender and the appraiser to be aware of and comply with
state and federal laws, rules and regulations concerning real estate appraisers and appraisals.
On all loans submitted to the Fund, the appraisal must be uploaded into Fannie Mae’s Uniform
Collateral Data Portal (UCDP) and the Document File ID number provided at the time of the
appraisal submission. An appraisal with full inspection specific to property type (Fannie Mae
Form 1004, 1004C, 1073 or 1025) with all attachments is always required on loans for the Fund
EXCEPT when Secondary Market loans receive the option of a Property Inspection Waiver
through Desktop Underwriter. Lenders must provide the appraisal to the Fund by email in pdf
Comparables -- Comparables must support that the subject amenities are common and
customary. Examples of this would be if subject only has a ¾ bath, one bedroom, no bedroom
closets, or below grade, then the comparable used should be the same.
Dwelling -- The appraiser is to report any OBVIOUS items or areas that affect the safety, livability
and marketability of the property. Correction of these items will be required to be addressed
prior to loan closing regardless of insuring agency’s requirements.
If the appraisal indicates evidence of wood-boring insects, dampness, or abnormal
settlement, the appraisal must comment on the significance of these items, if an
additional inspection is required and on the effect of the value and marketability of the
subject property. If an inspection is required, the lender must either provide satisfactory
evidence that the condition was corrected or submit a professionally prepared report
indicating, based on an inspection of the property, that the condition does not pose any
threat of structural damage to the improvements. Copy of acceptable credentials should
also be provided.
o Roof A roof inspection must be provided by a licensed contractor when required
by the appraisal, sales contract or underwriter upon knowledge of potential
problems. When a roof inspection is required, the Fund requires a 2-year
minimum remaining life. Metal and slate roofs are acceptable and must meet the
same guidelines.
o To be counted as a bedroom there must be an operable window and not be a
captured room (pass-through one room to get into the other).
o The appraiser must comment that the square footage or number of bedrooms
within the unit is common and customary to the area and must support the
comment with similar comparables in the appraisal report.
o Unique floor plans/building structures must meet FNMA guidelines.
o Electrical Each unit must have an electrical system of adequate size for the unit,
but in no case can the service be less than 100 amps.
o Smoke Detectors smoke detectors are required to comply with West Virginia
Utilities are required to be on and inspected. If not on at the time of appraisal inspection,
the Fund will accept compliance inspection by appraiser, licensed contractor or home
o Heating Each system shall be designed as a heat supply for the entire dwelling.
All units shall be equipped with a central automatic thermostat and safety cut-off
switch. Heating units are to be located in an area designed for safe and proper
- All floor furnaces and circulating heaters will require certification from a licensed heating
contractor. They must be common to the area, UL approved, installed in conformance
with the manufacturer’s recommendation, and be of sufficient size and located in a
position to provide adequate heat without the use of space heaters.
- Individual space heaters are not acceptable.
House siteFor all sites being considered for financing under the Homeownership Program, the
program allows for only one home site, with maximum of 5 acres and supported by similar
comparables. Refer to Property Eligibility for more details.
Manufactured Homes Manufactured homes are built in the controlled environment of a
manufacturing plant and are transported in one or more sections on a permanent chassis (metal
beams). If the unit has the metal beams it is to be treated as a manufactured home and the
appropriate manufactured unit appraisal forms are required. A manufactured home is built to
the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (HUD Code) and must
display a certification label on the exterior of each transportable section as well as the required
Data Plate Refer to FNMA guidelines for additional information.
We will accept new or used manufactured units (depending on the program, refer to eligible
dwelling/residence section) when the remaining economic life of the units meets or exceeds the
loan term. These units must be placed on a permanent foundation in accordance with the local
zoning and building codes and assumes the characteristics of site-built housing thus becoming
part of the real property. Homes must be on original set up site. The foundation is not required
to be brick or block skirting; vinyl siding will be sufficient. The Fund requires that wheels, axles,
and the trailer hitches be removed when the unit is placed on its permanent site and that both
the perimeter and pier foundations have footings located below the frost line. Units must be
installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Anchors must be provided where required
by state law. Certificates of title must be retired.
For additional information on the titling of manufactured home units refer to the closing chapter.
Multiple lots The Fund follows FNMA guidelines on contiguous requirement.
Repair Compliance Inspection Certification is required to verify any/all required repairs have
been 100% completed. (Use Fannie Mae’s Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report or the
Fund will accept FHA/VA forms if applicable).
Must include all repairs, including any required by the Fund.
Must include date and signature of an approved appraiser (if proposed construction,
should be the same one that appraised the property based on plans and spec sheets).
Must include photos per Fannie Mae guidelines.
If construction or major repairs are underway at the time of the appraisal, the appraiser
must make a compliance inspection following the completion of the work. If the appraiser
is not professionally or by experience qualified to evaluate the completion of
construction, a professional qualified in the particular construction area must be retained.
A reasonable charge for the compliance inspection may be added to the appraiser’s fee.
Items inspected by the appraiser or other professionals must be listed on the compliance
inspection report or attached sheet. On repair items that lenders feel comfortable
inspecting, we will accept a lender’s certification (letter format) stating that repairs have
been completed along with a photo(s) of the repairs. Examples of these repairs might
include handrails, scraping and painting, and seeding of lawn.
Repair Escrow Repairs are required to be completed prior to closing. The insuring agencies
certificate of insurance must be in place and effective when the Fund purchases the loan. Repairs
that weather prevents being completed will be considered on a case by case basis.
Streets -- The property should face a publicly dedicated and maintained street that meets
community standards and is generally acceptable to area residents. If it appears that the
property is located on a street that is not typical of other streets in the community, the appraiser
should include comments on any effect that being on that street could have on the property’s
marketability and value.
If the property is located on a community-owned or private street, the report should indicate
whether there is an adequate enforceable agreement concerning the maintenance of the street.
