Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Title: Fire Safety Policy
Date: July 2014
Rationale: The fire safety policy plan is necessary to create a campus-wide system for
preventing and/or responding to potential fire hazards.
To help reduce or eliminate the potential for fires to occur, as well as to protect the lives
of students, faculty, staff, and visitors and preserve the property of Southwestern
Implement proactive fire safety engineering controls, measures, inspections and rules that
can prevent the causes of fires.
The general fire safety policy outlines the various components of the policy: Emergency
Response Plan, Fire Prevention Measures, Facility Fire Safety, and Code Inspections.
The heater policy describes the appropriate location for and type of heaters allowed in
campus spaces.
The policy for open flames explains when and where students and staff can have open
flames or grill.
One of the most important policies, the fire extinguisher policy explains how to properly
use a fire extinguisher, and how to place orders to repair or replace fire extinguishers.
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Fire Safety Policy Table of Contents
1. Policy Objectives 1
2. Table of Contents 2
3. Fire Safety Policy 3
4. Heater Policy 4
5. Open Flame Policy 5
6. Fire Extinguisher Safety Policy 6
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Fire Safety Policy
Emergency Response Plan
Fire alarm and emergency evacuation procedures and plan.
Fire Prevention Measures
No smoking inside campus buildings or within 25 feet of the building.
Encouraging safe cooking techniques and a kitchen safety education program.
Open fires are prohibited in campus buildings. See Open Fire Safety Policy.
No halogen lamps or electric heaters allowed. Due to the high risk of fire, they will be
removed upon discovery. See Heater Procedure.
No covering light fixtures for decorations/effect/etc.
No tampering with fire safety equipment allowed (smoke detectors, fire extinguishers,
sprinklers, fire suppression utility valves, etc.)
Extension cords are for temporary use only (typical rule of thumb is 3 days or less) and
replaced when signs of damage are discovered.
Proper and safe use of surge-protected multiple strip outlets. Do not
overload with multiple devices.
Proper storage of flammable materials, especially flammable liquids
(proper container and stored in approved flammable storage cabinet).
Control of sources of heat/ignition near flammable materials, liquids,
and gases.
Hot Work Permit program (welding, etc.)
Facility Fire Safety
Portable fire extinguisher program.
Keep all fire doors closed (unless equipped with magnetic hold-open device or for
temporary material handling use) and maintained to help reduce the spread of smoke.
Maintain that stairwells are free of stored items.
Maintenance of fire suppression and fire/smoke alarm detectors, systems, and security
measures for fire suppression valves.
Maintenance and inspection of exit lights and egress corridor clearance.
Inspection to help ensure sprinklers have 18” of space beneath the deflector head.
Keeping stored items away from electrical utility panels and fire suppression valves.
Code Inspections
Fire code inspections and corrective action plan implementation from fire marshal’s
office and insurance company fire engineer.
Electrical equipment used on campus should all be UL/FM approved devices.
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Heater Procedure
If your area is not adequately heated
Contact Physical Plant for adjustments to the heating system.
Dress according to your personal comfort level and the winter temperature in your work
If the HVAC system cannot achieve the ASHRAE acceptable range in your area (70 –
74) and you need to have additional heating:
Request approval for use of approved space heater from Physical Plant. You must
have electrical power capacity for outlet approved and then may purchase an
approved oil-filled safety heater.
Approved Space Heater Specifications
Low temperature liquid oil-filled space heaters with safety shut-off.
Usually available at Walmart or Home Depot– about $48.00.
This cost is the responsibility of the department to fund.
General Specifications Needed
1. UL listed
2. 3 prong grounded plug
3. Automatic Safety Shutoff (overheat and tip-over features)
Guide for Safe Use of Approved Space Heaters
Have Physical Plant determine and approve power capacity for the outlet prior to use.
Keep all flammable materials three feet from heater (garbage, boxes, paper products, etc.)
Do not use an extension cord as it increases the risk of electric hazard/fire and circuit
Shut off the unit when leaving your work area for more than 30 minutes.