Recorded documentation for the maintenance of the street must meet Fannie Mae or the
insuring agencies guidelines.
For construction to permanent loans, the loan file needs to be accurately documented with total
acquisition cost by a turn-key construction contract utilizing a licensed contractor. A copy of the
construction Note, Closing Disclosure and the Deed are required to be submitted. On new
construction of manufactured homes (doublewide only), a copy of invoice from manufacturer to
dealer and dealer to borrower is required. The dealership must act as general contractor and be
licensed for 100% turn-key set up.
Under the Homeownership or Movin’ Up Program, a borrower cannot roll other expenses into
the construction loan (closing costs, payoff of other debt, etc.) above the acquisition cost and can
only payoff the construction loan that is structured with short-term financing and no permanent
financing rollover language.
On both the Homeownership and Movin’ Up Programs, when the deed is already in the
borrowers name the borrower cannot occupy the home until the permanent financing with
WVHDF is closed due to being considered a refinance transaction with Right of Rescission
documentation required.
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Programs - The Fund does not accept co-signers/non-occupant
borrowers on its loan programs. In the instance that FHA, VA or RD may accept co-signers, the
Fund’s policy of no co-signers/non-occupant borrowers will prevail.
Secondary Market Program - The Fund will follow Fannie Mae guidelines.
The Fund does not accept paying off revolving debt to qualify. Revolving credit is considered a
lifestyle and must be used in qualifying borrowers. Installment loans paid off or paid down should
be carefully considered. Satisfactory, sufficient funds must be verified, and loan must be
documented paid in full. Desktop Underwriter (DU) will determine if derogatory credit must be
paid; any omitted debt must be addressed with satisfactory documentation.
Frozen credit reports or accounts are required to be made accessible to the Fund and our
Participating Lenders throughout the mortgage application process.
When information is being received from a borrower to complete the application process, it is
important that you ask the borrower to provide a list of all their debts including account numbers,
payment amounts and estimated balances. Do not auto populate the liabilities on the loan
application from the credit report without verifying debt with borrower. By signing the
application (1003) borrower is stating populated debt to be accurate.
The Fund does not accept credit “rescoring” as a means to eliminate or reduce loan level price
adjustments (LLPA) or to obtain loan approval.
The Fund will accept a lender’s credit report for use in underwriting when the following criteria
are met:
Report is ordered through Factual Data;
Report is less than 45 days old at time of submission/deliverance;
Report has not already been imported into an automated system; and
Pages with Factual Data reference/computer id number and credit scores are provided.
For the Homeownership program, any reported mortgages should be addressed when borrower
is purchasing in non-targeted counties. Documentation is required to support borrower has not
had ownership in a primary residence for prior three (3) years.
The Fund will accept electronically signed loan documents with the exception of the Affidavits,
Note and Deed of Trust. Electronic signatures must comply with the ESign Act of 2000, UETA,
and any HUD, RD, VA or FNMA guidelines as well as all applicable state requirements.
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Programs All loans are required to have established escrow
accounts for the payment of hazard insurance, real estate taxes, private mortgage insurance, and
flood insurance if applicable to the loan.
Secondary Market Program Loans are required to have established escrow accounts for the
payment of hazard insurance, real estate taxes, private mortgage insurance, and flood insurance
if applicable to the loan unless a waiver has been granted at the time the loan was underwritten.
Qualifications for the waiver are:
LTV at or below 70%
6 months’ reserves after funds needed for loan closing and/or required reserves
Waiver fee of .25% of loan amount (will be included with the Loan Level Price
Flood insurance may not be waived (per FDIC’s final rule effective January 2016)
To receive this waiver, the lender is to submit a waiver request form along with the completed
Waiver of Escrow Payments and Disclosure form fully completed and signed to the underwriter.
Note that even though escrows may be waived, information must still be disclosed on the
application (1003) and used in calculating debt to income (DTI) for accurate Desktop Underwriter
Returns marked COPY DO NOT FILE are not acceptable unless prepared by a third party. A Tax
Return Transcript or Record of Account are acceptable alternatives to the actual returns. These
must be obtained from the IRS. An Account Transcript is not an acceptable alternative as it
provides only limited information. IRS tax forms (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ) are to be signed on the
signature line provided, alternative documentation used to confirm tax information must be
signed by the borrower(s) on first page only. Complete returns include all schedules with W2’s.
Loans submitted for approval after April 15 must be accompanied by the previous year’s federal
tax return. Extensions for the filing of the tax return with the IRS are not acceptable. The Fund
will not proceed with the loan until the required tax returns are filed with the IRS. Tax transcripts
may also be required in these cases for verification of filing. When the previous year’s federal
return is available prior to April 15, it should be included in the loan package.
Federal Compliance - In regard to the Homeownership Program in non-targeted counties,
executed copies of the previous one (1) year federal income tax returns are to be included in the
credit file when three (3) years residency is clearly disclosed on the 1003 application. When three
(3) years residency, type of residency and landlord information is not disclosed on the 1003, tax
returns for the previous 3 years will be required. For borrowers who were not required to file a
federal income tax return for the previous year(s), a completed Income Tax Affidavit (WVHDF
form) is required stating the reason tax returns were not filed with IRS. Tax returns must be
reviewed for any evidence that the borrower may have claimed deductions for property taxes or
for mortgage interest deduction for a primary residence.
Tax returns for the Movin’ Up Program and Secondary Market are only required as they relate to
income determination.
Qualifying Purposes Personal federal tax returns for the previous two years are required for
calculation of income if the applicant is self-employed. Other employment situations following
Fannie Mae guidelines or FHA, VA or RD if applicable may also require tax returns (commissioned,
employed by family, trust, rental, etc.). If a slow or declining economy exists, tax returns for the
current year will be required prior to IRS’s April 15
filing date. Tax returns are to be signed on
the signature line and include all forms and supporting schedules. In most instances, applicants
will be required to provide two years’ business tax returns also to further support their income.
The following diagram outlines the required tax return forms:
NOTE Copies of State Tax Returns are not required and should not be submitted. A fully
completed and signed 4506T should be submitted to the Fund. The form is located on our web
site,, under Lender Forms.
Flood Determination certifications are required on all loans. If flood insurance is not available in
certain flood hazard areas because the community does not participate in the National Flood
Insurance Program, the Fund will not purchase mortgages secured by properties located in those
areas. Review the certifications with care; the properties that are located in non-participating
communities appear on the Flood Determinations as “NO” not in a flood prone area.
Each Homeownership, Movin’ Up and Secondary Market loan must be executed on forms
approved by the Fund, and by Fannie Mae, FHA, VA, and RD where appropriate. The forms
specific to the Fund are available on our website at
At least one borrower signing the Note must complete an acceptable homeownership education
program meeting FNMA guidelines on conventional loans under the Homeownership and Movin’
Up Programs. On government insured loans, follow the insurer’s guidelines for counseling
Specialized programs may require counseling and will be noted in the program summaries, as
they are made available. The program summary will indicate if classroom participation is
required to satisfy the counseling requirements. The classroom instruction is to be provided by
an approved Fund non-profit agency or the private mortgage insurance company.
Applicable income limitations are set forth for both the fund Homeownership and Movin’ Up
Programs. Income limits are to determine eligibility for projected income of the next twelve
months from the date of closing.
Annualized gross income is determined by multiplying gross monthly income by 12 for all parties
as outlined below. Gross monthly income is the sum of monthly gross pay, reflected on a current
pay stub reflecting a minimum of 30 days year to date earnings, plus any additional income from:
overtime, part-time employment, bonuses, dividends, interest, royalties, pensions, VA
compensations, rental income and other income (such as alimony, child support, public
assistance, sick pay, social security benefits, unemployment compensation, income received
from trusts, and income received from business activities or investments, workers’
compensation, and disability insurance, etc.). History of other types of payment such as bonus,
commission, overtime, etc. must also be taken into consideration.
On monies received in a lump sum type of payment, such as inheritance, insurance settlement,
lottery winnings, etc., we will consider these funds as an asset. Borrower should be qualified
using a 2% interest factor on funds not being used toward the purchase of subject property. Only
the interest amount will be considered toward Federal Income Limits.
Rental income on currently owned homes is calculated by using net rental plus depreciation from
tax returns. On properties purchased in the current year, a signed lease should be obtained and
75% of rent used to qualify. On retained homes (when allowable), 75% of market rent is to be
used, verified by an appraiser, realtor knowledgeable in rent management or acceptable website
rent providing rent estimate.
For self-employed persons, income is the total of income shown on the last year’s personal tax
return plus depreciation. A year to date profit and loss statement is needed if the application is
dated 120 days or more after the tax year. In the cases of “S” corporations, income used on their
tax schedules must be included in addition to all requirements listed for self-employed
When the income documentation submitted indicates that any applicant has reduced the
number of hours scheduled to work and/or has resigned a job merely to qualify under the income
limitations for the program the loan will be rejected.
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Program Household Income is the gross annual income
of all parties taking title to the property. Supporting documentation for the income
calculation is required. For these programs, it is mandatory that all borrowers qualifying
for the loan take title to the property.
Secondary Market There are no income limits on these loans.
Conventional loans that exceed 80% loan to value (LTV) based on the lesser of sales price or
appraised value must carry private mortgage insurance coverage provided by a Fannie Mae
approved company. Acceptable providers are listed on Fannie Mae’s website at This insurance is obtained under the Participating Lender’s name and
then assigned to the Fund.
FHA, VA or RD loans are required to have the appropriate default insurance as provided by those
Lenders are responsible for providing the insuring agency with correct and current information
and for obtaining a certificate with no outstanding conditions.
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Program conventional insured loans require the following
coverage amounts:
o 95.01% - 97.00% LTV 18% coverage
o 90.01% - 95.00% LTV 16% coverage
o 85.01% - 90.00% LTV 12% coverage
o 80.01% - 85.00% LTV 6% coverage
o 0% - 80.00% LTV 0% coverage
Note that special programs that may be offered from time to time can require higher coverage
amounts, which will be disclosed in the program summaries provided as available.
Secondary Market conventional insured loans follow the higher coverage amount
requirements from the Desktop Underwriting findings for required coverage or Fannie
Mae Selling Guide.
Personal property other than appliances must have a value provided by a person/company with
acceptable credentials. Personal property cannot be included in financing of real estate property
and is considered a sales concession. Follow FNMA guidelines for calculating LTV/CLTV. If sales
contract is renegotiated to remove personal property, value of items must still be provided with
expectation of sale price being lowered by same amount. Refer to Acquisition Cost for guidelines
specific to the Homeownership Program.
Power of attorney (POA) documentation may be acceptable when the parties to the transaction
are unavailable to execute the closing documentation. The responsibility for ensuring that the
POA properly allows for the sale and/or purchase of real estate and incurring debt on behalf of
the party shall reside with the lender and their closing attorney.
On loans in which the Fund is the underwriter, the POA for the buyer must also be provided to
the underwriter as a prior to closing condition.
All POA documents utilized (both buyer and seller) to facilitate the transaction must be recorded
and a copy of the recorded document must be submitted in the final loan documentation
submitted to the Fund.
Pre-Approval submissions are available for participating, non-delegated lenders. This review is
offered only on conventional transactions. Registration is required using TBD as the property
address. Do not lock the loan at this time.