Make certain you routinely shut off the unit before leaving work for the evening and
Lakewood Oil Filled
Heater LW7101
Low Profile Heater LW750
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Open Fire Safety Policy
Open Fires are prohibited on campus, as stated in the Fire Safety Policy. Open Fire is defined as
the burning of fuel such as propane gas, charcoal, paper, wood fuel used for pleasure, religious,
ceremonial, cooking, warmth, or similar purposes. This includes fires such as fire pits, outdoor
fireplaces, chimineas, and bon fires, and small flames such as candles, incense, etc.
The use of BBQ grills (propane gas & charcoal) are only allowed in designated areas near
residential apartments. See Residence Life Handbook, page 38, for further reference.
Grilling is generally prohibited (except as noted for student grilling) with the exception of
grilling with propane gas only in designated areas. Approval must be obtained from the
Director of Events prior to the event.
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Employee Fire Extinguisher Policy
Fire extinguishers are a good first attempt device to extinguish a small contained fire. If a fire
extinguisher is used properly, it can successfully reduce damage, prevent loss of property, and
potentially save lives. Employees are not required or asked to use a fire extinguisher.
Procedure if fire is discovered:
1. Pull fire alarm box
2. Evacuate the building.
3. Call 911
This plan is intended to comply with provisions of OSHA 1910.157 and NFPA 10 “portable
Written Program
Employees are not required or asked to use a fire extinguisher. Training is available to
employees interested in learning how to properly use a fire extinguisher on a voluntary
basis. Only employees who have been trained in the proper use of fire extinguishers, safe
fire-fighting techniques, and our procedures can (voluntarily) attempt to fight a small fire
if there is a safe means of escape.
Fire extinguisher program administration will be performed by the Director of Campus
Safety & Risk Management.
General safety inspections of extinguishers will be shared by Head Resident Assistants
for residential facilities on a weekly basis and Housekeeping staff on a monthly basis for
academic/administrative facilities.
Repairs/replacements and installation of fire extinguishers in the proper locations will be
coordinated by the Director of Campus Safety & Risk Management. Contact Michael
DeLance at (512) 863-1677. The use of a School Dude work order is preferred in order to
help track all incidents.
Required annual certification/inspection and required hydrostatic and maintenance testing
(six and twelve year cycles) will be conducted by a third party fire safety contractor.
This service will be coordinated by the Director of Campus Safety & Risk Management.
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Location & Labels
Fire extinguishers will be located in easy to reach locations, usually located and mounted
on walls near the entry/exit doors, at the top of stairwells or along corridor walls.
Extinguishers will be clearly visible and marked with standard fire extinguisher labels /
stickers or box.
Portable extinguishers will be maintained in a fully charged condition by conducting
monthly safety inspections. When extinguishers are removed for charging or
maintenance, a fully charged unit will be provided.
Extinguishers should be mounted for easy access and visibility whenever possible. The
top of the extinguisher should be about 3 feet off the floor.
Extinguishers should be located so that a minimum amount of time will be needed to
travel to the fire location in order to prevent the fire from having a significant opportunity
to get out of control.
Most of Southwestern University’s fire extinguishers are a combo ABC extinguisher.
Some science labs or locations where flammable materials are present, there are class B
(CO2) extinguishers. Halon extinguishers are in electrical equipment/ server rooms, and
K-rated extinguishers are in the kitchens to fight grease fires.
Laboratories/Departments with specialty fire hazards such as combustible metals will be
responsible to assess and provide fire suppression materials as needed. (A sand bucket is
a typical media to use for combustible metal fires).
Class A, B, C, & D extinguishers should not exceed a distance of 75 feet.
Class B extinguishers for flammable fires should not exceed a distance of 50 feet.
Class A, B, & C in residence halls should not exceed a distance of 50 feet.
Class A
– Wood, paper, cloth, etc.
Class B – Flammable gases, liquids, grease,
gasoline. These materials must be
vaporized for combustion to occur.
Class C – Electrical equipment or fire in an
electrical equipment room.
Class D – Combustible metals (magnesium,
potassium, sodium, etc.)
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Safety Inspection Process
Certification inspections of all fire extinguishers will be conducted on an annual basis.