Submit the following documents through the Portal using the PL Initial UW Submission delivery
A fully completed and signed 1003 with TBD as property address
Credit Report
o Must be issued by Factual Data
o Cannot have been reissued through any AUS or other system prior to coming to
the Fund.
o Must be a tri-merged report.
o No other credit documents will be reviewed and should not be submitted.
Upon the Fund receiving an Approve/Eligible finding through DU, a pre-approval letter will be
issued to the Lender conditional to satisfactory verification of information on the application and
the DU Findings. This pre-approval will expire after 30 days and changes in the rates, product
eligibility as well as changes in the borrower’s information may affect approval.
Lenders are encouraged to accurately disclose this information to the borrower. The pre-
approval letter is to the Lender and may not be forwarded to the borrower.
Upon receipt of a signed sales contract, the lender will update loan information in the Funds
registration system. The updated, signed 1003 should be submitted as a new submission to
underwriting, using the same loan number. This is the one exception to uploading a second time
to the PL- Initial UW Submission in the portal delivery.
On Homeownership and Movin’ Up loans, the underwriting fee payable to the Fund is $145 and
on Secondary Market loans the fee is $75.
On delegated underwriting loans, there is no Fund underwriting fee.
Lenders are required to upload files electronically through WVHDF’s Document Upload Portal
called VirPack. For Multi-function devices and scanners, the below settings will need to be made
standard so that the quality of scanned files is optimal:
300 dpi
Black & white (not grayscale as that will create significantly larger image files)
Auto-Sense Page Size or different size pages
TIFF Images
No Page Scaling
Do not compress and zip files
If you have any questions, please contact your technical support staff.
Each Lender will be required to designate a Portal Administrator who will approve and manage
lenders users for the lender portal. This portal is to deliver documents to the Fund in a paperless
manner. Once the Administrator has been set up by Fund personnel, the lender’s staff may begin
to self-register via our website > Lending Partners > Document Delivery >
Document Upload Portal > Not a Member? Register Here. Information must be fully completed,
and users must provide the Group Request Token provided by their Administrator. The VirPack
Originator Portal 3.2 User Manual is available on our website under Document Delivery.
For purposes of this portal, only the loan for the 1
Deed of Trust will be used. The loan for the
Deed of Trust should never be selected. This includes the request for documents and funding
of the 2
Deed of Trust; these are to be requested using the loan number of the 1
Deed of Trust
Portal Options are below:
Underwriting Compliance Sheet This option is for Delegated Lenders Only. The UW
Compliance Sheet and any waivers should be sent using this
Initial UW Submission For submission of initial underwriting review only
subsequent conditions are to be sent through different
Underwriting PTCs Prior to closing conditions use this option to delivery to the
Appraisal The original appraisal report in color form must be sent in
pdf form to this option. Compliance reports may also be
uploaded to this option when color photos are being sent.
All other supporting collateral documents should be sent
with Underwriting PTCs.
DOT Requests To request early OR closing disclosures/documents on our
Deed of Trust (DAP) loan.
Funding Requests Use this option to request funds for the 2
Deed of Trust
Closed Loan Package Delegated Lenders -will upload the entire file except for the
appraisal (both underwriting & closed package).
Non-Delegated Lenders-Conventional loans will upload
the initial disclosures with the closed loan package. (The
underwriting file with appraisal will already have been
received and should not be resent.)
Non-Delegated Lenders-Government loans the remaining
portion of the underwriting file, initial disclosures along
with the closed loan file. (The Federal Compliance file and
appraisal should not be resent.)
Post-Closing Conditions All post-closing (deferred) conditions.
QC Conditions Any items requested as a result of q QC review (Pre-Fund
or Post-Closing)
Documents will be returned from the Fund to the Lender as a Download through the Lender
Portal. An email notification will be sent to all persons who have uploaded documents on the
particular loan.
Always load documents to the loan number for the 1
Deed of Trust. Under no
circumstance should documents ever be uploaded to the 2
Deed of Trust loan number.
The appraisal must be sent separate from the file in original/color pdf form using the
appraisal option.
Scan and upload documents in black & white except for the appraisal.
Do not upload duplicates, ineligible copies and additional documentation not required.
When sending in original documents, scan and upload prior to mailing.
Loans may be locked by Participating Lenders for specific programs, applicants and properties.
The interest rate is locked after loan application and the lender has determined that the borrower
meets the eligibility requirements and guidelines for the loan program. The Participating Lender
may request changes, extensions and cancellations through the automated Lock System. A
change in the loan program will require the loan to be re-locked at different terms. The only
changes that are required to be made through the registration system are Program changes, rate
extensions, rate changes or cancellations.
The Fund offers rate locks of 60 days for existing home purchases in the Homeownership and
Movin Up Programs and 210 days for new construction. For Secondary Market Program loans,
rate locks ranging from 10 days to 60 days are available.
If the rate lock expires prior to the loan closing, generally borrowers will be required to accept
the worst-case scenario. For example, if rates have fallen, the rate will be extended at the current
rate. If rates have increased, the rate lock must be extended at the higher rate. Generally, the
only exceptions offered to this policy are when the Fund can be shown to have contributed to a
delay in the loan closing.
We will consider requests to extend an existing lock on Homeownership and Movin Up Program
loans on a limited basis when a rate increase results in a previously approved loan application to
be denied due to the higher payment resulting from the rate increase.
When registering Secondary Market loans in an amount of $250,000 and higher, the lender must
submit the DU findings indicating that it is in an Approve/Eligible condition. Further, the
compensation on loans of $250,000 and higher will be reduced by 25 basis points from the price
posted daily by the Fund on our Rate Sheet. This reduction will be reflected in the price confirmed
by the lock desk. There is not a minimum loan amount and maximum loan amounts are
determined by Fannie Mae. You may access Fannie Mae’s Selling Guide at
The Fund uses an automated Loan Lock-in System called Path. Please refer to the Lock-in System
User's Guide for procedures in accessing and using this system on the Fund’s website at The easy-to-use system guides you through the lock process.
All Fund loans are subject to the closing requirements contained in this chapter unless otherwise
specified by a particular Fund Program. Accuracy of the borrower’s name, property address, and
legal description must be confirmed and consistent on all documents throughout the loan file.
Any inconsistencies must be legally certified and documented in the submitted loan file. All loan
documents must be completed and executed in accordance with the Loan Purchase Agreement
and all applicable laws, rules and/or regulations.
All underwriting conditions required by the commitment letter, conditions of the appraisal, or
insurer requirements must be satisfied prior to closing.
The closed loan package is to be submitted to the Fund within ten (10) calendar days after
closing. Documents are to be uploaded into the Lender Portal in the Closed Loan
Packagedrop down box in the order they appear under the Checklist of the Post Closing
Compliance Sheet. The original signed, endorsed Note, original signed Second Note (if
Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance loan utilized), original recorded deed(s) of
Trust, and original recorded Assignment must be delivered to the Fund by mail or express
mail. The current version of the 4506 T (available on our website) is required to be
submitted prior to the completion of the Funding process. Lenders who request tax
transcripts as company policy may submit the transcripts to Underwriting in lieu of the
4506T requirement and file must be noted.
Receipt of the above-mentioned documents in the prescribed time frame is vital in order
to initiate accurate servicing of the loan.
The following documents must be contained in the closed loan file submitted for purchase:
Completed and signed most current version located on the Fund’s website.
Printout provided after the appraisal is submitted through the Appraisal Portal to FNMA.
Closing package MUST contain a clocked copy of the fully executed Assignment, indicating date,
time, instrument number and county of recording. Original recorded document may be deferred.
Newly constructed homes are subject to a Builder’s Warranty and Certificate that the
structure will comply with the approved plans and specifications for a period of one year
from the date of completion. In the case of a manufactured housing unit, two Builder’s
Warranty and Certificates are required. The first will cover only the work performed and
materials supplied by the builder (i.e., incidental to the placement and affixing of the unit
on the site). The manufacturer must provide the second Builder’s Warranty on the unit
Builder warranty may be included in the construction contract, or a separate document
provided by the builder.
A fully completed Closing Disclosure executed by all parties to the transaction with all addendums
is required. The Participating Lender is responsible for complying with all state and federal laws,
rules and regulations.
Borrower may not receive funds in excess of POC items and earnest money deposit back at
closing. Costs must be shown as POC to be included in allowable cash back to borrower. The
Participating Lender is responsible for complying with requirements of insurer/guarantor
regarding allowable fees to ensure receipt of loan guaranty certificate.
A fully completed Closing Disclosure executed by all parties to the transaction with all addendums
is required. The Participating Lender is responsible for complying with all state and federal rules
and regulations. The Fund must be named as the lender and the recording fee for the Deed of
Trust must be disclosed. No other fees are to be charged. Any principal reduction to the Down
Payment & Closing Cost Assistance Loan must be made by check.
This form must show breakdown of all funds collected at closing for interest and escrow will be
net funded from Lender proceeds.
Clocked copy of fully executed deed of conveyance.
Closing package MUST contain a clocked copy of the fully executed document, indicating
date, time, instrument number and county of recording. Original recorded document may
be deferred. The document must be on the most current West Virginia Single Family
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Instrument and be a valid first lien on the eligible
single-family dwelling being financed by the loan.
For manufactured homes, the legal description must clearly reference the serial numbers
of the units.
Trustees may be either the Fund’s (Kristin A. Shaffer, residing in Putnam County and
Samme L. Gee, residing in Kanawha County), or the lender’s own. When the lender’s
trustee is used, the trustee’s complete mailing address is to be disclosed.
Lender must be named as Beneficiary.
Names/Signatures (only persons who hold title to the property [named on the deed] are
required to sign the Deed of Trust; a spouse who is not on the deed need not sign).
Homeownership Program requires the ADDENDUM now known as “Deed of Trust Rider”,
which requires borrowers(s) signature, must be attached and recorded as part of the
Deed of Trust. If CONDO, PUD, etc., applicable riders must be attached. Fillable
Addendum is located on the Fund’s website.
Closing package MUST contain a clocked copy of the fully executed document, indicating date,
time, instrument number and county of recording. Original recorded document may be deferred.
The document must be a valid second lien on the eligible single-family dwelling being financed
by the loan.
Document must be the most current West Virginia Single Family Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
Uniform Instrument with the Fund listed as the lender. The closing package is provided by the
Fund at no cost to the Lender upon request through the portal.
Final loan application reflecting all verified information must be signed by borrowers and lender
at closing.
A Flood Certification to comply with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, must
be provided by a licensed vendor meeting Fannie Mae requirements and life of loan tracking to
the Fund with the closing package. The Lender is responsible for the transfer of tracking
notification to the Fund after closing. Flood Certifications take precedence over the appraisal or
survey as the conclusive evidence of the need for flood insurance.
Flood insurance is required on Flood Zone A or any Zone A subcategory. The Participating
Lender is responsible for and warrants compliance with the provisions of the Flood
Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended. If the property is identified as being located
in an area that requires flood insurance, the lender is required to provide the Fund with
evidence that flood insurance has been obtained.
o Flood coverage must be sufficient to cover the unpaid loan balance. Deductibles must
be a minimum of $1,000.00, or if the coverage is over $100,000.00 the deductible
minimum may be $1,250.00. The maximum deductible allowed by the Fund is
$5,000.00, however in the event of a loss, the insured is responsible out-of-pocket for
losses to the extent of the deductible selected.
Application along with paid receipt will be accepted. Flood insurance coverage is not
required on second deed of trust closing cost assistance loans.
o Mortgagee must be the West Virginia Housing Development Fund or the lender, their
successors and/or assignees as their interests may appear.