Hydrostatic testing will be conducted according to manufacturers’ specifications and/or
applicable regulations, typically on a six & twelve year basis. Both of these
inspection/certifications will be conducted by an outside vendor specializing in this
service and coordinated by the Director of Campus Safety & Risk Management.
In-House Inspections
1. In order to help maintain our fire safety equipment in good working condition,
Southwestern University Housekeeping staff and Head R.A.’s will be involved
with a general safety inspection of all fire extinguishers – conducted on a monthly
basis for administrative and academic buildings and weekly in residence halls.
2. A standard fire extinguisher safety checklist will be used for all general safety
3. Head Resident Assistants should complete inspections via School Dude work
order weekly by Monday of each week. School Dude work orders will be sent to
the Director of Campus Safety by Tuesday of each week. The Safety Officer will
review reports and arrange for replacement/repairs/maintenance.
Example Form
A complete inventory of all fire extinguisher locations will be maintained (Excel
inspection forms and building floor plans in CADD). Generally, a floor plan will be used
to indicate the specific location of all extinguishers within a facility.
Fire Safety Tips: Be Prepared
How fast could you find a pull station if you saw/smelled smoke or fire?
Where are fire extinguishers located in your building?
All employees and students should review and know the locations of fire alarm pull
stations and fire extinguishers to be prepared in the event of an emergency.
Deciding to use a fire extinguisher to attempt to put out or control a small fire is a
voluntary activity and is not expected of Southwestern employees, students, or visitors.
Certain employees and students have been selected and have received fire extinguisher
safety training.
You may use a fire extinguisher if:
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
1. The fire is small and generally contained.
2. You have a clear path out of the building and can fight the fire safely.
Emergency Fire Procedures
Southwestern University employees and students who are selected to use a fire extinguisher,
must participate in our fire extinguisher training program. Anyone who does not attend this
training is not expected to use a fire extinguisher.
General Evacuation Procedure:
1. All employees are expected to immediately evacuate the building according to the
emergency evacuation plan.
2. All doors should be pulled closed and unlocked if possible. Do not return for
personal items.
3. Assist disabled persons down the stairs (refer to ERP for details).
4. Proceed to a safe designated location at least 100 feet away from exits.
If you discover smoke and/or a fire:
1. Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
2. Notify another person nearby.
3. Dial 911 to report the fire.
4. Help evacuate the building’s occupants.
5. If safe to do so, use a fire extinguisher to put out a small contained fire.
Fire Extinguisher Use
Safety & Risk Management Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy
Fire Extinguisher Responsibilities
Head Resident Assistants
1. Review fire safety policies with all occupants/residents.
2. Head R.A.’s conduct weekly safety inspection of all fire extinguishers in their
building and complete School Dude work orders by Monday each week to
document status, completion of inspection, and generate separate work orders for
repairs needed.
3. Assist University Police in coordinating annual fire drills and evacuations. Provide
feedback on how quickly all occupants are evacuated and if any occupants were not
fully cooperative.
Monthly Inspection for Head Resident Assistants and Custodial Staff
1. Ensure exit lights/signs are in good condition.
2. Check pull stations are in good condition.
3. Maintain that exit doors and corridor fire doors are closed.
Housekeeping Staff
1. Conduct safety inspection once per month in all non-residential facilities (academic
and administrative).
2. Send completed report to Director of Campus Safety & Risk Management via the
Housekeeping Supervisor.
How can we get a fire extinguisher replaced?
To recharge or replace an existing fire extinguisher unit, issue a School Dude Work
CAUTION: Use of fire extinguisher and discharging powder
Many extinguishers contain a dry chemical powder that can be irritating to the eyes, nose,
and throat if direct contact is made. Flush eyes with water (eyewash station), wash face,
or drink water to help clear remaining powder in throat.
Fire Extinguisher Powder Clean-up - Notify Housekeeping Staff at (512) 863-1944 to
conduct a clean-up with a special HEPA filtered vacuum.
Charges for Fire Extinguisher Vandalism
Discharge/vandalism: $100.00
Missing/vandalism/theft of extinguisher: $100.00
Clean-up cost: Our housekeeping staff or an outside vendor will perform the clean-up.
Clean-up costs/expenses will be assessed by Physical Plant.