Basic Hazard Insurance Requirements - Each single-family dwelling (including
townhouses) must be covered by a hazard insurance policy (fire and extended coverage).
A copy of the hazard insurance certificate or a copy of the declaration page of the policy
must be submitted with the purchase package evidencing a policy or a binder guaranteed
for a one-year period. Hazard insurance coverage is not required on second deed of trust
closing cost assistance loans.
o Approved Insurers must be in accordance with Fannie Mae requirements.
o Mortgagee must be shown as West Virginia Housing Development Fund or the
Participating Lender, their successors and/or assignees as their interests may appear;
and be shown as first lien holder position.
o Amount of insurance required:
Homeownership and Movin’ Up Loans - At least equal to the face amount of the 1
or to cover the face amount of the loan less site value from the appraisal. If the site value
option is used, the policy must contain replacement coverage on the dwelling and a
temporary dwelling clause. This would be required to be carried for the life of the loan
and the borrower must accept all policy increases.
Secondary Market Loans - See Fannie Mae guidelines for required coverage.
o The deductible amount is as follows for a Homeownership or a Movin’ Up Loan:
Unless a higher maximum deductible amount is required by state law, the maximum
allowable deductible for a first mortgage is the higher of $1,000 or 1% of the face amount
of the policy. The deductible clause may apply to either fire, extended coverage, or both.
For Secondary Market loans, follow Fannie Mae’s guidelines.
Specific Hazard Policy Provisions - In addition to containing the basic terms described
above, each hazard insurance policy must fulfill the following requirements:
o Insurance policies must be sufficient in amount and scope of coverage to meet any
applicable requirements of FHA, VA, RD, or private mortgage insurance company.
o Each program loan must provide that, in the event of any near or total loss settlement
on a hazard insurance policy, the Fund has the option of applying the loss settlement
proceeds against the principal amount of the program loan rather than toward
restoration of the property.
o All policies of hazard insurance must contain or have attached the standard
mortgagee clause customarily used in the area in which the property is located,
lender’s name, their successors and/or assignees as their interests may appear as the
mortgagee. The policy must provide that the insurance carrier will notify the Fund at
least 30 days in advance of the effective date of any cancellation, termination or non-
renewal of the policy.
Planned Unit Development (PUD) Organization Insurance or condos must comply with
Fannie Mae guidelines.
The Fund follows the insuring agency guidelines on FHA, VA and RD loans with respect to
requirements for private water system and/or septic systems. (Refer to the appropriate agency
The Fund will require a Health Department Inspection on Conventional purchases in which:
Appraisal, Purchase Contract or physical inspection indicate need for inspection or
When there is knowledge of the existence of negative conditions in the area by the lender,
realtor, seller or party to the transaction.
o In these cases, the evaluation of well and/or sewage system must be completed by a
licensed sanitarian or contractor.
o If repairs are required or the system is not functioning correctly, repairs or
replacement are required prior to closing.
o If satisfactory inspection cannot be completed prior to closing due to vacancy, an
escrow must be established and administered by the lender or attorney. The seller
deposits funds in escrow equal to 1 ½ times the cost of a new system designed for the
individual lot. When escrowing, determine if the septic system will work on the lot
size or if an aerator needs to be considered. Follow WV Department of Health and
Human Resources guidelines on evaluating and approving sewage disposal systems.
Once a satisfactory approval of the system is received, the escrowed funds may be
New Construction requires evidence that well and/or septic were installed meeting
appropriate local/state permits and codes.
The lender is required to compute, prepare, and provide the initial escrow account analysis and
statement to the borrower on the date of settlement and the computation must be made by the
aggregate accounting method. These escrow funds will be net funded in the funding process.
A fully completed Loan Estimate executed by the borrower is required for both the first and
second loan. The Participating Lender is responsible for complying with all applicable state and
federal laws, rules and regulations. The Participating Lender is responsible for complying with
requirements of insurer/guarantor regarding allowable fees to ensure receipt of loan guaranty
All manufactured homes are subject to the following requirements:
Must be legally classified as real property with the County Assessor’s Office and certificate
of title must be retired and documentary evidence submitted for retention in the loan
file. Closing instructions to closing agents must advise the agents to ensure that this
process is complete as part of the closing process and that documentary evidence is
submitted to the lender for retention in the loan file. The Deed of Trust must clearly
reference the manufactured units by make, model, size and their serial number(s) within
the property description along with any other information that may be required by
applicable law to definitively identify the home.
Fannie Mae Affidavit of Affixture and the Manufactured Home Rider must be completed
and recorded along with the legal documents as an attachment to the Deed of Trust.
Additionally, lenders must obtain an insured closing protection letter for each loan that is
secured by a manufactured home.
An ALTA Endorsement 7 is required as part of the final title policy.
The required mortgage insurance may consist of FHA insurance, a VA guaranty, an RD guarantee,
or private mortgage insurance company insurance obtained from any insurer duly authorized to
do business with Fannie Mae. Mortgage insurance must be confirmed by a private mortgage
insurance company certificate or an FHA Insurance Commitment, RD Loan Note Guarantee or VA
Loan Commitment, as appropriate. RD Loan Note Guarantee must be submitted within 15 days
from the date of closing. FHA servicer/holder transfer must be completed within 15 days of
closing. The insured for private mortgage must be listed as West Virginia Housing Development
Fund or the participating lender, their successors and/or assignees as their interests may appear
and must be included in the closing package.
NOTE (First Deed of Trust)
The most current West Virginia Fixed Rate Single Family Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
Uniform Instrument is used for Homeownership, Movin’ Up and Secondary Market
Program loans. The maximum late charge cannot exceed the lesser of 5% of the unpaid
amount of the installment or $30 under West Virginia State law.
The original Note will reflect the originating lender’s name, be endorsed to the Fund and
must be included in the closing package. The endorsement is to read “Without recourse,
payable to the West Virginia Housing Development Fund”, and signed by an authorized
individual of the participating lender. Authorized individual’s name, lender name and title
also are to be included in the endorsement.
Deed of Trust - Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Loan)
The most current West Virginia Fixed Rate Single Family Fannie Mae /Freddie Mac
Uniform Instrument is used for Homeownership and Movin’ Up Program loans. The
maximum late charge cannot exceed the lesser of 5% of the unpaid amount of the
installment or $30 under West Virginia State law.
Loan is closed with West Virginia Housing Development Fund as the lender and the
original executed note must be in the closing package. The 2
Note is provided in the
closing package provided by the Fund at no cost to the Lender upon request through the
A Right of Rescission is required for refinance transactions on Secondary Market loans.
An H-8 Notice of Right of Rescission form is used if the borrower refinances through a new
creditor and the H-9 is the appropriate Notice of Right of Rescission form when a borrower
refinances a loan through the original creditor.
A Right of Rescission is not required for refinance of a Second Home or Investment property.
Must show borrowers NEW mailing address, phone number and complete breakdown of monthly
payment including principal, interest, and all escrowed items. Payment information should show
first payment to be made to the Fund with the Fund mailing address.
Newly constructed property will always require a soil treatment on the appropriate form
as required by the insurer/guarantor valid for at least one (1) year from the date of
treatment. Evidence of a termite shield is acceptable when a soil treatment cannot be
Existing structures require a current infestation inspection on all loan types (FHA, VA, RD
and conventional) as required by the insurer/guarantor and signed by all parties and
cannot be more than 90 days old at the time of closing. All structures on the property
must be inspected. Any statements on the termite report about moisture or water in the
crawl space or basement must be addressed and corrected if necessary, by a home
inspection company or qualified contractor with all repairs completed prior to closing and
evidence of completed repairs provided.
Unless required by appraisal or underwriting, pest Inspections for uninsured Secondary
Market refinance of current residence (roll over construction loan excluded) or for
Homeownership, Movin’ Up or Secondary Market loans with 80% LTV or lower will not be
required when the following conditions are met:
o Six months verified reserves after loan closing,
o A hold harmless signed by the borrower(s) at closing
The Fund does not accept bait systems as a means of treatment.
Evidence of safe harbor QM compliance must be provided in the closed loan package.
The Lender must provide a fully executed Servicing Transfer Letter at the time of sale of the loan
to the Fund.
Surveys are not required unless the title policy contains an exception for matters of
survey, or a long-form title policy is used. Alta 9 does not cover exceptions for general
matters of current survey.
All new construction loans require a plat or survey dated or re-dated within 90 days of
the closing of the program loan, signed, certified and sealed by a licensed surveyor or
engineer, must be furnished on all loans, including townhouses.
The survey must show the following:
o The exact location and dimensions of the property including the improvements
location including well and septic if applicable.
o The exact location of all lot and street lines, all means of access to such property.
All means of access to the property must be shown (ingress/egress).
o All recorded easements affecting the property. Building set back or restriction lines.
Lot, block, section and subdivision names and reference to recordation. Scale.
Driveways, well and septic field location. Utility installations. Identification of
adjoining property by name or lot number.
o Lot dimensions
o Flood Map Information
Original formal title binder with countersignature and endorsements must be provided in closed
loan package. Mortgagee Clause must contain language “its successors or assigns as their interest
may appear.” The binder must not be more than 90 days old at the time of closing. Original formal
title policy with countersignature must be received within 90 days from closing. Short form and
instant final title policies are acceptable.
A commitment must be delivered with the purchase package, with the original policy
being submitted as a deferred document. The Fund cannot accept certificates of title or
title opinion letters. Each program loan must be covered by an American Land Title
Association form mortgagee’s title insurance policy issued by a company duly authorized
and licensed to engage in such business in the State and meeting the following
o FHA must contain and/or Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, ATIMA
o VA must contain and/or Secretary of Veterans Affairs, ATIMA
o Deed of Trust description must include the trustees’ names and recording book, page,
and date of the Deed of Trust and assignment of the same to the Fund.
o Affirmative insurance must be provided that restrictive covenants have not been
violated and that a future violation will not cause forfeiture or reversion of property.
o ALTA 8.1 Environmental Endorsement is required on every loan
o Alta 4 endorsement is required for all condominiums
o Alta 5 is required for all PUD’s
o Alta 7 is required for all Manufactured homes
o The lender is responsible to ensure that the title insurance policy is based on a title
search actually performed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
The Participating Lender will utilize their own funds for closing of the loan for the first deed of
trust with reimbursement from the Fund following closing and submission of the closed loan file
through the Lender Portal with required original documents delivered directly to the Fund. The
Participating lender may proceed with closing after the loan is approved and cleared for funding
by the Funds underwriter. Interest and escrow due at closing will be net funded from the loan
proceeds and the balance will be delivered via the ACH process to the Lender. Confirmation of
funding will be returned as a download through the Lender Portal on the day of loan purchase.
The Lender must request funds for the 2
DOT through the Lender Portal prior to closing. The
Fund will supply funds directly for the second deed of trust loan to the closing attorney. The
lender must select a Closing Attorney who has on file with the Fund their business/account
information for ACH purposes. All lenders must use this procedure to order closing funds for any
Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance loan.
After an attorney is selected, the participating lender should complete the Funding Request form
found on our website. The form provides the borrower’s name, date of closing, amount
requested, Closing Attorney being utilized and the lender to be contacted for confirmation.
Funding requests must be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m., the business day prior to the
scheduled closing.
Should the lender wish to submit information for an attorney not currently approved for ACH
funding, the following steps should be initiated:
Provide to the attorney a copy of the Closing Attorney Application located on our website
at . The form requests general information on the attorney’s firm and
provides specific closing instructions with which the attorney must review and
Provide to the attorney a Direct Deposit Sign-Up form for completion by the attorney and
his/her financial institution. Submission of this form is imperative as it provides the
account information where funds will be deposited.
Obtain from the attorney a copy of his/her Closing Protection Letter issued by the
attorney’s title insurance company to the Fund.
Obtain from the attorney a copy of the declarations page from his/her professional
liability insurance.
The above forms and documents should be forwarded to the funder via email. Within forty-eight
hours, the application will be reviewed for accuracy and the attorney will be added to the ACH
list. Once added, the Closing Attorney may be used for any future closing by any participating
The Fund will only supply funds directly for the second deed of trust loan to the closing attorney.
The lender must select a Closing Attorney who has on file with the Fund and their
business/account information for ACH purposes. All lenders must use this procedure to order
closing funds for any Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance loan.
On the business day prior to the date of closing, a Funding Confirmation form will be sent via
email to the lender contact provided on the Funding Request form.
Within ten calendar days, the lender must submit to the Fund a Closed Loan Package per the Post
Closing Checklist Compliance Sheet. Upon receipt of the Closed Loan Package, the Fund will
reimburse the lender the amount of the first deed of trust, origination fees and daily interest
accrued from the date of closing and the date of receipt at our office in Charleston, WV. The
participating lender will be provided a breakdown of these amounts via a Funding Confirmation.
The confirmation details the total amount sent, including any adjustments for origination and
underwriting fees, and the interest rate to be reflected on the first Deed of Trust Note and the
net funded amount for the interest due and escrow set up.
It is the responsibility of the lender to provide to the Fund a Closed Loan Package within ten
calendar days of the signing of the Note. Documents required for submission are listed on the
Post Closing Compliance Sheet and include the original signed, endorsed Note, original signed
Second Note (if Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance loan utilized), payment page, tax
information, hazard insurance declarations, 4506T, mortgage insurance commitment, flood
certification and flood insurance (if required), life of loan transfer for flood insurance, the fully
executed final 1003 application, appraisal (if not previously submitted) and the Closing
Disclosures, clocked copies of the deed(s) of Trust and Assignment, Title Commitment and other
documents as listed on the Post Closing Compliance Sheet.
Receipt of the above-mentioned documents in the prescribed time frame is vital in order to
initiate accurate servicing of the loan.
Participating Lenders may choose to have closing documents prepared by the Fund. In order to
have these closing services provided by the Fund, the participating lender is required to execute
a Closing Letter of Understanding. The Closing Letter of Understanding represents a mutual
understanding and commitment between the Fund, and the participating lender to furnish the
closing services for a fee of $175.00.
Lenders interested in this service should contact the Fund for complete details to obtain the
Closing Letter of Understanding.
Late Delivery Fees The Fund may impose penalties for failure of the participating lender to
submit required loan documents within the required time period.
Closed loan packages, including the credit package (if not previously delivered to underwriting),
must be submitted to the Fund within ten (10) calendar days of the loan closing on
Homeownership, Movin’ Up and Secondary Market loans. Loan packages not received within
this time frame may be subject to a late fee.
Upon submission of the complete closed loan package, the Fund will review select documents
within the file for completeness and accuracy. A Closed Document Trackingreport for each
loan will be issued to the lender through the Lender Portal as a Download following the initial
review indicating documents outstanding and/or anything required to be corrected on
documents reviewed.
The Closed Document Trackingreport will indicate the select documents that are outstanding
by a date. Comments will indicate necessary corrections needed to bring the loan into
compliance with our program guidelines. Lender review of this report, and execution of the
required corrections prior to submission of the post-closing documents, will eliminate time delays
in the payment of the Lenders Service Release Premiums.
Post Closing Documents Acceptable Post Closing Documents include a clocked copy of the
original or the original recorded Deed(s) of Trust, a clocked copy or the original recorded
Assignment, the Final Title Policy and any Endorsements required, and any other documents
requested on the Closed Document Trackingreport. Insurance certificates for FHA, VA and RD
loans also will typically be deferred documents.
Fees for the Late Submission of Post Closing Documents - For Homeownership and MovinUp
loans, the Service Release premium will not be paid until all post closing documents are received
and verified to be correct. For all loans that are not complete (all documents received and verified
to be correct) within 90 days of closing, late delivery fees apply.
Monthly Post Closing Document Reports - Reports showing the outstanding post closing
documents for each loan will be downloaded through the Lender Portal to lenders on a monthly
basis. It is imperative that lenders evaluate these reports and monitor the submission of their
post-closing documents in order to avoid late fees or repurchases.
ALL deferred documents are required to be received by the Fund in complete and correct form
NO LATER than 90 days past the loan closing date. Deferred documents should be identified by
the loan number that was assigned when the loan was locked. Lenders are requested to submit
deferred documents as they are received.
The Fund will typically perform a monthly Quality Control review of no less than 10% of loans
purchased by the Fund. The selection will include random, discretionary, and Early Payment
Default loans. The Participating Lender will be notified of any defects and will assist the Fund as
needed to mitigate loan level defects. The Participating Lender will submit any loan level
documentation requested by the Fund to clear necessary defects.
If at any time during the life of a Mortgage Loan a Quality Control review reveals the Participating
Lender has failed to clear an outstanding issue or any material defect or inaccuracy cannot be
resolved to the satisfaction of the Fund, the Participating Lender may be required to re-purchase
the Mortgage Loan from the Fund as outlined in the Loan Purchase Agreement.
The Fund will also perform monthly pre-purchase reviews on select loans. Participating Lenders
will be notified of any findings and must provide responses through the Lender Portal via the QC
Conditions delivery option. All loans selected for pre-purchase review must be cleared by the
Fund’s Quality Control Department prior to purchase.